The Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 2Dirootory of Churohos ane Sooiotiosf
+ITESvzmaa Couttan,—Sabbatlt Services
at 11 a.m. and 0:80 p. m. Sunday School
at 2:80 p, in. Rev. John Ross, B. A„
Knox Cuvaon,—Sabbatlt Services at 11
a. m. and:80 p, in. Sunday Sallee] at
2:80 p. m. Rev, S. Jones, pastor.
Sy. JOHN'S Cuonou,---Sabbath Servioee
at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday S911o01 at
9:80 a.m. Rev. W. T, Cliff, incumbent.
METSIOnIST Cnuncu,•--Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 0:90 p. m, Sunday
School at 9180 p. m. Rev. Win. Smyth,
RosuuN C.€Tlrol;rc Cnusen.—Sabbath
Service this'd Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODA FELLOWS' Loon every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block,
MAsoNro LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield bleak.
A. 0.1T. W. Loves. on let and Ord Mon.
day evenings of each month,
FogESTE/1T' Lenon 2ndand last Monday
evenings of each mouth, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. lot Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Pest. °Eros.—Office hours froml3 a.m.
to 7 pan.
MEONANros' INSTITUTE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 0 to 8 o'olook p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Rose, Lib.
Succecefnl illuetrated paper—Bank
To gc:t up pork and beans—Take
an emetic.
Clinching at straws is overdone
in this country.
Pain cannot exist atter the patient has
tningle Coro. le dose of
West's Pain iling, f
. Do not be induced otaleha
substitute n ,lett insist at".having Wen l's
Pain King sold by all druggists.
Sinn in a New York resort : "No
excuse if found with nuother satin's
A. fashionable woman's cheek
makes ft fine bill board for cosmetic
Thoneand5 owe their recovers' from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. It is conceded every -
whereto be the best known remedy for
Itheumatism . Onts,Bruises, Sprains, Burne,
Scalds, ons all diseases requiring external
application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
A California yonui; man recently
thrashed it clergyman because the
church world not receive hi; mother
as is member.
A man sometimes loges his bal.
rune 011 an orange peeling on the
pavement, and eoilletlmes loses it in
n savings} baulr.
Reasonewby youshouldpurchase Fluid
Ligltnin' in preference to all other rem -
0.11e4 are lanpid result—curet instantly.
It is easily applied—no trouble—no lost
time. It does not require constant use—
one application M elleomel, One bottle will
rentevu mare pain than ally other remedy
in existence. Try it for Neuralgia, Tooth.
echo, ttoadaehe,littonmatism. Sold at 95e.
n bottto by Jelin Hoagreaves & Co„ Drug-
A man of metal 18 one with a
muscle of iron, a pocket lined with
tin, speech with a silvery ring and
cheeks of brass.
Sydney Smith described 1.110
future condition of C:' L-rr as "dis-
puting with the rrc:,,,diug angel
about the chigoe of his sine."
Lakes troubled with Pimples, Blotches
Bough Hands or Pace or Buret of any de-
scription, should use MoGregor t Parka's
Carholia Carate, tt trill leave the akin in
color. Be health,
uro and get the clean, e, nd made
by McGregor &Parke, Price'tla. Sold at J.
Hargreaves & Co'e, drug Story.
Some manuscript offered to print-
ers is so bad, says an old crmpoeitor,
that it ought to be Bent to the House
of Correction with its anther.
Employer --Young tu:tn,yotl dont
know bceui 1 Employee—Don't be
incautious in your etatemente, sir. I
came here from a coffee factory.
Header ,in informing yen of We wonder-
ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Consumption, and ail affections
0itae Throat and Lunge, ns feel that we
are doing you a great kindness. as if you
have any of the above complaints, if you
mill only try it wo will guarantee eatlofae-
tioa in every case or money refunded. Ask
f or Misnames Lung Compound. Price 50c.
end 81.00 per bottle at Hargreaves' Drug
Store, Brussels.
Boys, as a rule, aro thought to be
indiscreet, bud who ever saw one
who failed to wipe is mouth after
committing depredations on the
sugar' bowl ?
A country subscriber writes to
ask 'how to treat a kerosene lamp.'
It is the titan] custom to treat a
lamp to oil. Very few lamps care
for beer or whiskey.
"What 10 McGregor's Speedy Cure for?'
It Mier Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Ind!.
gestion, Biliousness, and it Is the finest
blood purifier in the known world to -day.
Does it give satisfaction 9" Wo eaauol
point to ono instance where it did. not.
whore does it have ilio largeet sale ?"
Btghtin the city of Bamilton, where 1t is
Manufactured, there hos boon over one
thousand dollars worth solo in the last year
retail, and the groat majority of the sales
are by 0110 toaommen3 ng it to another,
Ner sale. nt 1100. and 6100 per bottle by JOHN
Hdnr}nE6yrte & Co„Brussels,
Irate old gentleman—Mary, what
was that nolo 1 beard in the kit.
oben ? Mary—Fltith I an' little ui
know, unless yez heard Mike's
countenance dhrop whin of rofueed
him a kiss at parting.
Mrs. 13.—Are you not going to
celebrate your wooden wedding ?
Mrs. C. --No. ; my firstwedding
was a woollen ono. Mr. 13.-0b, It
could not be, you know. Mrs. 0—
It was, I married a blockhead,
'Young man,' said an apostle so,
lemuly, do you realise, when you
retire at night, that you may be
called before the mor'niug dawns ?
'Yea; sir,' 1 realize fully, I'm
the farther of a 13 -weeks -old baby.
Au old skinflint was leaking for
a furnished room : What will you
obarge mo for this one, for a week 2
he asked, Thirty francs, 1'11 give
you twenty five. No sir. Came,
let mo have it for that ; the days are
eo short now.
A Profitable YIN.
Pow men have a000mplished. the ace
mounter work and good in Ihie world ate
the oelebrated Dr, Chase, Over G0,000 et hie
works have boon Boldin Canada alone. We
want every porton, troubled with Liver
Oomplaint,Dyspepeta,lleadnehe,Hldney or -
'Urinary Troubles, to °all 1)i at your druggist
and buy a bottle of Or.Uhnee'e Liver euro,
ftnilleure yon, Medicine and lieelpo Book'
for 01,00.
Two Iittle boys were discussing
the merits of their rsspeotiPo fltth
ere. 'Aly father,' said the fust,
'has been three tirnos around the
world.' 'Pooh,' says the other,
'that's nothing ; my father's been i1)
gaol five years.'
An automatic gate is the latest
invention. Unless it will rear up
at precisely midnight and kink a
lover out into the gutter, and kink
the pirl into the house it does not
fully meet the stamped, and the in-
ventor may as well try again.
staidness, Thin 11:11x, eke.
Those. who are bald, who have gray or thin
hair, or who are tronblod with dandruff
should invest le a bottle of Or. Doreavand'e
"Heir tis iol” It is the finoat prsper:ttton
for the hair and scalp now in use. 1010 rap-
idly superoodiug all other hair tonics. It
etope tallies, rostoreg the original oolor to
gray hair end toror beldooes, where there are
the slightest possible roots, it will produce a
fine growth of heir, Do not wait until too
late but get a bottle at once, G. A. Dead-
man aad J. Hargreaves & Co., Agents, Brus-
Al:ulster (to boy who is digging
for worms)—Little boy, don't yon
know that 11 is wrong to work on
Sunday, except in payee of necessity?
Boy (going on with his digging)—
This is a cage of necessity. A fel-
ler can't go fiobin' 'thous bait.
A little S.year•old daughter of
American parents climbed on her
father's knees and setas him to toll
her a great, great soeret. 'Well,
Mamie, here is one for von—you
were born in Paris.' Oh, what a
nice secret, pried the little girl.
Does mamma know ? -
0TnaTBonn, Aug, 8,'85.
1o! i7ucS
t i9E5
ut.00 l
I have much pleasure in re'
commending your Dr. Jug's Med-
icine and Pills. As for the latter
Toon strongly recommend them.
For the Iasi five weeks I. have
been suffering from a severe pain
in my right ride and have found
the Pills s most effectual remedy
when other remedies have failed.
E. B. Gn0EN,
Sold by G. A, bondman, Brussels.
When a man rises from n bumble
beginning to wealth and distinction,
he 18 admired and courted by his
fellow -men as a self-made man. If
a woman riles in the world Irom the
rand of a cbtunber-bald or there-
about, the rest of woman -kind never
forgive her: Funny, isn't it ?
"They have a larger sale in my district,"
eases a well-known druggist, "than any other
pili on the market, and give the best satis-
faction for sick headache, billtousaaas, in-
digestion, etc„ and when oombtned with
Ju non's Tonle Bitters, Johnson's Tonle
Liver Pills will perform what 110 otbex mad-
am' has done before for suffering human.
ity." Pills 25 cents per bottle. Bitters 53
cents and $1 nor bottle. Sold at, Deadman's
drug store, Brussels,
Teacher—Miss Siuuico, please
parse the sentence. Adolphus mar-
ried Caroline. Mies u.—Well-
"Adolphus" is a noun, because it is
the name of a thing; "married" is
a conjunction, because it joins
Adolphus and Caroline; and "Caro-
line" is a verb, 'canoe it governs the
"Serer Tried 1H."
What I Never tried Johnson's Tunic Bit-
ters! Then do so at once, it's positively the
best general tone on the market. I've often
beard of it but thought that it was to be
plaoedon the list of the many trashy pre-
p/nations that flood our market, but .ince.
you re00mmenh 1t so highly I'll give It a
trial. no so, it's good for any complaint In
which a topic 10 of benefit, and can bo taken
by man, woman, or child. Sects. and 01 per
bottle at Desdmau's drug store, Brhesels.
It was raining heavily when Par-
son Surplus Eei, in crossing the
street, met a poorlyclad boy whose
clothes were soaked, 'Aly dear lit-
tle boy, why don't you get an um-
brella ?' said the kind-hearted
clergyman. 'Since pa luta quit
going to church be never brings.
borne any more umbrellas.'
They tell in Buffalo of a faithful
workman engaged in extra •danger-
ous work who injured his Hand very
severely. As the surgeon was at.
tending to him the foreman hurried
in and said : 'Sam, what time was
1t when you got hurt ?' 'About 4
o'clock. Why do you ask 9' 'So I'
may know when to dock you.'
Aro you going to strike ma ? ask-
ed the little boy, as he tremblingly
gazed upon the uplifted shingle.
Theta just what I'm going to do.
Can't we arbitrate, ma, before you
strike ? I am just going to arbitrate,
she said, as the shingle descended
and raised a cloud of dust from the
seat of a pair of pantaloons, 1 are
Mit going to arbitrate, my son, and
this shingle is the board of arbitra-
A little girl subject do fniuting
tats find well versed in all the recto.
rativos resorted to on each occasions oue0 present at a ohriistening-in
elmroh. She watched the ceremony
with .commendable gravity; but
just as the minister wee in the net
of sprinkling the infant's brow with
the baptismal water, Jessie sudden.
ly dieturbed the eatlotity of the pro -
coding by bawling out excitedly, to
the oouateruation of all around —
"Mitbor, nuttier, is the baby going
to faint
i o500J11osL Nolte*.
Seetch pleids etre the furor in
Sbort•eleeved mantles are much
111 YOgne.
West'scough Syrup soros whooping -cough
asthma, bronohitie, oousumptieh and all
throat and lungdltleculties. ',Mots.. 60o. and
Sl. All druggists,
Pale drab is the popular color for
dressing tailor suite.
J3Iaok surah 10 the propel silk for
half mourning frocks.
Delicate females, old people, and children
are always pleased with West's Livor Pills.
Mild, eiteetivo, sus they always mire, 80
sugar-coated pills 95060, All druggists.
Spangles euricb most of the fanny
work done with the needle.
Largo quantities of striped ludlae
silks are seen ou silk 0001)1ere.
Why. will yet suffer when one bottle of
West's World's Wonder will relieve, and two
to three bottles cure any tease of rheumat-
ism. 95 Dents and 50 pouts. Your druggist
sells M.
Cream tacos trim poppy red India
or China eilits very tastefully.
Agray silk makes up better with.
out combination with either black
or white.
West's Pain Zing should be kept In every
house for sudden 'attacks of cramps. colic,
painters' Dome, cholera morbus, flux and
dysentery, Only 25e. All druggists.
Black and white obeoked 53137 and
black and white striped 01)918 aro in
favor again. -
Full bishop sleeves and Gigot (leg
of mutton) sleeves are seen o11 mltny
new eOWlls.
Any ease of lame hack oared by a few ap-
plications of West's world's Wonder; also
mires sprains bruises, cute and burns.
Cheapest and best. All druggists
Drab and mauve are found to be
a good combivation in a dress street
toilet or for carriage wear.
When the Parielane wear a oato-
gan loop of hair in the nape of the
neolc they still drese the top hair
high and sang the frond locks.
West's Liver Pills—genuine 'w appod in
blue—the standard remedy for liver eem-
plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion, and sick head-
ache. All druggists.
The double V valet for children
does treble duty as a comfortable
garment, and a stocking, ekiri, and
drawers supporter all combined.
White or cream pearl picot or
felttheredged ribbon is the inside
pleating perferrod for the sleeves
and collars of drossy frocks this
West'sPain King—the household remedy—
Always useful. Never fails to euro cholera
morbus, pains in stomach or bowels, crampp
collo, chills or 81mnlor complaint. 250, Alt
Beal Chantilly lace, or a hand'
Borne silk imitation, with the flow-
ers or other deeigns outlined in fine
gilt threads, aro used to trim black
evening drone.
llarper's Bazar concedes the feet
that silks have again come into the
favor they enjoyed before wool fabrics
rivalled them as visiting and house
West's World's Wonder or Family Lini-
ment, a superior remedy for neuralgia, rhou-
mattem, lame back, sprains, bruises, mute,
burns, or. wounds. Cheaper, goon further,
lusts longer than any other All druggists,
Greens, grays, Gobelin Line,
boliotrope and old rose, and dull
yellow shades are most frequeutly
the colors repeated in the poly-
chrome (variegated) silks of this
The Langtry Innate, which folds
tip when the. wearer leaue back
againet anything and returns to its
shape when relieved of the pressure,
is the oorreet dress improver.
Purify your bleed and regulate your liver
and digestive
and thus save abdootor'aefore a bill by the heat of
time?y use of West's Livor pills. Bold by all
gibe popular long apron draperies
are those pleated into the belt or
Waist line end falling in long folds
in frond of the side panels, thereby
iaoreaoing the, slenderness of the
Embossed velvets in large arab.
espies sod geometrical figures, are
sometimes aced for inserting fronts,
collars,,ouffe, and apron draperies
upon costumes of plain, smooth -
surfaced woolen materials,
'Pitney silk and lace couvers-globes
lamp shades of roso.eolored silk
muslin and cream -colored hoe are
made moot decorative with crystal
beads and it Hat pompon of artificial
ferns and email flowers.
1iVilliarn Gladstone and John A.
McDonald are path/limiters in North
Dumfries. The Liberal leader in
the old country and the Conserve -
live premier of. Canada should send
their thanks.
,$tcad,JEmployment to Good.1icfa.
None need bo Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
Wo pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien Wanted
To Canvas for the Salo of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The ronthill. Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Over 400 _teres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic mon who want
Stone LYe Wellington,
Yttrgeryi len,
Toronto, Ont.
Practical Watchmaker tC' Jeweller
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to swum your
patronage. We aro opening out 1011 lines
Gold and Silver Watches.
Silver Plated Ware from established
and reliable makers, fatly warranted by
Cloaks of the Iotos designs.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Breaches, '
Borings, deo.
Also have in stock a f ull line of Violins
and Violin Strings, Pipes, dr0.
t ' N.B.—Issuer of Marriage Licenses
T. Fletcher.
Bargains Y Bargains
Fon TEE --
in Plows, Steel Harrows, Seed
Drills, Bain Wagons, Buggies,
Organs, Sewing Machines, Sulky
Plows, ono four spring Wagon,
one 1 horse Wagon, and one sec-
ond hand Lumber Wagon.
Land Rollers for $25,
best in the market. Three kinds
of Scufflers, Port Perry Grinder
and Horse Powers,
Clothes Wringers,
Churns, and ANYTIrING You MAY
&mumu Fon.
Geo. Love.
A nice assortment of Baby Car-
riages on Exhibition at H.
Dennis', where you can
also got a
Splendid Trunk,
Handy Valise,
or Satchel at it Low Price.
Full lines of Light and Heavy
Whips, Combs, Brushes, &c.' in
We Lead but Neves' Follow.
;Sifya of Big 35cotclt Concur:
M r b, 1887,
Tbo undersigned is prepared to
Supply the Public with
Fresh Lime Lime
Give Me a Call,
who are bald or whose hair is th0, or say,
or aro tronbt.1 with da adroit,
301.-. l)o t',i'tIlL'y("e' L€1'.+: .
Dn. U. WRST'o Nerve anWain in Trent.
moot, a guaranteed speolae for Hysteria.
Dizziness, Vonvuisiens,Plin. l'lorvoue, Nen-
ralgia Headache, Nervousl'rostrationcapa.
ed by the use of alcohol or tohsoco, Wako.
fulnoee,stental Depression, Softening of the
Brach resulting in insanity, leading to mis.
ory,dsonynnd death, Premature Old Ago,
llaronees,Loss of Power to either aux, I11.
Voluntary Lossoo sad ap orrn00orrho,a onus.
ed by over'ok irtlon of the Brain , golf-abuso
or ever-indulgonee. Each hex contains one
month's treatment. 8I a box or eiz oozes
for 86, sent by mail, prepaid, on rocuipt of
tY At GUAl5ANTriE Sax ftetXES
To cure any ease. With mush order received
by us for six boxes, n000mpaniod wttlr 125,
wo will send the purchaser aur written
guarantee to refund the money U the tt•oat-
mentdoes not effect a sure, Guarantees
Issued by all druggists.
is the groateet tonic for strengthening the
tell falling ant of he thetheir,r iromevon'alt tracces
color anti ffitt cases sofr baldaitcrao. %rhara 11110
roots are not destroyed, it will produce o
luxuriant crop 0i hair.
Take warning if your hair is :u a feeble
sato got a bottle as onee besot,e isle to Iota.
Dr. Dersntvend's ' Nair Ategio," is on Sato at
all principal Drug Stores. Asti for it and take
nothing else,
G. A. DEADILIN AND J. Ilu:nhsayss ft Co.,
AGENTS 1'011 BnussoLs.
n So
Canada. A. eDort nweed keens l 9110t�largest
Hely Goous establishment in Canada.
Watchmaker & Jeweler'
Has on Iland a Splendid Stock of Silver
and Gold filled Watches, also Cuff But
tons, Brooches, Earrings, Gent's Pins,
Vingor Rings, Roll Plate Vest Chains,
Necklets, also a fine assortment of Wall.
mit and Nickel Clocks.
r'Repairing Neatly and Promptly
anrrran°�nr w,¢:acc,+sauvme,vmrrNa,..
Bents 86 Shoes, 'Eats S Cape,ead
a Cyvl1ot gqudsunst g', Gent's ur-
nrL• wd,,:,aigF 9 &G.
For the NEST SIXTY DAYS I intend running a Clearing Sale of my
Entire Stock, consisting of over 5,000 worth of all Styles and
Sizes of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, &c., ]:Tats & Caps,
Reacly-Mado Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, so as to save re-
moval. The like of such
A AIN *1_"4
as wo will offer were never heard of before in Brussels, and it will.
PAY You over and over again to snake your purchases
fronl,us during this
The Goods Must and Will be Sold Regard-
less of Profit.
Our Stock is new and in excellent condition. No old goods' on
our shelves.
Call and Soo our Goods and Get our Prices,
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.