The Brussels Post, 1885-10-30, Page 44
OCT. 80, 1895.
J. A.. Herr and A., F. Phillipe, G,
(1T•be rt155tI 1.01t, T. R. station agents at Stratford and
St, Mares roslleotively, have exuhaug.
— — ed places.
1•'1£171.11", OCT.30, 188 5. Thu flax crop tine year around St,
Marys is elated to be heavier than fur
"Allure half of the inhabitants of 801110 years poet, and 1000 harvested
Pelee inland turned out to welcome iu goal condition,
Dr, F. 13. McCormick on his release ThoProviuoial Sunday Sehool u:,u.
it few days ago from Sandwich jail, ventiun teas a groat success. J. J.
where be nerved a short sentun0a fur Crabbe, of the St. Marys Argus, tt•:ae
liaviug practiced medicine witllnlit n elected preeideut, Mr. Crahbe le an
Government certificate. His friends old Sabbath Sehool worker,
gave a banquet and ball in his honor," The Stratford Straw Shoeing llud
We have no sympathy with Toboggan Olub has been re -organized
these ovations tendered to persons with the following officers :—J. CI ray -
who knowingly violate the reeog- eon Smith, Pres. ; John Brown, Vico-
uized law of the land. What is Pros. ; 3, F. Palmer, Sec. -Trees. ;
the use of laying down a course of and W. Maynard, C. W. Young, R.
study and making 99 students pass M. Ballantyne, A. W. Caseele, and
it before they are allowed to prat- A. T. Macdonald, Managing Com.
tie° and allowing the odd roan to The pupils of the St. Marys Colleg-
iate Institute parade twice weekly, to
receive instructions in drill imparted
by several of the local oflioers of the
28th Batt. In future the pupils will
ea required to pass an annual drill
examination, and in order t0 gain
general proficiency, the drill exercise
has been added to the scholastic dut-
ies of the Institute.
The circus indulged in by the Strat-
ford Connell is a disgrace to any ham -
lot, much loss the pretentious ''oity"
of Stratford. They never meet brit
there is a squabble and the police.
man hes neurally to take some one by
the collar and "lire" them out. Evi-
dently the good old time has not yet
arrived when the lien and the lamb
shall lie down together in Stratford,
The Grand Trunk model train was
on exhibition at the Stratford station
on Monday of last week. 11 is indeed
a model of taste, elegance, and splen-
did workmauship. The two Pullman
cars "Umbria" and "Cimbria" are
really palaces on wheels. They are
fitted up with all the latest aids to in-
dividual comfort, general convenience,
and safety. They have also the new
style of "buffets" or separate com-
partments for bridal or family parties
wishing seclusion. Each berth has
tin electric bell to call the porter,
which was a something long wished
for by users of the Pullman. The
ordinary first-class care on this train
are, with the exception of not having
that necessary evil, the "potah," as
good as the Pullmans for day travel,
and are furnished with excellently
gotten -up lavatories. The train left
on Monday afternoon for Toronto to
go on its regular service between that
city and Montreal.
hang out his shingle before the
terms of the law are complied
with ? While sympathy may be
very acceptable to persons placed
in the position of Dr. McCormick,
this posing as a martyr should
not be encouraged. The restric-
tions by the Medical Faculty are
not strict enough yet, or else the
dozens of quacks would be ruled
out and the healing art left only
in the hands of competent men.
WHAT will be done with Biel?
This question has been asked
thousand times and it has not been
solved yet. It seems very peculiar
that a Court that is competent to
try and conl7Ct I11(llans mixed up
in the same rebellion should have
their decision questioned in the case
of the instigator of the rebellion.
In our opinion the Privy Council
chid perfectly right in refusing to
deal with the appeal and we only
hope that the other projects on
foot will also prove futile. The
matter of Biel's execution virtually
rests at the present time in the
hands of the Dominion Govern-
ment and although they may be
between two fires, from the spilling
of the blood of Scott down to the
destruction of life and property in
the Spring of 1885 everything calls
out for the execution of the leader.
While there may have been reasons
why Biel took the prominent part
he did in the rebellion there is no
reason why the Government should
shrink doing their duty in this
matter even though it should lose
the support of Riel's friends. We
hope there will be no more post-
ponements or respites but that the
law will be allowed to take its
WE have repeatedly noticed,
while attending sittings of Division
Court, that many lawyers are too
readytto questioniwhether witnesses
are telling "the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth".
Where the witness is a doubtful
character, or one that has been
known to "vary," these tactics
may be considered legitimate, but
where reliable, trustworthy men
are placed in the box it is humili-
ating to have their memory jogged
every minute or two about "being
careful as they are on their oath."
We know there are tough custom-
ers to handle many times but the
majority of the legal fraternity
have foresight enough to know
what style of a man they have be-
fore them, before many questions
are asked. This thing of trying
to get a person to tell a lie by try-
ing to ask crooked questions is not
the right thing, in our estimation,
and the sooner it is stopped the
better. There is one very peculiar
phase of human nature often seen
in the Court Room, and it is an
explanation of the olcl saying that
"things are not what they seem,
viz. that persons who are suyposed
to be truthful and reliable will
quibble and even lie if they think
they can score a point and win the
Perth Cornetts- Notes.
Mitchell milkmen dispenee their
ware at four cents per quart.
Perth school teachers met in con-
vention ab Stratford last week,
Zurbrigg, who escaped from the
county jail the other day, was recap-
tured at Brucefield,
The telephone wires in St. Marys
were removed from the house tope
and strung on the poles last week.
It is reported that arrengemonte
have been completed for tbs purchase
oftheiustruments of the two old bands
of•St. Marys, by a committee. The
instruments for
ueo of the amalgamated band,
Canadian News.
Sir Leonard Tilley hoe resigned
his portfolio.
Montreal had 52 deaths from sin all -
pox on Sunday.
W. R. Meredith is reported to be a
candidate for a Dominion porifolio,
There were 95 new oases of small-
pox reported last Tuesday in lllout-
Peter Murray, of Orilla, was caught
passing a raised ten dollar bill at
The last spike on the Canadian
Pacific Railway will be driven Nov,
5th, without ceremony.
The North-West Council will meet
at Regina on Thursday, Nov. 5, for
the despatch of business.
Down in Toronto they are going
to try the experiment of repairing
oily streets by prison labor.
A thirty-one pound Hamilton ball
dog on Saturday night fought and
whipped a Toronto dog near Toronto
for $100 a side.
The Michigan Central boats are
now ferrying about 1,000 cars across
the river daily between Windsor and
Detroit—double the number of a
month ago.
Officials of the Canadian Pacific
Company at Montreal say they know
nothing about a rumor which was
quite current that they had borrowed
£8,000,000 sterling from Barring
Bros, in England.
A Montreal boy of 16 yeare is re-
ported to have married a girl of 12
years. The parents of the young
couple are said to have just learned
of the affair, and will take proceed-
ings to have the marriage annulled.
Mayor Mason, of Hamilton, will
not again be candidate for the Mayor.
ality. He has Aad two terms. It is
rumoured that Aid. Glasgow, the de-
feated of two years ago, and Ald.
McKay, are to be candidates this
The Minister of Agriculture for
Manitoba a few days ago announced
that at the next session of the
Legislature he would introduce a
Bill for the institution of an Exper-
imental Parra and Agricultural Col-
Richard Iler, of South Colchester,
has been physically indisposed for
several months. After taking some
of of Dr. Ring's medicine, he ejected.
175 feet of tape worm. It need not
be wondered at that he previously
felt miserably.
Hamilton has got another ease of THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.
Brantford ]las made all the ne0ea , tUOIOE FARMS FOR SALE,--
ry arrangolnente for a creditable \,,: A l ow splendid, intprnvnil, Mons forOnix
Mbit at the Colonial and Italian 1u nm• towulhlp t 1 1,001, Mu)13 %1 M IUI-
lop, APply to A. 1111LGA'IT Y, Co, Autli ou•r,
xhibition, and has applied for four Brussels P 1), 1•, t1
ousand feet uf spew. London Alla
amilton are aolively moving in the
the a nilnreiguod lot 18 eon, 13. Grey, inn
or about Aug. 1st, a yearling hall. The owner
is requested to ell, 0rev0 property, pay ex.
pease amid take hint away,
14-,1 ,1140. CASA, Prop,
same direction. Toronto should not
be behind.
Aa action was *entered at Montreal
on Saturday last by lloborteon & Co,
against the Canadian Pacific Rail.
way Co, 00 behalf of M. Borland,
contractor, for $40,000. This is an-
other of the numerous cases that have
arisen from differences between the
Company and the contractor recent-
The permanent telegraph line
which is now being constructed by
the Great North-western Telegraph
Company along the line of the Grav-
enhurst-Callander extension, bee
reached Scotia, about 50 milds north
of Gravenhurat, and the poles have
boon erected for some miles further
Peter Emerick, farmer, residing
near I.'ort Robinson, met with a vio-
lent death on Thursday night last.
tie was oat hunting accompanied by
his son, Their dog treed a raccoon.
The son commenced cutting down the
tree, which fell upon Mr. Emerick sr.
and inflicted injuries from which he
died during the night.
Mayor Leduc, of Hull, P. Q., was
riding on a Sparks street car Monday
afternoon, when he became involved
in an argument with the driver over
the ejection of a passenger. The
driver pulled up and requested the
Mayer to leave the car, anti as he re-
fused proceeded to remove him. The
Mayor immediately drew off and ad.
ministered n severe pummeling to
the driver. Both the aggrieved part-
ies repaired to the Police Station,
when Mayor Leduc was served with a
summons to appear before the Police
St. Thomae Times :—Consiclerable
exeitement was created among the
local employees of the G. T, R. this
morning over a rumor which prevails
that General Manager Hickson has
spoken to the effect that he cannot
see his way clear to restore the wages
which existed prior to the reduction
six months since, and that he intends
to ask that a further extension be
granted at the old rate. The exten-
sion expires next month, and the
men unanimously state that uttless
the rate of wages is restored trouble
will ensue. To a man • they aro
against any further extension, mean-
time the circular is anxiously await-
A gay young Lothario from Galt
became enamoured of one of Hespel.
er's fair daughters. The yonthfnl
couple were bent on becoming united,
and had sworn eternal faithfulness to
each other, and expressed in a thous-
and ways their devotion and love.
They had also marked out a life of
future blies and happiness equal to
the seventh heavens. The wedding
was duly announced, the day set,
the guests invited—all ready when
the young gentleman's father arrived
on the scene, and to use the popular
expression 'sat on the arrangements,'
and notified the issuer of marriage
licenses not to sell his son a license.
The harshness of the parent in thus
wrecking the lives of these two lov-
ing hearts is severely commented on
here, and popular sympathy is with
the young people.
A 0. P. R. special bearing Col.
Otter and the men of 0 Company, In-
fantry School, steamed into Toronto
shortly after 2 o'clock, and, amid the
cheering of thousands, proceeded
along the Esplanade to the foot of
Jarvis street, where the disembarka-
tion and the formal welcome took
place. The space around the drill
shed and the streets adjoiniug were
packed with people, and a mighty
about went up when Col. Otter was
recognized on the platform of the car.
As soon as the cheering and hand-
shaking subsided, the citizens' address
of welcome to the hero of Out Knife
Hill and the other boys from Battle•
ford was read to them. Col. Otter
replied feelingly and briefly. Mean.
time the local volunteers, headed by
the drilled sections of the boys from
the public schools, had formed up,
and at a signal the advance was
sounded, and the triumphant march
commenced up Jarvis street and along
King to the Fort. The entire
route of the procession was gay with
flags and streamers, and every win-
dow contained its fair occupants. The
welcome was about as hearty and
spontaneous as that given to the
other Northwest volunteers a short
time ago. At the Port the home
guard gave evidence of not being idle,
arches, evergreens, flags and mottoes
having completely transformed the
place. A generous banquet had been
prepared, and everything was done to
make the homo corning memorable
await half of lot 28, eon. 5, Morris, eontntn-
lug leo acres, 70 acr00 cleared. Frame build-
ing!) 0)1 the} Frontless, The properly will be
solo at a bargain For ;11r0IT
apply to
fitted up walla stalls, and n driving floor,
for 0810. Owner has 110 000 for it. Purchaser
can remove It any time. For further partic-
ulars aslc at Tis Pun Publishing House
X. 0, oou, 10, Grey township, Huron Co, con.
tailing 100 acres, 80 acres e leered. The farm
18 situated 1 # miles from Brussels. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
14.8 Prop
the promisee of Arch. Taylor, lot 00, con.
4, Morris, about two months ago, a two year
old holier, red with white on belly and lege.
The owner is requested to pay expenses and
take itaway, AROH. TAYLOR,
Sutton's Vitalizer is what you need for Com
stipation, loss of appetite, dizzines0, and all
symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 70 cents
per bottle. Sold by G. A. Doadmau,
of the undersigned, lot 00, eon, 16, Grey, 0
yearling heifer, rest In dolor, with a white
belly. Came on my promisee about Sept,
10th. Tho owner is requested to prove prop-
s 15-4ppay expenses andAS take her
t TRTRAY CATTLE. -0 A lel F. O N
lJ the prontises of the undersigned. Lot 11,
ar 1 red heifer andspring
rod Bud white steer. Any
penton owning the sane and yowling property
DIM bav0 them by paying all0 expellees. LLTSY.
A2 Colts. One is rising 4 years old,
and was aired by the well -known stallion •Wel-
come" the other is rifting 6 years old, and was
aired by"Glenlee," They may be seen on Lot
10, 0"u. 5. Grey, JNO. LOP 011
of thoundoreigned, lot 14, con. 18, Grey,
about the last of August, one year-old heifer,
redand white in color. The owner can have
same by proving property andpaytna 00100000
10.40. Oranbrook, P.O.
Les ,Morris about A.115. 1501,6 cattle -5 year-
lings and 1 steer, 2 years old, gray in color. 2
of the yearlings aro red and white 1 0 heifers
aro reddish gray, and 1 steer is all white. Any
information loading to their r000very will bo
tile driving horse, 0 years old; a general
purpose mares, rising 8 years ow: 0 steers, 010 -
tag 8 years old ; 4 dry come; 4 dairy cows; 10
lambs; 10 tat yearling wothers and owes; 10 fat
owes; 10 heavy fat pigs;10 light fatpigs; 1
brood sola nur ndfoyoung URIpigs.
MOFADty to
18.11 Lot 0, Con.10, Grey.
es of the undersigned, about July 15th,
three head of osttle 9 years of d. 1 steer rad
and white, horns turned out, spot on teroltoad;
1 red heifer, horns (orae din, spot on forehead;
1 yellowish brindle. Any information thab
will lead to the recovery of the sante will bo
eon 8r Grey, EthelP,'O. FGw 010.
t, rho promises of the eubsoriber, north half
lot 10, eon.2, Morris , about July 101, 8 bead
yearling cattle, viz: -1 white heifer, 2 rod
heifers, 1 red ether with white 11111.rk 011 fore -
100011,1 red and white steer with white strand
down book, and 4 red hull. Auyperson giying
01)0)0 information its will lead to the reeoyery
of the same will bo suitably reworded.
10-40. ROOT. BL00MFIELD, nluevale,
es of the undersigned, lot 0, eon, 0, Morris
township, about the middle or Juno, 10 head
of cattle, 0 of them aro 2 years old and the
other 0 aro three years old. 9 of then ore
steers and 9 of the two year olds aro heifers.
One of the two year old steers ie mostly white
and two others are spotted red and white and
the rest were mostly red. Any information
Ioading to their recovery will be thankfully
)000111 d. R)BT. IRVIN,
16.0 Proprietor.
The undersigned offers his hence and
lot, on Flora Strout, for sale ata bargatu. The
house is it 0mnfortable ono with Dotter 0110. 017
noes eery convenfenees. Will dispose of furn-
iture with promioesif purchaser desires, I in-
tend removing to California, if sale is affect toil.
I will also dispose of my barbering buolnoss if
a suitable purchaser is found,
0 undersigned will 100)1 n eher-
ough bred Berkshire boar for service on lot 27,
4111 Eno, Morris About two nlllee lrein 11)0x,
rule IiurOO l,ad' was bred by If. Horboy,
Guelph, and wee aired by 000, \YelBngtotz.
8817ttrn1 bg 1by l rlOOfllniigli407', ldru 1v 1l ady
0 -
,11‘1,11:11.; y
sla, . l,uul•'Tertnei; SI, t i 1 et paid
rowed J01 ,001,,
Iat thud of surviee, with iirlvile e.lof returning,
if nneessary• JAatlie Ai. Afroprl ,
49.6,»' Proprietor,
1440. 'e:tors of 1110 006,10 of the 1)111 SAat1'rl,
11(5 lot 02 con. 10, tette0.Cle excellent thy» ,
There ere 100 111,01,0 01
the 10001 80 of v111011 are eleared,10 mune part-
ly e1 oared x1,1111) mime of good hardwood bush.
'l here le it 400d frame barn, 8001111 feet with
15010nwill bo given. 1 good portion of por-
ches° money will he elle wed to stead en inter-
est. For further partieulnr1 apply to
J0HN 1110I(01;,
107 College OHHN street.
15 1) or litI of P,0.
` forme -Lot 11, on the 6th 00n„and 00115
on the 7)11 Oen,lut Morris. containing 100 aer00
each, about 00 mires cleared, free from stunm,s
on one farm, and about 00 soros chaired on ,1
other, The cleared land is in n good state of
cultivation, mud well fenced, 00011ITam0 barn
andstables, and log hoose m1 one and on the
other slog louse and log barn. Thara ie a gond
bearing orchard on Lot 14. A ,lever foiling
0priug creek runs through both pin:es, The
soil is prat -class, there being no batter farms in
the township. These pinoo) aro admirably ed-
ea fed fox grain growing or grazing, and within
ave mi es of the flourishing town of Brussels,
The pieces will be sold together or separately,
and can he bought cheap and on easy terms.
Apply on the promises or address the ptroprt-
oto), Suushino P.O.
10-40 11040. roliietnr.
1. rrdd ®®! )II1L ' RKII II I t1U441 H. pptt ( ttgpVqqIt
tfG.t?416B9LIIVIt & tlt>3KRRfllG B ON”
Tuts 1,[0,1' 00100 Palmation; I3onus.
The above mentioned pure bred Berkshire
Boors will be kept for the season at '00110'8
March Ilth 1081,b ,Ont.
dtbylorn W. tH 1 AfeNlolllnl`ed
1 n;
Groove Nartn,toed8 0o.,01(1., Irani imported
rre and cele-
brated bremeder ,11. SwensW10k, Ettm dizect Irom the 1
g ,o 1.1 Is ODD
of 1110 1111006 lierkeblres ever brought to thin
mimicry, Barrlugtoe was farrowed 1100. 701,
1880. Bred by Slunuous h nixie, of nolomure,
:11111(110100 Co. Ile is from imported stock on
both aid00 with registered pedigree and is a
grand animal throughout. Also the pure lord
Naim, ltaltoil Co. "Young
iso pure type ofred ltiutT li:
standies on very short legs with great length
at body, i 11 moose 6110uldere and well turned
hems. Have exhibited my herd at 5 dire this
foil carrying off 25 First Prizes. Terme strict -
1y mush. Oue dollar at the 1)1000£ service with
the privilege of returning if necessary.
10.11 Cranbroole, Ont.
Bring your lame horses to Daniel Ewen, Ile
Brussels. Having prao(tsed for years told
risco to the highest position iu the leading
horse shooing establishment o1 00011110, Edio-
iuburgh, Scotland, 4100 having paseod with
honors through the Royal Veterinary Shoeing
Sehool. of I. S. Smith, Loudon, England,
whore bundrods of crippled horses peened
our hands daily I can safely guarantee to cm
oontraoted feet or interfering horses. New
work and repairing of all kinds clone en rea-
sonable terms, and workmanship that will
please. By giving ole a pall I feel satisfied T
would secure your trade.
D. El WAN,
17-11 llunte00 Old Stand,
Take much pleasure in announc-
ing to the people of Brnsscls and
surrounding country that having
Purchased the Business of Mr. C.
Tike, on Mill Street, opposite Mr.
P. Scott's Blacksmith Shoo, they
will keep a Good Supply of
And aro prepared to fill all orders
at Reasonable Prices. Repairing
neatly and promptly done.
Please call and examine Our
stock before purchasing elsewhere,
Having purchased that property presently occupied by JOIIN
GREWAR, which I intend moving into in the course of a few weeks,
I will offer my whole stock of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware,
amounting to about $8,000 at a great reduction.
Our stock of Groceries comprises everything kept in a first-class
store. In connection with this department we would call special at-
tention to our large and well assorted stock of Teas and Coffees. We
hold some of the finest imported into this country which will bo clear.
ed out at 40c. per lb. Every housekeeper in this district should ob-
tain a package of this rich and fragrant Tea. We have on hand a
large and well assorted stock of Crockery & Glassware which will be
sold oat at prices which cannot fail to insure a speedy clearance.
Plates 80e. per doe. below.the usual price. Every article contained
in the stock has been. bought for cash which enables us to lay special
inti ueoments before the public.
Terms Cash or Trade.
AGENT for Fleischmann & CO's. COMPRESSED YEAST,
Geo. Thomson.