The Brussels Post, 1886-3-1, Page 60
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. PARR lots for sale, tine advt. '
.ALnunt.s away, away clown at 'VMS
O.UTHERN EXTENSION,W G 84 B•R p,. 2 !hello tore.
'r•,rain atmos Brussels Station ,north and (;t.oyxt; awl Seed et Meth/exit.a= astoua)ye: en's.
Going South. Going North,
119 'i......... 7;25n.m.' Mizad •ie:0aa,nn. w ie the tune to advertise to
� r.,.ess...,..,.11:esa•m. unit 14sp.m, aitch the spring trade.
Mi'ima ,,
...,.s:50tu.�Ezprea 910p.m' ill.l�.l•, ti secs tl donhuuag his
The morning train southaudyhenrghtraft,
urthWttlehly run on Tuesday., Thurednve. glow 1''tf pale for another week
and So:tulle,/s 20 Les, Light Brown Sugar for 1.00 at
Tun envoi roti.l was very basely
oca Bills inns, &plea !hie week owing to the west-
ern "breezes" that blew.
A chiel'e among ye folio notes 'fnE speech from the Throne at the
Au faith he'll Arent It opening of the House of Comniens
way be found on page 6 of this issue.
SERVANT wlintecl. See advt. IT is reported that a Brussels young
(imam Next Tuesday evening,
men will telco a position 8,e tlevellor
er permitting. See bills. f 1, ,, j,rliinr firm in !1111 near future.
Moran1iehi TO LOAN. Apply at THE Posy DiwNNes O'Bu1EN has opened a ehoe-
Piiblishing House. maker's sing in the stand easels va
Rut. mu. Morn, of Fordwich, will sated by H. Chaptuau. GI" him a
preach iu Melville church next Sun• triol
day. "Tun Drug Stora," Graham's 3 storey
Basin in the local items, please,
and help us get out ono the of beet
papers in Boron County.
Witt. VANssose & Sons shipped 1.
001) barrels of their c-lebrated flew -
to Glasgow, Scotland, this week,
Berme Horse and Cattle Beed, at Geo•
A. skate was seen oe the road be-
tween Brussels and Walton lately.
FigntBmen have been after it but
Lave not yet caprnrod his bearship.
20,000 ENVELOPES in stook at The
Pose Publishing Hough. Give 114 a
Ball if you want anything in this
Tim papers road at the Past Huron
Ranters' Institute by John Hannah,
of.Soaforth, end Thos. Strutter', of
Grey, may be found on page 8 of this
5 me Young Eynon Tea for 41.00, at
Geo. Bseker's.
It you aro about to render acoouuts
call at THE POST and see our samples,
and get our prices for bill heads. All
kinds of job work done on short no
tion and at. reasonable prices.
Bitema fives has jest received a very
hL(ildsoms stock of Wall Papers. First
cllinico is the best, remember.
Lesr Sunday afternoon the pupils
of St. John's church Sunday School
gave their second °bora' service, un
der the management of E. B. Burt
The story vies the life of Daniel, and
was very interesting.
SHE the large stook of letterheads,
noteheads, billheads, statements, me
morandums, envelopes, &c, at Tun
Pim Publishing Howie. Don't send
out your accounts on scraps of wiper
when you can get neatly printed bell
heads for about the same cost.
MESSRS. LIVINGSTON, proprietors of
the Brusssls Flax Mill, have a large
amount of flax seed for farmers in
this locality. See aavt. In t[ifeiassne.
Flax growing has paid well as a crop
in this locality and a large amount
will no doubt be sowed next spring.
Nauss TO DnBront.--A0nonnts due es•
tate of James Drewe, Brussels, must be
paid to J. 0. Smith, in eharge, among, or
eaenb will bo placed in suit for collection.
C. B. An010T8ONG, Trustee.
REEVE STRAOBAN, of Grey, was at
Cruderiob this week attendiug a War
�1en's Onmmittee meeting in reference
to the buildiug of a bridge at ,lien
miller. The Committee decided to
erect a wooden strnatnre instead of
iron, thereby sieving about $10,000.
taLutitSL'L 0•(M 2
Mr. Babb nays 13ra,suls is no. meek
like it woe when he limit beilt It mill
whore linitemeo's Mill BOW :ltands.-
Albort 133v0ro w is h')luo frt,ut Tout.
,+/tier last Friday lie lest nb,lnt
$250 over and above hie inaurlulee in
the burning of hitt shop, Ho has not
vt•t dreaded Mint he will flu, --W, si, trifler! in the factory of lirosAteei
EIerclreaver, of Peleley, spent a few t4 Box, We hope to 500 ail these
days with his broiler tilis week,- Ineehaniei back from hmbfOrtll i1) the
'1 Fart ('101='•il i•, visi3'' in (ofl)' Lilt n '5 .-Ml se 1100lure, of Mo
:;tratlnrtl._Rev. J L. Kerr spoilt a Killer, Nati visiting at D. Boss' bhis
couple of days in Dundalk, GreyrOo. week
lest Wee IC 'Phos. Town rnpresauted�. --
,he A 0. IL W. Order of Brtuselc al BORN,
the Grand Lodge at St. Cathet'1use, Cosmos. -In Grey on the 1.8,111 ult., the
wife of Mr. W. G, Coombe, of a surf.
Ile is 1111 1, in hisia9tla Workmen.-- co Methimin s, --Ill Morris, on Marsh 1st, the
Den, \lurall, in "Daniel aims to wife of Mr. Wm. McCracken of a son.
Judgment," a monthly publication
published by the irrt:prelothIl Dan,
Hoye :-'Phe Army drums and mbi- HINOOTON--Plasm.-At the residence of the
brfdo's poreuts, Weiliugton Square,
fico of war were seized in Brussels york Co., ou Ifeb, 17th, Mr. Chag. C.
for rent, and I was ordered to hire It Niugetou, of Brussels, to Miss Glizeboth
rig to o,ruvny officers to Brnssels. T lrisby.
worm without the officers, as they 3onNsTo8_.L1MsTnONG,—I11 Itetrolia, 011
Feb. 12th, by Bev. Wm, Hayhurst, Mr.
0, A. 30111%ton to Mies I`hrobo Arm-
strong, daughter of Mr. Wm. Arinettong
formerly of Brussels, now of Mayos,
oria,l clincch utast 8tlndmy.-A. 13aw,
tinhinl..r has recover+d stamen (rine
hid lameness to b:) able to get idiom
again, 131) is 00.11va'l0in:; for a book
entith' t "Futuro Punislituent". -,._`7
ICneehtel expecte to remove to 80a -
forth shortly where ho has sooared 0
block, is the place for good, pretty and were rt'tending an oyster supper 111
cheap Well Papers and borders. J. Har- ,yoafnrth, and turgut the jubilee at
greltves d: Co. Brussels. There was a large meet.
Gunnar: PI0TPPEn1, painter, is pre•, 1111!, bus great disappnintlneelt flap
pared to ''"e 'a 10 the printillg, lain Woodyard eteptied the beekets
grinning, k'tiisomining or papering of with the offering ou the drum he,ul,
your house. He guarantees sariefac took two handfuls of the htreoet oil.
tion. See advt. and give him a call. mor, dropped it into. his lrooket and
Wiscne\t curlers played a hatch 0.11i 10d Mr Norton, eperetary, to count
with our olub, on the Maitland rink, the balance of money. Hypocrites
on Thursday afternoon, for the Gib- and eanolliuoni;me knaves aro not
buns medal. 4Viugheui won by 27 confined to churches. The devil ap
shots. pears as an army officer as wall as
THE n°cnitnt presented by Messrs. pears
angel of light.--'1'hoe. Smith, 0,
Koenig & 'Goebel at last Council Grey, so we are informed is talking
meeting was for keeping the tittle of uey, a ug a planing mill iu I3rueeols,
Goodwill bay, Ho was placed at the l)rubably un the site of tiro Bennett
American by Reeve Yovlig unci F. S. faotcry.-Jahn Stanley has gone
Scott. auuih and MAY smiles ou the eustolu•
AT the carnival last week Jimmie ur6 at Geo. Gaol's 6tore 10 Seaforth,
Ballantyne dauatd the Highland fling His lace is talten by Mrs. Kerr
in a manner that wonlu make Prof, in A. Good & Co's. store hare. -J. R.
Moon stare D Ewan furn;shed the Grant made a chert visit to Toronto
music and the Scotties were all en- rapt week,-Adatn Augue is renewing
111nelasm' old friendohipo at Galt and its neigh-
/doems,—in eonsequenco of the groat 000• borh00d. ---Tho Kincardine Review whish has attended oar monster solo of
Dry Goode we have decided to continuo it on men is going for our townsman, J.D.
one week longer, so as to give Onr easterners Ronald, with a pointed dusk, He
an opportunity of getting some of the big will Want to get up early to take the
bargains tee are offering who have not yet start of J. D --sera. S. Wright, sister
paid tie n visit. F. C Dominion House to Mrs, J. Y. S. Kirk, of Brussels,
March 6th, 1886. .Brussels. died recently at Oakland, Cal, -Mies
LAST Tnesday morning a little ex Dolly Shaer \vas visiting iu 131yb11 for
oitement was occasioned ou Main a few clays last week. -firs. W. H.
street by the occurrence of two rune, 1eeeh, of Gladerieb, is vietting 8,i.
ways. Th,dorso,: belonged to A. 11. Dr. Holmes' this weal, - G. L. Bail,
Smith and F. 0 Rogers. No clam- L. D. S., WAS iu Toronto for several
ago was done. days this week, --Isaac Fitzpatrick
FrnE,-On Wednesday evening last has gnnn to Goderioh to work ork 111 80
A o0ENry/L is arranged to bo held
on the Maitland Skating Rink on
7Tu0Bday evening of nest week. The
prtee list is a good one and consists
of contests of spend, fancy skating,
eottume, obstacle race, &e. The band
will be in attendance. See poatera
for full particulate.
Fox bast value in General Groceries,
Qroskery and Glnneware, go to Thomson'e,
ode. door north Hayeroft Bros.
WE direst the attention of our
readers to the card of Mise OlareA
Cxelghion. Miss Creighton has sprig
a'year at the Ladies' College, Hamilil
ton, perfecting her musical Oduoatiodll
under Prof, Ambrose, who is a Tauog i'
Marred artist and she is ran excellent
rnusloian. Read.the oard for your
IN addition to our stook of 85 different you can buy more for a dollar than
a 0 we bare samples of the Best and from our Brussels merchants and
est Wall Papers made by the bolt fan- business men ger orally ?-Where a
in Montreal, which tvo will show. you hatter site can he obtained for plan-
gent procure any quantity in 5 or 6 days
situ, Bee them et "Tho Drug Stora," J. lag factory than Brussels ?-If knee
ltgargroavee dt Co. breeches and cut -away coats should
Tars week one of our old residents not come into use at our Division
inxaho person of Robt, Armstrong, re- Courts as well as white ties ? Should
moved to Toeawater with his family. not the witnesses wear stand up col-
il.has purchased a plot of 5 or 10 Ian and a frook coat ?-Why people
agree of land adjoining that village don't know enough to keep theiraleighe
ztnd •will bo a tiller of the soil along off the street crossings without being
with his other accomplishments. Mr. told of it every few days ?-lf it is not
Armstrong was a resident of Brussels io the interest of Brussels to secure
for tbo'past, 14 or 15 years and is a more oommodlone agrioultural show
widely known in this section. He ground ?-Row long parliament will
hoe bad ohargo of a great deal of work last and how much wo will have to
let the wiry of contracts for Mouses,
barns, tem %wafer the peat few seasons
ho. has worked at inillwrightiug. Mr.
Armstrong is a good mechanic and
Lie lengthy sporionee will stand him
the town of Brussels, was favored lvith battery. Ince is a steady going boy
d ill do wall any place. -Miss
an exhibit from tl,e Globo Firs Ex- 'Lizzie iWilson 1s •visiting her sister,
tinglushing Co'y of the City of Lou Ars, W. iilorrieou, in Loudon, -E.
dhi Two tests were divan- A redtall Buttery and family have removed to
with tar
made of hoards and covered so Hamilton. ivir. Buttery wae,,finieher
tar an the inside was first isot in the Bennett factory, -Mr. Morrieh
pouredo a quantity s coal oil was and sister, and Goo, Vanstone and
on which caused the flames tit ieter, of Oolborue, were visiting at
the oh chimney.vefoot above the top of Win. Vanstoue's this week. --Geo. A,
the One bottle cohtae of Fear,rho has put iu several years at
thethe ohui was broken at the baso of the drug bnaineee, left loot Monday
ext chimney tvthe had the effect An -f for Sarnia where he takes a situation
extinguishing the firs instantly. in Jobnston'e drug store. G. A.. is a
other test was made, a board wall lrustwonthy young moo and will
ten feet high was erected and cover make a business man without a doubt.
ed with tar, a fire Was started and a -Mist Sura Williamson, of Toroto,
gallon of coal oil thrown on which
made a very hot and ragin,; fire, two was visiting ek.-- ee and friends in
grenades were broken on this fire town file week. --W. Wright was in
noting 11 out itninediately. A largo Toronto for Sunday, -A. L. Strath•
ero,ad assembled to witness the toots ore, of Stratford, stili continues on
.'•11ie11 were very satisfactory to the the sick list and ie gradually growing
onlookers. Atr. Woof, had the matter weaker. -Mies Murphy( rioter to Mrs.
in baud and is pushing the ealo of the Samuel Burgess, is not improving any
grenade. it. health. Her life has been bang.
SJantnony TELL tie where the 1n the balaneo foo Mole time. --
Mrs. J. Landesboro' is visiting at
err' medal, given to tiro curling club, Rioh. Leatherdalo's this week. -It le
is ?•- Whore you will get a youug reported that James Benuett and
curler to beat Adam Good ? -The family will remove to Gait before
name, of a place the gine of Bruseele lung, We are ebrre to see It Bone
tont can turn out 8,e goodpa r -If t e nett go and very much regret the tie -
G. for any gito p sport 9 -If the cesslty of his removal.-Iu• the item
G. T. R. is going to put on that morn• referring to the 00minulli011 service
ing and evening train on Mondays, in Knox Oburoh the name of the
Wednesdays and Fridays 9 If not minister was Rev. Mr. Anderson in -
why our resi;lonte don't petition Isom stead of Bev. Young as reported. -O.
10 to do Ho 2 -It a legs noisy sub- G. Martin has been released on bail
stitute could not be gal for the big and resumed business at Luoknow.-
drum timesha e :ming
Army better
bed By referonoo to the marriage notices
me y move :;Ding ry be yetter and it will be seen that Miss Phosbe Arm
move so -everybody mu pay strong, sister to Geo. Armstrong, was
to debts y-Whgtor we orate married to a Mr. Johnston, of Petrol
have an cares spring or not ?-Whore la, last month. Rev. Mr. Hayhurst,
_.-HIED. _ .._._._._.-.
Valuss14 -In Grey, on Feb. 28111, Catherine
relict of the late Michael Zimmer, /god
86 ,airs, 4 months and 10 days.
Sxtrm-In Grey, on Fob. 2811i, Marion, be-
loved wife of John Smith, aged 30 yews
and 0 months.
pay for ono M. P. riddling the
eharaeter of another ?. -Who will wear every time. Seo earl of thanks from
the Lion'b cap ? Mrs. Wobstor in this issue. -Gr: A,
Riollaard Babb ntbl �wife optx,h(lof Mitchell l Powell and liltllel are away st Tor•
MAwon 5, 111110
ll4 p'a1N 1'o'^lFl 1C 11oTAGGART,
VVJJII uAN K1u1;ti, -•• '33IWUFPIELf3.t
7'v'ctrasnel a Gentail Batt ing
fr usincess.
No/nm to hand disco nttl+d,
Interest allowed On doponits r',u,Lyl4Ulu ion
Prompt;attentIou (liven to collootions.
! �_IL+'lI ARD FI ILIO TT, LAW 01?-
`l:A nue;Grant's Liiook, Brussels, Mmmy to
MOO/01T !o13.wox 15th, -Farm Stook and
Implements, on Lot 27 Con, 7, Groy, corn.
mussing at 1 o'alook. Mrs. E. Henry,
Proprietress, Capt. Stratton, Ann.
t7 plytn
55.19 31)18. 6128.88/103.
3. feat outside the corporation 01 8russele.
Each lot (mutable nearly 3 Korea, On ono is
a small house young orchard and ,111,0 con•
venleneee. They will be sold separably or
together t'1 salt the puroh,Leer. t'or further
particulars tie to rtoe, terms, 110,, apply to
SAS. DUDLEY, Brussels,
1 Creighton who has lust returned front
Hamilton, where she has boon under instruct•
ion from Prof. Ambrose tor the past year, le
prepared to dye 1081000110na 00 813 p18110 Or
orgnu at reasonable rates. Bofor01015 es to
prodooaoy eau bo furnished. ,Hiss Creighton
will either go to the hones of the pupil or al-
low them to 00/0 13 horlholeo for their
formerly of Bruseele, tied the nuptial
knot. -Mrs. Arthur Hingetot& and
eon arrived home from Kansas last
week. They etoppedat Joliet, Illinois,
on the homeward trip. and visited
George iiingston.--Geo. Town left
Brussels for Chicago this week. His
wife will remain here for a few weeks
yet -Mies Fannie Friendship retnrn-
sd to her home, at St. Johns, last
Wednesday. -R. of Exeter,
was is town on Wednesday and paid
over the amount of one of the polioses
to Mrs. Webster ($1,060) on the life
of the late A.. Webster. This is very
prompt as it was only a week from
the time the papers warn signed, The
Confederation arc up to the nisik
as Dug iy e
good service in any work leo ttlltle,' were.,Visiting at Gerry's last wash(1 sato this 'week.'week.Cr, A. is on the look -
tattoo. Aa will B.
officiate at Pordsvieli Presby out fur bargalis,--1301, J. (toss, B.
InL�"1 E. 1VA.DE, HARRIS PER, &c,
.l::J • eine. formerly accuploa by 8.. J. \I0•
Coll, Eng., 11 1., 111466 Blmi.t, ...Caney to lwiu.
V V a Darrow ft Proudl0oc, 00/1001010
ltur,,;;onvuyauo0r, ,io. Onluo, •rrall6')' bleak,
Brussels. Money to loan.
1110 ua110.011 01510101 ;00111 Rer0n,
t,uuvuyenuur, Notary kuoliu, Lt1110, 1.uau abu
sio.u.anee,fgono. Ponds fllVtetall 1111,1 00 lane..
i)u,lau Lle„Y un"Ie. 01(100 i0 Utanaw %,151.01),
w. BLAS1.1ILL,
Butcher, thanking hes
many oulitomore for tboir liberal
support for the past six yearn
wishes to inform thorn that be-
shopuin(Brende'o 1 out of tlBleatlll stnsd IIrOtuolaesMud up a
where n0 1.ope0 to see all the old customers
sed 110 many n 14 0111188,8 Bea 111 t0 give 11(11 a
cell. i keep neene0 but drat•ola0e emote all
kinds of Pial try and Sausage Meat. Deliver-
ed all parts ofe town tree. Caelt paid
Z'o Use Manager of the Confect:rdtion Life
Sm. -Please accept my Enmity for the very
prompt and satisfactory settlement of the
Claim against your Company, under .Polley
1roug 1 your agentiB. Manning, Vl tgmusbautl,
N. 11,-Tbts Polley had only boon issued
about three menthe and the premium cover-
ed by note, the acre 8118 00 which the Oum-
pany0l iply 11041ut011 train the vu:ouot 0t
the PpItuY• '
J. k 7. LtVingaton have for the Farmers in
the vieinity of Brussels who intend raising
Blitz during the ()outing Season,
1,000 13uslltele4
of the best Imported rfoildnd or Dutch Seed,
which they are prepared to Deliver at their
]Sill in Brussel', to arraer8 In gnantiti08 to
suit. To ensure a Good Crop, the Best Seed
is absolutely required. Orderearly. For
will be
paid, if of good growtti ea 1111 harvested
In proper season.
Bru teals, March Ind Hag, Proprietors.
IWtrittittAL CAtiuti.
11 A. 111cNAUGUTON,
eJ rt. 1., 1, Ildiob„rgn. Lnyolelnn,
030500(1 and A00011011001'. 411800, 8.100, 001)01'4
Mout, T.ra0orry 11 10001.
Tmuoeat to the Aot 46 Vin, Chap.0 (Ontario)
the 0roditore°MMlona= ZfMiinn, late of the
township of Grey,Yeoman, who diad on or
about the 1st 884: and those having
elatmein reapeeb Nov.,to 111* estate are hereby
notified to send on or before the 15TH ass en
Arnrn,1e85,10 choles Popper, at Brunols
P. O„ Executor of the said deemed, their
names and atldres1 8,end the full particulars
of their elaitns and of the. neourities (It any)
held by them , and Oise 1)1 at immediately of. -
tor tba said date the assets of the said def er's-
edwili be distributed among the pasties en-
titled theretu,having regard only to 0111m
far whloh the executor Man the notieo, and
)the exeoutor will net be lithe, * for any assote
50 distributed t0any periled, for whose claim
heshall not have had notlas.
Dated at Brussels this THOS. 3 EPPFIB,
4th divot March. Executor.
95.49 -. -
In the matter Of James 11x0180 01 the'Pown
of R rue isle, In 9110 County of Euro 5, Mor.
chant, an Insolvent.
No11ee is hereby given that Uta above nue.
ed James Draws has this day made an assign-
ment to m0 In pursuenoa of the Ontario AO
4E1 Vie., chap, 20, rotlttiled an hot reipeotfng
Assignments for 111e general benefit of Credit -
'on, A meeting of the creditors0l the said
Janos Drove will beheld at the °Mee of Gib.
bens, 558Nab d: Mulkern, on Wednesday, the
eon ma or MAaon, at.5 o'oloak in the after-
noon, for the appointment of Inepouton and
the giving of directions with ,01015nee to the
dteposal of the HOtate and to transact 8(10)1
other bttein583 as 011011 he expedient fn the
intonate of the Oradttors. Kindly ale elaitn
on or bofore the day 03 anuli mooting.
0.11. Anmart N0,
London,k6b,1011385, '1'rne}so,
A 1IU'TO111NSON, oI.D.,
111. L. 0. P. Setinburgh,
Hua removed to his residence on .nil atreoe,
the .um601ar:norly occupied ny .,r, vrau._1
11114 10111 no sumo at nignt. ,le atilt resales
110 un100 -t Hargreaves' 1JTud otere.
Vt • Graduate and Member •,1 the Royal
Uolheg0 of Mental Burgeons, Toronto. lie
various anmdhetics given, also a new local
110lasthet10 for the gums only. All vadrnctouo
carefully purtermed and gearanbeed, Primo
moderate. ILnce over Pu,toll'a store. 11 100
gsae. to p.111.
"41 W. O'131-61.EN, VETERINARY
-A. .Surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri-
nary College, Toronto, 110abluace as .as.
Nett's, Brussels.
tit 111010ugu Bass, Vocal and Lustre -
mental Muele un Piano, organ and Guitar.
Ne(uroucu-Lmd(03 of Luresto Li uolpa.
esideeee-No, 2 south, Ilea Terrane
44 -em Brueuols, Ont,
Y Y . of .dan•iage Licences. ()Moo at his
6roeery, Toruborry ,EroOt, 2.25
• ri.1ge L,aonsea, by appointment 'of
Lieuten;tut-Governor, Cowminioner, ,to,, Q.
B. Umtvcynacor tad Agent biro furtuanau CO.
Oalco at tea .:rsubruuk Yost Oar.u.
(,.ahem Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
1 al, O'CONNOR, .FIRE, LEn ,
el • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for
some of the boat. and (nosh reliable Compile.les in tee Dominion, Wilco, Iiriok'Lerma,
1'araberry duvet, ,roar the elation, 101
Paiuler, Brussels, Ont., is prepared to do
all kinds of ]tainting, Graluiug, Glazing,Hal.
eominiug, Paper hanging, dm., at reasuunole
ratan. Oatlafaotion guaranteed in every in-
stance. Orders loft at Geo. Ewker's store .
will be attended to promptly,
118.. Double Springs, Iron Aalu polo and
shafts and straps eompleto. \t,plyy to
• (1170. KELLY,
115 i9 Lot.32, non, e, Morris.
In the matter of the estate 51.3A1185 PUB -
late of the township of Morris, in the
OPursuan'Huron, tion8farmer,
, of Chanter 107 of the
Itemised 6tatutoe of Ontario, and of Seobfon 1
Chapter 0, of 46 Vlotorfa Ontario Statutes.
Notice in hereby y given that the creditors of
the said Samos l envie who Med on or about
the tenth day of September, A, D, 1883, aro
on, or boforo,tho Piflh day of April next, to
send byoat (prepaid) to THE TultONTO
011114H146.1, TRUSTS 0OMPANY, 17 and 20
Wellington etreot East, Toronto, Admin-
istrators, with the will annexed of the es.
tate an4elfeotsof the said James Purvis,
(Iomo'eutl,fnIipartroulase of their claim,, a
statement of their ammonia and the nature
id the eoeurlties (if any) hold by them to-
gether with thou Christian names, surnames
0. ddreuo n and de eerie tiara, encontpantod by
a sla0ulury9 dooloratioo vortUying 9110 aeenr•
may of such claims, and forthor,taxo nulteo
that on, or after, the said dtbh day et April
next the an ole of tho deaoa008 will o o .Bs -
posed of and distributed among the parties
entitled thereto having regard only to the
claim* of ahio)1 notice shall have been re.
(miredandthe said Admintsbrators will not
be liable for the a0sole go disposed of or die-
tribn 114 or sternest thereat to persons %those
elarn,e /Mallnot have been received b them,
at the time of the dlspoldtion and dfetribn-
tion of the said assets.
Dated at Toronto ,the 22nd day of February
A, B„ 1886,
Soliollore for the Atitntnletrators
34-5 • The Toronto General Oros to Ile
II X uwlsolos .DLarket •
Coaxxeran OAaaruzzx 338.118? Wawa;
vVklte EMI Whost....., ., 76 70
Bed Mater 78 76
Sptiag Wliopi 60
Batley 9,056
Oat* 28 1)0
Polls 53 54
Butter, tubs and rolls ,,,, 12 15
19 d0
0 00 00
26 38
1300 000
7 7*
Sbeee akin*,caoh ..,, 60 1 00
`i 'ore .... , .. 17 ZS
Pigs per dozen
Etter per barrel
Say per ton ...,
ITidsi pet 1b,
Drasaed Hoge u 00.
Balt gar bbl., whol0Mal0