The Brussels Post, 1886-11-19, Page 7NOY. 10, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST
..,....,.. texas
differoi,ct (auttroon do roar ob a lion �USIOAI TAILORINtr N T.._
C111i3.C1""i111'CC 6A'1:lllll'lt, an' de bray ob en' PM, you have
struck a wnag rfilop which will
The British Museum Library has bring }^e clown 1terHloP �bo outlets t 8
!ants ob to tbo pu l o t t r
100 temperance publications.
IIon. john B. Finch, Bight Wor.
thy Grand `Templar, will make a
lecture tont' of Canada during bite
men who would establish
an orphan asylum if day had do
looney will boat a Wood•eawyOY (town
80 per tout. below do goiu' price,
present month. t1OU:`1EIIOLI) GENTS.
'To count tho annual drink bill of ,tato in kiloheu.—Scrttpa of
the United Stated in dollars would �V
take one person, working day and (neat are thrown away.
Cold potatoes are loft to coax
and spoil,
Corke two loft out of molasses and
vinegar jugs.
Soap is loft to dissolve and waste
in the water.
Coal le wasted by not sifting the
Lights are ref; burniug when not
Peile and waeb-tubs fall to pieces,
beonudc left dry,
Good forks are used and rained
in toasting bread.
Soap -suds are thrown away in
stead of being used ne a valuable
addition to the soil in the garden.
Potatoes are "pooled" before boil -
fug, thus losing a largo portion of
the substance. It ie much more
economical to boil before the riud is
remelted ; than only the thin rind
dealers iu counties trader the Scott is lost.
Aot are being vietiuiized by porson' Glees should be washed io cold
who intimate by mail that a e:a.tll water, which gives it a brighter and
remittance will prevent n Fromm clearer look than when cleansed
tion for violation of the low. with warm water.
Through an international agree- New iron should bo very grade -
meld the tale of liquor it totally ally heated at first. After it has
prohibited on the fiohiug grounds of become inured to the heat, it is
the North Sea, where twelve fleets not so likely to crack.
ore rt'•gulurly at work, and several kettlene lls nel w your
thousatld people are employed,
A chief in Arizona has all thunk- a woolen rag, and rub with it. It
orde tied to a tree till five o'clock 'will also removo'stains from Olean
in the morning, when they receive varnished furniture.
thirty lashes. In Germany no ho'
tel con be situated within a specified
distance of churches, parsonages,
schools, or hospitals.
Complaints are made that the ju-,
ventre pitc}ier carriers b and from
Winnipeg hotels are altogether too
numerous, and a more vigorous en-
forcement of the law prohibiting the
sale of liquor to manurd is contem-
Wisconsin has no law forbidding
the sale of liquor on fair grounds,
but a status has been secured do-
nating $5,000 to the State Fair,
which is forfeited if intoxicants are
sold on tho grounds. As a result
no liquors were sold on any fair
grounds during the pas: year.
S. S. Cox, United Statee kliuis-
night, seventeen yoars,
The Northwest Oouocil has adopt
ed a rosolutiou demanding that all
fines in liquor eases be devoted to
the territorial fund instead of to the
The Railway Temperance Union,
of Grout Britain, hoe a present
membership of 10,000, es against
7,500 last year.
The beer production in Germany
in 1885 was 1,100,000,000 gallons–
enough to forte a lake more than
ono mild square and six and a half
feet deep.
AL the autumnal confereueo of
the British Temperance Fedoratiou,
held in Manchester, it was agreed
to memorialize the Government in
favor of local opii,n and the direct
vo' o of the ratepayers.
Il is stated that not a few liquor
If the stair -rails are dingy, their
appearance may be improved by
washing them with a little sweet
milk ; polish with a flannel cloth.
An economical and really dello-
loos way 10 flavor a cake which is
to have icing over the top is to grate
part of the peel of an orange or
lemon over the cake before putting
the icing on.
Often ono has gravy left from a
nest of beef, and if you have no
soup stook to which it may be add-
ed, use it to fry shoed cold boiled
potatoes in for bt'eakfast. This
snakes an excellent dish.
When cleansing carpets, dampen
some Indian meal, mix gait with it,
and sprinkle over the carpet ; sweep
vigorously. Take a Small, sharp -
ter to Conetaulinoplo, bears witness pointed stick to remove tbo salt and
to the fact that prohibition can be
enforced, for 0 is among `200,000
Musselmon. Throughout the Mo-
hammedan world the drinking of
liquor or wine is substantially un-
known, except in the largo cities
molt frequented by Ohristiaus.
Sayings of Brother Gardner.
Gib a man credit if you trout to
start hint on de road to de poo'
As it am de toughness nb de
grindetun which sharpens de axe,
SO it am do troubles ob life which
uige up do humble mind.
Gray ha're am entitled to respeek
only when do owners ob gray heads
respeolt daarselvee.
It down do any good to light a
caudle aster you have boon oatiu'
wormy apples in de dark.
De puseon who em Lieber tempted
desarves no particular credit fur
obeyin' de law.
De pusson who judges ob de
speed ob de mule by Ole bray musn't
complain if oborybody passes him
• on de road.
De lose advice you gib widont pay
de mo' credit you will receive fur
bein' cliuok full o' wisdom.
• Men who expect to get treated
fist as you treat dem will neither
islander nor abuse you.
. Between readin a man's character
by his bumps or poiu' on it pio-uic
• wid him, telco de pie -nee.
Whitt we oalkerlate on cloiu, for
to -madder won't pay de grocer fur
laters nor de butcher fur soap.bono.
De than who aline to elevate his
fellow man can't be too koerful to
prevent de naybura from oberhear.
00 family riots.
Donis be too !turd ou human us,
tier'. Do man who can Pot down
tilt' tell you. exactly Whitt dis kon
try noede to make hor great and
glorious may have no ideic whar his
nese b'itr'I of flour am canon' from.
A religion which can't sties' be-
for' do sight et a circus proceshtui
or do sound ob do fiddle tun not
wort' leggin' croon' do Iteutry.
People w1:to expect a man to Irick
his own dog in the case of a fight,
httb got a big surprise laid up for
When you flatter yourself dat do
majority ob people clone kuow de
meal from cracks and corners.
In making short paste rub half a
pound of butter into ono pound of
dried flour, and add a teaspoonful
of finely -powdered sugar. Mix the
paste smoothly with water, and give
0 "three turns"—that 0 to say, roll
it out three times.
In making lemon syrup, take one
pint of lemon juice, one and a quar-
ter pounds of sugar. Lot it stand
011 thoroughly dissolved ; then bot
tle and cork tightly for future neo.
It will keep for years, and have a
fine' flavor than if boiled.
Apple custard pie should be bak-
ed with an uuder cruet only. The
filling is delicious if made of one
pint of sweet milk, one pint of
smooth apple sauce, well sweetened,
three eggs ; flavor with lemon or
with a little cinnamon. This will
slake two small.sized pies, or one
very large one.
An Oculist's Advice About The Eyes.
Deep a shade on your lamp or
gas burner.
Avoid all sodden changes between
light and darkness.
Never begin to read, write or am
for several minutes after coming
from darltuoss to light.
Never read by twilight,moonlight
or on oloudy days.
Never read or sew directly in front
of the light,,window or door.
It is best to let the light fall from
above obliquely, over the left
Never sleep so that on first awak-
euing the oyes shall upon on the
light of a window.
Do not me the eyesight by light
80 scout that it requires an effort to
Tho moment you are inatinatively
prompted to rub your eyes that
moment stop using them.
If the oyelide aro glued together
on waking up do not forcibly open
them, but apply saliva with tato ling.
er---it is the speoclioet dilatant lu
the world ; then wash you,: oyes and
face in worm wvoter,
Mothca—"And do you think the
good Lord will look oat for my son
while ho fs on the vast deep 7"
Payson --"Pardon me, kfrs. Harper,
I never talk obop outside the
Tile WILSON POifNDint,
i ed hos leave to Intimate
b i that l e has opened a tailor
shop in the Post OJlioe block, over Laird's
barber shop, whore he is prepared to at-
tend to the wants of the public in outttng,
Jetting and making clothing in the latest
and most foshlonable styles. My long ex -
parlance together with a course of in-
struction under ono of the best cutters in
Toronto is a guarantee of being able to
do satisfactory \resit. Satisfaction Guar-
G. .gamma.
Any amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
G & 0 PER CENT. Y1 &RLY.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm
perty, at
Brussels, Ont:
Pro -
of Private Fnncls have just been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers eau have their loans
complete in three clays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
is prepared to attend to Sales
on vary reasonable terms.
CMOS.— Opposite Town Hall,
1)u.4 E. WtteVS7'rot vo suit 13 rail 'treat.
,nota, a nn nrrnisa( ',pacific for hysteria,
Dizziness, Ooavttlsions, i. (EH, Nervous, Nsu-
ralggta,iloulaohe, Nervoust'rostratlet cant-
ed by rho use of aloohel or tobacco, Wake-
fulness , aWntal Depression, Sof toning of rho
'Brain resulting in insanity, loading to ads.
cry, dooay, and death, l'xomaturo Olt` Ago,
!Baroness, Loss of Power in either sex, level.
,nittu'y Losses and Srrarmotnrrh(ea unused by
ovor•exortiou of the Wahl,nce, Each box Solt-abuno or
month's it eat lent. $t a box, or six containsono
for (0, seta by mala, 1,TOO ai11, on rcooapt of
vvsi .IllaItAN'r'ttaa s&:i; aoxws
To euro any case, With such ardor received
b ns tot six boxes aoconrvaniod with 89, We
will,tend the Dunham our written gnaran-
eonnn6'eff ate ourtitoy 0, Ttho
an teas atnlent
only by 3110, Itargreavcs ,k Co., °russets,
eauood. Prices Z
We have on libel the following :
Land Rollers, Plows, Barrows,
Seulliers, Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing o.' Chopping Mills, bast
make, and 1 Good Second
Band Lumber Wagon.
We have started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to have Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on -getting first-class ,jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the BRUSSELS
W. R. Wilson,
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
iliertgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per' cent. Interesi
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Gode-
horace Horton,
SSteacliy Employment to Good 11Tere.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not .essential
We pay either Salary 0r Com-
100 Men Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The Foothill Nurseries,
Largest im armada,
Over 400, Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
A new stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Bells, Whips, &c.,
A Splc.adid Assortment of
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels,
111 Stock.
Having leased the well known and splendidly equippeol Roller
Flouring !Bill from Messrs. Win. Vanstone & Sons for a 141rm of
years, We desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the
public generally, that we are prepared to tarn out ttin bet brands of
Flour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recognized as one of the best in the County and our
long experience in this business gives us confidence in saying we
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowiok9
Are to the front this Fall with a large and well selected stook of
Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In cooking stoves we wish
to call Special attention to an entirely new line, "Tan: ORIGINAL,"
"THE 'WARRIOR PING," and the old reliable "Woo) Coox," weighing -
400 pounds. The "REGAL PENINSULAR" is a square base burner, for
coal, that should be seen by every intending pilrchasor.
Lamps Lamps Lamps
Lamps and all general house furnishings always kept in stook.
Plated Goods a Specialty,.
HOLMES' BLOOK. Haycroftl Bros.
.JL' 1A JLC !
� T
1 v,
of the Leading House, Determined to Lead the Trade is ever on the
alert for Bargains and has just received a few lines
• that will interest the sharpest buyers.
Full Assortment of all grades of fine and staple. Boots & Shoes
always on hand.. Tust received a lot of Ladies' French Biel Button-
ed Boots, which we offer at the very low price of $2.50 per pair.
•We can give you a well made Heavy Fullcloth Overcoat for the
very small sum of $5.00. Full Suits, all wool, at $6.00 and up.
These prices, we know, are right and cannot be equalled, and we
will allow no contradiction unless the man is six feet high.
Gent's Furnishings.
A good assortment on, hand.
Our Goods are all now and sold at brie
Closest Cash P rows
Having secured the services of Il. first-class Shoemaker We are
prepared to do
Al! Kinds of Custom Work
Neatly and Promptly.