The Brussels Post, 1886-5-14, Page 1aseeesatepreeeteetetteteleteneutse
NO. 45.
,Drliegele ScImel Board.
always ooneidor hinDielf an honorary
The regular meeting of the School Board
wits held in the Council Chamber last Fri-
day evening.
All the members present except E. B.
Moved by Dr. lintehinson, seconded by
H. Donnie that V, S. Soott (tot as chairman.
Minutes of hist meeting road and approv-
Tho Principal prevented his report of the
attendance at 8011001 for the month of April
as follows :
Depts. 1st 2racl Bol 4t1i 5th
Average 85 86 48 44 54— 211
Boll 49 47 58 56 85-289
Moved by T. Fletcher, seconded by H,
Donnie that the Secretary write for man.
logue of maps required at school and eseer-
tain whet they can bo purchased for vie. -(6)
2 Dominion, 2 World, 1 Ontario. Carried.
Moved by E. Dennis, seconded by T.
Platellor that the Chairm an be instructed to
notify Bich. Hingston and others whose
°Whim aro attending se hool, be kept away
until better of eicknoss which their borne is
troubled with, Carried.
' The Board then adjourned.
tednosday evening some 80 or 9
persons, (members and adherents
Melville Church) surprised their ra
tor, Roy. J. Ross, B. A, and presen
erti him with a puree containing $20
as a mark of theesteem in wide
lio is held by his people, Tho Bathe
ing MIS a genuine surprise o th
rev. gentleman, for while ho and Mr
Ross warn at the prayer meeting u
the church a number of the negrega
tion tool: possession of the manse an
had everything ready when the pray
or service was over. Mr. and Mrs
Roos left the church and wended thei
way homeward little buspecting th
"plot" and that be was so soon to b
followed by so large a number of 1)1
oongregatiou. W. R. 'Wilson res
s -
e f
tfie accompanying address and Alex
Stewart, Queen street, mads
prem./Anion. The following is a copy
vi' (ho address :—
To the Bev. Johlt.Rose, D. J.,
member of the historic 88r&"C01, Boos replied in suitable and
feeling term,
Major Murray after eighteen years
connection with the Battalion as
Capt. and Major, and in , order to
nutke way for younger men, tendered
his resignetion. It was moved by
Capt. Wileoe, seconded by Quarter -
Master Beck, and, “Resolved that wo
the officers of the 88rd Battalion, as -
ambled, desire to convey to Major
Murray our regret that be feels it a
duty to sever his oonneotion with the
83rd Battalion of whioh he has boon
a member since Re foundation, and
trust th, he will consider himself an
honorary member of the Battalion,
and that he may bo long spared to
join with us at the moss."
iliejor Murray replied with fooling
terms, end enured hie former cone-
rades in arms that he would. always
be with them heart thongh ho
might not personally.
Ool. Coleman by right of seniority,
and with the enthusiastio approval of
hie fellow officers, assumed the com.
mend of the Battalion. In doing so
bo referred to Lb e happy relations
which had always existed between
himself and bis retiring prodeceseor
and brother officere, and hopecl that
he would, when impelled to retire,
carry with him the same pleasant
recollection as his predecessor and, to
be held in the seam esteem and affeat.
on in which Col. Roes is now held
by both officers and Men.
Arrangemonts aro being made to
have suitable helmets and clothing
or tho men.
Another meeting will he held bo -
ore the Battaliou is called out in
—Wo, the members and adherents of you
congregation, assembled hero tonight with
feelings cf pleasure and satisitiotion at the
Tenn of the anxious and trying ordea
through which yon and we have so recently
paesed, at the eamo time wo desire to ac-
knowledge with gratitude, the kindness o
the (Aver of all good i,u controlling events to
enable you to feel it your duty to remain
amongst those who already love you so
well, and to ahem you have ministered wi h
so nmeh neeptanee. During the few yews
you have presided over this people we have
recognized. a steady, vigorous growth in all
departments of °berth work, counected with
this congregation, and we may safely any
there is more warmth, MOTO liberality, MOTs
seal, mullet us hope and trust more practi-
cal Ohrietianity with anal sueeoeding year
of your pastorate. We would also avail our -
Selves this opportunity to express our ad-
miration of the many good and kind qualit-
lee of your emiable partner. Her unnesum-
lug, benevolent and Christian character has
endeared hor to every individual in the son-
gregation. Within then last few weeks you
have been tho reeipient of many complimen-
tary and eulogistic remarks and really pro-
fessions of goodwill, but as thee° verbal ex-
pressions of appreciation entail no personal
anwifloo an tho part of any oue of no, we
bave deemed it fitting and proper to endorse
these etetemeuts by something more nutter.
ial and substantial than mere wordy °etas.
10)3. 1,7'e cloture, therefore, that you will a0 -
cent this demotion of 0200, and as the peri-
od of your holidays is drawing near, such an
addition may not prove an unwelcome, oom-
minion, Hoping that you may bo long
!spared to do the work of the blaster 111 this
place, and if spared together as pastor and
people that the future may be even more
abundant in success than the pest has been.
To make use of the orthodox phrase
and say the pastor made a suitable
reply is not by any means expressing
the worth of whet ho said. The reply
was fall of good things.
B,efroshmente Were snved, by the
ladies after whin it short time was
spent in social (het 02138 singingbe-
fore the company separated.' It is
well when a congregation not' only
hold but give expression of their re-
gard for their pastor and his wife.
Air. and 1VIre. Ross deserve it all.
A meeting of the Aims of the
33rdetturon Battalion, wiseheld at
the Rettenbury Houeo, Clinton, last
week for the purpose of completing
arrangements for goieg into weep
this summer.
Ool. Ross tenderea his resignation
and earnestly urged its acceptatice,
whet it was moved by Capt. laine,
seconded by Capt. W, Elliott, that :
“Whoteas Lieut. -Col. Ross, after long
and happy connection with the 38rd
Battalion from it; foundation) feels
it tt thi,ty to withdraw from the Colon -
°ley, we, the offieere of the 88re1 Bat-
talion, assembled together, regret hie
retireinent from the active duties of
the regineent, but trusb that he will
Caledonian Society.
The annual meeting of the Brunelle
Caledonian Societywin held, in the
Council Ohember, on Monday even-
ing, Chief Shaw in the chair.
The auditors' report was read and
adopted, which showed a balance of
$488.59 in tho hande of tho Preasue-
Thal:Blowing officers were elected:
Chief, 7'. R. Seat,
let chieftain, J. H. Young,
2nd " E. E. Wade,
ard H. Dennis,
4th " 11, Graham,
iso.-Treas., Jas. T. Roes,
Asst. Sem, J. G. Skene,
Committee, D. Boss, B. Williams, D.
Strachan, A. Currie, P. Scottland D.331 -won.
Pipe major, T. Ballantyne,
Piper, D. thowitot,
Auditors, A. Hunter and A. Straolum.
It was decided to hold the annual
games, on Victoria Seuare, on Tues-
day, Juno 22nd. Brussels, Paisley
and Wingham forming a circuit.
Posters, programs, &o. will be dis-
tributed shortly giving fall partiqu-
Pix -tee Comets- le/civets-
The new cemetery at St. Marys is
ready for use.
Rice & Ohapple, stationers of St.
Marys have purchased the business of
Wm, Bryn, of London.
Thomas Bell and his wife, convict-
ed of perjury in connection with the
burning of their house near Belleville
were former residents of Stratford for
many years.
Tile annual financial report of the
Si. Marys Mechanics' Institute show-
od the total receipts for the year to
be $990.70 and the total expend'.
turn ad liabilities $1,098.25, leav-
ing an adverse balance of $108.49.
$800 worth of books have been pur-
chased and aro now being placed in
the cases.
J,vM. Berner° and 0. W. Perrin,
of St. Ives, were fined $4 each and
onto for Welling black bass out of
amnion, Mr. Barnard was also
charged with not having the fish run
od. his dam in proper order, He
agreed to repair it immediately, and
with the consent of the Fishery In-
apeator he was let off with a fine of
only $4 and costs.
The following figures will allow the
relative standing for 1885 and 1886
of the town of St. Marys
1885. 1886.
Beal property value 01,017,086 01,084,815
Poremml " " 85,200 e1,100
Income e 27,800 27,600
Total restatement •
and inoome 1,100,085 1,148,615
Total Menne 18,480
Don -resident not in-
cluded In aboVo 5,180
The population for 1886 is 8,400,
ati compared with 8,858 in 1885, an
Monne of 42.
Obeesemakers' Convention
A convention of cheeseenekers was
in the Town run, Listowel, cm Thursda
29th tilt" under the inispioes 0( 11)0 Weete
Ontario Di mirymen's Association, The oo
vention was called together for the pulp()
of listening to an addroes by Prifr. Bobo
son, of the Agricultural Guelp
There erafi 0 good attendance of °hoes
make:re and others interested in ohoeseme,
ing present. Following is a Flummery
Mr. Robertson's address; clesorib
good cheese as poseeseing a fine flavor,
f,i7olionreislermofnboondy0,570axliurneot auntorronint,e
nese of color, as well as try' mmetry in brfghn
The flavor desirable was a combination
cream, rennet, acid and Balt, and all the
avail should exist in the croon bofo
hand, Claws should receive liberal Buy
of good salt. Gores should be well Jeep
kindly treated, and milked with dry band
The COWS' udders ebould be washed ludo
milking. Strainer pails were usually dir
and tainted the milk. Tho airing of mil
before it cooled was important, and coul
be done beet by pouring from one t
another. Be believed in mouthly circular
When the milk woe received at the factory
the tainte whioli experience taught th
maker to discern should be at once removed
or the germs would grow and Morns
Tainted milk from decayed vegetable ma
tor or lack of salt could be improved b
heating Beta airing, but taints from de
toyed animal matter could not be removed
Be then spoke of the different apparatuse
for testing milk, mad declared that none o
them wore perfect, and could only be judo
ed by comparison. Speaking of the oboes°
makers' work, he spoke of the dirt in Lb
spout of tho cans as fouling the milk wit
something like diphtheria germs. Th
thickening of the curd should be varied in
time, one minute to each day, the aces
was kept before being placed on the tabl
of the consumer. The card should always
bo out as S0011 as it will split on the finger
—on the soft side of anything. It was bet
tor out: too early than too late. The stirr
ing should be done very gently, as bruisiug
the curd had jest about the same effect as
bruisingfruit in the peeking. Water should
be need under tho pans in heating the) WW1
whioh should never exceed 98 degrees in
tempero,thre, as the cream and fee were
cased in by degrees 05 11001 over 100. The
berit time for dipping the curd was just be.
fore it been= firm. He advocated the use
of bevelled slats in the sinks, as they were
easier to clean, Only eufficiant salt should
be added to give the Anse the best flavor.
Ono Arad a half to a dry curd and two pounds
to a moist curd was quite enough at this
time of the year. The curd should go into
the hoops within. twenty .minutes of the
time of adding the salt, to prevent the rosy
flavor from escaping, no difference what
the temperature was ab tho time. If the
curd needed airing, it should be clone be-
fore the salt was added. The &close should
be sponged with scrupulouely clean, like
warm water in bandaging, Dirty, greasy
water frequently soaked into a now soft
ohoese. The store room should be kept at
a uniform temperature never lower than
sixty degrees. Fall cheese often got a bad
flavor from being subjected to a low tem-
perature at night, A temperature of 85 de-
grees for the first weok or ton days in the
0110805 00010, would do the choose good, and
then it might be moved into a store -room
and sitbjected to a slightly lower temper.
ature. Good ventilation was necessary in
the curing room, as the cheese absorbed a
lot of Oxygen from the air while being our -
ed. ' A ouring-room should always have
double windows. A, system of ventilation
by an underground plank conductor into
tho bottom of tho room was advocated.
Good cheerio had a texture of its own whioh
should bo preserved by the maker in every
poseible way by not bruising or shivering
the structure of the curd. To thoroughly
mix the rennet, it should. bo placed ill a pail
of water and thoroughly agitated to divide
nd trotter tho mall globules which have
eneaffinity for each other. The pressure
on tho cheese should bo applied gradually,
as it makes the substance more uniformly
firm. In tho ouring rooms they should be
turned every morning, and it was much
better to leave the cloths on for two weeks.
The best cheese should be out amongst the
patrons, as the best market MS the home
/trent, and there was an excellent field in
ate& to increase the oonsumption. He
announoed his intention of visiting a num-
ber of factories in the neighborhood, this
summer, and demonstrating the bete he
hadlaid before them. If any of the makers
wished inforinotion, a letter to Guelph to
his address would receive immediate atten-
tion. He would in soma meets be glad to
visit factories whore difficulties occurred,
and endeavor to overcome the trouble. Ab
the conolusion of Mr. Itobertmon's practical
address, a hearty vote of thanks was tend-
ered to him
Mns. W. 11', Vansecnez and children
are vieiting among her friends at Wallc.
cid erten and that locelity.
Y' On and after Wednesday, May 5111,
n. Atlantio cable rates to Great Britain,
se Ireland, and France, will be twelve
rb* dente and to Germany fifteen cents
per word. Rates to plane beyond
k- Great Britain, Ireland, Frame, and
of Germany, will be twelve cents, plus
°a present rates beyond London.
at Boutin TO Pnosenn.—We take the right
t. way by turning out first-chtes work that
e. will speak for itself. Wood work and paint.
of ing done en buggies, wagons, reapers, dos,
go Hosen STIORINCI, Ting SETTING, 312ARINO and
„„ Demme Ions, dm. done in a thoroughly
ty workmanlike manner, Le. Manua lute
t -
A Nynex from next Monday will be
the Queen's Birthday. Celebrations
are on hand in Almon every hamlet,
village and town in the County.
COUNTY 0010TEN7ION.—A temper-
anee convention will bo held in the
Town Hall, Clinton, on Friday, May
28th, commencing at 10 o'clock san.
Every temperance worker in the
County ie invited trehe present.
Lies Wednesday while Elsie, the
little daughter of Walter Jackson, was
playing ball, with a stone, along with
some other children she was attack on
'the side of the head. Tho wound
would not have been very swine haa.
ie not been thet an artery was Ewer.
ed and a latge amount of blood was
lost before it was cheesed.
charge of the horse shoeing department.
For two }Tars he was foreman of a first.
aloes shoeing shop in Guelph and gave un-
bounded satisfaction. The best of eatie.
Section guaranteed Call on us. Shop op-
posite Queen's hotel stables.
WATTS, Molise:1m ct: Waldron.
Canadian Ne-oves.
Hull was visited by a terrible Bre
on Sunday morning early.
The population of Belleville is re.
ported by tho assessors to be 10,076.
The amount of (mental invested in
Canadian railways is $450,092,509.
The coalheavers of Hamilton have
struck for an advance from 1.2e. to 15
cents an hour.
Andrew Sherryan, farmer, of Tyout
dinaga, has been killed while blasting
a rock with dynamite.
Tho Northwest medals were pro -
Rented to the Toronto corps on Wed-
nesday in Queen's -park,
The Canadian racehorse Springfield
won his firet victory of the season in
Waehington last Thursday.
Mr. Tringhatn, of Windsor, telly
believes that hie electric railway will
be M operation by the 24te inst.
At the Presbyterian.Synod, at Galt,
it was decided to form a new Pees-
bytery, with Orangeville at the head.
Americau fisherman say that un -
len they eau procure Canadian bait
they will be compelled to give np fieh-
A. warrant is out in London for the
arrest of John Rogers, manager of
Minnie Palmer, for threatening to
fight a duel.
Deputy Reeve Raploy, of Strathroy,
on the occasion of his 72m1 birthday,
was tho recipient of a .gold -headed
cane from his children.
O. Cossette, a manufaeturer at Val-
leyfield, has commenced an action
for libel against Dun, Wiman & Co.,
laying his damages at $10,000.
Au Indian who has arrived at Wood
Mountain states that the Yankton
Sioux are threatening to rise, and
have invited Sitting Bull to join them.
The Brandon Sun says there is no
mon to doubt that the acreage plate -
ed under cropin Manitoba will exceed
one-half more than thee of Int year,
J. 0. Harrison, of Stratford, claims
that he has clinovered a certain cure
for bleak knot on fruit trees. He is
taking the necessary steps to have it
The Hon. John Carling has intro.
aimed a bill into parliament for the
establishment of a Dominion Agricul-
tural Farm at an estimated cost of
$240,000, with branch farms In sev-
eral of the provinon.
The Galt Reformer says that if it
had not been for the depremetion of
mill property in value, now lying idle,
the increase in the town's assessment
would be much greater. The duty
on wheat has seriously injured the
milling businese.
Casey and Bittle sparred four very
exciting rounds at Ingersoll Thurs.
day night for points. Casey had the
best of it from start to finish. Tho
ooatos6 was decided a draw. Casey
was seconded by Jaok Richarason and
Bittle by Failjemes.
A new county Orange Lodge is
about to he organized at Wiarton, to
be called the Loyal Orange County
Lodge of North Bruce, to be compos.
ed of the Orange District of Wiartou
and Arran, There are 11 primary
lodges in the Wiarton District and
7 lodges in the District of Arran..
The Militia Department has given
O Marieville, Quebec, firm the son -
tract for manufacturing forty thane.
and straw hats for the volunteen.
The now head -gear was adopted in
view of the representation of the
medical gentlemen who were out on
anive service Inst SuMlnet. It is ex -
putted that thole will not be the 18-
033101000 this year of 1.10 numerous
Oases of sunstroke reported every
summer from the various military
camps. The hats are to cost thrso
Efforts are being made to locate
anthracite coal in the Turtle Meme -
1 tain District.
In June there will he a deficit of
$2,800 in the mission fond of the
Algoma diocese.
Alex, McConnell haa been appoint-
ed license inspector for North Bruce
by the Ontario Government.
The general expectation in Quebec
is that the Provincial elections will
take place in June or July.
The 100111 Government of Quebec'
has oontributed $1,000 in aid of the
sufferers of the Hull conflagration
The roulette oligue have resumed
operations at Montreal on an exhale-
ive scale in most luxurious apart-
ments. The police are resting.
Ie the House of Aseembly at Hali-
fax, NS., resolutions endorsing Glad,
stone's Home link policy 11 aro moved
by Attorney -General White, seconded
by J, Pewee, M.P.P. for Halifax, and
paned unanimoualy.
A Montreal despatch says the most
stringent museums will be taken to
compel St. Dsnie village to take proper
action in sanitary ;natters. Several
oases of smallpox prevail at present
in that village. .
D, 11, Graham, a cooper, formerly
of London, announces his intention
of going through the Niagara Rapids
la a barrel. When Graham gets
hrough there will bo one fool less in
he country.
The Middlesex Board of License
omtnissioners have decided not to
rant any of the applications for
ruggists' and vendors' licenses in the
entity, considering they are not Med-
d, and neon of them being for hotel
reenises—which they consider could
at legally be granted.
Edward. Hanlan has received the
following °retries for his regatta on
°rout° Bay, Friday and Saturday,
nue 4th and 5th :—Wallace Ross,
. W. Loe, jalco Gandanr, Gesrge
. Hosmer, P. H. Conley, Albert
panne, 3. A. Ten Eyck, 0. T. En.
glat, F. A. Plaided, Z. A. Meliay,
&ward lianlan, and Charles E.
ourtney for the singles, and Lee '
net lianlan, Gaudaur and Hunan,
nd Homer and McKay for the
Five days,ago JoseplelQuinn,forneer.
of Chatham, was shot at his cattle
mho, fifteen miles south of Bron.
n, by a woman known ite Della
ontague. She first met Quinn a
on time previous at her house in
tendon. She rode to Q ninn's
nobs, called him out -door, and de.
ancled that he marry hor. lie re -
e0(1 and ordered her away, whore -
on she fired a bullet which hit
nen in the neck. Tho wound is
t serious. Tho woman then lune
od back to Brandon, whore she
s arrested. She is said to be a
ughter of a wealthy family in Chi
An exehange says :—The under -
tors of New York have just formed
redo' union. The New Yorkers
this respect are far behind their
thren of Ontario. The Uudertak-
' Aesociation of this _Province, if
are correctly informed, es a very
se corporation, and ivill pretty
11 plaoe the people of Ontario tin.
tribute after they are dead, as
oh as any N. P. can possibly do
ile they aro living. People talk
tit being tamed to death, but Ont.
onians are 50133(1317' taxed aftertbey
dead, and until thee. are safely
ked away under the sod. The
tad° Undertakers' Association now
ually oontrola the market of an,-
takers' sundries. IS dictates oven
manufacturers to whom they shall
shall not sell. In order to keep
prices only one undertaker will be
wed to do business in a town of a
tain popul alien. Some people May
k that where there would bo a
!hood of doing business some one
Id nine in opposition to any tin-
aker in such town; but it seems
even that is out of the question,
they cannot purchase the noose.
supplies. Even if he went with
try in his hand to the naanufac-
rs they dare not sell to him least
Anociation, or the wholesale
see under its thumb, would boy.
them. It is getting to be a burn -
minion where this union business
ing to end. Talk about freedom
he Anse/dean Ooneinent, there is
lively loss of it on this "froo soil of
" than there is in the old fossil,
countries of Europe. Wo are
ding Up so erect in our freedom
theta is a totrible (Alamo of us
ing q
is go
on 4
doubling baokaiard.