The Brussels Post, 1886-12-17, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST DEO. X7, 1886. xLwlloarea Xmas tf, New Year's Cards and other Holiday Gifts in the shape of COTS AND lANf Y 000115 or i;s Honks, Bibles Albente tee, should Cali at the Headquarters for Santa Claus, whore they are cheaper than ever. G. A. Deadman, Dreagiet, Ileekirrller& Fancy Goods Dealer. 4/N�e GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eor-melts EXTENSION, W, 0. & h. IL, Trains leave Brussels Station, north and south as felbove:— Goiug Bon 51. Sluing North Mail , 7:02 sari, Mixed 10:20 int Express. .....11:45 a.m. I Mail 2:.10 pan Mixed 8:50 p.m, I Express 0 Sap= .i.e.bi7a" 1J Fit a, A ohiol'e amoug ye talcin' notes Au' faith he'll prent DIVISION Court on Thursday of next week. E. R. WADE is attending the Caunty Court this week at Goderieh. cr MArrLANn Presbytery mooting will meet in Melville church next Tuesday, Sm WORN A. Mantrap and suite speak to the electors at Wingham on Friday of this week. CAPT.'MOINToet bas been sent hero to command the Army corps. He hails from Nova Scotia. Ma. AND MRs. 1'tr, M. SrNCLatto, having returned, will be pleased to meet their friends at any time in tlteir'new home. A NIItrsER of our townspeople are en- gaged to sing at the Plowmen's concert, to be hold at Cronbrook in the near fut- ure. Tan oyster supper to be tendered to Robert Graham, at the Queen's hotel, has been postponed until after the holidays, as (here aro SO many meetings. ALasas amount of interesting matter is crowded out this week to make room for Mr. Phillips' report of Brussels and some of its leading business men. We regret to hear that our highly re- spected townsman, George Hayeroft, is somewhat indisposed and is confined to his residence. We hope to soon see him about again. Jets ANNETT removed his stook of groceries, &c. to the budding recently varatecl by A. Veal, in Holmes' block. The etand is a good one. Mr. Sperling will utilize the corner stole. A GENTLEMAN from Toronto was in town this week with a view of establishing a lodge of the Independent Order of Geed TempIars. The .organization meeting was deferred until atter the holiday sea- son. TEAS 1 TEAS 1 1 TEAS 1! 1—For every pound of Tea you buy you get a China Oup and Saucer FREE. I have just re- ceived Five Hundred oups and saucers to give away. Now is your time to buy tea at GEO. Brsznn'o. 20 - To those requiring aids to vision. Be sure in asking for Laurance's spectacles that you get B. LAWRENCE'S—as there are imitations m the market, and see that every pair is stamped B. L., without which none are genuine. Do not be de- ceived by e-ceivedby any similiarity in the name. AocrroN SALE. Next Saturday after. moon, at 2 o'clock, the undersigned will sell his baggies, cutters, harness, house- hold furnitnre, &o., at his shop near the bridge. As he is removing from Bras- -eels bargains may be expected. THOMAS WATSON. HON. Mower.—On the arrival of the Special train from Listowel, on Friday evening, about 6 o'clock, with Hon. 0. Mowat and colleagues, a torchlight pro- cession will be formed, beaded by the town banal and after a short march will proceed to the Agricultural Hall, where the addressee are to be delivered. • Get to the hall early and secure a good seat. NOTICE To "SPAREEns,"—The editor of THE Posr will send a copy of his paper free for 1987 to every couple, residents of East Huron, who cot married between now and the let of January next. The marriage notice, accompanied by a "bunk" of wedding cake, to be sent to THE Poem Publishing House within a week after the ceremony. Nvery olcl maid getting married will secure two copies. Now is oho time to hurry up the 'mob tying, in almost every instance you have "sparked" long enough, anyhow. INsrlroTE. The Directors of the East Huron Farmers' Institute have arranged to hold a convention in the Town Hall, Brussels, on the 5th and Gth of January, 1887, at whioh Profeeeors Panton and Robertson, of'the Ontario Agricultural Oollege, Guelph, will be present. At the evening session of the fust day, in addi- tion to addressee, a good musical pro- gram will be provided. The people of Brussels should make a move to help make this gathering an enjoyable one and prove to our farmer friends that we are Interested in their welfare. Pamnt:n BALL,—The funeral of Rather Hall, last Saturday afternoon teas very largely attended. A short service was conducted by Rev. W. Smyth, assisted by Bev. S. Donee, in the Methodist. Appro. priate music was supplied by the Choir. Ib is very seldom se mush sympathy is expressed outside of noar relattvee, as was evidenced on this ocoasion. The ohurell was filled to its utmost capacity on Sunday evening. The pastor preaoh- ed a very suitable cliacouree from the text "Proeious in His sight aro the death of His saints." The feeling of the whole congregation was exprossorl. by the pastor that Father was a good -:man, , of Toronto, was in town Mos. J. Rfrsn, of Clear Witter, Man., was visiting at (George Miller's this week, p,; t; week from Saturday will be Christ- ,It's•; Arrived, another Lot of ('Mina ruse day. Chips and SlLucars to nom AWAY. They go HON. 0. Mownv Friday evening in Agri- i ko Smoke. Geo, Hamm. 22-1* cultural 1001, 1lrusse1e. I'1xrRa copies of this issue of TIM Posr Meg. DpmroNAND Mlle Dv'o'rOE, of Strat- may be obtained at our offhco, It would ford, and Mrs, D. IL Clerk and HOE, Of be a good weok to send a copy to your TYoodstook, are vieiting at 0, A. Dead- friend. man's, Ir is announced that there will be ekat- Mise LANOUALE'e Senility School class ing at the rink on Saturday evening of waited on her, on Tuee,lay evening of this weok if the Weather keeps cold. this week and modo 'ter a Christmas Than name of 3, Hargreaves IS mention" present, ea n a fly Candiclato far nits of oho rtt- NoanuATro,ts next Monday. nt neon, fn ; oanolos at the Sobool Board. Ile would the Town Hall, for the East Huron oan- didatee aspiring to a seat in the Local Legislature. THOMAS CAknrou, of iiol noaville, was visiting old friends in town duke 'week. Tom. has a warm (twiner iu hie heart for Brussele yet, Gnoeoe MON111 left Brussels hist Tues. day for London, where be purposes visit. ing some of his friends before settling down to bneinees. ;32.26 will pay for TEE i osa ao l either the weekly Globe, Mail, i dve:ileer, free Press or News to the let January 1888, W. H. Kerr, Agent. New eubscribers conn;, + Lu the front right along. Tun Posr e rind be taken by everyone who wants t tip-top lecttl paper. Try it for a year. Fon Dyspepsia or Weak itscotioel clink ST. LEON MINERAL ',Vari a tet' each meal. For Constipation take it beforo Break- fast. For Sale at the LionStore. 22.2' $1.5Osocuree TnE p,..'; :..,m now to the end of 1887. 14mont:...,c :.:flit; for 131.50. Don't borrow Tam POST any longer but call in and leave your no ua along with the large number of new subscribers. New Cents PAaLon.— s. Kirk will bo propared on and afterSaturday to supply Oyate's, the best n the Market, either Raw or Cooked. 01)1,0500 Queen's Hotel, Brussels. 22f IT hos been decided by a members of the Connell to divide up the boards of the front of the dressing rooms iu the Town Hall into advertisi g spaces, to be sold to persons desiriug em. It is a good idea and will, no doubt, take well. IT is stated that the fallowing ticket was proposed for at the coming znunioipal election, et a Conoerva ve oaueus, on Wednesday evening :--Fel • Reeve J. R. Young. For Counoillore, Geo. Banker, W. F. Vanetono, Wm. L'le hill and John Amont. GEINST sits Will soon bo ere and Mrs. Kirk has a large stook of wools on hand. Berlin, Zopher, Andulns n, &c., loots. per oz. Baldwin, Saxony Peacock and Canadian wools, Fancy Caps, Hoods, Jaokots, Fascinators, Ltte, Stockings, Socice, any size or quality Fancy goods in great variety. Dolls, toys, &e., will all be sold chae for sash r trade. Call on me. Opposite Queen' hotel, Brus- sels. THE band will be on hand to take part in the Mowat demonstration on Friday. They have deoided (polities entirely ignored) that their duty was to stop tit home.and boom the place that supports them. We may also add that there will be two or more bands at he demonstra- tion in Wingham, and ourband is needed here. Although it was little difficult for them to decide what toclo we believe they have done what will meet with the approbation of the villages se large, that is, boom your own town. SPECIAL Eniriooe,—This week we print a special edition of 2,000 copies of Tian Posr. G. E. Phillipe, o Toronto, has beenbusy this week writing up a descrip- tion of our town and also number of the haziness plaoee so that his issue will find its way into n large number of houees in this riding. We ask the persons Otto whose hands 0 falls to give it te careful perusal and after doing this, if you are not already a subsoriber, o forward your subscription at once for 1887. It will be money well spent and willrepay you a hundred times over. For local, dietriot, and general news Tim Po is not excell- ed. Our oartoons are Worth tloe sub- scription alon,e. WORTHY or re arL.—The ontroal Daily Post, of Thursday, December 2, refers to the test of the Ronald et mer, in that oity in the following complimentaryman- ncr :—Notwithstanding the inclement state of tho weather to -day, there was a very large attendance o business men present at the Mill streetelevator, this morning, to witness the test of the, steam fire eines asked for by the city. The experts were Messrs. Champagne, city boiler inspector, cud Oua •than Nolan of the central station. Afterwaiting forup- wards of one hour for hos and for other engines, none of the latterhaving yet put in an appearance, it was soiled to test the Ronald steam fire engine from Brus- sels, Ont., which also was there to cdrn- pete. The engine then got up steam, and within five =mites and thirty seconds raised five pounde of gonna from cold water, whioh was oonoide •ed the best on record, and the experiment was received with general approval. hey then con. tinned to raise ete.um as follows :—.10 lbs. in 6 minutes, 16 lbs. in 6 5, e0 lbs. in 7 minutes, 80 lbs. in 8 30, • in 8 40 and 50 1. nP ]1 n of M 1r th lily ah ub tin s h b Queen's an 0 w t a r i M a u h u t 88 Pose vo M mb ea t Y f a h z 0 d gi e eft n n T 9 10 lbs. in 0 minutes. Ilene a double length of hose, connected to a "V" hose, was then attached union each side of the hy- drant, and within a few minutes n pow. erful stream was thrown above thereof of the elevator, which is said to bo 165 feet high. A double stream was thou laid on and the two streams reached 168 feet lu height each. The engine Hien forced the water through 400 feet of hose and reach- ed the same bight, It was then pronouno- ed by all those present, among whom were many competent engineers, to be a first class engine and far superior to those now in the department. It is understood that the experts will suggest to the city the advisability of buying one of these engines. In conversation with A.10, Ma- lone, Lamontagne and (thief Paton, a Post representative was informed that the only fault the committee found with the engine was the way in whioh it wee oonstructed, as it might find tome clif• Acuity turning in the narrow streets. Tho engine is built with all modern improve- ments, and made of the etrongest mater- ials, and can edgily stand a temperature of 85 to 40 degrees below zero. l'1to test to•dey wee directed ander the manage- mont of Mr. Ronald and his engineer, D. D. Sohragg, of Brueeels. This afternoon the englne was tested by pumping Iter water from the aural, and was found to we:lc just as well as front the hyil'taut. make a good trustee. Sotto talk of electing the town councill- ors, two of each stripe of polities, by ex- clamation, and if the Reeve cannot be put in the same way to have the election for the Reeve only. It is not a bad idea. Brenn SOCIETY.—The annual meeting of the 1:russels. Branch of the Upper Can. ads Bible Society was hold in Hnox (lhurob,on Wednesday evening of this week, the President, Thus. Straehau, iu the chair. After devotional exercises, and a brief address from the President, the agent of the Society, Rev. J. G, lien. ly, gave an eshauetive, interesting and very instrnotive address on "The Bible verified by the old and imperishable giant dwelling places of Paleetiue," 0001ping an hour gid a hall. 100 Wawa made good neo of a map of the Holy Land' and two charts. The report of the Soo,-Treas. showed that over $105 had been =limited last year iu oonneotion with this Branch. A collection was taken, amounting to over $6, after which the oft'oe-besrors of last year were re elected. They ars :— Pres., Thos. Strachan ; Vice.Pres., the resident ministers ; Soo.-Treas., .V. 11, Herr ; Depositor, G. A. Deadman, Exeunt. ive Committee, Roderick Ross, Jas. Buy. ere, A. Strachan and J. Hargreaves. Hearty votes of thanks were passedto the colleotors of last year, and to the rev. lecturer. A number of olt'toies selections of music were given by the choir, led by A. Strachan, Mise Lizzie Jackson presid. ing at the organ, and altogether the meet- ing eeting was one of more than ordinary inter- est. The attendance was not nearly so large as it should have beau, YE OLDS FoLNEe —The concert given in the Town Ball on Tuesday evening was largely attended, although the stormy evening no doubt proventedsomefrom at- tending, and was a very enjoyable and novel entertainment. Some thirty per- sons appeared in costume representing the dress of ye olden tyme, and many of the selection on the program earned you back to the good old days of yore. In ad- dition to the ehoruees, Mies Wynn, of Goderieh, Miss Bolt, of Harriston, Miss Herr, Miss O'Connor, Miss Rachel Alex. ander, Miss Bill and Mre. Stewart, and 8 . H. Moss, J. Smith and H. Parks, of Wingham, and A. Strachan contributed a number of solos, ducats and trios. The home talent acquitted themselves in a most creditable manner and ably sustain- ed the reputation of Brussels, while the imported vooalists, especially Miss Wynn who has a clear, sweet voice of great com- pass, won golden opinions from the per- sons present. H. L. Jackson delighted the audience with two nicely executed violin solos, which were eueored. Every performer performed their part well and gave the very best satisfaction to their auditors. Miss Lille O'Connor presided atthe organ, and Harry Dennis perform- ed floe onerous duties of chairman in a first-class style. To give a description of the Costumes is beyond our power but 0 is sufficient to say that the display ex- ceeded the most sanguine expectations of the persons interested in the concert. Oy- sters Were served at the close of the pro- gram in the Council Chamber. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $75. Bt. John's church people know hots to manage these gatherings. �OR7aT. Bevot.--At Walkertou, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. E. W. Bruce, of Cen- tral Sohool West, Ottawa, of a son. a. Hasanve.—In Grey, on Deo. 10th, Sohn Albert Harding, aged 28 years, and 9 months. SRti M=2,:21 7a2-h.YvTia'S�£3.. CORRECTED CAP.ECOr,LY EVERY w]EEN. White Fall Wheat 75 76 Red Winter 75 76 Spring Wheat 65 75 Barley 40 47 Oats 27 28 Peas,.., 50 51 Butter, tabs and rolls;15 00 Eggs per dozen 16 00 Flom" per barrel.. 4 00 00 Potatoes 45 • 50 Hay per ton 8 OD 10 00 Hides per lb fii 7 Dressed Huge 5 26 e" 80 Salt per bbl., wholesaleGO 80 Sheep shire, each 50 1 00 eoseattseametassearaosswisssestiatiotresonsearasonal THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. .._._ IlIIVANT WANTED.-- 'Applyutonoeto ri1R8. JN0. NOTT, 28.8* Brussels P. 0. ,5 000D FARM TO RENT, 0R romeytonabrook. For furtlepartiulaspp A. RAYMANN,o,, to WM. O8TER Oraabrook P. 0. Oonoord P.0, TRAYID ON THE PREMISES 11 �7 of oho Undersigned, Lot 11, eon. 6, Mor- rie, about Nov. let, live yearling salves. Three of them aro rod in color and the other two rod and whito. Tho owner is requested is prove property, pay expenses and take thorn away. ISAAC Mi8'ittM11ION 8, 22-4• Sunshine. OTICE TO CREDITORS,--- Auyolro haying any elafine against the ttndersigheei aro requested to send state. trent 01 come to Bos F, ]fill %dale, and they Will he settled ff found ;correct. 21 n, BUM'. 'RAY 0D ON' THE PREMISES of the nndersignotl lot 20, 0o11,16, Grey, on or about Nov. 10t13., a white slearling ram. The owner i0 requested to Prove Pre - port y, pay eitargos and take him many. 011011G1.3 8111J18, 00.4 Mortar lag l'.0 Should fold. Acquaint- ance be Forgot, No ; iloti't forget it .1 Brush it up. Send it to the brother- in Manitoba. Buy our New Fall and minter Clothing. They'll suit you better in the streets of our town. Brussels Clothing House is the `rai11d acquaintance" that we don't want you to forgot or avoid. We'll promise to wear woll. OVE1COATS! INEIICOATS! 7011' they flew out of the 13russels Clothing House last week. g, /What a week for business. :1. rush, a crowd continual'y llul'- rying,, hardly enough salesmen to wait 011 the eager throng. What makes it? Why such a business ? 'What is it coining to ;' Tin Sall1O rate of increase fel' a year or 1)580 more Brussels won't 1:01(1 us. Why is it so :' Simply because right goods at right prices have done their work. WOi' a. 1, a�l''_tt¢ 14 ' n2d;'11 ,C,C, jq,�y -Li " , E'R' � !ll t I kat.l€ -,,ts J,tC l., t�, VI ,.r Wo believe in, and tho goof values we 12nve been giving, not only bring customers back but bring new oucs with the old. Ser our Overcoat Stock this weok. It includes everything new, every- thing stylish, everything dul'ab111- The finest goods thus market affords; as well as all the medium and lower grades. OVE1OOATS . EVEROIATSr A. R. SMITH, o' OTHIER, BRUSSELS CLOTHING HOUSE. 11R111 TO I;E'1',--NORTH half lot 20, eon.8, Morris, 100 sores, 40 cleared. Go"d log llouso, frame stable and escslloo 1 orchard.. Splendid supply of good water, 0011115 early for a period of Ave years. 19-0f RICH Box 70,,II LEES. f;�'f'PRAYEI) ON THE PREMISES k of the undersigned. lot 10, 0011.14, Gray, 01r 0r about duly 15E11, a red and white year- ling steer. Tire owner lerequosted to prove property,p ty expenses and take Mai away, 2040 JOHN ABELE. RT0TICE .—PLR'".ONS WHO 1°J are indebted to Thos. Watson, either by note or book account, aro requested to call at A. Sohenok's office and eettle the same not later than 1) eeembor 16th. 20.0 THOS. WATSON. 1ARMMJ.'TO RENT -12W BUJ:3- scriber will rent his farm, lot is, oon. 7, Grey township, for a term of Avo years. The farm is in good order and oho reason for renting it is 1155 proprietor intends giving lip farming. 9or full pparticulars appl y to JOHN MsINTOSF.i, Proprietor, 1110 Brussels P.O. N OTIOE. Notice is hereby givon that the Corpora- tion of the village or Brussels wits apply to oho Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario atIts next osintorn Sill 100 the ratification and of a certain Deed and agreement between the Village of ]irur- sole end John D. Ronald. 1115V Corporation <f the Village of Brussels by WADE & MCLAIIt, Theta Solicitors. Brussels, 0.1.11, 1800. 10.7 [c"mi 73 WING AND FAN OY WORK. La —Mrs 112cGarva is bow prepared to do sewing in all its branches. Also stamping both blue and the French paste. Embroid- ery in silk and wool, Nancy quilting in leav- es, vine stitch, Hair wadies guano to or - dor. '1'h o undersigned will tong embroidery to scholars after school hours to those wish- ins to learn. Oanttnd sec the patterns at 1001:8. MoGARVA'8 18-tf Mill Street, Brussels, LilARAI IN GREY FOR SALE, l being lot 14, on tho lath oon, containing 100 acres. south parties 16 ou id can., con- taining46 mores. Lob 14 is parley cleared, the haleness well timbered. A never failing weok crosses the lot and it 0 well adapted for farming or grazing. Lot 10 is mostly Gloated and 'under good cultivation, the bal- ance well blathered. with black ash. Will soil all together or in parte to suit the pur- ohaser. For further I articular% apply to bio proprietor on the premises. This lot is wolf drained. -ti GEO. ATAXY, SIRABLE PROPERTY FOR FOB SALE, --Tho undersigned will dispose of his property 0n oho Gramm sur. Vey, lust south at Brussels, Then is a good frame house, small stable, young orchard and $ of an aero aloud, It will be sold roil. sortable. immediate possession can be giv- en, Apply at Tit Peso! Publishing lienee, Otto ANDREW MOI(A'Y. 22.4 r1ENDERS 1VILL BE RECEIV. En by the undersign n c1, up to January n11,1887,000 the emotion of a solid brick dwelling benne, on lot 27, con. 4 Morris. 'Tendon will bo received for the whole lob, oxcoppt the stone foundation, Mitt Oleo near ate lenders for aitch department of the work. Plans and epeoidoatlons may be 0 ocul ai)7 premises. ,TAMES Di1NG'AN, 22 Brussel s,l''0, BANKING. ' j� [aINTOSI•I ,1 McTAGGART, 1B'.JL BANKERS, -s- BRUSSELS Transact a General Banlalnq 13zisiness. Notes to hand discounted. Interest allowed ou deposits repayable on demand, Prompt attention given to collections, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WADE eC SINCLAIR, BARRIS• rens, &c. Office in Leckie's block, Brussels. stoney to Loan. UT B. DI0IISON, (LATE WITH • Garmw &Proudfeoe, Ooderieh) So- licitor, Conveyancer, &o. 0ffloo, Graut'e block, itruseele, Money to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, OLERK OF the Fourth Division Court, 00, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. 0o,leotions made. MAloo. it Gra- ham's Block, Rrunsold. MEDICAL CARDS. HUTCHINSON HAS RE• moved his office- to rooms over the Postolfleo. Stosidenee on Milt Street. T A. MCNATJGHITON, M. D., C. o M. L. it, 0. A lldinbergh, Phyiioian, Surgeon and december. Office, Mrs, Shiel's bleak, Turnberry Street, I/. F. GALE, M.D., 0.111. Member of the 0011000 or :Physlelnne and Surgeons of Ontatti° by examination. Office andlteeidenc—Maul 8th mat, Ethel Ontario. DENTAL; 1>e EN9exti T33 -air. et. L. Da11,L. D. S., Honor Graduate and M. B. 0. D. B., of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide Gas odminietored. Prices graded and ne low as good work oanbo done for, Office over Tobneton'e Hardware 8toro, Semi crib. Ill• A. MARTIN, L, D. 8„ $DIH:1oiTX T5 Roam, Graduate Royal OolOgo of Dental 8ltrgeone. Ofilae—GaldeldBlOek, 130000015. Charges Moderate, • 11)EN7C X711'. Fear,L. 1) S. Graduate 0.1 To. rent° Scheel of Dentistry, All oper- ations guaranteed. 01800—Oady'e Boob, 8eaforth. ArtiOoialtooth, first quality, and guaranteed fit, for 012.00 per Dat. DOSIAlESS CARDS. IXT H. 8IoORA.Ot iiN, ISSUER Q' B' • 50 Marriage Licenses. Office nt his Grocery, Turnborry Strout, � T 1I*I, RODDICIC, HOUSE, SIGN and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Charges moderate. A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - •L1 - rlago Licenses, by appointment of Lieut. -Governor, Commissioner, d;e., Q. B' Ornyeyanoer and Agent Piro Insurance Co. Oflise at the Oranbrook Poet Oflfoe, T M. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, Ey • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for some of the beet and most reliable Ocm- po0eesia the Dominion. Odlee Brick Terr- ace,Tnruborrystneat,near the station. 1fi W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR l..' • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the prhotiOe cf John Nott, V,$„ and ie prepared to treat all dis- ease, of domesticated. animals on ooinntdie andapprnved priuofplpe. Treatment of del- icate foals a op ecialby. Office at John Nott'e V. B. ATISS LILLA O'CONNOR Teacher ofbineie, Vooat and Lustru- montalon Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har- mony and Thorough Bass. Advanced pupils fitted for Teaching, Terms on application. Bhierenoo—Ladies of Loretto Academy. Guelph. Residence—No. 2, Terrace, tenth, nom station. :,obert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. N�M, BLASHILL, 13 atelier, thanking his many eustern ors for their liberal support in tho past wishes to Inform them that et his shop in Bmale'5 block 115 keeps nothing but dret•slass moats, all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat Delivered to n11 parte of the town free. Oath paid for Pat Stook. maim and sheepskins bought for cash, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS,— Who Collector will be at the Town Nali on Tuosday ,of next wooly, from 0 a.m., to 2 p.m., to r000mye taxes, 'Please attend. TIIOS 'SOWN, M"to,o-nn var. 0.141a$e. Tho subscriber offers for saw gin valuable Farm in theTbwnship of Grey, oomprlsing lots 0 and 7, colt .11 in said township, Thin farm contains Macros audio within 11 miles from the thriving village of Brussels, 'With good gravel road leading thereto. About 160 acres are cleared free from stumps and in a high. state of cultivation. Tho balance 1s 1, Anzly wooded, This farm is particularly well fenced, nearly the whole at Elio fences being straight and having been eroded :in 1886 and 'SS, On the premises there is a com- fortable om-fortable log dwoillteg bouoo and agoo dfre.mo barn with atone stabling underneath it, plohorn isit wolf auabundant sup. ply of o pr, There , likewise now frame imoeMet hot.y0, l above and below,neatly sIdol andna,, F;000 applyto he Proprietor, FAMES20u1910 00, Registrar, Huron „ r (10., 18-11 Goderieh..' ril it . 1 l ,7. '1 n 01 tl tui 01 of ti' in H D 1, M st CO D dt