The Brussels Post, 1887-7-8, Page 88 TBE BRUSSELS POST JULY 8, 1887. A. fresh shipment of the above jrlst received and guaranteed pure, just the thing for the re- moval of POTATO Rues. BUTTER MAKING We have received a very val- uable book upon the manufacture and 'care of butter, which all should have. It is a largo book sire, 6•ix10 inches, and contain- ing over 100 pages and only 25 cents each. It is published with the aid of the Parliament of Can- ada so as to encourage this in- dustry. G. A. DEADIIIAN, Druggist and Bookseller; GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. ct' D. R. Trains leave Bruaseln Station, vorth and south asfollowa: Going South, 14oing North. Mail.......... 7:08 nam,Mixed 0.80 axe Mixed 11145 45 p.m.I; E ',Trees 8 85rd.ail FPO p ed.u1 o c I ` triu (4t.emo, A ohisl's amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. PLENTY of rain these days. PRESERVE Jars Cheap. Anne Goon. Tim best bread in town at Coate' Gro- cery. CHEAPEST spot in town for groceries is at Coats'. Rom, Kuno and brother wore in town on Sunday. Srx bare of Electrio soap for 25 cents, at Thomson's, 50. PEABEEN'S )iamS and bologna sausage at Coats' Grocery. 50- IlvsslE AND REOCiE FLETCHER are holi- daying at Luoknow. HALF gallon gem jars at $1.50 per doz- en at Coats' Grocery. Trios. KELLY, boasts of ripe tomatoes already this summer. The four children of K. McKenzie are visiting friends near Guelph. Muss Nsmas CM LISLE, of Hensen, was visiting at Dr. Graham's for a few weeks. Oen school teachers, with the exception of Principal Shaw, are sway for their 'holidays. FOR the largest stock and beet value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomson's. 60. S'TRAwoERnna are winding up busineas for the season this week and giving place to the raspberry. Emmen): delighted with our 35 and 374 cent Tea with choice cup and saucer at Coats' Grocery. Hams DEnxjs had his right eye put in mourning, one evening last week, while playing a game of cricket on the park. THE regular Sabbath services will be resumed in Melville church next Sunday, when the paator, Rev. 3, Rose B.A., will 000upy the pulpit. A meeting of the W. C. T. U., will be held in the basement of the Methodist church on Monday afternoon of next week, commencing at 3 o'alobk, Rhv. Ms. Soaval`teor, of Molesworth, will preach the pulpit of Knox church vacant next Sunday morning. Rev. S. 301108 will take Mr. Stevenson's work. Miss Ment M. SANDERS, of Flint, Mich., formerly of Brussels, was married on June 14th, to Arthur Wildman, merchant of Alpena, Mich. Her Brussele friends wieb her a happy and prosperous mar- ried life. WE regret to hear that Mrs. Arthur Hingston ie not in good health, her trouble being water on the lungs, and her condition is a cause of alarm to her friends. We hope she will soon improve, however; and be restored to her usual health. THE corporation thistle cotter is on the war path. There are numbers of gardens and yards that are overrun with thistles and they must be destroyed. Persons are liable to a fine of $50 for not attend- ing to this important matter and the Street Inspector should See that the law is enforced, Now is the time to kill them before they go to seed. CATTLE SHIPPED.—Last Monday Joseph Clegg shipped three oar loads of splendid cattle to the Old Country., 19 head were purchased from W. McAllister. They aggregated 25,670 pounds and from the sale Mr. McAllister pocketed the large aum of 51,140. Andrew Hislop disposed of 13 head, weighing 17,970 pounds. Tke heaviest weighed 1,620, For the 13 head Mr, Clegg paid $800, 18 head, scaling 21,240 purohased. from different persons made up the third oar. LATELY George Howe has Imagined somebody had bean meddling with the cash box at the woolen factory, so early Thursday morning a man was appointed to watch for the culprit. He was found in the person of Geo. Haige, who is em- ployed ae fireman at the factory. Jae gained admission to the office by breaking a woodenin in a door leading from one of the wore rooms and was working with the cash box when nabbed, He admitted having token a small sum of money be- fore. There will not be anything done with him as he is supposed to be a little off his mental equilibrium. THE strayed calf, belonging to FranTr Lebon, advertieed on Friday, was return - 55 to the owner on Saturday. Mr, Le Bon had spent a week hunting for it. provlou0 to inserting the advertisement. TnE POST generally fetches. anything "fetohable," although we don't claim to come up to the Florida papers. It is said a family in Florida lost their' little boy and advertised for flim in a daily paper, That very afternoon an alligator crawled ant of the swamp and died on the front door stop. In his etomaoh was found a handful of red hair, Dome bone buttons a pair of boot heels, a glass alley, a pair, of chock pants and a paper cellar. The advertiRemont diel it, Two Cans of Tomatoes for 26 cents et Thomson's, 47- CotsE and ase our $5.00 china tea eat at Coats' Grocery. THOS. °Arnimm, of Holmesville, was in town town on Wednesday. d 13.4180E number of Brtissolites will go to Blyth on the 12th, Diens, GEo. Somme, of Flint, Mioh., is visiting her parents and friends in town. Tux thermometer ban been playing around the ninety's durdngthe pant week. ONE thousand Fruit Jars just to hand } gallon size 51.45 per dozen nt Thom. son's. 50. KEEP your eyes open to read a couple of marriage announcements in the near foture. EXTRA instruction has been given to some of the senior pupils of our Public school this week. LAST Saturday evening A. Cormack ar- rived home from Duluth where he had been for a few weeks. A part of our Band will join Bluevale band on the 12th and play for the Blue - vale Orangemen at Blyth. Boar. NOTT, of Abilene, Kansas, form- erly a resident of Brussels, le visiting old friends in this locality this week. MRs. 5A11L. PLinx returned from a two. week's visit to friends in the neighbor. hood of New Hamburg this week. MRs. Roar. CLEVAnar and Mrs. Chas. Perris, of Glencoe, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Cormack, of Brussels. LAST Tuesday afternnon the infant son of W. A. Calbiok died after a short ill- ness. The funeral was on Wednesday afternoon. • LAST Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Do - mill, Principal of the Ladies' College, Oshawa, occupied the pulpit of the Meth- odist ohnroh WDr. Column, who is working at his trade in Brantford, was homejon a short visit last week. He reports things boom- ing in that oity. THE Jarvis Record has been enlarged, Improved and the shape changed to the popular $ page form, and under the man- agement of Messrs. Elliott & Rodgers is destined to become a more popular looal journal than ever. We with the Record ena0ee&. REY. DD. ?me writes "I have used St. Leon's Mineral Water, and believe it to be both refreshing and curative." Can refer to people in Brussels who :use it with benefit. 52 Adam Goad. WORD has reached us of the Serious ill- ness of Geo. Hingston, at Joliet, Ill. From over work and anxiety in filling his posi- tion as official stenographer in the Courts he contracted paralysis of the brain and has not recovered yet. Mr. Hingeton's many Canadian friends will no doubt unite in the hope that he may be spared for years to his wife and family.. Geo. Roams, Thos. Wilson, Robt. Ross and Lorne Hunter, pupils of the Brussels schools, were writing at the En- tronce examination in Seaforth this week. Minnie Shaw, Thos. Kneahtel, Thos. McLauchlan and Wm. Kerney will write for Third class certificates next, week, as will Bertha Ball and Carrie, Mo Kenzie, who are now attending the Sea- forth High School. ACCORDING to the annual report of re- gistrations for the past year in Brussels, there were 28 births, 12 females and 11 males; 3 deaths, 1 female and 2 male; and 6 marriages. People are very lax in thio registration business and if an exam- ple were made it would wake them up. The idea of only three of the deaths be- ing officially noted. It is not right and should not be allowed to pace by without somebody being hauled over the coals. Ton Goderich Signal says :—eA co- partnership has been formed between Fraser & Porter and A. M. Say, the post office deputy, and the new firm has bought out Imrie'e stook from Berry & Sheppard, and will parry on the book and stationery business in eonneotion. The old members of the firm are well known, and we can heartily recommend the new partner as thoroughly reliable young man, and a business pusher." The Star in speaking of the co -partnership says:— 'Toth member of the new firm is young, energetic and favorably known, and they are likely to make things "hum" in their stores." .3 THE Stratford daily Herald, of June 30, says :—The Waterloo street Metho- dists held a farewell and reception enter- tainment in their church - lest night—a farewell to their minister for the last nine months, Rev, J. T. Legear, who is leaving them, and a reception to their new minister, Rev. Wm. Smyth, of Brus- sels, who arrived in the city Tuesday. Refreshments In the shape of ice cream, atrawberriea, cake, etc., were handed about in the basement and a sociable hour was spent before moving up stairs to hear the addresses. On the platform were Rev. Mr. Cunningham, chairman, Rev. J. P. McEwen, Baptist, and the re. tiring and incoming paetore. The chair- man made a few remarks on the pleasant relationship that had existed between himself and Mr. Legear and spoke of the conglomeration of advantages, discom- forts and general benefits ►f the itinerant system. Mr. MoEwen'had nothing bus good words to say of the retiring pastor, ti while as regards Mr. Smyth he had known and met with him elsewhere, and regarded it as somewhat providential that he had been sent to Stratford, in order, filo doubt, that the same watchful care would bo upon him. He hoped that a greater feeling of friendship would pre - Vail among the churches, as he believed more conld be done for the Master by working shoulder to shoulder. NIr. Le - gear said a few .parting words. He left with the consciouoness that he had the igood wishes of the congregation:' He al- so cave hit viewe on the itinerant system, whreh he believed had advantages greater than its disadvantapeo. He hoped to be remembered here,but desired the oongre. gation-to transfer their ministerial sym- pathy to the new pastor and the, work would go on. The new pastor, MD. Smyth, made a good impreeeion in his. address. He 10 a pleasant and fluent speaker and there is no doubt that bit' pastorate will bo attended by the greater spiritual and social success. The choir furnished music. Mears. Barnes, Had - die and Cast sang a trio, and Mr. blcliel far tendered an instrumental solo, Mr, Legear 01001138 with the benediction, Mr. Smyth ppreaches his initial discourse here on Sunday, .Mr, Lagoar left this after. ntson for Ethel via ldoderieh. MRs. SwANN, daughter and eon are visit- ing relatives near Teeewater thie week. .713U37, singer and preserve jars cheap, 62 Adam Good. IF a person lets 35 dozen of eggs, at 14 ornate a demon, fall, how many naughty words will he have to say to get $96 worth of revenge 7 Tug lawn tennis club of BI Ih paid a 'friendly visit to Brussele op Thursday of this week, An enjoyable matoh was played. Oun young townsman, H. L. Jackson, jeweller, has just returned from a visit 50 Toronto. A neat replenishment of his stook is the result. IT is expected that Dr. Martyn, D. D. M„ of Kincardine, will, pay an official vied* to tl1e. A. 0. U, W., Lodge of this place on the 18tH inet, ED. CREIGHTON, of Galt, is enjoying a few weeks vacation. Ile has a good pos. ition as tioket agent and operator, and suite tIe'people of Galt to a T. TEE Methodist church and the Salva• Cori Army had it all to themselves lost Sunday evening as the servioee'in the other churches were withdrawn. Our: thanks are due to kind and thought. dal -friends for new potatoes, green beans, lettuce and green peas, may their shadow never grow lees, the people we mean. Bins. T. O'NEm and children are visit- ing at Arthur this week. She sang at a concert on Thursday evening, in connec- tion with the Catholio .ohuroh of that plane. . J. W. SnAH, of Blyth, ie•home for his vacation, &Ir. Shaw was the recipient of a handsome gold watch chain From his pupils at the close of the term. He is n popular pedagogue. TEE Cheboygan- (Mich,) Tribune, of Juno 30111, soya :—"On and after July 1st the Mammoth Dry Goods store will be run under the firm of H. Chambers & Co., Jno. W. Harvey: being the Go." J. W. clerked in the Garfield House, Brussels, fora. good while. Tars week we received a complimentary season ticket and a guide book of the Grimsby Park- and camp ground from Rev. R. Burne, Ph. B., of Washington, Ont., one' of the Board of Directors. There is a splendid program of services arranged for this summer. They com- menced on July 1st and will continue un- til the end of August. In addition to the ministers of the Methodist church there will bo Revs. Sam. Jones, Sam. Small, C. '0. McCabe, Ohanoellor 0. N. Sims, Wm. Butler, Josep31Parker D. D. and a num- ber of other celebrities.'' The White Bros. and Prof. Excell will have charge of, the' musioal ,part of the program, Grimsby Park ie beautifully situated on the shore of lake , Ontario and contains 100 acres of land nicely laid out. Re- duced fares will be given on the railways and steamers. If you have a few days to spare by all means go to Grimsby. FARRwELL SEnsror:-A most interesting and impressive service was held in Knox church last Sabbath morning. Notwith- standing the-exoesaive heat the church was filled to over -flowing with an audience eager, to hear the parting • words of the veteran preacher, Rev, S. Jones. The service was opened by singing the 13th Psalm, followed by the reading of the 28th chapter of Matthew, and oomment- iag on the same. The rev. gentleman ohoee for his text the .28th chapter of Matthew, part of 20th verse, "Lo I am with you alway even to the end of the world." It was an able disoourse, full of power and interest, and was calculated to strengthen the hope of the believer. In oonclusioo he referred feelingly to his twenty years labor as pastor of the con- gregation, and of the many pleasant recollections of the past. He Ind had much pleasure daring that long period in seeing the work of the Lord prosper. When he first took obarge there was a membership of 140.and had steadily in- creased to.189—the present membership. 'He was seneible of his imperfections and failings, but had tried to the beat of his ability to help the church, warning them of the mile of church formality, sanctimonious goodyism, hypocrisy, eta. Had endeavored to preaoh the truth as contained in the Word of God, and had not desired to offend any in his congrega- tion, but if the plain truth offended he could not help it. He urged them, as members of the church, to be loyal to God, to the ohuroh and to each other, and wished them good-byt and God speed. The pastor closed by offering up a fervent petition for God's blessing on the congregation assembled. A Merry Party. Written for TnE Poet. On June the 10th, so bright and gay, Just at the set of elm' Three carriage Ioade all drove away, Intent on having fun. Weleft the hum of town behind And to the country went, A happier crowd you could not find, Eac11 was on pleasure bent. • An eve more pleasant who would ask, Than was that night in June, The fields did wear their verdant mask And all things seemed in tune. Our deetination, three mike out, Our fleet -foot steeds soon gained • And we could scarce restrain a shout, • Which in our mind was framed. For country, freedomwe enjoyed, The vast domain seemed ours, Those fields of verdure hnalloyed, Wore fair as. Eden's bowers. Our hoot and hostess welcomed us, On our arrivdl there. The croquet they did introduce, And in the game did share. Now ten in all made up our crowd, For croquet quoits and games, But is't esoential that I should Make mention of their names? • There's Alex. 5, of dryCods fame Next door to''Ninetnino " Dealer in goods of ever a From g y name, 1 rpm silken gowns to twine. Knights of the birch, who, with rod rule Do make the youths obey, Teach young ideas while in 0011001, Miele R., S. and B—ly, The celebrated L, A. M., Of L. D. S. renown, $ie brother G., known as the 8E41110, 011ee artist in this town. L. W. and her brother D„ Our party did enjoin, (Anti that is all excepting me) And Mr, Rob—son. We all enjoyed some pleasant game Beneath n shady tree, Then our good hoeteea aulnmoned us To hie away to tea. A eunptnona fare before us lay, 'Of all things nioe and pore, Suffioient, judging by display, For any epicure, We all made merry et the tea, With laggh and sooial joke, Then played at game while we could see, Until the stars awoke. Than when the earth's resplendent moon Was shedding beams of light, We started home, and none too aeon, Just at the dead of night. And now 2370 all, with pleasure great; Recall that merry eve, And *hose we never will forget, Who did this party give. Long life and health and wealth be theirs, Blessings, both great and small, May joys be many, few their carol, Is wished by olio and all. Canadian N'ewoa. Tho Savage evangelistic band go to St. John, N. 13., this weep. On Monday next the oivil servants of the Dominion of Canada will transmit to Her Majesty the Queen an address of congratulation. McKee Rankin, the well-known actor, has disposed of his Bois Blauo Island in the Detroit River to a syndicate of De- troiters for 540,000. A private despatch received at Ottawa states that H. Oharlebois, M. P. P., La - prairie, died on Monday morning of in- flammation of the lungs. It' ie reported that a private banker named John Shaw, of Wardeville, has gone unexpectedly to the Statee, leaving numerous creditors lamenting. • The Salvation Army, comprising the Woodstock' and Palmerston Divisions, in- tendholding oamp meetings in Elora, be- ginning on Saturday, 9th July, and fire following days. Some fifty-two ex -members of the British Army and Navy paraded at Brantford on Dominion day, and were addressed by Wm. Patterson, M.P., Hon. A. S. Hardy and Mayor Henry. • While Godfrey, u young man from St. Jerome. was engaged in a friendly wrest- ling bout with a friend in Montreal Mon- day morning, the former was thrown violently to the floor. After arising and staggering about for a few minutes he again fell to the ground and almost in- stantly expired. The 0. P. R. telegraph construction gang have reached Goderioh. The com- pany have opened new offices at the fol- lowing places: Berlin, Port Colborne, Port Dalhouoie, Milton, Welland, Wing. ham and Garden River, Ont., and Champlain village, Cowaneville and Des- chambault, Quebec. His Honor Judge Laeourse held a- crim- inal court at Berlin Thursday morning to try a man named William Scott, aged about 35, who was arrested in Hamburg on the :Marge of an unnatural crime. The ease was clearly proved, and the only sentence allowed by the Statute for such a crime—penitentiary for life—was pass- ed upon him. • On Tuesday evening, about 9:30, Miss Ida Armstrong, aged fourteen, daughter of R. 8. Armstrong, miller, of Rapid City, Man., was drowned in the mill -dam. Miss Armstrong was assisting a child to erose the foot bridge at the new mill when from some pause they both fell off. Tho other child, a daughter of Rev. Mr. Ashe, was rescued by John MoGollum, Daniel Robins, alias Angus D, Robin. Wm, has been sentenced, by the Guelph Police Magistrate, on a charge of cruelty. to animals, to the Central Prison for two months and twenty-eight days—the sen- tence being the full penalty provided by the law for the offenoe. Hie Worship characterized his case as the most hor- rible that, had ever come before him. The Western Ontario Pacific Railway, the new line running from Woodstock to London, will, without doubt, in a week 05' two be leased in for perpetuity to the On- tario & Quebec railway, otherwise the Canadian Pacific Ry. A meeting ' of shareholders is palled for Montreal on the 18thinst., when the matter will .be considered and the head office changed from London to Montreal. A rumor was current in railway circles at Montreal on Wednesday that the Can- adian Pacific Railway Company intended to buy up the bonds of Red River Volley Railway and thus prevent the building of the new road by the Manitoba Govern- ment. The report is not credited. Mr. Van Horne is in New ,York, to consult with Mr. McKayin connection .with the e extension of the C.,1). R.. telegraph. sys- tem. . The Couferenoe of the A.M.E. Churoh has got through its labors at. Hamilton and adjourned to meet ,next .Tear in Chatham. A5 the closing session the following appointments were made :-- General agent, Rev. W. J. Butter ; pastor of Arnheretburg church, 'Rev. J. S. Mast- ereoa; of Oakville church, Rev. J. B. Roberto; of Colchester, Rev. J. O'Ilany- Min'; ofChatham, Roy, Henderaon'Day- if ; of Hfimilton, Rev. J; A. Johnson.' The true inwardnsee of the transaction do eonneotion •with the raising of the money to build' the Red Rivet Valley Railway has been learned. The contract price, for building•the road was $782,000, more than half of wliiahwill be expended in rails, and rolling stock. ' The contra°. tors were not willing to go,onwlth all the Work witlsout'some money in 'sight, and so the "Government came to their roleif and ordered both the tails and the rolling stetk to .be thargecl to the Contractors, but the ` Government to be responsible for payment if necessary, llIiis being done the Contractors are willing to go en W0113with the 0113 till Snell tune a0 tliio money is raised. A large number of men and teams wore hired and sant out an the work. Several Quobeo loather firma intend sending exhibits to the fortheoreingg Spaniels Industrial Exhibition) to be 11e1i1 at Barcelona. David Bowman, or., of the Scotch Block, Ilsclueseing, was butted by a ram, and received ouch serious , injuries that hie twenty is doubtful. BpRST: Wrna,n,—In Brussele, on June 21eb, the wife of Mr. Walter Wilbee of a son, DUNFonD.—In Brussels, on June 28513, the wife of Mr, Edward Dunlord of • X son. AafENT,—In Brussels, on June 18511, the wife of Mr, Phillip Ament of a daughter, aaAm.m,Xu =v. WILDRAN—SANDEiis,—In Flint, Mich„ on June 14th, by Rev. iii, Lee, Mr. Arthur Wildman, of Alpena, Mich., to Miee Mary M., daughter of Mr. George Sanders, formerly of Brus- sels. ax>Ia- LYoti,—In Grey, on the 5th inst„ Mrs.. John Lyon, aged. 79 years. WALSE.-In the township of Cavan, on the 2nd inst., Maria Jane Walsh, aged 41 years and 7 months. CALBroz.--In Brussels, on the 5th inet., Howard Leslie, infant son of W. A Calbiok, aged 7 months and 17 days. McLEAN. -In Stonewall, Man., on June 8th, Jemima, youngest daughter of the late James Ward, and wife of Colin McLean, aged 38 years. r"7- RVSSF..S.S ae:A ZK -CTS. 000REOTED CAREFULLY White Fall Wheat..:..... Red Winter Spring Wheat Barley r Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen.......... Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides per Ib Salt per bbl., wholesale... , Sheep skins, each Wool, per 1b EVERY WEEK. 78 80 78 80 60 80 40 48 28 30 48 50 11 12 14 00 4 50 00 60 1 00 7 00 8 00 54 6 60 80 50 1 00 20 23 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE AND LOT TO RENT. Apply at Tis Pon Publishing House. 45-t AGOOD DRIVING HORSE, Phaeton -Buggy, sot of Single Harness, Cutter and two Robes for sale Apply to REV. R. PAUL, Ethel. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND LOT to Lot, well folioed, collar, shade trees, pleasant neighborhood. 33,00 par afonth• 25• J. R. GRANT. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splendid, improved farms, for sale in the township of Grey, Morns and McKillop. Apply to A. DELGAT1'Y, Go. Auctioneer,Bruese1e P. 0. HEIFER STRAYED.—STRAY. ma au the promises of the under. aigned,lot11 con. 4, Grey, 0 holier rising 2 years old. Owner !s requeated toprove property, ABR ay charges r ABRAHAM COOK,Bruse le, • BULL FOR SERVIOE.-THE undersigned will keep 001011, con. 0. Grey, Red Hero 32," a due young thor'-bred Durham ball for service, Terms—$1.0D, with privilege of returning,it noeoseary. .DUN - CAN MOLAUGHLIN, roprietor. 45.80 OUND LOST;—LAST SAT= 001357 a block and white hound, with a brown head; strayed away from Brussels. He had a leacher Dollar on when he left. A suitable reward will be paid for ;his return. Any person harboring 0101 after' this notion will be prosecuted. WALTER 091NFORD. STRAYED.—.STRAYED FROM the promisee of the undersigned, lot 12, con, 10, Grey, on the 14th of Slay,' a steer rising 3 years old, spotted red and white. Any person giving information that will lead to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. 52.2' JOHN` VINCENT, Brastele TENDERS \TINTED t Tenders for repairs upon the 28 shoo' House in S. 8,No. 8, Morrie, will be reeeived by the Trustees, up 5o 3he 18th 13.17 Or JULY, 1887. Speatdoatione of the work to bo done ,can be a nen .t lot 10, co•. 5, Morris. 52.2 GEO. ROOD, Secretary. STRAYED FROM THE 'PEER - isms of the undersigned, about 3uaeeth, o yearling heifer. Itis red in color, has two small white ep0te on the outside of its right leg and a white ring, on the end of its tail. Any information ail will lead toata recovery will be enitobly rewarded. F. LEDON,' 50. HOUSE ..1 - Brutleale. Hg OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE —The, eubseriber offers her house and lot on John street for aisle. Thorn aro 8 room. in : the hoaee, woodeebed, hard and & Hoff water, o. There se 1, soreof land with fruit troop and Durrant bushes, also a good stable, h'dr terms and conditions of solo •ppIY to MRS. THOS. HAY R TT Brits. sols. 4w4 rrHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS 1 Fon SALE the following Properties in Bruoeela at very low iguroe:--Two Houses and Lots on Mill Street West one Rouen andlarge Lot on Mill Street East, Stable and email Lot roar of 050,at', B10ok, also a fine. Building Site on Main Street, adiolning blook,tttle periost, J. R. GRANT, 50. HARM:FOR SALE,—THE SVD. sonrsin.offorotor Rale h10 Valuable 100 sore farm being lot '0, con, 10, Grey, and situated 31 miles from Brussels, The place will be Sold With or without the crop and on easy terms Posseanon wlll,bo given at any time. For further pnrtloulsrs as ;toprice, forme, &e., apply to the proprlotor On the pronfisen. The above farm will be adored for safe. by Public Agetlon, on the ,bremisas, en Won. :limens, J007 gib, at u O'OLOcx n.41. 83 591 R, 11foNAUGIITON,Brue,ols, AR1IFOR SALE. --THE SUB- ' -4- 9On0n5E. offerd hia 000011001 125 acro farm,for Oslo,. It in situated on Con, 0,Grcyy, boing•lot 81tn2 west part of lot .9, There io about 100 actoo oloarol• Tho buildings are good, Oita 4arno with stone etabllzig, meas.. Ore 45x80 f"oct, and 81055 feet, 0007e0tiyoly, There are two frame' dwellingh0neos, young orchard or 14 nom, and. athe. 0011ren- ioncos, There is a never -failing 1pring wreck on the'plaOe. .Possession 00u1,1 be given 0t anytimo. The ratio is 41 miles lroin Brus- sels and is is ,t [splendid ]beatify, 01001 tb oehool,cbaroh,,'t0. Per pri0o, tornia, eta,. imply 310 51101ir0pr1eter 011 Gild promises, 01.4 JOHN SMITH, Proprietor,' BANKING. aIN:['OSH & KoTAGGART, BANI{EES -:- BRUSSELS Transact a General Banhtnq B118i5t088. Noteo to hand discounted. Interest allowed on doposite'ropal'able on demand, Prompt attoutlon given to oolloottono, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WADE & SINCLAIR, BARRIS- v' Tins, &e. Ontoe in Leekio'o bloolc Brussels. Money to Loan. B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH • Carrow &Proudfoot, Qoderiob) So- licitor, Oonveysneer, &o, 03300, Grant's block, Brussele, Money to loan. t LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF .51. the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyanoor, Notary Publio, Laud, Loan and /neural= Agent, Funds invested and to loan, 0o,leotions made. Moo in Gra- h am's Block, Br use ole, MEDICAL CARDS. DR.,HUTCHINSON HAS RE- movodbls °Moo to rooms over the Postonlce. Residence on M111 Street. JA. MoNAUGHTON, K. D., 0. • St, L.B. C. P. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Aecoueher. Oflloe, Mrs, Sh1e1'e block, Turnborry Street. W 111. F. GALE, 17. D., C. M. Member of the College of Physielane and Surgeons 91nd Boosidenby examination. 88 , Ethel Ontario, DENTAL. 1>ENTIkeiTR,Y. G. L.Bd1,L. D. S., Honor Graduate and Gas admtniotorod. Prices gg'raded anad as low ae good work can be done for. Or0oe over Johoston'e Hardware Store, Seaforth. DEN 'C IST. W.3. Fear ,L. D S. Graduate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. A11 open. attona guaranteed. 0111ee—Oady's Block, Seaforth. Artificial teeth, dratquality, and guaranteedflt, for $12.00 per eat. DENTIhhT. A, Zug Am= TT, 2r, a, S„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto. NI73105 OXIDE GAO administered for the pelmets extrac- tion of teeth. OFFICE.—jarfleld Block,. "mussels. BUSINESS CARDS. w H. MoCRACKEN, ISSUER Y T • of Marriage Licenses. Of lco at his Grooery,Turnberry Street, AMoNAIR, ISSUER 00 MAR. . rage Llosneoe, by appointment Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, to, Q. R!. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Insurance Co- OfHoo at the Oranbrook Poet Offao, JM.O'CONNOR, FIRkI, LIFE, • Aoeldont and Loan Insurance Agent for some of the beet and most reliable .0em- panree In rho Dominion. Office Brick Tarr. 08e,Turnborrystreet ,0oar the Station. Fj w. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • d:htote0011ege Graduate resumed e pprieL John Nett, l domoatiea0edaanimaleton Solent Hoa endapprovod principles. Treatment of dol. ioate foali a epeoialty Office two doors North of Bridge, Turnborry etreet. Robert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario ' STM. BLA SHILL, Bu/cher, thanking, his many customers for their liberal support in the .past wishes to inform them 01,15 at his slum in Smale's block he keope not king but asst-olioa moats, all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat Delivered to all parte o1 rho town free. Cash paid for Pat Stook Hides and [sheepskins bought for cash. BULL' FOR SE] ATIOE: THE undersigned will keen during the sea. eon, at his hotel, Oranbrook, a thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull. TEitsta.-01,00 par cow, with privilove of resuming if noaeeeary. 48 CHAS. DAMES. ALLAN LINE Royiil Mail Steamships. 87.SUMfER ARRANG>MI NT.! 87. s die to tht ,mt SO( les ' pat qu: on, Pa ins sea an wh the oh, MC Or 0s all tut an mi d2t tri wit Wl usi as 1101 pin tui ml cm tht of evt for pa; or of - the the ' of Fa tm • Or vat OOl Dt be ent ofF ho In ehc gal an, par str use sol 1181 mi tht 00001 ]911 ret dit the qui tic: Fo eh( in ten an be mi. del tint am pal inc thr m1; ate be the ',0( and or: Ob edy 0vc ahc leas for bet oth leot TOOl Eton out an 110 Ion per 1vh 0131 BO oxo' shoi ,she mui • Ge mel Thi ' 'and than of ]i uta, hen inn the, gra' pati or tint ore fine y the' die( our shot stir s ' ern SATS.ISSTEDS„ PIGS LIVERPOOL. 070401113, 701018 QUEBEC, Aril 20ID Parisian May loth 26y 5th Sarmatian May.2Oth Mayilltli iroaesfan June 3n4 May 10th 10Sardinian June Ot11 May 97th ;Polynesian ,., Juno 17th June and Parisian Juno 23rd June Oth - Sarmatian June 80th June 17th 1 Circassian July 8th Juno 58rd Sardinian July 14th Julylet 3Pelyneetan...... Juhy 22nd July lth Permian drily nth July 34511 Sarmatian Aug, 4011 July 22nd • 1 Cireaaoian Aug 12th July 28th Sardinian,,.., Aug. 18th .pug. 4th 1 Polynesian Aug. 20th Aug_ 111h..,.0 : Parisian Sept. let I Extra Steamers. Pilo Steamers abovo named d0 not carry cattle, aheopp'01 pigs. Steerage Phe00ngers aro booked to and', from London, Quethaten, Derry ,Belfaet•and Glasgow at.samo rates at Livoruool, • Mites of passage by tido Mail 520am0r0from Quebec to Londonderry and Liver7001:—. - 0obin-560, 070 and 580, Rotura—$H9,.. ' $138 and•$1G0, Intermedlato—$110, return $Thelost train ponreturn, at i 1, Ole Mail Steam era sailing in that9 rwO15 g from 11 ,033; • the Thursday, leaven,lUhToronto OD thotating•; • noway morning The sailing Donne 11151-; • with loaves Extra Toronto Steamerssailing dh:ypeirii'. day, loavet Toronto cit the 1nf8r* a(mnrnt' lug. b"ar ttakota and every 3ufOkmationslfl' 0'- R: ni 14..I.TT, A.nositt, 93r,a Bola