The Brussels Post, 1886-2-12, Page 8THE B17,USSEX,b POST
'ltralrieaves Brussels Station ,north and
Roth ant ollow8:
uigg south. Going North.
itu11... 7 2ea.m, Mixed 1000•,m,
]tzproee 11 90a:m. 1 Mall . A e9.p.m,
ATiKad.... . 6.60 on. IFlxpne 029p.m.
The ,norniugeraln south end thenight train
e•rbb v1I!ndlr mu 0 Tneed ays,Thursdays,
and fistula eta
171 ki . ` thUs Menti .
A chief's swan„ ye takiu' notes
Ate faith he'll pront 1t
Fon cheap hardware go to Drewe's.
GREEN stovownocl wanted. Apply
at Til: Powr Pnbtishirg House.
A. NUMBER Of crows weir, Been this
week. People say this i« II, harbing-
er 6f spring.
GEORGE Town mud bride arrived
home from their wedding trip last
Tuesday evening.
MR, BRIGHT, of Listowel, bee been
managing the Bru.7.•els fl .x mill since
• the depth of A. Webster.
NOTICE To Dan'xrons.—All persons inclobt.
ocl Eo Jno. Nott, V. S., are requested to Call
at his residence and settle the same at once,
Jens NWT, V. B.
REV. CEAs. STAFFORD, of Palmers•
ton, formerly of Brussels, wag in town
on Thursday of this week.
10,000 FEET of square timber have
been got out by J. L. McCrea this
winter fur J. Burnstall & 0o., of Que•
bee. The timber is a prime lot.
TEE•different rinks of the Brussels
curling club are playing' for a gold
medal offered by E. B. Burt, Seo.-
Treas, of the Maitland Skating and
Curling rink.
Lara at the rink last Saturday dvoning,
a black muff. The owner can clave the
same by proving property and paying for
this advertisement, by applying to Harry
:tames, at the rink.
BEV. W. Safina is to deliver an ad.
dress at the Sabbath School Conven-
tion at Wingham, on the evening of
the 28rd inst,, on "Why and how the
home ehonld help the Sunday School.'
J. D. RONALD was at Walkerton on
Monday looking after the interests of
the Brussels Fire Engine Works. If
the people of that town want a mach-
ine that will give satisfaction they
should purchase a Ronald steamer,
IT is a good time now on moder'
ately warm daye to cut grafts. If
the grafter waits until spring some
kinds of trees will start their buds so
early that many of the scions will
fail, Cherry grafts especially, need
to be cut early. -
Rittr'y Dunfordintendn removing to Dakota
ftat the middle of March and will die.
pgse of her household furniture by private
WO. The goods may be sten at her resi-
dence, Tnrnberry street, and will be sold
at'neasonable terms for cash.
SEatthe large stook of letterheads,
nnteheads, billheads, statements, me.
morandums, envelopes, &c. at TER
Poor Publishing House. Don't send
out your amounts on scraps of paper
when you can get neatly printed bill-
heads for about the same cost.
Ir every farmer advertised .every
strange animal that came into his
Iiremises, and every farmer read the
notices of the. same, there would not
be a missing horse, cow, sheep, or
pig in the country. Don't give the
animals a first-class boarding bowie
fare for months, till the cost exceeds
their worth, but advertise them im•
mediately after they arrive. If ani.
snarls are kept several weeks before
any' notice of them is given, the own-
er rs not bound to pay the costs for
all that time.
Cunrrxa.—Tite playing for the
toque and broom was concluded on
Tuesday evening when A. Currie'a-
rink was declared the winner. A
very pleasant time was put in at the•
close of the contest. Refreshments
were partaken of in the shape of gen
nine oat meal cakes, bisOuiee and
cheese, &o. Short speeches; suitable
to the occasion, were made by J. R.
Grant, A. Currie, W. F. Venstone and
others. Songs were sung by S. Laird
and Juo. Alexander. The curlers
, are Navin;; a tip-top time this winter
so far and they bevelled a gran' time.
Tun Kincerdiue Reporter tells the
following story :—Brio. Whitlock, pub.
fisher Tara Loader, has for a number
of years been 'working about eighteen
hours per day,and living on. porridge
'tmdpotatoes, with an occasional red
herring thrown in, By this frugality
he accumulated what to a printer is a
very large fortune --$65. Not consid-
ering banks a safe depository, ho pur-
chased a burglar proof safe --on eredlt,.
and rolling the wealth up in the office
towel placed it within the iron box,
Not being accustomed to a safe as an
article of furniture, bo forgot to look it
on Saturday night, 80th, On Sunday
he wished to gaze upon his accumulat•
.s4 wealth, and tilon found that he had
been robbed. We are sorry for Mr.
Whitlock. Ho is the only publisher
ash° ever secured a fortune in the
newspaper business.. Now lie has lest
N1cxe Sunday is St. Valentine's
Mae. Bloom, of Ingersoll, is visit-
ing at Jno. Dolson's, ,r
Tuz noon mail train last Monday
stuok in too snow near Ripley.
ALL persona indebted. to Jas. Drove are
requested to call and settle forthsvith,
WHAT about the new agriouttural
t park 2 Will anything be done about
THE temperance sleeting anuoune.
ed for last Monday was Indefinitely
MlSSEe AOOne 41.1D Evans SCOTT, Of
Roxboro', are visiting their sister,
Mrs. Anna Grieve.
A eras; of horses was sold at the
Central hotel last Tuesday, by the
Deputy Sheriff, for $24.
OVER one hundred persons partook
of the sacrament et the 1ylethodist
church last Sunday morn• g.
KINDLY reference was made to the
late A, Webster in the Presbyterian
and Methodist churches last . Sunday
Tun evening service will bo with
drawn iu Mellevillo chnroh next Sun-
day. The peter well be at Blyth
taking the hervice there.
BAILIVF MuaDoax, of Blyth, smiled
on the people of Brussels last Tues-
ues-day.'Alex. ought to make a very
popular officer of the law.
WRoYSTER curlers gave our' boys a
drubbing last week on the Wroxeter
rink, They had some 15 points .to
the good. This is a match each now.
Brenta Snow.—The East Riding
Spring Show will be held in Brussels
on April 16th. The Fall Show will '
be hold at. Brunie nn Oct. 5th
WE regret to announce the death
of the infant son of David Roes, jr,;
which took place last Tuesday morn-
ing. The funeral took place on Tues
day afternoon. .
Tan Winnipeg Manitoban says :—
Thos. A. Molntoah, proprietor of the
news stand in the Queen's hotel,. has
invented an iugenius little apparatus
fur fastening diamond scarf ping or
shirt studs, so that thieves cannot
operate. • •
AT a meeting of the Directors of
the Grey Branch 'Agl. Society, haat
Tuesday, Jas. Ferguson, Thos. M -o•
Lanohlin and W. H, MoOrooken were
deputised to see what arrangements
could tie made about re change of
fairground.' This is a move in the
right direction, '
Tress Oxford Standard is the title of
a new paper published at Woodstock
by A. Denholm, formerly of the Kiu.
cardilot Standard. It is a largo and
web printed sheet and if the initial
number is a criterion for the future
it will be a readable aud,very credit.
ablejournal. We wish the Standard.
success. '
S'BE the advt. of Mise Black who
desires to arrange for a Blass in
French. She has one in Wingham
and could teach here a couple of days
each week, too. Mise Blaek is�bighly
recommended as a French scholar
and her coming to Brussels will af-
ford a splendid opportunity to per-
sons desirous of studying .this tang,
a DiaD.—Laat Sanday morning Dun.
can Stewart, of Wingham, youngest
son of Thos. Stewart, of. Brussels,
died at the early age'of 29 years. He
had been ailing for some time with
consumption but it was not, expected
that death would oome'so sen.. The
funeral, on Monday, was largely at-
tended. The body was brought from
Wingham and the interment made at
the Brussels cemetery. A' wife and
one child are left to mourn the loss
of the deceased.
Foci KANsie.—This week we re-
ceived a letter from our old friend
John Nott, V. S., from Kansas. He
says the winter has been very severe,
the coldest ever experienced by the
oldeet settler. Thousands of hogs
and cattle have been frozen. On one
road where they were shipping hogs
there were'thirteen car loads frozen
stiff, and where fanners bad large
numbers of hogs they would pile up
on one another to try and keep warm
and in the morning perhaps 80 or 40
would be smothered, This' is abs
way the most of them were lost, Tho
cattle that were in good condition and
had plenty of porn stood the winter
very well but those that were thin• in
flesh and not well fed perished with
the cold, the most of them would be
fouud standing up frozen stiff. Clay
Centre is a nice town containing
about 5,000 people and is a smart
bdeinese plane. There are two rail-
roads and another being built. There
are ten churches and .another one
will be erected next summer, Union
revival meetings aro being held in
the Methodist ehurch,. Good has
been done and the serviette are so in-
teresting that the skating rink has.
been closed De the young people at-
tend the
t-tend.tbe meetings. The weather is
Very, pleasant now, nice and worin
and the appearances of spring aro
becoming Vitt marked.
BBINo In year local items,
Tint Tara Leader office was broken
into by burglars the ether night and
the eafo was rifled of $t30,
0, R. Conran, assessor, is on his
roads so you had better keep your
dog iu the cellar,
A. STEA MAN purollaeerl bit house
mid lot of D. McNaughton, on Queen
street, for the elfin of $400,
DENNIS O'Binnw has opened a oboe -
maker's shop iu the etaud lately va-
cated by II. Chapman. Give him
a trial.
FAluewRs have hauled grain to Brua
sale market from within five miles of
Listowel this winter. No need of
comment on this feet as it epeuks for
ON Saturday anemone of this week
Capt. Stratton will sell, by public
auction, al;tlio Queen's hotel, a nuns
ber of naw and second hand cutters,
sleighs, buggies and wagdus, the pro-
perty of Ohm, Holland, The pro.
prletor offers 11 months credit on
sebiefaotory seettrity.
No Go.—Tho new Co, town boom
does not appear to work worth a cent.
The Huron and Perth County Cionu•
oils paaeod resolutions a;afnst a ro-
arraugoment of the Counties of Huron
and Perth and both of these duan
menta were forwarded to the Ontario
Legislature to appear against tbo ap-
plication from Listowel.
BEARS' DAss.—Tho hunter's tra-
dition that on the 1st or 2nd of Feb.
ruary, the'beare come out from their
rebreets. and .if they con see their
shadows go bank for six weeks more,
is firmly believedh by many old.
sportsmen, Tho clear sunshine of
Monday and Tuesday of hast week has
brought disappointtnent to numbers
who would have liked to see dull
weather on 'beats' days' which they
take to be a sign of an early spring.
morning of last week Rev. W. Smyth
tied the matrimonial knot between
George Town and Mies Emily Arm-
strong, at the residence of the bride's
parents, in the presence of a number
of guests. Tho bride was attended'
by Mies Mary Lamont, and Oharbte
Town¢, supported tns groom. The
bride and bridesmaid were becoming
bronze satin drosses, with bronze and
white flowers. A number of hand-
some and useful presents were made,
The happy couple left on the noon
train for Toronto' wheie they spent
nearly a week, We wish, them all
the blessings of married life.
ber of persons interested iu the form,
ation of a Farmers' Institute met in
the Town Hall, Bruseele; on Monday
of this week. John McMillan, Pres.
ident, occupied the chair. The pre.
liminarsearrangements for the hold-
ing of an 4Institube on Friday and
Saturday, 19th'and 20th•inats., were
made. A, good time is expected,
Prof. Mills,. of the Agricultural Col-
lege, will be present and will deliver
an address. Topics of interest to the
farming community will be discussed
by well•known agriculturalist° and if
persons interested attend and take
part'in the exercises a profitable time
will be spent. Ladies are invited to
the Friday evening session.
Mxssuntans ,—Last Sunday morn.
ing the annual missionary sermon
was ,preached in the Methodist ohuroh
by Rev. Geo. Richardson, of Listowel.
His very interesting and practical die-
course was based on the text"1 have
planted, Apollos watered ; but God
gave the increase." The pastor read
an abstract of the general missionary
report, from whioh the following facts
were taken :—Total 'increase of mem.
bership for the past year, 20,000. In
the French district the work is pro.
grossing very favorably and the same
is true regarding the work en the In-
dian mission and among the Chinese
and Japanese. Total number of Do-
mestic missions, 448; missionaries,
441 ; members, 42,974. Total In-
dian missions; 47; missionttriea, 88
native Resistants, 14 ; teachers, 27 ;
interpreters, 12 ; . members, 8,788.
Total French missions, 12 ; mission•
antes, 11; native assistants, 2 ; teach-
ers, 8; members, 280. Total Japan -
(tee missions, 8; missionaries, 15 ;
native assistants, 6 ; members, 465.
Total, 515 missions ; 500 missionar-
lee ; 22 native assistants; 80 teach -
ere ; 12 interpreters, and 47,502 mem-
bers. The income of the society het
year was $172,412.77, expenditure
$194,142.52, leaving,a defioit of ever
$21,000. Brussels raised nearly
$100 last year. The collections and
subscriptions amounted to nearly $80
on Sunday. This is a very creditable
showing, more especially as holding
the service ori Sabbath jugend of a
wool: evening Ives a' new departure.
The subscriptions this year will no
doubt exceed that of last year. Rev.
Mr, Tiohardson preached a very tell-
ing sermon at 6:80 from the words
"Wlio have fled for refuge to lay hold
upon the ]cope set before us." (The
above item wee crowded out last week)
Tins week Messrs. McDonald and
Oalbiok, of Owen Sound, wero visit
ing W. A. Oalbiok.
Mees. Moller fell last. Monday sv
ening, while coming to Braseols, and.
broke her arm..
Josaiii Mune and wife, of Surat.
ford, spent Sunday in town with G
A. Powell.
Oman's Lova is pushing the organ
and sowing machine business this
winter in great style
Timm have been a large number
of deathe in this locality of late, some
very unoxpoeted ones too.
Lir Saturday sveniutt MONsrs•'
(fable and Lltticlhiles, of Rev. Say
age's revival bond, -took part in the
Salvation Army servioee.
Tito St. Mary's Arline says :—"A
Mre. Smith 'has been elected a mem
bar of the Public School Board of the
town of IBruesele. If any St. Marys
ladies should tape the field as caudi
elated for seats at the P. S. board the
present members of the masculine
gender will no doubt be relegated to
a well -needed rest from the cares of
office.," The lady referred to has put
in c yeitr on the ]3oard and she Makes
'n wide awake trustee 100.
OBITUARY.—It is with feelinge of the
deepen regret that we aro called upon
to record bus death of Alex. Webetor,
which sad event occurred on 'Friday
moruiug at 1:50 o'clock. The Sat-
urday previous he went to his bed not
feeling very. well, and in£amrnation of
'the bowels soon set in.. Although
nothing serious was antiolpsted for
the first few days he gradually grew
worse, despite the attention of his
physician; until he woe released from
all pain and suffering on Friday
morniug. The deceased was born in
Wellesley in the year 18.45, was mar-•
rigid to' Miss Kyte Nugget iu 1876 and
came to Brussels to take obarna of
the flax mill for J. & J. Livingston
about 0 years ago. Owing to his post
tion he soon became widely known iu
and around Brussels and made friends
by the score.. In all hie dealings with
the public there was the best of sat•
ideation given -and we have reason, to
believe that the Brussels mill proved
about as remunerative as any to the
enterprising proprietors owing' to the
care and attention bestowed on it bv'
the manager. Posaeesed of a friend-
ly and off -hand manner he was ex-
cellent company and although, no
doubt, he had things to worry him
the same as others he never seemed
to show the cloudy aide., The declass
ed was connected with Melville church
and was beginning to fill some of the
more important Offusee In Oonneution
with ohuroh work. Whoa ho knew
he could not recover he did net grow
deepondent but talked cheerfully and
hopefully of a home with the redeem-
ed. He took a,greot interest in crick-
et and was one of the best cricketers
in the eleven. The funeral took place
on Saturday and, was under tI'e di -
motion of the A, F. as A. M. Lodge.
The very largo attendance of,friends
and aognainbanoes spoke verloudly
the respeot and esteem with which he
was regarded. A wife and three little
daughters are left to mourn the loss
of a very kind husband and a gond
father. Mrs. Webster may rest as.
enred that she has the sympathy of
everybody in and around Brussels in
'this heavy and unexpected affiiation.
Jas. Webster, brother to the departed,
desires us to express his thanks to.
the many friends for their .unbounded
kindness during the illness of his:
MoDos*xn.—In Grey, On February 7th,
the wife of Mr. McDonald of a son.
Boos.—In Brussels, on the 6th inst., .the
wife of Idr. David Boas jr., of a son.
BALL—Ma;Cs.—On the 26th of Jan.; at the
Methodist Parsonage, Fresno City,
.Cal., by the Rev. Mr. Goodell, Mr.
1{'homae Ball, Fresno, to Mies Jeanie
Muir, third daughter of the late Andrew
Muir, of Brussels. •
•• DIED.
GRAY.—In Morris, on the 8th hist, Thos.
Gray, aged 64 years.' b
sTRwlos,-I0 Wingham, on the 7th inst.,
Duncan Stewart, aged 29 years.
tvnnsrnn,—In Brtissols, on the 5th roar.
Alexander Webster, aged 41 years.
1Zosa: —In Brussels, on Tuesday, Feb. 9th,
David Golden, infant son of Mr. David
Boss jr., aged three days.
AU1'.Loni "SALE.
Farm stock, implements and, hoe ehold
furniture, on Thnreday, Feb.18th,'et 2 o' -
cloak Sharp. Alex. Delgatty, ane., Chas.
Dobson, prop. lotl9, eon. 3 Grey,
Farm stack and impl lents, on Thurs.
day, March 4th, lot 29, eon. 4, Morris, at
12 o'oleck sharp. Alex. 'Delgatty, anon
Alex. Forsyby, prop. '
WRvaswey, March 3rd. -Farm stook,
and implements. Lot 10, con. ,t2, Grey.
Sale to commence at 12 O'olook, Thos,
Hawkehaw, Prop, Alex, Dolgatty, Ago.
22, eon 15, in: the townshii7 of Groy,
County of Huron, dbntatntngf a aeree,eo of
whfolt..ore doomed. 'There are geed buildings
Veseottionwill bo given on Jtprn 1st,, ,1{'ar
partioulareapply to, G.11, GO0.i1ruaseie, Ont
Fax. 12,18b8.
un ate so luau lleooun bed.
repayable ar.
41011 I t anti5U1lyo uto,,,1101odtliOn s-
kL t,i) d)i' I /I�It1Ui1diL
Yle'b'.iitD 1;LItEOI,'LAW
•,� Looe, treat a liodk, irueeale Mone
1VADL1,13A1t1iISTElt, &c'
o Wilco iormerly occupied oy A. J, 171•
0o11,1 on.,i0's Plock. Monoy tel end
D' •(tete Witte arrowdeProueltoat alode
lob) io Beit° r,Oonveyances, arc. 0aiee yi
grout' dioek,Urnseole. Money toLoan.
the fourth Utvieloe Court Co,Huro
JouvoyaneurNotary eublio,Lnnd,LOan and
luenraneeesent,yund el wrested and to 1,o a 1,
Colleotloa, made 0BS4e, Graham's Bion
Brueoa I
pr• A, ofoNAUtkLtTON, M. D.., C.
C/ • AI.,L• d,J. i'„ eldluburgh Phyeioian,
40rgeonandAeconohenr, OffiosinAire,Sble1'
bleak, l'nrnbnry Street.
A. 131712013INSON, M.,D.
u •
x s.o.r.Sdtnaargn. •
Maeroihovod to hieresidence on Mril5tree
the hone of ormerly000upied by Dr. Graham
and ell lou :acro at.uight. d:e atlliretaina an
olcest tiaarereavos'Drug 0tpre.
• Graduateend Membor of tbo Royal
Oolloge 0f Dental Bergamo,Toronto The
various ansrethetios given, aso a new local
ausathetlatortho gums only, All operations
otrefully performed and guaranteed, Prices
moderate, 0 d cut ver Powell's store Hour
S to 8 p.m,
YtL of Thorough Base, Vocal, and Insult
mental Mario on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
n•forenoe—Ladies of Loretta ,Guelph.
Residence—No,2,i south BrlokTorraoe,
45-8m • Brueselo,0ut
H. Mo0RA0KEI ,
seuer:liarriage Licenses. Omee at Iii groa.
ery,T.rnberry street, 0.29
l' • Burgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veteri-
nary 0olinge Toronto. Residence at Jno
Nott'e, Brueeele .
.. rlago [Aconites ,by appointment 01
01•etenant-aovornor 0ommisatona3 Jr0,, 4
a.J0areyaneeland Ag•nlPLreLaauranceCo
Odle se tta eUsanbrook P o■ l0 iSoe
Insurance Agent,
• Aaeidenb and Loa Insurance Agent for
some of the Bost and nett reliable Companies
to the Dominion. .0tnee.brisk terrace, Turn -
beery St.,noartheStation, Smouths,
Butcher, thanking his
aanyouotomerefor their l!ber
.,U:AW1i obi ilsupporttorthepast six year's
Adobes to alarm them the tbo,
dugburusdo:utoftheoldstand has dtted np
a shop in amale'sSlooh in Bret-oleee style
where hehopesto see ell rho old oustomero
504 aslnanynsw inesas see Otto give him a
oail Lkoop nethingbuteret-class moats , all
klndeofPoultryacd sasageMeat Delivered
tt llpookoofthe Town8reo. Gash paid for
Daughter of Rev. It. K. Black, Wingham,
and who has had experience in toaohing
Frenoh in Torres, Scotland, desires to ob-
tain a class in Brussels, bo meet twice a
RAFRst tcss,-1tev. J. Boss,- B. A., Mr.
John Shaw, Principal of the Publio Schools
and Mr. G. L. Ball, L. D. S.
well bred agricultural lunare horse
"Young Content," who le rising 4 years 010
and 1104 a good pedigree and 18,0011 known in
tho townships of Groy and Morris le ' offered
for bale, Also the C1rdoedele colt Baron
Thom" to For full portion.,
00BT terms,
tin LotiO,00u.10, Grey, Cr,'ubrook F. 0. •
I8 telestjs lklarlxet'. •
l7074aao pi, UARIMULLY Ponar'WESZ.
White FAB Wheats... ,, ,, 75 70
Red Winter 71 76
Spring. Wheat .. .,.,.,_., 60 70
Barley 48 60
ats ' 28 88.
Fenn , 58 54
Buttery tuba and rolls .,., 11 15
Eggs p er dozen, , , ,,, , , , ,, , , 16 00
Flour per barrel 5 00 00
Potatoes 25 85
Bay per ton 8 00 t) 00
Bidaeper lb ` 7 7 •
Dressed Hoge 5 00, . 2�
Salt per bbl., wholesale 00 80
Sheep eking, eneh .... ; 60 1 00
Wool 17 1y '