The Brussels Post, 1886-11-19, Page 44 rissFsrninancon Gigantic clearingBale—G. A, Powell. Huron Country Council—P. Aadmson, The bottom out of the tub—Jun. Shand, Books and Albums—G. A. Deadman, Xmas Goods ---Post Bookstore. Legal card -Wade A Sinclair. Butcher shop—Wm. Blashill. (1`�,1j.C11YSCXl.trt. �FRIDti _ r, NOV. 19, 1886. \f EAST HURON REFORMERS, A Convention for the Bast Riding of Buren (Local Legislature) will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on To esday, Nov, 80th, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting a standard bearer for the coming Local House election. Tho town - fillip chairmen should attend to the matter forthwith. We regret to have to come to the conclusion that Huron County is not free from the influence of the cloven foul. The attempt to born oat Police Magistrato Wanless, of tionth Huron, shown that the watch- word is "dynamite and torch," all along the line. What has this man done to be treated in this way ? It would appear that unless a man thinks as the anti -temperance party think that he has to be hounded down because hellos courage enough to show his colors. It must be a - very weak cause that has to be bol- stered up in this way. Judge O'Connor will have to come up to South Huron and find out who the incendiary is and we may then hear of a conviction. Of course there are detectives to be put on, but it has been "decided" that a detective who unearths plots is as bad as the plotter, and consequently at Sarnia the Judge was able to say, "This HAND is clean." LAST week the Provincial elections - were held in Prince Edward Island and the result was a complete vic- tory for the Reform standard bear - ere. Out of the 13 members of the Legislative Conceit 11. are Liberals. The Toronto News, a paper noted for its independence, in commenting on the elections says, "this is an. other nail driven into the political coffin of the Conservative party in the Dominion." Turn about will be fair play and the Reforin party, if elected, will have nn opportunity of proving whether they were in earnest or not ;in what Las been stated previous to the elections. Politically the country is in a very unsettled condition at the present time and will be kept so until the battle for power for the Dominion House has been fought. The old time marching song said :— 'The conflict it raging, 'Twill be fearful and long, Then gird on the armor And be marching along." Iee the official statement of the revenue and expenditure, for the year ending June 30th, 1886, just published, the total expenditure, for the year is placed at the sum of $89,- 176,878 and the receipts at $88.- 811,418, leaving a gross deficit for the year of $6,865,554. This is a fact that should open the eyes of every elector in the Dominion to aur financial position. Of course there was a large outlay in settling claims in connection With the North- west, the sum beiug placed at $2,- 900,000. If a County Council managed County affairs in a way that was piling up debt,, or if a municipal Council over -stepped the bound of economy and girdled head- long into debt by giving grants of land, fat offices, &o, to favorites, the eloctore would F0073 speak out, be- cause on account of direet taxation it would soon be felt in that very sensativb part of man's anatomy— his pocket. But the rule may he applied further and teach to the nearly $6,000,000 of deficit now presented in the returns just pub - Reboil by the Dominion Govern- ment. $5,806, 554 is quite a stun to have on the wrong page of the ledger, Tuat{1 se•Ivuus Day comes to UB. a, ,a people, with tunny reunion for gratitude this year. The harvest has been a good. oue ; pace and plenty have marked the year and the outlook is brighteutng• We live in such a fast age that we are very apt to lose eight of everyday comforts and blessings, hitt retro - 'meeting over the year, trying to euumerata the national, cummereinl, social, and spiritual blessings, we think of no words more suitable tbau "Goodness nod mercy has fol- lowed me all the days of my life," and we feel like joining the multi- tude in hymuing the old Doxology. In the midst of our thanksgiving it is well for us to remember °there not so favorably circumstanced and is would be a good idea to lot our sympathy take some practical form an d prove by our actions, which speak stronger than words, that we are in earnest. We are pleased to state that the old custom of -keeping Thanksgiving by getting intoxieat- ad has about disappeared, especially among people who respect them- selves and the day eat apart for natioual thanksgiving. WINeassr bas secured additional railway facilities and consequent competition for railway rates, Lis- towel Council is talking up a move- ment to secure connection eith the. 0. P. B. The towus and villages to the south of us are all trying to boom some.railivay schaate And iu a uumber of inatances will -be suc- cessful. We, the people of Brus- sels, have got warmed tip a couple of times to talo for a while about outside railways turd the hope of giving our village a lift that would benefit it for years, but we cooled down just as quickly as we warmed up, and here we are to day allowing other places to take the start of us. Is there any scheme that 0511 be worked to help Brussels ? Are there enough people with push and enterprise to see what can be done to work conjointly with Listowel ? Will we allow our town to stand still ? Now is the time to move. Deep the bell rolling - As is now genernlly knowu the Ottario Legislature has been dis- solved•and the nomination and elec- tion day viz., December 22nd and 29th, announced, it is not out of place to say a few words concerning this matter. The stereotyped say- ing, "Mowat must go," has gone out of date and is now relegated to that style of yarns called "ohesnuts." The Ontario Legislature has paused through some etratfge scenes slime Hon. 0. Mowat tools the reins of government but they have always come out "right side up" and ready for the next change in the program. It is only necessary to refer to the Escheat case, the Boundary Award, the Streams Bill, the Hodge license case and the McCarthy Act decisions before the Privy Council to corro- borate the above statement. Al- though they went back to power, nearly four years, with a very small majority their numbers rapidly in- creased and despite conspiricies and bribery they stood their ground. The election will give a great many persons the right of exercising ebe franchise, who never voted before, owing to the provisions of the new 'Franchise 13i11, passed in the Local House last session, anti will allow the electors of Ontario an opportun- ity of giving expression to their feel- ings and bentimente concerning the Government of our provi00o. There will be. a little over five weeks for working before the contest is decid- ed and no doubt the candidates will be put in the field at once, where they aro not already at work. It is hinted that Hon.'Cifro. Moredtth, leader of the Opposition, will seek a seat in the Dominion Cabinet, but upon whom his mantle will fall if ho does so, is not yet stated. Our cartoon this week shows Hon. 0. Mowat delivering up the key of the THE BRUSSELS POST L"gtslativo halls, after a very sac• coastal tol•t0 of oiiloe, and willing to leave the quentiuil to the judgment of the iuteiligont electors of the pro. vine° of Ontario, The second par. son represented is Mr. Meredith. 4 atrtitclistu. ielelm . It is understood that the Quebec Legis- lature will meet on Deo. O. A new sot of regulations for the guid- ance of foreign vessel° trading along Can- adian coasts has boon published, There have been twenty-seven deaths from measles at Beaver River and Lac La Biole in the North-West. The Ontario Gazette contains notice of the incorporation of the London Crockery Manufacturing. Company. The•grand jury et the Winnipeg Assize Court have recommended the sstnblish- wont of tt reformatory in the Province. Mr. Hepburn, of Preston, has signed an agreement to start a boot and shoe foot cry, employing 70 hands, in Ingersoll, and will receive a $10,000 bonus, Bennett, of Chicago, and Case, of Ham- ilton, Ont., will take part in bbe 15 days' goes -you -please walking match at Port Huron, beginning on the 15th inst. In the Hoke extradition case at Mon- treal one of the directors of the victimiz- ed bank testified that the total amount of Hoke's defalcation was $188,000, and that since his arrest his wife had refunded $40,000 to the bank. Hamilton Scott, a stranger, who repre- sented himself as a G.T.R. purohasing agent, his been committed for trial at Belleville for presenting forged cheques at the Dominion Biu,k. Five of the cheques were on Gilmour & Co., aggre- gating $1,850, and oue an Win- Rathbun for $300. • The Brantford Courier says :—"One of the city ministers a day or so ago was called upon to perforin the rites of near. riage between a colored man, 50 years of age, and a young white girl of about 20, He pointed out to the latter that such a Union in the natural order of things was not likely to prove happy, but the latter stated that she worshipped the very dust her lover walked on, and she was bound to have him at any cost, so the ceremony proceeded as desired." Tho Guelph Prohibition Electoral Un- ion has been formed with officers ms fol- lows :—President, A. C. Steele ; 1st vice- president, E. R..leucin ; and vice.presi- dent, W. H. Wardrop° ; secretary, W. H. Berkinehaw ; treasurer, Robert Millar. And the following chairmen for the ward committees;—St. Patrick's, Sam Carter; St. George's, E. R. Bollert ; St. John's, John McConnell ; St. David's, E. H. Maddock ; St. Andrew's, W. B. Clarke ; St. James', Peter Kerr. About 100 voters have signed the constitution. A. boll owned by J. Mo:wan, of the first concession of Delaware township, broke loose from the barn and attacked some horses in the yard. Men on the farm with clubs succeeded in beating the furious brute bask, but they dare net ven- ture to approach the animal close enough to catch him and stable him. Miss Aggie MoEwan, who was an interested spectator seeing themenhesitate, rushed past them, grasped the ring in the bull's nose, and held Lim fast until the men recovered themselves, seized the brute, and led him back to the stable. • The Hon. Chancellor Boyd helivered a judgment at the Court of Chancery, at Barrie, the other day, whish will interest municipal and other authorities through- out the country- In a former aobion by the Council of Adjala Township to make the sureties of their treasurer responsible, His Lordship had held "That the Conn- ell had failed to perform their duty by re- taining the treasurer in office after they had become aware of his defalcation and continued default, and that their failure to do so was a breach of duty towards the enreties, which released the latter from all liability after the 27th February, 1882. Tho Lieut. -Governor in' Council, of Manitoba, has approved the recommend- ation of the President of the Council, Hon. Mr. Norquay, advising the issue of a proclamation dissolving the present House of Assembly, the new house to be called pro forma for December 16th. The nomination of candidates in all the elect- oral divisions of the Province will bo held on Thursday, December and, and the polling in constituencies where there are contests will take place on Thurs- day, Deoember 0th. The write for the election will bear date November 18th, and twill be returnable December -14th. J. G. Moore has been appointed return- ing -officer for North Winnipeg, and K. N. Macdonald for South Winnipeg. JAS. JONES, Watchmaker & Jeweler Has on hand a splendid I? Look of Silver and Geld filled Watohos, also Cuff Bat- tens, Broaches, Enringe, Gent's Pins, Finger Rings, Roll Plate Vest Chiilns, Neel:lots, also a fine assortment of wall - nut and nickel Clocits, 12 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Exeented. QUEENS HOTEL BLOCK. 0 -AS. 0-01\1=a. y,aa1111116risrzat--.t;xxasr THIS SIIASON-- The n rpt st BOOK STORE h es made a Special Effort to place within the easy reach of the Public a splendid assortment of goods suitable for Christmas Trees, Presentations, Gifts, &c. Our stock is mode up of Beau- tiful Plush, Leather and Cloth bound Photo, Scrap and Auto- graph Albums. Splendidly bound Family and Pocket Bibles. Toy books from 5 cents up. Miscel- laneous books containing inter- esting stories, readings and an- ecdotes from 10 -cents up. • Our Annuals are just to hand. We have BAND OF HOPE, BOY'S CWN PAPER, GIRL'S " i` BRITISH WORKMAN, WORIiWOMAN, BABYLAND, CHATTERBOX, CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE, THE PRIZE, and a number of other books. Toy Department. To enumerate all we have .in this line would take up too mch space but you will find Drums, Guns, Horses, Wagons, Trains, Mechanical Toys, Dogs, Rubber Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes, Money Boxes, Trumpets, Horns, Whistles, Blocks, Tools, Toy Watches and Clocks, Sets of Dishes, Rattles, Paints, Dolls in all varieties, Authors, Dominoes, and hundreds of other articles. Musical Instruments ! In musical instruments we have a Large stook of Harmoni- cas, imported from Germany; Metalaphones, Concert Flutes, a a new style of instrument, Jew's Harps, &c. A Call will satisfy you as to our stock. Handsome range of China Cups and Saucers sold at low prices. Handsleighs, Rocking Horses, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c. BEAUTIFUL XMAS & NEW YEAR'S CARDS JUST TO BAND. Nothing charged for inspecting our goods and getting our prices. All the School Books always on hand, also a large stock of paper, envelopes,•&°. Give Us a Call. XAS! E. A. MARTIN, L. D. S., DENTIST. All work skillfully and artisti- cally performed. Office in Garfield Bloek. Nov. 19, 1880. l as sa seam, X AS GOODS T. FLETCHER, Practical WW'rt(eltmaket' iC ,Jeweller, Thanking the Pulite for past favors and. support and wishing stili to scours your patronage, We me opordng out full lines in Gold and Silver Walcl,as, Silver Plated Ware, from established and reliable makers, folly warranted by US, Clooks of the latest designs. Jewelry : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaches, Barings, am. Also have in stook a full line of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, &c. urs- N-B.—Issuer of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher. "Ta! Te ! William, we'll count noses on December 29111, at 5 p.m. Greenlee, Crockery, Glassware & Confectionery, is one of the finest in the County of Huron and sold at priees which cannot be surpassed. • Our Japan Tea at 40c. per lb. is one of the finest grown. Our special blend of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 20 lbs. Bright Yello Sugar for $1. 5 Boars Electric Soap for 25c. SPECIAL VALUE IN SYRUPS. Ali the Choicest Fruits of the Season. A lt'ull Assortment of Crockery and Glassware, including China and Lamp Goods. Bakery Department. Having built a first-class Oven, we are turning out bread of the very best quality. Pastry and all kinds of Confectionery, Fancy and Hoffae-Made Bread a Specialty. Agent for Fleischmann & Co's Compressed Yeast, Quality Our Leading Feature. Thanking our numerous Customers for their patronage in the past and soliciting a continuance of same. Geo. Thomson.