The Brussels Post, 1929-3-13, Page 4WiiiHNg$CAY, MAROR '/02/1) 1029 THE IRU3$EL3 111110.3Brusstlo Post 1 NVVIDNRSHAY, MARCH t8/i, 11)21) INCOME TIME HERE AGAIN Once again, Hon, W. D. Enier. Minister of Notional Revenue, is Un- ing newspaper advertising to .assist taxpayers in complying with the re- quivernents pf the Dominion Income Tax Act. In this )sue an advertisement AP- j pears reminding the 'public of the law which stipulates that eertain inform- I ation.must be in the offices of the In- - come' Tax Inspectors by 'March 31 Hon. Mr. Euler ext. This information is required 1 from employers, corporations, and ' trustees or persons acting in a Mims- lary capacity. It applies to year ending December 31, 1928. For instance, employers have to file a return giving the amounts paid viten. person in salaries,bonuses, com. missions, and fees where the amount svasS1,000 or more, or where the sal- ary or wages as at a 'rate of $1,500 or more. Corporations have to file the names of those who were paid die- dends, whether fin cash or stock, and the amount of each. Persons acting in a fiduciary cal.acity, such as as- signees, executors , administrators, receivers, tutees are required / to file details of the trust taey represent together with the names of the a- mounts paid to beneficiaries. Those mentioned in the act as hay - to produce this. information areask- ed to secure the proper information forms from the nearest Income Tax °thee, fill in their ftilans according to instructions, and mail them to the Income Tax Inspectors at these of- fices before March 31. Tiles forms are known as T 3 for persons acting in a fiduciary capacity ; T4 for em- ployers and T5for corporations. Each form contains complete in- structions about what the law re- quires. These are information forms only, and no cheques are sent with them. Officials of the Department fully appreciate the trouble required in making out these forms, but are do- ing everything in their power to f a - ciliate matters by reminding the pub- lic in plenty of time respecting the demands of the law. The total collection under the In- come Tax Act for the last year are some millions of dollars ahead of the year before., in spite of a ten per cent reduction in the tax. Mr. Euler at- tributed this increased collection to three things : 1—More efficient methods of collection 2—The inereased prosperity of the country 3.—Advertising ••• PRESI ENT OF ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSO Mr, Robert, Joituston, f erne, r Reeve of Lueknow and Warden of Bruce County, now Clerk of the Co. Court at Goderich, was chosen president of the Ontario Good Good Roads Association, which met t in convention at Toronto te .contly. Mr. Johnston has for a number of years taken an active interest in the good roads movement and has been a member of the Association for some time. The Position is quite an, honorable one, the Association being a volun- tary one, its members are rewarded in no other way that by the satisfee- tion they find in promoting a good work. It has however a great deal of influence with the provincial De- Partment of Highways, and is a Pie- ful organization. Alvvays turn the loop to the right around the post When wiring con- nections, When the nut is turned on the poet it will close the hooked wire rather than open It. D JEN, 4(1000 -r"r0 1L-, 14- I-3 Pr le 4.,et„,i1S.StaSititi.tellW.F.- • ij N //' DURANT "40" SPECIAL COUPE Make Your Own Comparisons led Seal Continental Motoi Bendix Four -Wheel Brakes Morse Silent Timing Cbain Full Force Feed Lubrication P 4SSelrger Cars Pours and Sixes from $675 to $2095 f.o,b., Leaside, Ont.' ,Standard Factory Equipment Taxes Extra B 229 ) G)HEN you go to see a new Durant "kW, remember that it contains every feature that contributed to the phenomenal success of last year's models. Improvements—yes, quite a number ancj„ all designed for more satisfaction to you. More power, more speed, easier steering; shock absorbers all around; greater riding comfort. But YOU, 'alone, are to judge the Durant series (Fours and Sixes). For that purpose your local dealer will place any model In either series at your disposal; Do not buy until YOU are satisfied that Durant offers YOU the best value YOUR money can obtain: BUILT 'LW DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO • CANADA PLA RUGBY TRUCKS IN 1/2 TON TO 1/4 TON CAPACITIES tr..pssomoo ALEX. ANDERSON 13 RUSSELS C ‘..m,,,r...1O.V3OCC3011112.13.5.7771265=61EVOMOCEMEO.,-.c - and a host of other articles too num- BrIISSela is supplied, shows theheav- they hewed out for themselves a home Gm Proprietor has rented his farm. ONTARIO J 11,..r13.33r5r3.112.1.41111101MEMOr, POST • rV,r,es,..Yr‘rtY1 No. 3 YellowCorn ON HAND AT Farmers' Club BRUSSELS Masisey Harris oYillider 116tY leader Wan truelc; Peering /Moe rake 10 ft; 00010 /elate is-eiee seed drill; Maesey Marrhs manure opreader, KM down, 3 cylinder type, nearly now; Massey Harris 001. Ureter, nearly newt loot Of three See. Goa diamond 1arr0welent1 roller; NW. sey Horde patsollne engine a h.p. near- is- nowt Massey Ileitis nutting box 0 inch feed, nearly new. With power Pul- ley; CoOkshutt tengie furrow riding plow with evenerts: Frolit - Wood walking plow; 'T11(11106 - Anderson walking plow, nearly new; Frost - Wood squalor; Verity asfursOW gang plow; Maxwell inthrole disc ha:1'0w; threesquarter lumber wagon 10 good shape; eat of bib sleighs as good as new, with both narrow and log Imalsel Golurnan turnip weeder, nearly neWl Lthattuun tanning mill, With bagger set of 2000 lbs. scales, buy reek is f0. long with ladders; grain box With snelving and spring twat; gravel .box 1 v, yds, capacity; stock rack; pig . • t flat bottom stone boat; flat CAR OF ---- sleigh r31010. 13313, nearly new, p no, 11031 02201001 etsveleileoltirebatrerPosber"stiYaInctl No. 1 Western tigtg or:eando,,,frea 1,';u=8,0f„z;le:3' sullen; 60sgallonwooden barrels; De Laval cream separator No. 12; 1. good set of double breeching harness; 1 sot Seed ' 0 of double back band harness; ats sot or Oblate harness; 1 now aet of heavy team lines 1,1-8; 20 rods of hog tenet:, . Expected March 15th 10 wires; DO grain bags; 1 bench of cedar shingles; sugar kettle; Some w plus; alit() some 1" pipe; 2 -foot cross out saw; set or chimes; wooden ladder 28 Sts, long; 2 Stiettl of timber 23 feel long to square 00; four good horse cellars; logging clisAn; 160 feet 3-4" hay fork rope, new; set oi'two rope slings; 2 hay oars, pulleys, hay fork and chain; 3 pitch forlcs; 2 manure forks; set of pea harvesters, teeth and shoe; hay knife, neekyokes and other , Special Price 64c Walton Chopping Mills Phone 906 W. Radford Australia expects the early return of prosperity. AUCTION SALE —of -- 22 Young Horses All well broken From 1300 to 1600 lbs. At Miller's Hotel Barn Walton on Saturday, Muth 16th I at 1 o'clock. TERMS -4' credit on bankable paper. 5 per cent per annum discount 'for cash, Land owners for security. JAS. TAYLOR, N. HAMILTON. Pr mrietor Auctioneer. articles too numerous to mention. Hay -Between 20 and 30 tons of mitrod timothy and alsike hay. Graln-100 bum mixed seed grain; 16 bun seed barleY1 100 bshels ufeed barley; 22 bus. seed bUckwheat; 600 bush. mixed feed grain TERMS--Ilay, grain, ' bens and all sums of ten dollars and under cash; over that amount eight months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, land owners for securItY, with die - count of 315 per cent. straight off for cash on credit amounts. Everything to be sold without reserve as proprie- tors are giving up farming, Geo. H. Elliott, Stimorrie..ITIC,470.,rs Auctioneer, • Notice to Oreclitorsi In the matter of 'the Estate of , VIrginIn fit Amour, Into of tho VW' logo Of Dragnets, In the liteadty elf Karen, Deceased. 3801IoO1011000bY 0l000,09001l501 to Seetlea 10, °bop, at, of the Revised. 3210021000 01 On. WM, that ell penman having 03031310 130011291 the estate of the said Virginia St, Amour, who died on or about the 25111 day of 451111. arY,1020, at the OitY Of Imatlea,ProvirteeetOn• tario, are rrquired to send by poet, nreltaidt or deliver to John e.Gtsynor, at lirusselli, Ontario, 11.11.1), the Esse:Oar or the last will and testament of the said depetta. 13E1 on or before the 611911th day of April, A, D. 1920, • their mimes and addresses with full partioulare in Writ. his 01 131031' alalms and the nature of these. attrition, (10 41213), held by them dais verified by a talltalOry declaration. And farther Imkonotiee that after the said 8111 day of April, 1020. the said Executor will proceed to distribete the assete of the said, estate emetic: the partieit entitled thereto:having regard only to the Online of whit& ite shell then have insl notice, and the mid Exeoutor shall not be liable for the Bald assets or any part 01102001 10 any person of whose alaint he shall. not then have re. aeived notice, Dated at Brussels, the 12th day 61 Maroll, A. 13, 1920. 4, JOBN P. GAYNOR, ' Exeoutor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, 1" Implements, Grain, Etc., D. M. Scott AuctiOneer, has been instructed to se 1 at Lot 13, Con. 12, Grey, half mile wept of Cranbroolt, on Wednesday. 111.001 2"011, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the 1 blue roan mare; 1 red roan mare; 1 driving mare; 1 farrow cow, 7 years old; 1 farrow cow, years old; 1 cow due to calve April 12; 1 heller 2 years old; 3 steers rising 2 yearS; 1 heifer rising 2 years; a salves riaing 1 year; 3, Piga about 70 lbs.; 70 hens: 1 gOod 145010111 .13 democrat; 1 good steel tired huggY; 1 set of bob -sleighs; 1 cutter; • 1 steel hay rake; 1 Noxon Disc: 1 manure spreadem 1 walking plow; 10 set 4 -section harrows; 1 scufflor; 1 fanning nail; 1 Peter Hamilton cutt- ing box; 1 1 5-11 oe Massey Harris drill; 1 bay rack; 1 Log boat; 1 wheelbar- row; 1 oak barrel; 1 set double har- seveleths1 ajar, t 0,n0g.1 lilted rnpeuslal pulleys; :h aly nf oernk. frew Cream Separator 600 llys, capacity nearly now; quantity of lumber; quantity of seed peas; 1 daisy churn; • 1 second-hand stove; 1 heater, coal or wood; 1 glass cupboard; 1 large 03.C., tension tibia; 2 bedsteads; 2 iron pots; forks, whifflotrees, neckyokes HYDRO REPORT TELLS STORY OF DEVELOPMENT Toronto, March 8. — Showing a net surplus a $940,663.07 for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1928, the annual report of the Ontario Hy- dro Electric Commission was sub- mitted to the le/ iture thi:, after- noon. The document contains a starry of rapid and steady development on TABLES HYDRO REPORT 0.j.V5s-k.0 Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Prov ncial Serretary, who in the Legislature abled the annual report of the On- tario Bydro-Electric Power Com- mis:dem VV..* . all systems under the control of the the year were 324,287,295.23, and ex- commiietion. Tho total collections throughout the year were $24,287,297.23. and ex- penditures totalled 323,349,633.16. The revenue noted is from all sources including rriunic.4;a1 electric util tier; and Other customers. The ex- penditures cover operation, main- tenance, adminitration, interest and ether current oxpensits, as well as a resale for sinking fund, renewals, contingencies and obsolescence total- ling $6,857,012.49. Large increase in the quantity of power distributed are shown on all systems. As has always been the MM. the Nigeria system, that from which erotis to mention. Sale unreserved as ri The load has increas- in the primeval forest. over that amount 1 1 months credit on Terms -Sums of•410 and under cash; AUCTION SALE —of— Valuable Farm In the Township of Grey The Property of the late Robert Carr NOTICE TO CREDITORS -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the es- tate or John Black, late of the Ter/n- ail 11) of Morris in the County of Huron Farmer, Who died on or about t100 11‘th day of January, 1029, are 000110000d to forward their claims to the under- signed on or before the 6011 • day of "I&TICE IS FRHER. GE4rlisi tAltiA17Nt%a' flNUT ail the Said date Executors will proceed to distribute the estate,. lte- ing regard only to such claims its they shall then have had notice, DATED at the Village of 13russel8. In the County' of Huron this 26th daY of FebruarY, 1220. Malcolm Black and William Pipe, Executor% Brussels, Ont. 13 M.Soott, Auctioneer, IMR been instruct. ed to Public Auction at the AMIS111. CAN 110116L. 13111.1SSISLS, on '141011S11AY MA0(113 213111, at 2 o'clock, the following pro. y arty. centlisting of 100 sorra Of and, being Lut B. Cott, 3, Linty tow,.thm 00 It, rs 010 cleared and balance %mob. Good brick bout 0. bank barn with osmtnt stabling dile- shed, eto ill b Berea for •ale subject to a re serve bid. Terms -10 per cent of enroll:we pries to be 901(1 ,21 time of sale and the bal- ance in 80 days. D, IsPOTT, 4(34.81001031, A uctione, r. Executor NOTICE TO CREOPPORS A11 persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Pollock, late ot Grey TOwnship, in Huron County. Partner, deceaaocl, who dled on or a- bout December 22rcl, A. D.. 1924. are re- quired to send by post prepaid or des liver to J. A. Morton, Wingham, Ont ario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before 181, 1929, their names and addrP8SCS, with full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of Ole securities (if an)') held by them dt juolyL velfied by a Statutory declare - And further taste notice that after the said, April ist, 1922, the said cY.- eCulors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the Parites entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the sold executors shall not. be liable for the said assets or any ,part thereof to anY person of whose craim they shall not TIOMTGA.GE SAVID 'Mortgage Sale of farm property un- der and by virtue of the Powers 00 Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered Or sale bY Public Auction at tho Queen's Hotel in the Village of Brussels 1n the County of Huron on Sittnriny, March MS, at° the hoer of two o'clock in the of ternocm, the following pro- per tY.. nanIslY, A11 and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and mantises situate lying and being in the Township of Morris, In tho County of Iluron end „Pyovince Of OntariO, containing one hundred acres be the same more or less and being composed oft 0111 north half of farm lot Number Ninteen (:92 In the Eighth Concession of the, said mownstsp or Iiihrrls. Of this property there la 003341303 to be a good frame house and barn and also a hardwood bush. The property will be sold subject to a reserve 11103. Terms ; 10 per cent of the purchase money by cash at tho time 01 the vale and the balance in an days from the dale thereof. For further particulars apply to : ans. Taylor, Auctioneer, Beigra‘e, or A. 11. Maetiontild, Brussels, or to Cowan, rowan and Gray, solicitors for the Morgagee, Sarnia, Onin rm. Dated at Sarnia, February lath, 3020. 1001 ed, in the year, from 810,322 to The bride was born in Ireland 69 furnishing approved joint notes. Ins- then have received not ce. ccuestiln1 to,o, fe:edyglrEueneLtntsstraiin °Info% 870.357 horsepower per 20 minute years ago and when 2 years of age 1,032,500 horsepower. of Bluevale, Huron County. BOTTOM SALE of Farm Stock, Solicitor tor the Executors. .. .Auctione'er. D Al SCOTT PHILIP JAMES Proprietor tems has in creased from 949,700 to twin brother, Wm. McMichael, noW The commision, the report points Mr. Higgins is one of a family of Implements, Grain, Ac.—D. M. -----._ out is now in the position of not 00'- nine children. A younger brother, for security. peak load. The total load of all sys- came to Canada with her parents and Dated at WIngham, this 9th day rf 0,iarch, A, D., 1220. J. A. Morton, Wingham, P.O. NOTICE TO C11-1711ITORS In the Matter of the Estate of George Buchanan, Inte of the Village of Brussels, in the County ot Huron. Teneher, deeensed. ing the government a single dollar, Robert, of Pilot Mound, Man., and other than loans on capital account, himself alone survive. which are being paid off from the Mrs. Higgins was formerly Frances Scott, auctioneer, has been instruc- eci to sell at Pt Lot 16, Con. 12, Grey: on Friday. March 1Sth, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following:1 driving horse; 1 aged horse; 1 Guernsey heifer 2 yrs.; \ .0. 1 a N • NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, tnd estimated, the reserve f the com- and five brothers, all of whom survive stein COW Years old tos fgasrh,r00/artooh forl..;shitIolin. Chapter 1,..1, that a 1 April; 2 heifers rising 2 years; 2 steer/ sinking fund, within 15 years, it isn MacMichael. She had eight sisters. " mission will exceed the present except two sisters, who died many tate of ,sothers having claims againnt the es - capital expenditure of $211„000,000. years ago. ,, .cued. Oi or about. the, 30th .dRY ef the said George Buchanan, Who_ Mr. Higgins can recall many inter- 7; owteuell,trse old;d10,11k s.venciolipta..hlen,smi_Yoenerwoveli, s.ecember, A.D„ MA, are •required on bob-sleIghs; 1 cutter; 1 gravel box; 1 Or before the 2 rising 3 years; 4 spring calveS; 9 Pits _..--__; esting incidents about 'Ningbo:in and 117a.xy: r3,11e11:1411 11 w11.111017:, ;I it°. PM laPs1sgeg-; 'file rnrS1 et 1 029, to send by post prepaid or Nth clay of March A. a, Celebrate 50th vicinity of 60 years ago. . 1 set deliver horse rake; 1 Blase] disc; 1 Joht, Deere section harrows; 1 sot double harness; 'Wedding Anniversary The grandchildren acted as waiters, 1 set single harness; 1 sot 111,11:s:s121a;12:31 C'Ttillenr7' 1100211::: 1121 o"t‘t‘t11.'ef Ystril 19flvt in games, Music and social chat, The tugs; 1, turnip 111151101; 1 fanning inill; The hemp of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah was gifts were many and bea- 11).igtmr.exeeitt 313(2 11,0(20 1 Chevrolet car Higgins, Minnie St., Wingham, w ith ear, ' ropes,. (11203,0muitItIrs:y.s1; Ilig folk the scene of a happy event whin their utiful, testifying to the high esteem in which the bon- 12711.1f,ians,neecc o(lt tra.ang 2 -rowed barlev. family, grandchildren, brothers, and e•-•- - mixed grain; int-tons'e Tin yb;e1;1elivu:011090 sie01111.77 sisters to the number of 40 gathered ore(' couple are held. The ...loom a suitable reply, thanking WI sentlerinogli,, lxIlitr. alio rinbei neW; 2 binties recently to celebrate the 50th an- made for their gifts and pleasant wishes. cut sew; 1 buck It'.v°1 1111:;(471: l'r'Xt117.' lawn mower; forks, crowbars; shovel's niversary of their wedding. rhe family were all present, nine- ele.; 1 Virtrota; 1 7-o13tave Piano. I T.ut guests sat down to a sumpt- ely i Mrs. George K. Warwick, Of organ, Mason and nisch; 1 7 "181" piano -eased organ. Sherlock -Mann 1 g'. -olaivo nous din ter. the table being beaut- A. Fitch, °f 1 Vitro Cream separtttor 010 lbs. „e1. if ully decorated with golden stream- GreY i Mrs. i ease: Mrs. G. Walker, of Turn- ri,itey3,; 1 DakIrty,11 eonliti4no:0e1; eo.u:,111bolat,rmr(11;011.11 ers while the centre of the table was Howick; adorned with a bouquet of daffodils, berry, and Robert, Nelson and Gor- ',,,,,,,,,, "8,111, Bteve; 1 1..ene,,,,,. (mow mat oil stove with oven new; 1 wash: don, of Morris. ing machine. I wo,011 boiler: 12 dining the gift of their pastor. 1 it i Leh en- table; 1 bureau; Mr. and Mrs. Higgins were mar- eenim The groom was born in the TOWIt- er ried in 1879 by the late Rev, Mr. Fes- 11-til01101,avelmenagropie,tusiinflrouogr to}x111c21.:0 ithin: eawrupag1s.; ship of Stanley, Huron County, ov lot' rug Sx9; quantity of dishes awl sant in the village of Belmore, 0 years ago arid moved as a young .-8, erved as the proprietor has sold his numerous other artleles. Sale unrcs- man with his two eldc-r brotherrs, Jos- eph and Thomas, to the township of A Car is always more apt to skid rum and IN going West. T16101118 -All slims of $10 and under cash; ovor that Turnberry, where through patient on a curve if the brakes are applied nioing coarage, hard work and peiseverance or the engine accelerated. m•urItY. enunt of 1 per pent off for cash on eimdit 111110U ntm. Land 04921008 for approved joint notes, 1 iis.. IR eredit gSvon c11 f ur- amount 8 meal D. M. Scott, OEM BAKER, Allfe11011013r. P1'0111111E01. After dinner the evening was spent IIMINVI.M.010(013110.1.1110rn•MMOBION, Ontario Breeding Station 'Under 8 tiliervision of Poultry Dep' t Guelph We speeittli%e Barred Books. Every bird on our farm is milled, banded and blood trsted, by Gov ernMott inepector. We ti 8I Pat under Record of Performance supervisirm. \Wife ror mating lint and prices ott Day-old Chicks and Three•weelts.old started Chicks. J. M. SCOTT, Sunny Crest Farm It. R. No 2,afortli t nt. • Staisantialenewasionannnessessesessmemess=osemmessememormSetweessressomermasessar For Sale 12 Bull Calvesi 1: One Red and one Roan. + Browndale breeding. • Extra choice. 4. + ▪ JNO. G. SPEIR + Phon e 166 + ' * 4. 44.44+++++++.H.•4•4•44.1.. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, being S4 hot 22. Von. 5, bier. ris, the property 01 11101ftte ,Tohn Slack Good V MOM farm with never -failing Spring Greek. For farther particulars apply to M. Black or Wm. Pipe, the Executors of Mie estate. 8741 Property for Sale The alidersigued offers for sale her property on James street Brussels East. known as the Ballantyne home, consistine of 2 acres of land, 000 111100 in good garrisn and orchard with a nice Mg berry patch : the other ,trot nore for chicken run, with riser alongside. Slx•roomed one'otory cottage, with good two00 . roomed cellar and store rOom parlor, :lining lvo.re0701.stabetItila„ IlcueVuetr‘ix. of the room nantss, kitchen and bedroem eff last will and testament of the chrome- Chen Verandah Minions front of house. A ed, their Christian and surnames, ad- Ida woolc11;‘0118a ocoAnal sabread z; twsciorikat.pulmpBrwu:taheutyp. dresses and descriptions, the fall par, stairs; table and hen house Apply on prem. deniers of their claims, the statement ins. of their accounts and the nature of the securities, If any, held by thent. Ana furthertake notice that atter h last mentioned date, the said Ex - assets of the ec parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaints of which they shall then have notice. and the said Execu- trix will not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to any person s or persons Of whose claim notice shall not have been received at. the time of such distribution. Dated at INIngliam this second day et Ilarel,A1;ADN.8,11,3(219N, 19, Win ghatn, Ont. . Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE 015 FARM wrocx, ut and Implements -The undersigned auctioneer has been instrusted to sell by public austion ta Lot 11, Com 14, MelSillop, three milts east of Walton. on Friday, Marsh 0204, 1920 et one 0' Mock, the folkAvins: Hormes-Mittelfed team of dappled percheron geldings, 7 11321.1.5 weighing 0200; 1 heavy Mack gelding, 12 Yearn 0101, v.:01t0,10g 1620; 1 good 13111010 driving ilorse. years Md1'), ttle--Ont, yearling heifer. Plyrs- 17 plgr 11 peregin g 1210 llts; 6 hunk0 43 wo,•ics old; 1 there bred York shire sow With litter at foot, 1 1.902,1(0 OM: 1 140W, bred Yob. 20311; 1 thorn bred Tamworth boar, 2 years old, I51ns-60 Leghorn hone bred frorn 12 good layIng strain. implements-Mem:my Mar Ms binder 0 ft. cut with truelc; MoCors flitch Mower 6 rt. ent in good 011,11110 suc enutrix will proceed to diatributo the t the Farm for Sale 60 acres 811 10025, beteg composed 011 14 B 1.1 of 1.01 28, on the Oth Con. of Morris township. On the:premise. 10 It good triune house on tone wall and Geller; also barn dordne board- ed and battened. 0 ood cattle and horse table; also about 12 arras good bush. If not old will heralded for pasture. 30.6 3001N LAMB 141 the Mailer Of the testate of Margaret 'Mebane ty, latt. 00 the Township 00 Orey, in the Vounty or Marron, de - 0170‘11:0: ‘10:11 e di Shi,aarteullYe s gol VfG On n. tpaurri 082:fit:It:\ toP- ter 150, that • a11 creditors and others having olttims against the estate of the said Margaret Buehanan, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of , February, A. 1), 1 924 are required on 1 or before the 21031) day of March, 10 send by. post prepaid or deliver to John B S. uchanan, Walton, 11. Os or to A. It Macdonald, Brussels, P. 0.. the Exeeutors of the last will and testament of the deceagod, 1.11010 Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature or tho setter - We% If any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Exeou- tors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased, amongst the Par- ties entitled 00010, 'having regard only to the claims of Willeh they Shall then have notioe and tho said ICXeCU- tors will not be liabto for the said Re - seta, or any part thereot to. any Per- son or persons, of Whose claim notice 011011 not have been received by thent at the time of snob distribution. pawl at Brussels this 401 any of 11‘.loeshiaz4.14.1).11311.102001,14S/Ala. A. II. 31a0- 00841.11, Egiteutere, Farm for Sale 1 Ognores, being Lot 18, 00,2. 13, Grey town • Ono, all °leered, known na the Ziegler Boole - stead. Large frame house bank barn and straw shed on cement wall. hen•hotype, drive. shed and garage. Water In stable with k Mettle; nt house and driving It to barn, 80,3 n spring 81 She bark of farm run. Mar ail year round in cement cosh, glt. 3101 a 4 inliel4 from 0113(02l Station, 2 Mm Miles fro Cernenbrook, 7120111 Grosseis 004 134 0410o from sohoul. For farther particulars apply to WILLIA 241 ZI EN LER, Phone 2211 Ethel. Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1260 Watts 1 1 10 Volts. Almost now, with poles, wire and all equipment Nor further particulars imply tO DR, A. DloMASTER, Secretary Village Trustee Board, Ethel Farm for Sale Farm 1:n0Wn to the Dilworth Perm, :Mtn prising 103 00000 mostly all cleared and in a geed Mate of cultivation, lots of water cud within 1 utile 82 000103 eta Won , 34m11e to Ethel Village. Will be prioed reasonably Inc qufbk ante. For farther partleelers, ;timely on promisee to ROW LAND, Ethel. Farm for. Sale A vary desirable ntook fitrill of 00 tkores,11 mlle from 13russele. Good building'. 80 11 Bogy terms 'to suit purchaser Por farther particulars apply to .0.18,2.11101100841.1), Brussels.