The Brussels Post, 1887-1-14, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST JAN 14, !Sb7.
traatory of he
IS One nen.- Sabbath :Terrines ; .11 re he's tight, Ibien C11111 his bead
Ett 11 it.m. and 1:80 p.m. Sunday Sehoul Wontn,n 141. 1. 9%4,111.d )1, [Mil
at 2:30 p311. Rev, John Rem. 13. slin is respoileililo for most of 3111'
K3gr.V. UnDuon.-Babbath 131.888 33.1 IIInProvomPois 4118".
eau. and and 8:30 pan, Sunday School i "18 SIM 10E passing fair ?" "Nay
at 2;30 p.m. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.. 1 we ; she 18 poo -13113 emniterfel
jouN's Onessen, -Sabbath Services umney ; )mirk her."
A t 11 and 7 p.m. Sunday Sulasil at , worth till Weight in West.4 Worl
030 ars. Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent. the ',opens, roni bent
m erid inow‘s s • ••49. ei•-41 ;400% r th-
MliTiV,ntar enonC0.--Sabbatb Servieei
at 1(113) eon and 3:30 p. ni. Sunday g "iiit•!it9i9.44•4;.rhaltitettinarl-s,
66110011,3 2:30 p.m. Rev. W311. sulYfil. '" '
'pia; lire ef rho boos ainait is fu'l
Molts Ctrwmo.: ettrueu. --13abbst31 of w,rin wood nod gall ilia sv,i nit
Service third. Sunday in every month, at v,nnil is 14.11 pel copi ill's
a amt. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Generally the person j4.9 hill" 3.
Ono if nt.I.OVen Lonna every Thnrstiay ,
101411 tii .1 ('11(3. 1')1110 Very wig W1141
evening iu tirahani's block.
33.8e0ste 'Loons Tuesday at or before dori't think enough of kPfl, i1.
f hll moon in the Ciarfteta block. I. sounds a lath. folio). 0. sae
A., O. 1'. \V. Lona: meet. on lst and th„,33 man w4.,, ‘vaa mil a by
3rd Atonally eveninge of each month.
n ling 11:1:1 ri
Posaevsn's Lonna 2nd and last Meininy
evenings 03 each month in Smiale's 148.11. "' "ver
4)4 11 ;Ives aro very t,.t.
it, 0. L. ist Monday' 113every month in
Dig," Pahl it Mall lo
Or mute Hall.
Pose 03,11cg,-..0111gelifinrSfroni 01r:ruing when s'311 raided Mut 11
not b: 111111131 the fire.
InsTrr3r1 r, RIsli10-1 Room World's Beg. West's 'Liver s
nod Library 14. II0itous' block, will 0,' care for liver complaint. dyspepsia, !sok
and 11.19,9111•Al. So phis
Open from 31 to 93 o'elock p.m. We,luesdays 1.0001ache,
io 11019A, b. 'it Drugtmd,..
and SA...Inlays. MiSS
rari1.81,11(1.TI.1 H1413 is stn.' bo a ‘31.111e"ivo
- t- voy hi! I,- 1, 911 ' '44'0
; kc(1111011, it 1, 1110 1481!!.: III `11..1!8
WiliCil i mum
13' '4411 supply of charcoal ip said I A boot (eat shoo shop 4,94 mit,
to be (if great advantage in fallen- the sign : "es- 1 Iron lasts," we
Ing turkeys. all !mow it doe-, but WA don't want
We still make war upon the whole lutY
rgeteti,o ;9rdit has
1100193 of It..
scrub doinain. We are determined i assinl.etdoksl
10 intensify our (ifor)s for their Maple ouro. Do Lot be indini4L•!111
1 io
fermi nati.m. This infatuation that WeiV's
robs Ontario alone 3innually or!. co., druggists.
$100,000,000 must be desto °yeti. ,There is a man in this towir
West's World's World -0r, or rang)/ LIM e0011011110a1 dint Ile MON his chic.,
Merit, never failing cure for rheutuatism„ 110 013 .. 10 lied to 0d Ve
neuralgia, man, burns, bruises, wounds a4:91
(81,01 8(111), at sLiseets. an Druggists. I Wear MA tour of 1 lin maohin
A little C1.'1', told by his in Alior
A* soon 180 111, 0031111A Are difie0V-
ared to be touched with fraet apply 1 to say his prayers and to itsIt for
with,or, brash or woolen rag a what he wanted. prawn! "for III
mixturo of turpentine with tiwe,et nil
equal parts of each. Apply twice a
day. Never take a fowl into ft warm
NOom while the comb
III3 pe1l I
Mrto for l- 114f119
111 s1i
1s1 t:
tor121 7.40t(3)49.
hundred brothers 21(1! l3(,'
mother hurrl.1 th
off to bed before ha .0,31,1 say
WestCougnyrt. Al sure 013(0 forssVut:('l14:,
1t 3/10111(be perini3. (1131 thaw out
Deets. and 931 149.94 19010.4. All 1 frungist,,
993 ft cool temperttone.
"Stuck by gum 1" exolaim (1 the
Sick hicie 001(4':ilia ix liver .114 rs )s•I y10111
•iffinetliately to West's I...ver Pills. *Igor young- man w41.4.1 os kid
gutted, OD Dral,,b33.4.
brother stiereplit it, rv.i.v pinged 0,
In the coldest weather cattle will oi
ou tx units, tho chair
often suffer from thirst rather than 1101111
brave riorce winds to drip]: 1.331 hole Popiav 344 .1.1113131 ns--Y,u 8,11
1(1 the itic of nenrly freeztog tern
your father yozi wit or ilio
Per":""0", With fiTeni11'4 "'WI" " house. Was that 0111 1' toe reason
very 4131(311 ration (a water onou 18 for yon leaving 1' Agnitus---17es,
day will be 'aufficieut ; but milk COWS I 1.3ther, thia 18)84 am (,0483111).
33110111,1 103 induced to drink twice n 94
p t11 ho 444 1 aid kited
day, if possible, and the Water , •
Wit 11 111 at all oilliets +9l lieup•,your
obould be somewhat. warmed to pre- month 3311)3 1, het ter 111111 1 ouud
vont chilling Um stomach and le- of explanation *for 37011 11a31(1 said
titrdiog digestiou.
*see Reward:
114 on I:our Girard.
'i11 pay 3.11(4 18(08,0 reward for au:, case
nIliver complaint, dyspepsia, sigh headnehn, Den't snow a geld in the head to slowly
0114 candy develop Atoll into Catarrh, wLen
&digestion, constipation. or costivoness, we
gannet cure with West's Vegetable Liver yen eau u (0(11(11.. 31.8341 Alfewci.;ppliootioos
tioTeccutvi'l enn0rri!o0r11}.11.11 aTyagt!it ran 4. 0011'1,1,
Pills, when the -directions iltre strictly coin- r 1)10
firelrwfiltt11.Lte Tgl.v6inaZt0isfauart0toYo7rat&I'0191•34J.V9.1411 1j bnixe s w111 cure chi.° u c Catarrh! o'ry Dr.
cantaining 101 sugar.coatca pills, Allots. For flitase's Canadian Catarrh Gut e-itivill cure
sa1(4 by all druggists. 13oware of counta- V010
reds and imitations. Tee genuine maim- Al Waterloo, a Highland reennent
tacturnd only by 3014101 C. WIIST CO.,
Trirento, Out. 111113 lite Scots Greys mot in the
The Scientific Amoricau gives It thickest of the fight and raised the
mode of fire;proofing wood, which cry of "Soo:land for ever 1" "A.nd
Jury ho available for shingles or sid Ireland for longer 1" exelaimed
big. Soak 27,F parte by weight of an Irish dragoon.
aulpire.te of zinc, 11 of potash, 22 of A. horrible example : A Parisian
Alum and 11 of mentrame oxide in doctor proscribed for a lady who
liike-warm water rn an 11300 1J01.101: likd °Won tj on s again sr growing
IDA gradually add 11 parts by atm, T
•,, pxerejse, my dear la
Weight of 00 per cent. sulphuric dy. Consider the trees of the field,
acid. The wood is to be completely they ferret' tak0 exercise, and as a
cetiered tvith this liquid for three consequence thoy pownig
hours and than air-driel. bigger and bigger every year."
vowel 1 that West% Cough Syrup is the Mtn c ro Poison.
boot for 0 Oughs, 130(40,and all throat and
Inug diseases. All Druggist% Nothingbut pure extractu fro re 14041110 013,1
roots 11.1.0 0,4301 )13 preparing 181cG rogues Ling
A Minnesota npiarian roports in eeinneued, 3110 moderu non 11010 po1'11 1111.
tlie lie.!.,Ttittrnal that Ills Wed {pith ','.,T,41,101;"„r,r,172117,1°,;`,11'4,?41:7,1°M":3Z1'0111,,,
prod last summer over lt,060 lb, or and (Meat. Allmitieral poison) 0.1131.
ft0111 110110y 1.100C110 MOM, 18 has a `rtetfear'sTsntuabAtireriiii !citric!: irif°111..iiiiites.wielii.
elighi taste of tannin, and the color et 50c, and 93 1.00 ner b t 111. 11,, rue av ea Et
11) 111111811 Mae, though the bonny is
clear Prof. Cook says lin tieDen•i
aro piercod by an /1100e1 W11000 sal.
elianues Hut starch of Dm seam
110 peen 119 01113 10 VI,r-1:1(i
A111311111 l8 and yam will bo troatcd
11110 ith angel. Alitideri.-Ytet. I I
suppose so. Nothing to eat, and.
int" 1"3""Y• (0111811 11')w" (111,18 '8,111 less to Wear. I thank yin).
8120 011318)1.', 1131(1 1(3 nattered (in
'Dubow] erected it danger signal
brandies and leaves.
"Yon are fixing it, 1 suppose," re.
$1,000 Worrell
marked Thompsou so that he with
11t1/18 May read. the eontrary,
roplied Dobson, 1 ion fixing it so
that he W110 roads may run,
11. newsboy who jumped front the
Brooklyn bridge 1 oto the river still
latiguiplies in gaol. No ono will
nudertalto the job of bailing 113131
Tan Last Tear 1 311411.
After Lb o above yonrbo ended there r end
beau parson suffering from Ithonmatism,
Nouralgia,Toothaelto, 'Headache, Idthibitgo,
or any motto alli, if they only p
1.tavitat the utmost confidbuen in its smut,
10110 over nil others, and after then sitli int of
teas of the m090 coundlentod and Humored
asSeavto could. 500, 80,, feel juslclied in niter-
ing a forfeit, One Thnuralid Dollars, for any
enAo 88 Doug ,tiold, 940re Throat, Influenza,
trworneness, 134w9nohltis, (100stountion iu its
early stages, Whosping Dough, and all dis-
eases 11( 1(10 throat and lungs, (+veep 1; as-
thma, ter whieh ouly claim relief, 'Ulla;
WO can't cure with West's Cough Syrup,
' vit.= taken aceording to directions. Sample
bpttles26gts. and DOW. Li11110 bottles 81.
nItutuhie 'wrapped. only in bloc. Sold by n.1)
Drliggists, or seat by express 00 rennin!, Of
WO. 301-111 We'AT 1^ Termite,
Fattening Ptoolc on, roots, mainly
turnip:, is common 113 England. hitt
even those roots are snpplim all f ed Lot bleat litid Lightning, as it ultras instant.
by ow, meal, 31.1 Br tato years by 1,4:mx;ilent(13;;UP,tatt3g.irrg*,141,',",g(c1,.,
•,:orn. Our colder winters make 0011V0 41 00., rirtiggint it,
The armless artist was recently 1
roots immutable 118 a staple food,
and while corn cootitrocs cheap es married and signed the wedding 1
:11 11338 been it 0(111 140111 the prefer. contract with her foot. That WILD
mace it; has long enjoyed as 11 food an an-tograph with a vengeance,
ler fattening stock. !Pilo tax 011 T110 Now 'York Tiwuri Jinn a 111113
olcomargarie will probably have article on "The Wages of Servant
smith effect in saving 'cotton seed Girls," The New York servant
for leeding stock instead of geld:tuber must Le behind the times. In ;
the oil ,ui,(it to make into luta- Cleveland elm runs the house on :
Mimi butter. shares.
The Christian is known by the
sidewalk he a. ops.
A 1 euvii. woralimer upon family
11 frtirs /Mr 38811 44 good *8)30 of hor
du 3 ".to eu the heme metes
a, her and strive for 1
.:0111 %lion " She applied, "11 yee
would bring a not 1 le whiskey with 1
, thee, 1 eat( try "
13e03.01(0r Piiirtco• 4.'0rbikiio(141ra11',
10(0 y ,11 au 031,1 Aero, guru, 1E31149-
C: rn ,,inni.41, 4,311Mw
lt on, Pimple, 111, eh,
es, 11,9•11*11 JEledsor 1400?se...tees 10 101',
4•419,9. 9.1 111. ly, eGrogor Varke's
balls "01%10. 11 you 0,111 ry lt, it will ton •
• 3o11. *11 010110 but 010, at 11113131014308'
D • g Store.
customer- Well, how's busk .
mot- ? Druggist -Brisk, brisk.
(11.10111 )r' -G111111113 away with 1084
of g eDis, ? rillftDat /11 • I
• Weil Cu 4E0 ner--Wliat article
sosina to hold the lead nowadays ?
pro t
A Proilinble Life.
14,1W 111011 130,4 Ile00,.1111i•ilie•I the 80.1111,
amount, of 110r1) 0.1:11 (00,1 In (Ms World 4
110 oo1(11,1,t,1 11,', )11000,, Ilvor flo,foo of Ills
wor,,,, have 1,0110 said 4,, nuoula 1110110. WO
‘,11 01(013 110r1011 '1401040d wit. LlOor
44)11001 dm, 1)391.-31010, headache, Kidney or
Urinary Trunnion, to cull n at vou r ru pgiet
awl MI 4,- a bottle of 31 r, etnisti's Weer 11ttre'
1( 11(111 our° 7.411.. Med 1(1) 10 1.1,1111 1.1,ipe Doug'
011. 141)111.
moa 1.1,33 in a
Idaidisniit'i'N 3.11.113 1,1 Jitelc•iini, (la, ;
fore rii-istiag betwi x.13.1.011
:3%111 110r111)Nby resolved. Dein
1(134)1*o le arm will s'ittle ((Id tne
dein what de firm owe will set- ;
tlo wid Mose."
Thousands owe their rocovn or' from
Rheum:41,16m to West's World's Wender or
ritinW bidiniertb. It 10 conooded every.
1101% 4,. be the hest 111,0wn remedy for 1
.Ititudintism , ruts, 13 rn ifleS, Spina us, Burns,
Scalds, and all diseases requiring ox`ernal
app dant bd.. Pilot 1193 cents and Lie cants per
bottle. -Iola by John Hargreaves Si Lc. •
• I
nAud 111331 15 silver ore, ld it ?"
said Airs. finaggs, as she examined
a piece of curious looking. mineral.
"Y118, illy (1 ar," replied her h(1s f
111,4,1. "Allil how do you get the
tree out ?" "The) smelt it "
"W 11, that's queer," she added,
after applying her no•ie to the ore ;
"I emelt it, too, but didn't get any
HefiregOr's Speedy Cu rr.
When tv, say geOrogor's Speedy Cure is
the ..'ly perfect euro for Dyspepsia, Livor
Complaibta./mligestion (1.11111.1 ro Mood,
we are telling the Main Diets, of which bun -
tired s n pea 1111 1/ dr0,1f1 teatity, , ‘rlin have
beau resto rod tn purfect health by its use.
8111 would therefore advise you etronglv 11
you are subject to ny 014 1110 above troubles
tout's) MeCirog 9r'sS peedy Ours a trial and
MI convinced. Et is Held in 5410. and $1,00
bottles M llargreareS 1, 011's•1)rog Stem
A 131119 nit I, vory much excited,
rushed into ton parlor, which was,
hill of company awl exclaimed,
"Mamma, just think of it 1" "Think
«3 8311,1.1 my darling ?" "Our 1383. 11380
it %clinic lot of twins, and 1 duln't
even It ow she was married 1"
Charlestown, P. E. I., is to have
110 atheletie association.
A dairymaid's social is the latest
enterteinment given by the Orillia
Methodist church.
In the city of Toronto the amount
received for dog licenses during the
year just closing amounts to *0017.-
An iron tack, half an inch in
length was found embedded in the
stomach of Christmas goose at
Charlottetown, 1?. 13.. I.
well-known 'Permit° coal mer-
chant het $2,000 that Howland
would have over '2,000 majority"
Whenhe made the bot people thought I
be Was crazy.
(leo Cummings, of Clyde, Ont.,
a young man of 22 years of age who
had his back broke about seven
months ago, 18 now able to sit U4
and when steadied cam walk a short
P3134 P.111TV.---011, iiray don't talk of getting old nod giving nut
r 654
Itt Zt
Practical Watchmaker 10 jeweller
Thanking the Public tor past favors and
support and %visiting still to secure your
patronage. Wo aro opening on t fall lines
Gold and 4ilvc0 Watches,
Silver 'Fisted Ware, from established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
Club uf the latest designs.
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem
Rnrings, .Co
30.100 1401.0 in stock a full line of Violins
nod Violin Strings, Pipes, &a.
N.13.. ---Issuer of garriageLiconscs.
T. Fletcher.
discussiou 011 the origin of the name
111 the course of an interesting
Orillitt, published by the Paulin , of ,
the nourishing town, a correspond-
ent states 01381 1110 naming of local-
ities the oarly.days of Upper
Canada. WAS often a matter 'of haze
ard tw whim, Si if I erogrine Mait-
land calling townships after his pot
dogs, Flos and Tiny, aud other
numes as fanciful. The townships
of Mara awl Lama 114883 1)11831' names
formed by reversing the syllables.
Sir. Puller, of Oaklands Stock
Farm, has 1114.1,1110d a reputation of
keeping of the times In ull
agricultural nod dairy matters. 1 -lis
last venture is the importation of a
class of sheep (the Dorset Horn),
who lamb both in the spring and
fall Tho ewes other than yearlings
invariably produce twin, so that
ono ewe has four lambs to her credit
yearly. Mr. 11tiller, a few days ago,
shipped a few of these lambs to W.
Britton, Toronto, for his Christmas
Alarket, the second crop of lambs
this year from the same etves. They
wore from 5 to 7 weeks old, and
weighed from 85 lbs. 10 40 lbs. 011411,
Eight 0811013 iit Oaklands, besides
having prodnced lambs in the spring,
had sixteen lambs this rant and 13
yearltug owes had ono limb each,
It is a novel sight.tir see these lambs
frisking about in the suotv. Not a
lamb has boon 1(113( 311118 far,
I can't abottr the idea !
-Ray Spactacies
Garlick's Old Stand'
Han removed his stock of (1 roverics,
ockery. Ilasswa)e,
and .31731.13 3.1)0411' that Will preserve yOur
L A Z A_ IR., TT El
ittannfaeturing Optician. late of the ilrm
of Lazarus & Morris, 018 MarVland Road,
narrow Road, London, England, has np.
1 pointed an agent for the Renowned hpeo.
tacks and I:lye-Glasses which have been
before the publie for the past 21) yuars.
Laserns' Spectacles never tire rho eye
Lust many years without change.
841t.1 by 11. 1,, .1' t(
NOW 313 r E TIME !
MUT 111M11 II. ill:ear's,
Where 110 will ho pleased to• MS 1,1,1
Customers and as nutny 1108{` 11140.1 as will
favor him with a call.
111381.0 just recielVotl a fine StOck nl•
OIIAN 111131,
for Xmas Trade, Which 80332 l.o 1101,1 111
ON,001100111111y low prices,
E GPItnelq
has started a Raking and Oxii ,.'ionet%.
Business in coquet:Hon. 111r1101; ((43)3013'
upon getting flood Bread. f'alrus,
ike. 01 38(1 times.
Li.! Tic ! Local House
0,0,1,,ielivered to any p,,,r! tb0
yf ir5W11.
r )311"
--•h111411111 1:101 eAS -•
J. Annett.
:Rand. sti.,, cutt,..., .141.),,,, Pow • ._
arsz'a''w.maaseg .1?oswiS. etrras-w Cclu.atmit:.epr., sn, iwt b'ith re101100031)31'
' VW:1 ,.'' Ibp,ofeed, Dook 1'otlers, Hoot Slicers, s'"!• , f/r1lj rk'''.,:
E.31., 13013111111' Port l'orry Grain V -r0 Grnd11(r' loes3)11 1. IIIV
orAlsotheCelerated - •g.,
Discount Sale
*114(131),iiii(lsoveralHand V05.0R'F,,
Next 30 Days.
To make room for our Spring
Stook we will dispose of 1111 1111013
oliday Goods
(1,31 13. large Discount for the next
3,30 days.
Now is the one =
to secure bargains
Ca11 iu and Hen our %roll as-
aortoci stook.
Too many lmes to eutimorato
1.'08T 1300 K STO
"2- :Nd: =JD p .
Fog .
It dreads thorn all.
. jpg 3x3Ar
0410038 1111'
Geo. Love. '151to r" 1/43 rs.....t=
„2. d 6
r lifQ
41074111. -el
Tgi-t'sa. 1344)