The Brussels Post, 1929-3-20, Page 1•;/ f 4 2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCh 2o. ig29 J, L. EERR, Proprietor T he Surrounding District WialielE 14-enerretti aMEkdr'X". kele1 i;3tal.1449f •A!'.»h4 'T+0Ie 00.1.00x0 BLUEVALE The leebroke up and went through the dam. While lifting and clearing the gates Charles Garniss had his hand caught and painfully crushed. The water very high all day but is receding again, Black & Johnston shipped a car; of hogs and one of cattle to Toxon- to on .Saturday, The Young People's Society were at Wingham 'Friday night putting on their play. Mr, SNrtreant, hydro inspeetnr, was in the village and paseed George Thompson, A. 11, Onotnhs and Black Bros. They will now be conneoeed up in rt few clays, When driving along near the bridge recently, • William Speir's horse took fright at an automobile end ran away, ;beaking the harness, butdoing little drnurge to the cutter, Mr. Speir was thrown out hut mune t=ff with mile, n had shaking up. The seetionmen caught the horse at the depot, Roy Adair shipped two Care of hay, Alex kIIty of Mount Forest le visit- ing with hie mother, Mrs. Con, Goll Mrs. EPIC !led son Billy are ids. iting with Mre. Eek mit e's sister-in-law !Fire, Walter Snlllie, Ales. B. 13. Jenkins, of Wnghtun, boundary, spent Monday with her els- ter, Mrs. 0. H, Gut Mae. Owing to two days rain the roads , were In very bad Condition kW" Week and the tivo rural route couriers were unable to snake thele regular rounds. The postponed meeting of the Worn - en's Association was held un Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo, 0. Thornton, There was a good crowd present, MI's. Joe. Breckenr- idge and Ales. Thornton served lunch at the dose of the meeting. Frank Scott celebrated his 82nd birthday twit Thursday. He feels just na well as he ever ;lid, and enjoys excellent health, and is at hie work every day. His Many Mende juin in n ishing him many happy returns of the day, Garments --AT— ter's 'e re Only about eight Shopping Days before Eas- ter and they are the days that count when an Easter Wardrobe is to be chosen. Ladies' Coats We have at present a good stock of Ladies' Coats on hand sizes from 14 to 44, including fancy fur trimmed and plain tailored. Special Prices for early Sales. Ladies' Umbrellas Carrying too heavy a stock and in order to reduce price is slaughtered. Reg. to $6.00 for $4.00 Rog, to 54.50 for 3.00 Men's Reg. to $3.75 for$2.5u Dress Silks We have on hand a fine assort- ment of Satin Crepes, Flat Crepes and Canton's, all the leading shades and regular up to 43.25 for Easter Selling 52.50 per yard._ Ladies' Silk Hose In Pure Silk, full fashioned good heavy quality. Regular to 52.00 Easter Selling $1.65 Pure Silk Lines, full fashioned and circular. Regular to 51.50 for $1.00 Special Showing of Genuine Peter Pan Prints This material in plain and fancy are guaranteed absolute- ly fadeless and are sold on these terms. Choose your Spring 'dress for sport wear before patterns are sold up. Prints and Ginghanls Our entire stock, including all • our patterns. *Regular 30e Easter Selling, 25c, Black Duchess Satin Special 52.00 line, pure Silk, heavy weight, Easter Selling I $1.48 per yd. , Special $1.50 line, 36 in. width $1.10 a yd. i Curtain Material 5 pieces, including Nets and plain colored tnarquesitte with colored frills. Regular to 40e Easter Selling, 30c, a yd. Specials in Men's Wear Men's Suits We have on hand a fine assort- ment of Men's Suits, including plain navy's and greys and stripped blues in both single and double brested. Give us a call and compare prices be- fore you buy, Men's Ties An assorted lot of our Reg 85e and $1.00 Xmas Lines, all at one price 50e. You will buy these by the half dozen, Men's Overalls and Smocks A special factory clearing line of good heavy quality in Red back Blues. Regular $2.50 for 51.95, Men's Wk. Shirts Cotton Plaid, work shirts, sizes 14 to 17?t . Regular 51,50 Easter Selling $1.20. Also an assorted lot, Regul- ar to 51,35 for $1.00. ,7;<vdlv'-:;{.StatetEmiNdot.ntziet.ztvoatf tatet1"'�'..t'a tt^travc ytGw't", e tvvgli rg FOR THE LADIES t 2 PI ti Friday and,Saturday of this week we expect to have along with our regular stock of Northway Coats a 0 number of sample coats just for the two days showing. d F -OR THE MEN is Coming Wednesday, April 3rd, and for the day only, t; Mr. Charles Hunter, representative for Skill Craft Tailored -to -measure Clothing, will be here. I EXTRA PANTS FREE u° �Witevery Skill Craft Tailored -to -measure Suit at r 525.50and up, �y -'�atn�t�b r rhgmural.r�m tut;prFrathtstur irZ. iThese prices given above are for Easter selling on- ly, Take advantage before the lines get broken. F. A. Hunter Phone 61 Brussels Iterettuitingni Nen' •Advertraeneente Bog for service-J.%.---.-- Attrition10 H o,MoDa g p l' Nnle.- x. m e Ale MoD old !!'arm for sale -Gilbert Spelt. Anation Side -Aare. It B Ferguson Auction sale -Virginia St. Amour estate Paster Donee In Brussels Opera amnia Northwey Gcrmento-F, A Bunter Frost; wirereance-Jinmpltrlee & Co, Painting, eta: -Alex, Coleman Seed :ests-P. Amens Bead onto -J, A. Nichol Auction Selo-tr. Pisobsr • tor tele- o r• n flumes i O u f o d t to C d aD sl Pekin dunks -Jou eShaw elB Pegs for sale -Russel 'Dougherty Pigs for uale 2snsnClerk George Greenaway received a fine teats of horses which he purchased while in Toronto. Rev. AL'. !Valdes is at Windsor this week attending the Piovincial Grand Lodge of Western Ontario. Alex, Mul:wen met with a painful accident. He had a cow in a sleigh when his team ran away upsetting the sleigh and cow. Air. MacEwen had his chest badly et ushed trod a couple of ribs broken. He is now 00' der the doctor's vire. 4 BLYTH On Friday everting of Inst week, upwards of fifty ft'iendewere enter. tamed to a social evening and dance by Fred. and Mrs, Oster: at their cotn- odioud home in Our villege, WALTON Cars are naw t uunieg, Miss Get tendeAline' epeni the week end with Mrs. Ilnlmes at Brussels. John McDonald of 1Va1ton, has sold his fatnt to Duncan Jehr,ston recent- ly, Quite a number from this •village andvicinity tett et,dad the Anetion Sale of John aleArthur, in Blyth, last Tuesday, Miss Alethia lint ter, who has been it' Hamilton for Fate time is at. pees• eat visiting her parents, Joseph and Mrs. Oat ter. James Simpson, of Winthrop, met with a painful accident recently while climbing a ladder in his barn he fell breaking itis hip. Postmaster McLeod was installed into his (+fllce last week. Miss Ferg- uson will remain at c ;lice for remain- der of this Month. I Don't forget the Anntion stale at the home of Airs. Robert Ferguson on Sat- urday Mat'. 301h. See full list in this issue of THE Pose. A Connac'rtoN.- An error was made in the adv't of the chopping mill last week instead mit "Seed Oats" it should have read ' Feed oatr." Fraimk iMi'Oarter, of Gnderich, has the contract of wiring and installing the electric fixturesin DOPE; United church, he intends to complete the job this week. The fnllnwing` was taken from the Preston paper : Ritchie Drager, who recently joined the ranks of the bene - diets. was on Tuesday presented. with a beautiful mantel crock and address by his fellow employees at I the Canadian Buffalo Sled. Mre Dra- ger was alsn the recipient of two mis- cellanenue showers given by her girl 1 friends pi !or In her merriage at the linos• of Annie Hamni,. and Miss Dav• Maim, Preston. AINTING AND raper flanging The undersigned wishes to an- nounce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, and will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction, Prices Reasonable and work promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone 641 1 Brussels CAR OF Frot 4r Fence Expected shortly Berniere e t Net- Id J• W. rt the e ! er at his hone in Listowel, V Alive Addie ()meta, of Brussels, is visiting with friends in Walton, l-lumpbries &• Un, are expeeting a car road of wire fence, See adv'(, Lawreflce Curieminge and -Cee;] addlatt mote.' ed to c on Sun - L- n u or London r day, Mrs. Will. iinmphries has been spending a week In Teruutu visiting I elands. John McArthur is visiting with his parents, Peter and Mrs, McArthur, Walton. Tommy Constable of St. Marys spent Sunday with his cousin, Kerr. ueth Jackson, MIs, John McDonald and sons,' Charles and John, spent Sunday with friendein Seafnrth. The many friends of Miss Jean Marshall are pleased to see her nut after being laid up with a broken ankle ft r some time. Mrs. Joseph Johnstone and her grand•dvughter,l Ione ll1 of Blyth, ore spending a few days at the home of Colin and Mte. Fiugland, The Young People's Society of Duff's United nlruroh, \'Valton, held them regular meeting on Sunday evening. Miss Annie McTaggart presided and following the opening exercises Miss Fern Love gave the Seript01e reading whir') was follow- ed by a well prepared topic. Mise, Mc- Taggart gave a splendid report on the Y. P, S. School which she attended iu Stt•atfin rece1111y. Airs, Finghund sang a beautiful HMO. 'J'he meeting was closed by all singing the Alizpah Benediction. Jas, and Mrs. Mollies, of Blyth, re. ceived waul.that their danglater, :Friss Annie E- Maines, has been appointed Registrar of the Social Service Ex. Change, Toronto. Miss Maines isa graduate et the tee onto University and has also had several years' busin- ess experience in the hnsirlesn world. Miall Mantes was a former Blyth girl. and her many fi iendscongretulate her on her appointment. Miss Maines is a sister of Rev. Maines, of 1Valton, BAYFIELD 13 yarn employees have been busily ergrlged during the past week wiring (aril erecting fixtures forstree't light- ing. Lights were't.otfled on Friday so that when nue walks abroad after clack in the village. one will not be confronted with I he pneeibin! y of returning bonne with a black eye from having coarse in ton rinse a con- tact with a tree, er it bruised body !'tom having tumbled ever a cow 1yingin peaceful slumber in some dank •pot. s MORRIS House Burned.—Robt. McLennan , 1st line, lost his home on Tuesday morning, when it was destroyed by fire. Most of the furniture was I ors, saved by the aid o£ neighb Word was received on Sunday morning of the death of William Eads., which took place in London! on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Eads 1 had been a resident of the sevenths concession of Morris until last sum- 1 mer. The funeral was held from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Charles Grasby. Interment was made in I the Union Cemetery. Council met Last Monday. WINGI•IAM The annual ramts age of the Mait- land here reached its highest point about midnight on Friday but with the change in weather conditions had receded somewhat before morning. All day Thursday, with the mild weather prevailing, the flood was in- creasing, forcing some of the resi- dents of Lower Wingham to vacate their homes and to remove the cat- tle from the stables. Fortunately the weather man came • in time, and with the cold weather the flood was checked for the time, giving the water a chance to get away.- The ice in the river above the dam has not yet broken, Which has prevented more serious damage, The road lead- ing to Iiolgrave has been ,1 iurpassablo. Since Saturday mornug .the water rose four or five feet above the road, with the result that the huge cakes Of ice carried away the fence in a good many places which is built of strong cable wire. When the water subsided the road was left piled high with inc', which will mean consider- able work with a gang of men before traffic can be resumed again. Township Hall, Ethel,on Friday, Marsh 22nd, has been postponed un- til a later date, when the weather and roads will be more .suitable. Watch for the date later on, Prof. Hoadley, of Listowel, is teaching singing and piano in Brus- sele, and is prepared to give lessons in Ethel. Prof. Hoadley is conductor- Of the sonic .heir, shield winners of Perth Co., musical contests and four gold medals, For further informa- tion apply to Wm. Michel, Phone 83 r4. BLUEVALE Mrs, Cecil Eckinire turd son, Billy. have been spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. ttnht. al (WORM). GREY Mrs. J. Staples and children alt visituls at the home of the fel meets sitter, Mrs. Allan Lamont, 7111 rnu. Who was the Grey Tow 0,41;p farm. er that mulled the rocking rhttir "vet to his neighhnrs to be erinfnrtabletn cut. stat rugs Mts. Oleo and little child ale visit- ors tet fhe II( m• of the tettners par. e'lt», Jas. end Mrs. Fulton and also with .1 as. S. and Mrs, Atenstrnug, Dth con. Hugh MleOartney who has been vis- iting his t•r•otller J It, "Veent•tney. and his sister, Airs. Wm. Tiurhull for the last. awn 01,1,1hms, returned to his home int Tugeske, tiask, Melvin sod \its. Shield, 11' neti'Mt, were called home owing rti ih dernier Of the fnrmt'tis ;tither. Sympathy is extended to the-tn. Mee Sleets was feaneerly. Miss Edythe J:eckliu, nf3rd Oou. Grey. Milton Pau r who has lu en in Torun - to fnr the beet two weeks eimetlltim g au eye specialist 151nrned hetes Fri- day of last week. His many !'breeds hope to hear I.hat he smut will he feel- ing very much better, A. Taylor has a Ewe that in the last fours year's has piessnted him tvitlt 10 lambs and raised theta all. This spring four have falderal and thriving. If he had a fleck of ewes i like this one, he would have a gold 111111e. DIED SUDDENLY.- The township was shocked to lepra, on Wednesday I morning that Wesley Speilan bad ` died suddenly about 4 it. tn. Ile took 1 111 during the night, Hie aged fatten, wife and two daughtems, beeitleeeev- eref sisters and brothers stir vi c,, Pullet obituary will appeal, next h 1 eek. The funeral will a ]isle PLO w 1 a Friday aftei,.amn at 2 t'cloex and service at 1 3t1 8? .P �»6atNda.u,{Iur G{wu �gv �DON'T FORGET ax d Ff cp tit FF i tp THE FIASTE .. DANCE To be held in the §y OPERA HOUSE 't? BRUSSELS i I y, t2 cV��l I' I5 1 W dnesda r ii 3rd t r ,6a a p ' i•.;. 0 abs r Town's Orchestra In attendance `iu t, cu Lunch Served, Tickets 95c plus tax "a Extra lady 25e. e, EVERYBODY WELCOME f' .,., .,.,, . .-, W., ,_._.....1 ..1. ,.. .wry( •Fra r't C5 i A e. Personal Paragraphs Miss Gertrude 311iler, of Welton, , .'nt the week end with :air's. Iiol- n1 J rates McHardy, of L'lueval•', was 'Idling ng un old friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Barker was In Kinnar- d:;t, last week attending the funeral of a friend. s 0 t 0 Wilbur and Mr; Bakes of Preston motored tee on Sunday and spent a few days in town. • Mrs. GordonMcDowell and Miss Not have returned from a visit with friends, in London. • Hiss Mabel Zimmer, of Toronto, vets the guest of A. C. and Mrs. Denies while in town last week. o e -q Durran MacDonald spent a few drys In Galt tide week where , hee want t0 attend the funeral of his Aunt, the late Mrs. W. Mitchell. Mrs. (Dr.) George Roes, 1pof Wing- ham. in - ha. end Mise Is:.bc l Fux, of White- ohurch, n - re r•1 et: at the home of D. .:Inca Slre. lane: on Monday. Miss Evelyn Cannie ham left on St tt I•te morning, for Brantford to I enter the ho pital there to train. atm i. tnnnS l t' -n accompanied mpanied her el Ierto I: rertr- rd 'Miss Evelyn'., enenv friend:. Wien. let sures,: . The play "Valley Farm" advertis- ed last week to be presented in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Friday, March 22nd, has been' postponed un- til a later date, when the weather and roads will be more suitable. Wateh for the date later on. !Westover — Dann — Married on March 10th, 1029 at St. Paul's St. United Church Parsonage at St. Catherincrs, by the Rev. Charles Mor- gan. Edythe Mae Dane, youngest daughter of .lits- A. E. Pane, Ethel to Alvin le;. Weetove r eldest son of Mrs. Jas. Stephen, of Niagara Falls, l Ont. After the ceremony the young couple left on a short honeymoon trip to Toronto and point. east. On their return they will meld e at t+ 13 'Second Ave., Niagara Falls, Ont. 0 WROXE'TER I Cliff. White returnee; home on Friday. 1 Arnold Edgar and family were recent visitors in London. Clifford White. Sudbury, is hail- , laying at his honte here. A dance will be hold in Pope's !rooms on Wednesday night. Jas. and Ewart 'Hchrreher left Ifor Saskatchewan last w ,•k. Several canes of measle, have been reported during, the last few dais. MIrs, T. W. Gibson, Tnrontn is the guest of her sister. Mrs. T. Gibson. i Gibson's sawmill is doing a big bueinei'F in custom el wing theca dye• Miss AI, Bowe has retained from Danville where .he attended the funeral of 1n uncle. I 1Irs. Hayes has returned from a throe week visit in the neighbor. hood of Peterborous:h, Mr:, Pan. McTavish has arrived home tftnr spending the winter with 1 her sietet•, Mee Maggia Mela aeall. Spring is here. Laet Sunder WI of ,y.,d the ')ret ear for the . aeon corrine along the Listowel eanvel, :shinned Harvey .lit Atia•ilau'I . n, , t.d 1 slur of henry eattle on Saturday and 'Havre' Grainger shipped 0 cur of eat - tie el .11ote iv. ' The St. I'atrkk': social to have been held Monday night at Salem has been lw t,onced for Iwo weeks, owing to bed toads. Under Ilia auepieee of the Wo- men's Assol iatinn, a St. Pati ilk's sari:il was hell in the school room of the United Church Friday evening. A tea was served followed by a pro - grime by local 1ti tit. Prot.e e'ds a- mounted to 515. ETHEL Special price off car Ills. Davidson is spending a while with Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster, Mrs, Robert Bremner 1, :Tending Humphries a few days with Mrs. Jas, Bremner. Co. We are, glad to see our barber Theodore Feick able to look after his WALTON shop agaln after bis recent illness, Williaun I3ray is not keeping as well as his many friends would hope for. HP le confined to Inc bed and under the rare of 11r. ,McMaster. I An Irish Banquet and Concert is being held on Thursday night under the au -•piers or the Young Ptoplrs Society of the United Church Another real estate deal has been put through by whish Job King and • Dan Doweling thing have I re henged pro - Phone 1914 rmagn,c' iogifo'eme., 3{ti{Gtw't'vaGtV'oc s• SINGLE COMB VI WHITE LEGIIORN A Irl p{1 � BLIBYa< d le From bred -to -lay, culled an - G flock, k mated to University of British Columbia males whose dams have official re- cords of over 225 eggs. GV 3 Robt. Tyerrnan Phone 2524 Brussels mllaiDiDiie 9g eSiSe1n It r;;rbtihtatktaitaigtantratl peetiec. Job and Airs. Ring have moved to Con. 10 and Mr. and :firs. Dernnerling and family are in our T villa r. 1, Sacrament Service will be held in Ethel United Chul•rh on Sunday at 11 a.m. All menthol's and friends of the three congregations urged to be. present. Board meeting will be held on Monday at 2 p.m. in the Ethel Church. - The 'play "Valley 'Farm" advertis- ed last week to be presented in the BELGRAVE , Alrm. J. A. lirafldnn was a visitor 1 last week with friends in i rendnu, 1C. (..,lanit 's tr u el Grand Lodge 51,55111115 111 11 ltulstr hast. week Hs is also visiting relatives In Detroit, Air. Holl nN'n Toren' washerrslip- : r - I t tp r ervi n the loading � of a tier 91 7 f 1 of equnt•c�linnbet• at the first of tine weelt. This distort dill not serape the severe storm and whtcl last 11 t'dne5' 1 day night, Ada vestal several baths I are minus doors, windmills were darn- naed nnneidernhly and Several barn roofs were etripped of shingles. G,,dotn Sieneh,.nee ie in l'linton li,'spital, where hr emel('rtvsnt an np• oration, His nnu,y itienci, (aisle hint tt speedy t e•,'evet F Pin• i:nrbe awn; •hors held on Fri- day earn ins; in 1 111°olrsters' Jiall, tinder the au -.4 ncen of the L T. $ Lodge Was v''1 y ic,dl Mei tided its spite i t t')N n "I lily We•.1 het. Th,' I+1I2N fon' most games weir, Willi by :Hr's Alhstt ( wen and Iliacs t`ltatnatey, Lunch was eerved at the rt i e of the games and lb et ti,t;. lug era, egi.ey. ed fat ee r I ;.p e , f 1't urs, BRUCE COUNTY. • Allan Are. oat, 0 native rola Walk - erten i my is now AselAant General manager of the Canadian Lank of C Ullln•-1•tL Thee. Father ti cr Willidla J,eepii O e rauUunc..sy, Who for the post four e .•11' has neon the popular ::tart to Rev. father' ;Maloney in the pa tc. .t•. vi' Sat rail Heart t'hwch, Wal k ;tan, nxeired notice an tlidly last from Ills Lordship ip Bi hop McNaun of .1- trunsfee to tho star or tit, Yat rick's Cathederal at Hamilton. aril has sow mitered on his new duties. Thoni,o, Dixon, for ever fifty years Crown 1t tnoy of Bruce, 0 la0 !titin retved :rem a few years ago v.as with .t paealytie coke a# el1' m'hmi1r arisen and gone now,! : t.. t. to g'e't a drink of water. Lien. fir. .1. Al.(hricll. P osincitl 13,tSeen.tery :u',i 51nu.a•r of the 1.1e- rtm nt mi. Health in the tia,kat "•i' -an si.ent tiiii week lid v L ',Lal„ hi si ter, Mrs. A. J. Neale, and other friends et ]Hill Indy. A HAPPY INTERLUDE The Western Retailer; for February had thef 1 h following account of a birth- day eelebration held in Saskatoon,, of a former well-known Grey Township Old Boy, a eon o' n #Mrs. H. u >` Y, MeQuare. tie, and a brother of Mrs, Frank Strt'tton of town On the 1.5th of 'January last, Mr. W. L. McQuarrie, Provincial •Secee-' tary of The Re- t a i 1, Merchants' Aseeeiat ion Of ' Saskatch e w a .n, had a birthday celebration which; took the form of o banquet at the King George 1,10- 1 tel, _Saskatoon, to which were In- vited the entire staffs of the Re- tab Merchants' Association, Pro - W. L. McQuarrie vinc•ial Office,. Re -- 1 triflers' rs''1'Prust Company Limited, and the Retail 5h!rclantts' Insurance De - Iia2tmont Covere were laid for thirty guests 1 . "o'•e ttinr down to enjoy the diener, Mr. +. Ilse, Manager of ten i'Min-,1i1t, ll i, t o tent, ]Wade a veitT t i py'1 ' congratulating 1 1I Qe trio 0:: the occasion of e ,il^:. ,,r1:1,011,' en +i t'onveyed to aim tit s':i !. of ereryone esent, Veit h oi'3 1 to i1joy 0 great many Me.e of til.an.l3 • concluded by •sl; n Mr.+ SloQualrie on behalf of the ;bene. 1 etathe to accept a 1 ;•t. eoi and. carnations. Miss Fra,, '!I '1 e 1- the presenta- 1.. `I 111 Q; ai r ie• accepted the bauclu t it at ''' v graceful \verde of thanks on l ha'f of hers tf and Mr. 1i,tala nn. alre, MtQuanrie is im- mensely popular with the staffs. In r ,o infrequent visits to the Proeiineal J :i:' there is always a cheery word a'.tl smile • of recognition ,r .•t'ery one, Mr. J. 11'. Harris, Local Secretary, briefly endorsed 3Ir. Blue's very lca"py I: narks. He said that he would not ask 51:•. McQuarrie how many birthdays ho hacl celebrated sake h: had no doubt discovered true fountain of p'. n tial youth and he wished that M3. McQuarrie would ten his friends where that: fountain was, so that they could all take a dive in it He hoped that the Pro- rinrlcd St rertary, would celebrate many more birthdays under the seine humpy associations. Mr. Mc- Qaarrir thanked his ,guests for their good wishes and congratulations. He :id on behalf of himself and Mrs- 1Tr(lnerrie, that they were delighted to have en many join them in this little birthday celebration and he ape predated very much the kicidly thoughts whish - rnrlptc'd the pre- sentation of this beautiful bouquet to bits wife. He said it was a great pleasure to them to feel that the lame naffs of the Provincial office were joirimv in their own happy cele h .ton of the day and he thanked them ail for then good wishes, 'rho b n,u, t it 1f, which was the last word in generous hospitality, did not conclude the evening's enter- s tinrn- nt ince tate host and hostess had .arranr.ed that the entire gather- nne is their eue,ts at the Theatre, which concluded •t very enjoyable eve/neer. New U. 5 B:Ile Out Soon. United States, original Loma of "•cart•wlre..'Is and big nickel-," is to have a einafier paper currency. Ar- unniing to in:ornlatiot from tin+ au thoritles this-etteing paper and tit we..lt and tear of eitizetms' nrinertd from the bulging roll beneath, will Like e ill denim. et 1 tic t t ;hat spread from the lowly $1 bili hear- ing a portrait of George Washington, to its nnutificient brother represent• fag 510,000, and o eannnted with a portrait of Salmon non Chasm In ran ban iia n f feast v and 'n t pro- posed ge 1 th the rn posed AnYeri an currency is six land five sixteenth inches long and two and eleven -sixteenth inches wide, while Canadian paper money Novas.; around the seven and one sixteenth by three and five -sixteenth inches nark. According to Ole announce- ment, the Treasury Department of the United States plans to issue the -----4' Church Notes Melville Church 1i It eL I'resteyterian, S. S. for - le 1 ..: etto the Welsh miners n -het tin lt. "il the Toronto Gltiht, weealy neeniehe of the 'young I aid, eae i l l Tuesday of 01 la -t week, wiles. 1 St. Patrick's wad emelt enjoyed by N:.e•yelie. Fil 11. 01'0:tr%utl v11 pre- Very re- ti ry le u- r ; i t, -. 1 e ouple e1T choruses rc 1_ a ...iris 51:1 h 1! - t' ns 'n \'I'.I i 6•r, Irish ,.1,~by 5L nneedht .111 'eidre u n"St. Pasre1. i,i' Rev. l'.rwlrr, nn• c mbula-Li in. !rile 1,1,101 n': { v; t.1a.s and, we•anl•u,io„•d. The I' c.fd alta P' li.,'�i orru;r, 1 rho i1..I new ,ne. a , 1. 1 r 11011 July 1 of the present veer. .511 the bills of ei00 old .411.4,..r, erre- rt those, will It tv,, :r, is -1: r bui'ilt '_s on the tclts i 1 ee,tontile : 0115 wjtX ')ani` oreatii heats. alt” -sir 1' : n-etten Tme-Table. The 1l r, ea nt at of ;Education have amanteeed the 111.o -table for the Biel: Se hoed ''. rate tlxarnin- mine,i (. 1 11 � 1 et etetrancte can- didates s:;+ ,y' (tai 1lt 31 ' n ht I.)t -h Gom -. p o ;tion Writing end 11iitory; Juror. 270, English ah 1 itcrat.ull, Isnl,liela- Grammer and l.ildish Spelling; June 5111, Arithmetic and Grog« rankly ]'he following examinations dates have also been announced,. Middle and Upper School examin ations begin Monday, June 17,ancl -' (Lower .011001 examinations On . Thursday, June 20th.