The Brussels Post, 1886-12-3, Page 6Directory of Churches and Sooiatiosf
Alsnvu,x.s Clronon.—Sabbath ierrioos
at 11 a.zn, and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School
at 2:90 p. rli, Bev. John Ross, i3. A„
J Nox Unnaen.—Sabbath Services at 11
a tn. and and 0:30 pan. Sunday School
at 2:30 Bev. S Jones, pastor.1
ST. 30U0'S Cannon, -Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and T p,m. Sunday School at
0:30 Bev. W. T. Muff, incumbent,
MalmOrsT Cncrlcn.—Sabbath Services
at 10:90 man, and 0:90 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p.m, Rev, Wm. Smyth,
Itox�x C ,'rnoiao C'ilrncu.--Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 0.113, Rev. k. J. Shea, priest.
Onn F zn>.ow's Lopez every Thnraday
evening in Graham's block.
Mamie Lopez Tuesday at or before
full moon in the Garfield block,
A, 0. U. W. Locos meets ou let and
3rd Mouday evenings of each month.
FO1teoTit1:'e LODE 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Sall.
Posw Orrxcx,--0Elice hours from 8 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
dfrcnaNlcs' INeTrtUTE Reading Room
and Library in Jiolmes' block, will be
open from 0 to 8 o'clock pan. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib-
R+'tLl•a11 N erten.
WATERING SmEer.--Too much
stress can hardly be laid on the im-
portnuce of looking well to the mat.
ter of watering sheep in winter.
"Yon can lead a horse to water, but
you cannot make him drink." This
adage Would haeclly be true of the
sheep. It will drink after awhile.
When a sheep comes out of the
stable a trifle chilly, with its blood
, stagnant after twenty-four hours'
quiet, it feels touchy, and it will
sniff and sample bore and there, in
a way which -is aggrltvating to the
eilepherd who's$ waiting on the mo-
tions. It may be fifteen minutes
before it eau quiet itself. It may
utterly refuse to drink, whereas, if
it could go off and take n run of nit
hour or so, it would return and
drink a snrprisiug quantity. If that
sheep had been hastily shut up by
an impatient shepherd, ie would
have suffered before twenty-four
hours elapsed, and would not haus
eaten as freely as it ought, and con-
sequently would have begun to lose
The lust Year 1880,
After the above year is ended there reed
Deno person suffering from Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Lumbago,
or any aoutepaio, if they only purchase a
bottle of Fluid Lightning, as it euros instant-
ly. Pain cannot stay where it is used. The
name it Fluid Lightning. Sold by dna. Har-
greaves & Co., druggists.
operation is practiced extensively on
grown cattle in some countries, by
sawing the horns off close to the
dead, thus giving great pain, caus-
ing blood to flow, and taking a long
time to heal. To saw off the ends
of the horns just above the quick
gives the cattle no pain, and is about
ae effectual to prevent their injuring
each other ns'to• caw lower down ;
or, if they are about a year old, do
it obliquely from•frout to back. Af-
ter this, as the horn grows, it turns
up backward and thus prevents the
cattle from hooking each other, Rut
the best way is to sear the top of
the horn iron 0,91100n
as it jute an incb or two from the
head. The pain of doing this is not
very great, andit prevents much in.
jury of cattle to each other as they
grow up and are transported to
market. Yet it le still better and
aniere human to breed and rear Poll.
cdi eattle. • .
Mineral Polson,
Noth mgbut polio extlacto from plants mud
roots are used in preparing MoGrogor's Lung
Compound, tho modern and. now popular
remedy for coughs, Colds, Bronohttts, Croup,
Asthma, and all affections of rho Throat,
tnugs,.audChest. All mineral poisons and
,dangerous substances aro avoided, which
renders it sato for children or adults. gold
at ;rde. and 81.00 per bottle at Elargreavoe &
Do's.. drug store.
TUNE STOOK NOTES.—gorses bear
exposure better than any olaae of
farm etock, except, perhaps, sheep,
bit beta should have good shelters
erto go nuder,itl. severe storms. Well
• - ventilated stables are a great sav
ing of fodder, and without stables
that gree regularly cleaned out, there
vaa vast caste of manure. Sheep
bred this month wean in April.
Feed eerviee rains' a quantity of
wheat bran and a pint of oats daily
in two feeds. , Pige: Don't forget
charcoal as a part of the rations at
least twice a week.. Provide for
Mcirch pigs. Warm sties save one-
third of the feed. Fattening cul.
mals,—While the weather continuos
moderate, big stock of all sorts lay
ou fat vial great ease and rapidity,
It is a. great saving to grind the
grain ; so itis to soak it, so also to
scald, and still more to thoroughly
cook it for all fattening stook except:
sheep. They seem to do better
when they grind their own grist,
Story cattle ; should be housed, at
least at Dight:
On, YOUR BOOTS ANA snows.—'I'ho
efficacy of oiling depends mull •
upon the way in which it is done.
Iu the evening, brush the shoe clean
and Then wash it with lukewarm
water, rather to 'moisten than to
clean it. Set it where it will ilry
slowly. It should not be perfectly
dry next morning, when the oil is
applied, but feel damp, not wet,
however. The best mixture for oil-
ing' shoes is made of one half of
neat's-foot oil—be sure you get the
genuine article—ono third beef tel.
low and VD aixlll castor oil. Mix
thoroughly over n gentle heat, De.
pend upon the rubbing rather than
the heat to get the ell in --to express
It differently, two parts of rubbing to
cue of heat. It the shoes are peg-
ged, as fnrmere shoes usually are
and always should be, get the uil in
well between tho tippers and the
sole ; it will prevent the sole pulling
loose, or the leather breaking away
from the pegs. Shoes worn at farm
work should be oiled at least once a
hick. It requires only a few min-
utes to do the work, and it is decid-
edly profitable labor.
pKlhtl IMT f OH
pito( CCFI
D,ic. 3, 1886.
7111 LiaoU R.-,
IMet nP.0,"f'
ev 750
ag,esateakatlel •
�V 0717
C/lM f Llt0t1 ,
Physio boats faith cure, beciluse
it has the inside track.
Pet was fiuishiug a story thus :—
"Shure and he put the pisthol to
his head, pulled the thriggor, an' in
a jiffy he was dead all the nest of
his loifo." •
Pain cannot exist actor the patient has
taken a single dose of iVest's Pain Sing, the
magic care. Do not be induced to take a
substitute, but insist upon having West's
Pain Ring. Genuine sold by J. Hargreaves
it Co., anoints.
A phrenologist says that "fulness
under the eyo denotes language."
When the (Nines,' is causedby an
other man's fist it denotes very bad
lenguugo, generally.
Tiro woatherwise thinlc that the
scarcity of beech nuts foretells a
mild winter. May it not hindtell
that last winter was a severe Ono ?
At all events the wino man will bank
his house, beech nuts or not,
xl Pittsburgher has taken out a
patent for a machine to crimp flour
bags. That's all right. Why
shouldn't the flour bag wear crimps
so long as the hour barrel has
.4. Profitable life.
11 ow mon have accomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world as
the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 00,000 of his
works have been sold in Canada alone. We
want every person troubled with Liver
Complaint, Dysnopsia, Headache, Sidney or
Urinary Troubloe, to 0111 01 at your druggist
and buy a bottle of Or. Ohavo'n Liver Cure,
it will Duro you. Medicine and Recipe Book
for 01.00.
• Judging from the tightness of the
fashionable sleeve tliie season, the
ladies will find it impossible to laugh
in their sleeves at the gentleman's
saasago cueing pantaloons.
First Pavior—Biu, what's a di-
vision of labor, as they talk about ?
Second Pavior—It meanu you heaves
the hammer and brings it down on
the stone with all your might, and
I stand by to cry out "Ugh 1"
An exchange says :—"When a
man's' religion gets so low down as
to permit him to drop a bogus dollar
into the collection plate and take out
110 cents of good change we want to
bo out in the church vestibule eland
of him if wo have left our umbrella
Thousands owo their recovery from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. It is oonooded every-
where t o be the best known remedy for
Sheumatfem, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns
Scalds, anti all dieeaseo requiring external
application. Price Mamas and CO conte per
bottle, Sold by John Hargreaves & Co.,
The report which has been freely
cirtiulateci, to the effect that frogs
legs are unusually high this year,
is entirely erroneous. We examin-
ed quite n number of frogs the other
day and found tbat they still wear
their bind legs in the usual crooked
elbow ueglige fashion, and while the
steel spring in them seems to be
more finely tempered and more sud-
den in its action, the' legs are not
stuck on the body a bit higher than
I have used three bottles of Dr.
Jng's Idea -Wino for Bronchitis
and have reeoivod groat benefit
from it and can highly recom-
mend 1t. Moa WrnsoN,
O romarty,
As a general rule no railway em-
ployee objects to bowling over a
farmer's cow, and it is but seldom
that a farmer can obtain a satisfaet.
ory settlement with a railway com-
pany for damages inflicted on hos
property on this manner. A very
eerioue rail,vay'acoident in Nobraska,
caused by n tram being thrown from
an embankment, by coming in col.
Beton with a bull, may give all call•
way men a not unneeded warning,
If they koep on killing cows they
may by • mistake try conclusions
with a bull and then retribution
awaits diem;
4jIllisemea==asaie=r r�
�it 1 • �� �
"Soule men aro born great," Yes,
but gracious 1 how much some of
them do shrink.
Bees aro good indicators of the
weather. Combine n bee and n
small bay and they will produce a
A ooltl stove is it cast iron para-
dox. It won't burn unless you put
it up, and then it won't burn unless
you studio it dowm
rto on Tans• Guard.
Don't allow a cold in the hoed to slowly
and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when
you can be cured for leo, A tow applications
will 01110 incipient Catarrh. Ono or two
boxes wMHoore ordinary Ontaran. One to e
boxes will euro chronic Catarrh. Try Dr.
Chase's Canadian Catarrh Cmc—it will core
Many a man who thinks be is'
going to set the world afire finds to
his sorrow that somebody has turn-
ed the hose on him.
McGregor 3: l'arke's Carbol I e Cerate,
^'Have you an old Sore, Out, Burn, Bruise,
eorn,Bunion, Balt Rheum, Pimple, Biotou-
os, Rough Hands or Face 7 It so, there is but
one euro, namely, afaGrogor & P arke's Gar.
belie Oorate. it you but try it, it will con.
vino° you. It costs but 200. at Hargreaves'
Drug Store.
A piece of laud was sold in tho
city of London the other day at the
rate of 510,000,000 per acre ; and
yet there are people who, if n piece
of real estate got do their soup,
would kick like a foot -ball team.
"Jane, did I not tell you, if you
were again tempted to eat the cur•
rants you 1111101 say —'Get thee
behind me, Satan ?' " "Yes, mum,
an' I did, an' be got bohmd me and
pushed me richt into the currant
9l eGrcgOr'a Speedy Cure.
When 06 say BleGregor's Speedy Cure is
the only Perfect cure for Dyopepeia, Livor
Complaints, Indigestionand Impure Blood,
we are UMW; the plain feats, of which hun-
dreds upon hundreds can testify, who have
boon restored to porfoot health by ire nee.
We would therefore advise you strongly it
you aro eubjoet to any of tho above troubles
to givo MoGregor's Speedy Cure a trial and
be convinced. It is sold in ole.. and" 31.00
bottles at Hargreaves & Co's. Drag Store,
Anyhow—`Pommy, with had' just
received a severs'eeoldiug : "Am I
really so naughty, mamma . ?"
Mamma—Yes, Tommy, you are 10
very bad boy 'family, reflective-
ly—Well, anyhow, mammm,•I think'
you ought to bo glad I ain't twins 1"
A Brooklyn youngster, after re-
ceiving a mallet piece of pie than
he embed for hie dissort, afiked the
following question :—"Mu, why is
my piece of Europe ?" . "I
really don't know, Johuny." "Be-
cause it is the ,maliest of the grand
Even the weakest man is strong
enough tp enforce hie convictions.
He who rises late must trot all
day, and tvi11 scarcely overtake his
boniness at night.
The way to speak and write what
shall not go out of faebion is to speak
and write sincerely.
Nothing is more ruinous for a man
titan when he is mighty enough in
any part to right himself without
You find yourself refreshed by the,
presence of cheerful people. Why
not make earnest efforts to confer
that pleasure on others 2
No man has a prosperity so high
or firm but two or throe words can
dishearten it. There is no culamity
whichrights words will not begin to
Alas l this time fe never the time.
for self-demai; it is always the next
time. Abstinence is so much more
pleasant to contemplate upon the
other side of indulgence,
A. man without earnestness is a
mournful and perplexing spectacle.
But it is a consolation to believe; as
we must, of such a one, that ho is
the most effectual and compulsive of
all schools,
The Emperor Augustus, when
seated at table between Nivel; who
was asthmatic, and Horace, who
was blear eyed, acid, laughing :—"I
am between ei'ghe and tears 1"
Alas ! who is not sealed between
those too teblo companions et the
banquet of life?
Tho covetous than heaps up rich-
es, not to enjoy them, but to have
thorn ; and starves himself in the
midst of plenty, and most nnnatnr•
ally obeate and robs himself of that
which is his own, and mattes a hard
shift to be as poor and miserable
With it grant estate as any man can
be without it.
Youto Smart Young 31en.
Klopstock began his "Messiah" at
the ago of seventeen.
Thomas Moro began to write
poems at the age of fourteen.
Milton began to woo the muse
when he was but tau years old.
The poet Southey Began to write
verses when be wee eleven.
Schiller wrote and published a
poem on Moses in his fourteenth
Henry Kirk White publisbsd a
volume of poems at the age of sev-
Dickens bad produced "Pickwick
Papers" before he was twenty-five.
Bryant's "Thanatopsis" was pub-
lished before the writer had reached
the age of twenty.
Shakespeare wrote "Hamlet" --if
lid did write it—when ho was ouly
thirty-six years of age.
Bulwer Lytton, Bayard Taylor,
and the poet Keats, were successful
magazine writers et eighteen,
Fitz -Green Halleck's best verses
were penned when the author was
between fourteen and seventeen years
of age.
Poems by Chaucer were known
and road before the writer had reach-
ed his twelfth year, and Leigh Hunt
made a etir at the age of thirteen.
It is estimated that the abestoes
mtnen id Canada will this year put
out 2,000 tons, much of which is
used in, deadening walla and floors
and at the• osme .time rendering
them fireproof.
John A. Noble of Stanley town-
ship, Lyoiis county, Minnesota, has
been elected to the Legtslatnro of
that State by over 1,1100 majority.
Mr. Noble lived for several year east
of the Centro Road, on the 10th
con:, East Williams.
The young Reformers of Godorieh
have formed an ltsoocietion for cam•
paign work, and have chosen the
following officers: ;—AL. G; Cameron,
President; \V. 11'. Foot, Vice Presi-
dent; W, 0. Dymont, 2sld Vies -Pros;.
J, Straiton' Roo: Secretary; J. W.
Pearson, Cor: -Sec.; R. P. Wilkinson,
Book Store !
AjE3`T M SI,
Photo., Scrap and Autograph
Albums just Opened Ont and will
be sold at
Big Bargains.
Seo samples in the window. A
nice lot of Christmas Novelties in
call and• See Us.
W, Smith, SMITH & Tt loss,
The above firm desire to inti-
mate to the Public generally that
they hayo formed a co -partner-
ship for the purpose of carrying
on Carriage, Sign aucl Ornament-.
al Painting, and are prepared to
attend to the wants of the public
on most reasonable terms. Mr.
Ross having had experience in
some of the best shops in Toron•
to and both being practical work-
men wo guarauteo•to give satis-
Estimates and terms cheer-
fully furnisher.
Shop over Veal's furniture
store; corner of Turilberry and
Mill streets, Brussels.
All work skillfully anti artisti-
cally performed.
Office in Garfield Block.
has made a Special Effort • to
place within the easy roach of
the Public a splendid assortment
of goods suitable for Christmas
Trees, Presentations, Gifts, &c.
Our stock is mode up of. Beau-
tiful Plush, Loather and Cloth
bound Photo, Scrap and Auto-
graph Albums. Splendidly bound
Family and Pocket Bibles. Toy
books from 5 cents up. Miscel-
laneous books containing inter-
esting stories, readings and an-
eeclotcs from 10 cents up.
Our Annuals are just to hand.
Wo have
GIRL'S " "
and a number of other books.
Toy Department.
To enumerate all we have in
this line would take up too much
space but you will find Drums,
Guns, Horses, Wagons, Trains,
Mechanical Toys, Dogs, Rubber
Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes,
Money Boxes, Trumpets, Ilorns,
Whistles, Blocks, Tools, Toy
Watches and Clocks, Sets of
Dishes, Rattl.os, Paints, Dolls in
all varieties, Authors, Dominoes,
mid hundreds of other articles.
Musical Instruments!
In musical instruments we
have a large stock of Harmoni-
cas, imported from Germany;
Metalaphones, Concert Flutes, a
a new style of instrument, Jew's
Harps, &e.
A Call will satisfy you as to
our stock.
Handsome range • of China
Cups and Saucers sold at low
�� prices.
D3 ' I Iaudsleighs, Rocking Horses.
Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c. •
Practical Watchmaker cf, Jeweller,
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to saoure your
patronage. Wo are opening ont;full lines
Gold and Silver Watches,
Silver Plated Ware, from established
and reliable makers, felly warranted by
Cloaks of the latest designs,
Jewelry :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Berthas, &e.
Alec kayo in steak a full lino of Violins
and 'Violin Strings, Pipoa, dm.
1r' 30,B,—Teener of Marriage Licensee.
T. Fletcher,
Nothing charged for inspecting
our goods and getting otlr prices.
All the School Books • always
on hand., also a large stock of
paper, envelopes, &c: •
an Is a Call.