The Brussels Post, 1887-1-7, Page 4_____,_...,eteregretronewreessmar-ziwortettororrotrr4weertalar
new mixexiistuccuts. aro tt lrw hot, hcaaln belonging to
both political partes who loop this
Card of Thanks -\V. FI. MoCraoken.
Carel of Thanks -J. IL Toting,
Annual meeting -Jas. Ferguson,
Annual meeting -Donald MoLnuelllin.
Furniture emporium -Mrs. W. Long,
School supplies -"Post" Bookstore.
Apprentice Wanted-',PosT."
Farms for rale ---Geo. Armstrong,
Farms for sale -J. 11. Grant.
political fever up and this would be
a good Wily tO "sit" 011 that],
SFE our cartoon this week "tion.
Edward ready far the rice "
Tna preaeut ind1catienaare that
mmm the Dominion eleetiofis will be
p brought on at once, or at leant in
+1) C `Nrmsets ort, tb(+ conrao o! a month. At proof of
eee ---- thio rtssortion Hon. efr. Foster stat-
1 UIDA , JAN. 7, 1887. ed at Sussex, New Brunswick, heat
Tuesday, that Pttrliemetlt would be
ELECTION ON FEB. 15. 1887.
As hes beau predicted by the
Globe for some months the Domin•
ion douse of Parliament has been
dissolved so it is stated this week,
and the elections are announced for
Tuesday, February 15th. There
will be little over a month fur the
campaign, which will coneequently
be short and, we believe, decisive.
The publie questions of the day will
be discussed, the stewardship of tba
Government will come up for review
and the electors will be asked to en-
dorse what they have done. This'
we believe,in many instances, they
will not do and wo would not be
greatly surprised to see Hon. Ed-
ward Blake leading tho next Dom-
inion government. The electorate
of East Huron will be asked to de-
cide bet ,+eonDr. Macdonald and the
present member, Thos. Farrow, as
supporters of Hon. Edward Blake
and Sir John A. Macdonald, and,
wo believe, they will pronounce the
same verdict they did on December
28tH and elect the .Dr. by a rousing
majority. There appears to be a
regular tidal wave of elections. First
Province after Province, then the
Municipal and now the climax will
be put on in the Dominion elections.
Energetic work is expected in every
polling sub -division if tweeters is to
be attained. We have a strong
candidate who is well able to defend
his position, but his opponent is the
strongest man in tho riding and
eonsegnently the contest will be'n
warm one and will be puelicd with
great vigor.
THE Municipal elections both in
Brueaels and Grey township, were
very hotly contested on Monday. iu
town the two oantlidatee f',r the tied, It 18 said almost every Di•
Reevetthip were pretty evenly match rector of the Society is favorable to
ed but Mr. eloGracken had the lea- a change and think it desirable and
jority of votes at J o'clock. The I they even Went He fortes to appoint
old Councillors were re-elected with a Committee to deal with rho epees -
the exception of W. F. \'austoneLion but we never saw nor hoard of
who was displaced by Pb. Graham.
The Board is more evenly divided
than it bas been for years and we
]lope good work, done In ft friendly,
non -partizan spirit, may mark the
year. The vote polled was a large
one and it was said by more than
one, that good men both won and
lost, as far as the candidates were
promulrnt Conservative journals on ' minority are not in env danger here, but <Jtt:nitc3;ila rx `!t tura.
if ever they were threatened all good eiti•
this eubjeot : -- zona, ]loaded by owr venerably clergy, and ; Tho total value of property in Montreal
"'Hie Mail dill it,'--Chwils ttlb I cheerfully sneteiuedby the Nationalists, oxemptodfront taxation this year amounts
would unite in their defence, In con. , to 154 milliou0,
oluafoe, let TM hope to see in a few days Rev, err. Secular, pastor of the Is'rskine
the new Quebec Government extending e , Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, has ac.
fraternal hand to the Ontario and other ceptocl a call to New Westmioeter, 33, 0.
Orilliapropertyowners have carried a
bylaw to moo $20,000 for extending the
waterworks system ami lighting the town
with tits electric light.
Thu leo bridge heron the St. Lawrence
at Montreal hes now formed, all ne80nt
danger of the eity being inundated being
consequently everted.
Hull, Que., is threatened with an epi-
demic of dipth011a, which (Beton his
been beconliug more and morn provalout
during the past few mouths.
Thorn is a groat boom hi the gold dis-
trict in the North Saskatehowen region.
The quartz from one load on being aeoay-
ed yielded about 848 to the ton.
The Quebec Government are avenged
of intercepting tho private corrosp0nd-
01100 of politietd opponents( while it was
on passage through the malls.
The telephone lino cotntecting Saska-
toon with the Government telegraph sys.
tem is now in operation and the settlers
aro agitating for better until service.
Jude Boll, of Chatham, commenced
to wr•eetle with 770 appeals against the.
town voters' list on Wednesday, but no.
body appearing. all were (Renamed.
Tho Government has deolined to com-
pensate the Saskatoon settlers for pro-
tecting the Government telegraph line
during the rebellion before the nrrtval of
the tr,.ops.
While levying on a farmer named
Ritchie, at Neep1,awa, Ilan„ DomityShe-
iff Shorey was clubbed and shot by Jamas
and Joseph Ritchie, and Wan badly
A Blenheim lady by the name of Mrs:
Blewitt, hue written a romance which
the Detroit News doeoribes as a most
sneees0fn1 work. The story i5 eltittled
"Ont of the depths."
The first number of a new weekly pa-
per bearing tho'title Every Saturday was
d at Ottawa on Saturday The
"`filo 11nw1e0 course pttretle(t by
Ibe Mail -ee we befure Have not
hesititted to say-edithetl" the Con-
servatives, to true a fatnihae phra"e,
and '-11'audod the party."--IVood•
stook Tinier,
"'1'118 Oonservativee ratty tte5ii3U
their disnstr'oue defeat to the Moil's
policy. Every worker iu our party
ire this ee0tiuu W',ta hnutlicnppe,1 by
ti's auti•l;o a n Catholic
dissolved and the General Elections the 1\t [r
brought on immediately. There cry."-Seafortlt Sun."
Lave been a largo number of caucus- 'Thele aro a 1'uw of the mauy ex -
es as wall at Ottawa and the expect preeeiocs given which goes ;u prove
ation 18 that any day notice of ths. 111136 the lung !cantos of the Mail
solution may be given. Both posit- were not even backed 5,p by its own
real parties are putting en 61.0 war- patty. In epcaleiug of the defeat of
paint, getting their caudidates in ]phos. lee. lldtya some of his friends
the field and preparing for what have felt it their drily to state that
will be, me (teubt, a hotly eeeteetee he cos not :t popular candid.lte, but
fight. Tho Conservative party look we know of none arranger in the
forward to victory, with a 1eoreasetl ridwg, uoi• et one who can defeat
majority in the House, while the the printout worthy member, Thos.
Reformers assume that the way the Gibson. 448 Liberal majority of
Pr,�vunoiel e100110us went in the the 1886 eleeti011 in East Huron,
rarl0ne 1)ruviuces augurs well for will etaud gond rex years to come.
victory once more to perch on their ONTARIO ELECTION iUTURNS.
batmen F. The following are the election returns
Now is the time to make an effort for Huron and adjoining Counties not re -
full last weelr -
to straighten up accounts for last
year. If this is done the business
man can balance hie ledger, and
meet his notes slid thea preeerv0 his
credit. It is astonishing what a
fascination running in debt has on
NOM() people and they appear to toe°
sight of the fact that every dollar's
worth of goods purchased, or every
dollar's worth of work done must
be paid by somebody and it is un•
fair that business men should be
kept out of what is rightfully their
0110 year alter year. We imagine
if the buyere on rho market stela to
the farmers "we will pay you next
Chrietmae" there would be a goner.
al otawpede, but what i8 sane for
the goose ie entice for the gander,
and thie is a role that should work
both ways. Whitt is wanted is a
little decision of character in making
the resolution to square upland
then go to work and do it.
Wi'OAT about the purchase of new
agricultural grontide for the Grey
Breach Society ? Next Thursday
the (annual meeting will be held and
this matter ehould be definitely set -
their report since. That new grounds
are a necessity is a fact beyond ques-
tion. That the Caledonian Society,
Brussels Driving Park Association,
and the Bust Huron Farmers' In.
stituto would lend their aid in secur-
ing a suitable park is quite certain
and we see no.oarthly reason, nor
any other kind, why a settlement
concerned. While victory may bo ehould not be arrived at. The farm
more pleasing at the time, the de- on which the present Driving Park
feared candidates are often better is located is to be offered for sato on
off than these elected, for there is the 00611 inst, told if sold may go
nothing but honor about it and into the hands of someone seho will
sometimes very little of that. We not deal as well as could be done at
fully expected that E. E. 'Wade , Jreeeut, hence the necessity for
would havo retained his seat at the prompt and decided action. Wo
School Board, as he made an excel- : Know of no place more suitable, and
lent trustee but it was decreed other- : if the Grey Breech Agricultural Bo-
wies, wo congratulate tho Board, ciety allow this opportunity to go
however, on securing the services by we believe they arc standing di -
of Rev. John Rost, 13. A. t Our { redly in the wiry of the progress of
sobool affairs have been the cense 1 the Society. Tho matter has been
of a geed deal of disuaesion of late , long enough under discussion let it
and the movements of the new ; take some practical bearing on
Board will be closely scanned, 16 Thursday.
is unfortnnato teat every year these'
elections are run in a political groove THE very marled b00ees8 et tend -
as it is often the cause of engender- ing IIon. 0. Mowat and his supped-
ing a very bad feeling among neigh• ors at the recent election /ma been
bora and friends. One way to break ; the 0381388 of a goon deal of 'Remise -
it up is to make an arrangement ion. The general feeling of the
Whereby the Reeve would hold the Conservative party is that trio 1n -
position the Second year by neat. ' ereasod majority in the Ileus° is
oration and if he wanted it after largely duo to the unwise course of political armee of their party. Your
that lot him fight for it. We don't j the Mail lu attempting to stir up people oleo proved ,yesterday that they
are decided to keep faith with the Cab-
ello minority by refusing to take away
from it the rights and privilogee tho Pro-
tectant minority °njoyt in Quebec, These
Goderich twp.
E. Wawanosll
W. Wawenosh
Majority for Ross 842.
2OETl1 poem.
Listowel 98.
Wallace I IG6
Elmo 60
Milverton 1
North Easthopo
1.2 -
25 -•
360 , 905
Total majority for Heas 55,
500111 PERTH.
Ballantyne. Leverage
St. Marys 46
Dowui° 207
SouthEasthops 200
Hibbert 1411 -
Fullerton . 1 36
Blanshard - 33
Logan -
612 166
Baliantyne's majority 446.
NO3T11 n100E.
O'Connor Klein.
Brant - - 22
Carrick 18 .
Calrose 161
Kinleas 171 --
Lucknow 66 --
Teeswator 54
Walkerton - 75
460 98
Majority for O'Connor 862.
01151110 na000.
Baird. 'Hooke.
Kincardine town 107 -
Kincardine tp. - 17
19 .
Provincial Governments, to resist In com-
mon the numerous encroachments of Sir
John against the autonomy of the Pro-
vinces, and to mould together amid the
poem:mud harmony of all races told creeds
a great Natio]] of whiuli all true Cameliane
shall bo proud.
"Houck) Msecxsn."
Bruslye?ii Public School.
163 188
Majority for Dack° 21.
Tilt SUN15T1)Ra' 1[AJORI'lIStl.
Hon. Mr. Mowat, North Oxford 665
Hon, Mr. Pardee, West Lampton 452
Hon. Mr. Hardy, South Brant 657
Hon. Mr. Fraser, Brookville 806
Hon, G. W. Rona, West Middlesex 202
Hon. A. M. Roes, West Huron 342
The editors who secured election in
the recent contest were 7. R. Stratton, of
The Petorboro' Examiner ; Gaspard
ream', of Le Progros; E. P. Clarke, of
The Orange Sentinel ; D, Creighton, of
The Owen Sound Times ; W. D. Balfour,
of The Amherstburg Hobo, and W. M.
Deck, of The Bruce Reporter, The de-
feated editors were Jno. Carnegie, of The
Poterboro Review ; ;r, S. Lathe, of The
Oshawa Vindicator ; J, H. Solnnidt, of
The Stratford Kolonist, and T. 61. Camp-
bell, of the Brampton Conservator. Four
Liberal and two Conservative editors
elected. One Liberal and three Conserv.
ative editors defeated.
110N. n1*. erenoI11R'511588,(011.
MON'rslEAL, Dec. 20, -Hon. Mr. Mercier,
the Liberal leader of this Province, lute
sent the following despatch•: -
"To Hon. Oliver Mowat, Toronto. -
Please accept for you, pereonally, for
your dietingnisbod colleagues, and for
the geed people of your fair Province, my
most teincero OOngrlttoiatione on the
splendid victory aohiovod yesterday tin-
der your able readership. Thank God
the ery of race and revenge raised by
fana6ies was as unsu0e0Saf11l in Ontario
se it 11380 in Quebec, and your people
proved yostordey that they 3110 not to bo
lea natray by appeals to raligioue pre -
Whoa made by hypocrites to cement the
The following shows the standing of
the pupils of Brussels Public School at
the recent exautinatioxt :--
oxen el.Ase.--Maximum 850.
T. Knechtel, 206 T. MoLauoblin,206
Wm, Marney, 181 Wet, Forsyth, 178
0. McKenzie, 1115 Bertha Ball, 116
M. Shaw, 110 U. McFadden, 108
5IPTI! 05,150.-Maaimnm 350.
Thos. Wilson, 262 W. Malver, 257
Robt, Rees, 253 N. McLaughlin 243
A. Young, 218 L. Hueter, 216
G. Rogers, 207' R. Wynn 195
M. Turnbull, 182 N. Gerry, 180
IT. Rogere, 171 M. M'Nau'hton141
T. Hnorhtel, 05 I. Thompson, 95
51151013 38011R'r t1 r5,AST.-Mazimm1400.
K. Shaw, 375 3. Ballantyne, 293
M. Stewart, 279 A. Ross, 270
A. Town, 259 J. Sinclair, 286
M. Bosse, 985 S. Plant, 235
M. McLaughlin, 233 A. Drew°, 923
M. Thompson, 214 2I. Young, 194
A. Burgess, 198 K. Wilson, 17i
A. Smith, 165 N. Jackson, 141
K. Cormack, 185 M. Buyers, 105
T. Helly, 95 C. Thompson, 70
Jere. Saew, Teaober.
5011101* FOORTH.-Maximum 352.
May Turnbull 299 Colin Shaw 280
Annie Stewart 274 Willie Stewart '260
Amy Kennedy 953 M. S ewart 931
Jane Wilson 227 Annie catbick 226
M. McMartin 224 Flor. Hunter 915
Kato Wilson 910 Luther Ball 204
Jane Norton 202 W.MoCullough 198
W. Wake 196 Goo. Loye 178
N. Bleetwell 173 A.11. Backer 168
Wes. Love 128
Tomo c1,308.-Maxlmum 275.
Levi Beam 161 Eva Turnbull 144
Lex. Alexander 137 E, Calbick 136
Auni° Honing 132 lbussie Fletcher 11'2
A. McCracken 129 Millie Smyth 128
Jim, Thompson 104 B. McCullough 102
Osgood Ross 100 A. Currie 62
A. Jackson 82 Mabel Smith 26
IL SAMS, Teacher.
gay this for Reeve McOraolten's ben- : sectarian strife and bitterness. Tb
efit but Have always advocated tbat prove that this is the feeling we sub-
ibis is a fair rule to go by. 'Here l join the following eltppinge from rigklts and pri'vilegoe of the protestant
swoon T11IR0 01.41113.-Maxitaum 208.
Hannah Hewitt, 124 Edith Whitley 120
Bella Stacey, 118 Wut, Ore,wfard 117
Wm. Lowry, 3.07 Emma Beaker 102
Wm. Griffith 100 Wm. Stewart 100
Hilton Laird 99 Allie Cormack 90
Geo. Smith 97 Chas. Beam 95
Jen. McLanchlin 95 Jennie Ross 95
Lilly Holland 95 Sara Hinds 98
Naomi Williams 02 Don. McKenzio 89
Willie Hotting 84 Luny Lell"n 81
Sidney Hicks 76 0 Grumbleby 47
Eva Laird 45 Esther Buytre 45
Daniel Clark 29 Cllae. Grewar, 25
Tanny Hunter 4
Jura 0.Tante cLA0O.-M. ximum 508.
Ag ie Shier 418 T. 13radwell 378
Lilly Ainloy 862 Kat Kitchen 306
Fred Oalbick 880 Frank Ward 820
Dora Smith 1314 Alfred Cook 805
Sidney Love , 278 Clara Hunter 255
Willie Beaker 244 Willie Pieper 222
Mand Kelly 214 Willie Stewert195
Willie Burton 180 Jos. Hnnter 173
Bob. 6foCracken 158 Wm. Milloy 190
Nellie Stacey 198 Flora Hoggard 92
Maud Welsh 89 Albert Bleshill 60
K. RxoaAossoN, Teacher.
31)311011 5500En of ass. -Maximum 250.
Jennie Howe 923 DD d. Karl 209
Lnoy Webster 209 Fred. 'Veal 201
Reggie Fletcher 200 Harry Laird 198
Willie Love 190 G. Latimer 188
Jno. Grower 187 A. Varco° 176
W. Smith 170 Geo. Buyers lfi4
Nellie Ward • 151 Fred:'Lowick• 156
W. Leatherdale 150 A. Wake 146
Mina Norton• 145 B. Denbow 142
James Driver 141 J. Grimoldby 140
Rosie Lebon 135 Annie Clark 106
R. MoNaughton 103 Burt Gerry 81
JUNIOR swoon DLLs. -Maximum 500.
Emma Webster 257 Maud Wilkie 256
Harry Blaine 244 B. Hewitt 282
Tburee Gerry 981 Maud Hall 230
Jas. McKenzie 223 Ethel Powell 222
D. Stuart 214 Johnnie Finn 212
L. Jackson 210 0. Kolling 200
Lizzie Roddick 100 H. McCullough 190
Jaok Wade 188 W. Oohsley 148
Clara Beam 147 N. Malcolm 146
0, Meadows 138 0, Orewford 128
Maggio McNoi] 122 P. McMartin 115
Water Lowry 102 Gerrie Nett 81
S. A, HAan1r, Teacher.
811mn cr.Aale-Maximum 800,
Willie Holland 250 Fred Wilson 208
Ed. MaLauohlin 207 Mars. Lowick 221
Denial Stowert 200 Ella Ainley 209
Charlie Lyons 908 Arahnr Finn 164
Agnes Staaay 125 Annie Scott 119
Wm. McNaughton520 Fanny Rogers 115
Edward Peiper 80
0110050 oaaea,-Maxinutu 200.
Dora Nott 190 May Gibson 185
Albert Gibson 180 Torn. Norton 170
Alice 13radwell 170 Liz. McLen0an155
Doh. Billings 145 Ken. MOKo]izie196
Chas, Cantelon 180 Edith Stacy 60
Jennie Forsyth 20
rnoneee 110 2130 01,808.
Maggio Baker Annie Sealey
Kennedy Cousley Ida Frayn°
Willie Ainley Pearl Powell
Dollio Gibson Edmund Itobb
Eleatic B1aohill Annie Webster
Reese' Lyons
Willie Wako
Ella Love Ira Gerry.
moment TO 111815501 Ise.
Tchnni° Poipor Edgar Voal
Fred Hunter
Nellie Webster
Frank Logon Tom. Gatimoro
Toddy Grower
Lonna Baker
Stolle Holmes E1510 Jackson
Gordon Cooper Geo. McCulloch
Freddie Robb Tom, McLauchlin
Mand 1101lawi
J0a518 i1f., Sloss, 'Petiole*.
proprietors are L. P. Hribs dt W. J. Cuz-
uer. Its literary style conforms to that
of Krib's well-known "Pica" letters.
Registrar Pattullo, of Woodstock, gave
the boys on the editorial, reportorial,
business, and 1n80hani0al staff of the Sen- 1 ip
tine] -Review• a grand blow-out at his res-
JAN.. 7, 1887.
Diphtheria Is very prevalent in Galt.
]leers aro uliti5aally Humorous en the
t' Saekatsbew'an..
Fredericton, N.13,, it/ exalted over a 27/
170013131 t11rltoy,
At Donald, B. 0., utero aro now thirty.
five children without It school to attend.
Seventeen of the now City Connell for
Toronto were elected tau Temperance
11180.bit,'1homen voted down the proposition
to spend 810,000 for market situ --072 to
Lynx have b000me scarce at Edmon-
ton, and appear to b0 movltig to the 'tooth.
cast with the rabbits.
The Michigan Central Railway have
harvested their yea's crop of ice, ottteing
About fifty. candidates have entered for
the examination for toschere' eortifIcaten,
to be hold at Rogina m1 the llth inst.
Tho British Columbia Government hag
granted 91,000 toward the improvement
of streets in the now city of Vancouver.
London, Ont., on Monday dcoided to
bonus the London & South -Eastern Rail-
way Convexly to the amount of 875,000.
The Romau Catholic ratepayers of
Walkerton, by a vote of 32 to 8, have ds.
aided not to establish a Separate Soltool,
Application will bo made to the Ontar-
io Legislaturoto incorporate the village of
Tilbury Center in the township of Til.
bury West.
A New Glasgow, N. S., lady claims
810,000 damages for slander from a local
Utah of the law, whom she nemeses of
misrepresenting oertain of her a060011s.
At tiro Christmas examinations of the
Paris Conservatory of Mesio, two Cana.
diens, a son of Rev. D. V. LUPUS and a
son of Dr. Fortier, took first and second
prizes respectively.
Mrs. Samuel Colter, relict of the late
Samuel Coiter, died recently at the resi.
denoo of her son, Gore of Downie, at the
age of 104 years. She had 57 grandchild-
ren, 63 great grandchildren, 2 groat, great
grandchildren, and 4 great, great, great
The following desirable and elegibly sit-
uated fame are noir offered for earn on
most liberal terms us to price and pay-
nents, Tha land le of oxoolle"t quality,
i16 geed improvements, within 0 miles of
nth Ettiel and Maar pi railway stations,
oat ofeome, grief anti 01W 101113. eahoole ,11,d
Pens], No, 1. -Lot 0l,uonaesston 5. Gray,
County Of Huron, leo moron. About 70 acres
°eared, over half free front stumps. Good
frame barn and atablos, log hunae, good
orchard, fatless, ate.
PAROEL No. 0. -Lot 113, concession 5, Groy,
Huron ()aunty, ed?oinine No. 1. b and 3105.
sably not quite so good but oxosllent grazing
land. .Abundance of good water nod timber.
Almost new frame house and barn. About
50 acres leered, about 00 o1 wbh mhas boon
cropped. Largo drain recently opened past
this land.
These exopOl ties win be sold together or
separately end mien below their real value.
Parties desiring good farms, ready for pa-
0apattoa; cheep and on easy terms, should
apply at anon to J. G. 1f.,DONAL:), Si Ring
El tract Wout, Toronto, or to J. R. GHAN r,
20-11 llrussels.
idenco the other evening. About thirty
were present, and had a most enjoyable
Measles and scarlet fever have broken
out, and spread widely amongst the In-
dians on the Battle River reserves. There
was oleo recently an outbreak of fever
among the Cress, at Eagle Hills, but by
prompt and active exertions f0 W135
stamped out.
We learn that the British Government
have ordered twelve 89 ton guns at Wool.
wish for the defames in British Colum-
bia. The first gun is to be ready by
April, and wo understand the Canadian
Paet&o Railway aro now building a truck
to take it soros,.
A detachment of Mounted Police is now
stationedet Saskatoon, which, it is ex-
pected, will be a good point to stop con.
Unbend traffic in horses, cattle, liquors,
c&e., as Saskatoon commands the river as
well as the routes by trail to Battleford
and Prince Albert.
James Graham, of Bristol, who recent-
ly bad his foot badly crushed in a hay.
pressing machine, has since diedfrom the
effects of the two amputations the dootoro
found it necessary to rnako, first above
the ankle and afterwards above the knee.
He was in his 50th year.
Justice Henry, of the Supremo Court,
decided that the Dominion Government
had not a good title to the land along the
Canadian Paoifie Railway in British
Columbia, as the Logielature of that
Province had never made a proper trans -
for of those lands to the Dominion.
A citizen of Richmond, Quo., who
started one day last week to get a girl to
do generalhonsowork, says he could so.
mire half-a•dozon dressmakers, a dozen
schoolma'ams and twenty girls who were
willing to get married, but for housework
the girls were about as scarce as angels.
The by-law granting aid to the London
tC eloutheastern Railway Company, who
are bringing the Michigan Central into
London by 01018318 of a right of way over
the L. & P. S. R. from St. Thomas, hav-
ing been parried by a handsome vote on
Monday, the ne1v6 were immediately sent
to Manager Ledyard. Ho replied by tole.
graph, expressing his •pleasure at the re-
sult, and stating that plans, oto., having
all boon adopted the work would go for.
ward very shortly.
One day last week a car laden with
furs was ferried across rho St. Lawrence
River at Brookville, transferred to the
Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg 'Rail-
way, and afterwards sent to Now York.
The car came from Winnipeg, and the
furs it contained were owned by the
Hudson's Bay Company and valued at
871,000. Tho elder; in the ear represented
the deetruotion of 187 bears, 65 silver fox-
es, 5,187 beavers, 800 foxes, 4,255 lynxes,
8,178 mar6ons, 291 wolverines, 207 wolves
and a host of senttll animals. Another
carload valued at over 860,000 passed
through to New York a few days ago.
0u Saturday morning, Dee. 20, a party
of four started from Colchester across the
Iako on the too to Polon Inland, a distance
of 25 miles, to eouvey the ballet box for
the recent election, and arrived safe at 9
pan, the same day. On Sunday morning
they started back, and proceeded some
distance when they 0110oalttorod an open.
ing in the foe about a mile in width. Two
of them mood over in a small boat they
had taken with them, intending to return
for the others, but found it was impossi-
ble to work rho boat batik through the
now made Luc. Consequently they heel to
leave their companions and 0tar1 for
l shore, while those left behind went back
to the i51anr1. Theeo in the boat got with-
in two miles of shore when night overtook
them, and they were oblidged to remain
all eight on the leo, suffering terribly
from tie severe 3101(1. They reached shor'o
on Monday moaning well nigh exhausted.
The other two started book on Monday,
and encountered the sane (Vitality. They
hall to remain all night on the fee, and
remelted stere on lliuosdey morning badly
frozen. The young than, Staff :Bottoms,
who was metiers as guide, will lose one of
]tie foot.
I tale this early opportunity of ex. -
Pressing my best thanks to the Ladiee
and Gentlemen of Brussels who tendered
m0 their free and generous support in
electing rime to tho highest office at their
hands, lust Monday. It will be my plows.
urs to serve the village faithfully. Wish-
ing you one and all the ,,mnplimoute of
the season.
I remain,
Tony obedient servant,
E,lectovs of Brussels.
der my thanks to the electors of Brussels
for the very largo vote given to me at the
Munioipal election en Monday hest for
the Besveship. Although I was defeated
I assure you that I am thankful for the
support given to mo. Also to those who
did not vote for me I extend my thank
for the harmony and sociability showu.
toward me during the canvas and elec-
tion, Wishing you many happy returns
during the year,
I remail], yours respectfully,
3. H. YOUNG.
There will bo offered for Sale at the
01111TnA1, Hoene,BRUSSELS, 011
A6 the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, the fol.
lowing valuable farms :-
Lot No. 1.-N. 4 of lot 29, 0th con, of
the township of Morris, known as the
"Armstrong botnosteacl," containing 190
acres of land, all cleared, With frame
]louse and good barns, well fenced and
Lot No, 2,-S. 4 of lot 28y 5111 con, of
Morris, oontainlug 100 monad land,abcut
80 acres cleared. Frame house, good
barn end well.
These two lots adjoin the village of
Brussels, and are the most eligible farm
peOportios that hove boon offered foe: Halo
In thie neighborhood for years. The title
to both farms is periost. Am unp38rall1l.
ed ohanoo to soothe a good farm as the
Proprietor le doiermiaod to sell,
Tnuars.-Won per one down at Maloof
Kale and balance in thirty clays. Outer
condition made known at tinio of sale.
For further particulars apply to the ace.
Homer, to Peter Thompson, Esq., Brae -
sets, Mossre. Wade et Sinclair,, or
.1'. 13. SCOTT, GEO. AlteeSTRONG,
Auctioneer. proprietor,
Morrie, J38n. 413*, '1887.