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The Brussels Post, 1886-10-1, Page 3
i OCT. 1, 1880. Vertu, DIVE OF B.S. THE BRUSSELS POST The Bending Boughs aro Bright with Bloom, And softly Blows the Balmy Breeze, When Baby Boy across the fields A Beauteous Basket -palace saes, Now Baby.Doy is Illilho and Brave, And Donny, too, us ho la Bold ; dirt Bosom Burns with high desire That palace nearer to Behold. I10 drops his Beautiful Bouquet Of Buttercups and Blossoms sweet, And Briskly through the Bushes creeps, With Bare white knees and slippored foot, Tho Dugs and Beetles crawl Beneath •, Tho Briars Bruise his dimpled hands ; Bnt valiantly lie Battles on, Till Drettthless by the Beach be stands. The Big Drown Dcos colpo Dooming out, With angry Buzz about hia oars ; His little Breast Begins to heave; Rio Blue oyes Brim with Bitter tears, Ile Beats a Blundering retreat, Bewildered by his vague alarms, And Biting Book his Bursting sobs, Betakes bim to his mother's arms. The Baffled Bees go Buzzing Book, Faint laughter Babbles on tho Breeze, But Baby -Boy will, after this, Beware of Bee -hives and of Bess. DER DEUTSCNER-s MAXIM. i;.,Dher° vas vot you call a maxim 4,0 Dat I hear der oder day, -Und I wrido id in my allium, So id don'd could get away ; Und I dolls mine leedlo rawcob Ile must mind vot he's aboudt ; "'Tis to Into to look der ehtable Von der horse he vas gone oudt." t Vhon I sec ubon dor corners Off der ebtreets, most every night, Der loafers and der hoodlums, Who do nix but shvsaor and fight, I say to mine Ketrine "Let ns malco glome bright trod gay; Vo bad potter lock der shtablo, So our colts don't got avay," ' Ven you see dbose leedlo urchins, Not mooch ofer knee-high tall, Slump right indo der melon patch, Shust owf der garden vall, Und vatoh each leedlo raslikill Then he coons book mitheos "boodle," Look oudt and look your ehtable, So you own nag don'd sbltydoodle! Vhon der young man at der counter Vents to shpooulate in sbtocks, Und buys bees girl some timond rings, Und piles rigbdt oup der rooks, Load oudt for dot young feller ; Id vas safe enuff to say Dot der shtablo id vas empty, Und der horse vas gone avay. Dbon dike Time by dor fetlock ; Don'd hurry droo life's courses ; --Rememper Tot der poet says, "Life's but a sbpan"—off horses; Der poy ho vas dor oomin' man ; Be careful voile you may; Shust )seep der shtable bolted, Und der horse don'd got avay. FU:i AT HOME. Do not be afraid of a little fun at home, good people. Do not shut up your house, less the sun should fade your carpets; and your hearts, less a laugh should shake down a few of the musty old cobwebs that are hanging there. Young people must have fun and relaxation somewhere; if they do not find it at their own hearthstones they will seek it at other and less profitable places. Therefore let the fire burn brightly at night in winter, and let the doors and windows be cheerfully thrown open in oum- mer, and make the homestead do. ligbtful with all those little arta par- ents so well understand. Half an hour of merriment within doors, and merriment of a home, blots out the remembrance'of many a care and an- noyance during the day, and the best safeguard they can take with them into the world is the unseen influenc- es of the bright, little home sanctum. FOR THE THOUSITTUL. Religion is our life, being essential to our peace of mind, our support cinder the trials of life, and our fit- neee for the eternal world. We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors and for the purpose of profit- ing by dear•bonght experience. Unless we are prepared to assert that all goodness culminates in our- selves and recedes from others in ex- act proportion to their distance from us, we must admit that our feelings • are largo factors of injustice in the judgment that wo aro all of us only too ready to form. Few companions are more delight- ful, as few also are more rare, than a sympathetic person. So many good qualities make up the ideal aympath- °tis nature—taut, anaeifishuess, a knowledge of many subjects—that it is not wonderful that suelr gifted poisons should be the exceptions, not the rule. Trials of every kind may await you, sterner and darker than any yet experienced. Do not anticipate them, but do not forget their possibil- ity, Do not, as you prize your own soul, forget that your stength for every ooalliot depends on your being girded for each as it comes, and sever being careless or weary, If we •flad that our Limo passes slowly and heavily, we may be sure there is something wrong witb]n. Either wo have not enough to do or we work moebanitsally without heart or energy. If past time looks short and empty, it is because it leaks a distinct record of noble aima, definite resolves, worthy endeavors ; if the immediate future looks tamale and uninteresting, it is because wo are pot living full, rich, and earnest lives. The farmer Jin owe he cannot change the speaios of the send and make rye yield wheat or barley oats ; but he also knows that he can bring many influences to bear upon the growth of each plant after be kind—that he can al) accommodate its relations to aero, air, water, and soil as to ensure its better development or to stunt and impoverish it. So, if wo learn tho tine loeson of heredity, we shall know that human tendencies, real and actual as they are, depend for their development largely upon the way they are treated. KEEPING THE SABBATH. OTAIOT139T QII.L,nn 00n000na OF a00TTISOO MLA:il ons. A correspondent of a Glasgow pa- per describes his experiences in the isolated island of St. Kilda. When Ins awoke on Sunday morning he de - aired a little water to wash with, and was supplied with a cupful, and in • formed by the servant that Mr. Mac- kay, the Free (lurch minister, had declared that the drawing of water on the Sabbath was a violation of the Fourth Commandment. According to his account, the day's exercises at the Free Church are severe, to say the least. There is a sermon of two hours' length in the morning. This is followed by a short interval for re- freshments. A. bell then rings up the congregation for a two hours' ser- mon in the afternoon. From the church the St. Rildians proceed to the Sunday School, and are then al- lowed another short interval for tea. In the evening there is another relig- ous service, at which the spinsters and bachelors each repeat a paslm. If, through the severity of these re- ligious exercises, any St. Iiildian goes to sleep, the minister takes him to task by name, thus ; "Lachlan, waken your wife, she won't nod much in hell, 1 think." The church is rough in the extreme, there being no flooring. A etove was recently sent, but the consatentious scruples of the islanders would not admit of its be- ing placed in the church, so it was returned to the donor. Canadian Nevus. Sproule, it is asserted, will be hang- ed on Oct, 1st. J. N. Laduke, of Stanbridge, Que., shows a Dorn stalk thirteen feet seven inches in height. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co.'s earnings for the week ending Sept. 14 wore $219,000; for the same week last year, $181,000. St. Andrew's congregation, King- ston, has appointed a committee to consider the erection of anew church at a cost of $30,000 or $40,000. Pembroke roughs pelted the Sal- vation Army with stones, a few nights ago, fractured the big drum in two places, and struck several of the of- ficers and others in the procession. Tho number of deaths during Au - gnat in the cities of the Dominion were :—Montreal, 565 ; 'l'oronto, 228; Quebec, 252 ; Hamilton, 106 ; Ot- tawa, 89 ; Hull, 57 ; Halifax, 91 ; Winnipeg, 55; London, 44; Kings- ton, 86 ; Belleville, 16. A few days ago on Mr. Gibson's farm, 4th concession, Blenheim, the remarkable sight of a sulky plow drawn by three horses whose aggre- gate age Was 70 years, was witness- ed. One was thirty yearn and the other two twenty, and all did their work well. Geo. Thomson near Bright, has a thorough -bred Shorthorn cow, "Maud of the Mist," that recently gave birth to three fine healthy calves, all doing web. Since Mr. Thomson bought the cow from E. W. Chambers, of East Oxford, three years ago, she hie presented him with six calves. Rev. G. L. IVIeKay, of Oxford coll- ege, Formosa, has sent photographic views of Siutiam chtipel, which has just beeu finished by the builders. The building is a very substantial one, being of stone, well lighted with windows, and surmounted by a spire, One of the contractors of the West- ern Ontario railway, who boards at the Atlantic house, Ingersoll, tho other night fell out of the third story to the sidewalk below, a distance of 85 feet. It was a case of sloop walk- ing. Ho escaped with a good shak- ing up' There wore sevnu marriages 73obeayg0i111 list week. It le proposed to iiinuiinate ;< Forest with the electric light, Peter Murphy, far ten years gaoler of Haldimand County, died onlerrch Inak, Phe North Bruce Presbyterian church tins extended a call to Rev, Young, of Colborne, Newbury effort the 0. P. 11. a h• right of way, and Glencoe is nankin till effort to scauro the lino. 0. D. Arnold, of Appledore, to three tipples, the cambuiod cireuln Terence being 8 ft. 4 inches. The Mayor of East Selkirk, Mau has resigned, and it la stated th council will follow hia example. Petitions are being circulated i Hamiltou for and agalnet the di charge of Chief of Pollee Stewart Tho Government has protente the Six Nation Indiana in Bran with a complete outfit for a bra band. The Otveu Sound Police btto idtrat has been fined $6 and costs for a vaulting the Chief of Police of th earns town. Lewis, the 10 -year-old boy charge with finally shooting another lad a London, is to be indicted for man slaughter, A young man named Sampson wa twice shot and dangerously wounde during a tavern row at Alexandria Ont., last Friday. The electors of the municipality o St. Joseph. iu Eastern Algoma, hay voted down a by-lw for granting bonus of $1,005 to establish a gris mill at jllohard'e Landing. The St. Thomas electric works ar being run at a loss, and the Journa says they will be closed unless a con tract is made with the corporation fo ten or fifteen lights, Justine Gait in opening the Bran Assizes on Monday, elated to th grand jury that he wag happy to say there were no prisoners in jail an none out on bail, consequently there would bo nothing for them to do be yond examining the jail. Two alleged Detroit doctors visitec Essex Centre during a baseball match there one day last week, succeeded in getting themselves intoxicated and undertook to cuff a number of ental boys. The boys rallied -their forces, laid in It fall stock of bad eggs, and unloaded their ancient goods ou the two doctors so effectually as to make them very unpleasant both to sight and smell. The body of Charlotte McOaffery, a girl about 20 years of agewas found on Sunday morning hanging in a barn at Chatham, N.B. She had reached the beam from which she was, suspended by standing on a piece of plank, and after adjusting a cotton string about her neck she had kinked the plank away. Her reasons for taking her life are not known. A letter was found in her hat, but its contents have•uot been published. John Boucher, of Stony Point, Ont., reached Detroit on Monday night of last week, ea route for Mon- treal, twirl put up at Drouillard's ea- loon, 16 Beau1ion street, Ou Wed- nesday he went to Windsor to buy a railroad ticket. In the afternoon a young matt met him in Windsor and told him there was a telegram for him at Drouillard's plane. Boucher went across the river with the young man later in the evening and was on his way to the saloon when he was waylaid by three men en Atwater street, near Beaubion, and sobbed of $91 and his railroad ticket. Thurs. day afternoon Detectives Manning and McDonnell arrested Joe Ooveyan, who lives at the saloon, Wm. Fitz- simmons, of 22 East Lafayette street, and Arthur Machen, of 815 Jefferson street, on suspicion of the robbery. Tho police•call the prieonera profes- sional thieves. The Metlakatla Indians of British Columbia positively refuse to allow the officials of the Dominion Govern- ment to survey their reserve. A sur- veying party attempted worlt on the reserve a week ago, but were unable to proceed on account of the obstruc- tion offered by the Indians. They de- clared the land was theirs, and they would not alloiv it to Ile staked off, When the surveyors opened their in- struments they were forcibly closed up again ; when a stake was driven it was immediately pulled out of the ground. They threatened to boycott the surveyors by prohibiting ' them from using wood or water, and thus compelling them to move away from the reserve. The objedt of the sur- vey is to define the boundaries of the Indian Roeerve, which is a piece of land twenty-two miles long by five miles wide. The Indians claim that the whole country is theirs, and that they do not want, and will not have, a reserve set apart for thein. The situation is critical, and will be at one° reported in all its details to the Dominion Government, m 4t, t ` o1'0 Iftt - 444 a d 4+ 7ir9 t t i f Wary as THE COCK'S BEST IMPEND THE BEST WIZsr D. lt•L, lying-rl s, ExoaLsron IJ:on Wenn, - Mis,a'ss L, ONT., Mane noturor of throe different kinds of lylnaui lle. The simplest, strongest and most satisfactory Windmill yet made. For pump- ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain er driyIng any light machinery they have no °coal. iffy OULP !MATED P e;tOPS have ee oared a world-wide reputation: I guarantee them as being superior to many now in the market, and equal to any ever utade. They will throw water sop lost, • or Woo lc a mile on the loyal. Farmers Rua stookmsn aro rr- oomed to send for par^eulara before buying either a Wiudmlll or e l omo, as I claim the t filial) are the boat in the Market. Address W. ]d'. MOltltl6, Mitchell, opt. 8 Oti13 i' 11() LOAN AT 0 PER -LTA. cont. Straight l^ins, Apply so- A. La) (Irnub:00k . '01t 1 -AAL ;. -L' 1111i 1,01', CON- w,JJ,µn ,s tattling a b1[r n! 'fruit wit l0(Lnurls,gl /14)111 01 iIto let. 101 1-1,:.10 and t nrt!uuhtrs apply to LI h.. -- 02-11 I:eso• or n physician who 1us1 Io`•q experience ID trpt+t:, • . hsesave. Is need ...•g . suot0rs by over is; ::. - 0 1'isauwt, flaft' ofteoMr 1...1.0 :t ask your drug. rlst ft.1 - royal Wafers and llalzor.'$' 7.tgate,orinnloeepest. ego fore liedpura(ulars. Sold by all c1ruRRlore f{ PM. box, Addrts, Tim BUXEItA Of:IZNI O4 . CO„ D,.l cors, lumen, —HOLD BBT^-- Hargrcaves tU Co., - brussels. T8,13 GREAT ENGLISH P1iESOEIPTION AsuocesafulawiclneipAred over trees ea yearn In th v u da o. clews 1 PrOnqx ,r if0B, er Ica , ,,.- 10 1 fix fHri I Cord 11 and G r J - O, l iu n1 Before. either sex. J.l rt.111i1,1 015 ill+ A:,., paused by lndlseret mer -exertion. Six packages Is guarantee./ r r i et a mire when alt other medioInes fail Oa., p,, ,kuru SI, lit: 44,aek- a3es$e by man. Olnld I, d•urulata, tl';•ife mor ['amphlet, Ureas. f.t.xata:LCo„L0Jruit,3f.q/t. .Bold by Itar[Jreaves cC Co., Brussels. Ur 0 ea EAST HURON arriage Works, 3 MES BUYERS —MANUFAOTUBER OF--- CARRIAGES, DEMOCBATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC., ETO., ETC. All made of the Bes notarial and finished in a Workman -like manner Repairing and Painting promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Bnrpllt]lxcns.--Marsden SmitIi, B. Laing, James Cutt and Wm. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W, Little, G. Brewer and D. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Biashill, Brussels ; Bev. E. A. Pear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYER'.'. ETH E L 0 The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First-class Running Order, And will be gladato sec all his old customers and as many new ones as 1possiblo. hopping done. Flour and. rad Alwayz ©u Zand2 Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. M. VHLNE.