The Brussels Post, 1886-6-11, Page 5;Juxxt 11, 1886.
DISTRICT NEWS,JahuBird, 5112 con„ is to the front
I with early flax. Last Monday ho
brought a handful of it to 'Tun Pon
Publishing House that measured
ono foot and seven inohos, This is
good flax for so early in the Beeson.
Rev. T. d, Sabine will romain for a
third tom as pastor of the Methodist
Bev. J. Roes, of Brussels, preached
in the Presbyterian church lata Sun•
day and diapeneed the Sacrament.
Tho people of this locality are lay.
ing out for a holiday on June 22, so
as to witness the Caledonian games in
At a meeting of the congregation
of Duff's church, held last Monday,
Rev. J. Rose, B.A., of Bruesole,
moderating, a unanimous call .was
given Rov.Wm. Galloway, of London.
3C. itsi't: Wtx-tvasiotriz.
Wm. Ross is now visiting friends
in Middlesex County.
L. Nothory was down to Toronto at
an Orange mooting last weak.
Miss Simpson, of Ethel, i
visiting at Win. Sackhouse's.
John Wilson returned from Michi-
gan last week.
R, Johnston httely purchased a fine
covered buggy from the Auburn mau-
ufecturor, J. P. Brown,
Mr. Green has made a limo kiln,
and it is now in full blast. He burn
ed 150 bushels lest Monday.
Robert Gibson was joined by the
bouds of matrimony to Mies Hanna,
of Morris, last Wednesday.
The council met on the 25th ult.,
and Weaneeday, 0th, was appointed
for the any of Court of Revision.
The wife of J. Williams presented
him with a fine may young daugh-
ter on the 5th. Ile is well pleased
with the present as . it is the first
David Anderson, woo has been
suffering with that deadly disease
consumption, flied last Sunday, aged
22 years, 4 mouths, 10 days, being
highly esteemed by all who knew him.
8 now
Crops aro doing splendidly and the
fruit prospects were never better.
Ciro. Armstrong arrived home
from tho west last week. He die.
posed of his horse "Honest Jimmie"
while away.
Morrie Council has backed up the
move niedo by Grey township Ooun•
til and bas granted $150 towards
gravelling the boundary between the
two townships mentioned above.
The township Council will meet on
the 28th inst., for the final revision of
the voters' list and attending to town-
ship business. Tho minutes of the
last meeting appear in this issue,
On account of the Brussels Calc.
donian Games coming on such a good
Unto there will be a large turn out
from Morrie township. Is your tug
of war to be between Morris and Grey
this year2' This towualip could get
ten men who would bo hard to beat.
Very sucoesehil revival services are
in progress at Browntown, under the
leadership of F. Woodhull A. large
number have professed to be convert-
ed and the work still goes on. The
servicee last Sabbath were held out of
doors as the church would not ac.
commodate the crowd.
Alex. Forrest, lot 27, 2nd line, sold
a three year old steer, last week, to
Jno. Hamilton, cattle dealer, that
weighed 1640 pounds. Wm. Laurie,
of Wroxeter, aid the weighing. This
steer is 80 pounds heavier than the
one puffed by the Seafortb Expositor,
a few weeks ago. Mr. Forrest got 5t
cerate por pound for the animal, mak
ing the neat little sum of about $90
for him. These are the loud of cattle
that are hard to boat.
The following ie a summary of the
asseesoi a roll for this township for
1886, as furnished us by the clerk ;—
Number acres, 64,845; total number
acres cleared, 86,985; total value of
real property, $1,726,780; total val.
us personal property, $1,831,380;
persone from 21 to 60 1,870; days
minute labour, 8,296 ; dogs, 889 ;
bitches, 7 ; persons in family, 8,216 ;
number of cattle, 2,847; sheep, 3,167;
hogs, 870; horses, 1,004; acres of
woodland, 7,505; acres of swamp,
0,884; aeras of orchard, 624; aores of
fall wheat, 4,459; children 5 to 16,.
1,000 ; children 7 •
to 18, 589; child-
ren 16 to 21, 412 ; taxable income,
Ono day last' week a daughter of
Peter Gorbett, of Morris, was Grim.
Wally assaulted by some unknown
preen but eaepioion rested on a
young married man named Arthur
Wyatt, of Hallett, who had been in
the vicinity wheu the deed had been
committed and bad been traced by
the nutria loft by wearing plates on
his boots. Constable Sherrite, of
Blyth, want to the house of the ao.
cueed and arrested him and brought
him to Blyth where he was tried bo -
fore J. P'e. Young, Kelly and ?do.
Kinnon, when lie was committed to
stand his trial at Goderioli at the
uaxt assizes. The main evidence
against hien was that of the girl. .
Rev. R. Paul has been returned
to the Ethel circuit for is third term,
The rain shower last Monday
morning had a beneficial effect on
the growing crops.
Tho framers have commenced work
on Juo. Cash's now barn, it is 40x00
feet, with frame stabling underneath,
Thos. Newsome has the job.
Reeve Strachan is away attending
the Presbyterian Assembly at Iiamil•
ton this tveelc. He represents Malt -
lend Presbytery.
Gideon Porno held his own among
the best heavy weights of tiro country
at the Caledonian games at Strathroy
an Tuesday of this adoek.
Those of our people who like a
good days amusement are already
Bolding back for the Oaledoninu
games at ]3ruesele, and are counting
upon having a big day's fun.
James •Dark, who has been in
Manitoba for rt number of years, has
come to ]ua old home, with his fam-
ily, and will remain here for Homs
Iittlo time. Be gives a good account
of the west. FIe rented his fartn for
a term of years.
Everybody talks of, going to hear
Dr. McDonald's address on the po•
lineal question,t of the clay at Oran -
brook next Friday afternoon, Those
who have beard Trim say lie is a splen-
did speaker and his argnnnonts are to
the point every time.
Jno. MoLauehlin's new frame barn
is nearly completed. D. Zimmer, the
contractor, raised it, foundations and
all with tackling in•about three days
without the assistance of ant ono ex-
cept hie own gang. The way in
which Mr. Zimmer has the tackling
arranged works like a charts, This
way of raising barns line certainly
many advantages over the usual way
of having a big bee.
A hotly contested game of baso ball
was played on the 24th of May et the
residence of Alex. Stewart, 1GI11 con.
The captains were David and Alex.
Stewart, jr., the umpire being 0.
Bowerman, teacher of S. S. No. 8.
Tho result was a tie, each side snoring
a total of 18 runs iu 0 innings. There
was a strong wind prevailing through-
out, and the players wore all amateurs,
but they acquitted themselves in e
manuer that would bring no discredit
to professionals. The highest seer. an
ing was wade by John Willoughby
nod Robt. Payne, on the one side, and
Alex. Stewart and Chas. Sellers on
the other aide' After tho ball play -
mg, croquet and dancing were next
in order, after which the company
dispersed, all feeling they had loyally
done their share towards commemor-
ating the natal day of our moat gran•
loud sovereign.
Ono thousand two and time
old heifers and fourty She
Mille, casting $40,000, have
purchased 1n Huron County f
High River Rauch forty miles
of Calgary.
The St. Thomas assessor boil
cured that the gyet connected
the local Itlalonic lodge was
$1,000 aeseasod it at that Figur
the lodge appealed, and the al
was struck edit
A. Thornbury mac was sitting
chair in his yard practising a T
of July tuna when one of Iris
broke out of the stable and kick
musioiau out of sight. It was a
of another colour.
Tho Quebec Government ha
traduced a bill to fix the pri
licenses under the Canada Te
muco Aot as follows ;—Druggis
carmen iu cities, $70; teams,
parishes, $24 ; wholesale in e
$80; towns, $70; pariebe., $G0
Two hundred and ninety ono
mon immigrauts from England
land, Wales, Scandinavia, Sw
hand, Holland. and elsewhere, p
through 81. Thomas on ,0 Mid
Central train on Friday last, b
for Salt Lake Oity.
J. H. ICanuody, late editor o
Whitby Chronicle, wits the roeip
of a handsome testimonial
friends in Whitby on the uooawio
hie departure from that plain.
nddresa was rend raid the presents
made by the mayor,
The Battleford Herald states
the Blackfoot refuse to do any
on their reserves. Poundnrak
said to have told iris people to w
while he wne away in order that t
might live, but that after his ret
which would be soon, they would
have to work any more. Clans,
sons anticipate trouble.
A meeting of temper,uuo elect
of Queen's County, P.E.I., hunt
tided to support for Parliament o
men who will ptelgo themselves to
their influence to secure the bet
enforcement of the Scutt Act, and
obtain for each Proemial power
vote for the prohibition of the liqu
traffic within its limits.
The funeral of the Into W. T. D
gle, of Oshawa, took place Sand
last, and was largely attended. T
members of the Town Corin
Board of leduaatiou, Sona of En
laud, United Workmen and Fore
are' Societies ell tarried out, nuaki
the funeral proaessiou a mile and ;s-
helf in length.
American exports aro favourably
pressed with specimens of silver
taken from the Crown point mine in
Algoma West, The mill at Rabbit
Mountain mase 18 rapidly nearing
completion. At the Beaver wine e
largo force of men aro employed avid
n great deal of wort; is beiug done.
The air compressors and germ drills
aro about ready to strut work,
It Is found that the Sarcee an
Stony Indians of rho North We
have strong faith in vaacivation, an
oven manifest an anxiety to have it
performed. It is expected the Bhtoic•
feet, who are about to bo vaccinated,
will be equally tractable. The great
difficulty expurieuced is iu persuad-
ing Indians who have already Iota
srnallpox of Ilse needteseneas of their
undergoing the operation, as many of
them believe that it fortifies them
against other drsoases as well.
A mysterious dieees° hes broken
out among 1110 herd of matt lc belong.
inn; to Edward Wright, of Sout11
Fredericksbary. He has already i041
four fine cuwe, and fears he will lose
the attire herd, The ' 'seized
with the disease first become:+ stupid,
and in a short lime froths at tho
numb, raid rant furiously 'Moat, bel-
lowing luridly until death ends its
sufferings. Veterinary surgeons have
not yet d.•tormirmr1 the oh tractor of
the. disease.
13y sins nut passed 'it the hist ses-
sion of,,he Owen: Legislative Assem-
bly, provletun Inns been made for the
acllnisaion of one student for every
ouunty and territorial district in rho
province free of entrance and tuition
foes to the Agricultural College of
Ontario. The clause referred to reads
ae fullowe t—(1) Every county and
every territoral district in the prov-
ince may have the privilege of having
during alt college terms one student
in attendance, and receiving instruc-
tion at the college without the pay
ment of any entrance or tuition foe.
The county coneoil of each ouunty
shall nominate the stuaouts far the
territorial distrieti. Such student
moat ba the arm of ,t practical farmer
residing in the 00nuty or district, said
have lived o0 Lie pereuts' farur at
least two years prior to lie tadmission
to the college. (2). The Lieutenant -
Governor' in Coined may prescribe
the manner in which moll students
shall. be nominated by the .comity
cognails and advisory hrnard. le),
The county council will therefore
d.nlhtlott at their Jnnn weaken nom.
or the
u, hot
on a
od tho
ve in.
ce of
Is' li-
$50 ;
St':::- I The Largest Lot of Corsets
nsretl Ii
ound + Everibrought into Brussels, at one time, and bought at a Sacrifice. for
f r ho 1 Call, and will be Sold
n afjAT 60 ENT PER PAIR.
tiuu 1
work 'Remember these aroiNot Trash, but a Corset that is sold at $1.00 per
er is '
ork + Pair all over.
hey I
u'r I Ask to See the Mal Cornets ,at S Cts.,
ors It is7,a little Gam for the Money, (Sizes from 18 to 25).
S 226
Ladies, we have passed into Stock this week
Ciuundian, N ew M.
Battleford wants a tinsmith and a
The engineers on the Northern
Railway have tasked fur
The town of Galt ie enlarging its
limits by about 600 acres.
Roo. Wilfrid Laurier has sent to
W. F. Kerr, Secretary of the Oobourg
Liberal Club, a cordial letter of
thanks for his election to Use position
of honorary president of the Club.
The number of electors on the
Dominion voters' list for the city of
Ottawo, exclusive of reporters, is 8,-
:00. The number of electors on the
list in 1882 was 5,656.
The editor of The Thornbury News
complains that owing to his removal
from Landoll to that town the Domin-
ion •Frauobiso Act will not permit
him to vote either whore he is or
where he was.
The East Bruce Teachers' Assoc'.
ation passed a resolution to petition
the Dominion Government to so
amend the Franchise Act that teaob•
ars who change their electoral die.
triot may not be deprived of the right
to vote.
A Whiteohurah resident spent Is
Whole' day last week so Luoknow
searching for a wife. He was not
particular as to whom he got, so lout{
as it was somebody that could milk
five cows each morning before seven
o'clock.. Ho found no tellers,
Two members of a hand of gipsies
who have quartered themselves on
Gasex county last weak stole a !terse
which they vainly tried to procure by
means of a trade. One of the offend.
ars has been arrested, but the other,
with the horse, is mill at largo.
A young man hurriedly left the
Northern railway train at Oraigvale
on Tuesday morning last, emphatic.
ally kissed a young lady who mond
waiting for him on the platform, then
rustled hack to his seat in alio car,
and tranquilly pursued his jonrucy
1 inane a atm -tent for this dorinty,
Go1d, Ox Blood and Light Blue.
Viva(w au
tLUNERi ra
We still continue to take the Lead in
Our Stock is ono of the Choicest, and for Quality, Style, and Price are.
Many may question the accuracy of this statement, but we would kind-
ly ask the most casual observer, to take a visit to our store,
come the length of the lbfillinery Department, and
there you will meet with a deserving '
We Uwe a lot of the Bu9z1
.BaStZe to 011.7° ,ddverviseruc-n,C,,
Why should we not? We advertise nothing only what a (coping
House is prepared to act up to. Now, we say with all confidence that
we can Sell Millinery at Prices Unheard of in Brussels. Now we can
do this, we only ask you to Come and
inspect our Stock,
See for Yourselves
And Decide our rakes
- It will repay the Pocket of the Public to note these Pacts.
Come and See Our Millinery,
Our Trade is more than doubled this Sottsola. Dotn't forget .to
to soo the May;Corset at 60c. tisk
The Great City iIlinery &case,