The Brussels Post, 1885-12-4, Page 5Deo 4, 1885,
Bobs, MoCateheon has gone to the
Michigan lumber woods,
There will be a new school mistress
after holidays. Miss Tucker is her
Rev. Mr. Cook and wife have re.
turned from Guelph, where they were
on a visit to Meade.
Jim. Diamond, jr. fall from the
roof of his house, on Tuesday and
broke his collar bone. He is doing
as well as could be expected.
The average attendance of pupils
in our Public School for the month
of November was 71.—A wedding,
across the river is reportel for to-
day. Full partioulare next week.—
Wm. Sponge is in Toronto this week,
—H. V. McAllister has improved the
appearance of his residence by erect-
ing a commodious kitchen to the
rear.—D. W. Milne, our auctioneer,
was at Henfryu last week selling off
Wm. Wells' stock. He reports trade
very dull in that burgh,—David
Milne sold one of his thoroughbred
yearlings this week for the handsoino
sum of $150.—The teaohere of the
Presbyterian Sunday School have de.
aided to hold their annual enterrtaiu-
rim* on Christmas Eve.—The trus-
tees of S. S. No. 6, Elms,, have se-
cured the services of T. G. Ratcliffe
fur the ensuing year, His departure
from the Attwood school is already
grievously anticipated by all.—
Side–walk still bonming.—Thomas
Manncler's arm is getting better fast.
More power to his elbow.—Wm.
Cook is off to Lakelet (his home),
but will return next Spring, as hie
brother, T. J. Cook, has quite a num
her of contracts for new buildings, re-
pairing and verandahs,—A. Fogel
has returned from Uxbridge, where
he has been working, putting in pet
ent process in a large flour mill in
that place, —Our shoe -maker, James
King, has been sick for some time,
but is looking some better now. We
hope to see him soon again enjoying
his former health.—Improvement is
still the order of our village.—All
seem to be preparing to economise
in fuel by making their houses store;
Proof.—One of our citizens, who is
not mach of an ornament to any
Place, makes himself disagreeably con•
spinous by imbibing more converse•
tional fluid than his shanks can con-
veniently carry.—Several readers of
Tan POST cannot go in with the Ed•
itor in his wishes respecting R.
Leatherdale in his last issue. He
therein states that Mr. L. is worth
40 dead men yet and soon hopes to
see him at work again. Considering
that the gentleman referred to does
an undertaking business, the com-
munity will appreciate the wish.—
Town fall of commercial drummers.
—People in the vicinity of Ethel were
considerably startled on Tuesday.
They thought, by the fierce bowling
at the station, that a menagerie had
got loose. On enquiring it proved to
be a G. T. R. engine whistle that had
got a bad oold, like a cross between
whooping cough and a steamboat
whistle.—neo legal advt. in this issue
concerning the estate of the late Benj.
A tea mooting at Sunshine is on
the tapir.
fhominntos of the Township Coun-
cil will be found elsewhere.
The Grangers will give their an-
nual supper in the Township Hall on
the 16th inst.
Reeve Forsyth and Deputy Reeve
Wray are attending County Council
this week. Mr. Forsyth will be say.
ing good-bye, we suppose.
We aro pleased to hear that Alex.
Stewart., who was so badly gored by
a cow, is well on toward complete
restoration. His was a oloeo call.
The annual tea party at Joineton's
church is anuonnoect for Thursday
evening,17th inet, The program wilt
consist of mueic,itdressee, readings,
,to. A. good time is counted on.
It is reported that our old friend
Donald Currin will be a candidate for
a seat at the Council Board for 1885.
Mr. Currie is a good man and will
poll a big vote if it goes to a poll.
Jamee Newcomb, Alex. McCall,
Geo. Hood, T. S.Braridon and Arthur
Shaw have been appointed Deputy
Returning officers in event of a
poll in connection with the the mun-
icipal election.
On Friday evening, Dec. 18th, there
will be a Christmas tree at Aldridge's
school house for the Sunday school.
The proliminaries are in the hands of
an efficient committee, who are
working up an interesting program.
It is reported that our township
owes Bruesele something like $800.
If ibis ie ao we will have to pay it ae
Morrie always pays her debte, We
get a bard name somatimes but we
are honest, even if we aro aloes, and
after keeping the money for years we
can afford to be a little generous.
Tho Wingham Advance says :—On
Tuesday morning, John Wilson, V,
8., of Wingliam, out from a horse of
l.Bobt. Warwick, Morrie, a ball of a
hard, gritty looking substance, re-
sembling stone. The peculiar featur-
es regarding this operation is that
the substance was taken out from
the ribs just behind the fore logs. In
what manner or by what means this
ball would form there is a question
for V. S,'s to puzzle their brame over.
Divan Pour.—In your issue of last
week I notice a reply to a correspond-
ence of the provioue week, concern-
ing the Sunabine choir. Gideon G.
Hood challenges me to find a more
peaceable choir than hia. All I can
eay is that if all other choirs are
fashioned after the same model as
that of Sunshine each must be a per-
fect little paradise in itself. I under-
stand that the choir sometimes has
little difficulties as to whore the =in-
here shall be seated, but of course
that can easily be remedied by each
one bringing a chair for himself or
herself, and then draw cuts as to
where the chairs shell be placed. Too
bad, is it not, that a lady should be
taken to task for talking during choir
rehearsal when the gentlemen have
so much to say themselves ? G. G.
EI. informs us that ho is not afraid
t0 fight, beaauee ho thinks he Cannot
conscientiously do so, but it does not
hurt his conscience to pall a mail a
liar in a friendly spat. By inserting
the above in the columns of your
paper, you will much oblige,
A w0LL-Wrenixn 00 TUE cworn.
Sunshine, Nev. 30th, 1885.
Win ;loam.
The salt "hole" is to go 150 feet
deeper if salt is not got sooner.
Rev. R. K. Black has been duly in-
stalled as pastor of the Congregation•
al church.
Wm. Johnston, who stole a watch,
is spending six weeks in Dickson's
castle at Goderioh.
The entrance examinations to the
High School will be held here on the
21st, 22nd and 28rd inste.
T. Leslie won the prize for the light
weight quoiting and Wm. MoOlymont
took the heavy weight.
Our old townsman, Geo. McKibben,
has purchased a residence in Toronto
and will remove there next Spring.
While shingling a House for B. Herr
Fred. Wright struck his finger with a
hammer and knocked the end of his
finger off.
David Pringle, counting on a severe
winter, has taken unto himself a wife
in the person of Mies Sutherland,
formerly of Belgrave.
Municipal election notes are few se
people do not seem very anxious to
put the old Council out of nice.
A number of pupils from the public
schools of Grey township will write
for admission to the High School this
Reeve Strachan and Deputy Reeves
Milne and Oliver are at Goderioh this
week attending the County Parlia-
Mrs. James Hogg is on the sick
list. We hope the old lady wilt soon
be able to be about in her usual
A party of young people, assenh•
led at a certain house recently, and
after dispensing with the wrappings
were shown into the sitting -room.
Considerable amusement was occas-
ioned by a number of them sticking
fest to the ohaire as they (the chairs)
had been recently varnished,
The Ball Jubilee singers gave con•
carts in Whitfieid's church an Tues-
day oveoing and the 16th con. on
Wednesday. They aro good singers.
They make their home in St. Cather-
ines. Notwithstaudiug the darkness
of tete nights and the bad condition
of the roads good audiences greeted
thein, who were delighted with the
beautiful and touching melodies rend-
eredby the singers. Their regular
program is 16 pieces, which with the
numeroue eoeores, cheerfully given,
made au entertainment of over 2
hours length. Some of the audienee
then said I could have stayed two
hours longer.
A. Hamilton butcher claims $40
damages from the Council because the
adjoining building was placarded for
small -pox.
The family of Charles Browning,
Claremont street, - oronto, suffered
intense pain, followed by vomiting
ono day after partalti&i; of dinner,
It was discovered that at package of
rat poison had been accidently mixed
with the fiour used for baking pur-
poses. Two of the elu(driin are still
seriously ill.'
The undersigned, while thanking his numerous
Customers for the Liberal Patrol age extended to him during the last G2 years, begs to an-
nounce a Change in his System sf doing Business, namely --The Cash Basis—all goods
to be Bought and Sold for Cash or its Equivalent --for particulars please enquire at my office.
I am enforcing the above system. All Parties indebted will oblige by having their ac-
counts settled at once, By adopting the Cash Basis I will be enabled to Sell my Goods from
5 to 10 per cent. less than in the old way—hence the saving to the purchaser. Try and see
if I ani not right.
�I�•► J �at u C TV p�
p 1
I am Showing To -day the Largest and Most Com-
plete Stock of G-oods ever exhibited in Brus-
sels, and never before would. a Little
Money Go So Far as at Present, if
you procure your wants from us.
Immense Assortment of New Dress Goods, Silks,
Velvets, Plushes, etc,, in all the Newest Fabrics and Fashionable Shades.
New Silk Cloakings, Ottoman Cords, Brocades,
Mattallase, Bective Cloths, Astrachan Cloths, Meltons, otic.
PLT -- ,a! zi-o-R•an
Ladies' Real Astrachan Mantles, Caps, Muffs, &c.,
South Sea Seal Muffs and Caps, Persian Lambs, Muffs, Caps and Boas.
Gentlemen s Fur Caps in Newest Styles and Ex-
tra Fine Lot of Real Persian Lamb Sets to hand this week.
Carpets --A11 Wool Union, Tapestry, Brussels and
Dutch•Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths, Sieolums, Etc. Splendid Assortment of Lace Curtains and
other House Furnishing Goods.
New Stock of Imported and Canadian Tweeds,
Coatings, Trouserings and Overcoatings opened up this week. Very Stylish Goods. Cloth-
ing to Order in First -Class Style.
Ready -Made Clothing, OverOoats, Etc., Men's, Boys'
and Children's Sizes. Never so Cheap as at. present.
Do not invest your money until you see our stock
-of these goods. I have opened up this week
an Immense Stock of New G-oods that sur-
pass in Quality and Value anything
ever offered here in the Past.
75 Boys' Plush Caps, at
20 Good Persian Lamb Caps,
Men's All Wool Overcoats,
Heavy Canton Flannel,
Ladies' Mantles at
Men's Heavy Suits from
5 00
$5 to 12.00
B,emomber, Cash and Prompt Paying Customers
w 11 nut ]lave to Suplsort the Deadbeats of this Community, if they slake their purchases Boni
me, and I :urn convinced that one trial will prove the benefit of doing business under this
New System.