The Brussels Post, 1885-11-20, Page 3Nes, iE, 1806, Vat IT, A MODERN L(ULLABY,. ;SKIT, my darling ; sleep in quiet, In tby dainty bed so warm ; 111 other watehos by thy cradle, To protect thea from all Ltirnl 1?lither's Moto; but sen: 110 hounniard Will lila tardy footsteps trace ; And dear baby will be fondle In a loving, sweet embrace. When be comes, 01 thou my treasure, ops your wondrous eye so bright, And, my precious, ory, and make him t\'alk the room with you all night, Lullaby THANKSGIVING DAY, 1885. There are many to mourn, this Thanks- giving Day, For the husband or brother who died far away, And ninny a mother mourneth her son, Who was buoyant and gay aro tho battle begun, Softly pcalolh thu chimes, 'tis Thauksgiv. ing Day - Soule boasts bent with joy, whilst others cannot; pray, For their hearts were sucldcn'd by the fun. aril knell When their true -hearted sons at I3attleford fell. flay fair Canada never stain her bright Page With thu evils of war tittle cannot assuage; May pence be her motto, o'er mountain and rill,- TIie pure heaven -born peace, to men of good will. -1RLUIes A. bKlill.IIees. Godcricl.I, Nov. lith. THE SURGERY O1' TIHE FUTIILRE. 1 had n talk a day or two ago with Dr. Sn- ctero, The topic he enlivened wits rho surgeon of the future. Said he to me, as playfully ho trimmed a transverse colon - The chattel of a patient then in waiting, 11r. Dolan, "VD aro coming to a crisis when the organs of our body Will be as separable es the threads in pieo- es of shoddy, When you mud I, if need should be, without the least of shivers, May get a timely change by wearing one another's livers. ''To mend a broken back will not de- mand our reading volumes Of dubious lore. We'll have a chest of pat- ent spinal columns, And, rooting up the native bone, we'll set iho vasaut socket, With vertebrae as fitting as a purse into a pocket. "The interchange of hearts will be a verit- able doing, If 'take my heart' escapee the lips of emit. ten Mr. Wooing. That organ he will pluck out from ire sock- et in the saying, And in the lap of her be loves the tribute he'll be laying. "Each man of means may have as many limbs as he desires, Some week day limbs and Sunday limbs and limbo to run to Ares, And 'stead of hanging up our pants, we'll bang the whole equipment, And when they need the tailor's oars we'll wind them up for shipment. "If football should eradicate the hide of Mr, Tbermis, He'll atop into the druggist's for a yard of epidermis, And 'fore he's hardly conscious of his meet- ing with disaster, The same may be adjusted just like any other, plaster. "If over your oesophagus should kink your deglutition, Or have its lining mangled with some oys- ter shell attrition. You'll hardly need to have your courage with assurance bolstered Before we'd straighten out the tub end have it reupholstered* •'The eye will doubtless be affixed with tel- escopic gauges, So that a roan can have his sight just as the fashion rages, And athletes will be able then their feat. urns to untether, And wear, instead thereof, some facial parte of cork and leather, "0, yes I" with glowing emphasis continu- ed oati u.ed Dr, Sueturo, As in my throat he hung an epiglottis of the future ; "The art of patent • surgery will grow to such proportions That advertisements such as these will be no truth distortions "The undereignsd, not having use for both his lungs this summer, Would like to lease the rightor left to some exhausted drummer." 'Dr. Genius would announce his readiness t0 furnish Tho trade with mucous membranes with antigastric burnish.' 'Dyspeptics of the chronic sort should see Professor Slattern And have now stomachs fitted of the most enduring pattern.' ,Dudes, having any need of brains, may have the same injected At Dr. Squirter's Smithery, where goods may be Inspected., "All thin and more will conte about," the doctor quaintly added, As with an anti -hiccough band my dia. phragm he padded, "And at the rate that science strides to. ward this ingenious heaven, 'Twill ripen Anne Domini, two thousand awontysoven." S 111,11 (10 OYER T1111 OCEAN. In West street, between the Itmgrlm place and J!arolay street, there is a height Htetitn of the Now York Cen- tral and 11ud0011 River Railroad. All sorts of freight are delivered or ship - pea from that paint, but it le widely known an "Applo Wharf." Here it regular exellnnge luta bete developed whore wholesale traders meet daily dining the fall anti winter and mainly adjust the New York gaotallolas far apploe, A trunk -load is about the smallest traneaotion that takes place, and sales go from that quantity to a carload, of tmwy hundreds of barrels for city storing er foreign exportation. When the crop is scant abroad or the quality is poor -the latter is the ease this season --Liverpool 3411(1 Glasgow deal largely mu American apples. And when there is a crowding supply here, New York dealers try to relieve the market by shipping abroad largo ly on their own tic:event and talc their chanes of striking an outlet. There are, however,- enough regular orders to be filled to make the export demand steadily worthy of attention. In former times lino Newtowu pip- pin was the chief sort sent to Tug• land, but, with tho easy and (viol; transportation of the Clay, numerous other hinds have found favor over the water, and there Is always more or lees gall for showy red P,aldwius, fine smooth Groeuiugs and high•grado Russets in their seasous. Canada raises some exoellont Grsenings, which of late years compote success fully with those of the United States In the export iugnu'y. Glade aould he well copied by many State and outer packers in the matter of honest barrels. Trade at "Apple Wharf" begins ie the fall as soon as ear lots are ready to ship this way, and oontinnes all winter. Extremely cold weather causes a lull in handling, but damag- es 19 more or loss prevented by lined or air tight care and a closed wharf. A. car carries about 175 barrels. Ar- rivals have run as high as 100 car- loads in a day ; and it is not uncom- mon to see from 10,000 to 15,000 barrels awaiting distribution. Ex- pert dockmen may be seen at varmQus piles breaking down tiers ; samples of which they unbend with n hatchet or adze to exhibit quality ; these they reheat with dexterity that seems magical to an outsider, who at some time or other has struggled with the operation of heading a barrel, beseig- ed as it were by the demon who also presides over the putting together of a stove pipe. Owners of invoices em- ploy their own coopers ; a large num- ber of the craft are kept busy putting barrels in shipping condition. It is important to line the chines of bar- rels with narrow strips of flexible, tough wood ; this permits quick roll- ing or slinging on shipboard, and is some safeguard against robbery. The standard varieties for winter use aro Baldwins, R. I. Groenings and Spmtzeubergs. The last was 0.000 the famous apple of the trade, but it yearly diminishes in quantity. These are the sharp•flavored sorts. The sweets and mild,tart inolnde Swear, King, Gillyflower,Talman and Pound sweet. The Tolman is highly prized being fairly juicy and almost pear. like in flavor. The Fameuee, or snow apple, is a delicious table apple, at- tractive in shape and appearance. It has a riolt, purple, wine colored skin, with flesh as white as an opening cotton pod. Canada used to give the light supply that came here ; now it Is grown oleewhere, and is an apple of commerce. It is rather delicate to carry beyond the holidays. The Northern Spy is a handsome variety, and to a great degree makes up for the loss of the winter -needed Spitzen• berg. Late in the cold season come the large Roxbury and Golden Rus• sets, but of recent years, by the time they have mellowed properly for lo- cal use, the South has begun to show novelties and steamer bananas, and muoll of the apple trade is cut off. Quality will be fine this winter, its the harvest will contain the product rof many young orchards that have oome into bearing. e Tho cultivation of apples have in. greased all over the western part of New York state ; formerly Niaaara, Orleans and Cllenango furnished the bulk of the crop ; but the area now in fruit renders this section quite Inde. pendent of further western orchards. 'Ohio, Michigan and Missouri all seek a market here, but State -grown ap- ples have the preference, C)anta,d1nn New1a. W. D. Stanley, ReesoAt,ef Biddulph, has received the appeimttnll t of Com* missiouer in Court ottio e$lgjs,,. Bench and Court of Appeal. A, petition is in circulation, et..' 717 oming for the granting of a,-$1SQQU bonus to Clouse Bros. & Stokes fon no. running of a roller process there. THE BRLfSb11L POST 1)antinion Parliament is to be call- ed for January 21et. Whitby bas resolved on general compulsory vaccination, York county femora are Making 111/ effort to abolish tolf•getes, Hamilton fireman claim to have bitched tip in a t,ecen1 and 10 lull[, '111 • ]ted Myer 'amine Lo chow signs of froeziug up, according to Winnipeg papers, ,Tolls Calvin lawman's, charged with 1130 11111111m of 11 young farm hand at Berlin recently, has been eommitt• ed far trial, D, L. binedongail, of Montreal, Managing Director of the North British di Merenutile Insurance Com- pany, is dead. Since the preesut 501100n of naviga- tion opened the Government has paid steamship companies about $70,000 for "assisted passengers." ilfcOrnc tG Co„ of Guelph, lost heavily by the drowning of cattle owned by them on the S.S. Brooklyn, at the time that vessel was wrecked. At St, Thomas Thomas Wilson, of Detroit, pleaded guilty of burglarizing 1llorri.s' general store, New Glasgow, I and woe sentenced to two years im- prisonment. Tho extcueiou of the Canada Sautb• 0111 Railway to Courtright is rapidly approachiug the completion of the grading, and will soon be ready fur the ties and rails. Large quantities of parley aro being marketed itt Galt, and prices are very steady. The deliveries so far this 6085011 liar exceeds those of last year up to the same time. A Montreal telegram Hays, the Brs(sh American Bank Note Company is charged with swindling the Govern- ment of $150,000 on engravings Ina - ported from New York. The 13ritish Porcelain Manufactur- ing Company has just completed ex. tensivo alteratione and improvements to its factory at St. John's, Que., and is now in though working order. Haulm Howard, son. of Joint Howard, grain buyer, of Rogersville, while out shooting in the bush near Dufferiu, accidentally shot himself in the breast. He is not expected to recover. Mr, Howard is in his 22nd year, A new telephone cable of live wires will shortly be laid from Windsor to Detroit, replacing the old one con- necting at Walkervilte: The new cable will be laid from the Windsor ferry dock to the foot of Woodward . avenue. At Toronto, on Friday, the butcher Stone and his companions were lis charged on the charge of stealing bodies from Trinity Medical School, but were remanded on a charge of in- decently exposing a nude corpse on the street. At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Wednes day, Chief Justice Wilson gave judg ment in the case of Scott vs. Town of Tilsonburg, quashing a by-law of the town granting a bonus to aid Mr. Tilson in carrying on manufactures In that town. The bylaw creating the village of Beaton, in Simon county, has been quashed, and the village becomes part of the township of Tecumsetlt, The Benton World says it is now published on "S.:} of lot 10, non. 8, Tccumeeth, Beaton P. 0." At Toronto, on Thursday, Mrs. Bollen had just partaken of dinner when she complained of her eyesight failing her, fell off the chair on which she was Hitting, and died a few min- utes after the doctor's arrival. The cause of death is attributed to con- gestion of the brain. The deceased lady was about 62 years of age, and was formerly a resident of Belleville. The Woodetock Liberal Temper - arms (anti -prohibition) Union was organized Wednesday night in the (Donnell Chamber, with the following officers; Dr. Thrall, president ; 0. Wilson, R. Revell, A, S. Ball, G. O'Dell, John Mackenzie, vice-pres- idents; John Head, secretary -treas- urer. Speeches wore made by J. Gordon Mowat, of Toronto, Dr. Thrall, Wm. Grey and O. Wilson. As far as population goes Galveston is the chief city of Texas, having a population of 25,000, and a large number of fine buildings, residences, streets and parka. The city was set. bled 40 years ago. It is a port of entry, and has a large marine busi- ness, the tonnage arriving and clear- ing there annually being about 700,- 000: Colton and beef peeking are the heavy interests of the place. The total area of the burned' dietriot is 100 acres, and 401 blocks were swept, Olean of everything combustible, Over, 400 houses were burned, and it ises- timated by the Belief Commitee that! about 1,000families were 'rendered homeless. Relief is already fast pouring in for the homeless, Aruong other donations Jay Gould sends '0 0,- 000. The total loss by the Are•it( es- timated at.$2,000,000 to $2,500,0017. The total amount of ibsurithen thus far ascertained is $080,780. 8 Thos. Donly, of Parkhill, has for Oen trot Amerlon, to take a oond torehip on a railway line down the It soot 1L'e oouuty of Elgin 51,04b nett MEAT MARKET re, aLirz h4xt 15(:T, ItnA55E1.5 per weep for the maintenance of innllitue of the lions! of 111dtistry t year. The S,.. Thulnas White )iron Mc,nuulent Company have entered natio! against a lluwtttanville in for libelling their mon aments. It ]a reported that the Tilsonbnrg Council intend to appeal 'against the decision of Judge Wittman quashing the by-law to grant ten years exemption to E, D. Tilson for ]tis mills there. \'Vfddow Skillings, of the 10thoon., Blenheim, claims to have the most ancient hen i13 Canada. It (.121 years old, of Nus silver Poland' variety, and has been in her possession 611300 its bird(. It is blind and toothless. A woman named Fortin threw her ten -old boy, who wits sick with the smallpox, from a moving train at Bonaventure station, She had es caped the notice of the physician at the depot until the train started, but became alarmed at the mutterings of the passeugera, She hoe been arrest. ed. The death sentence passed upon Louie llongrain for connection with the North-west rebellion has been commuted for imprisonment for life. Mr, lleLean and his slaughter hoving interested themselves in his behalf. The seutooco of death passed upon an Indian named The Runner has also been commuted to imprisonment for life. Ire had nothing to do with the rebellion ; his crime was shooting another Indian. Tho bog cholera, it is feared, is nob on the decline. The disease is ro- portsd to be spreading through Essex, and there are some eases in Kent and Brant. One hundred and twenty tarmshave been quarantined inEssex and upwards of 1,500 have died or have been shot since the outbreak. Tho first Verde which took the disease in Essex have boon complete. ly wiped out. The dieeaso,it appears, as not to be treated medicinally with any groat hope of success. A rigid quarantine is therefore the only course open where itis discovered. The suit of the fall assizes, came up in another form at the recent di- vision court sitting at Mitchell. Fell accused Heffernan of stealing his sheep off the side -road, and the jury failing to agree, Heffernan was bound over to appear again in December at the assizes here. In the mean- time Heffernan brought this suit in the division oourt to gob back the sheep taken by the bailiff and con- stable, from his field, and given to Fell. The judge decided that the sheep belonged to Fell and Heffernan wee ordered to allow him to retain them, and pay the costs of the suit. Geo, Niohoiis, of the township of Delaware, had in London, Satur• ay a large and strongly -built bird hat nobody seemed to know the pecies of. Its wings extend seven feet two inches .from tip to tip, the ody of the bird being of an almost niform dark color, with a deeper bade over the head. Its hooked eek is streaked with bright yellow. he bird is heavy and big -limbed ; it tends about as high as a medium iced turkey Dock, and is said by some eople to be a species of eagle. It is ertainly one of the largest birds ever aptured in that vicinity. Mr, Nich- Is says he shot the creature on the ing between Glanworth and Dela• are, breaking one of its pinions near e tip, It has been in his possession z a week, and is now thoroughly re- vered. It was an object of great rmalty in the market. the, ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r. re FRES! AND SALT MEATS '10 Cl the hest] aality a1w'ty00111an11 and dell , un imminent, parlotthiVlllegrlree of ohargo T$n1aR Vary Favorable d u b T P 0 0 of w w th fo 00 u The Revising Barristers adopted the following resolutions at Toronto to regula.e their action regarding Section No. 15 of the Franchise Act : -1. That in organized districts no name shall be added to a preliminary list which does not appear in the last revised assessment rolls, or last re- vised list of voters, unless application is made m writing by the parson de- siring to be added or by some one on his behalf disclosing grounds which would prima faoie entitle him to be putt on the preliminary voters' list, and said application be filed with the revising officer. 2. That the re- vising officer in receiving the ap. plication mentioned in the preceding resolution, shall only act upon the same when it is supported by the statutory declaration or such other evidence ae may ,reasonably satiety the mind of .such revising officer. 8. That in Indian reserves the revising officer shall describe Abe voter's prop. arty on which he votes as part of the Indian reserve named, oeoupied and possessed by such voter, or such bet - Or description as he oan give. A committee was appointed to inter- view the Government regarding the manner in which they tver0 to receive their disbursement and expenses in discharging their duties. FAT CATTLE WANTED, Forwbiebobe hlgbestmarket eriee wit ib e Pahl . Ialsomakoa Speelaltyo(bay-1nrhldeaeo e 6klna, ISo.q'tforgettal'Place ,rteX 41 0 0 71atenaenJewellryNloco. ANDIREW Cl7RRIE Canadian Paoiho Railway Time Table, Teeswater Branch. Miles. 5301sig '1f'ra. 1tall 12: pros 0 Toronto.. Dep 0 Orangeville . 4 Orangeville Jot 73 Amaranth f 10 Waldemar,. . 12i Luther .•., 233 Arthur ...... 303 Kenilworth.,,. 38} Mr. Folmar , . 44 Pages ;.... , 47 I'IAttlusTa\.. .. 563 Fordwich G0 Gerrie .. ,, 623 Wroxeter . till Wingham Road 74 Teeswator.,Art, 7.20 a.m. 0.40 p.m . 0.10 '• 7.01 10.01 •• • 7.22 '• 10.11 7.3.1 " 10.24 "- 7.38 " 10.3t •• 7.44 11.08 " 8.10 11.30 '• !.8.29 11,58 a.m. 8.46 12,11 p.m, 9.341 12,28 " 11,11 12,55 " ! 0.31 1.08 ' • ! 9.40 1,15 " 1 9,413 1.38 •' 10.03 1.05 p.m.110.11 utiles, Going Eat. Express. Mali 0 Teeswater Dolt 5 Wingham Road 111 Wroxeter ,... 14 Gerrie .... , , 173 Fordwioh .... 263 Barrietou .... 30 353 433 503 613 64 663 70 74 122 Mt. Forest.... Kenilworth .. Arthur .... , . Lather .... , . Waldemar.... Amaranth f ,• Orangeville Jot Orangeville .. Toronto . , Arr. 10.4o a,m. 8.35 p.m , 5.15 a.m. 5.47 '• 5.5'3 6.02 6,25 6.35 6.51 7.09 7.26 7.53 7.58 8.04 8.12 8.35 11 14 4. 11 2,15p.m . 2.80 2,40 ,• 2.50 3.00 3.29 3.40 9.57 4.19 4.39 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.95 0.55 14 11 44 Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, ORANGEVILLE AND CARLETON JUNCTION. ZQ'NCIT-ZIOTT 8AS3EC2=TR OTT THROUGH TRAINS -anrwr•1aN- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGENT. IIRUOsEI,N HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOWBST RATIOS of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFIc> .--On corner of Market Square and North street, Godel'ieh. Horace Horton, 1VIANAGER, Goderich, Aug, 5th, 1885. THOS. FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and Jo wok. Gold I'Vatches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver,. Watc/Ees, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc, I keep a full line of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store, Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Isst1er of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer: lean Express Company and Groat Northwestern telegraph Comps n �'