The Brussels Post, 1886-12-3, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST DEC. 3, 1886, Batas K A 3-j T Dri•ntrry I Tnass weeks from Saturday to Christ- , IIJI ilF\ mar. Ws have had some rough weather tide eek. 1 031 .JtuLIDAY WETS. Xmas & New Year's Cards fur remertlhrauce for friends. 'sols; AND FAlU9' (.U00118 for Xmas and New Year's Presents now at the Ileadquartora for Santa. Claus. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Bootxrifrr & Pane Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S0tTI10t11a\LENSIOE, W. G. & n. lt, Traits soave 110u550141 01501011, 1107111 and south sa follows : CeingBetath. Going North. Mail............ 7:02 a.m. I Nixed ' 10:25 am, Express 11:90 man. Mail. .......... p.m. Nixed...:.,. ,...8:60 p.m. I Express 7 55 p.m. `.ocat`ri..cm stens, A chiel's among yo telcin' notes Au' faith he'll prom it. DECEESER. PLENTY of poultry on the market. Comocm meeting next Monday evening, Moos Lull O'CONlroR will assist at a concert at Norwich next week. WortoING at the new bridge is a oohs, disagreeable job this time of the year. MIME - weeks fbom next Monday is nomination day .for munioipal end trus- tee candidates. Timm are 35 travellers, representing wholesale grocery houses, who visit Brussels regularly. Tun Bible Society meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, the 15th inst„ in- stead of Thursday, the 10th. Miss lases, of Toronto, and Bliss Teenie Wilson, of Beaforth, were visiting with Mrs. J. W. Shiol this week. Ties skating rink is being got ready for skating and if the cold weather continues it will soon be opened to the public. Mise MARY BUYERS bas gone to Sand- wich, Essex Co., where she will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. A. W, Beer. $2.25 will pay for Tern Posr and either the weekly Globe, Mail, Advertiser, Free Press or Newsto the 1st of January 1888. W. H. Kerr, Agent. CADET HoNeoai, of the S. A„ was rob- bed of a small sum of money last week. It was in his room in the officer's quart. ers, over Veal's furniture store. REV. Ws. Mute, of Blyth, brother to . Prof, Mills, of the Agricultural College, Guelph, was in town this week visiting . with A. Brune and other friends. Fouun.-A sum of money in the store of F. 0. Rogers, last week. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. 21. Rev. J. S. Coote, of Bluevale, preached, with great acoeptanoe,in the Methodist church last Sunday morning and even- ing. Rev. J. L. Kerr took Mr. Cook's work. Hem JA)f37s wan home for a week, He has left Shelbourne and goes to Toronto to take charge of a commission store on Jarvis street. Harry is a steady going youth and ought to get along well. $1.50 secures Tim Posy from now to the end of 1887. 14 months reading for $1.50. Don't borrow Tun POST any longer but -'call in and leave your name along with the large number of new subscribers. • Losr.-Ablack pocket book was lost on Main street, between the. postoffice and the Garfield House, last Monday evening. It contained over $3.00. The Ender will greatly oblige by leaving it at Mrs. A. Webster's, or at Tim Posy Publishing House. A NEW time table came in force on the G. T. R. last Monday. The only changes in the running of our trains will be in the morning mail, which is 18 'minutes earlier, and the afternoon mail, which is ono minute later. See time -table over our local oolumu, CONSTABLE MoCofun put one of our .Srnesels youths in the "cooler" lust Sat- urday evening. Others will fill the same position unless there is better behavior. It world he a good thing if the constable • wotildput a stop to snow balling on tbo street and the dangerous practice so many children have of hanging on sleighs. ' J, D. Roma) is away to Montreal this week. MRS. Amu, of Stratford, is visiting friends in this lopality. OLD Fenno eonoerb on Tuesday, 14th inst. It promisee to be good. Miss jos. Buoun.rsN, of Brantford 10 visiting hos sister, Mrs. A, Bauslangh A ans510NAur sermon will bo preached in Melville church next Sabbath morn- ing. REv. A. J. Bsi r, wife and son, of Har- rison, were in town for several days last weak, visiting W. H. Moss, Tao regular monthly meeting of the Brussels Sphool Board will bo hops thin (Friday) evening. Now is the time to adverliee your holi- day bargains. The people aro looking for them at this season. LEcyults on 'Ireland," by Rev. W Smyth, under the auspices of L. 0. L. No, 774, Brussels, on Thursday evening, Dee, 16, in the Town Hall. Owsxa to other matters having preced- ence this weep we cannot give "Uncle Tommy" the information he asks for in this issue. REPORT sass that Jun. Gr•ewar and Walter Smith are likely to be brought out as candidates for the positions at the School Board. THE Brtusssr,s POST is enlarged and im- proved. Its editor and publisher, W. H. Kerr, is and enterprising newspaper .man, He issues a model newspaper. --Anton Free Press, Ronny AnnsrnoNG, of Morris Town- ship, has been appointed Returning offi- cer for the East Enron Local election, to be held On the 28th inst, The proclama- tions will be issued on Saturday. Out esteemed friend John Tait killed a pig eight motnths old, on Monday last, whioh brought down the soaks at 267 pounds. Beat that who can you Leices- ter sheep men. Wm. BELL, G.T.R. operator, is away on a well earned holiday. Ho is visiting his parents at Hensall and he also proposes going to London, Buffalo and other places, J. GARDNER and wife, and Mrs. Bar- num, all of Chicago, and M. Sinclair and Miss Sinclair, of St. Marys, were in town this week attending the wedding of W. M. Sinclair and Miss Ronald. IT is hinted that one of our merchants is dabbling a little in the sale of intoxi- cating liquor, selling it over the counter. A. fine of $50 and costs imposed would take a little of the polish off the business. LAST Wednesday the pupils of the public sobool were examined by a phy- sician to see if there was any truth in the report that, that unpleasant disorder, commonly called itch, was there. One case was found. Foram say, and we guess it is nearly true, that a Brusselite is casting friendly glances upthe Oth concession of Grey and has a leaning toward the south side of the line. It's all right though and we have no objecttone. AN OLD PACE IN THE MEE PLACE. -E. Grundy has returned to Brussels and will commence baking on Thursday or Friday of this week. 711 the meantime his bread, buns, cakes and pastry will be for sale by Jas. Annett. Brussels, Deo. 1st, 1886. Trim BRUSSELS Posy has been squander. ing money in the purchase of a new head gear. The Brussels journal is always at its post, giving the latest news of the day, and is keeping up with the times ; it is a spicy newsy sheet. -Mitchell Advertiser. DON'T forget the temperance meeting in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, B. A., of Walton, will deliver an address, and there will al- so be readings. musical selections, &O. A oollection will be taken at the close of the meeting. Tuts 1 TEAS I I TEAS ! I 1 -For every pound of Tea you bny you get a China Cup and Saucer MEEE. I have just re- ceived Five Hundred oups an8 saucers to give away. Now is your timet bo buy tea at GEo. B;EHM's. 20- CRIOrIET.-The annual meeting of the Brussels Cricket Club will be held Mon- day eveningnext (Deo. 6th) at 8 o'clock, in the Central hotel. The operations of the olub for the season and other import- ant business will be discussed. .8. large attendanoo is requested, dtooe Eloise A. Skimings, of Goderich, Whose poems quite frequently charm the readers of the Whig has again undertak- en musical composition. The "Forget- me•not Waltz," just published by W. H. Billing, Toronto, is a captivating creation sure to find a popular place in Canadian favor and to extend Miss Skimings' praises, -Kingston Whig. WE see 110 need for mach argument, at • the session of the County Counoil, over Brussels being allowed a receipt in full for our share of the Co. rate as a small return for the groat loss and in0onvsn- ionce occasioned to our village by the ter. rible mix-up over the bridge. We will watch with interest for the "broad mind- ed" County Cbuneiilor who will oppose it. TRE municipal kettle is commencing to 'boll but as yet very little is known as to who the candtdases will be. From tho ih CLueta, painter, Goderioh, has ob- tained n sitnatiori as traveller for oolore, fora firm in Montreal, Now is the time to advertise etrayod cattle. $1,00 pays for a month's insets• tion in TM POST. You ought to read ]fill Nye'a way of treating a burglar. It may bo fouud on page 8 of this issue.. Ir is expected that the new bridge will be ready for crossing next week There will be eonefderable filing its with (,ravel, after the iron work is completed et the appl•oaclnes. Tits sleighing ie first-class and the farmers are making nse of it in hauling wood, logs, &o„ &a. The viilagere, who are fortunate enough to own a horse and cutter, Iwo been enjoying more than ono drive. The Simcoe Calming Oo's factory is rmrning night and day evaporating np- plea. A compositor on the. Aylmer Express has oltronicled the dates of the first fall of snow for the past five years as follows : -1882, Nov 13th ; 1888, Nov. 1st . 1884, Oat. 23rd ; 1886, Oct, 28t11, and 1880, Nov, 6th. While some men were digging a collar at Port Hope last week they struck a corduroy road eight feet below the sur- face, It is supposed to have been built sixty years ago. and the timber is in a good state of preservation, Kiuoardinetownshsip hnavatars enough and to spare, for a second deputy -reeve. The necessary legal steps have been tak- en, and in January next, the ratepayers will bo called upon to elect a reeve, first deputy and second deputy. A singular Dasa of poison ivy occurred reoently to Jno. Olce, of There'll. He was digging a ditch and carried sod in his arms to another part of the Hold when somehow he came in contact with the plant. He was badly used up for some time. The celebrated middlings purifier pat. ent case of Smith vs. Grey, which has been going on at Osgoocle Hall for several clays, has been settled out of Court. In point of form, the judgment agreed upon is in favor of the )plaintiff, defendants ad- mitting the validity of the patent, but the real nature of the settlement has not transpired. Wm. Burgess, of Mimico, has a collec- tion of roots of enormous size :-Six white carrots, with tops, 20 lbs., 19, 18, 18, 15, 0 ; total, 94 lbs. ; trimmed, 714 lbs. Two parsnips, tops, 18 lbs. and 14 lbs.; total 82 lbs. ; trimmed 26 lbs. Four turnips, tops, 34, 49, 41, 80 ; total, 154 lbs.; trimmed, 109 lbs. Kohl Bali, with tops, 17 lbs. ; trimmed, 14 lbs. Four marigolds, tops, 56, 55, 91, 67 ; total 239 ; trimmed, 2011bs. ROBEBT0ON: In Grey, On the 29th inst., the wife of Robb. Robertson of a son. Doltioon.-In Kirkton, on Nov. 25th, the wife of. Mr. D. W. DUI/nage, mer- chant, of a daughter. CIIRISTioAs will soonbe here and Mrs. Kirk bas a large stook of wools on hand. Berlin, Zepher, Andulusion, tftc., loots. per oz. Baldwin, Saxony, Peacock and Canadian wools, Fancy Caps, Hoods, Jackets, Fascinators, Mitts, Stockings, Socks, any size or quality. Fancy goods in great variety. Dolls, toys, &c., will all be sold cheap for oath or trade. Call on are. Opposite Queen's hotel, Brus- sels. 4-* DIRn.-We regret to have to state that Jackson Stitt, well known in Brussels, died on Wednesday night of this week, after a brief illness of about 10 days. The cause of his death Was inflammation of the lungs. Mr. Stitt Had. been a resident Hay f B Is for abort 10 years moving MARTf7a R_ Sxicx&rn-Rooxrn.-In St. John's church, Brussels, on Nov. 27th, by Rev. W. T. Cluff, Mr. W. M. Sinclair to Miss Grace M., youngest. daughter of Mr. J. D. Ronald, all of Brussels. 2:12==..CAnn1PP.-In Grey, on the 30th inst., the infant daughter of John Cardiff, aged 6 weeks. STrrr.-In Brussels, on Deo. 1st, Jackson Stitt, aged 46 years. [A rection iga1e- TUESDAY, DEO. 7Ta.-Farm stook, im- plements, &o., on lot 2, con. 12, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'clock. Garret Van Horn, prop. A. Delgatty, anot. 8R 710n SSS 3t2ARSC77TS_ CORoEOTE1 oA1EFOLLY 00055Y WEER. White Fall Wheat........ 70. Red Winter 70 Spring Wheat ... . 60 Barley 40 Oats 4826 Peas •• Butter, tubs and rolls.... 18 Eggs per dozen 16 Flour per barrel........,4 00 Potatoes 40 Hay per ton 9 00 Hides per lb. 6i Dressed Hoge . - .... 5 00, Salt per bbl.,wholesnle...: 60 Sheep skins, each ' 50 71 72 70 50 28 0,0 16. 00 00 00 10 5 50 80 1 00 SOTS3 M1 37 iR TF.a- , iOMIN0'r'lalp OAli1r'3LLY EVERY WEBH, White Fall Wheat 71 00 Spring Wheat Barley Oates Peas Butter Potatoes o russet , from Auburn here. Ho wits unmarried and lived with his mother. His birth place was Carleton Go. The funeral will leave his late residence to -day (Friday) at 2 o'clook, the; interment being made in the Brussels cemetery. Tho friends of the deemed' have the sympathy of a large circle of friends, ANornsn PRoroEr.-Another weather prophet has been heard from in the per. eon of Professor Foster, of Burlington, Iowa, who publishes his 'predictions of a great storm period, extending froin Dec. 4th to 17th, during which will occur some of the most destructive winter storms of recent years. These storms willbemuc)4bhe some nature as the great blizzard of last Jan'eary. Heavy snow and high winds will greatly impede rail - present indications it looks very much as way travel and ho advises the railways to if W. H. McCracken, who has, been in prepare for blockades that will occur in the field for some time, was going to have a walk over, Mo is an old resident, a large ratepayer, well acquainted with the needs of BrttsSols and having sat at the Conned Board has a good knowledge of the standing; of the place. As he is a hard worker and an economical man the ratepayers might do worse than elect him. Nomination clay will likely bring t.th e annual grist of candidates and with the election of school trustees on the same day will make things lively. the Western States about Dec, 5th, and reaching the Eastern States about Doe. 0th. These storms will break vp the droath in the Southern States. .Chore will be anorgotic electrical disturbances that will affeot telegraph and telephone linos. Its, suggests, bat nitlay lives and much property can be saved from loss by making preparations for the severe weather of this storm period. Time will toll if the 1?rofessor is another weather crank. 72 75 45 48 27 2B 48 50 14 16 i0 00 45 00 9 00 00 • fl hold A -u16 Acquaint - duce'be ` orgiit. No ; don't forget it ! Brush it up. Send it to tho brother in Manitoba. Buy our New Fall and Winter Clothing:, They'll suit you better in the streets of our town. Brussels Clothing. House is the "aulcl acquaintance" that we don't want you to forgot or avoid. We'll promise to wear well. HE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T IXCELLE'iNT CELLLII TO or, _very- cheap, suitable for fruit. butter, or (theese. Pratt proof and well ventilated. , J, it. GRANT, Postmaster. HOICE FARMS FOR SALE.- V A few splendid, improved farms for sale In the tops vehip of. Grey, Morrie and Mofl.illop. Apply to A. D1LGAT1Y, Co. Auctioneer, Bruseols P. 0. GOOD FARM TO RENT, OR $ELT„ 14 mhos from Oran brook. For urther particulars apply to 0. C7abxook N0.0. °r t0 WM. noo0d P .0, iTBA.YED ON TEE PREMISES kJ of the undersigned, lot 26, oon.4, Morrie, on or yearling T°Vetot, o PMVOlpery, payexpensesand take him away. 20..4* 000. B1i10WA13. GENTLBIIXAN WANTED TO represent a leading English Piro In- auren0000,.atBrn0s010. Address Iuspeater, Box 440. Toronto, Ont. OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS I. OW they flew out of the Brussels Clothing House loot week. What a:•. week for business. A. rush, It crowd continually hur- rying, hardly enough salesmen to wait on the eager throng. What makes it? Why such a business ?_. What is it coming to? The same rate of increase for a year or two more Brussels won't hold tis. Why is it so? Simply because right goods at right prices have done their work. r1 ,e 0,40 DIZAMMTga,, ISTVLIMS- We believe in, and the good values we have been giving, not only bring customers back but bring new ones with the old. See our Overcoat Stock this week. It includes everything now, every- • tiling stylish, everything durable"-- The finest goods the Market affords, as well as all the medium and lower grades. VErO VERCO T A. R. SMITH, CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS CLOTHING HOUSE. CTIOE TO CREDITORS.- Anyone having any claims agaiusb the undersigned aro rogneetod to Send state- ment 0199.000 to Dot 7', sdale, and they Will be settled if fennd ,correet,01 BURT. TiIARM TO LET. --NORTH JL' half lot 20, con.8, Morris, 100 acres, 40 cleared. Good log house, frame Stable and exoollent orchard. Splendid sup5uy of good water. Toros easy for a period of dv0. yoara-. le -ti RICHARD mons.00, idsay. ( TRAYEJ ON THE PREMISES 1. of Vito undersigned. lot 10, eon, 14, Grey, on or about July 151th, a red and white year- ling steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses anday' 551 101314 AslIN. N0TICE .-PERSONS 'WHO are indebted t0 Thos. Watson, either sall at A. bSehench ssuolfioorandgsettle requested same not later than 1) ea ember 15th. 00.1 THOS. WATSON. 11AR11t TO RENT THE' SUB. eoribes. will rent his farm, lot 12, eon. 7, Grey township, fora toren of eve years. The Win le in ,good Order and the reason for renting ill's the proprietor intends giving up farming. Por full particulars apply to JOIEN. njeINT0813, Proprietor, 1161 'Brussels P. O. NOTICE, • Notion is hereby given that the Corpora- tion of the village 01 Braesols will apply to the Legislative Assemblyof the ProVinoo of Ontario at its next Sessinf or it Bill for the ratification and confirming of a certain Deed and agreement between the Village of 13rur- eels end John 0, Ronald, Corporation of the Village of Brnssols by WADE dt SINCLAIR. Their Solloitors. Brussels, Oct. 11,.1880. 10.7 ilOR SALE. -TWO FARMS -s• .A.p Lot 14, int the 0tlr von., and lot 11, on the 7th con . of. Morris, oontedaug 100 acres each about 00 Sotos cleared, free from stumps on one faisp and about 80 aorta oloarod on the other. • rhe cleared laud IS in a good elate of oultivatiou and well fenced. Good frame barn andstables, and log 1603100 011 ono and nn the elver a log house and log barn. 'There is a good 6b easing orchard on lot 14. A uov- pinc s Vile soil is first•alaserune , therethrough th bettor farm s in the township, Them plasma 'papte-admixably adapted for grain giowing or ishrnggiawn fBrussels,mThe placate will Te - sold sold together or separate' y, and mill be pun abated cheap and on easy term s, Apply on the premises Or atddross the proprietor, Sun, spino P. 0. .GFO, SE -ALE, at! _ Proprietor. EWING AND FANCY WORK. -Mos Id'o0srva ie now prepared to do sowing in all ite branches. Also stampingq both blue and the Prenell paste, Embroid- ery in silk and wool. Fancy quilting in loav- es, vino stitoh, hair switol os made to or- der. '011e uadersignedwil1 teach smblsidory to Scholars after school hours to those wish- ing to learn, Cell nod see the patterns at Mita, MOGAILVA'S 10•tf 01111 Strout, Brussels, LOL11.tl IN GREY FOR SALE, .R. being lot 14, on the lath eon containing 100 sores, south part lot 18 on 10 con., con- tain1ng45 soros. not Id 15 partly 0100504, the balance well timbered. A never failing emelt cream the lot and it is well adapted far farming or posing. Lot 15 is meetly cleared and under good cultivation 4110 bal- oneeweiitimbere(1 with blade aria, Will sell all tngqother or in oasts to shit the pur- chaser. b or further l ariieulsre apply 10 the 10011 drained exon 11 ptomisee. BANKING. oINTOSH R MoTAGGART, BANKERS, -r- BRUSSELS Transact a General Balt7etng Business. Notes to hand discounted. Interest allowed on deposits repayable on demand. Prompt attention given to collections. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ADE R SINCLAIR, BARRIS- y 1' TEns,. ko. Ofbes is 700k15'5 brook, Brussels: Moneybo,Loan. -'C7 T B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH. V Y • Garrow &Pzoudloot, Goderioh) So- licitor, Ooavoysuoer, &e, OOlo0, Grant's block, Brussels. Money to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF -ca. the Fourth Division court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oo.leotions made. Office 111 Gra- ham's Block, Rruesols: .. - MEDICAL CARDS. DDR. HUTCHINSON HAS RE - moved hie oflies bo rooms novel: the Postotiiao. Ossttleneo -on Mill Street, TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. el • M. L, IL 0:°P. 7ldinburgh, Physician, . Surgeon and A000imhor. (Moe, Mrs, Shiers block, Turnberry Strout, M. F. CALF, M. D„ C. M. Member of the College of Physloians and Burgeons of Oataalo bp examination. Ofeee andBesldonc-Main St, not, Ethel Ontario. DENTAL. JD MNTISTXa Y. • G. L.Ba11,L. D. S., Honor Graduate and 0.0.10. C. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrons Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded meas low as good work can bo done for, Oliloo over JOhnston's Hardware Store, $oaforth,. E A. MARTIN, L. D. 8., + »Ii7NTI tiT, Honor• (iradtiatol0oyal College 01 Dental Surgeons. office-GarileirlDtoOk, Brussels, charges nfoderato, DENTIWT. W, J. Pear,L, D S. Graduate of To- r onto$ohoolof Dentistry,. A71 opor- atione guaranteed. 011155-Cndy's Block, Boaforth, Artificial teeth, ft rat quality, end a guaranteed At, fox 011.00 per sot, BUSINESS CARDS. H. 11IoORAOIiEN, ISSUER of Marriage Licenses. Ofdoe at his Gr000ry,Ttrnborry, Strout. QAT M, RODDIOK, HOUSE, SIGN V V and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Charges moderate. A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - Lieutstage Lloaneoe, by appointment of : Governor, Commissioner, &o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Xaeurone° 00. Oilllea at the Oranbrook Post ()Mee. T M.O'OONNOR, FIRL, LIFE, Cl,. Accident and Roan Insurance Agent for some of the best end most reliable Cern- ponies in the. Dominion. Office Brick Terr- aoo„Tornborrystreet many the Station, CHURCHES, PUBLIC BUILD - rasa and Private Honeos painted and decorated in modern sytles et reasonable Prices. Estimate given. Address- H. CLVOA8, 2011 Goderioh, ri W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR . Graduato of the Ontario Veterinary Collage has resumed the practice of John Nott, V.S„ and is prepPared to treat all dis- eases 01 domesticated animals on solenttdo and approved principles. Treatment of dol- icatefoals a specialty. OSloo at John Nott'e Y. e. 1/fISS LILLA 0'0ONNO1I, 71 Toaoher of Music. Vont. 'and Lustre. mentalon Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har - many and Thorough Bass. Advanosd punils fitted for Teaching. Terms on epplloation, 3thterenoe-Ladies of Loretto Academy. Guelph. Residence -No. 2, Terrace, south, wear station. Zz,obert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. M. BLASHILL, B niche?, thanking :his many easterners for .their liberal support in the past wishes to inform them that at has shep in &mule's block he keeps nothing but first-class meats all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Meat Delivered to n11 parts of the town free. Clash paid for Pat Stook. Hides and sheepskins bought for cash. Fas-an L1'or The subscriber offers our sale hie valuable Pam in the Township of Grey, comprising lots 0 and 7, con .1.11n said township, This farm contains. 200aores and id within 11 miles from the thriving village of Brussels, with good gravel rondioading thereto, Abont150 acres are oloarod, ireo from stumps and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is Rally weeded. This farm is 'particularly Well fo110ed nearly h coos w ht d ho whole of eho lm being straight end haven been eructed in 1835 loo o. On the 'premisesthere o a oom testable log dwellinghouse and agoo dfram o barn with SWISS sabling underneath in which eta.. la a won with an abundant sup• ply of excellent waton There is liken/1So a new frame implement house, 4040, wolf floored .above and below, and neatly sidedlad painted. Per particulars ajnly' to the repriotor, JAMES DICn$01a, Registrar, Huron Co., 13 -if Godortob c n ab y a fl tl e tt T it 11 c: 70 t] r. e, fi 11 iv t1 B I t] it L 10 b1 .1 el t' t( t] 01 ft d h T a ti t1 B ft P• c tp ] n i1 0 .R it b 0 0 b i1 0 0 a to i1 b h tl a ti a 0 9