The Brussels Post, 1886-12-17, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Dgo. 17, 1880, Rasi-.....r-,==easseTtese, -y„;,aratiscsenazzaateass=swasizanateleasaratraterearamounareingleseenzotazeseraresiaaaarnattamestesagamaeleasieassiessiesiaaotateraameaosea=branserizemameerateneamona==ererzazazi===..azazazaziearesza=roa=ass sagaratme Tho Salvation Army ie about to open fir.. no Winnipeg. Brit.elt Columbia, Lea:Mon-re will moot on dm 211.0 prox. 1110 (snit loam Calmed aro moving epithet street Verancla128. A stage driver in Mariposa 111121 pOlib. ioal placard on on hie stage. Diphtheria prevails among the Bums - berg of "13" Battery al Quebec. The second Methodist Gikomienioal Conference will numb 10 ameriea in 1891. Montreal/Ts are indignant over a pro - owed to arm the pity plion with rovol. 1•0114. T110 Ministor of C :maims ham ordered an inventigatIou into the cause of the wreck, ie reported that 5,000 deer have boon slaughtered ht the Muskoka distraa this 001114011. The Knights of Labor have added a fourth to the Cornwall Mayorality can- didates. William Poster, of Brantford, has been appointed justice of tho Peaee in and for the County of Brant, The directors of the Guelph Central Exhibition have given 6250 towards im- proving the Exhibition grounds. The oeizedAmeriaan schooner Highlaud Light was bought in at emotion by the Dominion Government for 65,800. Richard Nagle has disposed of a timber limit, of 56 miles, on the Georgian Bay, to Mr. Burton, of Barrie, for 635,0000, Prof. McIntyre, Principal of the Brant- ford Young Ladies' College, it; preparing a; lecture on The Reign of Eynamituim. E. 8 Golding, of Sidney, and Dr. Faulkner', of Stirling, were eaoh fined 0.0 and costs for shooting deer out 01 060000. Antoine lackey, who died at Renfrew . lately at the age of 103 years, meted as 0. boatman for troops engaged in the or of 1812. Rev. Father Lacombe, of Calgary, is publishing an Indian almanao, whioh predicts a mild winter in the ranching distriet. The 0021118ot has been let for ploughing and grading a trail twelve feet wide from Regina to Saskatoon, a distance of 188 miles. At the recent session of the Simeoe County Counoil, lb resolution was passed favoring the appointment of a permanent Railway Commission, A. little girl at Petorboro' was poisoned a few days ago by putting into her month a, piece of blue vitriol, which she had picked up from the floor, The Roman Catholics of South Battle - ford, have petitioned to have that part of the town proclaimed a Roman Catholic Separate School distriot. Two moose 'lave been shipped from Mattawa to Winnipeg for Sir Donald Smith, who will start a moose -breeding establishment in Silver Heights, The Galt Company aro now getting out 300 tons of coal per day, and tree trains aro despatched daily with the product to the Canadian Pacific Railway at Dun- m18c.1.lif3tV.3ItS. I :41"W'4' lane, Elgin expecte to botanne a town hi lannaey, 1888, 'rho Minister of Cnstorne recently re. eeired an envelope from Montreal cou. Mining 630 oonsoieuee Money, 11(11 feared that the echoonor Nolen, of Kingston, lute lute lost with all on board, The lose by the deetruotion of the Ro- mon Catlaolio church, ole., rct Napioryille, is estimated at 0126,000. The first regular freight train paned over the Saskatehea an and Western (1(oiliest), to Repid City on Sunday last, 1110101 od -.3. Anitista, Strayed—Geo. Shiels. Nowiontion—F. S. Seett. Notice—Brussele Council. Nomination—Wm. Spence, X121218 Boxes --G. A. Powell, Servant Wanted—Mrs. Jno. Nott. Lazarus Speet1teles-13. L. Jackson, Time Works Wonders—D. A. Sniale, Cr In..4:4111115U15 11115t, Sweeteburg, Que., has 0. ouw whinh . 1 gave in one week 216 pounds of milk, DEC. 17, 188(1. ' from whieh 12 pounds of butter wore 1110,a0 reward of 620 is offeroa for the ap- A Noumea tho monilaws of the prehension of a miscreant who seared and milled evaluable plate glass window et Wiartonr. Over 617,000 of the 080,000 required for the proposed 11011, Young Men's Chris- tian Association building at Hamilton bas been eubssribed. A. young man from Exeter, named Washborne, while visiting a brother at Comber, fell or was thrown from a wagon and was instantly killed. Owing co the efforts 02 1110 Knights ot Labor the manufacturers of Chatham, almost without exception, have agreed to close their establishments at o'clook on Saturdays. It has been decided to rebuild the mon- ger ref t on the joggins Shore this win. ter, to add about 1,000,000 feet of new timber, to lay the weighs amentately, and to build the cradle according to the orig. inal plans. A yoang man giving the name of Goo. McDonald has been sentenced to throe months imprisonment at Brookville for constituting himself a Young Men's Christian Association, and collecting sub. aoriptioas in its behalf. Several families from Dakota have ar- rived at Calgary and will engage in sheep farming, and it is stated that if they re- port favorably they will be followed by a largo number of their former neighbors and fellow-eitizens. William Baillie, editor of the Calgary Tribune, has been connnitted for trial for ()aunty Council wcre very much plettwed tattli the appearance of Brae - eels and were somewhat surprieed to see the fine appearance of our front street, the fine lot of shade trees 1113b1 the general make up of the pinee. While Brussels bee not made much progress in the way of extending its borders for the past few years, 23 1(08 managed to bold its own and has bad fewer failures toad losses than a great many of the neighboring towns. With no feeling of unity among ourselvee, the ad. vent of a few more paying indnstries and perchance 0 new line of railway We will keep creeping up toward the proportions of o town. WE BELIEVE we are safe in saying that the action of tho Council iu exempting the proposed planing mill and sash ani door factory of Smith Bros., from taxes for 10 an alleged libel in having stated that on years, will give almost entire satis- 000 000)8100 laugh 8, Cayley was un- steady on hie lege when addressing the Northwest Counod. Ono day last week a man arrived at Bramehridge by stage and went to ono of the hotels of the town. He remained at the hotel for some hours, and when he started to leave. instead of going out at the front door, he opened the cellar door under the stairs, fell into the cellar head foremost and broke his neck. A Wellington county farmer, owner of 200 acres of land, visited Drayton last week, and fell in with a sharper, who was working the nutshell game. Thinking he saw a chance to make $6, the farmer pat up the motley, betting that he could piok up the nutshell which contained the pea—which he did, and won. This en- couraged him to venture 615 on another trial, but this time he failed to pick up the right sholl, and lost. Ile deserved the experience. bargained for his timber and brick The Halifax Chronicle states that a and he soya (ho work will be pushel gentleman in 'Whaler telephoned 30 11 • Halifax book dealer tho other day for a right aleeg. diary of 1887, arranged with three days on 11 page. The bookstore rnan could not IT 1,3 Anted, we don't know wheal. get the message distinctly, and asked "Central" to take it for him. A few minutes later a voice from the central of- fice said, "Hello 1" The bookdealer an- swered, "Yes." Central: "I can't hear what Windsor says, but I think he said he had the diarrhoea for three days." faction to the ratepayers. It will not increase our taxes as they agree to pay taxes on the land which, nt the present, has no buildiugs situated on It. The expenditure of 810,000 or 812,000 cannot help but add to tho importance of Brussel, and 1110 hope to soon see 20 or 30 hands employod every day in the factory, which will he built, we presume, as soon as the winter is past. The proposed site is north of tho rail road, five acres, the property of Willliam Ainlay. ltfr. Smith has er the report is true or not, that Thos. Hap, the Conservative nom iuee, hoe mime out a 'Prohibitionist and lays claim to the temperance vote. If his conversion is genuine 18 (8 111 1 right, anti lie should zeoeive the support of persons of the Con- gervittive faith who have strong pre• dilictions for temperance before party. But in the election of 1883 Mr. Hays took a poor way of show- ing his "temperance" principles, and when the Scott it.cI, was up for discussion we never heard of him using either his vote or influence for its furtherance, benne we look on this sudden conversion as noth- ing more nor loss then an election dodge, with no other object in view tban to inorease the probability of polling a larger vete on tho 28th ins(' . — . TEBBE is no doubt but it very cordial reception will be accorded the Hons. Messrs. Mowat, Hardy, Pardee and Young in their first visit to East Huron, at Brussels, They speak at Listowel on the after. noon of Friday, 17111 inot. and will be hero in the evening. From the well known and well tested ability 02 80080 gentlemen we expect a very largo number of people to hear Wein. The only trouble the 00111• mittee of management anticipate is to find room for the people. The Mowat Adminietration never stood better 11,1111 1110 PEOVi000 of Ontario than it cloes toglay and porsone who are 810)311061 (118 to their being able to give au Recount of their steward- ship should not fail to heat these 301111014ot on Friday evening of this week. Portia Ocimunv Notose. Lest Sunday °veiling, about 8 &clock, TO. A. Young, fireman on the (LER. at Stratford, was found dead in his room at his boarding house, corner Nile and Douro ;greets, with his throat out from ear to ear and an open razor in his hand. No reason can be assigned for the apt other than that he had been sick for 501130 time and 1001 very despondent. Tho Hamilton Times states that John Remarks, of that city, hoe received a let- ter from Col. Ravenhill, who was in Can- edrecently, purchasing horsee for the British army, in whioh he states that of the first 58 shipped two died from Bea - sickness on the way across, ono of them O ranch horse, the other purchased in Toronto. Of the second lot one died. All the others ?arrived safely and in good order. Quite a number of prominent gentlemen, including the Duke of Cam- bridge, Lord Wolseley, and many distin- guishi ed officers, have nspeoted, and pro- nounced them very good for the business for whioh they were purchased. A. young lady of Ripley, who was re- cently visiting a family on the tenth con - (legion of Huron, one evening put on a male attire, • andwent simian lodgings among the, neighbors. After having been refused admittance 1118 several plaoes, she knocked at the door of e, certain widower, who had retired for the night. He ap- peared at the door in his night costume, and althougn the tramp pleaded long for admission, it was positively and resolute- ly refused. At the next place visited tho indentity of the .young Wonsan was die - covered, and slime the story has got abroad the widower is alleged to have stated his intention of never again, nn - der any cireumstanoes, refusing a tramp the hospitality of his house. A singular dory mimes from Bathurst, N, B., where the ship Squalid° was lately wrecked. It is very difAoult to get men to work in hor, especially ab night. Queer noises were heard in the cabin of the vessel last week, which no one could ex- plain, and the men believe the vessel is haunted. There seems to be some fatal- ity about her, When the Squeal& was in San Francisco some youn ago, the captain and his wife killed the first mate severing his heed completely from the body with an axe. The captain was hanged, and his wife got a long eentence of imprisonment. The now Captain was subsequently killed during et =tiny, and the two following captains died on board the vesed. It was alleged by the master and sailors who arrived at Bathurst on her that sho Wil.S 1111,110b0a, and they loft in it body. The Norwegian Consul then engaged two watchmen to look after her, but one night on hoard was enough. They allege that they saw a, lioadiess man walk- ing in the cabin, that the bedclothes were pulled off them, that handspikes were dying around the dock, and that 11oold, clammy hand was iaid 012 their fazes, and a voice told them to depart ; and subrie- quont watchmen say that they saw a boat 11.18.4100a by four mon hovering around the ship, which had tho power of appearing and disappearing at will. The vessel is now without a watchman, as none can bo found to stay on board during the night, more, A. number of coipes of an alleged sport- ing paper containing illustrated reports of the Campbell divorce case have been seized by the Customs authorities at Ot- tawa. The raile have been laic( on twenty miles of the lindson Bay railroad, and if the mild weather continues the Whole forty mil's p111 be completed within ten days. The South Simooe News is offered free until January to all newly:married coup- loswitlain its constituency, and the editor insists that there should be at least fifty applicants; for the paper on these terms. A movement it on foot toamalgamate the West Durham and South Ontario Agricultural Societies for exhibition pur- poses and to arrange for the holding of but ono Fair each, alternately at Whitby and 13omanville. J. B. Walksm, President of tho Mid- land Central Fair Association, has secur- ed an Order -in -Council for thei Ordnance land at Kingston required as fair grounds, and as soon as the patent is made out the price of the land, 68,5000, will be paid. A young man in a St. Thomas furni- ture store in order to apnoea' himself from the poll tax collector, got into a coffin. A companion screwed down the lid and kept him a prisoner until the situation became most nnoomfortable and un- hoolthy. During the driving gazon of the pres- ent year there passed through the Gov- ernment Works on the Madawaska River of square timber, 20,011 pieces : dimen- sion timber, 20,326 pieces ; saw loge, 761,806 ; cedars, 9,739 pieces. Total number of pieoes, 811,880. An unknown person, giving. the name of T. B. Steaoy, a Brookville jeweller, or- dered over 310,000 worth of jewellery from a New York firm, but fortunately some of the bogus T. B. Steacy's correspondence happened to get into the hands of the genuine Steacy, and the fraud AVMS ex- posed on the very ova of its consumma- tion. There is peculiar ;strike at Paris. Seven of tho town butchers were fined for infringement of the by-law regulating the selling of meat on the market. Tho butobors have appeale&the ease on the ground that the market building is not the proper place for the keeping of meat, and until a settlement of the difftonity is reached the butchers have resolved to sell no meat and if possible prevent othere from selling. Publie sympathy seems namely to be with the butchers in this departure, and strong efforts are being made to 080000 11 fresh oupply of meat and a new stook of butchers. Mr. Phipps is busily spreading forestry information. So many Ontario exthang- os last 111011311 had forestry letters that there must have been over two hundred s ant out dealing with the different branch- es of thaa important topio. They met with cousilierable commendation from the press. Hem 18 a notice from The Manitoulin Expositor, showing the feel- ing.on tho subjeg oven in a still forested region :—"We desire to direct particular attention to Mr. Phipps' letter on forage)/ in this issue. There has been a decided awakening as to the neeeesity of prevent- ing the almost total extitotion of the natural forage of lower Ontario, and the interest created is largely due to the an. nual reports; and letters in the prase writ- ten by our correspondent. It is bub a Inge statement of fact to say that the future fertility of this Province will be largely clue to the writinge of R. W. Phipps." (11i0J.U1 F3.11,118 F011 A row tio1.,1,1 101 11tt10 1,1 Ibe Wu 1.41[1). ol fklorkiN 2,441 11101i11101k. App(v 41. 1) b1 1 T1 1, Co, UattOnser, Erni:BON P. 11. No,.k xckd Ablyarbielpg Kam is Oka E0)111 111111 can 125 (114)1 by applying to P.5. SCOTT, First Conk°, FtrallSorred. 20 By Order of Council. . _ NORINATION. Th. Nomination for the Village of Brits. eels, for the year 1887, of it Reeve and Four Connettlem and Throo Trustees for the Public 1.4elme1 Board, Will Ink held in 00 101012 11:11.1k, 011 MONDAY, DEO. 2 ith, 1886, AT 12 oeumic, n000n. The Election, if needed, will be held on NIONDAY, San. 311,, 188/, between the hours of 9 0, in. and 0 11, Polling Division No. 1, at Geo. Love's Office, A, 'Veal, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at Council Room, Goo, E. Cooper, Deputy Re- turning Officer. Polling Sub•Division No. 5, residence of D. 1NfoLennan, Ronald McNaughton, Deputy Returning Officer, P. S. SCOTT, Returning Officer. Brussels, Dec. 13111, 1886, 'Wear Spectacles and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your Eyesight. F. IAZAIUS lfanufaeturing Optielan, Igo of the firm of Lazarus & Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec. tades and Eye -Glasses whioh have been before the public for the past '25 years. Lazarus' Spectacles never tiro the eyo. Last many years without chan(1e. For Sale by H. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. TC) THE 12.1.ECTORS THE MUN1IPALITY OF CRn.Y I hereby give notice that the nomin- ation of a Roe(', First and Sedond Deputy Reeves and two Councillors, to servo for the ensuing year, will bo hold at Dames' Hall, Oranbrook, at noon on Monday, Dec. 2711, '80. demanded a, poll will be opened at the following places, on MONDAY, SCA N. 3rd, 1887 Division No. 1, school house, S.S. No. 4. Division No. 2, school house, S.S. No. 1. Division No. 3, school house, S.S. No. 2. Division No. 4, school house, S.S. No. 9. Division No. 6, school house, S.S. No. 11. Division No. 6, school house, S.S. No. 5. Division No. 7, Dames' Hall, Oranhrook. POLL TO BE OPEN FROM 0 AOL, UNTIL 5 O'CLOCK, P. M. 1100211011ilE0 POLLING 11111-10918101212. Division No. 1, Coo. 1, lots 1 to 34 in- olusive ; con. 2 to 6, lots 1 to 17 inolusive. Division No. 2, eons. 7 to 12, inclus- ive ; lots 1 to 10 inclusive. Division No. 8, eons. 18 to 18 inclusive; lots 1 to 17 inolusive. Division 170. 4, 00118.11 and 12 ; lots 26 to 85, inclusive; cons. 18 to 18, inclusive, lots 18 to 35 inclusive. Division No. 5, cons. 7 and 8 ; lots 18 to 86 inclusive ; cons. 9 and 10 ; lots 21 to 85 inclusive. Division No. 6, con. 1; lots 85 to 70 in- clusive; cons. 2 to 6 inolusive; lots 18 to 85 inclusive. Division No. 7, eons. 7 and 8, lots 11 to 17, inclusive ; sons, 9 and 10, lots 11 to 20 inclusive ; 00118. 11 and 12, lots 11. to 25, inolusive. WM. SPENCE, !Returning Offioer. REMOVED. T Has removed his stook of Groceries, °rookery, Glassware, &se, to 3. A . Garlick's Old Stand, NEM! noon To 5. omen's, where he will be pleased to see his old Customers and as many now ones as will favor him with a call. I have just received a fine Stook of HAM:AU, CRANBERRIES, OYSTERS, ORANGES, .LEMONS, NUTS, to,, for Xmas Trade, whi00 will bo add at exceptionally low prices. Mr: E. G711,71,dy has started. 0 Baking and Confectionery Business in connection. Parka ean rely upon. getting Good Bread, Blum, Cakes, itei. at all time% Goods; delivered to any part of the town. J. Annett. 1 “...0. ME WORKS OADERS. Well thaVO 80. You remember a little over a year aeo you WOW paying los, an oz. for Berlin and Zephyr wools (an extremely exhoi bout prise) but 60.3113' you cam buy thein for just hell that figura, viz, 10e„ Ate Coaoari. That le what I sell them for anyway and it pays me Mot as well 110 811080 that (Marge 20o. for We reason, people bay more at 10a. than they did at 20o„ Intel of course I more, AM positively the fleet to introducie wools into the county of Iluron at 10o. and the Only Ono out. side of Toronto and pandou to 11011 you wools at the abovo figure. So Commereial 'Travellere tea net anyhow, end tin- 1013111 (4) know shouldn't they 1 Now in stook, ill 100E1101g 111,125, 1.1itk following =obi:Derlin'Zephyr, Andaluisian, Lady Betty, Saxony, Pompadour, Fairy Zephyr awl loo Wools, alto Peacock, Beehive, 1101181111 1(1111 Canadian Fingering, 110 0)801) for wed.. Now the next thing will bo something else, Who is going to get our Prize Cored this {IOW. Our 2nd Semi-.4nnual Button Contest Commences Thursday, December MI 1886, and ends the 29t1, inst. Tho Bottle will contain one button for every Corset made and sold during the present year. Ladies aud Gentlemen only are allowed to oom pate, No entry fees. Waited any exception wo lave tho finest stock of Fancy Goodsever shown in Brussels, consisting of Mottos, Velvets, Felts, Satins, Canvasses, Darning Nets, Ribbonsacto., to. KNIT GOODS,—La,dies' Hoods, Fascinators, Tam O'Shanters, Infant's Jackets, Hoods, Leggings, Bootees, Mitts, Cashmere Hoso and Jersey Gloves in all sizes and awfully awful cheap, if you know 1010114 11)118 means. CORSETS.—Bostles, Hoop Skirts, Dr. Gray's' Shoulder Braces, B. Forme' Dyne Shields, Children's Waists, 4:0„ CHINELLE GOODB.—Cords, Tassele, Pon Pons, Appilque Flowers, 'Monkeys, &c. WORKING MA.TERIAL-ELArasenes, Embroidery Silks, Washing Silks, Ribosone, Tilosellos, Flourishing Threads, 13raids, Macrame Cords, Tinsels, &o., eto. BRASS GOODS.-13aunerett Stands, Rode, Match Safes, Golden Slippers, Butter- flies, Beetles, Bugs, Bees, Stars, Ralf Moons, Baugles, Photo Holders, itc., Sofa Cushions; Ottomans, Slipper Patterns, Brackets, Slipper Cases, Transfer Pat- terns, Rug Patterus, Wooden Shapes, Embroideries, Insertions, Frillings, Smoking Cap Tassels, Lacing Cords, Toilet Bottles, Companions, Plush Fremes, Mirrors, Sat- chels, Brushes, Kiel Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs and a host of Xmas; Goods suitable for presents. Solo .igen.t for the .Dornestio Patterms. Alon,t12,Zies Given ..lumiy Free. CORSET kfATERIA.LS..--English, American and Canadian Yarns, Corset Clasps. Steels, Whalebones, and everything pertaining to the manufacture ol Corsets kopt in stock. Everything new, clean tind saleable. No old failed, dusty, smoky goods on our shelves. I don't advertise goods for sale [110 not keep. Some think it very funny to do so but the public generally don't appreciate such funny buainess. When you want anything in the above goods come right straight to "Dixie, the stay maker" and if you can't 000110 301010511 send year children and you can depend on getting an oz. for an oz, or a yard for a yard every trip, that is the kind of a spring /thicken I am and don't you forget it, 6 7al "The Stay Maker," and the first and only ono to sell you wools at 10o, per oz., all colors. 8 LIT A RAPI3) growing trade, what makes it ? The good will of buy - ors gained for us by good Goods, low prices, square dealing and courteous treatment, added to these our Enormous Stock of Reliable, Durable, Dependable Clothing, consisting of nearly Ono Thousand Pieces of Tweed, in all Colors and. Styles. Every Garment Eight. Every article warranted. No misrepresentations made, Wo sell wool for wool and cotton for cotton. You are asked to -day to pay your attention to our OV RCOAT STOCK. Immense Bargains in every quality, enormous stock of choice goods. Now Styles. . Everybody can bo pleased. There will bo no mis- takes in the weather from this out if you are in neod of a suit or overcoat now is the time to buy it. Do not delay, may prove dangerous. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Our stook of Gent's Furnishings is complete in everybranch. Our immense stock of Hats, °cups, Underwear, Mitts, Gloves, Tios, that must be Cleared •ut at Low Prices to make room for Spring Stock. We Lead, Others Follow. X1066, nn0S.. :41