The Brussels Post, 1886-12-17, Page 6THE BRUSSELS PUTT DEO. 17, 1880.
vui SToes 1N Disoaamm—No True love, it is said, never did
i 00, cry Q� neolles and ociat S1' khat a not �oum comfortable.
118 at 81101011
_f rtable. Study the
• 1tlr:rvlm,la Oitoaon.—Sabbath uoSrriees comfort of all kinds of live stook.
at 11 a,m. Lola 01:10 p.m, sonata), lleguiar feeding, wholesome food,
at 9:110 p • !n, liar, John Ross, )3, A"
1ip10S C11101011.--Sal7batl3 ,S'OrCieOa at 11 109aeptla �ra�1 reeIe sand I1gbt.OH h '.1'11ti1H0
at 2:3e p nl Rev. S. Jones, pastor, 1 are 1986 important for neat noels.
pure water and colnfortablo lairs are
pastor. need
a.m. and anti 6'JO p nl• Sunday Taboo without ug
Sheen require pare air, but light is
Sx. J0134's Cannon,-^Seb1atb, Sery Les
1011 813100111, but, then, modt young ,
leen of today, like checkered suits, ,
you know.
When a man tries to borrow mon
ey from rE friend, that is experiment-
al philosophy ; whoa tho friend re
fuses , that is natural philosophy.
A colored girl in Lourous county,
'3 0 is uauloa "Fair Botta i3eanty
at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m, $U11 ay Sol, Temptation Touch bfu Not.
1'po Tempt call het Touch
Not. t):0 a,ui, BOY. W. T. Clnff, inanmbent, i lees important 11IIc1 11arlcn0ss 111 Fav i. SpoteliJuld
;12s'ruonis'I Cr oneu,—Sabbath Services
s ' orablee for the quiet cud lapin fat- y
at Mon 11.11. and 0:30 nut. Smyiv i ienin 0f ruminating animals.
' fat' hills JOne9 Hll s :— "tiro so that
School at 2:;10 P•m. Warmth is capoeluIly important for I your children may put their feet at
3a1t0r• our tracks and be honorable." 'I'bnt
Ro3uN CATu01111 Curnrl2,� Sabbath all kinds of stuck which have 11(3113 y
Serl'lae third V.
P S in 0V311'
riest11011i11, at i foil for
for better marketslaughter, Anil s pruspect8, is c1ot1't walk all over the road otf
11 a.m. 11813, 1. J. Sham, p' g
011 Fsxloar's I,onrs every Tlulrsday Pottltr —Giro. winter fowls a the way home at night.
wet -
coaxing Graham's Tuesdaaesaa. y , "Fiera, waiter ; what kind of wet-
1YLAniOraga y at or before chauco to "roast" on the mamma or f3 this ?" said a guest at a conn•
full moon in the Garfield block. ' pilo ; keep them warm ; provide I try hotel down South. "That's
o., 0.11. 'W. Locus meets 011 1st lout's dusting boxes ; if possible light, I spring ytel d +ir," lou h. ilii wait.
:3rd Monday evenings of each month. Hoge, well ventilated goorLers 1111(, ,
Fonssxmlt's Lopes 210 audlastAfondny i suuybino , loos todor sunny sheds ; j af, politely. "011 1 it is ? Well being ,
evenings of molt month in every m s ball. ' hie. ;loo amp winter water. This is
L. O. L. lot Monday in month in ' a variety of food ; warm food,
0rango ,¢all boiled potatoes mashed warm, lii:h ; warm enough to wash a shirt in."
POET Orri.m,—ofaceliourafrom Sam), m00.1 mixed through it, at noon : A gentleman who had tt highland
daily ; gravel, ornsl)od b0n0 and , e0t'V,int once asked her the time and
LP 7 ons of this nnnwer : "It's ten 1a100)IItH
:fRe1'.`XC9' IYdCame li lock, in b ' oyet,!i' :hells, 1)1 other form of Blue t;
alta Library 111 'docks .black, will bo past ten, an' the clock's ten meonit•s i
oprn from R to R o'clock l Ross,
' ' and pro water rOnOwOd daily, and „
andSaturda s. :Ales 3escr• Ross, I,16- eggs tall bo abundant even in zoo) Lust, an' its etauuln'.
Heather. The Euston Transcript 10113 of a .
rattan. srnurai •, :::Ts. spin8!er in that town who says that
f l + 1 1 11 abs a••au t8 ti ,.,1 t311111ed beaanso 1
Norfolk, t a.. is the neatest straw-
berry shipping place in the coun-
try. There id one strawberry farm
of 440 acres 111 its vicinity.
Always treat your cons kindly,
slave quiet attendants, feed well,
milk quicitly and cleanly- Die- Drugsists.
p that are noisy or Don't allow manure to accumulate
I11Otmiviral urs0 itetapotL!olE it
not 11e over 70 degrees or uni".er 45 ! the 1,ible says lore is nouo good,
degrees. not w011.'
Two youug moo out riding wore
Thousands owe is rsvarp iron
Rtsswnattwl to West's World's Wonaor or passing a farm house where the
Family Liniment. It is ooucoded every- fa1'lnli' 11318 trying t0 harness an Ob-
wboreto be oho best known moody for y g
itheumati0m, Outs, Bruises, Sprain s. Burns-, etiipat0 inUle. "Won't he draw ?"
seams, and all disoasos requiring mammal
alppllaation. Price 25 cents and ea coats per said 0,330 of the IlursOmaa. "Of
bottlo. Bold by John Hargreaves d` Co., 0031100,' said the farmer, "he'll draw
the attoution of every fool that pas9•
es this way." Tho young upon drove
A business man oil being asked
the dii'ieroneu botwoeu a merchant
who advertises mud one who does
not, said that one waited On 00st0137-
ors oho other waited for than.
ittogtllar Caller—I'd like to see
your father, `Tommy, if he isn't en-
gaged. `Tommy—Ho is; but what's
the matter with Clara 9 She isn't
There are men in this world, 'uu-
i'ortunatoly, who have just talent
enough to spend to overybody's
.business but their own.
Education 1s something like love.
Most mon think thoy have got it till
they come to be about 40 years old.
When tho printer 5311103(3 to his
caw be is 111 right, but when ho
goes to "sot 'am up" at the bar ho
is in danger.
"Is there anything in tho wind ?"
asks an exchange. Well, if the
wind turns out to bo a cyclone We
should think that tllero might be a
few houso9 and such thiug9.
Captain --Private Jones, you
wero drunk again on dress parade
last evening. Private Jones—I had
orders, sir, to appear in full uniform
and I did appear in uniform, and
full, loo, sir.
"Yeti, Mr. Oldboy," she simpered,
"I have seen 27 oprings. Would
you think it ?" "Well, yes, ma'am
I don't know but what I would,"
DIr. Oldboy said, "and I guess eom0
of them springs must Have been
very backward,"
charge all help
would strike a c01v behind the horses, remove outside
lite on Your Guard. as frequently as possible, When
Don't allow cold in the stead to slowly left it soon
pollutes the atmosphere
a13d surely develop itself hati Catarrh, acations
You Can be emelt for loco
w111 ours incipient Catar C. 00100
Or to
boa08 it rune ill aa ordinary3
boxes Will Duro chronic Catarrh: !Pry Dr.
Chase's Canadian Catarrh Cure—lt will onr0
.Another remedy for lice on cattle
which 0'e find afloat is tbis :—llix
together 0130 part of 0"331 011 and
four ports of hog's lard, and apply
a light coat to the affected parts
once or twice a week.
The farmers tot only support
their own families, and, as a rule,
do this bountifully, most of them
saving something besides, but they
also support thousands of families
who live in luxury iu large cities.
A Profitable Life.
irew mon have a0ooulp1is1100 oho some
amount of work and good in this world us
the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 80,0031 of 311s
works him) b0oarson trld ino bled awitho Livor
want avary P
Complaint, bspo
tli Sa
Urinary Troubles, to Dul ubvourr 03u91t
and buy c bottle
of Dr.1100 11'9 Livertoolp Book
it will mire you. rrrediaino and lionipm Book
for $1.00.
The c1istinguinlied French agrt-
cultural chemist, M. lloosingault,
gives the relative value of oil•calte
as follows :—One pound of oil.cake
heal is equal to three pounds of
corn -meal or nine pounds of wheat -
bran, or ten pounds of timothy or
plover hay.
BICGregOr'd So!eedy Curc.
Whenweerfeo nn oe for eDyspep Dyspepsia, eedy Liver
Oo is
onlyp and Impure
we aro telling the plain estion i oto, of which hun-
dreds npoo,hundre000013 testify, who have
been reetorod to perfect health by its 1ts0.
We would therefore advise you strongly if
you are subject to any of the above tr0ublos
to give 311Grogor'O Speedy Cure a trial and
bottlesvat Hargroa1ea d Oo s Drug 8Eoro 1.00
Striped sweet potatoes are a novel
color arrangement in agricultural.
A farmer planted a prop of early
sweets and then a crop of a latter
variety and different color on an
adjoining pieeo of land. When the
late crop was dug the potatoes were
found to be striped, part red anis
part yellow.
The Last Tour 1880,
After the above year is eudod thorn reed
be no person suffering from Rhaumatiam,
Neuralgia, Toothache, Hoadaoho, Lumbago,
' or any aotlt0pain, if thoy only purchase a
bottle of Fluid L ightning, as it cures instant-
ly. Pain cannot 010ywh0r0 it is used. The
name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by Pio. Has.
grooves (3Co., druggists.
As an addition to manure or cam
post beeps, soapsuds aro most ex-
pellent, containing, as they do, not
only the alkalies of potash, but also
muell effete and nitrogenous matter,
so very fertilizing in their propor•
ties. Indeed. we might safoly say
that no fertilizer tho average soap-
suds from the laundry are worth
more than the soap from which they
aro produced.
A4iaeral Poison.
Nothing bat garo extreet0 from plants and
roots aro used in preparing MoGrogor'e Lung
Oomponnd, tho modern and now DotII1ar
remedy for coughs, Colds, Bronehitie, Croup,
Asthma, and ail affections of the ThrOatt,
Lunge, and Choot, All mineral poisons and
,langorous substances are avoided, which
renders it safe for Children or adults. Sold
at 000. and 51.00 per bot0lo at Hargreaves &
Co's. drugatoro.
It has been found that ono bushel
Wqf ashes i9 afforded by 2i cords -utt, od, and chemical analysis has
„demonstrated that in 100 ponnas of
aeheg Otero are contained 16 potash,
-worth 90 coats ; 67 pounds of lime
find magnebia, worth 6 cents, and
N. pounds of plltosphoric acid, worth
gS cents. To buy these in the
shape of commercial fertilizers
Would cost 1$1.14, malting the ashes
Worth 50 cents a bushel.
Good draining 1s ono of the most
essential things in a stable. 'Phe
vapors which arise from liquid re•
maining upon tho floor aro billeted
by the animals and prodnco ill
McGregorat• Parkes Carbolic Cerate,
Have you an old Sore, Ont. Burn, 13rn3se,
Corn,liuuiva, Salt Rheum, Pimple, 1310E011 -
os, Bough Hands or Race '2 If so, thorn is but
ono mire, namely, asoGrogor (3 1?arko's Car
bolia Oerato. if 13011 but try it, it will con -
011300 you. ItoosEa but 280. at efargroavee'
Drug Store.
Ventilation is most important, not
a drought from open windows or
doors, but properly constructed
ventilators in the ceiling to carry off
foul sur, which always rises and
floats about near the coiling.
Good light is most necossary. It
is no more pleasant fora horse to be
kept in a 11ar13 stable than for a
human being to be kept in a dark
room. It is very trying to the 0yes
when a horse is brought out lute
the light. Dark stables aro often
the 0aus8 of blindness.
Pain cannot ea iso miter the patient has
tahea a single dose of West's Pain piing. the
magic cum. Do not be induced to take a
substitute, but insist upon having west's
pain Icing. Gonuiue sold by J. Hargreaves
t 00., druggists.
Don't hove openings into the
manger from the hay loft. Dust i8
ofteu thrown into a horse's eyes
when fed in this way, frequently
ending in blindness, besides there is
always more or loss draught through
the opening, causing chills and
other ailments. Then again, the
steam and breath from the animals
ascend directly through the openiug,
making the hay unpleasant and tun
nave used three Woe of Dr.
Jug's Idedloino for Bronchitic
and hay° 10001yod groat benefit
from it and can highly recom-
mend it. tone, l330so1,
ria Id by G.A. Deadman,
The floors of the stalls should be
quite flat and level, with a drain
dowe, the centre to carry off the
liquid. Standing on a sloping place
is painful, straining the ligaments
and causing lameness. Stalls
skould bo wide enough to permit a
horse to turn arbuncl without bruie•
ing himself, six feet wide by nine
long is a convenient size. This
size will allow a horse to lie down
and stretch himself. Tho partition
should bo sufficiently long to pro -
Vent 11111111a18 locking each other.
It is poor economy using bars to
separate the stalls. Many good
110188s bavA born rendered useless
liy this system of economy.
Three tons of yarn are annually
used in baseballs, and 88 iu reports
of the games.
Some men ase so penurious that
they iteep ova/thing they get hold
of, except the ten commandments.
Soule claim that tho pully is the
oldest mechanical invention, but
probably the crowbar has a pryer
claim. •
The nose of linitholdi'9 statue is
four foot long. Liberty will be liko•
ly, to got more than her 811ar0 of the
Tho Finance Minister knocked out by tike "N. P." Elephant.
represent a 1,it ii ;;; 1nglisli Fire I11-
0nran0e Co. 141Jiri'tio'io, .Ll,h•orai Inspector.
Dm; .410, '1',.rant' , out.
21- •
is v s. GRIP ! 11SS7,
Annonnoen t for oho doming Year.
1.J 01 tho tinders/P.11 1, lot 9.3, e00.-1, Morris,
on or about August let, a red yearling steer.
The ownor ie re<plested to D0000 Property,
pay expe119eu and tate Liu, away,
30.40 (sr:o. 713E IIWAO.,
Grip is now so wellknonaits to require
vary little of eithor description 01. praise.
It is the
and it ie furnished at about one-half Lilo
price of similar journals in the United
States, Grip's Cartoons, in addition to
being strictly impartial when they refer
to politics, are always on,the side of pat-
riotism and morality.
The late improvements ars universally
admired. Tho journal is enlarged to 18
pages, and it is printed upon heavy toned
and well•calenderocl paper. This gives
both the engravings and tho letter -press
a beautiful appearance. And, =With -
standing this enlargement and improve.
Mont, tbo primo of Grip is
CNLSiD2 A 1311R ; BINGED 002008, (1 011318.
(the price it commanded when but a four
page shoat.)
H61010 WI'THOU'T VULGARITY ; PR211f07101E
WITI20UT Tl••ll'nll.
C. CO M to
1/ lym o
lin �� glg
w 119 tr o w i
m •
NI m a
0,g „,4.1
333 31
to o gI0 �I
• mein'1
10 o m
Oo m mmom o p,
▪ a t"'}4Ebo
IDSt ;r et Mpetal Ntioa
Infa▪ llible Blood Purifier, Tonic, Dierotio
loss Of AppotltO, Iudlgoetton, Dyspopsia,
hiliefonass, Jamaica, Livor Complaint,
Ithem,udhnl, all Bldnoy Diseas00, Scrofula,
Diseases peculiar to )females, Salt ltbotuo,
Bonnie and all Skin Diseases, 1Iou0aelie
Palpitation of tho Heart, Sour Stomach and
Heart Burn. Purely Vegetable.
Jung C. Wm Co., Toronto, Out.
e} q
lsfp' It 'lst
lies ; Made a Special Effort to
place within the easy reach of
tlio Public a splendid assortment
of goods suitable for Christmas
Trees, Prosentations, Cliftg, &e.
Our stock is mode up of Beau-
tiful Plush, I colt lar anis Cloth
I bound Photo, Scrap and Auto -
1 graph Album. Splendidly bound
Family and Pocket 1111)1(3x:. Toy
books from 5 cents uplIiseel-
laneons books containing, inter -
()sting stories, readings and an-
ecdotes from .10 cent(, up.
Do not be without this favorito Canal.
fan Cartoon Paper. Its price places it
within the reach of all.
Ln111IN0 Co., 20 anc128, Front Stroob Wost,
Toronto. New subscribers, sending (2;
will re0oiv0 the paper the balance of 1880,
and to 331st December, 1887.
A.11 subscribers to Grip, new or old, aro
0ntitlo(1 to a copy of oho magnificent lith.
ograpll "Consorvativo Leaders " or oho
tho companion pinto "Liberal !Loaders,"
Shortly to bo published, on payment of 6
cents for postage.
will be furniehod to subsal ibatr;, by spoo.
fol arrangement with oho itulllish015 of
What Made Him. Happy.
Much to buy and little to spend,
The wants of his family hall no end.
A brilliant thought popped into his head,
Try the Leading House; It said.
When he reaehed the door and lookod within
.Our big assortment made hint grin.
There were best new goods, pile after pile
And be felt himself compelled to smile.
Our prices he found were cheaper by half
Which pleased him so he had to laugh.
There was nothing he saw he could not afford,
We gave him such Bargains he' fairly roared.
Our Annuals are just to 1101131.
'We have
WO1IK'\ 01\1,4.N,
1 and 0 nUmbcr of other books.
Toy Ilepirtment:
To enumerate all wC ha\'u 111
this line would take op too much
space but you will find Drums,
Guns, Horses, 'Wagons, Trains,
'Mechanical Toys, bogs, Rubber
Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes,
Honey Boxes, 'Trumpets, horns,
Whistles, Blocks, Tools, Toy
Watches and Clocks, Sets of
Dishes, l,iattlas, Paints, Dolls in
all varieties, Authors, Dominoes,.
:tud hundreds of other articles.
IYIusica1 instruments!
In musical instruments we
have a large stock of Harmoni-
cas, imported from Germany:
Metalaphones, Concert Flutes, a
a 110W style of instrument, Jew's
Harps, &c.
A Call will satisfy you as to
our stock.
Handsome range of China
Cups and Saucl-rl sold at low
• prices.
We lateg h you laugh, everybody laughs who sees our grand Assort-
aroma whoa the garbage_ecotvs come thelatter icmypal, both papers for only
gliding down tileiriver. (73.00,
ment of Boots &Shoes, Beady macl,c? Clothing, Hats, Hanclsluiglis, (locking Horses,
Caps and Gent 11urnlsinngs, &c.,
Which we offer for the next
80 days at
kr. 30
our present low primp in order to r(adnco o01t stoop aucl make room
for our large stook of Boots and Shoes i11 Willgham, which we in-
tend to bring here on lst January next -
is well assorted and consists' fargely of the most staple and i'Gilll
ablo Goocl8, and sold at
Prices that will make You likow.
VOR,, 30 IDA -Y -S O-l\TT_Y.
Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c.
Nothing charged for inspecting
our goods and getting 0(11' prices.
A11 the School Books always
on hand, also a large stock of
1laper, envelopes, &c.
iCtive Is a Call.