The Brussels Post, 1886-12-17, Page 7DEC. 17, 1886. 't1,K11itoxe Notefe. A rod purple tomos. The white season hue cline t stay. Busse 1H a nett/ abide of the bot tie green. A very (reel) royal purple is call ed PVC qua. Wl.ito plush ie used for eeeun •lig' There aro seven "Uncle Ti'ots Cabin" companieo travelling in Canada, o rhe illumiuntfau from the „tree( electric light in (tall can be seen for ' over 12 rrtileN, Thirteen deur have bowl oliat on • the L ko iiuiitil reserve fu L uit)tou this seagull, d Bert Gammon, of Ingersoll, 'Ito a ten shillings bill dated 1778: cording to an Aot of Cieuhral As wee. bly of 1'ifnfylviuin puffed fu cul 10111 year of the Reign of Ws it i jolly George The `Third, grated til i First day . of Uetober, 177:1. Ten lihflliug(." And on the hack true iTnuul. Thu pupillerity of bbtelt pi)1: iu °reason (11111y. Low cut drasees are 0neally with out sleeves. Snowflake plush appears, but suggests carriage rubel. With plain dresso1 the nee 0 plain sleeves is arbitrary. Satin with lace trimmings will be desirable for 0resey ecensione. 'rho old luno grog grain to colors is practically a thing of the paot, Simplicity elegance and fineness of material are essentials iu flash. ions. Purple has flintily Iron n partial although a sotaewbnt reluctant re. cognition, A military blue in the well known infantry shod° is among the even- ing colors. The present !season's goods arc emincutly commendable in quality, price aril design, Trimmed and puffed sleeves are permitted only with fenoiful fabrics and combinations. , Crtnrmtdittaa Dif e- eft. St. Thomas is to have it $$10,000 opera house. A. Leamington man was robbed of 25 chiuitene in ono night. Tito Loudon toboggan chub are b erecting a slide 480 feet long. A 24 year old horse was recently sold at J3ixisy for $2. A luigeborr liilled a valuable cow belonging le S. Taylor, of Comber. A Richmond Hill mite shipped 42 cutters to Brandon, Men., lust Peek. The African Explorer, Mr. Stan- lov, will lecture. in Toronto on .Jun. 71h. 1n ono day recently over fourteen hundred son fowls wera killed o17 C'tpo Sable. The M. 0. RR., in addition to dis- cbarging 2,00 luso at St. Thomas, dispensed with the servicya of 100 znrii at Windsor. Arthur Herrington, of Gosfiold, has ,gone to take charge of n 100 nen:: i,r.nitry farm 22 :Wile:; from BesnrlJ, Tu is henry weight lifting contest at llnii)il3',o, GM). Finhtysun tsrrlod it TJtG 0 . ball of ]run 9 ft. 10 inches, nod one Cool( carried it 11 feet, 11ir. Cnulrhill, of Burnt river, had a bunch of 80 beads of oats from ono root, with tut average of 120 oats in each head er 4.000 onto from one, A veteran of 1812 died last week at La- Prairie., in his ninety-second year, leaving n totni of one hundred autl ten children, graudchildreo' and greet- granclahildreu. John Driscoll, of Fredericton, N. B., is the possessor of n great our- osity in the shape of a half -bred animal—half moose and half steer —discovered in the wilds bisected by the Northern and Western rail- way. A tramp, who was jailed in Lu. ease can the mbar day, had three soars from ballets, two bruises from clubs, seven fresh deg bites, and a blank eye, and yet bo kicked vigorously about being put in a warm room I where bo would have plenty to oat and find perfect rest for the next few days. A Salvation Army soldier entered It store at Fredericton, N. P„ ie few days ago, purchased it dozen eggs, and walked out with there in a paper bug under his arm, But be bad no sooner touched the sidewalk than his foot slipped and 11e stat down upon the eggs with cruel emphasis. 13u1 he said not a word and took with Christian forbearance the unkind reflections of the crowd upon bis qualifications for a travel- ling circus poster. ii, tho evening no appeared at the barracks and told bow tbo devil had got into 1110 eggs to tempt him to swonr, A partiidgo hupter at, Harney station, in NOV Brunswick, found it young bear, and af.cr a run seourecl it and started for house. But Ile heti not proceeded far before the old bear appeared 021 the scone find seiz- ed the sportemsu in both paws. 4s 'the pressure became uncomfortable a happy thought occurred to him, anti be pinched tbo cub and the moment ho did so the old bear let go. Ho then ran, and when the old - bear overtook him he repeated the operation on elle cub. 13y this means bo niatteged to toaeh the road got into a passing wagon and escap ea in safety. words, "To Counterfeit is loath," A. few months ago Ingersoll. - w,ts afflicted with n firobug, and inoend, tory firos were uumoroue The Council offered a reward of $400 for the detection of the incendiary, who proved to be a small sized youth. Chief Constable Wilson claims the $400, as he detected the bug. The Council are adverse to handing over the sum to 0 luau whose duty it was to have dtseovcred the luce0diary without special pay, and a law -suit ie threatened as the result. Among the effects of the tate DM,. id Kennedy, the Scottish vooali.4 wore Nome2,000 - copies of his "Songs of See laud" as sung Ill his tours round the world, and loft by bis daughters with n Stratford gen. (lemon, toile wishing to realize something for the family from the books, has distributed them fur sale among Those wishing to obtain eouvouir of the deceased vocali+t. Themes Sllortreed, of lilpte+i',g, bad his grey bursa, "Tont," ,It,t lest weer(. He was got by n 9 }Fie called Napoleon, out of a 1fteteenger mere, and was itt his iJiitlt y111', stood roe hands high, was nev+r sick or lame, was raised nod bred by tfr. Shortrood on his (arta furl did all his work nobly unttl alt,at a year ago, when lir uhortreei took pity on the noble animal :tad in• tended keeping him as long as i1 would live, but he got so feeble at last that 112r. bhortreed thought it was a charity to shunt him, which was done. His half brother was 27 years old when be woe shot. A lady residing on the 1:1lore R )ad received a short time tile) ago, a Iotter from her sister who lives in Fergu•, and who bad ju,t reeevered from a severe attack of diptheri;t. Being busy at the time and having both hands occupied, she pinned the corner of ergo leiter in her mouth until elle could freo herheel i and read it. 'Pie next day ,tiro com- plained of it sore the 0 tt, and it fe days afterwards the d0oto; her that she had contracted (11utller la. Tho above goes to 3110.0 hew careful persons should he in e )11 tnunicati.ng with any Otto solleriu,g from a contagions dieeitee. Capt. Ilendsrson rohat0s it very remarkable occurrence that to )jr place on the firth of lir. (ire.300,, of North Oxford. Ur. G rcava-t w is killings a young steer itt hit b:u•n, the mother of which was standing; with her hoed from the brtru about thirty rods away. When Air. Grea- ves knocked the steer down the mother also fell, and when the ste3r began to sprawl and kick, 111e moth- er did the same, and in the last n3• ones of death, the mother wout through theaaree convulsions. Sumo little time after Mr. G. and others who had witnessed the whole affair, went out to the cow and tried to arouse her, and after some effort got her on her feet, and after shaking her head oho appeared completely recovered. John Wyllie's Newfoundland dog, "Jumbo," had an uncommon ex- perience recently, Mr. Wyllie and his dog w008 nut for "oonstall tiou• al," going westerly along the rail• wiry track. It appears "Jumbo" has been frequently taken over that route, but never would cross the iron bridge which spans the Nith preferring t0 8101(0 the river. This ho wanted to do, hut there being tine ice along the wtiter's edge, the dog would not venture in, but ran up the back to follow Itis muter arose the bridge. Whoa ab tot mid -way, the 4 o'clock express flange thundering along and strttek (lac clog in tbo rear, 1noclling Inrnton feet in the air lend over the side of Lite bridge, Penin which height hp f,11 in- to the river—it elem. fell of nearly 100 feet, Thu dog swarf ashore. and upon i11r, Willie Red (013)0 oth- ers thers going to fes i)osistelice, they found the poor (brute all right will, the exception of one of his hind lu;,, which tv88 rntad°r0d temporarily useless from the blow of the Vitt 1.. "Jumbo" is a wonderful dote, and his Owner priree him inure t1381) ever 81000 his Iremondona fall. Elie namesake -Alio clephrtnt--.wait not nearly 80 forienate in his wrestle with n l'centoliv0,•-- Ayr Recorder. THE BRUSSELS POST 7 f Y [TS 1'3) 31 l':ltf,()Rlya ! Tho undersigned bogs leave to lotiwate to the pnblio that he has np000.1 a tailor sleep le the Poet Office block, 0000 Laird's barber shop, where he lo proprurnd 30 at. tend to the wants of the pee:tote cutting, Ttttlug and :netting teething la rho latest nod moat fushion;tble stylus, 'My tong ex - wham together with a course of in- struetlon under ono of the bout outters iu Toronto i, a l;oure ,toe of being able to do satisfe,otery w,,l•l1, satiefaotion Guar- anteed. d. 'rte' ze o°ff. /I oNilY TO LOAN. Any anneunt of honey to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at - ti & (i PElt•CENT. YEARI4Y7•• Straight Loans with privilege of repaying; when required. Ape ply to - A. H inter, Di:inio t (loam Olerk, Brawls. '4TON EY TO I,t)A.N. l - Money t-., gleed Ou Farms t,ro- p0rty, mC LOWEST RATES. r'1LIL'.A'rl: .1'13) a•oitt'.t:NY FfrtirtS. W. 13. DICKSON, Solicitor. Brrtssols, Out. VIONEV TO LOA:(. 1-'RCF7,1 TL FUNDS. $2C),000 pf 1'tivete Funds have ,just - !,cell plaetel in my i1:t:Jds for In- ti etitment- AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers feta !lave their loans c.)tnplete in thee., days if title is ss tis fat; toree rir� Apply 111 • }`' Es l:, WOE. EO 15 ¶11:1811, Dn.0.li. Wss7's `fel ve mud Jlrain Treat- ment, it, go srnutean specific for Hysteria, Diezineee,00nvUlston 0, •its, Nervous, Neu - relent, Headman e,Nervoue raolratlon amus- ed by the ttso of aloohnt or tobacco, Wake. fulnen, Mental Depression, Sof tactile of the Brain resnittng to Insanity, leaning to rui0- 0ry,deoay,nnddeath, rt mato re Old Ago, Bareness, noes of Power i0 0tther sex, Iuvol- unbary Losses nod S rerntotnrrhu o00050d by ever-oxortto, of the 0rein, eolf-nbilsa or ore(-llldnleseee, Each bus 1antain0 ono mrntb's tl•0ntm0ut. S10 box 01' sir boxes for 0'd, slob by mall, prepaid, no 100011)1 of price. '303 11 CARAV'rtit's sox MOSES To cure any ease, With snob order received by us for six boxes, econtneceiod with 1111, we win send lbs purchaser nor written uuarau- tocto refund the money if the treatment eons net otroct n. euro, Gocrantoes issued onlybyToo.?Hnrgroavos 0 00„ nrussols. :JAS. JONES, fatclinaker &' Jeweler Tins on hand a ,ti,kmdid p3- n t of Silver iutd (loll lillo-1 whttt li,' , 01,a, Cuff But. tone, 11coectiee, Ear;n;,l, Cient's fins, finger 133 ,3) :3011 110t.+ V,'ob Chains, Nooklats, a431) 0 ie, a+,.,rtntent of will. nett alai l+teliel Cloak c. i P ttnpairii; Neatly :ung Promptly Texocnted, (h1T'1Ts`?T'ii ifO'fhi', sr,ocl . rute((:11•tl,)T0N V11UN5)XT. AT (JEATLY Bed:aced Prates I Wu liavc on hand the following : Laird Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Sculliers, !Horse Pomo, l'it1'aw Outten, Turnip Cutters, Grind - lug o; Chopping Mills, hest make, and 1 Good Second Hand Lumber Wagon: TAKE NOTICE. We have started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have Lumber 1>resso1 and Matched, or Flooring sized, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs en the most reasonable terms. - Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the 13rst<$SEI,s FOUNDRY. W. R. Wilson. HURON ANI) BRUCE Loan & Investment Oo. This Company is Loaning Money On Farm Security at LowwsT RATES or INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK MUNCH'. 3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and tune let. OFF1OE.--Corner of Market Square and North Street, (lode - rich. horace Horton„ ITANAG1:1B. Atoms ti}li.`i'l'y i)'A1'P1t1) 1 ,Steady Employment to Good Jlyli. None neat be Elie. Previous Experience nob essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 1O Niel. Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Foutltill Nurseries, TAPIR'S?' ell ('nnu(lrr, Ore), 400 Ares. J)on't apply unless yon can furnish first -(doss Ilefel'ontcs, and want to work. No room for lazy moll, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. annnluss Stone dC Wellington, l'9('l;lf men, Toronto, (alit. SCOTCH 'COLL./ RA -•-•- A C'OL L,/R- A new stock of Buffalo Robes, Croat globes, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, ,kc., • JUST TO HAND.' A Splendid ,•lsi;ol'tnlcttt o1' Trunks, Valises, And Satchels.' in Stock.. • NATIONAL - B4 LER MILLS. Brussels, Ontario. CHANGE OF PROPRIETiORS. (laving lensed the well known and splendidly et/nipped Boller Flouring Mill from 'Messrs. Win. `'anlstolne t( SODS for a 1 erne of years, eve desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the public generally, that we are prepared to turn out tliu.bw,t drawls of Flour, look after the Gristiug Tracie, supply any quantity of Bran, Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of 'Wheat. - The mill is recognized as one of the best in the County and long experiencein this business gives ntr confidence in saying guarantee satisfaction. Flour and Feed Always''on Hand. (rristing and Chopping promptly attended' to. A. (JALI, 1Or,ICIrem. Stewart 83 Lowick, our we PROPRIETORS. STOVES ! STOVES !;-STOVES xx 734r 1 1 J _/�1'' ✓ ^`aTi: Qs. r Are to the front this Fall with a large and well selected stock of Cooking, Box, Parlor, and. Coal stoves. In cooking stoves we wish to call Special attention to an entirely new line, "Pm: OTaWJN.u,," "TIIr•, WAnnlon KING." and the old reliable "'Noon Cool:," Weighing 400 pounds. The "Elf o-tl, PENIHSUL:44" is ft square base -burner, for coal, that should be seen by every intending purchaser. Lamps, Lamps Lams Lamps and all general house furnishings always Itept in stl,,-lc. Plate. Goods a Specialty. GIVE US A CALL. ayero1.� Bros. HOLMES' 1BLOCK.lel. .!!�l ei lariiUR .,4'L, W;.d .fY K, Vb L"•: , Groceries., Crockery, Glassware & Confectionery, is one of the finest in the County of Huron and i -o14 at islets which cannot bo surpassed. - • Our J'apau Tea at 40c. per 19. is one of• the liner't grown. -One special blend of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 90 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for i1. 5 Bars E'lectr'ic Soap for 90e. SPECIAL VALVE IN SYRUPS All the Choicest Fruits of the Season, A li'ull Assortment of Crockery and Glassware, inch,(ling China,. and Lamp Goods. Bakery Department. Having built a first'claws (ven, 11) aro tui'niflg ,oar recall . of thee very best (futility, Pas fly and alt kinds of Conlc'c ttt)neu, Pally and Home -Made Bread a Specialty A,'enlffor Fleischmann Co's Co)r,I{r::rscc,? Quality Our Leading Peatui e,. Thanking our 11111ner01114 Customers for tlicdr p:t1'unage it the (JJ:1'l3 ME .1 C,\.l.,l,, past and soliciting a e011110 eenee of same. Geo. Thomson.