The Brussels Post, 1886-12-24, Page 3id
Dzo•. 24, 1880. THE BRUSSELS
a rrta^N,oatu=000r_ _.... .. rawlMaron,rrr im a:xsurrrt4000 smt'err.00000.0..0n0000 .070,0 0..,-. .000 ,00
You say that you want a meetin'•bottoe for the hove iu the gnleh up there,
And a with piutut'•booke ? Well, put me down for a share.
1 believe in little children ; it's as Moo to hour 'en; read
As to wtu(10• round the renal: at noon and see the cattle feed,
And I believe in preiwhin', too --by mon for prenelsin' born,
Who let 10000 tilt) hllfllfn of area::, and n:eastue out the corn,
The ping!:': hut a manger whore the paws are geapol fed ;
And they say 'twee to a mangos that the star of glory led.
Ho I'll 4nbscribe a dollar toward the monger and the utalls
t always give the boot I'vo got whenever lily partner aal'e,
And, .stranger, let mo tell you : I'm beginning to seeped:
That all the world as partners, whtttevor their creed or sant ;
That life is a kinin of pilgrimage, a oort of Jericho road,
And kindness to olio's follows the sweetest late in the rode,
No :nutter about tho'nitiltls ; from a farmer, yeti underotancl,
Who's generally had to pay it alone from rattier an o'rnary hand.
I've never struck it rich ; for farming, you see, is slow,
And whenever the crops are fairly good, the prince are always low.
A dollar isn't very much, but it helps to count the some ;
Tho lowest trump supports the ace and oometimee wins the game.
It assist a fellow's praying who: he's down. :upon hie knee(.-••
"Ie asi ti:b as you have 110110 it to ono of the leo t of them."
I know the Vet•4e4, stranger, so you needn't atop to (quote ;
It's it different thing to know thou: or to say then: off by rote.
I;11 tell you whore I learned them, if you'll stop in from tho rain :
'Twos down in ['risco, yoaro ago ; had been there hauling grain.
It woo near the city lixnito, on the Sacramento pike,
Where stone and sheds are rather mixed, and ohautiee eettteriu' like.
Not the likeliest place to be in, I r, member the saloon,
With grocery, market, baker•shop, mei ber.roont all iu one.
And this made ult the picture my heir was not then grey,
But everything still seemo no real sus if 'twere yesterday.
A Tittle girl with haggard fnao stood at the counter there,
Not more than ten or twelve at mutat, bat worn with wiel and care ;
Mid her voice was kind or raspy, like a sort of crook cold--
Juoot the lone you find in children who aro prematu :dy old.
She said : "Two bite for broad and tem, Ma hasn't notch to eat 1
She hopes next week to work again, and bey us all s•r:).:• :neat.
We've been half starved all winter, but epring will even be here,
And she tolls ns, hoop up courage, for God is always near:'
just then a dozen men camp in ; the boy wits called away
To shakothe spotted cubes for drinks, as 'Lbrtyuinors say.
I never heard from human lips such oaths aid nurses loud
As rose above the glasses of that crazed awl reiklee crowd,
l'ut the poor tired girl sat waiting, lost at last to rowels deep,
sn :cog beside it barrel in the corner, fast asleep.
Well, 7. stood there, sort of waiting, until 4onio ono at the bar
Said, "Hello! I. say, stranger, what havo you over thus?"
'lho boy then told her story, and that crew, so fierce and wild,
Grew intent and seem, d to listen to tho breathing of the child.
:1'hc ,;lassoo all were lowered ; said the hauler : "Boys, see hero ;
A11 day we've boeu pouring w1il key, driekiug ,loop our ah,istmas cheer,
Here's two dollars --I've got feelings which aro not entirely dead--
I'or this little girl and mother, suffering for the want of brood."
"Here's it dnlbu•." "lim'e's another." And they all chipped in their ,,hate,
And they planked the ringing metal down upon the counter there.
Then tho spokesman took a golden double -eagle from his belt,
Softly stepped from bar to counter, and beside the sleeper knelt ; •
Took the "two bits" from hor fingers ; changed her silver piece for gold.
"See there, boys ; the girl is dreaming." Down her cheeks the teer.rlrop; rolled.
One by one tho swarthy minors passed in silence to the street.
Gently we woke tho sleep, but she started to her fiat
\Vith a :lazed and strange expremion, saying, "Oh ! I thought Was true !
Ma was well, and wo were happy ; round our door -stem, roses grow.
We hail everything we :wanted, food euough, and clothes to wear ;
And my lutnd burns where an augol touched it soft wii.11 iiss;ora fair.''
Au oho looked and saw the money in hor fingers glistening bright,
"Well, now, 21111 has long been praying, but she won't believe me quite,
How you've sent 'way up to heaven, whore the golden treasures are,
And have also got 00 angel clerking at your eroeery bar."
That's a Chrietines story, stranger, which I thought you'd like to bear ;
True to fact and human nature, pointing out one's duty clear.
helico to matters of subscription you will eco that I'm alive ;
Just mark ori that dollar, stranger, I think I'll make it fivo.
o841 fllLLtNOS' ADVICE TO (1[11Lg. i
Dere Burls, are yon iu Reran of a
Tiros is it bumper, and you are
not requested to say 'Yes' oat load, '
but aro melded tew throw yore Me
down unto the urth as rho y0 wiz
looking for n pin and repli to inter•
rogatory with a kind uv drauliu si,
Knot tew press so tender a them::
until it 1)000 ns a thorn in the flesh,
we wit presume (tow avoid agrirnent)
that yu ar on the lookout for stun -
thing in the line, Let me giv yu
sum smawl chunks ov advice how
to spot yours fucker hozbund.
1. The clan w110 is jel.l(ii ov evey
little attenslun witch you get from
sum tither fellow, yu wit find after
yni ar rmarreds to him he laves him.
self more than he duz yn, and what
yu mistulc for solimitnde, yu will
cliscttver lata changed to ;ndiffttr-
Jellosy isn't a heart diseze, it is a
liver kumplatnt.
2. A muataeh is Knot indispon•
sable ; it is only a little more hair,
and is mulch like gloss and other
oxln•esonsez—often cies the beat on
silo that won't razo anything el.,e.
Don't forgot that those things witch
pi stature in a fellnh befoul' oar
rendj, yu wil probables dislike in a
buzbund after, and a mustash wil
got to bo vett' week diet after a long
8. If hnzbuuds could be talc on
ti'1u1 as Irish :cooks ar, two thirds
ov them would pro bablee bo return
eft ; but thare don't seem to bo egny
law for this. T'harefour, gurls, yu
kan see that after'yu get a man yu
,hove got to Imps him, even if yu
dose on him. Konsequontloe, if yu
;Say got enny Bole: vittils in the
:house, tri them on hum wuneo in a
•wile during scouring season, and if
i he.serallers them well and ses 1113 wit
'kalie,sum more, Inc is a man who,
'vulaeurblus Mundaa comes, wil wash
d. !Don't marree a phellar wino is
alwus rtelin how his mother dus
things.T_1 is to hard to Nano a
1 a yangt.wnn.
. 5. In digging clown into hits sub-
, jell: 1 fined, the digging gets harder
tho further'<t1 get. It is mutob easy-
, er tow inf, to yu Loo not to take,
for the :season theyro is rnoar ov
I don't think yr; wit follow mi ad•
vice if I giv it ; thnrefour 1 wit kepe
it, for I look npan, ethics Its .t du on
:tarter tle—a lnene done to giv and
0 :lime deco to take. But I must
soy 0003 !lliug or ::pilo. If yu kali
fined a :trite ids, wet ballasted boy
him, looks upon povcrtio as :assay
as a child looks upon loth—hoo
would ra'hor oit clown upon the
curbstone ov the 5th avenue Hotel,
anti etc ham enttil Wil 0) than go in-
side and go in debt for his dinner
and toothpick—and lioo is a man
with that kiud of pluck who mis•
takes a defete for a victory, my ad-
vice ie to take him bodie and sole,
snair hili: tet oust, for he is o etre
trout, n brads very share° in our
Canadian. IV cops i,.
The piano used at a concert in
Guelph the other day, was 150
years old.
I•;libu Scratch and John Statldon,
of Gosfield, recently speared 70
muskrats in six hours.
A. grey owl was caught in Guelph
Monday of last week, measuring 4
feet 7 inches across tho wings.
.tit young boy in Stratford was
hanging on to a sleigh, ho 'fall off
and was rue over, and had both legs
Mr. Brennen, of • Alvinstou, has
been successful in finding oil on the
farm of S. A, Fenby, at a depth of
867 foot,
Dr. Ooahraue, of Brantford, has
received 1150 sterling from the
Presbyterian church`in Ireland, in
aid of Homo Missions.
P. T. Barnum is about to intro-
duce to the American public a fam•
ily of hairy people, said to have been
regarded as mascot's by King Theo -
Rev. lir. lIroDonagh, .Methodist
minister of Strathroy, auncuncee
his intention to preach a sermon on
the political question on ,Sunday,
Deo. N.
The hull of the old forry Sarnia
has boeu transformed auto afloating
cooper shop, and will be need at the
different salt blocks along St, Glair
There is on exhibition in Wind-
sor, a clock which measures two and
n half foot high, tho frame work of
which consists of 550 separate pieces
of wood, hand carved by engineer
Thorp, of the steamer Landsdowne.
Bev. J. R. B ottisby, of Chatham,
had recently extracted from lois
finger it thorn that was there em-
bedded Thr 80 years.
Practical 1 J"tuleltmal4 ' tt Jeweller,
'Plionking tiro 1'ttbli's for past favor,: and
support and wishing still to sonars your
patronage, we gr,. opening out full linos
(1,1.1 and'lilver lvatahee,
.4 :ver Pinto,: Rare, from established
imd rcdiabf,t linkers, fully warranted by
Clocks of the latest designs.
niewe1ry :
wedding Itlltgc,
Ltdi's Gen Rings,
13 roaches,
1;nrings, ,[o,
Aloe have in stock a full lino of \'ielinu
and Violin Strings, pipes, iii.
tee" N,B.--Itemer of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher.
I,,j'CIW l!t, 'i'iflle TIME !
ill! He ! :Arial House
---wfneat: Tali (UN UHT—
Hand Straw Cutters. Hlorse Pow-
e:: Straw nutter's, with r'evoteable
feed, Root Ptiiperss, Root Slicers,
ilio genuine i:'ort l'i:rry Grain
Grinder, Horse Powers, largo
and small, and several 'Hand
Powers— cheap, and Trod Pow-
ers. Also the Celebrated.
H.. A -Y'j 1/-i- c1 I'V •.t_.r
Give Me a Cal!
It Leads them all.
Woolen Mill.
Wool MVV 'anted
tJed !
Highest Market Price
--PAII: IN --
Cash or Trade !
I have in stock tt go:)d assort-
ment of Blankets, Skirtings,
Flannels, fine and coarse, Full
Cloth, Fine '.:'weeds, Coarse
Tweeds, Yarns, &c. Also an a5-
sortment of Cuttnn goods..
I am now prepared to take in
Weaving, &c.
Knitted Goods
Made to Order.
Geo. Love.
The Fest :Place
to Leave. your Order for Boots
& Shoos is
At Shand's,
IIis boots are the best looking,
the best wearing, and the best
fitting, and his prices are Reason-
Shand devotes his whole time
and attention to his business,
and personally superintends all
tho work done in his shop.
Shand got the First Prize for
both Fine and coarse work at the
Fall Show here.
The Best Value
in Ordered Work is to be had at
Shand's, the People's Shoemaker.
OW 16T 'I
Ilas removed his stools of Groceries,
Crockery, Glaseivsre, Sfa. to
Gc c'lick's Old Stand,
lists' 00011 00 B. eEnnes,
wheie he will be pleased to see his old
Customers and as many new ones as will
favor him with a call.
I have just reooivod a :lino Stook of
NVTB, the.,
lfor Xmas Trade, which will bo sold at
exceptionally low prices.
Y. A.
Ji2'7". E. G7'zwid y-
11as started a Baking and Confeetionory
Business in connection. Parties can rely
upon getting Good 13roeol, nuns, Calces,
do, at all times.
Ks' Goods dolivst'od to any pert of the
J. Annett.
before taking your wool else-
Yours Truly,
31A.RL itit1R8 ..f
:Malas & Pu,tt r,
Lath shingles.
Stove Pipes.
Mixed Pits
.'•^"`.-.—.:�nrvrr�nyiCL,>IY.S�'..t'l'N::W]NTY.6scr'toia]'NLCiCYJ�:-:IAhNd l'WQ1
s any otter with similarity in name is only got up to deceive the public.
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gpottiozwur -Et gave seat;
Grist and. Flour itis
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old crostoiners and a0 many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.
Flour and Feed Always on Rand.
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
JA.A=B 13T3 -3r.
O ; ETC.
All inado of the .Rest Material and finished in a Workmanlike
_Repairing and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should Call before
REruitltlNof s.—Marsden Smith, 13. Laing, Jas. Cott and Wm. lllc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, C;t Brewar and D.
ALL COLORS. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Jllaslnill, Brus-
sels; Rev. E. A. Fear, Woodham, and T. Wright, Turnburry.