The Brussels Post, 1887-3-11, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
--itsmassaissavasausstautta—,asarseetaccsascawsr,scwo wa ._
yxrr'$c\Ci(iW• l pet roil or huebltudry _rho
�i��11�JEY lllCl' 1Lir.S�lllli�il, I 11t
If ovory rile lO,. )un object t h h,
luohmaic r,
t n Was ltd big a•t ' ,', t to smoking, Miss
--"' = retie there wouldn't he standing ,� "'
�: I lu : crake' young lhunloy. "I\ot
The W,O.'1':U, in London supportroow iu title country. at all," replied Miss .I 1u, 'lout I
Fabs cannot exist niter the patient has (don't want int 10 550 ale. lie's got
all industrial sellae:. teineasingledewof Oin'sPalnliing, the
Thetas aro 85 Boards of Women s eteetiem re, not notbe
induced to oltetIt l Olin ftts111onetl noti0nel 111/0 et 00011
subFereigu lliesiofl in the world Pain King. Germination' by J. llargr0arce I tlling yon kun+v.'
The Dow law 11110 olorod 48 sit ,coo„draggiets. Maj. Schmitt, of the :Owlish army
lcous in Columbus, 200 in tt'oledo, The teen who commits :Suicide b' ah , bits limit, :t study of those X,
and 800 in Cleveland beards,( dies of pis own Tree ivi
':'hero ere 8305 Temperance So• and a cord.
cietiee in Norway, \With n member' A y/'untt men iu lJnuisvillu, Ky.,
ship of about 100,000. was choked its death tebile kissiug a
ln'rerment De ntt'uuy cam be paid girl. The girl lied evidently not
for pnblto Haled.: unless Scientific been hi -.•e,1 for acme time
Tempertnee is taught in all armlet'. Ho—'Ah, yes, t11is is the dearest
It is estimated that there aro 8C, little baud in the wild; and, Lu.
000 drunkards in the Dominion of ()hide, I may soul' (ley pelt for it,'
Canada, or one for every ..25 of the She --'Arlt now, Georg --ask now l
popniati0u. Old gentlemen—D tn't be afraid
At the recent eleetiobs in New "f toy atte ; lay hart is yenta.
York 10the�\9emblyy,six uaQ'dors din:F1gotseon Youngneve!mind, T INvrttrn',•llied Sued
1111 Board of Aldermenjeer. dote „n rule -
Mrs. Youmaue, President Dom
inion W C.T U., thiuka troy \eumail
may be just as ladylike in c.sliug
her vote as in tufting for her lettere
at the postefhce.
A. somewhat inebriated witness in
it Scott Act ease at Uxbridge said
he "asked for pop and g it pop,
simply pop nothing but pop and
titmice tthet a laded and While t note
indicates, etteittivu and firmness of
eharecter. A huge suite mina indi•
cote,; extensive {tu 1.vl dge.
A Profitable Life.
ken, then have ,teepin,Iltalled the nulla
amount of work and good in tuts world as
tho celebrated Dr, Obese. Over00,0H of his
worts have boon bonito Canada aloe 0. Wo
want eve'y parson troubled with salver
Comp taint,nysnepela, IlcadacbO Itt pby or
'Urinary Trettblas, lo cult ul at your druggist
and beya h ottle of Or nharoo's Liver Ouse,
it will sure you, tfedietuo and noolpe look
lar 51,00•
A Brooklyn man Wag recently
imprid0ued eight years for kissing a
girl agMUnt her will. "We,” says
the editor of a Iientuelry paper,
Tuenanuds owe their recoveryfrom "never Make' a girl rig tinct a will,
Rhenme'dem to West's world's Wonder or
e' wily Liniment. It is oouooded every.
bei. too 11lLVe kissed chum tiR'alllst
whereto be the best neem
SAOuwatism ,flute, Bruises, Sprains, Burns,
Soallls,and all diseases requiring external
appl101rtlOu. Prtee 90 cents and 10 cants per
bottle Auld by John Hargreaves & 0o.,
faunas and barns rti:d apple true,
and other beroltamouts and oppnrt-
enancee. and if we hail boon looked
Druggists lip eight dal' for every misdemeanor
Sitigultr lauguaett ears : When a our life would be mortgaged for the
Meru is lull ut I(uldile-e and benevn• le.'xt 10,000.000 ymtrs. num 1
lance, ue say he is human ; W11011 Moro 1"
pop ltlobe, cure pop," he lti full of frailties too any be 10 "What is McGregor's speedy Clero for?"
On the Bnitintoro & Ohio railroad only beaten. It tion, l)sl,olotn, Liver 00,.isth t, tutu-
ession, Btlfmlau°es, and rt is the finest
Despite the fact that Beujamiu
Franklin is known to have bottled
Jersey iielomiug, Math Tirana re.
the signing of a total abstinence
pledge is n condition of being em
played. No accidents cause': by
drunken engineers there.
In Prince Edward's Ielaud thorn
are 20 lodges of 1.0.G.T., with a
total membership
of 1.141.
receipts of the Grand Ledge for the
half yesr just closed wets $142 00,
loud purifier 10 tbo known world to•dny
"Does it give satisf action 0" Wo cannot
,otut to ono tit= where 1510410 not,
1•\vhero dos, 11- ItaYO -110 150Oolo?"
11 isn't in the city of Hamilton, whom it la
cantly declared the philosopher to manufactured, there hag boon over one
hall) been tt eubcr 11100. retail, cod rho great majority of the sales
thousand dollars worth 0010 in the l,it year
'Cilestuuts 1' YWIed 00001! pe; 100o1b0y 10One hranLd0 ing eat?. bay50.
sous in the gallery et the minetrel tinnonnat'kesco.,urussels.
-hu.,• 'That's riot'', gentlemen,' A 1qutci•ius little fellow rather
rw>uu2ied Banos 'if you don't get nucoretnuuiugsly removed the veil
The Supreme Court of Louisiana 1 want ion want, ask for it.' , from the secrecy that surround, the
bee decided in favor of the coned LadttxtruuMad Rtth Ptmptas, matahaa mfs..ivas of St. ''eluutme. The
tutionalily of the Sunday law, and
ooletlou fitiaia vsoo' 01 05;or K' r k +s ;'auug gentlemtw, tvhn ie ci(dited
it 10 reported that nearly all the da• C3rl,oltu001 )0, Ltwltl leave 0110 Blau to with a re„ard for that little folloy'a
loons in l'lewv Orleans are conform portrot Aeaith, emoot1, clean, and 5001
, color, Re sure and get trio genuine, made si:+ter, crud wh(Iso regard is 110tt uu-
in(' to its ro q111ret]lents. by McGregor&t'ark°. rrtco_os.0°1,1at•3,, eeciprocated, celled theother 01'011•
Temperance is the unyielding Hargreaves suo's.Drug 80001. ing gad meeting the little boy very
control of reason over lust, I/ppetito When o:d Blimps Ircttrd about ,,,,rurally inquired Tulhuy did you
nuts tell wrong tentic'ne .s ..f she J')rhn a cotumitutlin a the arta to t "No I didn't and
mind ; it meansareae! still, from all arestill, he shook tris head,, prase' • t,t s vainur.ine ?
you wouldn't either if Sarah tohadn't
things not good and entirely inns• . ti In lips, hummed twice and es. stulell the money ant of my hook to
cent in their eharac:ter.—(licoro. ' claimed : •Should like to see him bay one for you !"
A Ctpe Breton eorrerpoodent try it ou our Bill.'
writes : We have succeeded iu hill
ing tho rum traffic dead, by moans
of the Scutt Act, is the taws of
Sydney. Tho eecr'.'t et our success
has been simply silo ---a' c'•'et^.1 a : tri.: •bu'ge till 1c 'nee the
Temperance 1'owu Council. ' first day he had hie: '
The Good Templar. e.0,t doing It 1 ;tc on tion. Guard.
grand wail( it. Smyth A he: t and the' Dan'tellrlWacold in sLl' head to slowly
Good ce
Tenn -der rementbl tuts nosy an d surely develop the"! into ttatarrh, when
e � youonn hoodrod Yor lOc. Afew'applimeti°as
been trausla r'tl Into :\ frieott Dutch, !wilt neer. incipient Cntanh. Gun uz two
31r. Schtiener, G.W. Chief of South boxoswilloureordinary Catarrh, ran to 5
> ;boxes will caro °Aroma Cuvarrh, '+'ry Dr,
Africa, lids bit hewn for/atilt/7.. ))beta'sCanadienCatarrLCurc—ltwilleure
of Hope in 1t acLttul,nl'uLi: rand th(t voni
Ti T11,1hnnse• took lir', and hat,
Brown—'Have you Smith's new
horse re' ;Jensen —'Yes, mud I tell
you !de's a suraeher.' Brown— IO
that so 2' Junsee—'les, he aln:lsii
national• ha -tilt' (dressing, ,jumped from the
The "iVrtional Temp r:time tics „mdo\v, His companion, looking Amonoltn 10.1.1',1 .485 beim in g
kilt entirely ?" "\0 itidltilC," said Eve
taco eight ploutt::1. Llnrl,v, I Put, cxamini t1. his el-ttlos, winch '.001141 u jo pa151 ,:cull a;a9 mus II
that tomo two hL .tier d pat I;I nave I were wrong side before, "but bogorra (Though this latter fact Ivo deeply
I'm retail • twisted.' grieve)
I have used Dr, 3a5's Medicine
for a bad cough that settled on
ny lungs and with good results.
Can recommend it to ail Ito af-
•T. P.. Iirsi , (lro0.•r.
tS, r3r.r,I:J:.
A Clllsti'rNtT TORN•'.,vlar.
The "funny man" we do detest
'peed nut 0o puma of pull elle JI
''1'110 aims at us his ancient jeat-
wettaui0s ll sw sa;i p,010 ,1100)1 otee
A joke (?) so aged, stale and hoary-
-pupr Speorte testis mood slue',
The atone old weary, dreary story.
)oral," ander tho alt:: )u:e1t of the •.'itllellauj u 04 bean ne} sag ILo'u mom
l 1 ( 0151, tided, "011, Pat, and aro yes Of how we 01101003 daughter of
been treated wtthuut is mop . 1'oleo-
hol being used, ::et one 1'ati et hs'.
died, Bud all who entered came no
The L'obourg Council, by 1t vote
of five to three, lois passed the fol-
lowing motion :--"lnai'rnurl as the
Scott Act las seriously impart01 the
revenue of the town and has not
produced the results anticipated by
its prem0ter0,--POs0lved, therefore,
that this Council do point. I 5)...1:1
.4. Boston clergyman declares that
'the teboggau slide is the broad which lends to hell.' Thtlt
clergyman is not posted. The tob•
uegun elide ie nut a 'broad road.'
la is a rather narrow thoroughfare
and Is never coestructed long
cr,nngll to lead there, After reieb•
iug the bottom the tobog,eaucr goes
up, net down.
ltea5o0 °why you should purchase Fluid
Ment for the repeal Ot the said Act, Lightning in nrotolanao t
all u t other rem.
Sir Wilfred Lawson lute been re odtos azo: -Rapid result—ource instantly.
elected Chairman of the Temper•
once party 101 the British House of
Commons, aid the folloeving gentle•
leen, representing the different d1 -
visions of tie United Kingdom,
have been appointed whipe : Them `:'ramp (whose request for food
dere 1+'ry and Thome E. Ellis, has been denied)—'Welt, ma'am,
England and Wales ; :Hark Stew. would you let me sleep iu the ton
art and P. M'Legan, Seetlaud ; and acre lot back of the bsrn if I don't
'V Johnston and John Redmond, make my 110100 ? Wohrlan—
Ireland. ', I don't ennui loltiu yo do
An American jouruil proposes that,' Tramp (tppeahngly)—'Well
the following heroic license law :--- one thing mote, ma'am, before I
(1.) All persons of a respectable say good -night. 'Would you llavo
character should bo permitted to me csdlcd at seven, sharp 2 l: want
sell iuiuxioaliug be.veengee, to be to catch the limited ce1tle train go-
coittm ed on the premises 'open to ing west.'
Visits from the pollee) Upon rtVing bender,) luror'ntng y"m o1 this wonder-
fol remedy far �ot rt,' COldO, Asthma,.
good and latfOrieut to n(. ;Le pay ll0o11Cous. ('oneumpt otl, u1 l Wl arteC11Ous
an filled to which ¢lit might „lb. oftb '0hroat nue Lunars, w0 tool that we
Y 5 a odnbl uu n rant :iudu0te, ns ii you
It is easily 0p111i5d-no trouble -no lost
limo, It does not require constant tum-
our) appnoatlou ie effectual. Ono bottle will
remove m050 pain than any other remedy
in existence. Try it for Neuralgia, Tooth-
a bottle by J bnlHo sgroaves 1 Coo Dsi g-
r gi ti
jest thetnselvrs ander the law. (`2) 1,501 /111110120 01,00 oomplutintis' �6 You
r\111010ens found drunk elasuilI be
punished \v] 11 1 to atl1 i)nl:riven
melt, fie well as all 1t:ta,l: r5 of lie -
non on w11010 I,l'elnll:eil dr.ul)ken
peese110 might 'tri" t 1_ 71 ,i ti 1 ke-
\vrso all three ..e, 1.(,.1- h10r teat)
plied elicit late to with deful_ .chile
1n a lit tai.t ii r)::LS005115)I. (0.) l'un.
i5h nil Leiters el' hque'1'5 tele, may
permit any disturbances tin their
promises without l,f,lnediately call •
' ing in the polies to quell tiu5t. (4.)
Prohibit, under s%iflicieut penalties,
All ttdulteiatione of wir.<f,and sp1r11s
foreign or donstelic. (r,) Manu-
facture public opinion to look upon
drunkards 0ll Upon other criminals;
to regard them with eblterunce
to avoid them tts a Moral pestilence.
will only try i we w guarantee se is 1LC-
ti0n in every ease or money reloaded A.00 011 tine eiletileee are tlltl( 11 good 111:eny
for McGregors Lung Cnmt''Iund, Price 50c. will o irlldei', `}.'}]0 ma Ofity' 01
and Sim per bottle at itaryrenves' Drug 0
Ikon', Brussels, 1 those that have :lied are eastern Cat
-tutus sue et P0003 motto ting. 110.1 vagi
Must stand on our 110ade a paint to
oe sou srl8no age 8nttpatuos SAT
In thee° comical lines (2) from the
"funny man's" mind.
-oat 01 se!30om Sulg3Sa1 e,o.legl JI
li.(snno't'ts] ImNowee.
The British Parliament have been
asked to grant another (quarter of 11
Inilliou p0unde for the eepouso of
the navy.
A Chinon junk from Haman to
Siam was recently wracked off the
Soctrty covet. Out of 000 passer
gore and Drew . 011 board only six
were known to have escape(:.
The .:lolly river is reported ft•oren
to tip bottom iu many places. Tho
Me is from two to three feel thick 011
Over it,
Repeat; frutn the different ecutiono
of the McLeod district says that the
last few weeks have palled dawn
cattily considerably. Althea;;h not
a groat many have died, still many
are left its a weak condition, and if
there should be bed wootluer later
An estineable nary of the wont j tie taken in last summer.
(111121,1 0:4 and frosted let and Lallans
oared with n 105• /1,111/11 Or 111110 n,' V e;.t'o
:lull's 11b haul or :•aridly Lin ilell 1. All
dal 13:;.
\.lo:1t of the roadbed of tile 'Neel,
Ontario Paeifto • railroad, between
One dray while ruble lady friends London and 'WOoilstuelt1 is ready,
bide rote had it- . r.. Ifs' to have
throe 1101111101; -----Lw, 1•het, .' pate:: 1
over to the riajm.ity. ily the fire'.
hulbitnii them. ;5 a ; ; by tho sw'
end a very bright little daughter,
wore lunching with ibo mother, the
little girl asked : 'Mamma ham
Jack a papa in heaven 2` 'Yes,
darling, hush l' replied nlaulula.
'Save I a papa in heaven 2' 'Yoe,
darling, hush 1' repeated mamma.
Ater a pause and lel'ofound think-
ing, the little miss added : 'Papas
don't last long, do they mamma ?'
fon' the laying of rail;. Two trestle
bridges and the cats near Thames
ford aro still unfinished. The fent•
ing will seen be finished. Tito chief
engineer will Bean ho able to 000151110
his amine, the road bei:9g in charge
of rho divisional engineer during his 1
abeenoo, Tho road will doubtless 1
be in. opetatiort by June.
.t1•cas a complete assortment of all the School
Books, Skates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Ink, Pes,
Chalk Crayons, Scribblers, 4T., 4'.
Ask to gee the "Scholar's Companion.
11bols0ap and ?:Pete: Papers, Envelopes, titer best
in the 71U1 /'kat•.
Try The Post Bookstore.
a,axnvnn„ rrom''e .retinaestaa.mcrosti eEntire •,•" =tm e'rxcartm ;4:9rmd •L.n swir_strw tr
Mins McGuire begs to m'netmro to the
Ladies of Brussels and vioiniV tient she has
commenced Mantle and Dressrnaklue in tido
rear of D. A. Ste ado's Store, where shots pro -
pared to attend to the wants of the Public.
A vadat guaranteed audit*, writ compar-
able with that of the best ci(}- mluitlo and
dressmaking establiehioontti.
A aril Solicited.
00-1 HISS :(ICG'(°Ince.
The undersigned wishes to intimate to
the public cleat having learned the art of
Gont's garment cutting from ono of 1110
best Cutters in London, lie is 110W pec -
pared to cut, fit and make up Gent's
clothing in a that 011,50 manner an:I at
reasonable prices.
dear Spectacles
and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your
Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus R Morris, 28 Maryland 11oa0,
Harrow Road, London, England. has op.
pointed an agent for the Renowned Speo-
tacles and Eye -Glasses which have been
before the public for the past 20 years.
.Lazarus' Spectacles never tiro oho eget
Last many years without change.
For ,Sale• 1]y .71. L..JAG'Ti,54N,
I ! Ho ! ! Local House
KadienI 11 !};c' 1
Executors' Notice.
All rar1i00 harms dahlia 15515100 the
Solute of th„ Lute rums II ATcnal'r, a1 t),,
Village of Brussels. In the (Meaty of flares
who died on or about the dist clay of
November, A, 0).1060, are, on or before the
00th day of tiaroll,114T, to rand 1,5 Pont Wry,
paid) to either of the undersigned their
Christian and Hemmen, ,Otto!ss and Do.
earl moan, with full Partieulars for their
Clalms,1istatement of 11trlr °'011111(5 and
nature oI l'eourlties, if 00y, hold by them.
anti In default thereof they will be pe10m 11.
02151)' emIlt1O,l from partaoltultlug lu tine
SW olltate, and we bevel) y alms gi v notice
to all Parties 0 1,11, 5 to 11)n acid ostsro,
whether by loot Acommt or otherwise, to
pay the name to Gee, Bayer° it at Wu, sloe
un or motor° the abort) nl outloued dobe.
Ihtted 1111,001041110s 10t11 day 5 t Feb.,'2 0.
J• I=.
: Y0UNl3. %1. -0 51,
J. C. SKh1vE, }
—11'l111101 sec Ulf ci r15 --
Hand Straw Cutters, Horse Pow -
or Straw Cotters, with i•eversoble
feed, Root Puipern, hoot Slicers,
the genuine Port Perry Grain
Grinder, 1 -Horse Powers, largo
and small, and sovural Haid
Power,;— elletep, and Trod Pow-
ers. Also the Celebrated
.5.1.1,x.. 2 ..t''d.A.. 0 INT JD
tri -0,
It Leads thein all.
Geo. Love.
iterernsweimrnwmr•:.:asmmtimstsass•,smana eursavisiaet,.rsscm. wsirm tesstevct myttiamst
SCC) 'C1i C't)1,1.,1P.
A new stock of 11011)1110 Robes,
Goat Probes, 1ltrsc Blankets,
Bells, Whips,
A Splendid Assortmelit of
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels.
in Stock.
Dermis. 11(
11. 01'
GeorgeKirkb} Auctioneer. bay roceiv.
el inarrotiuris from the oleic:r'.,rucd 10
sell by Public Auction, on 1^•'10.1 HATA
Lor 00, ('0a. 0, ithor:n1.s, on
FRIDAY, March 11th, 1887,
The following valuab;e properly :..
1 span workingllot•ses, 1 Mare;c1 years
old,'2 (lows, in calf to a thw•e'.bred bull,
1 :hero'—bred Bnll, 4 vec t • ohl.:1 `steers,
rising 4 yinrs old, .1 Ht,', risitti. i years
old 9lOteet rising 2 year- old. ' Heifers.
rising 11 101 .1 old, 3 IIeifer'-., ri.:iug
years old, ii Calves, 3 0 1o. 'p, r2 1`ir,,, 1
Boar, 1 Watw i J100ri1/g I;ir.,i'0, now,
1 Fleury Harvester, 1 \\ atsen hummiul;.
bird Mower, 1'Vat•o, daisy Rabe, 1 land
Roller, 1 seed Drill, 1 grain Grinder, 1
jack and Belt, 1 lb:T gart ('Suring
:lull, 1 Horse Power, 1 St/p,rudor, 1 Runt
Cutter, 2Ilolr--axle Lnlnbcr Wa,::};on, 1
Wagon Rack, 1 set Bnb•Slcigll.+; 1 Gant
Plow, 1 Plow, 1 set 1t en Harrows, 1 Log
Boat, 2 sets Double Harness, and 11 lot of
other articles ton numerous to nunti°h1.
Sale to be without resale, as th pru-
prittn' has leased both of 1), au t, for r
term of ,velars. Sulo to genu 0)11.0 a1
12 o'clock, Noon, Shap,
TEa s. -..All 10810 at and under;"til cash t
over that amount 10 months credit will
be given on furnishing appro\•a.t ,joint
notes, 8 per cont. per 1/11111121 of: for
cash on credit amounts.
ORO. 1(11'1115) , ALEX. FORSYT'li,
:lnoti,uoer. - Proprietor.
hforris, Feb. 2), 1887,
In the T'owttslfit' of Morris, in the
County of Plural:.
Under the powers of Oslo contained in n
certain Mortgage to tho Vendors, which will
111od10013 ut 9110 tomo of Sale, and in pay•
mast of which e.,otoult has bowl rondo, these
will bo sold, by Public Auction, at the
Ann ulr•AN H,,'rrere, in tbo VllIogo of Bnps-
1Le, • 011
i•h`editesday, 2nd Tail of 2II(areh,
at 1 o'eLoeet V. M„ the following property :—
Tim South half of Luc number rienty-
eightMI. the Fifth Uaneesslon, or the %mil
Township of Morris, eentnining, Ly ad'
moa0urement,ninet5an0u and mlo•Llcarter
50000, more or talo
Tile farm la welleituat,d on good lording
road and adjoins tho Corporation 1110,19 of
Bres0010, about fifty acres cultivated n0,1
balance pasture and woodland t watered by
the 'livor Maitland, Good imam, house,
frame barn and stable, Boil •geiorelty ala}
Torras and Conditions ae Salle,
The property will Be micro,' for sole Huh -
loot to a reserve hid. ll'ho putv:hna er 11,5 1,
at the time of gala, pay onatonth of hie
purchase money to the Vender0, their 80.
110100,0 o1 Agents, and suliciont within
thirty dayn thl, xalter, with ia`1,111 et 201
and half pore nt., to reduce, the balance
of purchase stoney t'1 i,050/ which
moonlit may remain on Alm tgatu, to the
Vendors fat rive yearn 1,000, • at ^i•:
and 011(111 pfir00n1,, payable yearly,
The alortuseo 10 contain is r. v '.5 1111.1 fel•
i111111511.11 x01111110.N0011,11,11,1,11 , L:rev10
the Insurance ecior,1Iv li, fhr full hear.
able value of the bu, Jago,
The Vendors willu bo Itoni.ti Lo ticoeunt
for, prodnco, nr Ohow or Provo f, r'1, ala
Of any Lleads or evidence of title Itod to t11:11'
110000001011, 01' rtirntoll conic,, of 1 (o ,0,10 e.
The (nueha101' unlet Bt a Ino t•I OM trio
at big Dion °InOner. The other unneiitiene
of nolo will bowled" known , -, :110+ tiled of
Halo, or ill] 111,111 101111011 to the a ndoroigm:ir, at
e'er further bo,TMelllarP ttro,ly 10 the
undersigned, or tad'. 11. G1a.s h 4r, .13russol0.
i. 'TbO above ,8010 is cas(pcned mitt 11
Wednesday, 16th of March, 1887,
AI same 811x0e and nose.
'osstLarti' :'c13ot.tomm.
Toronto, 5attaary 9et11,1010. 31.5