The Brussels Post, 1886-12-3, Page 7• Mo. 3, 1886,
,..........e....1.4*"........... ,. ....
six miles from (lave City And twon-
g7nprtlt.xe {6Afllllltll',ty.eight, frons Bowling Green. 'Pilo
cave ooneiets of a euecoaaiou of i.r.
regular chambers, some of whish
are large, (deflated on aileron, levels,
Some of thee° aro traversed by nay
igeble breaches of the sebterraue'Tt
Ott hiN promisee. Echo river. Blind found
fish are foun
At the trial of two Stott Act MO. ill its water)),
es at Gorges an Tuesday the peou1. �. its the world is glint of St. Gothard,
iar objection was raised that try the 00 the lino of railroad 17otworu Lu•
Lace) House is dissolved, the meg- cerno and Jiilau. The sninmit of
istrato, A. Taylor, lied no juritdic. the tunnel is 000 feet below the Anr-
tiou in COntrn Wellington, Tho nee at Anderrnatt, end 6,000 feet
eases worn adjonrnad for it week, . beneath the peak of Kastolharu of
For less data it glass or beer the St. (tothard group. The tunnel
daily 0 man of twenty could insure . in 24 feet wide, au.l is 18 feet 10
his life for $600, payable either at
dont( or on obtaining the ago of 65
yeere ; or, placed in it sovioge bank,
it would amouut to a very pretty
little review() of the urge of 65 years. Tho biggoet trees in the world aro
At n misoiunrry meeting hold its the mammoth tread of (",'ltlifarnie.
Yoric, Englund' the Arohbiahop of One in It grove in Tulare comity,
York pointed ont that probably two according to meaeuremeutt =do by
million curl It 111111 dolma was ranted nl9ulbero of tho State Geological stir.
annually for missionary 'work in the vey, wee shown to ba 270 foot in
United Kiugdoln, while the annanl benzin, 108 feat in circemferenoo at
drink 6111 amounted to not less than its baso, and (1 teat at• ti point 12
six hundred and fifty million dollars. feet above the ground. Some of
There is It very great deal of good the trees aro 876 foot• high anti 84
sense and force 10 the argnmont fere in diameter. Some of thelarg•
Vine tersely pat by an Amerman ex est that have boou felled indicate an
change :—"If 11 is true that the pro- ago of from 2,000 to 2,500 yearn.
llibition luso is a failure in Alamo, Tho !ingest library is 1110 Biblio,
then why aro the people or that thegne National in Paris founded by
State 80 lenacione for its coutinn. Loris XIV. It contaius 1,400,000
nice, after more Chau thirty years volumes, 800,000 pamphlets, 175,•
of practical experience with its work- 000 to anuecripte, 800,000 maps and
inge ; and why are the liquor (laniard cliarte and 150,000 (eines end mea -
so anxious to pror'eet the enactment els. The collection of engravings
of a bimilar law elsewhere?" exceeds 1,800,000, contained in 10,-
• Lehi John Russell, replying to tt 000 volumes. The portraits 00m.
The Stipendiary 111agietrate of
Halifax, hay sentenced 'Phos. Kent
to a fine of ;9,800 and two menthe in
gaol for having distillery appe.ratne
Molise Froin the floor to the orawn
of the arched roof. I1 is 9t' )nilee
long, T 101106 longer than the
Blount Oouie Tunnel.
deputation of workingmen some
Deere ago, who wero complaining of
the taxes, said :—"You complain of
the taxes, but think how you tax
yourselves. You 000811010 about
fifty 0111110118 yearly in drink. Is
there any Government 01111 would
bare to lax yon to that clnonut 2 At
the present time the 00ti0nal drink
bill amounts to about one hundred in torrents in the Sahara at intervals
and tweul;yfive nnllione•" of five, ton aud twenty years. In
On Wednesday night iia tvou summer the treat during the day is
daughters of Joseph Barker, ilingis• oaoes'ive, but the nighte are often
trate of Kincardine, were entering cold. In winter the temperature ie
the gate in front of their glome, to sometimes below freezing point.
elicit was fired toward them, and The groateet pyramids is that of
0'00" aftcrwnrcl it Otto disca•:orad Cheeps, ono of the three pyramids
Unit the front of tho house lied boeu formiug the Memphis group, site•
saturated 500111 teal 011, aud nu tat- Mod on a plateau about 187 feat
!omit mr.cic lo ignite it, 1.t is sup. above the level of the highest ride
peed the yonug ladies made their in the Nilo. Its ditnonsioua have
nl l'enrnnce as the villeins were at been reduced by the removal of the
their wotlt, lienee tho firing of the outer portions to furuieh stout for
shot. !lr. Marker has suffered a the city of Cairo. Its utaeonary
whole series of outrages since the consisted originally of 89,028,000
Soatt Act molt effect in Bruce, end cubic foot, and still 1101001110 to 82,.
whether rightly or wrongly, all aro 111,000 feat. The preeen1 vertical
ascribed to whiskey sympolbizern. height is 450 feet, against 479 feet
It is u profound pity some of the originally. The total weight of the
soo0ndrols cannot be brought to stone is estimated at 6.316,000
justice. tons. The largoet ball in the world
is the great bell at Moscow, at the
THE i3IOOEST '1911i•(Iti. foot of the Kremlin. Its circum•
femme at the bottom is nearly 68
INTO AN AItaUAtaNT. and d its height Ht ie more than 21
fent. In Its stoutest part it is 23
The largest theatre in the world inches thick, and its weight has
is the now Opera house iu Paris. 1t been computed to bo 448,622 pounds.
covers nearly three acres of ground ; it has never been hung,
its cubit mass i8 4,287,000 feet ; it
coat about 100,000,000 francs, The
largest suspension bridge is the ono
between New York city and Brook-
lyn ; the length of the main span is
1,695 feet. six laches ; the entire
length of the bridge is 5,980 feet.
The loftiest active volcano is Popo-
catapel--"smoking mountain' '—
thirtyfive melee mill west of Pne.
bia, Mexico ; it is 17,748 feet above
tho sea level, and has a crater three
miles in circumference and 1,000
feet deep. The longest open of wire
in the world is need fur a telegraph
in India, over the river Kiatnah. It
is more than 0,000 feet in length,
and 18 1,200 feel high. The largest
ship in the world is the Great Rest.
ern ; she ie 680 feet long, 83 foot
broad And 60 feel deep, being 28,•
627 tons burden, 18,915 gross and
13,844 net register.
from it etratogicnl point of view, is
the femme stroughold of Gibraltar.
it oconpiee a rooky peninsula jutt-
ingaut into the sen, about throe
miles longi and about throe quartan
of 11 mile wide. One central rock
rhos to the height of 1,485 ,feet
above the 0011 level, Its' no:theru
face is 01111001 perpendicular, while
its east side is full of tremendous
precipices. Go the south ittorulin-
1100 10 what is called 'Europe Peter.
The west oiclois less sleep then the
eiist, rind between its base and the
8011 is ilio nnrrew, almost level span
on which the town of Gibraltar was
built. The (0111•e58 is considered A short (1010 ago there was per,
impregnable to nmiiitary aseault. chimed by the Bank of British Col•
l'he regular garrison in limo of umbia, at New CVostreinieter, it gold
pence numbers about seven thous. ,quartz nugget, weighing thirty
and. four (mimes. Tho nugget was dug
The biggest cavern is the Marti: out of a Granite Creek, and i8 valued
n1o113 Cave in Z;dinoneon County, at $840, which allows 40 par cent.
Ky. It ie near Green river, about for quartz.
ber about 100,000.
TOE LARGEST 01:07(0,2
is that of Sahara, a vast region of
Northern Afrioa, extendiug from the
Atlantic ocman on the west to the
valley of the Nile on the oast. The
length from east to west is about
3,000 miles, its average breadth
about 900 square miles. Rain falls
Love knowns hidden paths.
Love Makes labor light.
Love mattes time pass away, and
bane makes love pass away.
Love no little, love me long.
Ami moi un pen, mats continuo—
Love mo to little, but keep it up.
Love one that dons not love you,
answer one that does not •oall yon,
and you will run a fruitless race.
Love others well, but love thyself
the most ; give good for good, but
not to thine own coot.
Love rules his kingdom with')u1 it
Love subdues everything except
the felon's heart.
Love teaches asses to donee.
Lose, knavery, aud news tit.).
Make men good orators.
Love, .thieves, and fear make
Love your friend with his (faiths.
Love your neighbor, but don't
pull down his fence.
Levant' p0rsee era tied with Dob•
Lovers' gunnels urn live anis re-
hovers thiok enters kava no ()you.
The Ottawa Government will
contribute $2,000 to the scheme
of attempting to keep the St. Lev
1On00 open during rho winter by
means of tugs plying rip and down
the .river..
The undersigned begs luuvo to iatiaist°
to the public) that he has openol it tailor
simple the Poet Ofllee block, over Luird'o
barber shop, whore ho is prepared to et.
tend to the wants of the public in ontting,
fitting aria halting olathing in the latest
aud mart tuselonabte style's, My long ex-
perience together with a wane or
etruotton dialer one of tate boat euttere in
Toronto la a guarantee ut being able bo
do swbinfootery work, Setieisettou Guar.
G. a. YPied4'9.
Any amount of Money to Loitn
on Farm or Village Pro -
party at
Straight Leaks with privilege
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hinter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
lIoney to Loan on ('arm Pro-
perty, at
l'ItIVA't'I1 .AN() l'O5l PINT 1^tfFt)ri.
Brussels, Ont.
$20,000 -
of L'.rivata Punch have just been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in tlu'e2 flays if title is
Apply to L. E. WADE.
Dn, 0, E lriT'e `Tetvo and Brain Treat-
ment, n g Jnrantood spootae for Hysteriu,
Disrinese, Oonvulslou., Kits, Nervous, Non -
minim. Hon bale, Nervous Prostration anus-
od by the use of nioohol or tobacco, Wake-
lutnees,efentalDo raeslau,eoften ing of the
Brain roan ting In 11101an1t1', loading bo mis-
ery,decay, and death, Otoulataro Old Ago,
Baroness, I nes of Potter to ostler sox, Invol-
untary Losnoe and Spernlntnrrhron caused by
over-exertion of the Brant, self-abu ea or
over.iuduti,ene0, Each box contains one
month's treatment. Si. a box, or six boxoa
for 82,,sent by mail, prepaid, nn receipt of
IV 111 4111UtAST Ell 51X BONES
To euro any cone. With each order receivo'5
Lynn for six boxes, accompanied with 86, we
will gond the purchaser our written Emmen-
toe torefund the money if the treatment -
done not offset a cure. Gunrnntoee issued
only by Lno.,atargrenvon er Go., nruseoln.
Watchmaker 86 Jeweler
Has on gland a splendid smolt of Silver
and Gold idled Wntahes, 11100 OS ft But.,
tons, 'Broaches,' Mixings, Gent's Pins,
Finger longs, lion Plate Vest chains,
Neoklotn, also a fuse assortment of wall -
nut and niokel Clocks.
tom•'" RepairinlI Nontty and Promptly
Executed, •
Q1.1El.N'01Hsieh f, 13J;OCli.
ito ,i toed. Prices
Wo have on Meld the following
Lancs Rollers, flows, Harrows,
Sctifllcrs, Horse Powers,' Straw
(Jotters, Turnip Cotters, (rind-
ing o; Chopping 'Mills, best
make, and 1 flood 5u0oncl
Hand Lumber Wagon,
We have started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
Wishing to Have Lumber :Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms,
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the ' Bsess8Ls
W. R. Wilson.
Loan & Investment Oo.
This Company is Loaning ilIoney
on Farm Security at Lowssr
:41(lrl4ueg i tll'elutaeti.
3, 4, and 5 per cont. .interest
allowed on Deposits, according
`to amount aud time let.
OFFICE:—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, txocle-
I-tor•ace Horton,
AGENTS ly:tsi l'i.iil:
Steady Employment to Good illen.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
Wo pay Dither Salary or Com-
100 bion Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
rlisile Foothill nurser fi$,
Largest in Cantaflq•,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class, and
want to work. No room for lazy
then, but can employ' Any num-
ber of energetic men who want
work. ADDIU Ss
Stone aE Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
A new stock of Buffalo Robes,.
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
13ells,WVllips, &c.,
A Splendid Assortment of
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels.
in Stock.
Having leased the well known and • splendidly f,quippe'l .Boller
Flouring Mill from Messrs. iVsn. 1'anstone t!• Sonit for n term of
years, we desire to intinintc to the farmers of Huron Co. and the
public generally, that '00 are prepared to tura out the+heat brands of
Flour, look after the Gristing 'Trade, supply any quantity of linin,
-Chopped stuff, t1;c., and buy any quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recognized as one of the hest hi the County and -our
long experience in this Utlsiness givers' tis confidence in saying we
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowick,
Are to the front this Pall with a large and well selected stock of
Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In choking stoves we swish
to call Special attention to an entirely new line, "Tun Outn1N4,"
"Ms WA11RIox Kiwi," and the old reliable "Wool) Coo::," weighing
400 pounds. The "REGAL PENINSULAR" is a square base: busier, for
coal, that should be,seen by every intending purchaser.
Lamps Lamps Lamps
Lamps and all general horse furnishings alseitys kept in stock.
Plate, C'oob a 1peciaity.
GIVE U5 A CALL. yerof ,Bros.
rovala •'
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware & Coafectiorle y9
is one of the finest in the County of Huron and sold at prices
which cannot' tbe'•'smbrptrssed.
Our Japan 'Tea •at"40c. per Ib. is one of the -lineal, grown. Our
special blond of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 20 lbs. Bright Yellow
Sugar for $1. 5 Bars Electric Soap for 25c.
All . the Choicest Fruits of the Season.
A. Full Assortment of Crockery and Glassware, inelnding Chinn
and Lamp Goods.
Bakery Department.
1Iavillg Built to first-class Oven, we tarp turning out. broad of the
very best quality. ,
Pasl,y dead all hinds of Confection:7y,
Fancy. and HOfae-.lindc Bread a Specialty
Age;it,for 1lcisclttrnnnn c' Co's Compressed 'Fcast,
Quality Our Leading Feature.
Thanking our numerous Customers for their pntrona,;;e in the
past and soliciting;-tt continuance of single.
Geo. Thomson.