The Brussels Post, 1886-11-5, Page 5Nov, ii, 1886, THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS. Ettrei. William Milne ie away on a tour to Muekolia, Mrs, David Henderson had a para. lytic stroke laet Friday, The Quarterly meeting will be held in the Methodist thumb hero next Sunday. Service to commence in the morning at 10:30. The wont on John Elliot's house is progressing rapidly. John Dun- bar has the contract. The bricklay. ere are buoy veneering it, The teachers of the Methodist Sab- bath School have decided to have an entertainment and Christmas tree on Xmas eve. They expect to have a good program and an enjoyable time may be expected. The members of the Temperance Electoral Union hold their first meet- ing last Monday evening and it was quite a succees. The nest meeting will be held on Thursday evening, the llth inst. All friends favorable to Prohibition are cordially invited to attend. UranDroolc. Mise Amelia Wateon, of Blyth, is visiting at Rev. D. B. MoRae'e.--J. F. Stewart, who has been away in Dakota during the summer, has re- turned, having traded hie property in Dakota for a bush lot in the neigh- borhood of Shelbourue, Out. --On Tuesday of last week the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Parkdale, delivered an able address on temperance in Knox church. Those who did not hear him missed a good thing. Under the rev. gentleman's auspices au Elector- al Union was forined consisting of :— D. Robertson, President ; T. 0. Har- bottle, Vioe.Preeident; A. McKay, Secretary ; W. E. Cameron, Treasur- er, and an Executive Committee com- prising W. Wilson, Jno, McIntosh, Jno. Knight, 0. Switzer and Andrew McInnis. Coming events cast their shadows before them. Prohibition is coming.—A. shooting match for geese and turkeys will be given at Nines' hotel, on Thursday of next week. It will be followed by a ball and supper. Gree. A Mr. Taylor has been engaged as teacher of S.S. No. 3 for 1887. The minutes of the township (bun - oil may be read in this issue. :,Thos. McGregor has made 300 gal - bus of cider this fall. It ie a first- class article. Miss Maggie Sample has gone to spend the winter with her sister, 11Irs. Blain, at Stirling Falls, Muskoka. Geo. 'Thompson is re-engaged as teacher for S.S. No. 6 for next year at an advanced salary. He is a good teacher. Threshing is about all finished. Our threshers will soon be hanging up their machines until another sea- son rolls round. The beautiful fall weather is per- mitting of a lot of work being done that would otherwise have to be left until another season. The boys were very good on Hal- lowe'en night. Tho pranks were fete and of a mild nature. May they be "gooder" another year. A great many are marketing their grain just now but ou account of the low prices many will arrange to hold back until towards spring. Miss Maggie McIntosh, who has made her home at Thos. McLauiih• Im's for the past two years, left for Glengarry 0o. on Oct. 21st, where her brother resides. Tho turnip crop is receiving that attention which it demands these days. Tho work of taking up and housing is being pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. The crop is good this year. Thos. Calder has disposed. of his entire horse, "Young Prince of Wales," to a man named Martin, noir Wroxeter. A good figure was received from him. We expect to bear of our friend Calder going in for imported stock next. People are becoming alive to the importance of draining and eonse- quently a great deal has been done throughout the township this year. Our township engineer, Jno. Har- bottle, has been kepi busy lining out the larger drains. The rosult is a great deal of land that has hitherto been waste is now converted into be- ing otlr best land. A few years at the present rate and our township will stand A 1 in the county. Rev. T. L. Wilkinson, agent for the Dominion Alliance, addressee several Electoral Union meetings iu this township and Unions have been established in esvoral places. A. de- termined seriousness is settling down upon the temperance people. More and more are coining into line every day to armlet iu the groat work and unitise something strange load very unlikely should occur we wilt have Prohibition in a vary short time. The Electoral Union meeting that was to bavo been held iu Ttirnbull's school II luso, 16th can,, on Wodnpe• day oveeiug of last week was poet- poned on account of the heavy rain which sat in and continued all even- ing, preventing all but very fax from coming out, Bev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Toronto, wasinattendanote but thought it beet to defer his addroas, but will arrange to come back again bofore long. J31uoyale- Thee, Farrow, M.P., is retiring from his occupation of farmer and has rented his farm for a term of years. He will die - ,pose of his live stook and implements on Monday, the 8th inst. Canadian cholera has been raging in thia vicinity with moro or less virulence for three or four months, and has carried off a groat many parsons. Its latest victim was Eva Ard, the six-year-old daughter of Lemuel Ard, who was buried here Inst Monday. rive persons have died from the• disease during the last two weeks. It is, however, showing signs of abatement. Rev.'''. L. Wilkinson, agent for the Dom- inion Allianoe, filled the Methodist pulpit here last Sabbath morning and the Pres- byterian pulpit in the evening. On Mon- day evening the most eucoeeful and en- thusiastic prohibition meetings known here was held in the Methodist church. Short addresses were delivered by Revds. Hartley and Cook and an exbaustiye and rousing lecture by Rev, Mr. Wilkinson. An Electoral Union, 42 strong, was form- ed, with Rev. J. S. Coots as President ; W. P. Smith, vise -President ; R, Stewart. Sec., and Albert Hughes, Treasurer. 131yth. Chestnut bolls are all the go in town at present. Hallowe'en passed off quietly In town, no serious damage being done. The regular meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening last. A jubilee is being held here in the R. C. Church this weak. Rev. Father Watters, of Godorioh, is otroiating. A social is to be held on Monday evening next in the basement of the Presbytery church, to celebrate the 30th annivereey of the Rev. A. McLean as pastor of St. An- drew's ohuroh. pnneoN.ins.—Miss Amelia Watson is vis- iting friends in Cranbrook this week.—W. M. Sinclair, of Bruesele, was 'in town ou Saturday last.—Harry Oullie, who has been working in Essex Centro for some time past, returned home on Saturday evening.—L. H. Shane has again secured the contract for carrying the mail,—E. Watson went to Montreal this week with a oar load of cattle. —Mise Hathaway, who has been the guest of Mrs. Bmigh for some time past, returned home to Winnipeg this week.—Mrs. Tan- ner, of Alvineton, is visiting friends in town at present.—Rumor says that Archie ie soon going to join the benedists, also) that there is to be one (Moore) at an early data. —Mrs. Mullin, of Belfast, is visiting friends in town this week.—Fred. Long, the noted painter has painted several' of our merchant's windows, which aro executed in first-class style.—Mr. Hunter, of .Sunsbine, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sunday evening on account of tho Rev. Mr. Mills being indisposed.—Miss Leask, of St. Helens, is visiting friends in town this week. 'Morrie. It is said that an attempt was made to burn the old tollhouse down last Saturday night. Mrs. T. E. Hayes, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McMichael, of Roxboro', were visiting at Joseph Scott's this week. The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have re engaged Miss Kate Calder for anoth- er year and have raised lier salary. Miss Calder is doing good work 10 the school. Malcolm Bleck, teacher at Ander• son's ecllool house, has been very ill during the past few weeks with char- rohea. We hope he will soon be re- stored to hie wonted health and be able to resume his work. The school has been closed in the meantime. Allan Speir arrived home from the Old Country on Oct. 19th after a very rough homeward trip. He brought with him two 1 year old stallions, heavy draught, and two 2 year old fillies of the same breed. They are an excellent sample of horse flesh. Out of eleven horses shipped only 6 wore landed, this heavy loss falling all on one man. Mr. Speir was away about two months. He was accompanied by two laborers who will be employed by the Speir Bros. GOLDEN BONDS. --Last Tuesday evening the residence of John Me - Orae was the scene of feetivity. The occasion was the uniting of Mies El. iza IVioOrae and Charles Watts, of Brussels, in the bonds of wedlock. Bevde. J. Roes, B. A., and D. B. Mc- Rae tied the indissoluble knot in the presence of a number of gueete. The bride was attended by Mims Joan Mc- Crae, of Guelph, and Ed. MoKague supported the groom. The bride was becomingly dressed iu brown silk marvilleaux, with lace trim- mings. The bridesmaid worn a drab silk dress, trimmed with lane. The wedding preeeute were numerous and valuable. After partaking of a eumptuoue spread the evening was pleasantly passed iu social ghat and vocal music. Mr. Watt'e and bride have the hearty good wishes of a largo circle of friends iv their new relationship. Tioio 1.'oor lm.kes use of tbo sterotyped phrase and 1xipeetheir future truublom will be "iittl° ones," that's Watt's tae matter. COMING TO BRUSSELS. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES To the Sick and Deformed FREE OF CHARGE, MMl3:CIai3 or, DR. J. D. KERDAN'S STAPP Or— BRITISH AND AMERICAN SURGEONS WILL V.CSIT AS FOLLOWS: I ISal 0 -VST I-Ilib, Grand Central Hotel, ou Tuohy a 1i/dusky, Nov, 0 110,'661 American Hotel, on Thqr:sclay, Nov. 11. DURING which time they will render theta Professional Services (Consulta- tion, Rxnmivation Opinion, Advice, ate., etc.), FREE,, to the sick or deformed. It in an undisputed foot that this Association is the largest and most popular of Unkind =America, that the stair, headed by Dr. Rer- Ouran, (9 rltlsh and American .�Op1 D IIIUEo3 goons of age, expert- gain, genuine a city and p'oreeslonalhon- or. Itis known they have a headquarters and Where it is, that their visite are made with a degree of regularity. that their business is always on the inerosee, first,. became thou SSUCCEED in CURING when° others fail, U CCE . 3 eeoond, because they lava the rw afloat, 0oalidene0 and patronage 00 the in- valid Public throughout tiscam,try general - 17. 11 you, any of your family, friends or neighbors are sick or deformed or suffering COM any Chronic, Private or Ner•v0as l.le- euee, ryry D c or have them go and see the AND SEE Doctors as early as possible during the above dates. They willgive their honest and candid opinion and some common seneeand profitable advice, whether they undertake the treatment of your case or trot. They accept for treatment no ,use which judging from past experience, is beyond tl P1(1 of a partial or complete restoration. it LI There is no distinction among our patients. We aro patronized by nit classes and all tiro invited to come tone. whether they be Jew or Gentile, white or black, dolt or poor, during thlevisit m whichieadororthe cronies ESPECIALLY purpose of affording even the poorest an opportunity of testing our skill, which is the result of a larger expe- rience than ever afforded by any other medical or surgical organization on the face of the earth. PhJ 1xi NO'rici. t BEWARE of brazen imitators and Pretenpl- ars who adopt similar sounding oames (and in one °see at Toronto, the cheekiest of alt, the same tame, "British believe an") and connected lead the pubita to behove they tern Let it be with Dr. Kerggsa or he with them. Let 11 be distinctly un od and remem- bered that Dr. Ksrgan is in 1a 11no way identified with any firm, his or organization which does notp�bear h1s name. HIS Rapti and akin, both professional J 15U Il and business, are clearly shown in to manner of oonduotla thoInstl- tutton of which he is the hand and that long ago assumed a prominent part in tho business as well as medical world. QUALIFICATIONS— The Medical and Sur- gical qualifications of Dr. Horgan and his Surgeons cannot be snrpas,od, Thcyaroallgrnduntoewithhon- ors of leading European and Amorloan Cal. voreltlee. THEIR SPECIALTIES— luol treat ex- clusively nt ax - l0 Dlaeasae and Deformltles. TROT "CURE-ALLS"—= sgyy to°bo °° c- o 1s," but cure what they tread. WHAT THEY DO-oBymasmeota. ied 160,5 practicedby Dr. Aorgnn and his Sn, 'the followingos and de- formities - fes ire cured more rapidly, more pr- ectly, acro .ntlafnattrlly and more per. =fluently than by any other known means: 1lralu D19eaeo Cured, rowans Prostration Cured, Drunkenness rues Cared, hits Cured, Eye Dlense Cured, Cross -Eyes e,tod, Ear aasae Cured, Deafness CardThroat Dis- ease ,r e 9Cutarrh 1Cured, lirouchitis Cured, Asthma Cured; Lung Diseases Cured, Consumption (nage stage) Cured. t Disease Cured, (scoot= stage) Cured, Ueart chDi - Onrott Sudden Death Averted, Stomach a Cured, Dyspepsia la Cnrod. Liver scion Cared, Tape Worms Removed, Livor Com- plaint' .Kidney Disease re Cured, Spinal Joint o Cares, Spinal Curvature Cured, Disease Cine. Disease Ourod, Knee Joint Dleans- Cnrod Club Peet Successfully Treated, Din - eases Cured, r to Mon Cured, 'female Dis- eases Cnrod Rectal Diseases Cored, repd, Bop - tura (lured twltlmnt truss), Tumors Cured, Ovarian Tumors Cured, Scrofulous Tumors Cured. Causer Cured Scrofula Cnrod, Varl- aoso Volas Cnrad, Varicose Diseases Cured, Blood Dieoaeoe Cured, Skin Dleoanoe Cnrad Opium Habit Cured,Goitre (Thick Necir, Cured, Sad Sears nds Removed, arnrke, :doled and Sears Removed. Rheumatism Cured, ale Culgla Cured, Paralysis Cured, Gener eels Cured, NervousDiseases Debility Cured, General Debility Oared, Disstecs of the and rilla.hnd chronic, die uotivo Systems Cured, and nil obronfo ren. os peculiar to men, women and children. �F UNABLE to can, write to DOS. J. D. Ii1CRGAN, Dsodionl Dirootor ritlsh-Amorioan Sn., Detr. corner Wood• ward and Grntiot eves,, Douala, Michigan. lMJ"Sond stamp for or ladles), , or .0 ager;" "Monitor Lectures" (for ladles) or "Golden Monitor" (for gentlemen). 135"knetancoe of Cases Cured, free from Surgeons or Headouar. ItCut this out, as it may not ap- pear again. NEW CARFIELD HOUSE. 0 fflwitCREAT Fav st OF' 1\T -171W FekLL INTER COI1S COMM H;NC-RID ON l�outlay, NoveMr 1st 1886. 0 Immense Variety. Unprecedented Value. — 0 Our Greatest effusions could not faintly convey any estimate of the enormous variety, the rich goods, and the unparalleled value to be found in all our Departments. We intend this season establishing such a reputation for HANDSOME & CHEAP GOODS as will ever sustain us the leading trade of Brussels. All classes of Goods are going up in price (everyone knows that) G. A. Powell makes this startling announcement, a TR NIENDONS ISO EILL IN PEES --AT THE -- Neer Garfield House, for Cash Only, and we are prepared to back it up, with Grand . Re- ' ductions in all classes of Goods, high prices no use to us. • — 0 0- ar Store is Crowded, With Big Bargaaime in all classes of goods. We claim to sell you the best quality of Goods in all departments and much lowor prices, than can be found elsewhere. We will not give prices, as space will not allow, and will ask our Customers and Friends to Call and inspect our stook and prices, and you will never regret it. Every Lady and Gentleman should first visit the New Garfield House, as bargains we are bound to give everybody. All are Welcome to call and inspect our goods and prices wheth- er purchases are made or not. 0 — Be 4..`rY116;.1O.2, a.' Reductions for Cash Only. Great City Millinery Hou,9e.