The Brussels Post, 1886-5-14, Page 66
Dirootory of 4uobos and So iotios.
111111.vI14A Onritcn,_Sabbr,tb Services at
11 a.m. and 6:50 p.m. Sunday Sohool at
2:30 p.m. Rev. Jno. Boss, 13, A., pastor.
XNox Cnormu,--tiabbath Servi088 at 11
4.111, and 6:80 p.m, Sunday School at 2:30
p.m. Bev, 8. Jones, pastor.
Sm.mid p.m, Sada Sehool�atss at
• 11 am. and 7 p, y
a.m, Rev, W. T. Chafe, inoucnbent,
Mnrnonnir Camps), --Sabbath Services at
10:30 a,m, and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2;30 pm. Rev, Um. Smyth, pastor.
RoacAN Cemnor,m Cuuacif.-.Sabbath Ser-
vice thirdSunday in every month at 11. a.m.
Bev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Ono Tms.ow'a Lon°s every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
MAsooio Lonon Tuesday at or boforo full
moon in Vanetono's block.
A. 0. IL W. Lonon meets on 2nd and
last Wednesday evenings of each month.
Fonnersn'e Longs 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smale'o hall.
L. O. L. let Monday in every month in
Orange }Tali.
Poem Oarms;-Oftioe Hours from 8 am,
7 p.m.
MUM:UMC8' IN$TITPTO Beading Boom and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m, Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
70' arm 2v otos.
Cloven pasture is recommended as
a run for pigs.
Ax'kanses bas a State Agricultural
Society formed exclusively of colored
C61d tea and ten leaves laid about
the roots of potted plants fertilize and
keep the soil light.
Shilah'sCur0wiliimmedlat015 relieve Croup,
Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Soil by 0,
A. Deadman.
If farmers woad raise a nice pal.
ity of clover hay (alsike is one of the
best) for their horses, they might re-
cline the grain ration, as oloyer is far
more nutritious to the muscles than
meadow hay ; and the question of
dust does not arias when the clover
is moistened and mixed with the grain
as here recommended.
Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an
heart° remove Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth
albs, Lumbago or Rheumatidm,but will do is
instantly', and without carrying your head in
a poultice fora day or use greasy liniments,
Try a 05 cont bottle from John Hargreaves &
00.. d2055)0ts.
Mr. Whitehead said, at a meeting
of the New Jersey Horticultural Soc-
iety, that horticulture had been great-
ly benefitted by their State Experi•
meat Station, and that 460,000 tons
of commercial fertilizers had been
used in the state the previous season.
He had purchased ten tons for hor-
ticultural purposes to 0110 for farm
The virtue of Carbollo Acid for healing
cleansing andpurifying is well known; but
from the many modes of applying it, the pub.
No is uncertain how to use 1t. Te meet that
want. McGregor & Nitrite's Carbolic, aerate is
prepared, and may be need with confdence.
Do not be misled, Take only McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Cerate, Sold at John Her.
greaves & 00'0. Lrug store.
The utility of wind mils ou tho
farm is now very generally recognized,
and they are seen dotting hundreds
of rams where five years ago none
were to he found. A Western farm•
or now writes to us that with his
windmill he griuds all kinds of feed,
makee a good article of corn meal and
Graham flour, rune a feed -cutter and
a 22 inch wood saw.
Aro yyon made miserable by Indigestion, Con-
tipation,Dizziness,Lose of Apposite, Yellow
Skin? Shiloh's vitalizer is a positive cure.
Soidby G. A..D0adman.
Bach farmer whose home garden
does not embrace a sufficiency of
strawberries and raspberries for the
family should see to it that the de-
ficiency is remedied. .Don't go an-
other season without. You eacluot
afford to do it. You will have better
health, your wife will thiel: better of
you, and you will think bettor ofyour-
ear if you attend to this mattor.
The Weald's Bent.
1t is certainly remarkable tho wonderful
cures effected by West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment, This remedy has not an
equal in the world for the speedy cure of
Rheumatism, Sprains, Outs, Bruises and all
diseases requiring external application. Price
25 cents and 50 Dents per bottle. Sold by John
Hargreaves & Co,
G. Cowing, of Indiana, says that,
having mislaid n paper of gourd seed
which be intended to plant early in
the `spring, he (11(1 110t plant Clem t111
June. The exterior of the seed had
become hard and dry, 00 he carefully
split the shells at once planting the
germs. They Came up in a short time.
and grew vigorously till autumnal
Trost, and produoed the only satisfac-
tory crop of gourds he ever raised.
'11RK 13fttJte8lel,
Currants and geo)eb0rriee should
dseason to be
Ivo and have large fruit When prim-
ing, bear in mind that the former will
produce fruit on the 1 -year-old wood,
while with the latter the wood i$ 2
years old before bearing. Pruned in
treo form, they produce larger and
finer fruit. This requires a great
deal of attention and is done more
for show than profit, When grown
in bush form eaoh hush will often
yield sixteen quarts of fruit.
A Word lo the !Wise.
Moo, RobertlHooper, of Nintnss, enmity of
Bruno, in a letter, says:.. I have been treobl-
ed,wlth Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for
number of you're, and au: glad to say to 0110
Slublio as well an friends, that MoGregoy's
peedy Cure brought me around, and now I
am all right, thanks to klodregor's Speedy
gquently eoeived and aroko dailyYxoproving taro hat
this is truly a wonderful remedy, During Slug-
gishLlyer, Biltious Hendaohe and Costiveness
o s all
tore. Vial bottles given ld at J0Iin free.
RAISING 1i01t8xa P011 UM FARM. -
Raising colts for market ought to he
one of the sources of farm profits -
ono of the perquisites of tho farmers,
as eggs and butter should be the per-
quisites of the farmer's wife. It is
not expected that the ordinary farmer
is to be a fanny breeder, nor, indeed,
a breeder of what is called blooded
stock. But he should have an eye to
the fitness of things, and endeavor to
breed good, useful grades. Ho should
have some idea of what sort of a colt
his maro is calculated to breed', and
seek a Hiro accordingly. In this way,
if he cannot breed the highest -priced.
stook, ho oan at least Bemire a gout,
useful animal that will pay for its
reariug and hemp. A few dollars for
cervico of the right kind is as likely to
result in several dollars value in the
colt as good soma is to bring forth a
paying crop in the field ever one from
poor seed, or seed of a poor kind.
There is no prospect of profit in breed-
ing from an inferior sire, because his
services can he lead for small cost. As
well expect a good harvest of field
oorn from planting pop corn seed as
to expect a valuable colt from an in-
ferior sire. It is perhaps not worth
while to waste expensive service on a
scrub mare, but if a roam is worth
breeding from at all, it will pay to
secure service that gives some pros-
pect of value iu the offspring. Some-
thing never comes of nothing. Neither
will a colt of value come from coupl-
ing a worthless mare with a worthless
horse. Lille begets like, and scrub
colts aro a poor investment.
product -
bo pruneevery I
There isan unlimited number 01 lives sowed
annually bylining West's Cough Syrup in time.
If people were to exercise a little more -ware
and procure a bobtlo of Week's Cough Syrap,
205011 a cough first troubloe, mule after 110017
(could be averted, Sbld by Sao, Hargreeves &
Co,.Druggi eta, Brian oants,50 oont8, and 81
por bottle.
Prof. Caldwell says that some ex-
periments made with common gait
proved that the soil of a grass plot
which had boon dressed with it was
found to contain ten days after a rain
load fallen on it, twice as much water
es an adjoining plot which had re•
oeived to salt. The plants on the
halted portion were growing vigor-
ously, while those ou the .unsalted
Plot were suffering from drought,
This was obviously an egoeptional
Case, but it shows promise from sim-
ilar trials.
iy '1,�1} L ' �54end teua yo poatago, ned two
Iwill ,nwtl you Erna n rny,tt,
valuable, 0antp19 hex of Hoods
that will put you le 81,o way
of making more money nt unee ,ttlultanything
oIse in a (erica, Both 00200 of all egos 0011
lino (8)10,00 avt worn In 00050 0110, or all
the time. Capital not m1111r04, Wo 20111
start von. Immense par 01150 :01 111000 20110
start et°nee. - 84r1N8014 as OIL,
rtlnnd, .)latae
From Thomas A. Kemple.
Lay not thy heart open to every
ono ; but treat of thy affairs with the
wise, and such as roar God.
We must have love toward all, but
familiarity with all is mot expedient.
Regard not much who is for thee,
or who againsr thea ; but give all thy
thought and care to this, that God he
with the in e0ely thing thou doest.
If thou oanst be silent and sudor,
without doubt thou shalt see that the
Lord will h61p thee.
But if thou observe anything wor-
thy of reproof, beware thou do not
the same. And if at any time thou
hast done it, labor quickly to mimed
Few by sickness grow better and
more reformed : so also they who
wander muoh abroad, seldom there-
by become holy.
Trost not to friends and kindred,
neither do thou put off the care of
thy soul's welfare till hereafter ; for
men will forget the, sooner than thou
art aware of.
It is better to look to it betimo, and
to send some good before thee, than
to trust to another man's help.
0 how wisp and happy is lie that
0020 laboreth to be such a one in his
life as ho will desire to bo found at
the hour of death ?.
I have often hoard that -it is safor
to hear and to take counsel than to
give it.
It may also fall out, that It man's
opinion may he good ; but to refuso
to yield to others when reason or a
special cause regnisoth, it is a mark
of pries and stiffuoss.
0onduct01' Quirk, of the G. T. R.
of Kincardine, has been confined to
the house with rheumatism.
E. W. Johnston has been engaged
as trainer and groundman of the
Brooklyn Aihletio Club.
Shelburne has got a new ohomioal
engine, at a coat. of $5,400, and con-
sidorable dissatisfaction exists among
the citizens as to whether it worth
the money or not.
Tho assessors' returns show that
the city of London has decreased in
population no less than 207.
Tho Woodetook Sentinel Review
says :-About a dozen young follows
"hit the town" 011 Sunday with plug
hate. A number of them were re.
olined on the grass in one of the Van.
sittart ave. parks whom well•Ilnown
pulleter passed and remarked "that
they had turnod those plugs out to
grass." Hie funeral arrangements
t were attended to at once.
iniA.E11 TO BENT..-TIlli ST113-
tier Mar wntront lot 3'1, eon ,i, llroy,00n,.
1 em ye55 nc House, b ruamid0 all' other 000
more yenro,
feed t)c 8 on a There the 8100 say at
fns to let would similar loft, by 1ne lasso n time
ingtolaevoa001ample,( when his time
was out.w . A use of implements es Ho would 0 1-
s0pllowed. Also 10110050. in lIowisk town-
sh eroisale item Wroxeter. 10 notes cle05,1, <8
Tenants tiding on the tat but no born, 0
tenant bu lldlugabarn would be alloowod 10
stop it out of the rout. Possession eon be
given on April Isl. Nor further particulars
apply to THOS. WHIT 10,
MAY 14, 1686,
BAItGAIN11 73. lr , Collars a .
if you Want It good rat of Heavy
i:11NS I I v", el�d"id ,
111 Plows, Selliliel',l, Laud Rollers,
Straw Oaten, Horse Powers,
I Tread Powers, hent) Drills, ced-
ars, Hay Tedders, 11.11,)' )takes,
Binders, Reltp rA, \Iflwery, inky
Plows, Farm 1-30ahm, the light run-
ning Bain Wagon, Curb -tires, Bug-
gies, two second handBuggies,
Bell :Organs, Raymond c iVilig
Maellllwl .
Da, E. C. wnsm's Nerve a.ud 355,0111 Trent -
moot, u guaranteed.Booeid° for Hysteria, Diz•
shwas, Convulsions, Ilse, Nervous, Nour.lgin,
'Soudnohe, Nervous Prostration paused by the
use of aloohol or tobmes, gout -
al Dellrea0iOn Softening' o1 `the rnrLin result-
ing to insanity, leading to misery, decay null
death. P rernature Old Ago,15arrena es, Lose el
Power In either 50x, Involuntary Losses and
Spormotorrhma 001100d by over-exertion of the
Brain, salt-sbus0 or overindulgence. Tach
or mix boxes for Se, aunt byrm1111, 1 ren aid,, bon
receipt 01 prleo.
2013 (ri) 206ANTEE SIX BORES
To ouzo any Casa. W'otb soclliot wi9h $ 1 veed
by as for six boxes, 330
will send the purchaser oar 2021110n guarantee
0C rotund the money it the treatment doge not
effect swore. Guarantees issued only by Sohn
Hargreaves & 00., Brussel..
Canadian paoido Railway Time ?alio,
Teeswater Branch.
Mlles Going West Mall. Ex1r,
Toronto.. Dop
Orangeville ..
Orangeville Jot
Amarantht ..
Waldemar.. •.
Luther ....
Arthur .
Mm. FOantT ..
Pages $ ......
Gerrie ......
Winghan/ Road
7.2 a.m.
9.60 "
10.05 "
10.15 41
10.24 "
10.31 "
11.08 "
11.80 "
11,68 a.m.
12.55 "
1.08 "
.15 ,.
1.38 "
1.65 .m.
5.40 p.m.
Miles tloitag Emit Exprses Man
Teamster Dop
Wingham Boad
Wroxeter .• ••
Gorrio . • • • •
Fordwioh .• •,
lfarriston , . . •
Pages $..
Mt. Forest.::
Luther ......
Amaranth 1
Orangeville Jot
Toronto .. Arr.
5.7,6 a.m.
2.15 p.m.
2.80 "
2.49 "
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
TORO NT0,I110 OTI01(,
4)II,t912205121) AND
x+Z71V'Cx0:QN BASZ- 2R^P3 ON'
tlt PLETAl'li1tal ,
'MUST AGENT, 13562155510.
And Eye -Glasses
-That Will Preserve .Your 1yoeight.-
llffanufaeturing Optician, late of the firm of
Lammas & Morris, 28 Maryland Road,
Barrow Road, London, England, has op
pointed an agent for the Renowned Speot•
axles and Eye -Glasses which have been bo.
fore the public for the past 25 years,
tetA.1 o9' Spgatacles never tire the aye.
Last many years without change.
-For gale by -
1.A8, DBE WE, • Hardware Merchant
31.81° Brussels, Ontario.
Two Horses, 1 Colt, eine months
old, two Colts, 2 years old, one 6
years old, all heavy dranght.
Call &. Examine Goods
before Purchasing elsewhere.
Geo. Love,
ON DECli..
Geo. Phippeu,
�CGl72iC] , - BPUSS e1s,
. is prepared to do All Kinds of
&c., Joo.,
at Reasonable Rates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ila Evely Instance.
0r Bight lidless, it well fitting
Collar, that won't gall 1110 horses
shoulders, !My 0(1)155 30 (1 011(1)3 to
complete your 14(31 of harness, or
anything in the harness lino go to
1. 0. ltLCIIARD'S.
Left at Geo. Backer's Store Will
be promptly attended to.
Trunks and Valises
aro always kept in stock and sold
at a small margin on cost. If you
Want anything in this lino call at
Baby & Doll Carriages.
Just to Eland a nicely assorted
stock of Carriages that have only
to be seen to bo admired. Call
and get our prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Repairing promptly attended to.
hop in Graham's block, oppos-
ite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
Here We are Again,
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 yel,rs I de-
sire to state that 1 am prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
a11(1 Ornamental Painting in a
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hang- ing
and Kalsomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time. -
Now that the - house cleaning
Season will 50011 bo here send your
orders along early so that they
can be attended to in good time.
The Old Reliable.
Having just received' the Largest and I3ost Selected Stock of
Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, we are now prepared to Sall
AT VE -2" IJow
Our Stock is composed of
Scotch & Canadian Tweeds
Ye1vot. finished Sniting8, ll'r011Ch Sorstecls, Serges. Also an Im-
mense Stock of
tri fed and Ob,ee ed, Pamrti e
Always on Hand. Our Stock of furnishings, such as Tien Lunen &
Celluloid Collars, Linen & Celluloid Cuffs, Linen and Silk Handkor.
chiefs, Pat. Napa Black Gloves, Kicl Glovos, Woolen and Cotton Hose,
Braces, 'Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and Gar-
ters, &c., always on handl and at Low Prices.
Wo intend making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as we have a Large Stock of A11 Shapes and Latest Styles. Our stock
being Large we intend running them off at , ,
Prices to Suit the Times.
We Lead & Others Follow.
Our Tailoring Department
Is too well known to noed'i111y spoeial mention. We guarantee Satin-
faction every time.. • ,
Sr.ale's Old Stand.