The Brussels Post, 1886-11-19, Page 1Volume 14. R.V. SAM. JONES. '191ie eccentric evangelist is now labor- ing In Omaha. In a dls00ur00 rooently delivered there, in speaking of the obtuolt as all hospital, he says:—•Tito bust 111011 in Omaha are in the church, and the whet men in Omaha are in the church. The moon man in the church acids hypoo- riny to his nlconno00, making him the moaned, of moan mon. I ant not saying this of Omaha alone, It is true of every city. I will duel with Omaha when I am bettor acquainted, and if the water gots muddy before I get through it will bo your mud and my bucket. (laughter) Speaking of prea0hore and sermons, he said:—Study, thought, and prayer, with heac1 and heart will melte a sermon on the proaoho'o lido. And it does take study. -Sarno preachers claim that all they have to do ie to open their mouths and God Will 1111 them. God will fill any Man's mouth with air, and these mon who go into the pulpit with no other preparation are old air gums and nothing more, (Laughter.) Tho preachers ought to bo the beet posted men in the oity. They ought to read not only of the progress of Christianity, but they ought also to road the daily papers. They ought to pray before they begin to road though, and pray when they get through, and pray a good deal while they aro reading. (Laugh- ter.) Not that the newspapers are so boil, but you people are so bad that you keep the newspapers filled with accounts of your evil doings. (Long faces. Speaking of the charge that he was an evangelist for money, ho said:—People will talk about mo. They will tell you I mune here Jor money. The next time you hear the follow say that, tell him ho lies. I never saki a word about money to any man before coming to Omaha, and I aur not going to do so. If this committee gives me 9100,000, it will be all right, and if they don't 'eve moa cent it will be all tho same. You real estate men are working for money. Honest now, boys, ain't you? Yon merchants and clerks - are working for money. I will give $250 for the photograph of the men who don't want money. And yet you expeot Sam Janos to be the one man ,of the world who is to work without any remuneratioli. Your preachers aro not preaching for money, but you stop their pay and they'll , all quit on you. I say to yon ell to -night that you have everything invested—your souls. In the midst of all your prosperity es a city you !' have yet to grow. You are too broad for your freight. You must grow up toward Ithe ten commandments, toward' every- thing that is right. If you will do that, this will be one of the greatest cities in i America. But it will never bo what you want it to bo on the line you aro now reli- ning, with two or three hundred bar -room doors wide open and your gambling hulls advertising on the Sabbath—tile devil turned loose from Christmas to Christ- mas, bequeathing to your children a poor heritage. Put your soul into this move - morn. I mine with love and charity for you all. I say to you people who are in a hurry to get rich ; yon sit down to -night and as yon look around you at the growth of this city, speading out and growing—and I em talking about what you are engaged. in every clay ask yourselves this questioli:-- "Can I not sell back lots in the city of Omaha for more than corner lots in the city of God." You just have to count down your thousands for a little lot 100 feet square, and here is 0 great oity open- ed for nothing and you say, "Give us Omaha city property. What do wo care for heaven?" Suppose you owned Chi- ' Dago, or New York, or the whole world what does it amount to after you die ? "What profiteth it a man if ho gain the whole world and lose his own soul ?" • Suppose I gather riobes enough to be a t. Vanderbilt or a Gould, and died impeni. tont. All their millions could -not go in- to partnership with the devil in hell to buy ono drop of water to cool their paroh- ed tongues. Now and then one of them gots nipped up down here and you say ho is it bankrupt. What is that compared with the oteruel bankruptcy of the soul? If a man loses his soul he loses his all. There is not a Christian here in this pity who is not praying "Lord revive thy work." New, I want to say I have boon in rho revival work four or five years, but revivals are not the best thiug0 in the world. No, no. The fact that you all wood a revival is proof that you have not boon doing your duty. Do you know that? You may, havo a revival, and thousands of souls may bo converted and join the Churoh, In twelve months 0, groat many will go back. "Now, just look at that, my brother," I am asked by a good brother., who don't believe in tevrvals. 13ut I say to him "If I eat a hearty meal Soturday and get hungry again to -day is that a logical reason n by I should not eat again and again?" A good Episcopal lady in St.• Joo told ine elle did not believe in revivals and I said to her that the Epieco9311 018110h is nothing more than the Lord's Precutting society. If the ladies of that -olitroh all got to heaven they won't do anything else but have all the 31n5el0 rig- ged out in lane. When it 0018000 bo reson- ing the perishing, your oluroh ain't t)oro. But the Episcopal church is the grandest equipped church in America, but it has been in camp for 200 . years, and has not been out to fight a battle l Now take that for what it is worth. (Laughter) Bitt this is tho worst tuning I ala going to say about the Episcopal. tans, I shall give you Methodists a good deal worse than that: Put that down. Bemuse I ant one of you, and 1 Dan tall.. You Mothodiets keep mo so buoy in your ranks that I don't mover got time to say it anytltiilg about others. I like to see a ethodist 1110, Bagptistlike vuter,yand Pron take osbytorion BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1886. "hold onto what you get," and you have A. 151000110heo11 le in town from Win. a back mixture. nipeg and will spend some weeks here, When you hoar a sermon against re- J. W. Shaw and Joseph Ballantyne, of vivala you. will hoar it from a preacher Blyth, were home for Thanksgiving day, who 11x0 not had 0revival for twenty Wm. 111tnnau and son have 1e103od a Yowl. I dotes, 01)0 of those woo -is -me- farm, near Jamestown, and hove moved if-I-doalot.preach.the-gospel prdaober0, on to it. He is a fraud in the pulpit. IIB has no Mrs. (Dr) Graham arrived home from business in the pulpit if he .would desire an extended visit to Ifarristoi last Sat. to proaoh anything but the gospel. urday afternoon. Mark Wade jr., 01 ,Stratford, attended the funeral of Miss Amy P1ttoson ou UNCLE JUE. Monday of this wook. =she, Armstrong oto hie Thanksgiving To the Bettor of Tun Arnim. day tnrkey at tho residence of his par - I started people,wondering over my let. onto, at Toeswater. for of last week. Soho people said "Oh 1 Miss Montgomery, of Harrislon, spent it's just the editor himself," others said, Thanksgiving day with her eietot', Mrs, "no, it isn't him, but we'll watch and find W F. V0neton0, out in the courso of a few weeks, But llov, Jno, Ross, 33. A„ and Rev. Wm. they have not found out yet nor will they Smyth attended the County. Temperance be likely to unless you give it away, 15tr. Convention in Wingham last Tuesday. Editor, ' Q. X. Wright leaves town this week for I sou a great necessity, this week, to a business trip to Montana. Ho will be address my first paragraph absent a couple of mouths, wo believe, To rulnxao. Mrs. Wm. liovall, of Toronto, is visit - The bust school of nee in our village, . Ing in town. She sings at r the "goose" or any other village for that matter, le social on the evening of Tlrauksgiving the street. Almost any evening from 7 dav, in the Methodist church. to 10 o'clock you may walk along Main Capt. Moston, from headquarters, To - street and find ganga of boys ranging in ronto, took command of the Brussels eon. years from 8 to 15 piayiug horse tricks on tingent of the Salvation Army last week. each other, or engaged ba worse mischief, IID 3.0 quite a talker. and its rarely the case that your Gare are We aro very sorry to have to state that not horrified . with profane or obscene our townsman, Thomas Uayoroft, who language. When will parents awake 'to' has been ill for the past week, is so low their criminal carelessness inletting their tient very little Tropes are entertained .. for children run the streets at all hours of hie recovery. the day and flight, picking up all the The Wingham Advance Bays : Mies slang, profanity and obscenity so plonti- Pitzpetriok, of Brussels, was paying a fully soatterod about. Parents, be sure farewell visit to her Wingham friends you know the ohmmeter of the aesocia- last week, before leaving for the North. tions your ehiidron aro there forming.west. The children of some of our most respect. Gideon Perlis, heavy 'weight athlete, ed citizens have been heard •uttoriug ter- has gone to Wiunipeg, where a. heavy rible blaselmhies. ;Parents beware? I weight contest has been arr005011 to come often think' as I see the young "gaffers" off soon. It was arranged by a Winnipeg hanging around the cruors of stores, ho- man who is banking Perrin, tole or the Army barracks to whom do J. A.. Croghtol, our station master,: is\ they 11 -earned 'ng a we ilia wook enjoying. SWOT y 1 teach them " ow l does " an mother Y teach them "Now I lay me ?" and who is holiday among old friends in Toronto and. boss at the homes of them ohildren? Par. its neighborhood. Tho agent from Att. ants sometimes say I don't see where my wood is relieving at the Brussels .station. John learned such naughty words and : Tho London Advertiser speaks of a yet, perghence, that same John lives on former resident of this locality as follows : the street more than he's home. It's 710 •—•J. D. Forsyth, • . looal shorthand man, wonder that boys learn to smoke cigars, is going to take ..position in the office of. chew tobacco, sing rowdy songs and have General Passenger Agent D. McNichol, their minds filled with obscene yarns Montreal when so many parents do not get a There is it probability of Thos. Watson glimpse of them from sapper time until not being able to remove from Brussels the breakfast table next morning. Uncle until toward spring, as he cannot get a Joe says all honor to the father and suitable house lust now in Harriston. He mother who hove moral courage enough will be away the most of the time on the to put their foot down on this everlasting road, however. gadding about and I will venture to turn We congratulate our old friend A. M. Wiggins and prophecy that you can pink Taylor in passing his law examinations out the homes where tho will of the fatlw so successfully. He stood second in the or and mother is law by the conduct and order of merit in both the Solicitor's and behaviour of the children. Of course it Barrister's examinations. He was sworn is none of my funeral but if the future in last Monday, young men of Brussels aro to be the It is reported that our townsman, Jas. sort that will elevate the tone of the place Annett will close up his business hero this the boys of to -day have to bo looked after, fall and will remove to Port Huron.' R. Long ago when I was a boy, father used Sperling, grain and produce dealer, will to look the door at a certain hour and if utilize the shop for storing pork, poultry, any of us were behind time we had either eggs, butter, &o. to roost onside or rum the gauntlet when We had a short oall from Rev. Wm. he came to open the door. While on this Burgess, of Listowel, last Wednesday. subject it would not be a bad thing for He was on his way to Winthrop to speak. some of the girls in town to road this ad. on the temperance question. Ho lectured vice. It: does not elevate, a young girl to to a very enthusiastic, audience in Wing - parade the streets at all hours, togged ham on Tuesday evening. out in all her best wearing apparel, and It affords us pleasure to state that D. perhaps the old lady (that's what 00100 E. Wade, well-known in this locality, of them call their mother) is doing the passed his Barrister's examination last hong work, If you want good society, if week, and stood well to the front in a O want the good opinion of the publio, large class. He arrived home from To - 11o1 short ifyou.want to preserve a lady. ronto on Friday afternoon. Mr. Wade like demeanor put in more time at home has been a very successful Solicitor, and and learn those branches of house work wa predict th.t his 008000 as Barrister that will prove of some benefit to you hit will out -do the record of the past. Ho's after years. In concluding this port of sure to suoceea,- my letter I consider it in place to ask parents to give the girls and boys a little L'csri;Ilu it I', No to Talk of it daily paper fel Stratford. Tho oosthetlo ladies of Mitchell have in. augurated pond lily sooials. There aro,54 members on the roll of St. Andrew's. Society, Mitchell. Rev. Josoph Cook, the Boston divine, lectured fn Stratford on the 12th Inst, W. It, Davis, of Mitchell, has with- drawn from the Local Legislature caudid- &ttlr0, - Sixty mstnber0 in the Stratford Phil- harmonic Society. It is led by Prof. Roger Roberts. Fred. J. Carrie, of the Stratford Adver- tiser, hoe secured a position oaths Q. P R. under Contractor tilolrarlane. The 21. Marys Journal finds fault with the ministers of thy, town for making the pulpit an advertising medium. Justin McCarthy is to lecture in iltrat- ford on Friday evening, 26th had, 011 the past, present and future of the Irish ques- tion, The Harrington cheese factory was burned to the ground on Thursday night last ; cause unknown. There worn 104: boxes of cheese in the factory at the time of the fire. Wm. Carr, of Mitchel, had the niisfor. tune to fall from a tree a short time ago and break. both his logs, He was pro- gressing nicely until one daylately he ventured too much weight upon them, causing a re-fracture of one of them. The old lady, Mrs. Conway, who was so brutally assaulted near Stratford a few weeks ago, is still alive, but unable yot to leave her bed. The young man who was arrested on the charge has been dismissed as Mrs. Conway could not swear to his identity. ENTRANCE EXAr11INA7'fONN. ohence.athome. The long winter oven- The unit, Entrance Examination to Inge are about at hand and amusements High Schools • and CollegiateEntrance Examination Institutes, of a proper character should be provided; will be held on oaod mber sti and the lrigli11 kind of company invited mom- wird, commencing heldon De each day at, 0 22nd ionally to the house and when there are The following wish day a boon macre a. 111. good entertainments don't always go since sh, lost examination nges h ve yonrselvoe and never allow the youngsters, Drawing th last bexa, inti la : N,o., 5 of the to suo oo ]roar anything new or attractive. Children aro apt pumila and know when Drawing Course for Public ,S0liools will they e getting fair play. bo the -guide. . I feel like giving eapreesion to may feel- Outlines of English history'; the out- ings in reference to the recent Scott Aot lines of Canadian history generally, with' trials bot.for,the p800ont I'll not talco up partlotilar attention to rho events subse- this molter but await further develop- Orient to 1841. Tho municipal indite. ments i11 the very pecall1ar order of af. tions of Ootario, and tho Federal form of fairs. The way things are dole and tiro Clio Dominion govermnont._ people that clo them 'are well worth watch, At the December examination the 1115 marks assigned for English history will Now that blip tax collector has 00m- be 75 as heretofore, but 25 additional monaed his work and people are being M. marks will be 75 as heretofore, but 25 ad- vitecl to pay their taxes, the Commit and ditienal marks will be awarded as a max - School Boardl are proving the targets for the grumbling ratenayere. I may give, some of the points that they grumble about in my noxi letter as I have not room left this week. The biggest growl - is about the excessive school tax and in- stead of it getting lower it appears tp bo on tufo increase. If you can rely on street rumors, and they are sometimes nearly true, there will bo a hot fight for the vacant claire at the School Board and as there are a, number of aspirants and only two or three to be elected the fun will bo rare on election day I believe. Uxo.1a Jos. A few of the most intimate friends of J. 13. Norris, late ticket clerk at the G. T. R. station at Stratford, tendered him an oyster supper and presented bim with a handsome gold watch, -ohain and locket on the occasion - of his departure for Mon- treal,where he has acceptedted 0 morea luc- rati9position. A load of young people went out to a social Glance near St. Pauls on Friday evening, and it was nearly being the end of two or three of the young men. When tbey were in the barn getting thou hor- ses ready fora start home, one of them stepped on a Blank over the well, which was under the barn. He immediately found himself struggling in seven or eight feet of sold water, The young man who was with him m attempting to pull him out got in himself. A third one coming along just then discovered the two in the water, and after considerable effort suo-, seeded in getting theme out. s Canadian New l urolgr P'ox south. Miss Sloun, of Blyth, is the guest of Mise Show. Dr. W. J. R. Hohnea, of Godmicll, woe in town this week. W.A. Hargreaves, of Paisley, was vis- iting hie brother this week. Wm. Laird and Frank Carroll, of Toes. water were in town last Sunday. Mee, Creighton and Mise Creighton woro visiting at Fergus for a weep. Mrs. Won, Smyth will go to IIamil ton to 000 her sister, whois vary i11, George Town, of Seaforth, was visiting his Miele, Thos. Totvn, 1'11rs week, A carpet yarn factoryis being started by a Guelph firm in Elora. Over 100,000 have been spent in build- ing improvements in Windsor this sea- son. Chatham Gas Company have bean awarded the contract for electric lighting there:' A member of the Northwest Council bas given notice of a motion to admit beer into the Territories. All the seven vacant seats in the Prinoe- Edward Island Legislative Council have been carried by the Liberals. A Winnipeg man who was leaving for the Old Country is reported to have sold his wife and children for 570. The Calgary .Council has decided to prohibit tho ereotiou of wooden buildings within the town limits in future. Ministerial supporters. at Ottawa claim to .'hove ' received : inforniation that the nominations will be hold on Jan, 11. Tho special services whioh Rev, H. T. Crossley and J. TO: Hunter are concluding iR Cobourg are remarkably interesting and powerful A Winnipeg dispatch says :—"The 01111100 of Dent Griedale and Arohdeaoon Pinkham are mentionedas swimmers to Bishop McLean." It is stated that tho 0.P:R, authorities have purchased the Col. Iian1in home- stead and river front 011 the Sandwich road, Windsor, for the toriniuus of the West Ontario extension. On Tuesday morning, bays the. Fergus Record, while Mrs. Moorehead was autt- iug wood, the ate caught on the clothes line, and striking her forehead inflicted 0 (serious cut, 10001•ing an artery. - A Brighton citizen has named the trip- lets born there a few days ago, Edward Blake, Alexander Mackenzie, and Oliver Mowat ,and the same man has secured a donation of 540 for the strangers. tum bonus for Canadian histot'y. The Ottawa' Government's pamphlet Examination papers will bo set in Lit- defending its Indians policy turns out to have been preparodun er Lieut. -Governor Nurrlber 19, Hamilton people are agitating for a Donlan has decided to row no more public library. rams in Lugland during the present sea - Vancouver, B. (l., has six hundred reg- son. uttered retina, A dctootive force will probably be or. The new Roman CstllolIo Cathedral at ganizod in connection with the Northwest Woodstock will bo opened and dedicated Mpuntcd Police. by Bishop Walsh on Dec. 5. The amendment to the -Illinois State The Dominion immigration return0 es- constitution prohibiting contract convict timate that about 10,000 immigrants on. labor, was test by 7,5000 votes, Cored the Canadian Northwest during the D.11. Davis of: Geste, Beaux County, last six months. called to the Bar last Monthly 1 r tho only It is rumored at Osgoodo Ball that colored barrister iu the Province. Chief J'ustioe Wilson has boon granted The Pontiac and Pacific Junction Rail - six months' leave of abeenoo from his wayhas been oompletod as far as Coe]. duties. , S. P. Bowman, of Berlin, has boon am. pointed Travelling Passenger Agent of the St, Paul & Manitoba Railway. Penn. eylvanie, and Ohio will be his field of 0poratien0. Conversation was curried o11 Over the Bell telephone wires between Toronto and Montreal, a dinner) of 850 miles, the other day. Tho rest}It was fairly success. fill. If o„ppor wires of it larger size were used it would be quitesatisfaotory. The Queen and Prinoess Louise each purchased a' Canadian piano at the Col- onial Exhibition. Hol. Edward Stan- hope, the Colonial Secretary, purchased it Canadian harmonium, and several bar- 111011i0me wore also purohaeed by the Gov- ernor of Madras. 11. Smith, jr., an old Bosanquet boy, now in the antipodes,. (being a resident in the Eiapara clistriot, Now Zealand) has, to all appearance caught his owe share of the New Zealand frozen meat fever, hav- ing, by last accounts, leased 6,000 acres oflandfor a sheep run, for whioh he pays 6 cents per acro per annum. No six months' stall feeding of cattle there. A strange kitten entered the residence of Thomas Moore, of Wingham, last, week, .went up stairs where a little child was stooping, and sucked its oheod until blood came.. It wog discovered and put out of doors:' .It soon returned, however, and, a second time made its way to the Dilldobut was killed led before it a o uld repeateat its perf rmanoe. The Toronto Grand Jury at, the Crimi- nal Assizes Wednesday afternoon, re- turned "no bill” in the alleged coal con- spiracy case to defraud tho Dominion Government, against Patriok Burnes, Quarter Master Sergeant Swanson, and James McInerney. The ease of oon0pir- soy to defraud the oity against Burns, Venables and Johnston, will come up at the next assizes, The Toronto baso ball' team for 1887, so for as heard from, is :—Deoker, eatober ; MoOormack, 3 b ; P. C. Gilman, c f ; J, Feats, 1 b ; T. Yearns, 2 b ; McKinley, pitolier ; Togo], p ; llooracner, e ; Albert, s s. Other men expected to be signed are Hays, o or r f; Traffier, o or r f; 'Henry, p ; Sylvester, 1 f, and Veach,'p. Negotia- tions have also been opened with Bros. man, as in -fielder. stature from the following lessons in the Now Ontario Readers, tho only series now authorized for use: 1, T115 Trneut nn. 40— 50 2. Tho Vision of Mires -1 r'd'g " 08— — 08 8. —g , 4. The doll of Atrl 111-114 5. Loohinvar 1115=170 er A Obristmas Carol '107-218. Who Ride from Ghent to Ata " 285-187 8. A. arced 1ieomit atSolferino. 287-288 2. National Morality " 280-257 There will be no formal paper in Orth- eopy, but tho Examiner in oral Reading is instructed to consider the pronunoia. tion of the oandidates, in awarding their standing. Candidates aro required to submit Drawing Books No. 4. or No. 6, nob Books Noe. 4 and 5. Chief Justice Wilson gave judgment on Saturday morning at Osgoodo Hall in the appeal made of be11alf of Goorgo Or- gan, committeclby the Police Magistrate as a vagrant, to quash the conviction. Counsel for Organ hold that it man 17110 1100 money in 11is pocket 00.111nrt be con- sidered a vagrant, His Lordship dismiss- ed the appeal on the ground that Organ /oiled to show that ho did not live by the prones of Grime. Dewdnoy's supervision.. This faot wi give an neonate idea of its value. John Hope, manager of Dow Park, sold a heifer calf, eleven months clot, to a westoien purchaser for 55, 000, B. Sum- mer & Son, of Woodstook, Come., take front this herd nine head for 512,000. Edward Robinson, brother of Fred. Robinson, of Guelph, who has beets sup- posed to be dead for the past two years, has turned up safeand sound in 111e har- bor of New York. He is an officer o11 the U.S. flag abip Tonuo8ee0, end has been absent in India for the past three years. Considerable quantities of scrip are now being. issued to triose of the Coloniz- ation Companies who elected to accept it on account of their deposit. Many other Companies have accepted land, the stand- ard vacuo being 112 pot acre, while a few have decided to go on under the 01d ar- rangement. Prof, Saunders,superintendolt of tho Experimental Fenn stations, loft Ottawa Thursday, of last week, for Manitoba, to soleot a site and make arrangements for the station in that Province. Ho will al- to, if possible, proceed to tho Northwest Territories and British Columbia for the eam0 purpose. gone, sixty-one miles from Aylmer. Two attempted dynamite outrages au the promisee of Scott Act workers are re- ported from Westport, Leeds county. The four Toronto alderman who went to New York • in search of pure water managed to spend 5313. The appropriu, tem atnocnted to ?MM. • The Committee of the Col0nral Exhibi tion has announced that there is a sur- plus, and that no demand will bo macre on the guerantorn. Mr. Lockman, the Toronto city ageu of the 0.2.31., disappeared Monday, and an examination of his amounts proved that he is 5600 short. A Scott Act violater at Vernon, county of Russel, has been sentenced to twenty five days in gaol, in default of paying a fine and posts amounting to 573. Tho traffic receipts of the Canadian Paoiflo Railway for the week ending Nov- ember 7th were 5252,000, an increase of 549,000 compared with the corresponding woek last year. The Ottawalumbering season just-dos- ing ustdlos- ing has been unusually good, the large output having bean readily sold at fear prices. Two-thirds of next year's out has already boon sold. An inspector of weights and measures seized in Durham County eleven different sets of scales made of wood, and bag strings, and used by people who took their produoe to market ready weighed: The largest engine yet buirt in Caned. w 1 will leave the lonomotive works in a fe days for the St. John's Railway. It weighs 105,000 pounds, and hoe eight' driving wheels with a diameter of 59 inches. , The Montreal Carnival Commitioe have issued an appeal to attizens, deed by Joseph Hiokson, President, asking 595,000 for the- next carnival, which opens on the 7th of February, '87. rho ice palace alone will cost about 08,000: A Westerner went to New York last week and bought 51,00 worth of counter- feit bills for 580. He was under the im- pression that ho got what ho bargained for, lint fancy his surprise when, on open- ing his valise for the inspection of the Customs officer at Capo Vincent,befonnd bis sopposed package of looney to be merely a roll of sawdust and rubbih. A wealthy Sootahonan, who resides near Bownranville, received a quantity of household goods from the Old Country and on 11:0 assurance that there was noth- ing dutiatla in the parcel, the goods were delivered to him without charge by the Customs officer. On reaching home, how ever, he found a gold watoh among the effects, and returning to Bowlnanvllie he stated the facts to the 'Customs officer and paid 57.50 duty on the timepiece. On Friday night last a young couple left Whitfield without the knowledge of their parents, .proceeded to Orangeville, and were married. The .young woman, it seems, threw her clothes out of a win- dow, out across the fields, and .was met by her intended's brother with a rig, in which they drove off. Tho prospective bridegroom was ovt•iaken a little further on doing it on foot,' was taken into the conveyance and all drove rapidly on to btherated. toren where the wedding was cele - At the Oxford County Assizes Sarah Nano Robbins was tried on a oharge of pointing a loaded revolver at one W. H. Saunders. This was a peculiar ease. The prisoner was a middle-agod woman of quiet and rospootable appearance, and not a person one would suspect of `being guilty of atoll an offence. It appeared one ledmuid Manary, a hired .man of Saunders', hall boon keeping' company with her, and, ceasing to pay his atten. tions, she wanted to luiow the reason why. She followed him into the field whore ho was working with a' team, and would meet hint ovary time he drove to .the and of the field. Ho ordered her away, but of •no avail, and at last she threatener) to shoot hien iE he would not marry her. This scared the :voting fel- low, nncl he told ]ria employer that unless he could frighten the woman away Ire would not continue his work. Saunders then ordered her away, and sho drew a loaded revolver upon him. Saunders, Manary and another 10111 rushed upon hor, took the revolver from her, and bound hor with linos talced from a bar- nes0, and kept her in that condition for over ail hour, When 31 constable arrived, Owing to tho respectable and intelligent appoarauce of the woman, the jury gave her the benefit of the doubt, and acquit. ted her. She sinned. pleasantly upon hearing the verdict announced. Manary, the hired man, upon hearing that she Wag roleas0cd, made it boo line for the door, not even remaining to congratulate her upon her acquitter. He said sho was ince enough to look at, but he guessed ho would marry some other girl i4 Sarah did notdraw auothor bead on hon. The.aaso was followed by another, fn w11ia11 the man could not be captured. Eliza C. Wools, of St. Marys, it neat looking laity of about 80 yens, stepped into the box and related how she had been 'wooed for the lost ton yoars by Wm. 'dna, of Bruce Connty ; how much she thought of him when bo promised to marry her, and how he bad cruelly deserted her and married soma other girl:. Lind did not fast the music nor defend the suit, so the ,jury gave the plaintiff 5.100 as a balm for her wended feelings, }late Foy, a young woman twenty- tiree years of age, employed at the cotton mill bferriton, deliberately suioided while on her way to dinner by jumping over the bridge into the canal, The swift current prevented any attempt at reicue. The fact the Foy family were of a low order of intellect, and the girl's grief over the severe illness of a sister in the hos- pital, is assigned as the cause of the rash aot. The canal is being dragged for the remains. A little child of 11. Robes, of Burk's Falls, Muskoka district, was burned to death a few days ago. The mother was out milking and had leftthe child, which was between 2 and 3 years old, in the house, but in some way 1t got possession of some matches and began playing with them. When the mother returned she was horror-stricken to find the child burned black and just breathing its last. James MoCrae, of G0ulbourno, a week ago, while digging in his garden, turned up a copper coin, wsighmg folly two ounces, bearing date 1797 and issued dur- ing the reign of George 111. It is throe - eighths of an inch thick and two inches in diameter. How it got in the ground, several feet below the surface, is a rays- Eery, tbo only solution of which is that it was given to an Indian in early times.' The coin will bo presented to the Gov- ernment. A short time ago o young man of Thamesvillo named Howell• interfe'011 With the proposed wedding of Jonathan Taylor, of tforpeth, with Miss Smith, of Thamosville, by oaxrying her of a couple of nights before the date fixed for the wed- ding, and marrying her himself. After be- ing together for three weeks, however, they seperated, and Howell has been commitedl for trial for perjury in having sworn that the parents' consent to his marriage with bliss Smith had been ob. Mined. . Artlnr Buloo, the well known Frenab Canadian littoratenr, wlto was some years ago decorated by the French :Academy, has been excommunicated, and his paper, La Lantern, placed tinder the ban by Cardinal Tasahorcatl. Boles has been attacking the Roman Catholic Hieaaroby its works and teachings,, holding that marriage should be, as in the United States, a free civil ooutrent, The estates of tufo Churoh should bo treated as in Prance, and confiscated from the miles. iastical authorities. A sensation watt caused in OsgoodeIIall on Friday when Chanoollor Boyd ordered the arrest of Sandflold Davidson, of Cam. village, near Orangeville, for perjury. Davidson was witness in the case of Clarkson vs. Lefler and Davidson. In his evideuoo Davidool toetifiod that a certain 58,500 was intact of 31 certain beam in his collar at Camilla. The. Sheriff at Orangeville W00 instructed to searob for the money. The Sheriff attendedourb Friday sod reported that no oasis' coulclbe found 1n the cellar.'011auoellor. Boyd there upon ordered Daviason's arrest for per- jury, and sighed a warront committing to gaol to await hie trial.