The Brussels Post, 1887-7-29, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS POST Directory of Churches and Sooietiosi MELYILLia Canncu,---Sabbath Servioes, at 11 a.m. and 0:00 p, m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p. m. Rev. John Rosa, B. A., pastor, ICNox CnnnCll.—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. and 0:80 p. m, Sunday School at 2:30 p, m, Rev. S, Jones, pastor. ST, roun's CHuncm—Sabbath Services tb 11 a.m. and, 7 p•m. Sunday School at 9;80 a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent. ME'rnonls'O Cnuncu••—Sabbath Services Sohool at 2:60 pllm 6:8 Rev. M. Swann, pastor. Bow CATHOLIC CHUECH.---Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. Onn FELLOWS' LOWE every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MAso..Ic Lopes Tuesday at or before Lull moon, in Garfield block. A. O.U.W.Lo0On on 1st and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each month. FOEESTERT' LOUGH 2ndandlast Monday evenings of each month, in Smale's ball. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. POST OFFICH.—Office hours from 8 a,m. 7 p.m. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Reading Boom ana Library, in Holmes' block, will be open from O to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian. Vaz-ieltie s. Ease may be the result of wealth, but wealth is never the result of ease. When is a dog's tail like a toll- gate.—When it stops a wagging (wagon.) A girl may be like s'agar for two reasons. She may be sweet, and she may be full of grit. Knrvcl pus. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure Swill cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, Stomach. I to 2 bottles aro warranted to ieddgstami cure Liver Soby a1SD Druggists, It is no good shooting a kicking gun without bullets at something that is likely to die if left alone. Eve never bothered Adam about spring fashions, but she was the first woman to adopt the fall style. Salt Rheum Cured. McGregor & Parka's Carbolic Cerate bas been tried and found to 00 the only positive cure for salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on face or kande. Oats, 'Burns, Branca,or any Sore that nothing else will heal. ie sure and get the genuine, made by afuGreg or & Parke. Prion 250. Sold at Hargreaves Drug etbre,BIusse1t. Many a girl who is anxious to get into print has to be contented with getting into n calico wrapper. In the lottery of life, the man who works for results, instead of speculating for them, wins the big- gest prizes. The best regulators for the stomach and bowels, the beet care for rbi biliousness, sness sick affections headache, indigestion, arising from a disordered liver, aro without exception Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills. Small ef- fective. 5030. a sugar ottle. Sold by G. AFDend• man , Brussels . Patient (dissatisfied with dietary restrictions)—Say .Doc, I'm blamed if I'm going to starve to death just for tho sake of living; a little longer. It has lately been disclvdred that an Italian noble, who frequented the most exclusive Lml'lon .,nciety and clubs at night, sells tinware during the day. Ladies only. The complexion 10 often rendered un• sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellow- ness. These. it is well known, arc caused from an in fie tivO Liver end bad blood. Dr. od and whole system, er Cure Recipestnook for toilet recipes, blots and sus eetlone on how to preserve the complexion. Sold by alt Druggists. Family physioittu—I'in afraid that you have been eating too much cake or candy. Let me see your tongue. Little girl—Oh, you can look at it, but it wout toll. Woman has t0 wait until °110 is asked before she can marry, She has no voice in the matter until after the ceremony. Then she knows how to make up for lost time. A Sunday school teacher asked a 1 dye cotton in red or blue, and the little girl of her °lase if,ti's had cuffs are finished to match, A row over bean baptized. Yes, said the of small red or, blue bone buttons little gird, two timed, Tw+o tinier!? fastens'the blouse down the, -front. Willy, how could that be'? It didn't Black faillea, eatiu foulards, pop - toile the first time, said the little line, eroires and also thinner meter. girl, tale in silk, esuvas, etamine, grana• 51155 l'ttUTECT1ON, due, gauze, velvet•etriped and jet. The tuiintenanee of a healthy state of ted nets are all in high vogue. the system is the sureet protection against Black satin skirts, draped with brocaded gauze, edgsd with Chan- tilly lace, and worn with bodioes of Chantilly net, matching in design, make thoroughly elegant toilets, these, like entire ince gowns lu bleak, enabling the wearer to vary them by different colored trimmings and floral garnitures, if desired. A novelty which may or may not have a run of any duration is the pleated scarf of columbine, made in tulle, India mull, or illusion, and worn around the throat and chest ravislblu but Instantaneous. as a complement of a low bodice. All pains or aches will be instantly remep- ed by a few drops of Fluid Llgntuing applied During the carnival at Nice, and over the affects d parte. No dole 1os nauseam medicines needed; no poultloing or using greasy nuimcu is. It 1,I11 not blister ok discolor the skin, Sold at 250, per bottle era froomHNeuralgia enure us that they never. er fear it when their house contains It bottle of Fluid Lightning. Do you know the family next Important News 1ten1, 0001 sTowN."Dire. Campbell hat been troubled for a number of years with Ind!. gestion and Constipation, and was induced to try McGregor'e Speedy aura and found it 'all that wet needed. She would recommend its use to any person siniiiarly troubled,° This invaluable remedy is sold in every part of Canada at Mote. and 51.00 per bottle. Sold at Sohn Hargreaves & Co.'s drug ttoro, Brussels. Life has been for me a succession of sad blows, said Mr. Breather. Ah 1 said the new pastor sympath- etioally. Yes, indeed, replied the parishioner. I've had asthma 2:d 'peeve. disease ; oxpertouoo has shown that by woof Dr. Carson'° Stomach and Constipa. tion Bitters, a perfect etate of health 'eau be assured. It frees the system from all impurities, oleanaes and purillea the blood. For sale by all Druggists at Soots. a bottle. Harper's Bazar deplores the pov arty of the English language be cause we have no good equivalents for fiance and fiancee. And yet be. trothed strikes us as a pretty good word. But what's the matter with "etendy company ?" 'ao elsewhere in the Riviera, half -high dreeees of white faille were in much request, and many of them were finished off with ruffs and scarfs of tine kind, 1110 head•coveriug being a white crepe Tam O'Shanter cap, or one of dark Venetian red velvet, door ? inquired the bill -collector of it small boy on the door step. Noap, made secure by means of long ell. Isn't the nam0 Green ? 1 dunno, yen headed pins. This style is now sir, All I know is that they've got quits frequently adopted by Eng• a Li y bigger'n me, and that I've lash bridesmaids. Itched him twice and am aching to The new India -silk grenadine gauze and satin sashes, now the rage in full dress aro not meanly wide in loop and streamerbut wide also about the waist. A little care and trouble are necessary Warrants these belts satisfactorily. The broad band is not laid in close tight folds, but crumpled around the water, as it were, aunt is best not to confide too much to pins in the matter, or if hooka are not practicable, to use small safety pine, these hidden away under the soft fabric after it ie ad- justed. Oblong slides and buckles are also employed. The crumpled style of sash baud, it is hardly uec- essary to state, is becomiug only to Blender figures. Though sleeves aro generally worn longer than they were, atilt a large number of persona, for the sake of coolness, elect for those which reach a little below the el- bow. This fashion, of course, en- tails gloves long enough to meet the sleeve trimming, and though mitts and silk gloves are no longer considered high fashion, they are very convenient, more comfortable than kid, and more easily put on and off in hot weather. Where the elbow sleeve is disliked, a very good substitute is furnished in the model so popular everywhere now, which 1e straight and full from shoulder• seam to wristband and very gener- ally made of a semi-disphanoue fob. rio. Although the dross bodices for young girls are out after the fashion of their elders, in a square or V shape front and back, in the ease of youthful angularity of form it is preferable to have a high, semi. transparent chemisette, with full bishop eleevos of the textile. 'These guimpee are gathered around the neck into a wide necklet, made of black velvet, with a narrow pearl embroidery at the edges, in the front of which is planed a little broach, sometimes "young" and simple in device. When the same arrangement is applied to richer matronly toilets, the dog collar is often covered with garnet pendants, sequins, small gold set medallions connected by fine gold chains, dia- monds, jewelled clasps, or o clever mingling of several game, do it again. Baldness, Thin flair, .te. Those who aro bald, who have grayor thin heir, or who are troubled with dandruf should invest in u bottle of Dr, Dorenwend'a "Hair Magic." Ii is rho finest preparation for rho hair and swan now in use. It 1s ran - id1y superceding all ggother hair tonics, It gray hairrorror baldeons the original 311010 are the slightest possible roots, it will produce a line growth of hair. Do not wait until too late n but J. llat a rgreaves & Co., Agents, Brus- sels. Do you realize, sir, said a long. haired passenger, that there is One who sees and hears all we do,who can solve our inmost thoughts and before whom we are but crushed and bruised worms ? Givo us your hand, stranger, replied the other. I know just how you feel. I'm married myself. \IcGrogOr's Lnng Compound. Have you a bad Cough, a Chronic Retiree - nose, a fooling of Lightness in the Chest Weak Lunge, or any similar complaint ? If so,bny abottle of McGregor's Lung 0om- ponnd at 01100. It will ouzo you. 13 0o - tains entirely new species, dose is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies. It ie put up in 50o. and 01.00 bottles. Sold by John Har- greaves & Co., druggists, Brussels. Try it, and you will never have reason to comp gin. Two bueinese men were talking the other day about the inefficiency of their assistants, One expressed himself very warmly upon tho sub- ject. Tho other quieted him by saying Wait a minute.. Did: it ever occur to you that if those people wale as smart as we aro they would not he our assistants ? n7arassta. CURED. Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :— "Dyspepsia has boon my wife's trouble for o long time past, and she has suffered greatly with ft ; but, thanks to Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters, she is completely cured. It acted very nicely, and did not sicken or gripe her while taking it. If people only know about the Carson Stom- ach. Bitters there would not be so 'much suffering in the world." A. Chinaman is stated to have discovered that coat off horseshoes make a good cutler's steel. The wrought iron on the shoes, having ben constantly hammered, acquires the hardness of steel. It is also supposed that the animal heat of the hoof has sotpothing to do with it. The metal is said to be good for the manufacture of knives and sword blade S. Nota Rook Agent. air. Deadman Druggist, is not, a book, agent, but has the agency 1n 8Fuesols for Johnson's Tonle Bitters, yhtela h0 dart, beertily recommend for: any complaint to' 0111108 a tonic medicine is applicable. This valuable medicine bee been used with most. astonishingly good results in canes of gent -I at debility, weakness, Irregularities peoullar to females *Bireme paleness, impoyerieh- man of the blood, stomach and liver troubree,loos02appetite ,end for that gen- eral were -out fooling bed nearly every ono', ironolcd Wlth at some part of the year., Don't forget the Immo, Johnson's Tonic 'Bitters,10o.and a1 t 0r bottle at Deadman's drug ,taro, Bruotole. When their daughters are befouls!, mothers are anxious to keep mat. oboe out of their reach; to put matches within their reaches is their great anxiety when their daughters are older. Fashion Notes. The fashion of mingling striped,; pleaded, and polka•dotted fabrics in one costume prevails, but it is not, admirable. The pale green willow, and chart- reuse trimmings upon cream white toilets, look refreshingly cool this 8000011. The new five o'clock tea aprons of India silk muslin are decorated with fine handsome embroideries that are marvels of French' art, the exquisitely delicate needlework of- ten extending over the entire apron, an additional garniture of real Val- enciennes lane finishing the edges. Mn. D. AnnumT, 21 Adelaide Street West. Toronto, writes:—"Por a long time I have. been troubled with a disordered Stomach,,' and at last 1 gob so bad that I .was teem•. polled to quit work, ;and; for days I oouid neither eat nor sleep, and the,pain in my head was most intense. I waa induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bit. tors. After taking three dozes.I Nos al - HIM completely restored to health. ,My appetite came book; the ranking headache wag g+ono, and I never slept sounder in my life.' Pleated skirt waists of striped or sprigged linen, percale, or batiste for neglige uses are growing more and mote in favor, andare worn at all the eammor reeortsi r'over''skltte of various kinds, The sailer Cellar is frequently briar -stitched with feet When pooliug °pions held them with It fork and bhus save your hands from the disagreeable odor, Table Ituen °Mould bo turned with very fine linen floss, or better the ravelling from a strip of dam. cele, The more often carpets are Aitk- en the longer they wear ; the dirt that collects under thorn griude out the thread. Et is claimed that the j uine of the atrawbcrry after being strained and settled is an excellent wash for in- flamed eyes. If the lamp•wick is turned down below the top of the tube, when not lighted, no oil will run over the out- side of the lamp. In darning children's stockings, be sure the cotton is of good quality and will not fade, or else, darn you ever so neatly, after one wash the stockings will be shabby. The simple cure for an offensive kitchen waste pipe is o.mcentrated lye poured in boiling bot, and which will make soap iu a twink- ling all along the greasy line, In beating eggs heat the yolks until you can take up a spoonful ; whip whites to stiff froth and stir them into cane with flour the last thing before putting cake into tins. Convulsions may be frequently out short, like magio, by turning the paticut on the left side. The nausea, as an after-effect of chloro- form and other aesthetic, may generally be controlled iu the same manner. Any starched article that is not ofteu washed can be neatly repaired while being ironed by Tying over the spot a small piece of material match- ing in texture. This of couree will be starched and wet ; and ironing will paste them together. For ivy and dogwood poieoniug boil wood ache° enough to make a strong lye ; wash the poisoned parts with this, and let it remain a few minutes ; then wash off in soft, lukowarm water, and when dry, anoint with grease. Two or three itppliontious of this will gbnorally effect a euro. A very good imitation of ground glass is produced by dissolving three tablespoonfuls of Epsom salts in at pint of warm water, and applying it to the glass with a common paint brush. This answers admirably when a sort of screen ie wanted. The eolutton must be applied to the side of the glass which is not ex- posed to the water. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Never have a sink under a win- dow if you can avoid it. Mortar and paint may be remov- ed from window glees with sharp viuegar. 11 a person is threatened with fainting, bathe the head with waren, not cold, water. .The juice of tomato is said to be excellent for removing ink, wine and fruit atoms. Ifeep bard soap in 'a dry plaoe eeveralweeks before using and it will last much longer. Smoke stains can be removed from mina in stoves by thoroughly soaking in vinegar. Glaze the bottom crust, of fruit pies with the white of egg, and they will not be soggy. A. teaspoonful of carbolic acid in a quart of pure soft water is a good wash for mosquitto bites. When there is a crack in the stove it oan be mended by mixing aehee and salt with water. Bathing the affected parts in in- flammatory rheumatism with half an ounce of saltpetre in half an ' ounce of sweet ell 18 said to be a 1 good plan. Canadian News. _ clew rs WANTEn JULY 29, 1887. Steady Emplolyuac'nt to (:rood Men. None need bo Idle. Previous Experience not essential, We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Men Wanted. To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. rJI1e I!bnthill Nurseries, Largest in, Canada, Over 400 aeras. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. The Governor-General and his family are summering at New Rich. mond, Que. , The peach crop in the Niagara Peninenla is an abundant one. Al- ready the trees are breaking beneath their Loads. Aylmer will hold a monster band and firemen's tournament on August S1et. A close season has been instituted or herrings off the coast of Char- lotte County, New Brunswick. Tho trustees of the London Y. M. C. A. building, (Victoria Hall) have decided to light the place by elec- trlelty. it is rumored that, ex•Mayor Beaugrand, of Montreal, will start an English Liberal evening .news- paper in that city early in Septem- ber. It is reported that the city of Montreal has offered the Provincial Government $125,000 in full pay- ment of all its claims against the city. The Department of Agrioulture have been notified that the Buenos Ayres loft Glassgow with 800 Ice- lander; on board, bound for the Northwest. Prof. Clark, of Trinity College, Toronto, luta been appointed by the Bishop of Michigan to deliver the Baldwin lectures this • year at the University of Michigan. Chas. Hubbard, aged 8 years, eon of G. T. B. Conductor Hubbard, while playing ball at Sarnia on Fri- day, was struck on the, nose by a hatted ball and gradually bled to death, dying on Monday. At Aylmer Thursday the petition ream the relof Cormier M.P. P. for Ottawa County, wae with- deawn, es it is understood he will resign. Boehm, the defeated can- didate, and Cormier aro expected to enter the field again. Orders -in -Council have been pass, ed by the Dominion Government with reference to the issue of special permits for the removal of the duty paid on spirits in five and ten gallon packages into British Columbia ; re- serving certain lands in the Rooky Mountain part for mounted police puriioses and planing certain classes of wine in the free class. T. `LETOKEI Practical TT'fctchmaher cC Jeweller Thanking the Public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. Wo are Opening out fulllines fn Gold and Silver Watches. Silver Plated Ware from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by ne. °looks ofthe totes designs. newel ry : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gent Rings, Broaches, Ratings, 1CO. Also have in stook it full line of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes,dm. rsr• N.B,—Issuer of ;Marriage Licenses T. Fletcher. Bargains ! Bargains ! —Fon THE— oyCe DAYS e).C1C1 NEXT % l� Any Quantity of Wool Wanted --AT TllE 13J.USSELS— in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies, Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky Plows, one four spring Wagon, one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec- ond hand Lumber Wagon. Land Rollers for $25, best in the market. Three kinds of Scufflors, Port Perry Grinder and Horse Powers, Clothes Wringers, Woolen Mill. Churns, and ANYTIOING You MAY ENQUIRlt FOR. Geo. Love. lk CARRIAGES ! byea slexp Highest Market Price Paicl in exchange for. fine Tweeds, coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels, in all wool and union, Grey Flan- nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet- ing, in both Gray and White, fine and coarse Yarn, &c., of which I have a good supply NOW OX MIND. I am prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing, such as ROLL CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, TWISTING, COLORING, FULLING, &o. Satisfoacti©n G-uaxemteeda All kinds of Knitted Goods Made to Order. Givo Me a Call before • dispos- ing of your Wool elsewhere. Youss truly, GEO. HOWE. NEW FIRM ! Robert Matticc, of St. 'Thomas, and W. Johnston, of Salem, de- sire to inform the Public gener- ally that they have formed a co -partnership, and have leased the' blacksmith shop from Air. J'okn Wynn, lately occupied by John Alexander, where they will be prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING. Plows, Wagons, Carriages, &c. made or repaired. Horseshoeing A Specialty. Interfering, over -reaching and flat footed horses treated with the Its. Wo have had 20 erience in dealing with these diseases of the feet clad have worked in the leading base - shoeing shops in Canada and the United States. A nice assortment of Baby Car- riages on Exhibition at H. 'Dennis', where you can also get a Splendid Trunk, Handy Valise, or Satchel at a Low Price. Full lines of Light and Heavy MaaMIZEno Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in stock. Te Lead blit Never Follow. H. DENNIS, Signs of Big Scotch Colla, -0 We are prepared to temper Stone Hammers, or any edged tools. Please give Us a Call. Shop near the Town Hall, op- posite Beattie's Liver Stable. l $ Repairing promptly attended to. MATTICE & JOHNSTON, Proprietors.