The Brussels Post, 1886-6-18, Page 1VOL. XIII.
Old Ilnclidor Poetry,
To tho Editor of Tno Poem,
DEAN PoaT,---your poet of the last inane
of THE POST IS. I think, too hard on us la-
dies, The poet must have /met with more
than usual of those "got -up" ladies, as bo re-
fers to one quarter natural and three quar-
ters made up of paint and batting. I pity
the poor fellow. He must not think all la-
dies are of ouch a composition. He forgot
the other side, and the bogus, thriftless
shiftless cot of young 'men, nine tenths of
than mere poppets, kept by their parents
or grandparents, probably with the clothes
on their books unpaid for at the tailor's
shop, sporting their white cuffs and Idd
gloves, for show and not 25 canto in their
pockets. Away with such dudes. Any
kind of n padded and painted girl is too good
for them. Too lazy to go off and make
some honest living, parched around tho store
atepa passing remarks on ail that pass them.
No wonder, we ladies, prefer to keep to our -
Helves and endeavor to make our own
living by our needle or otherwise, than oast
in our lot with ouch bipedo, oalled young
man, and have to keep them from starving
by our industry, /better keep single. If
some of us may resort to a little powder or
other things to recoup our fading tresses
it is by far preferable to a life of drudgery to
try to live and keep up a lazy efieminite
thing, called the modern young man of our
town. Yours, &c.,
A Lady who neither paints nor puffa.
The 33rd Battalion.
In anticipation of the calling out of
this Battalion for brigade drill on the
22nd inst., Lt. -Col. Coleman, who
will assume command of the Battalion,
called a meeting of the several offic-
ers, for the purpose of taking into
consideration the purchasing of hel-
mets for officers and men, and other
volunteer business, which was held at
the Rattenbnry House, Clinton, on
Tuesday of last week. Several tend-
ers were submitted by the committee
who had the matter in consideration ;
that of John Martin & Co., of lifon-
ireal, at the price of $1,80 each, was
accepted. Lt. -Col. Coleman was au-
thorized to make the purchase auj
distribute the same amongst the Sev-
eral companies. The sum of about
$750 being needed to purehaee the
necessary number for officers, men
and band, and the officers by their
liberality have supplemented the gen-
eral battalion fund, which amounts to
$818, sufficiently to complete the pur•
chose, Other routine business was
disposed of, when the meeting adj ourn-
ed. Capt,. Mallough and Maine will
not likely be gazetted Majors, the De-
partment of Militia requiring officers
holding first-class certificates for the
position --those officers holding 2nd—
but they will likely be appointed by
regimental orders, which the Lt. -Col.
in command may do provisionally.
The Battalion will drill at London on
the 22nd inst.
Perth Counts Notete.
On Friday evening of last week, at
the conclusion of a barn raising on
the 10th concession of Elnan, a serious
riot occurred, in which a man named
James Broughton was etruak on the
head with a handspike by another
man named Robbie, falling him and
causing a serious concussion of the
brain, Immediately after the occur-
rence Robbie made for the woods.
Dr. Hamilton was immediately sent
for, who pronounced Brongbton's in-
juries serious, and a warrant Was is-
sued for Robbie and planed in the
hands of High Constable McCarthy,
of Stratford, who io in search, but up
to the present Robbie has not been
caught. .Broughton is still uncon-
C1tICIC 'i'.
natie9ELa vs. 0013TOK.
The third of the Association matt/hos was
played on the Clinton grounds, on Tues-
day last, between our own olub and Clinton.
Tho day was excessively hot and trying to
the players,, notwithstanding which the
game provedvery enjoyable. Brussels won
the toes and olooted to go to bat, sending
Dennin and D. Boss to face the bowling of
Kennedy and Turnbull. It soon became
apparent that not only was the bowling very
good but that steady playing was to be the
order of the day and although Turnbull
bowled in splendid form and was fairly well
supported in the fitld, the side was not out
until 81 ruin had been put together. Den-
nis and Currie played their usual steady
game for 11 and 18, while IY1ollaugbten's
14 wero quickly put together,inaluding a five
Mt, two doubles, and five singles. Atter
lunch Clinton wont to the bat, the bowling
being entrusted to J. Bona and Kitchen,
who proved very effective and gave the out.
field very little opportunity of showing'ttleir
quality. The side was dismissed for 28
runs in all, towards whioh MoGarvie and
Harland contributed 7 and o. Bruneols
again going to the bat put together 78 cons
in short order, Dennis as usual leading the
van with 80 and Currie presenting his side
with a duplicate of his first performance,
It seen the freely
gamestiplayed, that
this comparatively young player showed as
good or bettor batting form than any no far.
It being nearly sixo'olook Clinton did not
was eunsequeutt a ly decided bs y the /result of
the first.
e ve the uascore and anasie be-
wlow and dir of particular attention to oar
bowler. record:—
The standing of the Association Clubs
will now be as follows
Played. won. Lost.
Brussels 2 2
Goderioh ""' 1 0
Clinton 2 0 2
Seaforth 0 0 0
The nest Association
match wi/1 be
ed at Gode iobon 19th nst. Seaforth l ye.
Goderioh. —
tat. Innings. A°uesins,
D. Roes, o Harland, b Kon2nd. Tuulnre.
nosy o b Turnbull.... 1
Dennis. a Ho wland, b Turn
hull 11 o Spooner, b
Kitchen, h Turnbull-- 0 b Turnbull.,... 21
Cumin, n and b I'urnbun,18 b Turnbull.,,, 18
Laird, b Turnbull 0 o Ray,b Turn -
J, Ross, oBray, bRY• 0 o enned bull 1
Poal,o Lusham,bKenned 0 Kooned>y..,. 7
btoNaughton, not out.••... 14 0� Turnbull,0
MaLonnan, o Turnbull, b
Sunbury 8 Bun out
Waterer, b Kennedy....••.., 0 Not out... 0
Ander, b Kennedy. ............... 0
9 b Turnbull.,,, 0
Leg byes 10
Wide: 1 No balls...,..... 1
Total 81
S , ..'
eLINTUr.Bray,b K/tohou.................... •..........
.••..nta°bury, oKbBoa.....
Al0Ciarrle b Kitchen..,
Harland, .J Kitchen ................•.."" 8
Lanham, b �Kitohe°....................•.•................. 9
Turnbull, b Boss... •................
Kennedy, °Miller, b Boss .......... ................... 1
Prangley, b Kitchen .
Harland, W., a Mot Donna, b iioae..... ••.•..••••., 1
Spooner, J„ b Bose a
Broderick, not Ont. ...........•....,
Byes .............••......,0
Wliiee eo 0
No ball
• 0011iTUN.
100. Innings, O. n. M. W. Wkts. B. B.
Kennedy 241 244,1 140 8 1, -6, 2 42
rir 21 128 ..9 0 4 2 25
2 nil, Innings. 12 0 U 1 0 9
Kennedy 1060 1 1 2 1 91
sppoon Br 24 124 0 0 0 s 99
Sarlsnd .....•'.. 4 24 1 1 1 o 4
steamy ...............71 12 1 0 0 0 24
0 3
J, Boaa 72 60 2 0 5 SI 10
Kitchen a 1 8 0 0 B 12
treatment r receives
roni their Clinton fri nds which
they hope soon to reborn, Mr. Dickenson,
of Wingham, and Dr. Boss, of Goderioh,
umpired the game with great acceptability,
Cscnadian Newel.
Whitby hotel-keopers charge 86
Dents for meals,
The K. of L. shoemakers of the
United States ,and Canada have
adopted a distinctive label for their
ounty llaeharfield 01 fall whin
which averages over three feet in
A resident of Lakefield oleime to
have caught above the Three /elands
a maskilonge twenty-two pounds in
For attempting to prosecute the
nutshell and pea enterprise at Strath.
roy, Chas. B. Martin, of Galt, was ar-
rested and fined.
Kincardine has voted by 888 to 6
to give a bonus of $6,000 to nouns
the removal of the McDonald tannery
from Tiverton io that town.
President Cleveland has declined a
wedding present from the Sultan of
Turkey on the ground that its accept
ante would be unconstitutional.
The ouncil is
being roasted by the Guelph press or
refusing to make a grant to the Prov.
racial Exhibition which is to be held
in Guelph this year.
At the Scott Act Convention held
at Fergus on Thursday last it was
decided to endeavor to raise a fund
of $8,000 to be used in enforcing the
Aot in Wellington County.
President Cleveland was married
Wedneeday evening, 2nd inst., to
Miss Frank Folsom, daughter of Mr.
Cleveland's former partner in bust.
nese, the late Oscar Folsom, of Buff-
alo. The marriage ceremony took
place in the Blue room of the White
House, and was performed by Rev.
Dr. Sunderland, of the First Presby-
terian Chureit of Washington. The
bride was, of coarse, beautiful and
accomplished; is twenty.two years of
age, and therefore years
younger than Mr. Cleveland, le 01 an
old and wealthy family of the earl
Bottlers of Now York State, and ble
her lately deceased grandfather's wi'l1
has just fallen heir to a fortune ,of
fifty thousand dollars, 11Ir, °levitnd
is pronounced the luckiest main
America, and his luck
e PPas good in inatrimon be
4) y as in poli�'ios.
Joseph Poor, of. Plattsdille,fell
from a building in oonrs° of ereotjon
for Robert Williams and untamed
fatal injuries.
Four Alliston hotel -keepers and
one grocer have been fined $GO each
and costs for violation of the Scott
The crew of the Northoote, who
were engaged in the rebellion, will be
given land grants by the Govern-
A. witness in a Scott Aot ease at
Oshawa wan sentenced to ten days'
imprisonment for refusing to answer
fromthe court room, and has
not been neon since.
In all, sixteen persons have been
convicted of violating the Scott Act
in Peterborough. Fourteen of the
obargee were prosecuted by the local
Scott Act Association, and two by
the License Inspector,
Louis Viau, the notorious St. Vin-
cent de Paul Penitentiary convict, in
addressing the Court on his own be-
half, took exception to the jury do
the ground that one of them had slept
during the progress of the trial.
A young man in Iviulmnr Township,
as a charm against the mumps, con -
seated to have a halter placed around
his neck, to be led to a creek to drink,
and to be walked seven times around
a barn. No statement of results is
to hand.
The Dominion Government will
present testimonials, consisting of
binocular glasses, to Capt. McAuley
and associates for gallant services
rendered in rescuing the crew of the
yacht Annabel, wrecked in Lake
Huron last September.
At a late meeting of Mutual Grange,
No. 82, of Lambeth, a resolution was
passed favoring a reduction in 'the
number of County 000001110re, and
suggesting that one representative
should be sent from each township
and incorporated village, with power
to vote according to the value of as-
sessable property of their respective
There was a flutter of excitement
in Markham on Tuesday night last,
owing to the arrival at the postoffioe
of some seventy registered lettere, but
the eager anticipations of the reoipi•
ante were soon clouded by the dis-
covery That the enclosure in each was
a notice to the party receiving it that
liis'olaim to baye his name on the
Dominion Voters' List was disputed
and was appealed against.
Charley Swett, for the murder of
Ah Foon at Spence's bridge, 13. C„ in
August, 1888, has been sentenced to
be hanged on Tuly 28. He was in a
Dell at Yale with Al Ching, who is
under sentence of imprjeonment for
life, and the trio a few das re
found suspended from they
gratingo eof
their oell. They were cut down and
restored to ooneciouenees after about
an hour's work.
A few days ago a young man nam•
ed Henry Brett, son of John Brett, of
Mulmur, to all appearances died and
was buried, but hie /bother since in.
sista that he was not dead, and it is
proposed to exhume the body. The
mother's belief is based on statemenIs
that while the corpse was lying await-
ing the hour for/interment moisture
gathered on the/ inside of the glass
over the face of the coffin, and though
wiped away at intervals always re -
,turned again. The matter is causing
a profound sensation in the neighbor-
WHAT iso yo you think of it? A
large number of towns and villages
tire helping fit out their bands with
uniforms. Preston ill giving their
band $800 for this purpose but we
have a better plan than this. Why
could not a half dozen of our influen•
tial citizens make arrangements with
the railroad company and run an ex.
cursion to Niagara Falls; Wiartun,
Port Elgin, Goderioh, or some other
P/Pillar Rummer newt where a holt.
y could be pleasantly spent ? Tho
ay could be made our oivio holiday
nd if the fares worn Iow enough a
Largs number would take it in. We
oould give a big lift to the band and
never feel It. A match of orioket or
baso ball might be arranged' far when-
ever the excursion wont and a • good
day's outing enjoyed. Will anybody
trove in this matter ? We don't like
to mention names but there are a
number of our oitixent who could take
hold of this projeot andpush it to a
JABPI•'n WAITE 18 years o
of James White, of the 18th
of Bea moat, mysteriously
ed from home on Saturday
nothing can be learned of b
abouts. He had on old ole
was without a coat or a cent
Oun thanks are due to 0.
rix, of .Morris, for a nice dish
led beauties, Mr. Harris i
eucceeeful angler.,
OatermaIAN DAY.—Folio
practice of other Caledonia
is expected that the buniueee
close their stores from 1 o'c
p.m. next Tuesday and take
games. There is nothing Jo
as the people won't do any
until the games and sports a
rangements have been made
Citizen's Committee of God
hold a grand athletic tourna
series of Caledonian games
spacious and convenient
grounds, on Tbnreday, July 1
ready entries have been recei
a large number of the most o
athletes, such as R. N. Har
heavy weight champion; D.
liven, the champion jumps
world ; Archie Scott, the g
round athlete; Gideon Per
cell -known hammer throw
wrestler ; O. Currie, the oh
stone putter ; and other wel
competitors. The secretary h
received entries from a nu
the best known pipers on the
nen/, together with dancers a
and girls in Highland costume
of the great events of the day
a standing jump, from grans to
over the back of the highest
that can be procured, by D. M.
van, the champion jumper
world. Special railway rates
linea. For particulars see bill
Oerr,—After a long and wen
illness Lillian, the beloved wife
J. Whitley, passed over the ri
Death last Saturday evening.
retained oonsoiousuese until ne
time of her decease and gave
along as to her confidence in h
the presence of the Master with
She was born is Sorel, P. Q., in
and was left an orphan at an
age. Por a number of years sh
under the fostering Dare of Mr.
Mrs. Laing, of Almonte, a broth
Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Dr. Ham
of Pompeii, bfioh., a former tea
in' the Brussels public school.
was married to her now bereft
ner 18 years ago last December
was the mother of five children,
of ;whom 'survive her. The dace
had been a consistent and fai
member of the Presbyterian eh
since elle was 18 years of age.
cause of her death was consump
The funeral took place on Mon
afternoon. Mr. Whitley and fa
have the sympathy of the comms
n their Ions. A very hands
wreath of natural flowers was pia
upon the coffin by the members of
band, of which Mr. Whitley is
teacher. The wreath was the ha
work of Misses Grewar and Coope .
Tax POST would like to know
you can always tell a sohool teach
Don't say because they carry an u
bulls bocaus° occasionally they do
—What is more tantalyzing the
baulky horse ?--Why a good con
will not be seen on the evening
Caledonian day ?—Where you
get a meaner council than Bly
They asked for tenders for printf
to spite the editor of the Advooa
and when his was even the low
tender they gave it to the Clint
News-Reoord. It was a mean thi
in the Record to try and take awn
the bread and butter of a fellow jo
Balis/. "Chickens will come ho
to roost." --Why there is so mu
smoking allowed at the various coda
oil meetings and gatherings of th
kind, It does not look like busines
to say the least of it, --If a foot wal
will not be placed on both sides o
the new iron bridge ? It will be
great convenience if so and can't ad
Much to the expense.—What our
townsman think of the two new hate
worn by Bandmaster Whitley an
Jae, Jones, and if a move could no
be made to fit the whole band 00
With a coat and fiat apiece ? Will yo
talk it up ?—Who the recruits will be
to fill out tiro Brussels volunteer com-
pany when they go to drill on the
22nd inst., at London ?---Why so
many peopis have to turn around in
church every time any person combs
in ?
NO. 80.
f age, 800 "OUiMRNIen 'Tin N•... _.YO_EAN."
eonoesalon REAP the new advt. of Mrs. W.
disappear. Long.The large stook of oil paint.
in last and ings on exhibition in the windows
and have attracted great attention. They
of oan , carry a large and well assorted stook
y of furniture.
B•' Har- LAST Thursday evening Mrs. Thos.
of speck- Ballantyne very kindly remembered
8 quite a us with a nine lot of luscious straw -
wing the berries. That was not all, for ehe
Caledonian days it very thoughtfully sent along the nec-
menwiit essary allowance of cream to go
e make
look to 4 our alonbeak witbow eand errreturn our best
in the thanks for her kindness. This is two
at by this or three years Mrs. Ballantyne has
bueineae played this trick on us, but we rabh-
1rre over, er enjoy it, you know, although we
by the have decided to get even with her
aria t0 P[MELT2ERSONAL PO2NTERs,–Rerde.
meat and Messrs. Legatt and Baugh were in
00 the town last week. Rev. ' Mr. Legatt
iacrosae was stationed in 13rusoele e, number
et. Al- of years ago.—Mrs. Robt. lifosgrove
wed from spent a few days with Mrs. G. L.
eiebrated Ball last week.—Mins Lucretia Oliver
Harr the who has been on the sick list is able
Stlie to be about again. --While playing
rent all cricket on Thursday evening, of last
rue, the week, Murtha IsfeLennan was struck
er and in the face with the ball and with
such force that hie right eye was
ampio1 badly blackened and his nose broken.
l -known He was lain
as also playing g Point and attempting
fflber of to watch the boys playing foot ball
oonti- on another part of the park. It was
nd boYe a hard knock.—Mrs. G. A. Powell
Y and Ruby are visiting at Stratford for
, One a week or two. ---Mrs. Waiter Smith
will be and Mabel left Brnasele last Friday
horse for Flushing, Mich., where they will
Sallie' visit for a while. We hope the' change
of the will prove beneficial to Mrs. Smith's
on all health.—Miss Ronald arrived home
n sad last week after an extended visit of
two months or more among friends
at London, Chatham, Chicago and
wear Milwaukee. The look of sadness and
of H. loneliness has passed away from the
ver of, countenance of someone we know.—
She Mrs. F. S. Scott is visiting at Ram-
er the ilton and Ingersol.–T, Fletcher, Mrs.
testi- Fletcher and the boys were visiting
aving at Lucknow this week.—F. G. Neelin
her. and wife, of Seaforth, called on us
1861, last Saturday while glassing through
early Brussels. --J. Christie, of Toronto,
c was who has been in town for several
and months looking after the interests of
sr to a wholesale bons° in that city, Dom.
ilton, pleted hie work last Saturday
cher left for the and
Queen oily.---Mrg, . J,
She' Landesboro' was in town this week.
part- We would like to work some plan
and whereby we could make Mr. and Mrs.
three Landesboxo' permanent citizens of
and Brussels. --R. Leatherdale spent a
thfuI few daye in Galt this week.-Mrg. Sig-
urch gine, of Ingersoll, is visiting her par -
The eats, J. Dotson and wife, in town.—
tion. Thos. Haycroft has reached the old
day sod in safety.—After a long, lingering
roily Illness death came to the relief of A.
inlay L. Struthers, of Stratford, formerly
ome of Brussels, on Sunday afternoon.
cod The funeral took place on Tuesday
the afternoon.—Dr: Graham fell down -
the stairs, at the outside steps in the rear
ndi- of his block, last week, He was Iean.
Cooper ing against the railing on the plat -
Low form when it gave way and he was
er ? precipitated to the .bottom of the
m- steps, head first. Ha was not ser•
n't. lonely injured. His escape was al-
n a moat a miracle. --We are sorry to hear
cert that the prospects of restoration to
of health in the Dasa of Jae. Ferguson,
Will non of Rev. John Ferguson, formerly
bh ? of Blau/eels, are not very assuring.
ng, He is still in Colorado, bub' it is f°ar-
ts, ed consumption has taken bold of the
eat patient.• --Mies F..C. Kerr bee gone
on to Guelph for a visit, --Miss Mary
ing Broadfoot has been visiting, in Soa-
py forth and vicinity for the past throe
jou or fourth weeks.—J. Moikeljohn and
me wife, of Harriston, were in town last
oh Saturday and Sunday. They ware
the guests of Mrs. A, Strachan.—Jas,
is Moore, formerly head clerk in Mr.
e, Wyness' store, Harridan, has taken
k a position in A, R, Smith's store,—
f Mrs, Wm. Davidson, of Stratford,
a and Mrs. W. J. Fear, of Seaforlh,
d were visiting friends in town last
week.—In the notice of the election
,, oof °Meere in Conneotiorf with the re-
d ent meeting of the High Cowl of
t Foresters the name of our townsman,
t Geo, Rogers, is omitted. He was
u elected to the honorable position of
8..13. It you don't know what
it meane asst Mr. Rogers, and he'll
est -full of _
you P far
Jas. Wilkinson and wife and Simnel
King and wife, of;;Woodstock, were
visiting at Robt. Wilson's, 1pump
,baker, Witt week.