The Brussels Post, 1887-7-29, Page 8SMISIMENimmililiMININMEMEMEIMEESsadiatitir
JULY 29, 1887
Game of Groot
Any who intend buying a Set of Croquet
would do well to call at once, as we
Move some about 20 por Dent,
cheaper than last year.
Boys' Wagons.
We have the femme Iron'Axle, which
we sell at a very small advance over the
ordinary wood axle.
.Remember the place, at
G. A. Deadman'$
Drug, Book & Fancy Goods Store.
Trnln3leave Brussels Station, north and
south as follows: -
Going South. Going North.
Mail... ....... 7:00 a,m. I Mixed 9:90 a.m
Express 11:•,5 a.m. Mail 9:60 p.m
Mixed 9;46 p.m, 1 Express.... ..... 9.85 p.m
OEca! s .mi S .
A chiel's amane ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
�'•P09 AeIINDna"
MRs. Sao. Ross is visiting at Elora.
PRESERVE Jars Cheap. ADAM Goon.
Comm, meeting next Monday evening,
Mise Masora Surat is home from Strat-
Tun Misses Inman are home for their
Two Cans of Tomatoes for 25 cents at
Thomson's. -47
D. STRACHAN and wife spent last Sun-
day in Teeswater.
Miss MoNTeoaEnr is visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. F. Vanstone.
DAVID McCrrcrosou, of Wiugham, is
petting in a week in town.
JOSEPH Lala . has removed to Galt
where he has secured a situation.
MRs. AND MISS MARTIN, of Montreal,
are the guests of Mrs. J. 1I. Shiel.
FRUIT, sugar and preserve jars cheap.
52 . Adam Good.
A.R. Sisim and Alex. Hunter are away
on a pleasure trip to New York this
A FRESH Barrel St. Leon tapped. Re-
commended by the Medical Faculty.
A. Goon.
S. H. Lane has removed his barber
shop from the postoffice block to the
Queen's hotel shop.
MRs. 52. CIINNINGHAII and Miss Lizzie,
of Streetsville, -are enjoying a holiday
visit at J. G. Bkene's.
Brawn flax pulling commenced you can
hardly find a boy, from a 5.year-old up,
in town during th&•day.
PEROT JAcxsoN left town last week for
a trip to the 01d Country having charge,
along with another person, of Govenlook's
Du. HUTCHINsox has removed hie office
from the post -office block to J. Her•
greaves' drug store, where he formerly
Tun discourses of Rev. N. Smith, in
Knox church last Sabbath, were very in.
teresting. He will occupy the ;pulpit
again next Sunday.
MRS. EDWIN and children, of
Hamilton, and Mrs. Wm. Anderson and
son, of Sullivan, were visiting Mrs. Neil
McLauchlin of this plane.
ON Thursday evening of next week
there will be a service of song given by
the Salvation Army, entitled "From'
Bethlehem to Calvary." A most inter-
esting time is anticipated.
THESE were "only" 55 epplioants for
the vacancy on the teaohing staff of the
Brussels public school. The supply
must surely exceed the demand and if so
where will we be after the model school
torm is over ?
TRE Arthur Enterprise in speaking of
the Catholic concert in that place says :
Mrs. O'Neil, of Brussels, an old resident
of Arthur, and from the warm greeting
she received, was evidently a great favor-
ite with the audience, sang in a rich, full
and cultivated voice.
IN speaking of Tun Posr the Clinton
Now Era remarks : The Bruesels Pose
has entered upon its 15th volume, THE
Poa'.r is a lively paper for a place the size
of Brussels, and the people of that place'
are consulting their own interests if they
give it a generous, united and hearty
Teaxos THAT TARE WELL. -Short ser-
mons. -The cream. -A man to settle up
his "little bill" promptly. -A good game
of base ball or cricket played at home. -
0 "Taffying" a person when they do a big
thing and keeping mum when they "slip
a cog." --An exourbion or pia-nio without,
an accident or mishap.
Tun Goderich Signal says : The Brue.
sols Pow entered upon he fifteenth year
of ueefulneaelast week, and looks as if
it was growing stronger as the years roll
by. Itis it good local paper, and deserv-
es the hearty support of every man in
the village who has the interest of the
' place at heart. Success to it.
IT will not be a difficult task to form
An "amateur" Ministerial Association in
town•if a few more ministers move in.
At the present time Rev. S. Jone9, Rev.
5. Ross B.A., Rev. W. T. Olaff, Rey, M.
Swann, Rev. Father Shea,Rev, 5. L.
Kerr and Rev, R. Paul are on the lid,
with the expectation of another Presby -
titian divine being added in the near fu -
AN ExmLANeeIaN.-On Thnr5day even-
ing of last week we bad the misfortune to
breelc a cog wheel in our Campbell press
after we had been running about 20 min-
utes or thereabouts. We had to take -our
forme, paper, &e., to the Seaforth Ex-
positor Office on friday morning, where,
through the kindness of the editor, we
were able to preeeut our Weekly teens,
This accounts for Tim Posy being a day
late. However, if we have our way it will
nOVer occur again.
"POT Aauansn."
Six bars of Electric soap for 25 omits,
at Thomaon'e. 50.
JOHN Boncaes, of Luoknow, was home
oyes Sunday,
Oouaog,Lon Wm and wife spent Sun-
day in Wingham.
Ova new story commences this week.
It is a good one.
Mla01tfsnthirs Wire,oN was visiting at Pal-
Mies Foram SHANNON, of Wingham,
was in town over Sunday,
Una. Travis and child, of Michigan,
are visiting Mrs, Wm. Ainlay.
Trios. MoCuniouorr and wife have tak-
en up their residence at Wingham.
Mae, GEoneE SANDERS was visiting at
Moorefield and Drayton seat week.
A LITTLE eon of A. J. Lowiok's has
been on the sick lint for the past week.
Mae. WANNER and children, of Ethel,
were visiting Mrs. Jno. McFarlane this
SA1n,. Pima and wife are away at Hen -
sell and Seaforth visiting their sons this
Fon the largest stook and best value in
Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to
Thomson's. 50.
Tun Caledonian Society is arranging a
splendid list of games and sports for Fri-
day, Sept. 2nd.
Tun bricklayers have finished Wm.
Martin's house and Re Sparling's is ap-
proaching completion.
Oa Thursday evening of last week S.
H. Laird, wife and daughter arrived
home from St. Thomas.
THE Maitland base ball club of Brue-
eels played a return match at Wroxeter
on Thursday of,this week.
T. W. FEAR said good-bye to Brussels
last Tuesday afternoon and will take his
place in Toronto before long.
SUNDAE School excursion to Goderieh
on Tuesday, August 16th. Watch out
for billy. This will be a splendid chanoe
to visit the 0o. town,
Two Brussels young men are to be
married before long. One bride oomes
from the east and the other from the west.
We won't give any more particulars now.
A SPECIAL collection was taken in the
Methodist Sunday School, last Sabbath,
to aid in buildiug three churches et the
Fort McLeod Mission, in the Northwest.
0. FIRE, wife and ohildern were thrown
from a buggy whole returning from Wing -
ham last Sunday evening and slightly in-
jured. The horse was frightened by a dog
running out at it.
THE flax mill is being put in a thorougb
state of repair for the incoming flax crop.
II is reported that a change will take
place in the management of the mill.
Mr. Pieper has suited the public well.
Scor. Aor,-George Cushman, Wroxe-
ter ; John Gofton, Wroxeter ; John Allan
and John Haeket, Gerrie, pleaded guilty
to violation of the Scott Act end were
each fined $50 and posts by Police Magi-
strate Williams last Tuesday at Wroxe-
Oust report of the last meeting of Mait-
land Presbytery was copiedinto some six
or seven of the neighboring 'papers but
not one of them credited it to Tun Pose.
We are glad to see that our reports are so
readable and stand repeating and we
must take it as a compliment.
A CHEAP Sunday School excursion is
being arranged to run to Goderich on
Tuesday, August 16bh. There will be no
changing of oars and the return fare is
put at the low figure of 70 ciente for
adults and 35 cents for children. Pull
particulars will be given later.
GEO. BOOMS, of Brussels, headed the
list of successful pupils at the Entrance
Examination to the High School, at Sea -
forth. He was 86 marks in advance of
any in a class of 31 who succeeded. Thos.
Wilson, of Brussels, oame third on the
list. Our pupils generally make a good
showing and often put the High Sobsoi
pupils in the shade.
TEE new foot -bridge, near the flax
mill, was placed in position on Thursday
evening of last week. 11 is 122 feet long
and 4 feet wide and will have a railing
along both sides. It rests ou a cedar
pier in the centre. The people on the
north side of the river are well pleased
with the bridge. The veteran bridge
builder; Dan. McNaughton, had the job
in hand and did the work well.
Tun Whitechurch correspondent to the
Wingham.Advanoe says: -The Rev. J.
A. Anderson and family are away on a
holiday trip, visiting friends in Ottawa.
The Rev. Mr. Herr, of Brussels, occupied
his pulpit during' the past two Sabbaths,
and preached two excellent sermons,
Should, he ever happen to come again he
will be gladly welcomed. Mrs. Kerr ac-
companied him last Sabbath. They were
the guests of Mr. Henderson, merchant.
Lawn PARTY: -Last Friday evening the
young people of the Methodist church
gave a lawn party on the grounds of R,
Leatherdale. The evening was a little
on the cool side yet a goodly number of
people assembled and spent a pleasant
evening. Coffee and cake, lemonade, ice
cream, &c., were dispensed. The pro-
grana consisted of music by the church
choir, two well rendered recitations from
Mise McGuire, which were very heartily
received, and a pretty solo "Papa fot
would you take for me," by Mies Swann.
A. 'vote of thanks was petunia to Mr. and
Mrs.teatherdale for their kindness in
planing their home and lawnat the dis.
posal:of the young, people and to Misses,
McGuire and Swann for their assistance.
The Band was in attendance and sup-
plied a large amount of music. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $37.50.
THE Nth -annual outing of the St. An-
drew's Society of Buffalo took place on
Saturday at Linwood Glen, and the pio-
nic, wad the games proved ettragtive
enough to All the enolo9nre from early in
the afternoon until a late hour in the
evening. The sports were a feature of
the day. John McPherson, of Goderich,
put the light stone 55 ft. 7 in. Visiting
delegations from Woodstock, Brussels,
Torchto, Goderioh, London and Windsor
carried. off a goocllynpmberofthe honors.
Archie Scott, of Brussels, Was the firet in
revolt oompetiti0ns and second, in five.
J. •IvioPlfereon, of Goderieh, was bi t t in
two coi4petitione, second in five and, h1e
in three. Smith, of Woodstock, pot two
firsts. Bennett, of Toronto, first in two
mile moos, and third in the sack race,
Miller, of London, first in one event.
ll800n, of. Windsor, third in six event®.
The Rankine, of,Weodstocl, took three
prizes, a first, eecond and third.
NEXT Monday will be the 1st of August.
HARnr Comeme was home frons len.
Doe for Sunday.
J, Romonmson, Ja„ was in Louden for
a few days last week.
Tgo brloklayere aro at work on Dr.
Graham's newreeideneo.
CASSIA GOOD, of Seaforth, is visiting
her unole, Adam Good.
NE=T Sunday Rev. R. Paulpreaobes at
Belgrave for Nev. N. S. Burwaeh.
Mammas, Wenn' and eon, of Chicago,
were visiting friends in town last wash.
Mos. Atomism, of Seaforth, who was
viaiting friends in town, returned home
on Tuesday,
F. Gnomon, wife and children, of
Wingham, wore visiting et Wm, Tan -
stone's this week.
THE Bausems Poo hes entered Re fif-
teenth volume. It is a well conducted
local newspaper, and deserves success. -
Forest Free Frees.
LAST Tuesday Joseph Clegg and A.
Dames shipped two car loads of cattle
and a double decked oar of sheep from
Brussels elution.
50 o0NT5, in advance, secures Tan POST
for trial trip up to January let, 1888.
Start with tate commencement of our new
story, "Put Asunder."
Mits. D. A. Sumac and daughter arrived
home from a visit of three weeks to Mid.
atomise and Exeter. Miss Tillie Lucas
a000mpanisd her. D. A. wears a very
pleaded expression now.
0antiaiixn Newts.
Incendiary fires are reported from Co-
Sir Charles Tupper resumed his High
Commissionerahip duties.
The Oanadian Chautauqua Convention
opened at Niagara Saturday.
Further discoveries of iron and phos-
phates in Frontenao are reported,
Duncan Molntyre has accepted the
Liberal nomination in South Renfrew.
The Halifax Recorder describes the In-
teroolomal railway as the man -killer.
The editor of The Springfield Argus
has been presented with a bar of soap.
A correspondent explains that only
four deaths from diphtheria have taken
place on Cockburn Island.
A Gananoque man ie said bo own a
setter pup for the grandfather of which
$100,000 was refused at London Eng., in
Duncan McIntyre and John Ferguson
were nominated in the Reform and Con-
servative interests respectively in South
Butter is being made in such quanti-
ties hero that the pride for the best sam.
pies has fallen from fifty to thirty cents
a pound. -Saskatchewan Herald.
Tho Kingston milkmen have formed
an association with a view to raining the
pride of milk to six Dente a quart after
August 1st, owing to the dry season.
The Bruce Telescope tells of a pupil at
a recent examination who said of eclip-
tic that it occurs every four years and
you can see it through a smoked glass.
There has been almost unparalelled
mortality among Dolts in the County of
Brant this season. One veterinary sur-
geon reports the loss of 125 horses and
The Brookville Recorder bolls of a man
belonging to Nicholville who having ad-
vertently swallowed a potato bug prompt.
ly sent a dose of Paris green after It and
nearly killed himself.
Victoria, B.C., is indignant at Rev.
Mr. Starr for derogatory remarks re-
garding its morality. Instead of there
being 80 saloons open all the year round
as Mr. Starr said, it appears these are
only about 55.
11 you wan above us anything prettier
at this season than a girl of nineteen
with golden hair, rosy cheeks, ruby lips,
and dressed in white tulle with a blue
ribbon around her neck, let us see it. -
Guelph Mercury.
Some fools removed the nuts from the
buggy wheels of one of the guests invited
to a wedding at MiIdmay, County Bruce,
the other day. The result was that a
woman bad a severe fall, and gave birth
to a still -born child shortly afterwards,
Calvin Russell, jr., of Renfrew, will
not hereafter smoke when he is driving
with a lady. He set his sister's dress
on fire the other day while doing so, and
it took him ell he could do to put the
flames out. His hands were 'terribly
The orops throughout this district are
reported as being in splendid shape, and
the prospects for an abundant harvest
were never brighter. Unless something
anforseen happens the harvest this fall
will be one of the first on record. -Mac-
Leod Gazette.
Boats and men belonging to Gloucester
fishing sohooners were captured while
fishing within the three-mile limit off
Prince Edward Island on Sunday. A
Gloucester eohooner hag been seized at
Shelburne, N. S.,on a charge of .violat-
ing the Customs regulatione.
Wliitby bas not been hooky in its home
speculations. The town has given some•
where in the neighborhood of $110,000 to
sooure the permanent ostablishmept of
railway shops, and of an organ faotory,
each establishment to employ fifty bands
and to -day there is but one man employ.
ed in the railway works, while the sole
occupant of the organ faotory.15 a 00W.
A terrible accident happened in the
township of Ekfrid, oounty Elgin, on the
evening of Jul 28rd, A young fellow
named James I°Lean was riding n horse
home from the harvest field on a gallop
when he lost the insufficient hold ho had
of the halter and fell off, the flip -strap
became wound round his ankle end he
was dragged about a quarter of a mile.
Ilia settle was torn completely off and his
fano and shoulders fearfully mangled, He
was dead when taken up. His father had
died but a few weeks before.
The British Government is still con-
sidering the question of prantiug a sub-
sidy to the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company- for the China and Japan mail
route. Sir Donald Smith, who is now in
London, has been pressing the olaims of
the company on the Government, and
his efforts aro ably seconded by a host of
influential men, who recognize the fm-
portanoe to the Empire of such a route.
Tho latest reperta give hope that in a
few days the announcement will be made
authoritatively that a handsome subven-
tion has been made to the Company for
this service.
The Prince of Wales Prize at Wimble-
don, which- is next in importance to the
Queen's Prize', has been brought to Oen-
edit for thebhird'time, and as usual there
is rejoicing -in' volunteer circles over the
faat. In 1878 Lient.-dol. Gibson, of the
13th Batt., brokethe record by carrying
off the much coveted prize with a Snider
rifle, making a magnificent eoore at 200,
600 and 600 yards. He was the first Can.
adieu to win the Prince of Wales trophy.
Since then Lieut. Wm. Mitchell, of Port
Elgin, of the 32nd Bruce, has won the
same prize, This year it goes to Winni-
peg, the .winner being a member of the
9011, Regiment in that city.
The point has been raised in several
Provinces that the Scott Aot was virtu-
ally repealed by the consolidation of the
Dominion statutes, or that it was reenact-
ed, thus making void all elections held
under it previous to the proclamation
putting the new statutes in foroe. Judge
Palmer, o8 the Supreme Court of New
Brunswick, has decided that there is
nothing in the contention, that the re-en-
acting of the Act iu the new statutes in
any way affects any action previously
taken under it. When the point passed
upon by Judge Palmer was raised in On-
tario the highest legal authorities at the
bar wore consulted by the Dominion Al-
liance, and the assurance was then given
that the Scott Act had in nowise been in-
validated by the re-eneemenb.
Work was resumed at the drift on the
Canadian side of the tunnel last week,
and the heading has been advanced six or
eight feet. The leak has now oompletely
closed itself by the pressure of the sur-
rounding material, and no water has
come in for several days. The boiler
plate iron will be carried about eight feet
further, so as to completely protect the
looaliby of the leak, after which a return
will be made to the old style of timber
blocking. Preparations for puebing the
work on the Canadian side are now about
oomplete, and the meiaeer expects next
week to put into the drift a full force of
twelve men to each watch. On the Port
Huron side a boiler is being erected and
other necessary preparations being made
and as soot as these are completed a full
force of then will be set to work on that
side also.
Dundee is a thriving little town. The
councillors of that corporation have de-
cided to abandon the use of lawn mowers
on the principle streets, and allow cattle
to keep the grass down. The Standard
of that town does not admit that the
streets are-grasaplote, but claims that the
repeal of the cow by-law was in honor of
jubilee year. That paper says :-"Dun-
das councillors recently ltibilated in honor
of the Queen. They believed it only fair
to scatter blsssinga in their path in their
present state of feeling, hence on Monday
night they repealed the oow and animal
by-law. Until the 1st of Oct. Dundas
cows may roam the streets day and night,
and nobody may say them nay, unless
prior to that time another enactment is
made, which is hardly svorbh while, as by
the time nobles is given only a month
would be gained. Bovines, in the lang-
uage of the immortal bard, take your fill
from your neighbors' gardens!"
In a pronunciation contest at the Uni-
versity at Chatauqua, N.Y„ open to pro -
/Moore and students from various uni-
vessities_and schools of the United Stat-
es, Thos: O'Hagan, M.A., .carried off the
prize.110 captured the same prize a
year ago. Mr. O'Hagan is taking the
course in elocution.
A boy named I3ubtan was shot at the
Belleville rifle range on Saturday after-
noon and will probably die. He stood
behind the iron target, and a piece of a
bullet passing through between two of the
seetione of the target struck him in the
throat. The 000urriinc¢.)' was •entirely
owing to the vibtiirl's'bwn rashmees.
3%H. Gilmour, the actor, says the
Brookville Beoorder, while fly fishing at
Chiphpewad3ay the othor day, accomplish-
ed the somewhat novel feat of capturing
threeblaokbase at once.. Eta wag trolling
With what is known as a gang of flies on
a leader, when the three base struck at
once,, They made a gains 'fight, break-
ing w fuli ere sucoeselanded..
iugtho roR�,,Prank dulloy, moasionary to
Labrador coast of theSotilty for the Pro-
pagation of the Gospel, heti • published a
letter in the St: Monte (Nils.) llibroury,
ih'whieh aainful acbobnt of the slow
starvation of the people is detailed. He
cites instances where villages had to sub-
sist 0n rock ood for filonthe ; where mon
walked hundreds of miles for time and
could only get one barrel,
WCAR.Rt>✓a- •
CAIIPDELL-FINnbr.-At the Methodist
parsonage, New Hamburg, on July
25th, by. Rev. W. J. Brandon, Mr.
Alonzo Campbell, florist, of Strat-
ford, to Miss Nellie Finlay of the
same city.
RIcumtos.-In Bruneels, on the 23rd inst.,
the wife of Mr. I. 0. Richards of a
son.. I
cow about mitring, Apply Rb
9.1 Tim Poo Pebliehiug house,
A few splendid, Improved farina for
3610 in the township of 'emirMoate and
Afolitllop, Apply to A. D19LGAT'rY, 00,
Auctioneer ,Bruseeib P. 04
▪ sons for the London and Lauonalliro
Piro Insurance Co. Liberal terms to a good
man, Address, with references, bo
2 4 W. A. SIMS, Manager, Toronto.
Western Fair, .London, Sept. 19-24.
Agr'l, and Arts Association, Ottawa,
Sept. 19-24,
Brantford Southern, Drsntford, iOot.
11 and 12.
Guelphdentral, Guelph, Sept. 20-22.
Great Central, Hamilton, Scpt. 2¢-80.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17.
Northern Fair, Walkerton, Oct. 4-7.
North Perth;Stretford, Oct. 6 end 7.
Wallace, ofListbwel, Sept. 27 and 28.
' ,vSsaz rn t.M 2EITS.
White Fall Wheat 78 80
Red Winter a,, ,78 80
Spring Wheat , 60 80
Barley, 40 '48
28 80
Peas,,...,... ..,413- 50
Buttor, tube and rolls . 7.1 , 18
Eggs per dozen. 1� 00
Flourer'barrel......, 4 60 00
Potatoes S6"' 00
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Hides per 111
salt par bbl.,wholesalo110 - 80
Sheep skine,oadh..... ,5A 1 00
Wool, per 1b . ....... . . . . 20 23
-1-1. nn ou Hie promises of the under-
signed,lot 11,eon. 4,Grey, aheifer Tieing 2
years old. Owner is roqueebod to prove
pay °ABRAHAMt000115 rSrumye'ie .
1•-7 thepromises of tbo undersigned, lot 12,
son, le, Grey, on the lith of May, is steer
rising 8 years old, spotted rod and white.
Any person giving information that will load
to its rsoovory will be liberally rewarded.
52.2* J05N VINCENT, Brussels.
Lot 19, Con, 10, Groy,about the Oslo of
Jane, 4 head of cattle one year old, red
(beer, 1 grey steer and 2 red heifers with
white spot on head and side, Any informa-
tion leading to sh err recovery will bo thank-
fully reselved. VALENTINE BIEMON,
2.9* CranbrookP,O•
eommoh offers his valuable 100 store
farm, being lot 9, son. 13, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for Salo. There aro abort 75
acres (Roared and In good heart. There is a
log house, good hank barn , bearing orollard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises. For further partisulars, as to
prise, terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS. IIISLOP, Clare P. 0., N,W. T.. or to
2-tf DOUGALD ST11AOBAN, Brusuels,
50nrn01r offers for sale his valuable 100
acro farm being lot 6, con, 10, Grey, and
situated ht miles from Brussels. The place
w ill be sold with or without the crop and on
easy terms Possession will be given at any
tins. For further pnr0ioulars as to urine,
forms, &c., apply to the proprietor on the
The shove fade will be offered for sale. by
Publlo Auction, on the premises, on WED.
aeeDAY, Jury 0531, at 0 °'00000 P.M.
38.5m B. MCNAUGHTON, Brussels,
tooiniug 100 acres, It is partly cleared, the
balance weal timbered. A never failing
creek crosses the plane and it 11 well ada7pt•
ed for either farming or graving. I will like-
wise sell 40 sores, being east part of lot 14,
eon. 10, nearly all cleared and in a good
state of cultivation.A,good frame barn
with a good atone stable underneath and a
never failing well is also on the place. For
further particulars apply as the proprietor
on the vlane. This lot is ospo site the oth-
er. GLp0110k1 AVERO, Proprietor. 1-11
Farre For hale,
The eubserlooroTorsior sale his valuable
Farm in the Township of Grey, oomprieing
lots 0 and 7, eon ,11 in said townahip. This
farm oonbatns 200aoreeandis within 11 miles
from the thriving village of Brussels, with
good gravel road leading thereto. About 160
acres aro cleared, free !rom stumps and In a
high state of cultivation. The balance is
finely wooded. This farm is particularly
well folioed, nearly the whole o1 the fonoes
being straight and having been °rooted in
1890 and '80. On the premisosthero is a.0em•
for0able log dwelling house and a goo ()frame
barn with atone stabling underneath in
which there is a well with an abundant sup-
ply of excellent water. There is likewise
now frame Implement house, 40x20, well
floored, above and below, and neatly sided
and painted. Per particulars apply to the
Proprietor, TA74005 DIOaBON.
Registrar, Iluron Co.,
18-tf Goderich
St. Leon Analysis.
Chloride of Sodium 677.4782 grains
• „ Potassium 18.6170
• „ Lithium 1.6147
„ „ Barium .8099
„ Strontium .5075
„ „ Calcium 3.8388
„ Magnesium59.0089
Iodide „ Sodium .2479
Bromide of Sodium .8158
Sulphate of Lime .0694
Phosphate of Soda .1699
Bi -Carbonate of Lime29.4405
„ „ Magnesia 82.1280
„ Iron .6856
Alumina .5830
Silica 1.8694
Density 1.0118
I hereby certify that I have analyzed a
sa31 o of "St. Leon Water," taken from
the bulk from the store cellars in Montreal,
and I am able to confirm the general re-
sult of the analysis published by Dr. T.
Ste1'ry Hunt, F. R. S., published in the
report of the Geologioal Survey, 1863;
also the analysis of Prof. C. F. Chandler,.
of Columbia College, New York, made in
1876. (Signed)). join: BAE1313 &WARDS,
Ph. D., D. C. S. P. C. S., and Ex -Pro-
fessor of Chemistry and Public Analyiet.
Adam Good,
Agent, Brussels.
Transact a General Banking
Notes to hand discounted,
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given t0 00110sti*310,
TEne, 05, Moe in Lookie's block,
liruoaole, Monoyto Loan,
• Garrow &Proudfoob, Goderieb) So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &o. Onloe, Grant's
block, Ifrussels, Money to loan.
the Fourth Division Court, Co. Rurov.
0onvayanc or, Nota. kublis, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds invented and
to loan• Oo,leotione made. 010oo rn Gra-
ham's Block, Brusaele.
re uneaten TO no ALL 11003Dfi OF
Painting, Graining,
Pcijer ,Hanging, &c.
All work done Promptly and
at Reasonable Bates,
ill every instance.
.1V moved his 000100 to J. Hargreaves'
1>rug Store, Residence on Mill Street
T A. MoNAUGHTON, i12. D„ (3.
rJ • M. L, It. 0. P. Edinbuprgh, Physician,
Surgeon and Aseouoher. Once, Mrs, Shlol's
block, Turnberry Street.
T 1f NI. F. CALE, 12. D., 0.12.
Member of the Collage of Physiolans and
Surgeons of Ontaaio b - examination.
Office and Residenc-Main St. •East, Ethel
G. L. Be11.L. D. S., Honor Graduate and
M. li. 0. D. 8., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded elides low
us good work can be done for.
Office over Johnston's Hardware store,
W. J. Fear ,L. D $. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. A11 opor-
stione guaranteed. Office-Oady'e
Block. Seaforth,
Artificial tooth, drat quality, ands
guaranteeddt,lor $12.00 perset.
333B TI4iT.
m, A, Z2A2ITSN, O). a, S„
Ronor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Rialtos Oama
GA9 administered for the painless extrac-
tion of tooth.
OFFICE. -Garfield Block, 515585EL5.
.• of Marriage Licenses. Office at his
Groocry,Tnrnborry Strout,
. ring° Cleanses, by appointment of
Llsut.:Governor, commissioner, &r.., Q. 13.
oenyeyanoar and Agent Fire Ioau.ranae Co.
051oo at the Cranbraolc Post 0i$oe.
e3 • Aooident and Loan Insurance Agent
for some of the beet and roost reliable 'Com -
panresintheDominion. Office Brick Terr-
two,Turnborry'street mesa the station.
• Graduate of the Ontgrto Veterinary
College has resumed the practice of John
Nett, V,S.,and Isprepared to treat all die•
eases of domesticated animals on Olen title
andapprnved; principles, Treatment of del-
icate foals a speoielty Officio two doors
North of Bridge, Turaberry street. - -
:robert Cunningham
Guelph. Ontario.
Y. Bhtohor, thanking
bis many customersfor their
liberal support in the past
wishes to inform them that at
his sleep In Smala's bleak be keeps nothing
but -first -clave meats, all kinds of Poultry
and Sausage Moat Delivered to all part,. 0f
the town 1100. Cash paid for Fat stow k,
Hides' and sheepskins bought for cash.
son menu the following Properties iu
Brnseole at very low figures i -Two Houses
and Lots on h5ill Street West, one House
an dlarge Lot on Mill Street East, Stable and
small Lot rear of Grant's Block, oleo a fine
Building Site on Main Street, adjoining
blook,O1tle psrteeb. J. It, GRANT, 00.
Royal Mail Steafrashsf s.
intim LYYLm con, 0Tmetmn PROM 503013180.
April Mth.. .:, Parisian ...„,.,, May 1901
ntay,5th , 8ormatlan May 26th
lay 19th 101reasoion Zone 9rd
A[ay 19111............June 9th
May 27th., 1Poltnesian .Juno 17th
June and Parisian • Juno 23rd
June 9th 8 armatian....,, •June 60th
Suns 17th 1 Oirdaesian July. 801
Juno 6304 Sardinian July 14th
July Set..... . .,,..,,.1Polynestou.,..,July 22nd
Duly7th Parceiah July 260{1
tJely 1456 Sarmatian Aug. 4th
July.22nd , 1 Circassian .., Aug 120h
July 18th Sardinian..Aug. Aug. 18th
Aug. 4th: '1 Polynepian • Ault, 25511
Aug,11th Paeisian Sept let
116Ytra Steamers, The. Sto amen, above
bathed do not carry cattle, ehbeb br igs.'
Stbbrage Pa0Oengere are booked to and
from London, Qgqbonoton, Derry ,Belfaot and
lasgow at same knee at Liverpool.
Batch ohvassageby the Mail Steamers from
Qirobeo to Londonderry and Liverpbol:-
• Cabin -$80,$70 •and 980, Before -3110,
$130 and $166. Intermodiate-995, robure
bOl. Steerage -820, return, $40,
,ii'b° iasttraln oonnoating at Quebec with
the Mail Bteamorn sailing from that port on,
the Thursday, -leaves Tbronto on the -Wed-
'nOflcay morning. The. Post train delineating
With the Dates Steamerssaiiling on the Prl•
day; leaves Toronto on the7.'Tinrsilay horn•
lug, Fortiokoteand every informotionap.
ply t0
GEO. PHIPPEN. a g,.rx . osni, A c t, Slruagol0.