The Brussels Post, 1886-11-19, Page 88
TTS+ A TT1 ? T.11TTY I
Xmas & New
Year's Cards
as remembrauco for friends.
for Xmas and New Year's Presents now
et the Headquarters for
Sa72to, Claus.
G. A. Deadman,
Druygwt Bool t.t. r & leaney Gooch; Dealer.
SOCTIIRRN ex'rCNefOx, eh 0, & n, ll.
Trains leave Brussels Ste tion,'.uorth and
Wall as follows
( 1ita Eon:h, snoing North.
Mail v i; ado. Mixed 10:25 a,tu.
rupees, .-..11:.5 0.01. Muir... _,2:40 p.m.
Mixed ...... .....0 0 p.m. • Express ' "1 e3 p.m.
rte. mesamsn
�i.l1Ct1 C.:OS r11151
A chiefs amaug ye tal(in' notes
An' faith he'll prelt it.
A L. 0, L. entertainment is on the
ONE week from nest Wednesday will be
the 1st of December.
Taos. TOWN, tax_collector, is going his
rounds and gathering in the cash.
Tire river was frozen over last Sunday
morning for the first time this year.
THIS has been an extraordinary fall
for good weather and excellent roads.
YE olde follies concerte is fixed for
Tuesday,Decetnbee 14th, in the Town
Tee trial of the Scott Aot cases last
Friday, brought a large number of pee•
pie to town.
Tiros. Fo1:Tcneo, agent C. P. R., sent e
passenger to Britishc Columbia and an-
other to Manitoba this week.
SERVICES will be hold in the Presbyter.
ian, Episcopalian and Methodist churches
on Thanksgiving day.
Tan grain market has been booming
this week. Brussels leads the van and
the farmers know it.
A miler amount of East Huron prize
money was paid slit at tate Revere House
the last two Saturdays.
A ntt rexe on the north side of the
river is being fitted up for a young couple
soon to become husband and wife.
Serener; of our townspeople are talking
of driving to Goderioh to hear Sir John
A. speak, on Friday of this week.
$2.25 will pay for THE POST and either
the weekly Globe, Mail, Advertiser, Free
Press or News to the 1st of January- 1666.
W. H. Kerr, Agent.
SEVERAL of our townspeople propose go-
ing to Seaforth to hear the celebrated
Irishman, Justin McCarthy, M.P., next
Tuesday evening.
$1.50 secures Tire Posr from now to the
snclef 1687. 14'mouthsreading for 61.50.
Uon't borrow The Pose any longer but
call in and leave your name along with
the large number of new subscribers.
J. Moiutz representing the Union Pub-
lishing Company, Ingersoll, was in town
this week collecting material and taking
subsoriptons for a new directory for the
counties of Huron, Perth and Middlesex.
Muth Noriciu.—Winter has come and
Mrs. Kirk caai supply the latest Toronto
Styles of Head dresses, Toques, Lawn
Tennis Cape, Tam O'Shanters, Hoods,
. Fancy Fascinators, Aso., also Fancy and
Hand knit jaokets, any size or shade,
made to order. A call Solicited, Op-
posite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. '*
DEOIASED.—Last Sunday Miss Atny
Patteson, sister to Mrs. E. E. Wade, pass-
ed over the river of death, after a painful
illness ,extond eg over several months.
The cause of her decease was heart dis-
ease. The funeral took place on Monday -
afternoon, the service being eouducted in
St. John's church by the incumbent, Rev,
W. T. Chaff.
DITc11es.-rThe appeals against the En-
gines's Award in connection with the
ditches on the 13th, 14th and 10th con-
cessions of Goy township were tried be.
fore Judge Toms, in •the Council Cham-
ber, Brussels, on Tuesday and Wednes-
•lay. The appeals heard were those of
Geo. K. Matheson, Adam Douglass, R.
Bowen, Lachlin McNeil and Wm. Zigg.
ler. With the exception of the appeal
of Bowen the appeals were sustained. E.
E. Wade, W. 13. Dickson, R. Woods, of
Stratford, and E, L. Dickenson, of
Wingham, and Wm. Proudfoot, of Gode.
rioh. The Judge gave some very practi- .
cal advice in the ditch trouble,
Fme ENG1Nla NoTes.—The Ronald
,Works shipped two new steam fire en-
gines to the pity of Montreal about ten
days ago, to be tested alongside the Eng-
lish Alerryweather engine, The fire com-
mittee was determined to order Meryy-
vnat.her's and no other, but .lfr. Ronald
wtint down and got into the papers a few
stirring letters showing the ,folly of not
tiger trying Canadian makers, and suc-
ceeded in getting a resolution of the nay
Council passed to invite him to bring on
his machines for approval, after a good
deal of excitement in the city over the
Matter, the leading citizens all demand-
ing that Canada be represented. Wo
have good faith iu a successful result,—
Last Tuesday Mr, Ronald ale° succeeded
in getting en order for another steamer,
also two bose oarrioges, 1,000 feet of hose
and all other appliances which have been
sent off to Sumntersidc. Prince Edward
Island. The aggregate valve of ship -
numbs was $11,500. A couple of other
towns aro talking fire protection very
strongly but they are leaving it in the fu-
ture ltko Southampton, Calgary and otln.
or planes until they have a sweeping con-
flagration that will foot up in losses to
two or *tee engines.—Several morn en-
gines aro nearly completed at the Entine
Heave rain 011 Wednesday,
JOOLEC T. Ross isbuilding an addition
to Iris 1.0eidence Olt Joltll street.
Sone talk of another barber elsop being
opened in the south end of Main street.
Rev, W. Semler will preach Education-
al sermons iu the Methodist church next
Cud beet planks are returned to a good-
ly number of our friends for the prompt
settlement,of their accounts,
We're the Provincial, municipal and
Dominion elections onlhand pereolrs po.
libically inclined should have their cup of
llappinese overflowing.
A inner quantity of fowl, to be , eery d
hot and gold, are prepared for the Goose
Social in the Methodist church basement
on the evening of Thanksgiving day,
WYesx has been progressing slowly at
the new bridge this week. It is expected
that it will be pushed ahead lively next
week, if the weather is at all favorable.
Sin Joan A. Mecnos:ern, and Hons.
Messrs, Thompson, White and Meredith
will address a 77tublie meeting in the shat.
ing rink, Wing lam, on Tuesday of next
BREVE Rooms received the following
from the Reeve of Southampton :—Pleaeo
accept the heartfelt thanks of our Coun-
cil and entire community for your liberal
contribution so promptly given for our
A theme meeting will bo held in the
Council Chamber on Tursdey evening of
next week, commencing at 7:80 o'clock,
for the purpose of completing the Elect-
oral Union, and arra. ing the work of
local organization. ..1. goose attendance
asked for.
A Wrxpuoar paper says:— The Misses
O'Connor, of Brussels, are arranging to
hold a grand Olde Falkes Concert in that
village sometime in December. They are
going to considerable expense in getting
suitable costumes, and the affair promises
to be of a high order.
IT was decided, at the Temperance
Convention, in Wingham, last Tuesday,
not to apply to the County Council for a
salaried Polios Magistrate, at the De-
cember session, The Electoral Unions
will bo, pushed throughout the county.
A resolution of sympathy was passed to
Police Magistrate Wanless.
Tun following letter was received by
Thos. Fletcher, agent C. P. le. in Brus-
sels, it speaks for itself
Deem SzR,—T arrived here safe and
sound, making the trip in six days from
Brussels. I found everything as you re.
presented it to be. Tho connections are
splendid. I would advise parties coining
out here to take the C.P.R. Yours truly,
Gro. A. CALn1cIt.
Tun Pose thinks a special thanksgiving
day should be proclaimed when our bridge
is finished, if 1t ever is.—That the County
Engineer should be made walk over the
flats, from the temporary bridge to the
sidewalk, six times every night that it is
dark or when it rains. He would then
know something of the discomforts of the
bridge bungle.—A good many from this
locality will hear Sir John at Wnlgleam.
—A few more street lamps are a great
necessity.—A lively trade will be done
from now until New Years.—Municipal
candidates will commence shaking bands
with the free and independent elector
and be on very friendly terms with him,
—An effort should be made among our
young people to organize a Literary So-
ciety, and young and old should establish
a good temperance organization in town,
—Winter will soon be along now.—A few
weddings are olose at hand,
THE Mitchell Advertiser of last week
says :—By referring to our notices of
marriages you will find the marriage of
Thomas McDonald, ex -Reeve of Mitchell,
to Miss McGeorge, daughter of the late
Dr. McGeorge, of Ayr. The pleasing
ceremony was performed at the residence
of the Misses McGeorge, Miss Lizzie
McGeorge, sister of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid, and Henry Thompson, of
Sea£ortll, officiated as groomsman. There
is no more room for gossip or false re-
ports, our friend Mr. McDonald can no
longer be classed with the old bachelors,
bust is now a handsome young brides=
groom. Miss McGeorge was a respected
resident of Mitchell a fele years ago, She
is a very estimable and accomplished
young lady. We congratulate our esteem-
ed friends, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, upon
the event of their marriage, • and ' wish
them many years of happiness. The
happy couple left on the evening train for
Buffalo, ell route for Philadelphia, Bos.
ton and other important pities, ou their
wedding their. The wedding presents
were numerous, costly and h•mdsome.
The happy pair departed on their wedding
trip amid a shower of old shoes, and fully
five pounds of rias were thrown after
them, accompanied by loud exelamabions
Of well.wishee.
SCOTT ACT,—Last Friday afternoon the
proprietors of the American, Queen's and
Central hotels were brought before Police
Magistrate Smith, in the Brussels Town
Hall, charged, by License Inspector Mil-
ler, with violating the provisions of the
Canada Temperance Act. After the ex-
amination of a number of witnesses the
caseswere dismissed. Mr. Scett, of Clin-
ton, conducted the oases for the Inspec-
tor and W. M. Sinclair appeared for the
hotel -keepers. There was something very
loose about the trial Unit was very notice -
ablate) a great many, viz., the bringing of
wrong witnesses and persons who were
entirely ignorant of the facts of the. base,
Who blundered we don't know, but who-
ever ib was ought to make one more trial
and then stop. An excuse could be offer-
ed for a slight mistake, but to have three
or four bad, and what looked like inten-
tional, bungles arouse a person's suspic-
ion and manses him to thank that things
are not what they seem. Wo are not
finding fault because the hotel -keepers
were not fined, for no Magistrate under
the sun could convict on the evidence ad-
duced last Friday, but the wonder is how
sadly deficient a man's memory becomes
when he is put in the witness box and
takes his oath to "tell the truth, the
woone truth and Noonnos but the truth."
The order in Court wee not what it shorted
be, but wo presume the Polies Magistrate
will see to this particular again and put
a stop to eppleuse over not111(15. As has
been proven at Scotb
Act trials,
there wore a large number of oigare smok-
ed and"ginger ale" drank on the day or
clave in question, only this and nothing
more. The Town Hall was well filled
dnrirng the progress of the trials.
Snow, 3301,1.ST-
Trn: Pres Masons have moved to their Seenrnrrr. In Cranbrook, ou the Stli inst.,
now hall, the wife Mr. Jno, F. Stewart of a
Wines ie booming tot the Brussels salt son.
Tina Pose' and"Grip" for one year for
$3.00, in advauoe,
ligTivs weeks from Saturday of this
week will be Christmas day.
\Virhav° been asked what the total rate
for Brussels is this year 0 number of
times. It is twenty-two and two -fifth
mills on the dollar.
As the discussion over the prize leather
at the ball Show has assumed more of a
personal controversy than anything else
Tsus POST declines to insert any more
letters bearing on this subject.
We acknowledge, with thanks, the re-
ceipt of a very pretty piece of instru-
mental music; entitled 'Forget mo not"
waltz, composed by Miss E. A. Sltiminls,
of Goder'iob. The muskeg world is also
indebted to the fair composer for the
National Mewl' and Cleveland Waltz,
)every musician should got it copy of
"Forget me not" waltz, -
lir e•rt creel IV owes.
Mrs. Cleveland is an accomplished
At Embruu,in Franco, sight persons
have been entombed by a landslide.
A Minnesota family .of eight persons
used $150 worth of showing gum last
The Rive' Po has overflowed its banks
at Rovigo, flooding au immense area of
The heavy snow throughout New York
State has paused railway travel to be de-
layed. '
It is proposed to hold a gigantic naval
review at Spilhead, in honor of the Queen's
Two Vermont ermine of the late Mrs.
A. T. Stewart will contest Mrs. Stew-
art's will. •
A number of deserters frail the dervish
force in the Soudan are entering the
British lines.
The Chine lea ship Normanton has
foundered off the coast of Japan. Sixty
lives wore lost.
It is stated that Methodist missionar-
ies have made 10,000 converts in Sierra
Leone, Africa.
Some ladies' boots shown in a Boston
shop window are $100 a pair. The but.
tons look like diamonds.
The Chicago strike is at an end, and a
number of the strikers have been taken
bank at the packing houses.
The Princess of Wales has received
from a merchant in *Africa a present of a
bonnet, made of silver leaves.
The new Lieut. -Governor of Victoria,
Sir William Foster: Stowell, is an Irish-
man—a native of County Cork.
Last week Chicago Avenue, Church,
known as "Moody's Church," cons gutted
by fine. Loss, 515,000 ; fully insured.
The American schooner Flying Scud,
seized at Halifax for selling fishing gear,
will be released on paymett of a $200 fine.
The diamonds of the late Mrs. Stewart
are valued at $750,000. Some of them
were so large that she never ventured to
wear them
A little arithmetic shows that a mince
pie suitable for the Berthold/Goddess of
Liberty's mouth would have to be thirty
feet in diameter.
John Ryan, a Hamilton, Ohio, police-
man, shot and killed Wm. Long, a thief,
Sunday night, while the latter was trying
to escape.
Of the 01,000 births in Paris last year,
17,000, nearly two -fifties, were illegiti-
mate, but about half of these were legiti-
mized during the year.
Degajeff, the eminent Nihilist who mur-
dered Colonel Soubeikin three years ago,
has escaped from Siberia, and the Czar
offers $5,000 for Ms head.
Millioname Tefry, the richest man in
Cuba, who recently died, began business as
as a pedlar. He got rich at that, married
more money, and died worth $80,000,000.
A Chinaman bas pnrohased for 516,000
the exclusive privilege of selling opium in
Panama. The money is devoted partly 10
hospitals and partly to reducing the Gov-
erment debt.
The American fishing fleet, having been
entirely withdrawn from the vicimty of
Canadian waters, the Government cruis.
ers will shortly be ordered into winter
The late Mrs. Stewart had a pearlier
dislike for all dark colors. All the Stew-
art builbings,were of the purest white,
and she herself avoided in her dress, as
much as possible, all sombre hues,
The lacrosse ball has been tbrpss'n 148
yards 2 feet in Australia. This beats the
Canadian record IA 140 yards 2feet, but
the one that made the Australian record
is W. P. Kenny, an old Brantford boy.
Mies Angelo Seligman, daughter of the
Now York banker, drew a Hell prize in
the matrimonial lottery. Among her
wedding presents were four ohoques—
one for 580,100,.anotllor for, ,$20,000, and
two for 51,000.
The largest dredge in the world has
just been launched .at. Renfrew for the
River Severn. She is 218 feet long, 48
feet wide, and 17 feet deep. She is to
have four pairs of compound engines,
driving four propellers in double twin
George White, an intelligent 'negro of
Concordia pariah, swore before the Grand
Jury Saturday that lie has been father of
165 children. He is 74 years of age
When agked the numberof wives he said
in his younger days negrose paid little
attention to marriages.
On Tuesday, ex -President Arthur fail-
ed to vote for the iireb time since he be-
came a voter. Ho has not been out of
his house since he .returned from New,
London, and it is intimated that he is not
likely to leave it alive. Some member of
his family ie constantly with him.
---_.- - V jsb,.ttcta001 1181.2;- .
MONDAY, Nov, 22Nn,—Lot 17, con. 18,
MoKillop, Laren stock, implements, Lee.
Bale commences at 1 o'olook, sharp, Geo.
Mcliim, prop. A, Delgatty, aunt.
SATnenir, Nov, 27Tn,.-Farm stools, im-
plemonbs, Bac., lot 81, 000. 13, Grey. Sale
commences et 12 o'clock. James Den-
man, prop. Capt. Strotton, au00.
W1sI1NEsnAY, Nov. 24:Trr.-Varm stools and
implements, on Mt , con. 3, Grey, Salo
commences tet 1 o'clock sharp. Jnntes
Hogg, prop. Capt. Strotton, acct.
VAN.u,srlxla—'VAN No11)1AN.—011 the 11th
inst., at the Methodist parsonage,
Brussels, by Rev. W. Smyth, Mr.
ltiallard Vanelstine, of Morris, to
Miss Maggie Van Nermaa, of Bel -
PAmrnsoe.—Lt Bruosole, 011 Nov, 14th., at
tiro residonee of her brother-in-law,
Kate Amy Patteson, daughter of Geo.
Lee Patteson, deceased, of London,
England, aged 24 years.
Corot,—In Ethel, ell Nov. 11th, Gertrude
141., daughter of ,T. T. Clack, aged 4
years, 0 mouths, 5 clays,
0R'STE3$S1M11.021 SG.E_Tv0IC9T011„
Ca11RA.5TL^n 0.01311000,Lv 1:00:)1 W1aa1f,
linins t•1' i1'bout 00 70
lual %ruito 70 71
010108 WnsItt , (00 70
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Wl, leFall11Wt"15 70 71
Sp, :aft Wheal 70 72
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The Conned of the Corporation of the
County of Buren will moat in the Town Ball
iu the Village of Brussels, on Wednesday, the
drat day of December next at 0 o'clock ran.
P16TEIt ADAM80`f,
104 County Clerk.
WARM Nye TO 1,C+"1',--NOtl:'t El
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11'.1 nm 1.,11'011540
1,1Lo)A11i, rNACl1I3.1R WANTED
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On 10., .0 0•,'„q b'^1 •t•r .00 1, Iel.'04 t teer1
p•e'e 1011. 8.1'0 ;; tent In 000eed t.:LIL Send
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YOcte P1 -y H' noseie Sc h,nl Boa rti.
A o' i, a 0,000•,4e'0 isle il{ & 14, eon. :1,
(4r et, 00 0, ahnal ten .0th of Angled, a two
veur 11,1 x100 , 'ed al"i 10113101u 001st. Tun
inv .:n: i, cque ,led 10 0 rune property , pay
e',, ,',11010 V ,III 10110 4'I.0,
QOI NT1 14111. h"S,
In t Jeme,lown P.O.
FARM 1't) 11LN't'—t[01L Su13-
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0h1,4e 11 . . 5 ,.l,, :', a 11 'n 1110
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Blo_1e. (1U. 11, 1000, 111/
{'018 br\T.,r.—TWO I+A1111S
8 10'1 .' 11,1 110 1.4.1, 000., mud Int 15,04 the
:11u••rise CD 1.110 'la (oil • 0 0 4 11 10111
0.0.111110 0. 01011x04.1 00 r 0111 Ole opo 00
O 50 1 robes, 011 nr ”. 050,1„•11 nu tiro
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t1" I let.te. 40,1 100 1101'0, 'irbe,'e
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O 00 1 I l 0 00: 0 011 of 1. 6111 0 1 h 110
0e. '' tole I l 01,1111 1. ,e 5(4000
a „ yetelletelh,1 ,et• q„i "1 &thN 0 00
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nth u 10 ..0 u' L)r1 ase',..Thu tallest 0.11 be
• 500 11 tl'• Sad 0011 1,0 pur-
rhna 1 It •11,1 I' 1111 00 ms), 1000 18. AI(gly on
thee )..11
, d
,dr tun
, 3r0r.554 r, nun'
the. u I, O.
eun. 0014 Woo
At) ' Pro prloter,
1.,-,7 --M •t 0100 neva 10 101.0 1040000d 10 110
000',/10 11 (0. 1191 111109 A I,u )00140.0
b,, 1,44 0001001 (ea 1 1 ie rLnbreo•I
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e0V re hl ICI), 4e 0 00',01100 11,;101 to 00'
d... I0 s011 ,5 0 1004 l 11, V(0,1t.,y
10 00110'n R R 1; N of iii ,0 1 Inose 141eu•
1. ag to .0„111• 01. 114 005 010 p,li)orns 8t
01 Lie. Al 06,11 RYA'S
• 10 U. A):'1 Bisect, Brussels,
.L' being lois 14, on the 10th eon. containing.
110 sorsa, south part lot 15 on 10 con„ eon-
tanning451 acres, Lot 14 is partly cleared,
the balance well timbered. A never failing
crock erossoathe lot and it is well adapted
for farming or grazing. Lot 15 is mostly
eloarod and under good cultivation the bal.
1000 wall timbered with black asll, will.
jell all together or In parts to sutt the per -
Par further 1 azUetlars alppi1ly to tbs
pr0)iriotor'lnthn pzemisos. PhleIot fe wolf
drained. -11 GHO, AVIIRY,
Noy. 10, 1880.
These Overcoats M. zest have their Swing !
B. S11IPTI'I, the Groat Clothier, is again intreuched behind ,
a bulwark of (111 Immense Pilo of
rte, Cee-1.41,e_e'Vs.)
�i d
0144 1
and is prepared, as usual, to battle against all opposition no matter
who they are or X0110111 they come from. The guileless opposition we
have had so fan' in this town only acids fuel to the tiro and till•
Mame of business. mounts higher and lai leer.
"No S ,r:e2261ex" is Our Motto,
not only on the bth of November hut on every day of the year.
Prices to Suit Everyone.
)'l-wool Suits for $5,
Youth's all -wool Suits for $4.50,
Boy's Suits for $I, regular firth.: $2
Overcoat at Your Owl. Prices,
Transact fe General 73aitlianrq
Notes to hand discounted.
Interest allowed on deposits repayableon
Prompt attention given to collections.
V Y Tens, &o. 01Hae in Loakie's bleak,
Brussels. Money to Loan.
Y Y • Garrow & Proudfoot Godorlob) So.
Baiter, Conveyancer. &e. bfHoe, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan.
.tom the P'ourth Division Court, Co. Nunn,
Conveyancer, Notary Publics, Lund, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and
to loan. 00,lectia05 made, Office se Gra-
ham's 13100k, Brussels.
...9L/ moved his office to rooms 0050 the
Posthffloo. Ateshlonce on Mill Street.
T a.. l'IaNAUGHTON, 111. D9 0.
e� o M. L. II, 0, P. Ildinburgli, Physician,
Surgeon and 4000'1 her, Offio5,.Mrs, Shiers.
Lloolq 'Turnborry Street.
M• F. GALE, M. D., 0. bI:
VMember of the Ooalego of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by exaelistation,
Ofnce and Bosiden0—Main 8t, East, Ethel
]3MreTTIEW30,1 9Y.
G. 1,1341,7..t. D. B., Boder Graduate and
M. 1(. 0. D, B., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Pricesgraded mules low
as good work can be dons for,
00hoo over Johnston's Tiardware 80000,
E A. M'ART'IN, L. D. S.,
Bever (truduatelteysl College of Dental
Be r50°u0.
(Niece—Gar0old Moak, 73ruoeols. Charges
roar h.1). Bl Graduate o1 To-
ronto J. p -
route Boganran Dentistry. All epee.
attcae g itrantood. Gilles—Oady's
Brook, 8aoforth•
Arttfiolal tooth, brat quality, and a
guaranteed at, for 610.00 per sot.
Y V , of Marriage Lionises, 08100 at his
Grocery, Turnborry Street.
end Carriage, plain and ornamental
painter, Iisthmates cheerfully furnished.
Charges moderate.
rinse Licenses, by appointment of
Lloat,.Goyernor, Cotmniseioaor, &n,, w. B.
Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co.
0Moe et the Oranbrook Post Oilloe.
(�M. O'OONNOR, Filth, LIFE,
• Accident and Loan Islamism() Agent
for som0 of the best and most reliable Clem -
ponies in the Dominion, ofloo Ilriok Terr-
ace, Turnborry street, near the station.
'vV wee, andPrivato $006Ja painted and
decorated In modern eytles et reasonable
primo). hoetimategiven. Adilreen-
10.0LIIOA8, •
20'tt Gederiob.
a Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollogn has resumed the prtetio5 of John
Nott; Y,8„ end is prepared to treat all die.
eases Of domesticated animals on ncient,Oc
and approved principles. Treatment of del-
icate foals a. speoiulty. Odlee at John Nott':,
V. B.
1v:IC Teacher ofMusic. Vont and Dustin -
mental on Organ, Piano, or Guitar. 13ar-
mony and Thorough Bass, Advanced intone
fitted for Teaching. Terms on application.
Rhfarenee—Ladies of Loretto Academy.
Guelph. l0asidonoo—No. 2, Trr0Oo, south,
near station,
Obert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
13 libeller, thanking
]los many etiothlnol's for their
liboral support In the past
wishes to inform them that at
his shop 1n Smelt's block he keeps nothing
and Sausage b[oatoDeliveredall t tosall Poultry
the town free. (lash paid for Vat Stock.
Hides and sheepskins bought for cash.
Farm Vox.
The subsorlber offers for Salo Ills valuable
Farm in the Township of Grey, comprising
lots 0 and 7, con .11 in said township. This
farm contains 200 aeras nulls within 16 Anes
from the thriving ylllage of Brussels, with,
good gravel road loading thereto, About 150
notes are cleared, free from stumps and in a
high state of cultivation. The balance le
fatly wooded, ThiS farm 1earticularly
well folioed, nearly Mao whole of r the fan000
being straight and having been emoted iu
1500 and W. On the premises there is a0om-
fortabie log dwelling hound and ogee dframo
barn with stone stabling underneath in
which thorn is a well with an abundant sup:
ply of ozoollont water.
There ,s 0100,likewise a
HOW Immo implement house, 40x+6, well
eoorod above and below, and nosey
porForp iIto rheProprietor, JA508 DCR8ON(,
Registrar, Huron On.,
10't1 000ericil•