The Brussels Post, 1886-11-19, Page 3Nov. 19, 1880. THE BRUSSELS POST
Se'+Ming women should go among 1 TIt0 tins pipes aro beiur; la.01 in pRiiSl3TLS
V4.bA•u•O the `Carters, Calt,
Oh, Mary had a little lamb, regarding
whose cuticular,
The 'fluff exterior was vhft0 and kinked
in each particular.
On each occasion what the lass was seen
This little quadruped likewise was there
Ono day it did accompany her to. the
knowledge dispensary,
'Which to every rule and pr000dent was
r091kIO4 ly no„trary,
immediately whereupon the pedagogue
Exasperated, did eject tiro lamb from the
Then Mary, on beholding snob perforin.
anon arbitrary,
Suffused her 0'00 with saline drops from
glands called lachryuutry,
And all tho pupils grow therm 1, tumult-
uously hilarious,
And speculated on the, carve with wild
conjectures various.
"What makes the lamb lovo Mary so ?"
the scholars asked the teacher,
He paused a moment, then he tried to
diagnose the creature, ,
"Oh, peons amoreln Mary habot omnia
"Thanks, teacher dear," the scholars
cried, and awe erupt darkly o'er 'om.
When your helpmeet inquires in a terrible
t tone,
7, ., "What kept you so late?" and, beginning
fe t0 moan,
Declares that "yon have no mere heart
than a. stone,''
r ' That "you're rapidly `wearing her down
LO a bone" -
Just let her, alone.
When sho floods all the house with a de-
luge of slops,
Till the plate is a vista of„buckets and
And she says you oblige her to work till:
till she drops,".,
Don't seek to assort that your soul is your
Just let her aloin.
No Ewald argues, of course, With his
wife, •
Unless ho' s prepared for perpetual strife ;
If your .principal aim is 'a peaceable life,
And you'd change for the Torrid the Tem-
perate Zone. --
Just let her alone.
At last, when you've really stood all that
you can,
If you hear, on the quiet, that she has a
To elope, on the gly, with another young
Il , '1.`o rush n and stop it, pray do not be
prone ---
You let her alone.
At midnight, in a chicken coop,
Tho turkey dreamed upon the hour,
ie 'Mph When all tho fowls on earth should stoop
1.1w0 before bis power ;
In dreams, through field and lane ho bore
The graces of a conqueror ;
A.nd, thronged upon a Dorn-orib, then
He heard a thousand goblers sing,
Proclaiming him the poultry king ;
As wild his thoughts, and fleet of•wrng,
- As 13ulda1Fs spoolclod hen.
At midnight, by tho lantern's light,
Tho cook arranged his stealthy band, •
Their hatchet blades wore flashing bright,
11 1j And firm each willing hand.
et There had the fated poultry stood,
There had the thy earth drank their blood
On let Thanksgiving clay.
And these, that roost tonight so high,
Will taste as good in chicken pio,
Or be as nice to roast or fry,
Or fricassee, as they.
An hour passed on—tiro turkey woke,
That bright dream was his last;
He woke—while beams and perches shook,
With cries of "Ply, the cook ; fly. fast 1”
Ile woke—to die 'midst loud worths spoke
Iu quick command.; and hntohel stroke
,And dearth -blows falling thick. and, fast
As hailstones from a tempest aloud ;
And heard in voice distinct and loud,
The 000k cheer on his hand; .
Strike—till the last fat gobbler dies ;
Strike—for your roasts and chicken pies ;
Strike—till unearthly squawks and cries
I1osound"through all the land 1
k 1 ';,: They plied their hat0hot5 long'ancl well;
;', They piled the ground with poultry slain
They conquered-- and the turkey fell,
IVO I 1 Resistance ani in vain.
7xie few survivors who had crept
Away, in dusky corners slept
• While this dark deed was done,
...And now tiloy saw him borne away,
, ; Anel ready for Thanksgiving clay
. Before the rise of sun,
Ali I for the turkey Whom the 000k
• Had garnishes with his highest art,
The guests had many a longing look;
And strongest appetite o'ortook
Pull many a Valliant heart.
Thou turkey l with a savory sage
That garnished thy juicy prime,
Rest then ; there is 110 tender age,
In all our rugged Clime.
II Wo pick thy bones without a sigh,
Tor thou wart taken at thy best,
And now had found eternal rest
In roast gaol ollieken pie.
Wicked pc„plu t-h0uld stop on the
road to Belson.
(Lasker' would 1001 at home in
the Fiioudly islaudx,
Hots! keepers ,:hotil11 settle in the
Putal•ye islnndn.
Bretono awn should travel to
Ieultunbug sworn 11 aletabl0s
Dol 'Wanted, Ilot uut l;us been stti,e11 at
migrate to Iceland and Chili, Cumber, 5e' -0x 0amlty.
Married folks should content TIM Nntioual.Ipr1B'1 Cuugrn,+117331
(1101110151 V014 iu (110 U0i1o4 States. meet in Toronto 1cv.1 soar,
1)ro,smalsei'S alight 11 nil it 1)10!31• The Kingsteu Central Fair will fn ilryg'4rp(y� arkeU Price
able to locate iu the Basque proviu future he Managed by a joint 5tosk Bost Ut Pot Friae
Tarn 11 i,• 1 1;141) by a cement Lr
Sont11) year
\ 7 oolen ]\iris
AGO year old goose w,ts exhibited t 4�/��JJ LFrA Li
at 1Walsiugham show.
'I'he laaycre of Wyllie/31o11 have
furneel 1t•, eAsoeia1iul
'I'ho Chnlhaur lit-.,lt'u baro 11001
ANY t4UANT1'i'1 OF
(.111111 411.0 iia It N(7l 'ti;. m'O•zAa 841
s K g••c I
,too -:s, ci: as ��.
Where Tboy Shonbil Dwell.
The .Delhi Calling Co, have put
down a number of o-trlotols of tom -
A 127 lb, putnpkiu is on vlow in , '.Thirty-tbroo Canadian 1,1031neo•c Cash or Trade i ; =N i y z µM 7k 1 1' n d e
Only 0`3 prisoners have been iu _••. _-, of 1,- ryryR �M > �� r� ^a g,ltlxtlYl'all{, i i =��,iCJ�-G x"''ry OLS P-ttN
On the `35tH Guelph will veto on
a by -lots to grant $175,000 to build
and iron the Guelph junorint)branch
—PAID IN...""
Peterborough, failures were reported to Damn dt Co. Now s s a i; a ^ E >,.W Z a ' _ n
Two Owen Sound sports shot 17 I have in stock a rood assort- 1 8a ` y p 1-g='7 A a x 2, =ar a
1 oya� qnv� ry.o�Oc m"'ao rt "75.VC
1107? near '\Wiarton last week- m0111 of Blankets, S1lirtinl,5, r w = s .� - ";; lrc `s „--cn r;s - r,
A Guelph firm has received an o a "
of also G. 1. R. �lanne15,11ne incl colisl., 111 m m
G 1 1 l jail this year, U (s 1 11 a m 0'8 e= n e.•r ' dx
„ Coarse
1 ra 9n'an tt t7i,a.T^•n OloC?�
order for lawn. movers from ;Lux• x1, P- Davin, of the 1tegiutt Tread- Clotlt,' 'Fine Tweeds, Coarse I -n' ,,:
tralia, 0r,19likely 10 4011helionulation of Tweeds, Yarns, d:c. Also an as- 3rG 11'=1 nK R,s o0�P >"•o
Joules: Dalziel, Cheaterfiehl, sold r m N �"' �»
0nudidtitc-by 1110 Ccuttervativ0s, for sortmclit of Gorton goods. r m44,F
_ has^^ -a
hie imported sheep dog last week \✓astern r\ssiniboila. m � `a ==, e:& = r; m SRR t° -
fur $,35. Rich. Howard, of Tifford, has the
ftobt. Ogg, a Dundas boy, has been potato digging,record. He digs an •
elected to the Michigan State Legto• acro a ,L1 nu lhai avrrlge, auci 0„ a 111111 note prepared to take in
latero. pinch esti do two :10101,
Weaving, &c.
The Aviator Express has turned The Beauee tragedy, by which a
two lady collectors loose upon do- young girl named Wiuko loot her
liugnent subscribers. life, turns out to have boon the re-
' Two strong flowing or spouting suit of ,t 1)000 acooidont,
well have been struck at Waterloo. 4 The Dominion Gevernmout re-
Atv of sports from 1 701)5107 1 1 tb
par turns lust issued place e untnigra-
atiS notion
,brought 16 :leer from Muskoka, non into the Canadian Northwest,
ron;n ill one baylast-1
Cooks 5130131(1 settle iu Greece.
l'ro0ti young men in Greouland.
Price fighters in Wranglolaud.
• Angry men thould go to Ireland.
Waiters eho1ld final comfort in
The enterprising man 911ou1(1 be a
Th ` ons eadi had au arm
pens •o fat 1104 8081011, a1 ton 1139(10.nd,
q 1 1 reels at Wel A man while driving a Steer into Gua+ 'anteedm
land. j 1 l l
11. Bev. man, of Scotland, Burford Waterford with its vont t roc t o a
township, Inas ,a spaniel 27 years front leg, whoa nearing ti pond it
dashed. into. the Rater and 17115
A carrot 153- inches in circumfer• drowned,
encu and weighing 5 lbs-, io a Nor- A. Beaton, inspector under the
with curiosity. Scott Aot for West Elgin, 1188 de -
A young girl died suddenly in the posited $400 iu the County Treas• Made to
Brantford Model School of hemmer• urer's hands to the orotlit of the 1
age of -the lungs. 80011 Act fund.
The 5teanser "Ivey Aldereou” Lawyer Wallace Nesbitt, of Tor-
brought over 140 brace of ducks to onto, received $250 dollar-) for con -
Pt. Dover from Long Point on Sat• ducting the Cassels 0110 at the Es-
urday- sex Assizes. Next to being an edi-
A cabbage stalk with 111110 big tor, we would like to 120 a *250•a•
heads is a Coohester phenomenon, day lawyer.
but n Guelph man has one with 13 A meeting of the Senate of the
perfect beads. University of Toronto was held
J. B. Thornton, of Swoaborg, has Thursday night last, when rho fol.
planted 2000 walnuts this fall. Next lowing degrees were conferred :-
year he will transplant them through B. A„ B. Garside ; M. B., A. S.
his woods. Thompson ; 4f. A., W. Laidlaw.
An agent of the C. P. R. has been Peter Conover, of Leamington,
arrested in Montreal for harboring has a piece of ground from which
two deserters from the Allan steam. 1,0 expects to get a third orop this
ships. year. He firet grew strawberries,
Fronteune County Councsil has ole• hen buckwheat, and nolo a second
Knitted Goods
alined to provide the sum required crop of buckwheat is well advanced.
for the enforcement of the Scott The Winnipeg Cricket Club pro.
Ant. o.e to soncl tin eleven on au East'
ern of Dominion reran• ern tour next 808eon.. The cricket -
us and expenditure for the past fie• ors of Ontario an
cal year shows a deficit of $5,865,.
Quebec will be
554. Of the expenditure nearly
sn dthn to sae Itietlon t m (1 ohoow Vin tithe
three trillions want' to meet North triols t ig9 line.
west claims.
Wm. Mays put together in Gow• • The London City Council have
dy'sfactory, Guelph, the other 'day passed a by-law to; close certain
five fanuitig mills in a little over 9 streets and The Advertiser notices a
hours., `This is good work as the rumor that at the next meeting , of
ordinary day's work is only about tae Council a petition is to be pro -
two qday. seated praying 1110 Aldermen to
Tho Aylmer Canning Company pass to hy law to closeup their
for the past six ,reeks have shipped' mouths
their goods at the rate of throe ear
loads per week. Last week ship-
ments were made to the Hudson's
Bay Company, and to a firm 'e.t
Fort Molyeod,• N, W. T,
A few days ago a fins young Oen-
adian, Ed. MoOrum, formerly of
Galt, was killed on his ranch near
Boise' City,, • Montana, while riding
his horse, Which stumbled and fell
on him. He leaves a young wife
and relatives in both countries to
mourn. bis,irntimely end. -
It is'claimed that Hamblin recent-
ly rowed over the Thames champ-
ionship course in a trial in faster
time than any other oarsman rowed
the distance,and he has offered to
wager $500 to $1,000 that be can
beatthe time Wm. Beach macre
when Ito defeated G audanr.
A Scottish paper says :—"The
remains of David Kennedy, the de-
gorvesily popular Scottish vocalist,
whose lamented death tools place at
Stratford, Ontario, on the 13th of
this month, were brought to Soot -
land, and the funeral took place in
Edinburgh, on Monday, the 2711i
October in the presence of a largo
The recent shipments of Canad-
ian cheese to tho Colonial .exllibi•
tion have been a great success. A
large number of complimentary no-
tices of its oxoellont quality have
appeared +in a number of British
papers. They all agree that, it is
superior to American, and a great
many say it is oven bolter than the
celebrated Cheshire. Our dairymen
may loop for a stili further demand,
which means bettor prices,
Give Me a Call
before taking your wool else-
It is inten,lod'next year to issue
new.series of British coins. This
is a practical form of commemorat-
ing Her Majesty's jubilee which
cannot fail to be appreciated) if the
1201v coins 'bear a fa1113ful impression
of the Sovereign, The same may
be said in regard to the issue of new
postage stamps, which is also to
take plaoe next year. Tho author-
ities at the Aliut are busily engaged
in preparing the dies -for' the coins.
Immediately after the recent 'dis-
dis-astrous fire in Southampton by
which so many families were rend.
end homeless, 1\Ir, Stephenson,
Superintendent of the Grand Trunk
Railway, who was in the west, start-
ed fox the town, and at once placed
all the oars which could be gathered'
at the disposal of the,homeless, In
addition to this he provided from
the stores of the company for their
sustenance and had all goods donat•
ed from other places transferred by
express trains (toe of all charges.
Tho Ontario Government has con-
tributed $1,000 towards the relief of
those of the Southampton sufferers
who have been rendered destitute by
the late fire. The atones thus
promptly given will be applied to
the relief of eases of actual distress,
and not for compensation for loss of
property. It is learned through.
Dotoctivo Murray that ab least thirty
families are literally homeless and.
destitute. Detective Murray was
sent by the Ontario Government to
investigate the cause of the lire. Ho
is satisfied that it was accidental,
and in this view the loading business
men of Southtaiutpton agree,
Yours Truly,
Glaea 84 Putty,
•owtud arm °moo p oq du @
2,0 a_
eozs <:+TcmF l,•
EsEser. sonar,
1.”.* .,.11;'s' 11 'air
Grist and Flour Mills !
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old custome rs and as many new ones
as possible. • Chopping done.
Flour and. Peed, ...A.1wa1ye o , Iland..
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
Lath 84EAST' KU RoN
STOVES • Carri e ;, C orks
Stove Pipes.
Mixed, Paints !
IlIANU sit".PURNII Ole—•
All made of the Bost Material and finished in a Workmanlike
Repairing and Painti.n' promptly cattenclecl to.
Parties intending to buy -should Call before
B1133?r 8111NO s.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, Jas. Cult and Wm. )YLc-
ICelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus-
sels ; Bev.13..A.. Fear, Woodham, and T. Wright, Turnborry,
B. G.ERE-ll-.