The Brussels Post, 1886-2-12, Page 61
Td"L•L'r t4& JSS15I.Yi k'081
al of birches and Banish s
,1'Iaf,viami Ceimwu.—Sabbath Servis ap
Xi 010, and 6:60 p.m, Sunday Scheel
edO p.m. Beg. Ino, Bose, B, A„ poster.
IZNOX 01103610. 4S3,bbatll Serviote at .11'
a.m. and 2:9010.m. Sunday' School st 2110
p.m. Rev, S. Sour.,, pastor,
S. Jonzl'a Cnruatcn<•--Sabbath Berriees•at
11 aan1. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at SBU
a.m. Bev.' W. T. Cluffe, incnmbellt.
Miscaorsar Canaan.:—Sabbath Service's at
Iron a.m. and 6:8U p.m. Sunday School at
2:210 p.m.. Rev Wm. Smyth'.11aetor,
Roma Cxnaoiso Onbaal.—Sabbath Ser-
viooti3irdSu11a 1'nrymonthat 11 atm,
Rev. P J Shea priest.
M300,01103' SxaaiTvx>a ReadingRoom and
1 bFar yin }Iolmoa' block, will be open
fie g to S o'clock pm. Wednesdays an
a3 drays Mee Tesoro Rc e'e, Librarian.
Ono 1`nrrow's Loaon every Thursday
evening in Graham's blook.
MAsoN10 Lona, Tuesday at or before full
noon in Vanatone's block.
hist W▪ ednesday eyecinga ofmeets W. Lonna each month,
1`'oyeteT1111'3 Lonoa 2nd sad last Monday
eeomngs of each moues in Smale's hall. e
E - 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Posy 0i'i os.-0fl`ice Hours from
to 7 p,uf.
Cattle bitten by le mad dog are sent
to the slaughter house ; but men are
eent to Pasteur
r, ug
lyroorer llavodby ShfhoL s 0 re ohSold1 y
A -Deadman.
Are,you busy now, Brown ? Yes ;
collecting. Colleotiug what ? My
thoughts, Well you have struck an
easy jcb.
Nor lame back, aide or sheet, use Shiloh',
i'llrout Plaster. Prime 95 gents. Sold by G A
Tall scholars : A newspaper des-
cribing the new school building, says
furnishes a000mmodation foi 800
students four stories high."
noose Cough and oousnmotioe Ohre is
nlgby G. A. Deadman on a guarantee. I0
ems coneamption.
Beecher says that there are timee
when we must—scold or burst. We
know when that is. It is when the
new girl starches his flannel under-
gr .oa'a OaNrrh Bemds -s Donors orae
fyqq/ Catarrh. DlpthHria' antCanker Mouth.
tdelt by G.A. Desadmn.
"What ore the last teeth that
come ?" asked a teacher of her Blase
in physiology. "Fates teeth mum,"
replied a boy who had net worked
up on the back seat.
avagesanights, made miserable by that
le 0000ngh• Shiloh's Cure ie the remedy
- Sold by G. A. Deadfaa0.
"Why does marriage make leen
3houghtfnl 2" asked a young lady of
an old bachelor. "Well, I suppose it
hebecause they are'oontinually won-
dering what is going to happen next."
yonelder wieh D7 spepda and Liver
,s4at4 Bblroh'e,9italiser ie gearanteed
k you. Sold by G. A. Deadsoan
The entire bueineee portion of a
Western town was reported as de-
stroyed by fire ; and when a charity
a8soblatien made inquiry, to render
some assistance, it Was discovered
that a solitary saloon bad been aleept
(t►ctnsa oared, health and swoebbre ath se-
Shiloh's:Catarrh Remedy Prioe08
Nsealinjectorfree. Sold by Geo.A,
De an,
The Sa{laoioue tailor.—Tailor--
'Married or unmarried 7" Onstomer
—."Married." Tailor (to cutter)—
"One pocket concealed in lining of
vest." Customer—"EJ1 ! What ?"
Tiiilor (eiplainingl—"To hide your
change, yon know, at night. I'm
married n,yeelf." .
*axon:s VltaUser is what yoa'ned f or Con
allsilon,lws of appetitedtsalases and al
me of Dyspepsia. ?Hoe 10 sad 78 cone ..
otile.. Sold by G. A. DeadmeO. •
In the Hallway.—"Say, frlr. Gog.'
A. poor eroftor who had scant pas-
ture for •Itut pet cow one day tethered
her on the.eun#mit of a barren hlllook
on hie bit of land, where sand and
stones were far more plentiful than.
vegetation, and, looking around him,
exclaimed : "Well, Rosie, if you
haven't muokle to eat, you have at
any rete a fine view."
pp A 5eneatlob..
ell ever Ontalrio by the wonderful! and omitted
wilted manner in which Neuralgia, Toothache,
nhgptua►iem, Backache, neadeebn, is remov-
ed by, butcue appliontion of Fluid Lightning.
No i±
for days. It ' le can iinst nrtt ewe. Try ataken
bottle from J. Hargreaves & 0o„ druggist.
'1'be Worry of driving Oxen, --A
Florida tarnler' living ou the Ookloek-
onee River claims that it ie billions -
nese that makes a man get out of
humor and fret and swear ; when ho
feels himself gettlug angry ile swal-
lows a compound cathartic pill. Last
week he wise driving oxen and swat•
lowed thirty-eeven in 000 hour. •
McGregor's Speedy Fuze,.
It 10 popularly admitted everywhere that
McGregor', glided), Cure is the safest, moot
reliable and by far the cheapest remedy for
Oooetipetion, Liver Complaint, and similar
Impure Blood ,Lose of appetite,
troubles itis not necessary to take a greet
anted. A
quantty before any result is pro
OeW 40,00,011) 0000)000 you of iia merits. Tri-
al bottle given at nergroaves' drag store,
Geographical. -"Papa'," said' a
,Francieco boy to the governor the
other morning, "what do you think
ma said about you ,to•day ?" "I don't
know, my son. What dhd'ehe say 2"
"She said that elle wished if you came
home again intoxicated you would go
to the Farralone Islands." "Do you
know why mho wished- that 2" "No,
papa, but I can guess." "Why ?"
"Because the learialone9 are sur-
rounded by water."
Don't De Deceived.
Beware of ony druggist who will try to in-
dnoe yen to take anythies in 'place of Mo.
Gregor & Perhe'e Curbollo Mexate. It ie a
marvel of heeling for gores, Cute, Burns, ate.
No family should b0 without it. ID.hae no e0•
nal, Get McGregor & Perko's, and have no
other. Only 9t e.'er box at J. Hardresvee de
Bagley (confidentially to piokpock-
et on, the back platform)"My good
fellow, I wieh you wouldn't try that."
Pickpocket (in great trepidation)—"I,
sir ? Why, I—" Bagley' (soothingly)
--"There, there ; don't apologize.
You've been trying to pick my pock-
et, and I think it my duty to tell you
'that the wallet you're fingering is
filled with bilis which I'.ve been try-
rying to colleot for six months, and I
don't believe you can do any better."
Puny, sickly, fretful children, are very try
ing to she patience of all who have the caro
of them, and in the majority of cases the
fretfulness arises f,um ■ .soak and emaciated
condition of the body, caused by the drain on
toe eohetitutioa duringthe period of teething
er the rapid growth of childhood, in such
ea see, give Rohinoon'r Phosphorized Emul,io0
seoording to directions, or the adyine of your
physician. ,
0. N. Wall, of the Newman Inile•
pendent, on Tuesday of last woelf,
celebrated the tenth anniversary of
his marriage with his wife. In writ-
ing an account of the affair, hp says
ha honors her more and more as the
yowl) roll by, beeaaeo of her courage
in braving the dangers of starvation
with a one horse country editor. We
iasiet that Bro. Walls should not
write tine way, as there are a great
many country editors who are not
married yet, and such talk may lessen
their chances.
A MsaoBABBH DAT—August loth, 1800,
should be recorded in history., e,0 one of the
most memorable days of .the century. ••0a
that date, after years of careful study and ex,
porimentedor some remedy to cheek the rapid
growth of consumption, West's Cough Syrup
was introduced to the world. Since tlion lie
history0aebeen a ooctln0ons serial of:;tri-
umph NAB 1t has oared an unlimited number
of eases of eonaamy tion in lie early oases,
throat and lung diseases, doughy, oolde, in.
guesses, bronehitis, asthma, and whooping
cough. Sold by John Hargreaves & Oo., drag.
fists, ?rieo 55 cents, GO canto. and $1,00 per,
'Scriptural Concerned. -The historian
dosen't know where this story had its
actual origin, but it was "told for
tlue" on a recent ocean voyage to en-
liven the company ; A gentleman
laho had indulged quite too freely,
and hadn't had the discovery made
for him fa season to got a carriage,
was helped home by a very good
Samaritan. He was very grateful in
an exhilarating way, and asked his
benefactor's name. "My name ?"
said the gentleman. "Oh, I'm St.
Paul." The inebriate steadied him•
self by a final effort, and looked
dreamily at his departing friend. "I,
shay !" said he, "St. Paul ! Did you
ever get an wisher to that long letter
you wrote the Ephesians 2"
gimp what do you come to our house
se often for ?" Gogglesop (patronie-
ia,)—"Now, Tommy, you must ask
your sister Clara that when she
times into the parloa.—Just ask her."
"-Well'tI did, and she said she'd be
bleat if she knew."
ei'I' nay, Aunt 06100, you le getting around,
eilth amen, 'Yee indeed I hi,honeyy. I was.
p oe and a ick abed with Reumatism for
sixers end done tried this West's Worldly
'igd$der or Family Liniment the people are
ig 0o mach about, and I was sure enough
y' O,o aye and 000 cents 700 bottle. life."
bat HergreaveadCo, '
' Husband (mildly) ---"You must re•
Member, my dear, that the most pat
fent person that lived was a man."
Wife (impatiently)—"Oh, don't talk
to marabout the patience of Job.
Thiink of Mrs. Job 7 the patience that
floor woman must have had, to put
np'with suoh a man P'
"Hello, Josh," said one fernier to
another, "that lightning rod feller
didn't pull the wool" over your eyes
ne bo di'l with biose Simpson, did
he ?" e
"Not a bit of it, Tale. 1 hain't
ane of that kind. Anybody's that
men tis much of the world as I lieve
hain'tio easy fooled, No sir -ea, I
rode twenty-seven miles at a stretch
on the top of a bus one time and
talked with the driver all the way,
and I saw a good many bigger sights.
than unloadin' hay with a boss. I
tell you what it is, Zale : when they
ketch me they get a traveller, and by
g1egelbread, they know il."
Owen Sound High Sebool Iles be•
come an Institute.
Tho Scott Aot was defeated in Po11*-
iao Co, last week,
Paris papers remark on the terrible
prevalence of street profeuity.
On Friday last a robin wee seen
about seven miles from Peterboro'.
The people of Essex Centro are
taking steps to semis adegeatc flee
Linooln county has determined to
erect a new building for its Induetrial
Next cession of the Supreme Court
of Canada commences on the 16th of
February next.
Effort is to be made to orgauize 8
strong baseball club for Guelph dur-
ing the coming eeasmi.
Brocky'illo water -works has a now
pump which draws from 500,000 to
600,000 gallons a day.
Rev. Dr. Cochreue has been re-
elected president of tho Brantford
Free Library Board.
The novenae annual Exhibition of
the Royal Ci's'uadiau Academy ' has
been opened in Ottawa. " -
Dr. Audrewe, the convicted Toronto
abortionist, will probably spend the
rest of his life id penitentiary.
An addition, 4000 feet, and post-
ing from $7,000 to $8,000, is to be
mode to Alma College, St. Thomas.
The County Council of Northum-
berland and Durham has voted $100
to the Col. William's Memorial As -
secretion fund.
The 'Finance Committee of the
County Council has refused grants to
the Peterboro' Collegiate Institute
and' the Norwood High Sohool.'
r. r:1-mr
1110,H pox is at tau end in Torok$
even Sound line had a $80,000
Canadintn. News.
Grand Trunk officials have inform-
ed their London employees that
Manager Hickson regrets his inability
to restore the ton per cent. reduction
in their wages.
A Justice of !fence in Carleton
County is alleged, in conjuuotlon with
a anemone served, to have accepted
a bribe from unlicensed whiskey sel-
ling for winking at their violation of
the law.
Agents from Toronto anti other
parts of Ontario have been Scouring
the north shore of Quebec Province,
and buying up all the potatoes they
could lay thole hands on, and now ib
is said that they, propose to visit the sbipwreeked crew of the steamer A.
The old frame !louse on the Roman
ne Biddnlph, whore John Donnelly
a allot some' years ago, was burned
len incendiary on Friday last.
The oity of Montreal has already
ent nearly $150,000 in suppressing
e recent epidemic of*mailpox, leave
g a number of accounts yet to be
Brantford will prepare a pamphlet
orned with engravings of the prin•
!pal buildings in' the oily. for free
etribution at the Indian and Colon -
1 Exhibition.
The reported oases of hog oholera
Morpeth, Kent County, on investi•
tion proved to be malarial poison -
g, caused by too many hogs being
•confined in one pen, .
The Quebec Court of Appeals hold
that an insurance agent may no
give a policy and grant receipts fo
the company ift exchange for a reoeip
for Ills o d n individual debt.
The students of Queen's Universit
are reported to have worked them
selves into a ferment over the finis
of two of their number by the 90 -call
ed "Conoursus Iniquitabes."-
The Paris, Ont., Gemmules i
charge of subscriptions in aid of . th
Irish Parliamentary fund, collect°
$102 in that town, and forwarded t
Mr. Parnell a draft for that amount.
The President of the Montreal Cor
Exchange says there are -etron
reason for believing that a reo'iproa
ity treaty with the United ldtates wil
arranged at the&ppioohing seas
of the Dominion Parliament.
A Winnipeg despatch says the
next spring a flying column of abon
1,200 men, under Major-General Si
Fredenok Middleton, will be sent t
the Northwest to restore oonfidenc
and make an outbreak of Indian
00)lt. Straight loans. Apply
A. 1hA1 uranbreok.
f L 0t0E. FARMS FOR 8ALE ,—
'mew eerie did, improved, farina for 0010
In the township'of Oro , Morris Dud ligISll-
lop. Apply to A 1)100,t}Ar'r1 ,0O,Au0tioneor,
nruoeoileP 0, 10.01
J Inge, and Private 10cooa painted end
d00c,0led in modern styles at 00a0oneh10
retos. Letlmeteo given, Addroee—
Mid" t}odorioh •
The report of the Niagara Park
ommissioners eras presented in the
tate' Senate. It stases ' that 107
ores have been located for the reser-
ation, and thetins Commission has
,voted its time to work of removing
uildings, etc. •
Rev Father Lacombo, who has
pent 'Alla greater part of his Ids
along the Blood and Blackfoot In-
ians, says that the greatest obstacle
o their conversion to Christianity is
olygamy, which system they are very
reluctant to abandon,
A boy in one of the public schools
f St. Catharines watt told by Atha
Sucher to put a broom in the porch.•
teethed of coiug.a0 heelirow it into
tho road. It struck a young man in
the eye,.burstiug the ball and entire-
ly destroying the sight.
Montan, in view of Boaoh'e propos-
ed visit io America, has determined
to offer a stake,of $5,000 to induce.
a race"with him on Canadian waters.
As a further attraotion he proposes
that in the event or Leach's defeat
the present champion will receive
$2,500. ,
The President of the Frenbh Re-
publics has forwarded to the Depart -
rent of Marine one gold and one
silver medal, the first for the eupor-
intondent and the other for the :keep -
or of the west end light at Sable Island,
in recognition of the eorvices to the
100 amis. Tbero lire good buildings, 70
some °leered, or will sell 00 enet,,iaiug good
buildings. The above pr �p0rty a(ljnins 100
village of nrusu018 and will b0 sold on )�rotie0u-
ub1P amens. For fulto
Aa. arraoNReply
,, Prop,
A Gill of geode
l't'( Semi 10 aunts postage, and we
iiia ti tr tA9tl'"11' will mail you tree_:, royal,
that will put yen box
1)00 way
of making tuoro loamy at once, thin anything
0100 is America. Both sexes of till. ages eau
Jiro at 'lom0 net work in spare time, or all
the time. Oapital not required. We will
start you. Imluonoo pm, euro for those who
start at on00. STINSON dr POrtlaud, lialne
It havIne o0m0 to ,uyknowle0gc that oar -
Min interested parties are 01100 anus ere-
port that I intend to give op bn•ines, 1 hon
to state that it Is not c, y intention so 00 any -
(Mktg 0f thelila ,on the contrary Iintend of
ally well, to 0 t10w intbe Spring 000 of the
beet Stooks ever brought into Brussels. I
may state tont it is my intention t0 make e
°henna in the business of which due uottoe
will bo given. P. 0, 1BOG1Ei R9.
1' scriber off ere. Ole excellent farm, being lot
27,0011.8, Grey, for Salo. The farm contains
100 euzo0,05 of w01011 are eleered. There 1e e,
frame house and 100T5gh0 bank barn with straw
house in and all theroar.
°necessary0 convenience& well,
farm is ono mile east of 'Ethel, where there
are 000000ee, echool, store!, railway, tele.
graph, 40., and 10 well fenoed and drained,
Price $¢,200. For further particulars address
ing lot 14.00 the 1010 eon. oontstning 100
acres, south part Iot,15 on 1e ooa., oonteiniva
45 acres. Lot 14 to partly oleered, the bul-
anoewell timbered.. A never felling oreek
erases tho•l00 and it is well adapted for farm•
ing or grating. Lot 15 is mostly cleared and
wider good cultivation, the Delano, well tim-
bered with black eat. Will soli all together
or in parte to snit the pur0heser. For further
partioulurs apply to the proprietor on the
premi e, This lot is well . AVERY,
eou0oroofthe estate ofthe late BAan=T.
fag lot19,aon 19 . Gror for ey. There are 100 acrre rn in
!thefarm 80 of which nrr eleered,l0 aerespart-
' ora rf0 a good frame barn SOz6 footbwloh
stone otabling underneath- Immediate pass
session willbe gRiven. A. good portion of pur-
ohaeemoney willboalloWed to stand onlnler-
eat. For further partioulareapplyto
'"0 11 ge street Toronto
nth pat,#sbes for the enols purpose• S. B., of St. Maio, on Uec, i9,
101 0 e JOHN 9LEMMOk,
or Ethel P. 0•
1L or from any other cause.
The Accident Insurance Company
Sin A. T. Gera, G. C. M. G., - Pamainass,
will insure you against aecideht. travelling 4
otherwise, for the sum of Mc. Per day,
80par month, seething you 010.00 per weak 10
laid up irons the ace ident, or 011,000 in case of
death, if that should ooenr three months at.
ter the seoident.
T. A. OREIGHTp Agent, BlueNla, Oat
Flea, 12, 1966.
given that eta applioetion willbe m,de to
the Legislature of the Provinces at Ontario at
the next session thereof, dor au'. Act erecting.
the Townsnipa of Wallace, Elm% and Marina -
ton, in the County of Perth. H6wtek.end Grey,
in the County aileron, and Meryborough, in
110 C ounty of Wellingtee, with the Villages
of Milverton, i3 russets and Wroxeter and the
Towne of Palmerston and Listowel, lu the
said 0onn1ie5,i0so a Provltlonal County, to
be milled tho County of Maitland, with the
Town of Miele, wel as the County Town, with
Provisions similar to these contained in the
Aot 80Vi,toria, chapter 31, for the 1orn:Mien
of the 0 ounly of Duderin, aebjeel 41 the ab-
previa of a rnefority of the 'lectors' of the
to be hold for the purposes under mild A 0 1a
,s almoner .similar to the maid Act for the
formation of the County of Dufferin.
DARLING & 5(1)65850,
Soliohtore for 00011osat0,
29.8 Listowel, December, ie h, 1880.
In the. Township of Grey, in the
,County of Huron.
' Pursuant to the direotionof0ames8. Cart-
wrioht, Maguire, Motel Referee, undo in 0
certain matter of ro (Hark, infante, thorn will
be sold b ypublio auotion, wan the approba-
tion ofthe Bald Officialilefane a,0'• the Oent-
relHotel,in the Village of Brawls, in the
County of Huron, on Saturday. the 00011 der
of (February. 1950' at the bout of twelv,e
o'olook, noon, by F. S. Soott, auctioneer, the
iollowinglande and pr0m1000, namely :— ,
The west half of lot number boa„in the six.
teenth oouce00fon, of tlie•'Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, containing' by nd.
measurement any aerea o land, be the same
more or 1000, ”
Thi property le wall. ghtuated in a good
sixMiles 101' 0 93' a good ' market within
six Miles and a 0007 000000. The 'lode are
all cleared and in O state of oultivatlon 001001
tho exooption of about five aurae, onion if
and Memo barn.
slug house'
The property wlllbe offered far sale 04bje01
to a re0orv0a bid, which hoe boon fined by the
said Official Between, and sabjoot a10o to the
toiinnoy of one James Houston which tenancy
expires on the :net day of October boat.
trgaM0018ALa.^Tan Fier cent, of trio pur-
'obese money shall be paidtc the Solicitor for
the S,'etitio00rs et the time of sato: thirty per,
cent, more obeli bo paid into Court w301sin
thirty deyo thereafter, w10h®»h int0reet, to
the erodht ofthe said m0tter, and.gioo balna00
bo soehrod by a first mart agt0 on the land,
payable ln07e year0,in the Ofiltosix
!foresee t.,
•yearly t6 be settled by
111 all other roe ecce the teras. and condi-
tions of solo will lie the 0 000 0011 4 001ditiono
:::0,1,0188607,017 0,010l°' of 1100 501g10 Court
llotiOerth`rtimtlare eaube had from E, 10.
aa, Sitor for the Infant 1.'o0ibionere"atedoronto thio 27110 d0y o1 January,
JAS. S. CARL}Vhheaallnatine°,
Solicitor forPetlfioner0
To close out our present stock
of Plush and Leather Bound Al-
bums, to make room - for other
goods, wo have made a big reduc-
tion in prices. It will pay yon to
'Ay here.
Day Books, journals, Ledgers,
Counter Blotters, Indexes, and
all kinds of Blank Books kept in
stock, also blank notes, orders, &c.
A11 will be sold at clone prices.
.We have a beautiful stock of
]j`athily bibles that cannot be
beaten for price. Come and com-
pare them with books you purch-
ased fron agents. We have smal-
ler bibles suitable for ' church or
the pocket, at low prices. We al-
so keep English Church Prayer
books, Presbyterian and Methodist
Hymn Books, lke.
Hand. Sleighs.
The balance of our stock of
Hand Sleighs, .,Toys and Panay
;Articles will be sold at Prices sat-
isfactory'to the purobaser.
Paper & Envelopes.
We mako a specialty of handl-
ing good writing material and we
have this week received a lot of
Fancy Stationery that should be
seen by every lady. _10,000 en-
velopes to hand. Foolscap, Note,
and account papers in stock. Try
118. •
School Supplies.
.A.11 the School Readers, Geo-
graphies, Grammars, Arithmetics,
Algebras, Botanys, Dictionaries;
Book-keeping. Books, Copy, Scrib-
bling and Exercise Books, Slates,
Pencils. Pens, Inks, School bags,
Tablet Lessons, Chalk' Crayons,
The roof of the pudding is in
the eating of it and the public
generally.will find it to their ad, -
vantage to visit •