The Brussels Post, 1887-7-8, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
JULY 8 1857,
Qirsotory of ;hurohss an. biota
tfumri LE tllrosou.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a, m. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday Soboot
at 2,30 p. m, Rev. John Ross, B. A.„
$Nor Cnusan.—Sabbath ServlceZ at 11
m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday School at
2:80 p. m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
$z Jous's Ontntcu,—Sal?bntll Soryioes
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
9:30 a.m. Rev, W. T. Cluff, incumbent.
METHODIST Cuunclr.—Sabbath Service
at 10:30 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday
Sobool at 2:80 p. m. Rev. Wm. Smyth,
Rams Ciairoma Cuunra.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev, P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsosxc Donau Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0. U. W. Lonon on 1st and 3r6 Mon-
day evenings of each month.
POBSEITEIve Loners 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
PosT Or ICE.—Office hours from 8 a,m.
Msounures' INSTITUTE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 6to 8 o'oloclr p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib-
The black art.—The boot -black's
Brown—Whose umbrella is this 2
It looks like one I lost. Smith—
I don't see how it' can, for I scraped
the handle and altered it generally.
Invisible but Instantaneous.
AB pains or aches will be instantly remov-
ed by a few drape of Fluid L'gntning applied
over the affected parte. No time lost; 130
nauseous medioinee needed; no poultioing
or using greasy liniments. It will not blister
or discolor the skin. Sold at 25c. per bottle
by Jno. Hargreaves & Co., Druggists. Suffer -
ere from Neuralgia assure us that they never
fear it when their house contains a bottle of
Fluid Lightning.
'So you are thirteen years old,
are you, Johnny ?' 'Yes, and 1 now
realize that it is an unlucky num
ber. It is too old for doile, and pa
says it's not old enough for gentle•
men's society,"
Be on Your Guard.
Don't allow a °oldie the head to slowly
said surely developeiteolf into Catarrh, when
you can be cured for 15c. A law appliaa-
tionswnloure incipient Catarrh. One or
two boxeswillCure ordinary Oatarrb. One
to Sboxer. will owe chronic Catarrh. Try
Dr, phase's Canadian Catarrh Oure—it will
0000 yon.
An irate female seeks admittance
to editor's sanctum. "But Itell
yea, madam," protests the attend-
ant, "that the editor is too ill to
talk to anyone to•day." "Dever
mind ; you let mo in ; I'll do the
important News Ilam,
Coosslow1—"Mrs. Campbell has been
troubledfor a number of years with Indl-
geation and Constipation, and was ivau°ed
to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it
all that was needed. She would recommend
its use to any person similarly troubled."
This invaluable remedy's sold in every part
of Canada at Mots. and 81.00 per bottle.
Sold. at John Hargreaves .& Oo.'a drug store,
Talmage says that "the man who
can sing and won't sins; should bo
sent to Sing Sink." That would be
too severe. It ie 011,3 man Nin can't
sing and will Bing who should be
Rent to Sing Sing.
Stilt ifaeant Cured.
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic. Coyote has
been tried and found to he the only positive
cure for•Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches an.
face or. hande.Oute, Burne, Bruises, or „uy
Sore that nothing else will heal. lie sure
and get the genuine, made by McGregor &
Parke. Prim 25o. Sold at Hargreaves Drug
store, Brussels.
Ordinary people may well think
twice before speaking once ; but
there are some wbo can study out
so much meanness between a first
and second thought that we prefer
they should blurt out their first
thoughts every time,
Spring and Summer.
Prepare the body for health and vigor by
taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring
Medicine equals ft. It stimulates the Liver,
nide Digestion, and - purifies the blood.
Large bottle and. Recipe Book, 81,00. 'fold
by all druggists.
Sick husband: 'Did the doctor
say that I am to take all that. medi.
eine?' Wife : Yes, dear.' Sick
husband: 'Why, there is enough In
that bottle to kill a mule." Wife :
(anxiously), 'You had better be oare.'
fol, John,"
McGregor's Lung Compound.
Have you a bad Gough, a Chronic Hoaree-
noes a feeling of Llghtneee In the Chest,
Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint P If
no ,buy a bottle of MoG'feger'a Lang Com-
pound at once. It will Mire you, It con-
tains entirely new epodes, of whichone
dose is more effectual than a whole-. bottle
of the old Erni) remedies. It Jo put up in
60e, and 51.00 bottles. Sold by John Her.
grooves & Co., druggists, Brussels. Try' ft,
and you will never have masonic) eomplafh.
The love of man far luxury on
the part of women is a8, pronounced
as it is unselfish. A. young lady in
Detroit who fell heir to $250;000
heti thirty offers of mltrriuge in
thirty days. The applicants wanted
to be around to see'her enjoy it,
Maud --'I .think it ib -just too bor.
rid for anything. Here I'I'e been
standing over the side of the vessel
for half an hoar and can't see ,it.'
Hubby—'Can't see what, my dear ?'
Maud—'Why, the equator. The
eaptkin said we were crossing il.
Husband : 'I was in great luck; I found a silver dollar on
01e street." Wife . "I wail' you
would give it to me, John, Baby
needs a uew pair of elioes.' 'Ins -
band ; 'Give it to: you l ' Why I
spent it, and another dello with it,
elebrating� the euent," •
..> your
hlaithh, or 'troubewith step, ere to al
seems ,pourable, or it they an5Yyr from that
eral debility, nervousness, langour, weak-
ness. or loss of appetite, procure at once a
hgttle of Jo1gson'e Tonto. Dittere, and you
will not regret the outlay. The Tonic and
generally strengthening effect of this medi-
cine le truly m arvellouo. 50ote. and 8,1.00 per
bottle et Deadman'e Drug Store, ltrriueele,
Van Daub --'Why, de Binke,
what brought you into the wilder-
ness ? Was it a woman too ?"
De Binke—"Exactly. 1 tied from
civilization because I , could not
marry Maud de Peyeter Spoopen.
dyke." Van Daub—"And I because
I did marry her. Shake I"
The maintenance of a healthy state of
the system is the surest proteotion against
disease ; experience has shown that by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters, a perfect state of health can
be ensured. It frees the system from all
impurities, cleanses and purifies the
blood. For sale by all Druggists at 50cte.
a bottle.
Polyphonic—"Jack (backward (in
his grammar) --Papa, what part
speech is woman ?' Papa (free!'
from a verbal engagement with
mamma, in which, el course, he
had been badly worsted)—'Sire isn't
any part of speech, Jack, she is the
whole of it."
More Remarkable Still.
Found at last ,what the public hes been
looking for these many years and that is a
medicine which, although but lately intro-
dueed,has made for itself a reputation sec-
ond to none, the median° is Johnson's Tonto
Bitters, I1131011, in conjunction with John-
son's Tonle Liver Pills, has performed some
most wonderful (lures. Impure and im-
poverished blood soon becomes unrifled and
enriched. Biliousness indigestion wick
headache, flyer complaint, languor, weak-
ness, &c., soon disappear whentreatedby
these excellent tonic. medioinee. For sale
by G. A, Deadman, Brussels,
Clara—'Can it be, Dolly, that you
are to marry Mr. Smith, after say-
aying to me so repeatedly that you
could not endure him ?' Dolly,
'The truth is, Clara dear, that until
I heard that his aunt had died leav•
ing lnm'a fortune, I teas deceived in
my own feelings toward him."
Mr. R. Walker, of Waterford, says :—
"Dyspepsia has been my wife's trouble for
a long time past, and she has suffered
greatly withit ; but, thanks to Dr. Oar -
son's Stomach Bitters, she 18 completely
cured. It anted very nicely, and did not
sicken or gripe her while taking it. If
people only knew about the Carson Stom,
ach Bitters there would not be so much
Buffering in the world."
Young Algernon—'Deasy, you
mustn't:say anything if you'fincl my'
face a trifle rough to -night. I real-
ly hadn't time to watt lay turn at
the barber's this morning.' Miee
Patience—'Certainly not, Algeruon,
but if I hadn't brought the subject
up 1 probably wouldn't have notic-
ed it."
STDAO'NOOD, Aug.e'e5,
I have mob pleasure in re-
commending your Dr. J ng!e Med-
icine and Pills. As for the latter
I eon strongly recommend them.
Raz the last ave weeks I have
been suffering from a severe pain
In my right ride and have found
the Pills a most effectual remedy
when other remedies hayo-failed.
Yours truly,
n. B . GREEN.
Sold by Cr, A. Deadman, Brussels.
'Whatever could possess you to
assault this poor woman and upset
her fruit stand?' demanded the
judge. 'Faith,' replied the prisoner,
'Oi did it in honor of St. Patrick,
me patron ealnt.' 'In boner of St.
Patrick,' echoed the judge in sur-
prise. •'What do you mean by that 2'
'.Shure, yer honor, didu't they till
me she was au orangewoman.'
Baldness, Thin lair, Am.
Those who are bald, who have gray or thin
hair, or who are troubled with dandruff
should invest In a bottle of Dr. Dorenwend'e
Hair Magic." It is the finest preparation
for the hair and scalp now iu use. 1t Is ran -
idly etiporoediug all other hair tonics. It
stops falling, restoreg the original color to
gray hair end ror baldness, where there ' are
the slightest poesible roots, it will produce
lino growth of hair. Do not wait until too
man andget
J. Hargreaves t& once.
Agents, Dead-
Advancing with the Age.—'Yee,
sir, I'm proud to say that I'm a
Texan. Our State advanced rapid-
ly. We have abolished hanging.'
Humanitarian—'I'm delighted' to
hear It. Sir, allow me to grasp
your hand,' Texan -'Yes, sir,
when any galoot comes into our
State now and don't walk a bee
line, our law-abiding citizens just
tote him out of town and shoot
Mn. D. AnnoTi', 21 Adelaide Street West.
Toronto, writes:—"Por a long ttmeI have
been troubled with a disordered Stomach,
and at last I got so bad that I was con -
palled to shit work, and for days I could
neither eat nor Bleep, and the pain in my
head was m006101enee. I wee induced to
try a bottle of Dr. Oarson'e Stomach° Bit.
tars. After taking three dozes I was al-
most completely restored to health. My
appetite.eame beak; the ranking headache
was gone, and I never slept sounder in my
The Day of Small Things, -Two
west side men were talking about
'hinge the other day, The
argument was becoming rather
warm, when ono of the fellows lean•
ed over the table and said, 'I once
knew a man who, with the aid of a'
microscope, made a harness for a
flea,' 'Ilump I' =replied the other,
'that's nothing, I'saw that ome"fiea
Bangs wonted,. to Stand a Stain.
—1t isn't every girl who will tell on
herself, but one did. She came to
the More and returned a fine pair of
bangs she had bought the day pre-
viously. 'Can you not Bell me some
that will not come off ?' 'Come
off 1 Why, these will stay with very
little care.' '01t, they are horrid.
They catch on collar -buttons and
pull off.' The proprietorese fainted,
the aesietant fell on the chair and
screamed ''What 1" while the young
lady departed Wingless and without
her change.
The editor of the Inter Idaho re -
fere to big friend of the Idaho States.
man as "a corrupt whelp of Satan,"
who 18 "a . eaneer00s excrescence"
polluting the fair name of the city
of Boise. He says that he intends
to keep on hurling hot shot at him
from his journalistic locker until
"the thin mantle of quasi -respecta-
bility is torn from his shoulder, re-
vealing him as he really is—reeking
with corruption, morally leprous,
din•etained, debased, despised, ab-
horrent, abominated, deteeted, ecoff-
ed at, reviled, a liar and a sneak 1"
Gerrs ot cif Thought.
There never was a good war or a
bad peace.
I care not how much intelligence
you have, if you cannot exhibit it
you look like an ignoramus.
Thrift of time will repay you In
after life with a usury of profit be-
yond your moat eaguine deeams.
Truth subsists eternally, and
finally triumphs over its enemies,
because it is eternal and strong even
as God himself.
God has one mode of saving men
and women, and you cannot be say.
ed upon any other principle than
that which Jesus Christ taught.
The philosophers of the world will
concede that the elements of which
you and 1 are composed are eternal,
yet they believe that there wile a
lime when there woe no God.
When the hour of death comes,
that comes to high and low, then it
is not what we have done for our -
salvo, but what we have done for
ethers, that we think on most pleas-
Judge every man by what he can-
not do, and you will find no man of
ability. Judge every man by what
he has a000mplished in the fields
with which he is familiar, and you
gtt at his real size.
He who seeks for and emphasises
the good in others is not only bless.
ing and improving them, but him•
self also. Envy is thus laid low ;
all the mote amiable qualities are
brought out ; the habit of giving
happiness f1 in itself a joy, and the
manifest benefits thus conferred are
fully shared by the giver:
Friendship and love differ mainly
in this—that, whereas the felicity of
friendship consists in -.a mutual in.
terchange of benefits, intellectual
and other, that of love. is • in' giving
on one part•: and -receiving on the
other; with a reciprocal' 'perception
of how sweet it is to the endower to
endow and the receiver to receive.
At the beet,no one can know much.
Compared with the infinite realms
above and beyond us to be yet die -
covered, the knowledge of the most
learned man covers but a tiny spot ;
and what fraction of such a spot
ours may cover is but a small mat.
ter. But it does matter to ourselves
and to all around its the use we
make of what we do possees—wheth-
er we parry it around for exhibition
or whether we convert It into a liv•
ing force to elevate our own natures
and to bless and help mankind.
Vasil -don Notes.
Polonaises are especially beoom•
ing to stout figures.
The faney for sailor hats grows
greater every day.
What feminine heroism can with-
stand a dressmaker's blunder ?
Colored grasses, oats and barley
are used as, trimmings for summer
hats. ;
The success of bonnet hate or
bonnets without strings cannot be
In some country houeea the open
fireplace is now filled with shelves
to Hold bric•a-brao.
A fanny hae arisen for white un•
derekirts with overdress and waist
of dark material.
The excessive use of perfumes, so
long conaidered vulgar, has once
more become fashionable.
Few artificial flower; are worn,
elsewhere than in the bonnet, at
this season of the year.
Manufactured mildew appears up.
nu some of the artificial mosses and
flowers sent froth Parte,
There is a fancy now for trim.
;lug wedding dressed with gold or
silver net, Wee or' beads, arrauged
with`flounoee of white lnoe. •
Aldlost arty ,White flowers are now
considered imitable for bridal wear.
Orange blossoms no longer enjoy
their former monopoly.
The tendeney in children's frocks
is towards longer waists than last
season, making tbom down to the
waist lino and sometimes below it.
Since silks have become fashion.
able again, summer silks have as.
sumed an entirely different champ-
ter to satisfy existing modern tastes.
The present scant draperies make
fashionable women look as if they
had been practising economy by
"skimping the material," to use a
technical expression.
The Marmitou, or cook's sap, of
mull, white or oolored tulle, or oth-
er fabric to match the dross mater-
ial, is worn at lawn parties and tan-
nin by young girls in their teens.
The Louis XVI iityle is being 00
much adopted for evening wear uew
that the fan is assuming the form of
a geranium leaf, which smut to
bane been the shape affected in
diose days.
The best method of preserving
the freshnees of natural flowers to
be worn in the hair or on the dress
or bonnet is to surround the end
of the stems in moistened powdered
charcoal, this powder filling a tittle
bed of moss.
The most characteristic feature in
the new fashions seems to be a re-
volt against the so-called soetheticiem.
The brightest colors aro combined
in the most reckless manner and
the results are pretty and attractive.
A good descriptive name for the
present school would be "prae Os•
Tho largest Leghorn hats are
prepared for seaside wear by bend.
ing'into any•becomingshape'facing
with velvet and trimmrng with lace
and flowers. Aural hats of rough-
and-ready straw are simply trimmed
in front with a large bouquet of
wild flowers and an inch facing ad-
ded on the under aide of the brim.
Hairdressing as becoming higher,
and causes consternation and aston-
ishment as to where it will stop.
A general description would be a
flat coil pinned to the summit of the
crown, from which springs a pro-
tuberance which it would be diffi-
cult to explain—Vesuvius crownett
with smoke is one of the similies
applierl to it.
POP OVERS.—One cup flour, one
cup sweet milk, one egg, a piece of
butter the size of a walnut, a littlo
salt ; to be baked in scallops or gem
pan, in a very quick oven. This
makes twelve,
PUEF PUDDING. -000 pint of boil.
ing milk and nine tablespoonfuls of
flour, mix first with a little cold
milk. When coldadd a little salt
and floor, well•beaten eggs and
bake in a buttered dish. Serve at
0000- r�
One cup of molasses, one cup of
suet, one sup of raisins, one pup of
milk, two teaspoonfuls baking pow-
der ; add flour till very stiff to beat
with a spoon ; put in a steaming
pan or floured bag and steam con-
stantly for three hours.
'Minn OAEE: one cup of butter,
three cups of sugar beaten to a
cream ; four cups of flour and a half
cup of corn starch, added alternate-
ly with a cup of sweet milk, two
teaspoonfuls baking powder, flavor
to taste ; lastly the whites of twelve
eggs beaten to a stiff froth.
00IOICEN SALAD.—The beet meat
of two chickens dressed fine, twine
as much minced celery, five hard
boiled eggs, four tablespoonfuls of
melted butter, rubbed with the yolks
and the whites minced fine ; mix
thoroughly with one and a•half tea.
spoonfuls of mustard salt and pep-
per to taste ; moisten the whole with
chickenbroth and a little vinegar.
Iu absence of celery use cabbage.
DEVILLED EGes.--0ould .there
not be a better name Invented 1 Boil
six eggs for, twelve minutes, plunge
into cold water until cool, so that
the shells will come off easily. When
peeled, lay on their sides, and out
about a third of each. ticoop out.
the•yolks. Mull the yolks, and the
pieces of white cut off into a bowl.
When thoroughly mashed season
with salt, pepper,,mnstard, chopped
parsley, a tablespoonful of ,melted
butter, or oil if preferred, and
little vinegar. F111 this paste into
the makes left by the yolks. You
wili have to heap it up pretty well
to get it all in. This mattes a very
good dish for luneheou, and adds
mach to the appearance of the table.
Garnish with green parsley branch-
.Steady Employment t to GoocZ .1Ie)t,
None need bo Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
01t11e 1':`onthil l Nurseries,
Largest ill Canada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
Practical Watchmaker c6 Jeweller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. Wo are opening out falllinoc
Gold and Silver Watches.
Silver Plated Ware from established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Cloaksofthelates designs.
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Barings, &o.
Also have in stock a full line of Violins
And Violin Strings, Pipes, etc,
N.B.—Issuer of Marriage Lioenaes
T. Fletcher.
Bargains ! Bargains !
—FOR T1iP—
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, one foie spring Wagon,
ono l horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of Scalers, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTHING You MAY
Geon Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riagee on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where you can
also get a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at a Low Price.
Fall lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c. in
We Lead but Net'ef' Follow.
Sign of Pig Scotch Collar.
Any Quantity of
Wool Wanted
Woolen Mill.
Paid in exchange for fino Tweeds,
coarse Tweeds, Check Flannels,
in all wool and union, Grey Flan-
nels, and Blankets. Also Sheet-
ing, in both Gray and White, fine
and coarse Yarn, dos., of which I
have a good supply
I am prepared to do all kinds of
manufacturing; such as
All kinds of
Knitted Goods
Made to Order.
Give Me a Call before dispos-
ing of your Wool elsewhere.
Yours truly,
I0 PREMED To De ALL 11201)5 ca,
Painting, Graining,
Glazing, I'alsontoting,
Paper Hanging, &c.
All work done Promptly and
at Reasonable Rates.
in every instance.
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen 14Iill in Blyth,
and hope that uy adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing. to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
The HxGHnsr Pawn paid for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
. Pull Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Solicited !
Satisfaction Guaranteed f
R. Forsyth & Son..