The Brussels Post, 1886-6-25, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST 3elrusseis Loot, FR r) fY, JUNE; 25, 1886. Co.tsinicitAsnu interest is being tak- en in the. proposition of Thos, Smith, of (trey, to the Oouuoil of Brussels, offeriug to erect a two story brick factory and move his placing mill and other machinery into it, on condition that he be exempted from taxes 011 the factory and machinery for It term of 5 years. Mr. Smith agrees to erect two dwelling houses upon whicli and the lots iu connection with the factory he will pay taxes. We think the proposition a fair ono and as we are drawing no revenue from Mr. Smith's property at present, exempt- ing his factory would not alter our rate of taxation. We want all the industries we can get in Brussels and as some 8 or 10 hands would be con- stantly employed, and probably a larger number as the mill got in run. Hing order, it would be a valuable ae. quisition to our town. There has bean some talk about the site and the President of the Grey Agricultur- al Society will endeavor to arrange to sell the agricultural grounds to Mr. Smith, in ease the exemption is graut. ed, and arrangements would then made by the Society to purchase the raoe course, for a fair ground. The people of Brussels should open their eyes to their own interests and not miss an opportunity that may never come again of aiding the corporation. Carxadiarx .NoewH. Winnipeg has formed a Temperance Electoral Union. The 13alfbreed Commissioners is- sued scrip to oue hundred claimants at Calgary. Nathaniel Wentzell, of Bridgewat- er, N. S., dropped dead while on his way to vote on Tuesday lest. The Parry Sound North Star alleg- es that at Gore Bay, Manitoulin Is- land, magistrates hear cases on Sun- day. Aaran township will apply its por- tion of the Land Improvement Fund to the reduction of it railway debt. Owing to the operation of the Scott Aot the Napanee Court of Revision has cut down the assessment on all the hotels. William Gilmour, of Starkville, has a mare which recently gave birth to twin colts, and a ewe which is the happy mother of her second quartette of lambs. Partiee connected with the Pullman Circus have had to pay the Canadian Customs Collector at Niagara $200 smuggling silverware into Her Ma- jesty's domain. Station hutldinga are being rapidly erected along the Erie & Huron Rail- way, and a strong force of men are putting in ties and hollowing the road from Wallaceburg north. On petition of 2,900 of the leading ladies and citizens of Montreal the Council has coneented to the appoint. mentof a police matron for the search- ing of female prisoners and similar duties. Negotiations are pending for an eleven -event jumping competition be- tween Archie Scott and Wm. Boyd, of Woodstock, and D. M. Sullivan and R. N. Harrison, of Detroit, Mich., to occur xn Toronto shortly. Eleven tailoresses and two apprent- ices employed in an Orangeville shop struck last week because of a mis- understanding in connection with the supplying of wood for beating the 'bop. The employer, however, promptly surrendered and the strik- ers resumed work in the afternoon. A Victoria, 13.0., widow, who sup- ports four small children with the aid of a sewing machine, owed a grocer a email bill, and being enable to pay it when demanded, the grocer entered bar house in her absence, carried off the sewing machine, and refused to return it until his bill was paid. Mr. Biggar, P. L. S., of Calgary, and a party of six, have begnn a sur- vey of trails in Alberta, He will be- gin at Rod Deer and proceed north. ward to Edmonton. That oompleted, he will return to Calgary and work outbwardtoFort Maelead, and thence over the trail to the Blaokfoot Cross. ing. The private secretary of Jaehuc, the New York boodle alderman, id rusticating in St. Thames. Billy Mahoney, the notorious ex clerk of the Naw York Board of Aldermen, is also said to have spent a few days at St. Thomas before lie started for En - rope, and to have promised to take up his residence there on his return. Peterborough taxes eirousee, but provides a free show field. A Vancouver, B. 0., Ohinamaa fat- tened a four hundred weight hog in his laundry. Rev. Jim. McLean, B. A., mission • ary to the Blood Indians, lecturing at Winnipeg recently, suggested that every adult Indian over 2l years of ago should bo given a quarter section of land, and those under 18 one. eighth of a section ; that the Government hold the laud in trust for the Indians for 25 years, and that they then be given their deeds. David McGrath, a Shelburne, N.S., fisherman, shot himself on Monday of last week because ho was jilted by Catherine Goulden, to whom ho had boon engaged. IIo loaded a shot -gun with shot and slugs, lay down in his berth, pressed the trigger with a piece of stick, and discharged tho contents of the gun into his right lido, tearing it in a shocking uienner, causing the lung to protrude. He died instantly. J. 0. Jopp, of Moosomin, N. W. T., referring to statements ,bat potatoes in Kincardine had sold for fifteen cents a bushel and in Durham for ten cents per bushel, writes that in Itloosomin they cannot give them away, that oats bring only fifteen cents in trade, and that wheat that wakes a grade 3f flour equal to strong bakers sells for eighteen cents a bushel. Mr. Jopp, in view of those facts, petitions 11Ir. McAllister, of Durham, to give him the Dake for N. P. prices. An important prospecting party from Newfoundland is now in British Columbia. They have had much ex- perience in connection with the New- foundland inshore and deep sea fish• erioe, and they propose to establish a colony and to introduce a new process of preserving fish for the eastern and other markets by the adoption of a solution whiob, it is claimed, will have the effect of retaining for the fish its freshness for many days, even weeks, after having beau taken ont of the stream or ocean. Twenty Mounted Polios have been sent iuto the mountains at the urgent request of the Canadian Pacific rail- way authorities. There are between 2,000 and 8,000 men at work, and it is feared that whiskey peddlers will be active among them. The British Columbia Government have licensed the different liquor dealers along the railway, and the Provincial pollee and stipendiaries are averse to the inter- ference of the Dominion forces. There was a good deal of trouble last year between the two bodies of officials, and it is expected there will be more ibis year. Sherbrooke, Quo., recently adopted a by-law imposing a tax of $20 on all commercial irevellers who should Bell or offer for sale their goods within the city limits. As a means of evading the law, a traveller representing a St. Hyacinthe firm took his samples to the neighbouring town of Lennox - vine, left them there, drove over to Sherbrooke, and induced a merchant of that place to return to Lennoxville with him and give him an order. Proceedings for infringement of the by-law have in consequence been taken against the traveller, and it is expected the matter will be carried before the Supreme Courts. The Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen began its session in Minneapolis on Wednes- day morning of last week. All of the Supreme Lodge representatives, head- ed by Supreme Master Workmen John A. Brooke,gwere present. Del- egatee from the Grand Lodges of 81 States and Territories and Ontario, to the number of 240, were in attend- ance. Mayor Amea welcomed the visitors to Minneapolis and tendered them the freedom of the city. He was followed by George 13. Arnold, of Kasson, grand master workmen of Minnesota, who gave the brethren from abroad welcome to the State. Supreme Master Workmen John A. Brooks, of Kansas City, extolled the merits of the order. The report of the Supreme Master Workman show. ed the healthy condition of the order. The Supreme Recorder and Secre- tary's report exhibited the following financial statement for 1885:—Re- ceipts, $881,000 ; diebnreements, $825,840; balance on hand, $5,65o. Relief funds ---Receipts, $65,89:5 ; dis- bursements, $61,550, The benefici- ary fund showed a total of 1,284 deaths during the year, New York and California being firet and second in magnitude, and a total of beneficiary assessments during the year of $2,- 680,468.85. Losses paid, $2,066,458. The total number of death losses paid since the organization are 7,000, amounting to $18,875,147. The re- port of the Supreme Medical Examin- er emphasized and Belied legislation before takingly on the following points : A. uniform medical examination blank ; submis- f Yoijns TatTLY, cion of all proofs of deaths to the Grand medical Examiner and report. ing of 0011°00 of death in Englfeb. A valuable seam of opal has boon diecovored witleiu a mile of the burns city of Vancouver, B, 0. Pour huudred and five immigrants arrived at Winnipeg last week, as against 181 the week previous, .11'hotnas Baiter was crushed bo death at Markham on Saturday while as- sisting to take a load of loge off a oar. The Qaobee Legislature hoe voted an additional $2,000, making 18,000 in all, to the sufferers by the Hull fire. The promoters of the Hudson Bay Railway have shipped a cargo of rails to York Factory by the Hudson's Bay vessel, Prince of Wales. A two-year-old heifer belonging to Neil Smith, of Mariposa, gave birth to a calf and in twelve days afterwards gave birth to another. A. resident of 'Wilberforce convicted fo allowing his pige to run at largo has been obliged to deposit in the municipal treasury $1 per pig. The snow sheds to be constructed on the Canadian Pacific. Railway iu the Selkirk range and in the Rockies will be twelve miles in length and will contain 14,000,000 feet of tim- ber. THE WILSON FOUNDRY. AT GREATLY Reduced Prices ! We have on hand the following, viz.:—Land Rollers, Plows, Har- rows, Scuffiers, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grinding or Chopping Mills, best made, and 1 good second hand Lumber Wagon. Take Notice. We have started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have Lumber dressed and match- ed, or flooring sized, tongued anti grooved may rely on getting first- class jobs on the most reasonable terms. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at tho Brussels! Foun- dry. Wm. R. Wilson. BRUSSELS Woolen Mill. farness Sz Collars If you want a good sot of heavy or Light Harness, a well fitting Collar, that won't gall the horses shoulders, any odds and ends to complete your set of harness, or anything in the harness line go to I. 0. RICHARD'S. Trunks and Valises arc always kept in stock and sold ata small margin on cost. If you want anything in this lino call at I. C. RICHARD'S. Baby & Doll Carriages. Just to hand a nicely assorted stock of Carriages that have only to bo soon to bo admired. Call and get our prices before purchas- ing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Shop in Graham's block, oppos- ite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. 1. C. RICHARDS. Any Quantity of WOOL WANTED Highest Market Price PAID IN Gash or Trade I have in stock a good assortment of Blankets, Skirtings, Flannels, fine and coarse, Full Cloth, Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Yarns, &o. Also an assortment of Cotton goods. I am now prepared. to take in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, &c. Satisfaction Guaranteed. KNITTED GOODS MADE TO ORDER. Give Me a Call Geo. Rowe. JUNE 25, :1$S0. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS I 1 c%I�e In Piows, Scofliers, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, horse Powers, Tread Powers, Seed Drills, Seed - (31%, Hay `.Pettit+1•a, Ally .!Mikes, Binders. Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Plows, Farm Scales, tho light run- ning Bain Wagon, Carriages, Bug- gies, two second hand Buggies, Bell Organs, Raymond 'owing. Machines, Hol se. Two Horses, 1 Colt, nine months old, two Colts, 2 years old, ono 8 year's old, all heavy draught. Call .G Examine Goods before Purchasing elsewhere. Yours, Geo. Love, B TT IS IN THE OTTLE 702 Corsets Made and Sold since San. 1St. 1666. Number sold since Bottle was closed 29, makiug a grand total of 702 pairs. These figures (without a doubt more than the combined sales of all the dealers in Brussels during the same length of time) must convince the public that our Constitutional Corsets, Take the Lead. In the Button Contest the correct number was not guessed, the nearest 672 (within 1 of it) recorded by Miss Maggie Bunter who ea entitled to our $2.50 Prize Cornets. Canvassers Wanted, must be trustworthy, do not want to get "bit" again by dead beats. Dia L� Corset Mansifactarer and Fancy Goods Dealer. It&" Agent for Dr. Gray's Back Supporting Shoulder Braces for Ladies. 1 1 A L,A_RG 1-+i STOCK O±4' Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, Trimmings, B,LC., ON VIAND. A Coffin can be got ready in an hour from the time the order is taken. As a New Undertaker's Wagon has been purchased and a team kept in the stable all the time Coffins will be delivered Free of Charge, any place iu the Country. EMBALMING. R. LEATHERDALE having taken two series of lessons, from Prof, Rey- nolds, eynolds, on Embalming is prepared, personally, to attend to this important matter. No RAD opens, ox nxscoaoxAsiort even in the warmest weather, where this peewee is gone through. No Extra Charge in ordinary cases, For proof of its effectiveness we refer you to Saud. Burgess, Joseph Clegg, Mrs, Raines, Mrs. A Webster, Thos, Sample, Jamb Kreuter and others. FURNITURE. A. large stock of furniture is always kept on hand and a splendid chance afforded for malting a selection, Yon ought to see our eautiful Oil Paintings. They are admired by everybody. Agent for the Celebrated Earn Organ. Dared -Mite Furniture 4- Repairing eep iri�/n�g/ a Specially. tlY MRS. . LONG■