The Brussels Post, 1887-3-11, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Locals --A. Good, Boodle -B, Gerry. Grey Atttlito s' Report, ,' J. Livingston, Seed peas --J. N. Kneehtol. II.•use to let -5. R. Grant. Imperial kip. -Adam Goon. Always First --A. 11. Smith. Farm for stile -Edward Aubory. l;tlls lost- POST Publishing House. Mortgage sale--Mtwdrestli, Marsh & M; i1igan. .o 1 C NTIISSC.ls •O'Str FRIDAY, M:llWCH 11, 1887. Gl:•t•+.r' Cctrtuc•al. Council met et Tuck's hotel, Cranbook ou March 4th, pursuant to adjournment. Members were all present, peeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communication from R. Lees, enclosing tut account for gravel in 1866, and claiming 10 coots per loud. Moved by Edwards Bryans, seeonded by Thos, Ennis that the sum of 7 emits per load be granted ou receipt of pathmaster certi- ficate. Carried. Moved by Edward &y- ens, seconded by Thos. Donis that Lewis Bolton be appointed township engineer under the provisions of the Ditches and Watercourses Act 1883, a b}_.law was passed confirming the appoiutement. Moved by Walter Oliver, reconcled by Thos. Ennis that Peter Mollonald, John McNair, and Joseph Armstrong be ap- pointed members of the Board of Health for the current year. Carried. Applica. tion of David Campbell to have lumber and posts furnished for 5 rods of snow fence opposite lot 2, son. 17, Mr. Ennis to inspect premises and grant the appli- cation if required. The plans stud specf- fieations for the new bridge at lot 20, cone. 9 and 10 were laid on the table and adopt- ed by the council. Moved by Thos. En- nis, seconded by Wit. Brown that Messrs, Milne, Oliver, Bryans and the clerk be a committee appointed to open bridge ten. tiers at Robertson's hotel, Ethel, on Wed- nesday, March 9nh, at 2 p.m. Carried. The auditors' report was laid before the conneil and adopted, and the clerk was instructed to publish the abstract in Tun Sunsets Eon. The following path - masters were appointed for the current year; -Con. 1, boundary, div. 1, Alex. Thompson ; div. 2, Duncan MoTavish ; div. 8, Jos. Armstrong ; div. 4, George Sangster ; div. 5, James Brown'; div. 0 James Scott ; ons. 1 and '2, div. 1, Jas. Cutt ; div. 2, Joseph Combs ; div. 8, A, Ross ; div. 4, John Thompson ; div. 5, David Campbell ; div 6 Thos. Elliott ; div 7 Daniel Byers ; side road beat lots 10 and 12 Thos. Itae ; cons. 3 and 4 div 1 John Carr ; div 2 Robt. Carr ; div 8 John Smith ; div 4 Joseph Baynard ; div 5 John ItioCartney; div 6 John Good ; div 7 John Lindsay ; div 8 Adam Duke ; sons. 5 and 6 div 1 Frank Oliver ; div 2 Bert Lang ; div 3 Robt. McKee ; div 4 John Bishop ; div 5 John Raynard ; div 6 Wnt. Elliot ; div 7 Charles Hudson ; div 8 Francis Beirnoe ; skis road beat lots 1 c.ud' 6 i ruman guilds ; mems, 7 and 8 div 1 James Cardiff ; div 2 Hugh La- mont ; div 3 John McIntosh ; div 4 Mal- colm Lamont ; thy 5 Daniel Eckrnier ; di, 6 Robt, Dilworth ; div 7 John Gill ; div 8 Wm. Bawtinhimer ; Henfrylt div Wm. Stevenson ; side road beat lot 25 C. Baynard ; mill road beat Louis Eck - niter and John • •lemmon ; cons. 9 and 10 div 1 Henry Ball; div 2 Robt. McCallum ; div 3 Robt. Menary ; div 4 James Knight ; div 5 Rob'. MoLanob lin ; div 6 Isaac Lake ; div 7 Edward Campbell ; side road beat lots 30 and 31 Wm. Cook ; cons 11 a:.c112 div 1 Alex. L` l a.ty ; div Elias Dick'on ; div 3 John 1' Lanch- lin ; div 4 James Slemmon ; thy 5 Hiram White; div 6 Henry Buttery ; div 7 Jolm Long ; dfv 8 Geo. Duncan ; aids road beat lots 6 and 6 M. Shines ; blind line beat Wm. Blashill ; cons 13 and 14 di, 1 John flislop ; div 2 David Grant ; div 3 John Cash ; div 4 Peter Sinclair jr. ; div 5 Arch 1fr,Nei1 ; div 6 Duncan McNair ; div 7 Luke Sporain ; div 8 Jo.eph Whit- field ; div 9 Wm. Harbottle ; cogs 15 and 16 div 1 Andrew Ilislop ; div 2 Wnt. Tel- fer ; div 8 James Houston ; div 4 Wm. Fulton jr. ; div 5 James McNair ; div 6 Alex. McKay ; ;MT 7 John Spieran ; div 8 John Carniohml ; sons 17 and 18 div 1 Wm. Bennett ; div 2 Alex. ' Buchanan ; div 3 Aroh. Duuoanson ; div 4 George Clark ; div 6 John MoNaught ; Graham's survey George Colvin ; Walton village Wm. Beirnes ; gre,vel road div 1 Tames Simpson ; div 2 James Strachan ; div 8 Thos. McLaughlin ; ciiv 4 Donald Mc- Lauohlin ; div 5 James Kelly ; di, 6 Adam Sholdloo : div 7 John Hislop. All the old fence viewers and pound ltoepors were re -appointed for the current year. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Wm. Brown that this council being in- formed that an application is beim; made to the Local Legislature to form a new County, and to take away from the County of Hurcu the township of Gray, thatthis Council most sincerely protests against this scheme being carried out, it being against the wishes of the people of this municipaltty, aria that the Reeve and Clerk bo instructed to memorialize the Local Legislature in behalf of this Commit against tbo Act being consummat- ed. Carried. Tho following accounts wore handed in and ordered to bo paid ;- Win, King, lumber for culverts, 1518.56 ; John Eokmier, bolts and spikes for cul- verts, $1.50 ; A. McNair, postage and stationary for 1886, 510.90 ; A. McNair, spikes for culvert and expenses to Wing - ham on township boldness, $2.79; Nicho- las and Wm. Tac, ditching on lot 35, con. 18, as per Engineer's oert:ifloate, 521.23 ; Donald Matanehlln, salary as collector, 6100.00 ; W. Ii, Kerr, printing $22.50 ; De,vidDrons, repairing bridge at lots 10 and 11, con. 4, 31 ; David Clark, repair- ing culvert lot 10, oon. 14, 32.50 ; Rich. Lees, gravel, $5.86 ; Mrs. Ti. Campbell, for clothes to Eliza Smith), an idiot, 310; Alex. Stewart, salary ae auditior, $10 ; Jacob Kreuter, salary as auditor, 810 ; Walter Olivet for registration of lease for gravel pit, $1.40 ; Dr. A. McKelvey, attendance and medicine for Mrs. henry Becket', dimity, $4 ; Donald McLaueblin eteor 1,ts Alg ter. on Boll c tor'cc roll, 61. The t ounerl then adjourned to meet again at Robertson's hotel, Etitol, on lltnrsday the 20th day of May, aH Court of Revist to of the ttssossuieut roll, Wan. Srnxen, Clerk. Ctaattydittal iatt"a'v lot. A fire in Charlottetown, P, E, L. en Friday night.caused a Ioss of 620,000. Mayer bbott, of Montreal, has resign- ed his Canadian Paoifio solicitorship. The Dominion treasury has a doioit of $378,000 for the eight rtonhte past of this year. Mr. Waldio, in Halton, Mr. Gautier, In L'Aeeumption, Mr. Limon, in Charlevoix, and Mr. Porter in West Huron, havo all beau confirmed in their spats by,re- counts. Mr. Holton, in Chatoauguay, and Mr, Masson, in North Grey, hero been declared elected by the Returning -of ficars. Mr. Chrishohn (Min,) has been elected in New Westminster, I3. C. Col. Gilder arrived at Selkirk on Mar. the 2nd, from Hudson Bay, from where he came by dog train on his way to New York, whore it is supposed he will spend the winter, renewing his travels in the spring. It was too late in the fall to catch the Hudson Bay boat for Notting- ham, hence his return. He stet Mr. Mc- Arthur near Berens river last Thursday. The London Canadian Gazette says that the reports as to an alleged unsatis- factory condition of Lord Dufferin's health, consequent upon his residenee in India, aro quite contrary to the foes of the case. Lord Dnfforin's health has, indeed, never been better than since he has been in India. The ]teat seems, we aro told, to suit hint excellently, while the inerease of responsibility brought by his change from the Vice.Royalty at Ottawa and the position as Ambassador at St. Potersburt and Constantinople, has in no sense proved too much for his constitu- tion. It has become generally know that Ed- ward Thornhill, secretary of the West Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Company, had taken French leave of bus office without notifying the President and Di- reotore of tha Company. Inquiry seems to have revealed the fact that be was in Uncle Sam's domain. Two hundred dol- lars that the President supposed was lit the bank to the credit of tho Company had been withdrawn about the time of Edward's departure -Tuesday of Inst week. How his account with .the com- pany om- cannot be told till after b books have b been examined. His sureties had not been accepted. OFFICIAL RETURNS. The retlotring are the complete Election Returns for the East, West and South hidings of Huron es certified to by the Returning Officers of the respective rliliags :- EAST HURON. Farrow. ttaoaoeahl. BLTTn No.1 No. 2 Majority for Farts DEussELS,- No. 3 No. 4 71 52 126 81 71 152 51 30 90 711 (19 145 Majority for Farrow .... 7 GEE,, --- No, 6 59 78 No. 6 59 119 No. 7 29 111 No.8 34 46 No. 9 78 106 No. 10 57 80 310 535 Majority for Macdonald 219 Homer, - No. 11 117 62 No. 12 75 85 No. 13 110 73 No. 14 109 66 No. 15 77 99 No. 16 80 62 568 427 MajorityforFarrow..., 141 Mounts, - No. 17 76 59 No. 18 48 77 No. 19 76 70 No. 20 91 84 No. 21 87 75 377 - 365 Majority for Farrow.. ,. 12 TUENBEEET,- No.22 66 59 No. 28 76 119 No. 24 06 101 237 - '279 Majority for Macdonald 42 WxuenAlt,- No.25 47 36 No. 26 8'0 86 No. 27 63 45 No. 28 68 64 217 - ' 181 Majority for Narrow , ... 36 WEexNTEn,- No.29 84 66 Majority for Macdonald 32 RECAPITULATION. ,Porro.,. Afaedonald. Blyth , 126 90 Brussels 152 145 Grey 1116 585 Howiok 568 427 Morris 377 305 Turnberry 237 279 Wingham 217 181 Wroxoter 34 60 2,027 2,088 9,027 Majority for Macdonald 01 There wore 10 rejected ballots in the riding and 22 ballots spoiled. Election hi 1882. IF arrow. Sloan. Howiok 470 817 Turnberry 207 228 Morrie 592 283 Gray , 303 108 Wingham 140 125 Brussels 109 90 Blyth 77 01 Wroxeter 94 14 1031 1571 Fatrotv's Majority 66 WEST HURON. Cntuores. Porter, Asul•IEt.nr No, 1 No. 2 61 523 No. 13 50 No.4 8(t No. S., 11)1 No, 6 127 281 Majority for Camulnd.. Jd Col.norsate,-- No, 7 84. 49 No.8 27 58 No 9 83 88 No. 10 50 52 244 242 Majority for Cameron. , '2 CbIN'roE,- 170. 11. 78 58 No. 12 70 U1 No. 18 • 00 00 No. 14 48 U2 258 310 Majority for Porter.... ....... 52 Gonsmmn Township, - No. 15 48 No. 16 ;39 No. 17 32 No, 18 40 No. 19 60 •102 80 60 69 36 30 3811 92 80 77 92 79 204 420 216 Majority for Porter Gonniacn Town, - No. 20 55 43 No. 21 43 56 170 22 56 51 No, 28 59 38 No. 24 52 43 No. '25 6 55 No. 26 34 45 355 ° 381 Majority for Cameron , . 24 WEST WAwanosn,- No. 27 55 05 No. 28 74 71 No. 20 72 56 No. 80 99 35 300 267 Majority for Cameron .. 43 EAST WAwosoen,- No. 81 86 54 No. 82 79 65 No. 83 09 51 No. 84 59 19 293 219 Majority for Cameron .. 74 RECATITuGATION. Cameron. porter. Ashfield 481 383 Colborne 244 '242 Clinton 258 310 Goderioh Township204 420 Goderioh Town 356 331 West Wawanosh ..,300 257 East Wawanosh 298 219 2,135 2,102 2,185 Majority for Porter 27 t� SOUTII HURON, Campbell, 11'olt7llau, No. 1 53 28 l3ATFIEI,U, • Majority for Campbell, , 25 I1Ar,--- No, 2 13 10 No, 11 15 95 Nn. 4 24 71) No, 6 6 81 No.5 9 57 No.7 20 40 87 352 Majority for McMillan 265 Himmerr,-- No. 8 17 No. 9 18 No. 10 15 No. 11 21 No.12 6 No. 13 No. 14 74 97 41 67 27 18 18 11 00 100 414 Majority for McMillan 308 MaKmr,or,- No. 16 38 46 No. 16 44 16 No. 17 43 43 No. 18 31 24 No. 10 30 37 No. '20 40 27 No. 21 21 54 No. 22 28 50 982 - 297 Majority for McMillan.. 15 SEAFOETIi,- No.23 46 No. 24 No. 25 90 232 - 161 Majority for Campbell.. 71 STANLEr,- No.26 20 No. 27 63 No. 28 43 No. 29 94 150 - 208 Majority for McMillan 58 ToEEnsntirri,-- No.80 58 48 No. 51 16 104 No. 82 12 88 No. 33 :11 80 116 - 829 Majority for MoMillan 213 ,tECAPITULA'TION. Campbell. Mollillar. 03 28 87 352 105 414 282 297 282 161 150 208 116 829 1,020 1,784 1,026 Majority Inc MoMilan 758 61 54 46 105 36 12 50 Bay -Bold Hay Hullott MoKillop Seafmth Stanley Tuokersmith ,......wr�u mac, - .waxers;ravacvacurawsz=nzrama=ozramsmom,mon OAS HAVING OPENED OUT AN CCS Egg Emporium, in Grants Blook, Brussels, Next Door 10 the Post Office, I am prepared to Pay CASH for any quantity of Eggs. BRING ALONG ALL YOU HA VE and Remember the Stance. aamair AR's OF THANKS! 0 The undersigned desires to return his thanks for the generous support accorded the firm of Hayeroft Bros. for the past eight years and eipre.s$es rho wish that those business relatives may be con- tinued. GEORGE HAYCRTFT. We take pleasure in informing the public generally that we have formed a co -partnership, to bo known under the name of HAcortore & TtInNBULL, to carry on the Stove, Tinware and House Furnishing business, lately under the control of Hayeroft Bros. Our obiect will bo to deal fairly and squarely with the public and give them such bargains its will speak for themselves, We Neale a special)/ of 7 vetrouglling. Givo 11s a call, at the old stand. ltnroxoft A Turnbull, MARCH J.1, 1887. AL MS RIM 9 A, 11. Sti 1 Space will only permit us to give a few quotations :- 20 yards Grey Cotton, yard' wido, for $1.00. 25 yards 32 inch Gray Cotton for $1.00. 15 yards White Cotton for $1.00. 11 yards good strong Shirting for $1.00. Dress Goods for 7c., regular price 15e. 'White Cotton usually sold for 121c., at 10c. 100 pairs Misses ILid Gloves from sizes 5– to G, at 1Oc. per pail, regular price 40c. and 110 humbug about it. 125 pieces all -wool tweed from 40c. per yard np. - Mon's Felt hats for 25c., just ono -quarter regular price. =;l a Largo stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Ready -Trade Suits. U®* CiTlit5 for $4.75, Youth' $uitz from X3060 up, op' Buitz for $1.00, °t3 The above quotations are solid facts and we aro always prepared to back up what we advertise, and this is one reason why I have always stood at the top of the tree against all competitors. P. S. --Miss l'i.tes, who etas been five seasons with us, ageiu takes charge of the Millinery Department. All'we can say is this :—If you never bought Millinery from us before it is time you did. (SUCCESSOR TO JAMES ANNETT,) DEALER IM FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A S:iAWN, SPICED ROLLS, FLOUR Zs..ND FEED, &o. Goode :Delivered to any part of Town. Cash for LlloieE Roll Butter and Eggs, SPECIAL VALUE 01 TEAS & SUGARS Large Stock of China, Crockery and Glassware, &c. to arrive in a few clays. We are making arrangements to roast and grind our own Coffees. One Door North of 13, Gerr'y's: Walter Goats.