The Brussels Post, 1886-10-22, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST OCT. 22, 1$8G. Tho Post Bookstore. The Post Bookstore is stocked with the First lot of Christmas Goods and Fancy Articles. A stock of beautiful Photo., Auto. and Scrap Albums just in. China Cups & Saucers at a Bargain. All these goods have been bought right and will be sold at Close Prices. ta" Al! the School Books, Note Papers, Envelopes, Sze. I ' Call in and Sea the Goods. -01111 Ike Wltsseis V.osi, FRIDAY, OOT: 22, 1886. THE complete turn over in the elections for the Local Legislature in Quebec Province has been the cause of a good deal of excitement. Tho Ross government (Conservat- ive) had a majority of some eight- een in the past year but they were routed to such an extent that the Reformers will have a majority of from five to ten. Instead of re- signing office and allowing the newly elected party to take their places there is a strong desire ex- pressed by the Ross party to hold the reins until the House is called to meet. The result in Quebec is taken as a precursor of what will come to pass in the Provincial and Dominion elections, even by a large number of Conservatives. PROHIBITION is becoming the watchword in Ontario and both political parties are recognizing the importance of the appeals of the temperance party as they nev- er did before. The sudden con- version of the Mail, from a rank anti -temperance organ to a warm supporter of prohibition; has cre- ated a great deal of discussion, but whether it is genuine or not, this fact is patent to all that the prohibition question is a burning one and is slowly but surely win- ning its way and it is exercising a power that is Compelling more than one to come down from their high position and listen attentive- ly to what the temperance people have to say. The formation of Electoral Unions, whereby elect- ors, regardless of party, will bind themselves together to work for such legislators, and consequent legislation, as will accomplish the philanthropic object they have be- fore them, is a motive power the like of which has not been known for some time. Walton. It is expected that a meeting for the purpose of talking up the Elect- oral Union proposition will be held in the Presbyterian church on Satur- day evening of this week. Addresses will be given by Rev. T. L. Wilkin - sou, of Toronto, and others. Mrs. Sage and her talented daugh- ter, Miss Annie, aro away on au east- ern tour. VVe noticed them in Bos- ton, Mass., on the 16th ult., filling a two week's engagement at Austin Stone's museum. The management speaks of them thus :—"These Musi- cal phenomena are from Canada, and perform all the latest popular melod- les of the day upon the magical glass- es. Talk of sweet music from the piano, talk of the charming music of the hell ringers, they can never equal the enchanting harmonies produced on the glasses by these gifted musi- cal artistes." Their performances so delighted the Bostonians that the fol- lowing week they played in the thee, ire to immense audiences and at each appearance were rapturously encored. There success there was indeed a marked event to theatregoers. After closing the week's engagement anoth- er theatre manager secured these tal- ented musicians for a two weeks en- gagement and their success wee as marked as before. It seldom falls to the lot of musicians to charm city audiences for such a lengthened per.. iod. We are also pleased to an. n.nuop that P1.48 Anf.jc's liealt11 is 4ely Lunen improved uirougii the beneficial effect of the sea air, as their spare time was principally spent at the Bea coast. It was on account of her daughter's health that Mrs. Sage made the trip more than any- thing dee. The American people never lot sash real musical talent Ito hidden but at once gave them the place of llouir which they so richly deserve. 1131 with. Division Court will bo held on Mon- day, 25th inst. F. Metcalf wag in Toronto this week purchasing goods. P.Kelly attended the Minors' Con- vention, held in Listowel this week. Considerable damage was done in this locality by the recent storm. Quito a number from here attended the demonstration in Wingham this week. The Connell is at present offering inducement to parties to start a flax mill in town. The regular meeting of the Council was held in the council rooms on Monday last. Rev. Mr. Pritchard occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Wm. Duuoan and family left town on Monday last is take up their resi• dance in Edendale, P. Q. Mrs. R. W. Mitchell and family left town this week for Dakota, where they purpose residing for the future. Wm. Drummond, who hes been in the neighborhood of Chatham for some time, has returned to town again. • On Saturday last Wm. Heffron was brought before Squires Young and Kelly on a charge of assaulting R. Sellars. Ho pleaded guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs. On Wedneeday evening last, at the residence of B. J. McGill, T. W. Waite, of Clinton, and Mise Laving McGill, of Blyth, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. i1Vinsa-hnrn. Turnberry township paid us •$400 to settle the Land Improvement Fund. Two young men Kid and Saint were arrested and committed for trial for burglarizing the stores of A. W. Webster and Thos. Leslie. The quoit match between Jas. Mc- Alpine, of Wingham, and Alex. Law• son, of Lucknow, for the light weight championship of Heron and Bruce counties, came off at Wingham Wed- nesday afternoonof last week, and re- sulted in favor of McAlpine by 10 points, in a score of 41 to S1. The Wingham Advance says "The line has beeu surveyed through right to the edge of the south branch of the river. Its course lies along by the ashery and through the centre of the Northwestern Fair grounds. We hope to be able to visit our friends in Toronto by Now Year's, going via the C.P.R. from Wingham." Rain set in on Thursday morn- ing 14th with wind, and increased to n heavy gale towards evening, and about 5 o'clock a hurricane, blowing down chimneys, etc., in town, but the serious part was the collapse of the large roller skating rink. It is a total wreck. Fortunately a num- ber of people who had been skating had just left the building a few min. utes before the wind lifted the rasa - sive roof, when it came down with a crash, smashing the walls completely and destroying the whole concern. A race for prizes was advertised on skates for that night. Had it occurr- ed during the race hundreds would have been killed. Mr. Blake arrived here Tuesday' morning accompanied by M. O. Oam- sron, M.P., Hou. A.M. Rose, J. Som- erville, M. P. for Bruce, and other leading Liberals of this section. He was received by the citizens with great enthusiasm and escorted from the station to the hotel by a prooession headed by a band. A meeting held in the afternoon was attended by throe thousand people. The chair was occupied by T. Gibson, M. P. P. Speeches were delivered by Dr. Mac- donald, the Reform candidate for the Commons for Saab Huron, Mr. Som- erville, M. P., Dr. Sloan, Messrs.. Cameron, Ross, and Blake. Great enthusiasm was manifested through- out. Mr. Blake spoke for over two hours, and was listened to with the keenest attention, and frequently ap. plauded. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 1L_TOUSE TO RENT OR SELL l L on Thomas Street, Brussels, Apply to MRS. x. nose, 'VI ONLY TO LOAN. tO Oou6 per cent to loain�yon farm Security, In- to the COQNTY TREASU1tES, 113.3 Goderioh. i YOELLEN'l' CELLA LL FI TO LET, -very cheap, tunable for fruit butter, or olpeoap. Prost pxo 'ventilated. R. GRANT, Postmaster. CIdOTOE FARMS FOR SALE. At ow splendid ,improved,t arms for sale in the township of Grey Morris and Moltil- 1 o is applyISP to0 A DELGA'TTX,00Auctioneer 1 B AGOUT) FARM TO RENT, OR Boll, it miles from Oranbro0k, For further »nartiouiara apply tot A. Rd.YMANN or to WM.. MINA,. Oranbrook, i',0, Oonoord. P.O, 14.0 I., ()00 BUSHELS 01+' SWED! TyrutPo for sato lu lots 10 tuft bur. oll00500, Thoy aro a 011lendid crop. The ymioe 1515 oeut6 per bu 01101. Apply to THOMAS nAVIDeo"i, Lot 10 eon. ll, 1,13.4+ Grey, Ornabrook 1'.O, HQi ap papered TOI knlsoThled., RN o FIpLY neighborhood, well fenced, with R x400, Il oat low to good tenant, YI OOE HESE.—A FIRST.CLASS .LJ 100 acre farm for sale, near nru souls, also 20 head lot cattle, 0 gentle driving mares, wen. bred luta pretty fast, and ono general purpose mare. Apply to URIAN Mani/DEN. 11.1 Deb a, con, 12, Oroy. QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES 1.) of the undersigned, Lot 0, Oon .e Grey, a two year old Moor, gray in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pap chargee, and take him away. EELIJAH . JAOIILIN, 12-4 Jamestown P. 0. pAYUl'l All persona indebted to the late James Sing, shoemaker, aro kindly requested to call at air. 1lallida 's shop on Monday, 20th inst., when I will be hero to receive monies and give re- 1 for the Season, under the able management of MISS GREEN and ceipta for the same. All interested w111 please govern themselves a000rdingty. 'wa1 KING. 111ISu WILSON, whose Styles and workmanship gained 14.2 iiltho1, Oct. 11 tri 1896. such unusual satisfaction during the FOR SALE.—A GOOD PROPER- past season. FOR vivaeo C. ROGERS ]SEGS TO ANNOUNOE THAT HIS M111111e11y & ManileDepar[meuls .A. JL NOW PU ILL OUT! mxinthe of Brussels. There ie e good barn, 40 x CO foot, neat cottage 11 oust) with good cellar, hard and soft water and e5e07. thing convenient. rho land is well under - drained with tile. There are about 100 black currant hushes, ono dozen and a -half black raspberry,two dozen red, one dozen goose- berry, pinty of strawberry plants, and ono dozen apple, plum, and cherry trees. The fruit is the best that motley can buy and In full bearing order. except apple, cherry and plum trress. Tho best of neig U oFB AIN, 12-4 Brussels. Apply 1AMFOR ff RSAahTHE SUB• 1scriber tis in the Tow nehip of Grey, oomprleing lot 82, con. 4. The farm contains 100 sores, 45 of whioh are cleared, the balanus in bush. There is a good frame barn, 50x40 feet, also a good bearing orchard and a never -failing well. Tbore are live aures in fall wheat and snout 20 tares sodded down. Tartioulars may be had by applying to the proprietor on lot 26, con.11. Grey,or by writing to him at Oran - brook P. 0. JOHN LONG, 16.0 Proprietor. CUSTOM TAILORING. The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the publio that he has opened a tailor shop in the Post Office block, over Laird's barber shop, wbero he is prepared to at- tend to the wants of trio public in cutting, fitting and making clothing in the latest and most fashionable styles. My long ex- perience together with a course of instruc- tion under one of the best cutters in Toron- to is a guarantee of being able to do satis- factory work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. as (.A..Beer. Truth vs, Falsehood -A.iD- IIIISREPR]ESEN'TA TION I Tax Poem of last week contained a state. ment signed by Adam Good and his Fore- man, Peter Ritohie, which demands a brief notice from me. In choosing material suitable for my Trade and customers; I em guided entirely by my own knowledge and experience. The steady growth of -my business, and the satisfaction my work has given to my customers, generally, being ample evidence of my business ability and honesty. I keep in stock, and cut DAILY, all the best brands of Leather known to the trade. At the Pall Show here my display of "French Leather" of the well known "Bal and File" brand, purchased direot from the Sole Agent for Canada for that brand— John Hallam, of Toronto, was large and well selected, and notwithstanding the faot that it hung there conspicuous to everyone, and to Adam Good among others, eepeoi- ally, when he stood in front of my exhibit and examined my Boots, he, animated by a spiteful and jealous spirit, was mean enough to circulate what ho know to be a bass and malicious fabrication. The way in which he managed to get a "Red Ticket" tacked on to his own leather was very cutely devised and parried out in a manner peculiarly characteristic. My Leather was in place before hie. Ho new that in accordance with a rule of the association it was not entered for competi- tion, and waiting until the man in charge of mine had left the building, lie went and put a Number on it himself. Ho never entered it with Mr. Stewart, the Secretary, Knowing that his stood but a poor ohanco of obtaining a First Prize he surreptit- iously did his best to obtain one for his Leather. When the Judges same to it they ware at a lose how to act, and sent for the Pres. ident, who, after looking at the leather ar- rived ab the oonslusion that it might have been sant in by Mr. bbitt, and acting under that impression they awarded it a price. This is Mr. Ferguson's etatoment to me, as any ono can aseerta121 for himself by ask- ing him. He will also; tell any enquirer what the opinion of the Judges was con- cerning the excellence of my Leather Ex- hibit as compared with the other. I fight my business battles fairly. I malign no man's work or material, I endeavor to do in any ease my very best for those who employ me. In the fu. tura I will strive even morn so, to (ntool, "Fxncicivinins'" is my molt) an I ever will be. With SIIAITD, the People's Shoemaker, there 15 neither BLARNEY, HUMBUG, NOit MISREPRESENTATION. Of course it is unnecessary to say our Stock as usual is very complete and of a first-class character, for which the Dominion House is Noted, and our stock being Very Much Larger than any other store in Brus- sels gives every Lady a much better selection to choose from, which in Millinery is very important ; this combined with employing only first-class hands is a sufficient guarantee that the very NEWEST STYLES may be obtained. Having no old stock left over from last Season en- ables us to Show an Extra Display of New Goods. We have taken great pains this season to secure every Novelty and we would invite every Lady, whether they want to buy or not, to give us a Call. Miss Green,, with her usual courteous and obliging manner, will be only too happy to show our splendid stock to all who may wish to in- spect it. We would also call attention to our Handsome Stock of Mantle Cloths, which we Make Up to Order, thus ensuring no old moth-eaten or old fashioned garments which is too often the case with most stores who buy them ready-made. In conclusion we would just say our Stock in every Department is very complete, and everything having been bought before the big advance in goods took place we will be able to supply our customers the whole season through at the same Low Prices we have been selling at all along. a s , I' -_.::t' Sn=+c. RS. The Noted Cheap Store. nvfitti Now, G.AGP Great City Millinery Opening came off last week and reached the Key Note of that wonderful word a -o -c meal a real monument of fame built for the Great Oity Millinery and DRY GOODS HOUSE Brussels is Proud of its Parlor Store. The beautiful Show Room in a blaze of magnificent splendor, and crowded to its utmost capacity. Fluttering humanity charmed by full band of music, hundreds of peo- ple gaze with astonishment uj ou our unparalleled Display of Millinery and Millinery Novelties. Everybody more than pleased with the Great Wednesday and Saturday night exhibition. Iltany were the Compliments showered on the Millinery Leader and his able Assist- ants.INow that the Great Event of the season is past we'll settle right down to business, and give our Customers Bargains and our large and valuable stock a lively send-off, Now for 7R,AIR., in all Departments at G. A. POWELL'S Great City Millinery House. Try a Package of Unity Tea, It will make you Happy with glee