The Brussels Post, 1886-12-3, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST amens. musetr aervainaxemirms.s ., .,.,,,wssaa vein e na ,." zmsar sax, v ae ssayeem e�m t Q){7(1 y n4,rs1 iaxAwl$ ! In our uartoon this week, of ',sae Baseball has been intro+lucea into the bridge should have been finished by Oat, A party of Beaverton sports brought Pittsburgh Insane Asylum for the pays. 1st, but it had not yot been completed. book 18 doer from Musl{oka, _ 0, Grip points out that the Prnhi leaf and mental lin ;eminent of the in. The repairs to the Co, buildings ordered Tho arbitration to settle tho piques of Christmas Goods -Mrs. Eirk, bition cry of the Toronto ,Hall le a mates. Tile instinty of the poor urea- , by you have been curried out. I beg also lots on the river front at Sarnia rognirod Ontario Eleotions-Thos, Gibson. hollow shunt. Mr. Bunting r was tares is demonstrated by the fact that ' to stain that demnncls have been mads by the Erie 8 Buren Railway Company, Ready.made Clothing --A, R. Smith.6 they all want to be umpires. upon one to pay over the proportion re. has been dissented from by the latter oar. Pound -•-F. 0, Rogers, never known be tape any part in Savannah News :--It (bee run in fem. (lutred from Wile Comity for the enforce. porntion, an the ground that the figure; Notice to creditors -Tl. B. Burt, ilex they sa', The Rev. Nam. Junes' stent of the Canada Temperance Aot of are oxcosive-416 per foot. Agent wanted -"Inspector." furthering the interests of the tom- brother Joe is prenuhiug in North Georgia 1878, which will require your attention, John Porteous, General Freight Agent Now's the time -Geo, Love, pet -epee party and mem now, al. in dialect that will tamest take the bark I The following oenimudcations were of the Grand Trunk hallway, hoe tender - The Leading House -S. Ostrander, off a Welter): tree. It is stated that be read ;.- od bis resignation to accept the general New Bakery --E. Grundy. thong![ his pupae professes to be an dills things by their correct acmes right From tho County Council of Norfolk managership of the Great Eastern Luno, out noon Dint prohibition organ, be I out in the mooting, reghestieg the corporation of this Coon. with headquarters at Boston, ilia reoig- At Comstock, Minn., an eight-year.old ell to petition the Donuiuion Government 11111100) 1108 not yet been accepted, dues not any » word ai?ttiust L', girl was driving Lottie cows what u wolf to rupee!. the Scott Act. Referred to the Mrs, Henrychunoman of La net A B 1 Y 1 ,r�.e a+ l:ztssels *lust, King Dodds advocating the chums attacked her. One of the come rushed lit Speoal Cmnutittoo, Mich., doubted ilittia Ringsbury'e desire of Conservative advocating tint does the beast and tossed it in the air, A inrgo From Mr. Totten rocjuostiug tho Conn- or ability to clig potatoes, and offered hor - dog also went to the child's (18810tm100, mi to pay the proportion required from one Dont for every hill ehe'cl dig, Mise FRIDAY,DEC. 8 1886. ho raise itis voice ill condemning the and the cow and dog soon drove the wolf the Cooity to carry the Canada Temper- Kittle went to work, and before she quit _ ..._ _ _' -- caididatnre of nail prohibitionists, back into the woods. ansa Act into affect. Referred to the at night had dug 500 hills aid earned $5, 1 Great spend has been attelued in the Finan° Committee. The IInrouian gold and sinter mine, in A, Bishop hoe been nominated 218 This goes to chow that there is manufacture of rifles ; 120 barrels can be From the License Commissioners of the distrieb west of Port Arthur, in rolled in an hent by ono machine. They the throe ricliugs requesting the sum of which Alex. Johnston, of Strathroy, and the Become candidata for the Local nothing ill this new role played by arc straightened eolcl and bored with $1327.28 as the proportion clue by the T. A. Keefer, of Port Arthur, °1021 one. Henna in South Huron, and .Ur, the Mail. Trne, they did send a omrespotding speed, and even the rifling County for the onforroment of the Scott fifth interest, has bean sold to a strong is now done automatioally, so that one Aot, Referred to tho finance Commit. English company for the handsome sum Coleman, of Soaforth, as Censer- reporter to various Counties to in. man, tending six machines, can turn out tee. of $300,000. votive candidate. quire into the working of the Scott 60 or 70 barrels por day. From Mr. Keine in reference to and in- A tramp got on the Air 11110 track near A baby was born in New York a week digent, insane person. Referred to the Simooe, and by waving his hands, atop- _______ Act, but we are creditably informed ago with its mouth closed. Where the Finance Committee. pod an express train, Whim the °ondut- Wlo.oT do tho villagers think about that the bulk of these reports were mouth should have been were smooth From Mr. Dickson, governor of the jail. or asked him what he had stopped the a snow plow for clearingoff the white skin and flesh. In other respects Referred to the Jai] Committee. train for he said ]to hall done it for a joke. gathered from persons oupwaed to the child seamed normal. An lneisian A number o£ aaeounte \vete read and The oondu0tor notified the depot [easter eidew'alks after a snow storm 2 In tine Ctinsda Ternpe•a[!Ue Aet. \Vo was mode across the face just below the referred to the Finance Committee. at Simeon, and the man was arrested, agreat many places theyhave a nose. The jaws were found to be joined The tenders for county wood were re- tried and sent to jail, at hard labor, for 1 find no fault particularly with a mon by a membrane, but when this was sever- !erred to Jail and Court House Conunit• three months. plow to winch they attach a horse who can consaientionely oppose ono od they moved naturally. tee. and drive up one sidewalk and dawn--- -- Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by P Scott Aat, ne ever' man 18 supposed Mr. McPherson nkat the Jailer be in- s y n 3c`x2•CY Council. Ontario abed o an the other silo of the street and to .hove a riglitlo his own opinion, • atrnot 1 when reporting the nnlnbex' 0f 1 ao Council met at Dames' hotel, Oran - 221 an boar travelling is ell right. A but we de object very strongly to ' brook, Nov. 20th, pursuant to adjourn. state where they are sent from and to plow could bo arranged to suit cilli. these wolves in ebeep's clothing, Vicat. Members were allpresent, Reeve what municipality they belong. Gar- iner the narrow or wile sl(l°wall{$. theehair. Minutes ofd meeting rind. POLITICAL EETING . u'hn a tole obj act is to gain votes. were read mud passed. Moved by James Moved by lir. Clegg, seooncica' by Mr. The cost would be trifling and the _ McDonald, seconded by Walter Oliver Anderson that the assessment rolls of the ----- that the nomination for Rove, First and several municipalities be equalized in MR.. THOMAS GIi3SON, wont clone m this way after (0 big Li seiecting Thomas Gibson to Second Deputy Reeves and Councillors future during the January session of this fall of snow would be very satisfaat- be once more the etnudnrd hearer for 1867 bo held in Dames' hall, Crau_ Couuoil instead of the Jtmo session. Reform Candidate for the Ontario Lefis- ory to the ratepayers; wo arc sure. for the Reform part in Gast 1Iitr brook, at noon on Monday the 27th day Carried. b Mr. Iia 8econdecl b Mrnature, will address the Electors of East party of December, 1886, and in case a poll is Y y' } IIttron at the following times and app It ie all wall enough where there on, the Convention of last Tuesday ciomanclod that the following persons be IIornoy that ill° Co. Commissfonors instrncfod by this Council to examine rhe: placoe :- nre nnumber of houses together for the ive Deputy Returning Officers in. two Dema brides nt iha villa a °f RirkBLIIEVALE, at Mr. John Farrows g did n graceful its well a sensible act. vhe res nootive polling Y g g then the inhabitants generally 05011 r. Gibson has occupied a sent in •1, Alex. Ross, school house 5,5. No. 4 ; ton, on the boundary of 'Osborne and Hall, oil Monday, December b'th, at No. 2, Thomas Calder, school house, S.S. B]anshard townships, as they are not to shovelling off the snow, but where tire. Local Legislature fur the past No. 1 ; No. 3, Andrew Turnbull, school considered safe for public travel and that 7:30 p. vacant lots come in it is another ttv°Iv5 treare and is well known in house S.S. No. 2; No. 4, Jams McNair, said Commissioners communicate with MOi:•RISi Gosman's school house, on wheal louse, S.S. No, 0 ; No. +i, Wm. the Engineer of the county of Perth in December 7th, at 7:30 pan. story. We hope soDecemeone will esti. the House for 1110 honest and Spence, sohool house 5.6. No. 11 ; No. reference to the examination, and report LTuesday, ONDESBDece at the Temperance the cost of cari'yiug out this straight•forwax-d character and boars 6, Samos Lindsay, school house S.S. No. to this Council at the January session. Hall, on Wednesday, December $th, at 5 ; No. 7, Anthonyarried.' plan and that before long it will the cognomen of "Hunted Toni. Hall, Ornnbrook. A by-lawwas passed Mowed by Mr, Clegg, seconded by Mr. 7:30 p.m.come into effect. If there was one Gibson," ids is a stn 0)011 tam per• confirming the above appointments. Tho Rogers that Bylaw No. 10, of 1886, in- WALon 1'hnrsday, December 9111,fair trial nada we think that wouldd l following accounts were passed and or- titued a By-law governing Hawkers and at 7:80:80 p. p.m. 1(008 mall, sound on religious vies. dered to be paid :-john Ballast ne, Peddlars bo amoudod by increasing the Y fee ohar�ed for a parson selling with Due CRANBROOK, at Dames' Hall, on Fri - ba all that would be accessary to Lions, caul, calm fired deliberate,underdrain on side road 2, cam. 17, $2 ; ,. John Melemohlin, stone culvert, lot 11, or two horses to (328 00. Referred t° day, December 10th, at 2:30 p.m. convince the most dubious. 1 with good judgment and his friends con. 12, $6 ; A. Lamont, repairing cul- Finance Committee. ETHEL, at Robertson's Hall, on Friday have everyconfidence in him. _lir, vert, lot 14, con. 19, $1.50 - Thos. Shiels Moved by Mr. Sandors, seconded by December 10111, at 7:30 p.m. IT will be wisdom on the part ofditch and culvert lots 5 and 6, con. 13, $2'• Mr. Durnion that this Council adjourn until 2 o'clock p.711. to -morrow (Thurs. JAMESTOWN, at MrHwen's Hall, w the County Engineer to have his Czibsou'S majority at the :lost oleo- Rhtohi McDonald, board snow fence at hi]l cland ay). Carried. Saturday, December lith, at 7 p.m.. plans arranged for the transfer of tion, February �7, 1888, was 41 Grey share,430.35 • L. McDonald, lam; Remainder of report given next week. Mn. T. E. liars is invited to steak. the Blanks of the temporary bridge but it is expected that it will be very bar for roads, $19.76 ; James Simlz on, Cit nztCli[tna News. as 1 to tins iron structure. It is is mat• largely increased at this contest. gravelling at lot 6, con. 18, 218.00 ; John Meetings at other places will• ho an - Thomas E. lin rs Osborne, ditch and two s. 16 bs on side nouneed hereafter. ter worthy of consideration e° that S ,the Conservative road and con., nut 80, cone. 11 and 16,Eu- the town and country will not be caurlidate, polled a phenomenal vote $2 0; Davit-d,d McDonald, nrepsairsr nEthell Blank b GOD SAVE THE QUEEN I cut off while a few, 12151) are slang- :11 McKillop last election, but he bridge and culvert lot 22, cos. 8, $3.65 ; +j,' stnnda no better chance of election, John Long, gravelling at lots 21 and 22, gling with the job. There is bard- , con. 12, $5 ; Malcolm Lamont, ditching ly fifteen minutes intervening be- it as good, ns he did in 1888 and at lot 15, con. 7, $11; John Osborne, re- pairingtween loads of grain going to the we predict that Thomas Gibson will e Spielaentnitoh and ide 'etilvert at 16, ot 26, storehouses at the station ; then wear M. P. P. after his name during 008. 14, $10 ; Alex. Campbell, ditth on there is the general travelling pub• the coating term of the Local Lieges- Grey and Logan boundary, din Greyaltt 8, $5 ;Marshall Harrison, ditch at lot 28, lib, and tho 'bus and drayage busi- i leture. Both of the candidates have eon. 18, $8 ; John Patterson, repairing nese to the station, and it will iu• arranged for ratios of meetings and culvert at lot 28, con. 14, $1.20 ; Wm. Harbottle, rag boltsand repdiringoulverts convenience trade a groat deal if it is for the electors to hoar both sons. 14 and 16, $6 ; Daniel Byers, grad-, there is any delay in this matter, sides of the question, weigh the eliaoen$1; John Grieve, part Elma, Grey ent It is iwpassible to ford Ih+\ river matter carefully and record their for ditch at lot 2, con. 7, $10t; -Trumann with sleighs or cutlers, so ever veto on the afltli last, for the tart Smith, culvert and repairing another on g �yparty, side road 1, eon. 6,, $6 ; Thos. Shiels part thing should be done to lntili'lite who 2[t their judgment have the best Payment for ditching and timber for cul - the uvoek referred to. A t n$ieieut interests of the electorate at heart, vert lot 10, oon. 14, .$13 ; Geo. Elliott, gravel, 81.50 ; J. Martin, gravel, $12,58 ; Al - number of hand should be eugageil - Wm. Mitchell, gravel, $21.84 ; Goo. Al - CT ernoratl Ne -was. cook, ditch and culvert side road 1, oon. to do the work in an hour, and the 14, $10 ; Alex. Thompson, gravel and re- pairingneeessary gravel, ia.o. required The British have annea'ed the island of culvert on boundary Grey and should be on the ground in time. Cotra, in the Indian Coma Hawick, $5.31 ; Thos. Strachan, gravel, The Erie Canal is damaged by musk- 33.80 ; Lewis Bolton, Engineer's expenses We have waited long enough over rats every year to the value of $50,000. Ditches and Watercourses Act 1883, $30. - this badly managed job already to have eaveThe late d $100,000 dueeident ring iglur us believed this 4,, 49.75 ; John Pearson, balance coh at lot ntract Mc - without suffering any greater Moon- bendy. grading at lot 33, oon. 6, $3.65; Robt. Mc- venieroe. We hope Reeve Rogers The Mormon Church has nearly 1,100 Cutolneon for repairing culvert side road 1missionaries scattered about iu the 9, con. 1, $2 ; Abram Bishop, putting two will keep a sharp look out on this South. loads gravel in hole on road $1.50 ; Geo. ark of the Work, A new-born baby camel ie the delight Clark, ditch and culvert side road 9, con. P of New York Central Park frequenters 18, $19 ; Wm. Whiteford, gravel, 90o. ; just now. Wm. Milne, lumber for bridges and oul- 'THE large and influential Reform C. A. Davis, of Nevada, Mo., sneezed verts $8.03 ; John Grant, two days kat- so Convention, held last Tuesday af- Dna of his ribs. oche day that ho broke n e babor ol and plank , 22r;lvWm. oSelert lot 2, nve2, ternoon, in Brussels, very clearly R. G. Ingersoll has bean rtafnod to $6.85 ; John McLennan, repairing bridge indicates the Liberal electors era oonduot the Chicago anarohisbs' appeal to at lot 26, con. 1, boundary, Grey chore, the Supreme Court. $1 ; W. H. Kerr, printing, $11 ; Richard fully awake to their duty and the Our Queen has now, thanks to Print- Pearson, ditch and culvert lot 1, oon. 4., necessity of allowing their apprecia- °ass Beatrice, the round number of thirty gas 11 )RoheJohn $ nd Wle, Engineer's er'o a 868, living grandchildren.ldisNew $80 ; John Dunbar,ditoh in front lot 22, tion of fbo Mowat administration. The,nlew gold discoveries in South Judging a man or a government by trade of the livecolony.breat impetus to the oon. 4, $18,60. Connell then adjourned to meet again at Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook, on the 8rd Priddy in December. Wnt. Selman • . Qlerk. Huron County Council. The Paris and has gong to smash com- pletely. ears are numerous in West Luther, Wellington county. A Ridgetown farmer had I8 valuable sheep killed by dogs Friday last. A third crop of strawberries was pick- ed at Thedford Last week. Ed. Marshall, Petrolia, has a 9 weeks old calf which weighs 280 pounds. An 800 lb moose was killed a few miles north of Bobcaygeon last week. Au Owen Sound man has a contract to get 1,000 car loade of stone this winter. A Toronto alderman and throe frionde shot 2,800 duke at Rush Lake, Man., in 18 days. A big wild cat was seen in the swamp near Waterford and chased, but not cap- tured. A St. Thomas firm is erecting a$15,000 brewery and emoted water manufactory in Calgary. The Paris Methodist church was light- ed by electricity on Sunday evening by two burners. Thos. Pallister of Guelph, pinked two perfectly formed apples grown from the same stem. Some mean wretch stole the collection from the plate at the Huntsville Presby- terian church. The fines imposed last week for viola- tion of the Scott Aot in West Brune amounted to $600. The party who recently left Petrone. for Australia, made the voyage from San Francisco to Sydney in 25 days. Fifty vessels lay wind bound in the river at Sarnia on Saturday. The for - Ott of masts presented a grand sight. W. T. Jackman, of Markdale, swallow- ed carbolic aoid in mistake for medicine, end it took all a doctor could do to save him. The sowing of wild rice on the inland lakes of Brace County, is beingthe mean of stocking them with wild geese and ducks. Thomas Matthie, of Luoknow, shipped last week 350 pound of honey to Hamil- ton. The price realized was 14 cents per 1b. A very large Canadian eagle was shot at Kettle Point last week. It is to bo stuffed and sent to the Glasgow exhibi- tion. A plowingbee with 32 teams at work took plane at James Cameron's farm. Bosanquet, last week. They ploughed 80 mores. While a raffia for a number of live fowls was in progress at Rathbun, eome mischievous person opened the barn door and let the fowls out. Mrs. Thomas Flemming. of Dundee, is said by the Lockport, N.Y., Journal to be one of the heirs to $1,000,000 just about to be dietributed in England, The average number of inmates of the Elgin Renee of Industry during the past able Goods, and sold at year was 69. It cost $1.03 per weep, UL' $58,56 to maintain each inmate. W. W. Hilburn, the well-lmown horti• eulturist of Athena, has received an ap. pointmontin oonneotion with rho Down - ion experimental farts at Ottawa, Mise Maggie Blackwell jumped trona a moving Canada Pacific train near Ren. froom and wee killed. She was on her way to act as a brideimmid at a wedding. Robert Wade, near Port Hope, who, in Juno last got a thorn in the point of the index ffnger of the right hand, has etffer. ed from the injury ever sine° vend now hat to submit to amputation of the finger. their actions, not their promises, is John Bright says there will be no re. a safe rule to go by and it is a note- I tern to protection in England until the United Staten restores slavery. worthy fact that the government of Arkansas' cotton orop is twenty-five Honorable Oliver Mowat has v;ood , per tent, ahead of loot year, and the largest ever raised in the State. The Italian Government has given or- ders to a German builder at Eibing for the construction of ten torpedo boats, The London Oity Companies have re- solved to sell their lands m the north of Ireland to their tenants on easy terms„. The man who dug bho graves for three the test for years and yet their strongest opponent cannot point to a serious charge against there and prove it. We don't mean to say Ibat they are perfect nor without fallings, but the electors throughout buebands of Mrs. Foster, of Green Bay, Mich„ became fourth husband during able Province, both Reformers and the past summerher , Conservatives, agree that tho goy.ChesterA, Arthur, during his sopho. ernment hes performed their workerg to teaclnaa village,Cchoo for the isloud- 8o well that there i^ n certainty of er remuneration of $15 a month. them being returned 60 power. The The Propeller Tioga ran from Buffalo to Chicago in 69 hours. It is (100 miler settlement of theBoundaryAward, by lake, anon this ie considered a wonder- Streama 13i11, B :heet 0480, Me- fully fast trip for so late in the 8000001. Cartlty Aot and other matters re- Henry M. Stanley has grown quite fared to the Privy Council and de. spay deaf ]Hie last visit to America, but one would hardly detect it, owing to 111° tided fu their favor Looe done much skilful manner ii which he dyes his hair. 80 strengthen their hands by prey- 2 The heirs of the late Baron Rothschild ing that what they contended for in of Frankfort, will construct a public defending the rights of Ontario was museum in Which will bo exhibited the right end test. Rothschild art collection, the richest in f; j the ootid. The December session of this body as- sembled in the Town Hall,-Btuselt, on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Warden Raba in the chair. y The following members were proeont : -Masers. Griffin, Moldurchie, Struthers, Belly, Rogers, A. McMurohie, Corbett, 131aok, Rollins, Bissett, Johnston, Cam. eros, Elliott, Beacom - Strachan, Oliver, Bryan, Rannio, )lalb]i°isoh, Urine, Cook, Jacques, McMillan, Britton, Hays, Manly, Wray, Howe, Wilson, Beattie, Torrance, Campbell, Bata, Eilbor, Blaelc, a/Whereon, Walker, $milliu, Htey, Hor- ney, Currie, Anderson, Girvin, Daemon, Clegg, Scott, and Anderson. The Hall was decarated with the inot. toes, "We Greet Yon," "Friendship," "Welcome," and "Ponce and Plenty." The minutes of last Commit meting were read and linseed, The Warden addreesed the Council, stating that the p0t]tion8 ordered by the Council had bean forwarded to the proper quarter ; that Benmilier, Pt. Albert, Big. nlondville, and Zetland bridges had all been r'ebnilt ain00 last mooting. • Brussels DRC, 3, 1886. NOW IS TEE TIME 1 Hi ! 1�.0 1 Local Jim --wn1titr 0011 cola Mir Eland Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- er Straw Cutters, with reversable feed, hoot Pulpers, .hoot Slicers, the genuine Port Perry Grain Grinder, Ilorse Powers, large and small, and several Hand Powers- cheap, and Trod Pow- ers. Also the Celebrated RAYMOl`1-1D SEWINC1 MACHINE. 1t Leads thein all. BEST SATISFACTION GIVEN. Geo. Love. The Best Place to Leave your Order for Boots i� Shoes is At Shand's, Tun PEorLII's S11e831(4KE11, His boots aro the best looking, the best wearing, and the, best fitting, and his prices are Reason- able. Shand devotes lois whole time and attention to lois business, and personally superintends all the work done in lois shop. Shand got the First Prize for both Fine and coarse work tit the P1111 Show here. The Best Value in Ordered Work is to be had at Shand's, the People's Shoemaker. THE LEADING HOUSE ! What Made Him Happy. Much to buy and little to spend, The wants of his family had no end. A brilliant thought popped into his head, Try the Leading House, it said. When he reached the door and looked within Our big assortment made him grin. There were best new goods, pile after pile And he felt himself compelled to smile. Our prices he found were cheaper by half. Which pleased him so he had to laugh. There was nothing he saw he could not afford, We gave him such Bargains 11e fairly roared. We laugh, you laugh, everybody laughs who sees our grand Assort- ment of Boots & Shoes. Beady made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's lommishings, &c., &c., which we offer for the next 80 days at 10 PIER IMEZirwr. 4:39WW our present low prices in order to reduce our stock thud make room for our large stock of Boots and Shoes in Wingham, which the in- tend to bring here on lst January next. OUR STOCK is well assorted and consists largely•of the most staple and Season - Prices that will make You happy, FOR 30 DAYS Ol�T�C1Y. S. O TRAND R.. i