The Brussels Post, 1886-7-2, Page 5I
JULY 2, 1886,
J 1nles4toevxx.
Bass 13AJc.--On Snturdny of 1
week .t game of base ball was pia
between Molesworth nod Jamosto
clubs, which remitted in an oast'
tory for the home club, by 4 runs a
an innings to spare. The follow
table will show the score ;—
Innings -1 2 0 4 6 0 7 8 0
Runs —7 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 4—.
Innings --I 2 0 4 6 0 7 80
Rene --7 0 2 0 4 1 7 1 "`-
A genie was also played a Wok a
last Saturday between the club
the 16th con, of Grey and the Tarn
town chili, the result of which w
the defeat of the fernier, the score
ing 88 to 3. The euppor in bo
oases was prepnrod by Mre. McEw
in her usual good style.
School closes this week end will
open the 8rd Monday in August. We
were not fovoree with a visit from the
Inspector this quarter. --Quite a
nnmbur of the Oranbrook people
purpose going to the pie•nic at Ethel
on Dominion day.—In Court Wood-
bine No. 100 there are 37 members in
good standing.—Mrs. John Cameron,
who has been suffering from indigos.
tion for soma time, ie getting some
better. --Mrs. H. White's mother is
hero on a visit.—Joseph Beaker is
erecting a now dwelling house on
Main street.—Cur sidewalks aro in a
vory dilapidated condition, so much
so that pedestrians occasionally get
a tumble and not unfrequently do we
see some one running to the rescue of
a child who has been made n prisoner
by getting its foot fastened between
two planks. If the village cannot
afford new sidewalks they would do
well to remove tho remains of the old
ones.—Dominion voters' list Court
attracted a large company last Fri.
lire, It. Mosgrove, of Moniton,
Manitoba, who intent too winter at
her fathers, Jno. Farrow, left for her
net prairie home on Wednesday last.
11(1lug Peter °ober, brother to John Caber,
is expected to preach in the Methodist
church to -night (Tuesday.)
Mr. Tokmier is slowly improving
'18 in health. We hope to see the old
gentleman quite strong again.
—22 There is talk of an iron bridge be -
go Ing built aoruse the Maitland on the
ou G. T. R. baro this steamer.
es- Wm. Milne and Rol>t. Lang have
se been appointed by Court Ethel as
1 delegates to tho Foresters' High Court,
th which meets in London next August.
en Morris Fogel has added to the np-
poarauce of his dwelling, by putting
°n now siding, and a new roof, When
painted, he will have rather a nice
looking Lohse.
The roads around hero havo been
much imps eyed by the statute labor
done re000tly. In the village culverts
have been put in and the streete im•
proved generally.
Last Wednesday James McKelvey,
started for Londonderry, Ireland.
I3° went per Anchor Lino and will
be away for a few months. Wo wish
him a pleaeaut voyage and a safe re-
J. Watts has been practising draw-
ing for the last few menthe, and has
become quite proficient in the art.
He has dono Some very line work
with pencil and crayon, and is now
prepnrod to take orders for enlarging
The band aro to have now cepa for
Dominion Day.
]east 'Waava.aaosh.
Mr. Carleton lost the stallion nam•
ed "Scotland's Glory" last week. It
was counted a very valuable horse.
A base ball match wee played last
Saturdsy evening between the boys
on the east and the boys west of the
school house No, 10.
Samuel Walab raised a barn the
other day.' It is 65x65 feet. After
the raising he gave the boys a dance
that lasted till the next day some
M, Currie, the Reeve of this town.
ship, intends going to England this
summer. On account of this the
Council will not meet until August.
Robert McGowan, son of George
McGowan, is now recovering from a
wound which he received by a limb.
It broke an artery in his head and
the doctor advised him to stay in the
house for a mouth or two till it heals
Alex. King ie still very low, fend
his recovery is a matter of doubt.
Rev. W. Scanlan and wife, of
Walsh, Ont., are visiting Mre. Sean.
lan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
J. J. Messer, of Hamilton, who has
been "at home for the holidays," re-
turned to his business on Monday.
A garden party, and strawberry
festival was given by the Presbyter.
ions on Wednesday evening, on the
grounds of Mre. McCutoheou.
The Bluevale ball club are rejoic-
ing over a 87, 18 and 85 victory over
the Gorrro club. The score is too
large to deceive anybody into believing
that either of the clubs played ball,
even a little bit.
Court for seal revision of Domin-
ion Voters' list will be held here on
July 2nd, Numbers around here are
carrying noxious looks on their fame
and ono of Doyle's supeenas in their
poakete. Lots of feu anticipated.
The Ohiuiquy lecture in the Pres.
bytorian church on Monday evening
last drew a large crowd, who were
morethan delighted with the vener-
able Fether'e address. The lecturer
still possesses hie Ohl tomo vigor and
intbusinsm and_his talks are full of
The Methodists will hold an auto.
graphed quilt entertainment, in the
Foresters' Hall, on Dominion day ev-
vening. An opportunity will bo given
to all persons whose names have been
left. off the Voters' List to get them
put on the quilt;, and a guarantee giv-
en that they will not be appealed
• Otto own Piercy took second prize
at the Wingliam Caledonian gamee
for "Botch Wrestling" and every.
body Saye he °tight to have got first.
The way he wiped the grass with
therm big dullard from the States was
a treat for the natives. The crowd
shouted tbereeelves hoarse at the
Y'ankee's attempts at wriggling out
from tinder Piercy who lay on them
like a briolc house.
PsnosowALs.—j, M. Davies has been
laid up with lumbago for the last
week. 210 is getting somewhat better
now.—Mrs. Wm. Simpson was away
visiting friends in Clinton for a week.
She got home last Saturday.—Mrs.
3. A. Young, is visiting friend's in
Ripley.—H, F. McAllister is building
an addition to hie store this summer.
—Jno. Eckmier, blacksmith, sold two
buggies last week.—Mies Hutch, of
Woodstock. was visiting her cousin,
Mrs. J. M. Davies, last week. -D. M.
Malloch, P. S.I., visited our school
last Thursday. He expressed himself
as being well pleaeed with the pro-
gress made since his last visit. He
gave the pupils a half -holiday Friday
Joe. Cash'a new frame barn is net
ly completed. It is 40x00 feet wi
frame stabling underneath. T
frame is a vory snbstautiel 000 111111
is being finished in a utxuner 00051
tint with first•olraes workmynshi
Thos. Newsome, wllo has the jo
raised it with tackling w two day
with no other assistanoe, except
team ofliorses and his own gang, b
ing four men besides himself. H
eyelets' of tackling works like a chain
and heves the timbers and lifts t1
bents at a 2.40 gait. The old way
having a big bee to raise bares is fn
becoming a thing of the past.
Cauneil meeting was held on Mor
duty of this week.
A. Z. Robertson is away to th
front with good barley and whoeve
Beate it will have a primo crop. Th
sample brought to Teri, POST Publish
ing House measured 4 feet.
?On Friday of this week the pupils
of M. Blnolea school will hold their
annual pie-nic in D. Currie's grove
A. program of amusements has been
drafted out anti a very pleasant time
is anticipated.
A new feature was introduced in
the quarterly review of the Sunday
School lessons at Anderson's school
house last Sunday Nis1—The lady
teachers tatting part It watered well
and gave good satiefaotiou.
Our township boys wore too hoary
for the Brussels team on Caledonian
day, but if there's no truth in the re-
port that "spikes" were made at
Jamestown and used by some of the
pullers, it should bo corrected. Who
speaks first ? The captain of our
team has the floor.
Last Monday the Johnston boys,
who went to British Columbia on a
visit x month ago, arrived home.
They enjoyed their trip and stay
among their friends although the
journey WASa little wearisome. They
give a glowing description of the Pa.
oific elope and the proepeots of people
doing well there. They ,vers in New
Westminster the time of the terrible
conflagration al Vanoonver,
A couple of weeks ago two young
lads aged respectively 10 and 12 years
sons of John lt. Martin, formerly a
resident of this township, bat uow of
Stan Francisco, California, left the
residence of their brother, John Mier
tin, of Morris, aunt travelled the en-
tire distance to San Francisco them.
Ives, and without any protection.
heir brother has received a let.
r stating that the plucky little fel-
we arrived at their journey's end
ulrfoty, oinking- the trip in six
lida half days. They only muds
ne miss during the entire journey—
sy took the wrong road at Chicago,
it this did not interfere with their
ogress, me tho road they took
ought -them to the Sarno torminue
the one they were intended to take.
The eldest of the two was •tiolcotod,
and they had a letter of introduction
to the railway conductors by the way,
and met with every courtesy from the
railway officials who took the vory
Bost care of them.
Grey. aa
Mrs. Allan Lamont, of Toronto, is 'T
visiting her father-iu-law, John La. to
mont, this week, to
Miss Sarah 'McDougall has been in
visiting relatives in Toronto and 01. n
tawa for the past two
On Wednesday James Bishop
brought us a little bundle of timothy
that measured 4 feet 102. inches. A lir
number of the heads were ov°r 6 in- br
ebes long, It was grown on his farm, as
west half lot 4, con. 4. 21 will be
hard to beat.
On Wednesday evening of next
weelc a garden party will be held at
the residence of Thos. Heritage, lot
7, eon. 6. A good program of amino,
recitations, readings, addresses and
outdoor amusements is being pre.
pared. A pleasant evening is count-
ed on. To commence at 5:80 o'clock.
A series of meetings are just now
being held at the residence of Wm.
Stevenson, 14th oon., by a portion of
the sect knownas the Plymouth
Brethren, under the direction of one
Mr. Hart. An open air meeting was
held last Sunday, when a large num
ber attended, a groat many being at•
trusted through curiosity. They are
not converting many to their system
of belief.
A union Sabbath Sobool was or.
ganizod last Sabbath afternoon in
school house No. 3, Grey, by Rev,
John Hoes. The following oonstitute
the staff of teachers:—Truman Smith
Hugh Lamont, E. '3, McArthur, 0.
Smith sr., Oliver Smith jr., Walter
Youill, Miss Nellie Smith, Miss Ann.
ie Smith, and Miss Margaret Youill.
There was an attendance of 46 schol-
ars. Tho school will meet every
Sabbath afternoon at 8 o'clock. It
enters on its work with excellent pros.
poets of success.
Jno. Whalen, 14th eon., having re.
oenily hada splendid new frame barn
completed by Milk. Hughes, framer,
allowed the framers to invite, the
young folks of tho vicinity last
day evening for the purpose of having
what is termed on snob occasions !1
'barn warming,' At au early hour in
the evening a host of young folks
were in attendance and all were soon
engaged iii the mazy dance to the
sweet straine'of music furnished by
S. Askin and R. Slice. Mr, Whalen,
who lives alone, took no part in the
proceedings, which led to many in-
quiries during the evening oonoerning
blot, espooiaily by, the ladies. It it'
neediess to say a jolly good time wits
spent by all,
Canadian Noy OWN.
John Smart the alleged Owen
Sound counterfeiter, has been coin.
emitted for trial,
A. meeting of the West Bruce Scott
Act Asaooietiou will bo held at Kin-
cardine on July 9.
Preston, by it vote of 113 to 30,
carried a by-law to loan Stahlsohmidt
& Co. $5,000 for ten years without
John Pollard, editor of the Tiver-
ton Watchman, and C. J. Cameron,
of Bruno, will visit the Colonial Ex-
A mare belonging to W. Keefer, of
Ayr, hits given birds to 11 pure white
colt, with brown tipped ears, The
mother is a bey, and the bore° bay
and white,
The Provincial Government have
decided to send the sum of $2,500,00
behalf of the Province, to Mayor Me.
Lean, of Vancouver, B4O., in aid of
the sufferers by the tato fire.
An Orange Lodge in Welland
Counts, pasted a resolution request-
ing the Trustees of their notion to
discharge a Catholic young lady who
had been engaged as assistant teach.
er in the local sobool.
A 4-year.old eon of a section hand
on the M.C.R. at Taylor station nam-
ed Owens was struck by the engine
of a freight train on Tuesday evening
of last week, The little follow wtie
thrown into the ditch, bot ' his injur•,
ies consisted of but a few bruises on
the leg.
The writs have been issued for the
election of representatives in ilio
Northwest Council from the districts
of Moose Mountain and Calgary,
made vacant by efflux of time. The
retiring representatives are J. G. Tor.
iff, for hoose Mountain, anti J. D.
Geddes, for Calgary,
011 great roc. ar
�R 4in
Struck Bottom
This Time Sure
Spot Cash Tells Every Time !
Ladies we have just opened out and passed into stock 120 Pairs of the
May Corset that we have been selling for 60 cts. lire bought them at
a Big Discount for cash and, without a doubt we have struck Bottom
Prices. Just Listen to the price --48 cents, or two pairs for 85 cents.
Why, Powell's celebrated May Corset rias the Talk of both Town and
Country at 60 cls., what will they be now at 63 cents or two pairs for
85 cis. ? The probabilities are that if we had Telephone Connection
Orders would be pouring in from all parts of the Country.
43c, Two Pain for 85 Cents, 43o.r
Don't have the slightest doubt about the price, when G. A. says 43c.,
or 2 pairs for 85c., he wienats it every tinte.
Bespectfully yours,
The Great Oily Millinery House,
.y, CO