The Brussels Post, 1886-6-4, Page 3TILE STBEAM IN THE WOODS.
Bright stream that wanders koro and tboro
Laughing the whole day long
'Your voieo /Larose the woodland calla
Liken returmberec1 song.
Hero, as of yore, the beaehoe spread,
And grotto and flowers are sweet,
Where oft your basting waters ran
Acmes my ohildio]t loet.
A golden time I I know it not
In those far days of 814 •,
But left the field and left the stream,
To seek for other gold.
011, dear to mo your sunlot wave,
And dear the leafy shore,
But you have borne upon your tide
That which returns no more
Yon was wunst a buy, I reckon,
With your riggin' full o' vim,
And a pack o' nusein' fannies
Bustin' cl'ar above the brim ;
Lookin' out for any frolic,
Whoopiu'everything fur fun,
Not a keorin' fur no Nolan'
Underneath the shinin' sun.
Wunst when I was such a shaver,
Dad he sent mo off to town
Fur toget my Aunt Jerushy,
(Otherwise her name was Brown,)
Sez Le : "Take the leotlo wagon
An' the dapple trottin' mare ;
An', case your Aunt should want it,
Just put in that wilier chair."
So I started bright an' airiy,
On It warmish Apert morn,
Lanvin' dad an tether fellers
In the
field a.P isatin' corn.
I wa'n't sorry fur to mise it ;
Don't suppose Was any needs
f Feelin' sorry 'cause I had ter
Gin, up pla ntin' punkin seeds.
Aunt Jorueh was than' an' wailin'
With her bundles an' her wraps ;
Can't sec why these pesky wimmen
1}lov ter hev so many traps.
S bed satchels au' valises
An' ban' boxes by the score ;
An' when I thought all was loaded,
Thar' laid half a dozen more.
But we iiu'ly got ter humpin' •
.Purty well along toward home ;
An' nnnt's tongue it Icop' a-rattlin'
Like a 'tarnal kittle dram.
She could beat the world fur talkin',
Tnis same Aunt Jerushy Brown ;
She was wound ter go forever ;
Seemed she ooulden't be run down.
You remember up ter Milloeo,
TLot old mud -hole in tho road ?
'Taller was thar',.alIers will be,
Now ye see, I ruthor knowed
Aunt Jorusb was summat '£raid like ;
Still, she gabbled such a streak
That I'lowed as how I'd slicer her,
Gist to make her tongue run weak.
So I started up a-trottin',
An' a-Iiokin' of the m001`0,
Not a-thinkin' as we hadn't
Tied thet plagney wilier chair.
Plonk I we struck that orn'ary mudhole
Then I board Aunt givo a yet),
An' I turned an' seen a sight, sir,
1 bet no words o' !nine can tell.
Thar' sot Aunt, a•yellin' fearful,
Right in that 'oro mud an' wet ;
Fur the chair had tumbled backwards,
.An' she'd turned a summerset.
Oh 1 but she was jest a piotur' •
Waiting patient to be framed,
An' a piotur' thet, correctly,
Mut nor never could be named.
Mad, el'er from her heels to top -knot,
Then back down from head to heels ;
hnerctn' mud like all creation,
Spittle' mud between her squeals ;
Mud a-drippin' from her fingers,
Sweatin' mud from every pore ;
Mud a-ooverin' her completely,
Both behind her an' before.
Slob another lookin' critter
Don't expect yon ever see ;
.An' I hardly think you'd keer to—
Leastwise thet's the way with''me :
Fur instead of its a-tightenin'
.Anything about her tongue,
'Tmade it waggle more'n ever,
Like 'twits on a pivot hung.
An' she jawed 01e dinr' hand runnin,
Fur a matter o' four mile ;
With her peaky voico a-aquarkin
Like a old three-omnored lila.
Why, she scolded till we drove up
By the gateway thnr' to hum ;
An' her 'tarnal gab an' clatter
- blade the think my and had come.
So it trod, or 3105 disllivered
By my old paternal dad,
Who matte note ov his diekivery
With a limber hickory gad.
.An' when Aunt Jorueh was toted
Back to town, I wasn't them' ;
It was dad hisself, in person,
1114 behind the dapple mare.
1. A postmaster is required to give
notice by letter (returning the paper
duets not answer the law) when a sub-
scriber does not tak8 his papor out of
the office, and state the reaeone for its
notboing taken. Any neglect to de so
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the publisher for payment.
2. If any person orders his paper
discontinued, ho must pay all arrear-
ages, or the publisher may continuo
to send it until payment i8 made, and
collect the whole amount whether it
Is taken froth the office or not. There
can be no legal disoontinuanod until,
the payment is made.
3. Any person who takes a papor
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has sub1cribed or not, in responsible
for the
4. If it subscriber onion his papor
to bo stopped at a certain time, and
the publisher continues to send, the
eabseriber is bound to pay for 1t if 118
talcoe it oat of the post -office. This
proceeds upon the ground that a wan
most pay for what he uses,
5. The courts have decided that re-
fusing to lake newspapers and period•
ieale from the poet•offioo or remov-
ing and leaving thorn unsalted for, is
prfraimaud, facia evidence of intentional
Modern Proverbs.
In a multitude of councillors there
18.nothiog done.
Where's there's a will, there'd a
way to break it.
Good deeds are never lost, if yon
have a good lawyer.
Honesty is its own reward ; dis-
honesty pays Dash.
Always put off until tomorrow auy
contemplated meanese.
Man proposes, woman accepts if
the oollaterale aro good.
Marry in haste and escape a breach
of promise shit.
Pay your debts even if it makes
you appear eccentric.
Have stability ; a rolling 3310116
gathers no moss.
Avoid stability ; a setting hon nev-
er gets fat.
Canadian. N awe,
Brockville is agitating for a oity
passenger railway.
A "Hallelujah Hitch" took place
at the Parte Salvation Army barracks
on Wednesday night.
West Middlesex teachers have do.
01,lred uaaninsously in favor of the
formation of a Teachers' Union.
Over a thousand dollars hasbeon
subscribed towards the building of a
mountain tramway at Hamilton.
Maloney, the insane murderer of
Dr. Metcalfe, of Kingston, has been
removed to the Hamilton Asylum.
Serious complaints are made against
the character of the f1.P.B. crossings
in the vicinity of Kamloops, B.O.
Galt has contracted for 25 arc lights
of 2,000 candle power from dusk to
daylight for 27 cents each per night.
Carleton Place complains of the
wholesale shooting of singing birds
by illegitimate sportsmen ou Queen's
Victoria, B. O., has carried by a
majority of 254 a by-law granting a
bonus of $3,500 for works for the re-
duction of gold and silver ores.
The seven year old son of Rtchard
Sanders, of St. Thomas, had his
shoulder bons factored playing "crack
the whip" at school.
During the past two weeks over
thirty mechanics and laborers have
left Brookville for service Under -oolr-
tractors in British Columbia.
Fish are reported scarce in the Kin -
lees lakes, (wing to the fact that fish
traps and nets have bean get in the
outlet from the lakes to Mud river.
Rev. J. Badger, an Indian of Prince
Albert, has been ordained by the
Bishop of Saskatchewan, and licensed
as missionary to the Indians of Fort
La Come.
Oshawa complains of the adultera-
tions of maple syrup sold at that
place. It is even urged that sumo of
the fraudulent rollers should be invit-
ed to a conference at She police court.
Tho Montreal City Council has en.
tered a protest against the alleged
sacrifice of her intoreets by the Que-
bec Legislature at the dictation of the
smaller municipalities of the Pro.
A. little son of Mr. Esssry, of Osh-
awa, wandered from home on Monday
last and was found on the following
day at Columbus, whither ho had
walked. The search was kept up for
him all night,
Mrs. Field, widow of the late T.
Craig Field, of Now York Tammany
fame, who for some years has resided
at St. Andrew's Quo., has just been,
married to A. Pilon, advocate of Ste.
A cat belonging to George Brook,
of East Whitby, gave birth to a kitten
with eight Lege, two mouths, four ears,
two tails, and two bodies as far as the
waist. Tho freak lived only a few
nahnit05 after birth.
A'New York Boodle alderman in
hiding at Montreal is seeking the gore
of the Montreal correspondent of The
New York 2•imes, who telegraphed to
that journal an interview with him
Which did not take place.
The Peterborough Times laments
as follows :— •
Tell rte ye winged winds that round my
pathway sigh.
Do ye not know some (hap selling whiskey
on the ely ?
In some lovely silent place, from a cupboard
ora trunk,
Where a very thirsty soul eau,get glorious-
ly drunk?
The sighing wind grow silent, and accrued
to :no to grieve,
And answered me, "Dear 'fellow, oak me
renis other eve."
John S. Breit,, Itieell,o Inspector
for Brant, has roe]gned,
The Fermi Advocate of 1 ,et weep
0outeined twelve birth notices
A Tradoe and Labor Council has �s
been organized at 0•ihetva
The proceedings for the extradition
of Crntf, +wanted in Montreal, have
Torout,' Knights of Labor claim to
have 40 busses ruuuing in opposition
to tits etroet ears.
The ettntraet for the construction
tho Smith's Falls—Montreal short
hire, have been lot.
The 'War Ory describes the sno•
mishit operations of the Salvation
Army at Preston as "the Devil defeat.
ed un his awn ground,,'
The Loudon Advertiser's crank
friend advocates lata opening instead
of early closing, as a remedy for long
honre of nervice iu shops:
Airs, Barclay Welding of Rich-
mond, Mbot,., died suddenly of heart
disease at St. Thomas while attend
ing her father's funeral.
In happy ignorance of civic by laws
and in supreme contempt of civilized
nethods a party of Siwashes recently
camped In true gipoy atylo, and turn.
ed their four horses loose on the main
treets of Victoria, B. 0.
George Lindley while engaged in
plonghtug On the farm of Alex. Craw.
ord, of South Dorchester, turned up
human skeleton. The 00lna1113,
were not, more than ten 11101108 below
he surface, and were well preserved.
A. largo number of Chinese have
eft Nanai
mo armed with mining tools
nd have gond to the Nanaimo river
r Lakes. It is supposed than they
ave struck Some bench digging near
be !read quarters of the . Nanaimo
A representative of a Toronto groc-
ry and liquor firm is accused of offer.
g to Peterborough retailers grocer.
s at the very loweet rates, provided
quor was purchased, and nlso with
greeting to deliver all orders free of
rhe 001110m81st of Oomox, B. 0.,
suffering from an epidemic of fa-
r. Nearly half of the young pe-
e have been attacked, and as there
no phyeiaian in the district much
arm is felt. The disease is repre-
nted to be a typo of scarlet fever.
The St. Thomas Mercantile Early
using Association have received
any pledgee of sympathy and sup•
rt from all quarters, and especially
m the Iadies of the oily, wile have
on solicited to do their ehopping
thiu reasonable hours.
The leader of the Opposition in the
anitaba Legislature has given no-
s of a resolution declaring it is the
ty of the Dominion Government to
ko an arrangement with the Can -
an Pacific Railway for the aban-
ning of the mou0poly clauses.
Since the incorporation of Hunts -
le, deeds and other documents. ex -
ted as being in the village of
ntevile, have not been registered,
ng to the fact that no registered
n of the village has been made ac -
ding to the requirements .of the
istration Ant.
ho township of Oliver, in ;West
oma, has been swept by a fierce
h fire. • A farmer named Foote
all hie buildings, another farmer
ed Ramsay had a very narrow os -
e, and Rev. Mr. Machin and two
nds had a terrible experience in
ing through the blinding smoke
• E. McAllister, of Durham,
es :—I see that potatoes wore sold
incerdine for fiftsoen omits per
bel. 1 bought them for ten cents
bushel, thirty-five bushels for
50 -six bullets to pay for dinner
a man and his wife and hely for
team,' How is that for the N.
111 K
Oil at a depth of seventy feet has
been struck about fear milds from
Shegniandah, on. Manitoulin Island,
A vein of genuine surface oil was en•'
countered at a depth of eighteen feet
which spouted olear over the heads
of the drillers. A test is now being
made and the strongest confidence is
felt that the well will prove a paying
Late British Columbia exchanges
state that the strike of workmen on
the railway at Farewell was' for $1.75
per day. They have been receiving
$1.25 per day and paying $4 a week
for board. Itis reported that an ef-
fort would be made to induce China•
men to lakethe pisco of the strikers,
and in that event trouble was•tlntiCl-
There is danger of t'rouble with the
Indians at Ifootenay, B. C. The Chief,
Isadore, pulled up the stakes' that
were driven by enrveyore, and ordered
them to quit work. Fie declares that'
no more land shrill bo taken' up by'
whites in the vicinity. The tribe
numbers about 6100, and 11 is urged
that in order to protcet immigration
into the Upper Kootenay, at least 100
soldiers should bo sent forward,
1 1111t a nice lot of noisy Ca1•-
riagos 011 hand that the Public
should era,
They are W011:natio, nicely
finished and will bo Sold at
Reasonable Prices,
S]J mK H;M
arness % Collars !
and everything in the harness line
on hand.
Also Trunks, Valises, ,Satchels
&e., &e.
The Stt Faiii, -1 inneapelie Manitoba
with its 1,500 miles of road. It is the only
lino extending through the Park Region of
Minnesota, to all principal points in Red
River Valley, Northern Minnesota, North-
ern o Dakota. o .
The Shortest est Zi
a toZ�`
ar a
Moorhead, Sault Centro, wnhpotou, Cassel.
ton, Breckenridge, and Morrie.
Tho Only Line to Grand forks, Grafton,
Mayville, Larimore, Devils Lake, Crooks-
ton, Portland, Hope, Winnipeg, Hillsboro,
Ada, Alexandria, and to
in which there is now the largest area of
the most desirable vacant Government
Lands in the United States. Tho lands of
the St. Paul, ittinneapolie dr Manitoba Rail-
way 0o. in Minnesota are partioaiarly de-
sirable for all classes of farming, are offer.
ed at very low prices, and easy terns of
payment, and it will be to the advantage of
all seeking new homes, to examine them be-.
foro purchasing elsewhere,
Maps and pamphlets describing the coun-
try, giving rates of fare to settlers, oto.
mailed FREE to any address, by
Land and Immigration Oomm'r.
General Passenger Agent,
St. P. M. & M, R'y, Si. PAUL, Mrrtu
amage orks,
All made of the Bes 'Material and finished in a Workman -like manner.
Repairing and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy . should call before
RnrERnxolns.—Marsden Smith; B. Laing, James Cutt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
Rey. P. A. fear, ICirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township.
ET H E L ~�
_ 6T at wiLcriara
Tho undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mj111 in
First-class Running Order,
And' will be gladeto see all liis• old customers and as many now ones
as possible. Chopping done.
'lour elrtd Peed Al ra ys
Highest Price paid for aiiy quantity of Good' Grain.