The Brussels Post, 1885-10-16, Page 3Oar. 10, 1885. THE BRUt3t3ELS POST 3 T) T7 o'dry,', O(1TOI)Tlh 00 ]t4nlHlt .i, anThenae. The flowers aro drooping ono by one, The wheat is garnm•ed, the work is done, The vines are withorod-their moo is run, October. The waves aro angry on Hnrou'e broant, The song birds have flown to homes of root The trees in crimson and gold aro clreat, October. The summer light io waning fast, Tho sultry winds become a blast, Tho autumn float It blight hath oast, October, Let no then work for a home above, A haven of everlasting lova Where truth will fhrd the treasure trove, October. Goderich, Oct. 1011, 1885. TIIE ANNUAL TOWNSHIP SHOW. These are the days when the farmer's boy Culls tiro "titers" from out of the row, And puts them into a basket clean, To take to tho annual township show. These aro the days when the sorrel oolt, Is combed and brushed, and taught to go Wlron the buggy's washed, the harness oiled To make a shine at the township show. These are tho days when the farmer's girl Works till her face is all aglow, And churns her butter and works 11 up, To tako a prime at tbo township show. These are the days when the hired man Looks for a holiday I trow, And gets a "ten" from the farmer boss, To whoop-'er-up at the township show. These aro the days when the fakirs thick, Out in the country travelling go, And make their pilo at tont and stand, And bless tho annual township show. A WOMAN'S NO. She hall a parool, small and round, One lovely afternoon last summer, I offorod, as in duty bound, 7.o take it from her. She thanked me with a gracious smile, As sweet as rosy tips uould metro it ; It was so small, 'twas not worth whilo To lot mo take it from her. Again I offered, as before, Of that slight burden to relieve her. She'd rather not ; "Pray say no more 1 'Twould really griove her. I coaxed to plead ; she seemed content ; Tho thing was small and neatly corded, And so along our way we wont To where she boarded. But when upon.the stoop she stood, And ere our last adieus wore uttered, She eyed mo in a roguish mood, And softly muttered, As swung the door to let her through, And loft me there all unresisting ; "I don't think very much of you For not insisting." A VERITABLE VACUUM. He wie a dudo, Hie attitude Was striking ne he sat On the veranda balustrade, Tho wlrilo a cigarette he made, Ea wore a Darby hat. With such a brim TS oovered him, His coat was made so tight Hie arm could novor tough his aide His elbows thus extended wide Were really quite a sight. His trousers, too, Exposed to view A limb so very slight You scarce could toll it from the cane The silver head of which ho fain Would swallow if he might. He utterod slow, "Aw, don't you know, Thfs really'e quite a bore," Then rolled his cigarette again And looked as if he tried in vain To think of something moos. But no 1 you see Vacuity On every feature plain ; Beyond his oigarobte and clothes, Ho absolutely nothing knowo- Exoopt to suck his nano, BELQRAVE MOW. On Thursday of last week the East Wawanosh Agricultural Fall Show was held on their ground at Belgravo. The number of entries were large and somo of tho exhibits of a very high order, There was a good show of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. The inside department was filled to overflowing with fancy goods, grain, roots, vegetablo,s fruits, &o. The fol- lowing is trio prize list !- HORSES -HEAVY DRAUGHT. -Brood mare, having raised a foal in 1885, Wm Welwood, Tboe Agnew, Robt Martin. Horso foal, Thos Agnew, T H Taylor. Mare foal, Wm Wel- wood. Two year olid filly, E Olvar, A Anderson. Yoar old filly, Donald McLanalilin, Wm Welwood. 'Span heavy draught horses, N. Cumming. GENERAL PURPOSE --.Brood mare, having raised a foal in 1885, Donald McLauohlln, R B Millen, T H Tay- lor. Horse foal, A Anderson, Chas Agin. Mare foal, R B Millen, B Rielly. Two year old Ally, Jno Mon- zies, T Joint. Two year old gelding. 11 T +'rritt, J Taylor. Year old filly, 11 'J Frritt, Ooults & Son. 'Year old golding, Win Roach, 11 Rielly. Span general purpose horses, If Boss, P Brown. (lAilRIA0.8.--•^•Brood mare having raised a foal in 1885, Jas Speirs, Win Goddoe, Spring foal, Win Gedd0e. Con. King, Two year old filly, Geo I h.g, ,las Whiteman, sr, Year old filly, 11 Stouehonso & Sou, L, Tin• doll. Buggy horse, Dr MoKouzie, T 11 Nugent, Each burac le saddle, J Brandon, 1) Geddes. Span eltrriago horses, 1i Tennant, T I3rydges. Bost brood mare, any °lase, \Vw Welwood. Beet team of horses in harness, Hugh Ross, CATTLE-TItOIto'- fiuEo.-13est Dow, Thos Ross, Jas PoLtor. Two yoar old holler, Sas Potter, Tilos Within - son. Year old hoifor, Jas Potter, Jas Potter. Heifer calf, Thos Ross, Jas Potter. NATrvE.-Best cow, Trios Wihcin• eon, 0 Wheeler, jr. Two year old heifer, A. Proctor, C Proctor. Year old heifer, T Ross, T Ross. Heifer calf, II Ross, Jno Coultas. Pair El year old steers, '1' Ross, H Deacon. Pair +1 year old steers, Jno Pelton, T Ross. fair. 1 your old steers, Thos Wilkinson, R McGowan. Pair steer calves, 11 McGowan,'T Ross. Beetle, T Wilkinson, 11 Dio&owau. Yoke working oxen, Thos Miller, Wm Is - his tor. SIIEEP--Lexceerens.--Aged ram, Humphrey Snell & Son, A Robertson, Shearling ram, J Stubbs. Ram lamb, B. Snell & Sou, Jno Robertson. Pair aged ewes having raised Iambs iu 1885, H Snell & Son, A Robertson. Pair shearling owns, H Snell & Son, N 'Cumming. Pair ewe lambs, H. Snell & Son, A Robertson. COTSWOLD -Aged ram, Jae Potter. Ram lamb, Jas Potter, Jas Potter. Pair aged ewes having raised lambs in 1885, J Stubbs, Chas Hingston. Pair Shearling owes, Chas Hingston. Pair owe lambs, Jas Potter, C .ding Alton. DowNs,--Aged ram, I-3 Ross, John Pelton. Shearling ram, H Snell & Son. Ram lamb, 0 Hingston, John Pelton. Pair aged ewes having rais- ed lambs in 1885, H Snell & Son, H. Ross, Pair Shearling ewes, H Ross, J Pelton. Pair ewe limbs, H Ross, 0 Hingston. Best pen of sheep not less than one ram and four ewes of any age or breed, H Snoll & Son. Fat sheep, ewe or wether, 0 Proctor & Sons. Pias -LARGE BREED. -Aged boar, J C 'fuck, R Currie. Brood sow hav- ing littered in 1885, Jno Coultes, P Anderson. Boar littered in 1885 (age considered), 3 0 Tuck, F Ander- son. Sow littered in 1885 (age con sidored), J 0 Tuck, F Anderson. Slum. BREED. -Aged Boar, J 0 Tuck, J Taylor. Brood sow having littered in 1885, J 0 Tuck, Jas Henry and sons. Boar littered in 1885 (age considered), A. Robertson, J Taylor. Sow littered in 1885 (age considered), O W Lawrence, Jae Henry & Sons. Beet pen of pigs, one boar and no Less than three sows any age or breed, Jas Henry & Sine. POULTRY. -Pair Geese, 0 W Law. ranee, Jas Harrison. Turkeys, Jas Harrison, Jno Robertson. Ducks, Jas Shurrie, 0 W Lawrence. Ply- mouth rocks, J Harrison, Jae White- man. Brahmas, W H McCracken. Leghorns, W H McCracken, Jas Har- rison:, Spanish, Jae Harrison, Jas Harrison. Homburgs, Jas Harrison. Pair of any other variety of fowls, J Harrison, J Harrison. Beat collet)• tion of fowls, J Harrison. IMPLEISENTS.--Churn, H Clark. Pump, H Clark, H Clark. Self -bind- er, Wm. Levy, (Watson Manufact. Oo.), Jno Brunsdon. Lumber wagon, Slater & Sims. Democrat spring wagon, Jno Brunsdon, Buggy, Juo Brunsdon, McOlymont. Double car. riage, Jno Brunsdon. Cutter, Slater & Sims, Plow, R M Robinson, 11 lit Robinson. Gang plow, 11 b1 Robin- son. Iron harrows, V. Van Norman, J G Stewart. Set horse shoos, J G Stewart, Slater & Sims. Clam --Fall wheat, Thoe Ander- son, Geo Moffatt. Spring wheat, Jas Sherrie, Robt Scott, Barley, Robt MoMurry, T H Taylor. White oats, Geo Moffatt, Jas Henry & Sons. Black oats, Jas Henry & Sons, Jas Harrison. Pose, Thos Wilkinson, Jae Henry & sons. Timothy, Thos. Wilkinson, Adam Halliday. FRUIT AND FLOWERS. -Golden Rus. sets, 3 Stubbs, L Tindall. Baldwin, T Anderson. R I Greening, Robt Rielly, Jno Ooultes. Farmouse, Thos Wilkinson, Jno Robertson. Nlaiden's blush, J Bailey, D Geddes. Northern Spy, J Coultes, Jas Henry & Sons. Oolverts, Ohne Taylor, 'Robt Reilly. Tolman Sweets, R Scott, W Scott. Winter apples, Walter Scott, J Stubbs. fall apples, Joseph Stubbs, Jas Bailey. Fall poars, R Reilly, J Stubbs, Wintor pears, E F Black, W Scott, Grapes, Jas Bailey, 11 Whitoman. Variety of grapes, Jas Bailey, R. Whiteman. Crab apples, Robt Johnston, 33', Baines. Collo()' Lion of fruit, Jas Bailey. Jos Henry & Sons, Jiouqu0t of flowers, ()bailee Praetor, Jas Bliley, Amor in pot, Juo Scitudrett, Robt Mc;4furray. MANuyAcruars•-•-Moura lands cloth, Mies Pollock. Flannel, Miss Pol. lock, ltobt Johnston. Union flannel, Jas OW0118, Mlee Pollock. Blankets, Miss PUIIocIi, .Jiti lvens. Single 11i14-110$0, Thos Nixon. (Jottrd0 boo to, J Pearl!. Fine bouts, 3 Nam. Sitio upper leather, J Pearn, 111011 csa leather, J Po;u'u. 110300 made wine, J15 Owens, W 11 McCracken, Rona Aso Vl;oi;'rAl11 go, -Rose 110- tatoes, hunt Currie, Jiro Colo. Po- tatoes, any otlior variety, Duncan Anderson, 11 Whitemnu. Cabbage, Thee Wilkinson, W 11 i'Ic0raoken, Cauliflower, W 11 McOraokon. Blood beets, Jae Harrison, W 11 McOraok- eu. Mangold wurtzal, W 11 Mc• Crackon, Joseph Stubbs. Swede turnips, W Scott, Arch Robinson. Field carrots, W I -I Mc0r'aokon, Jos Stubbs. Early Horn carrots, Jae Shurrie, A Prootor. Onions from seed, 3 Baines, W it 3feOraekon. Onions any seed, It Whiteman, Jae Henry & Sons. Indian corn, W t1 MoCraoken, Jno Barbour, Water melon, W LI McCracken, T Auclorson. Music uielon, W 11 McCracken. Pu _r• kin, Ohas Taylor, Robt Johnston. Squash, W 11 McCracken, Goo Mof- fatt. Citron, W H McCracken, 13 Baines, Tomatoes, Loren Tindall, Jae Bailey. Cucumber, Geo Moffatt. Beaus, Goo Moffatt, Jno .Coultes. Swede turnips, Thos Anderson. Dina. Pitonuou.--Butter, not less than 50 lbs., Jno Barbour, Chas Proctor, Robt Johnston. Crook of butter, not less thou 20 lbs., Chas Proctor, A Proctor. Basket of butter in rolls or prints, not less than 15 lbs., Chas Proctor, 0 McClelland. Five lbs. honey iu comb, Jno Slater, Jno Slater, Five lbs. mania sugar, A Proctor. Quart maple syrup, A Proctor, R Whiteman. Home-made bread, Jae Harrison, J Stubbs. Oat cake, Jas Whiteman, R Stirling. Factory cheese, white, made first week u Sept., Juo Roes. Home- made cheese, T Anderson, Jas White• man. Lames wosa.-Tatting, Mrs Tamlyn, C W Lawrence. Specimen Crochet o orlc, Mrs Tamlyn, 0 W Lawrence. Bead work 0 McOlelland,Mrs Tamlyn. Fancy knitting, 0 McClelland, Mrs Tamlyn. Patchwork on quilt, Mrs Tamlyn. Gent's linen shirt, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Tamlyn. Gent's fancy flannel shirt, 0 McOlelland, Mrs Tamlyn. Braiding, 0 McClelland, Jae Owens. Feather flowers, Thos Atkinson. Pair woolen stockings, 0 McClelland, W H McCracken. Pair woolen gloves, Mrs Barclay, W H McCracken. Pair woolen mitts, Miss Pollock, W H McCracken. Log cabin quilt, 0 McClelland, A Proctor. Patched quilt, R Miller, 0 MoOlolland. Knitted quilt, Mrs Barclay. Count. erpane, C McClelland. T H Taylor. Rag mat, A Proctor, O Wheeler. Berlin wool work, 0 MoOlelland, Mrs Tamlyn. Cotton stockings Miss Pol- look. Card work, A. Prootor, A Proc. tor. Leather work, Mrs Tamlyn, W H McCracken. Pencil drawing, 0 McClelland, 0 McClelland. Hair flow- ers, 0,• MoOlelland. Best spemmen of penmanship, 0. McClelland, W H MoOracken. Embroidery on Bilk, A. W Webster. 0. McClelland. Embroid- ery on linen, 0 McClelland, Mrs Tamlyn. Lace work, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mre. Tamlyn. Twine lace C llloOlel- land, L Tindall. Rag carpet A Proc- tor Mrs Tamlyn. JUDGES. -Grain, Roots and Vege- tablea.--0 Hamilton, Blyth ; D Mc- Innis, Wingham, and Chas Hingston, Brussels. Fruit, Flowers and Man- ufacturiss.-W Ologg, Wingham ; Wm Oarr, Wawanosh, aucl E R Tal- bot, Wingham. Ladies' work.--Mre P Brown, Marnoch; Mrs D Molunis. Wingham, and Mrs J Cole Belgravo. Poultry and Implemonto.-Jas Rose, Auburn ; Ohne Wheeler, Morris, and Wm Whiteford, Morris. Sheep and pigs.-Jno Govier, Auburn ; Wm Blanchard, Wingham, and Jae Scott, Westfield. horses, -W G Broadfoot, Tuokoramith ; J P Fisher, Auburn, and W J Johnston, Morris. Oattle.-= L Tasker, Hullett ; J 11 Miller, Mor• ria, and Jno Washington, West Wawanosh, • FAIR NOTES. -There were over 1000 people on the ground. -Over $70 was taken at the gate at an admission fee of l0cents, childern halfprioe and mem- bers free. -Jas. Dron, agent for the Singer sewing machine, did a rushing business. -A yoke of oxen belonging to Reeve Curcio with a set of harness and driven with bridle and lines was a novelty to many. -TILE POST and Wingham Advance worn the only news. apere ropresentod.-Tho Diroc- tors and their obliging Secretary, Finlay Anderson, dict all they oould to mako things go right. -Tho judges had considerable difficulty in award- ing the prizes for butter ea competi- , tion was eo close, I FT -OUSE & LOT l?OR SALE, ON the no4 tbst couldt' bo 'Photo ed ox a Iritubla. Will be saki ea reasonable terms. Apply to - A. HAW r(NM1)ILut SELLING OUT! & ANG OUT. Great Clearing Sale FOR (10 17 �1 YS of harness, collars, fly note, dusters, trunks travelling bags, satchels, brushes, curry combs, whips, and everything 111 the rear. uess lino. The stook must bo sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up busi- ness. I720eeti0a Invited. Over 20 sets of Harness to choose from. This is a bona fide sale and no catch; penny affair. R. STEVENSON. is -Ail indebted to me must call and settle accounts at ono0. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOWEST RATES of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANE BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per cent. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according. to amount and time left. Canon. --On corner of Market Square and North street, Goderich. Horace Horton, MANAGER. Goderich, Aug. 5th, 1885. THOS. FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Gold Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silver, I%Vatcltes, Clocks, Gold Rings, Violins, Etc. I keep a full line of goods usually kept in a first-class Jewelry store. Call and examine, no trouble to show Goods. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Ocean Tickets, Amer- ican Express Company and Groat Northwestern telegraph Company. BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES. tT-CT ST it choice Stock of Baby (arring1 H tll;tt Cannot foil to suit ih'r wants of the Public. Call and see them, LAIRGE STOCK 0100 HARNESS ON HAND. Give me, a Call. TI. DAP.ArI. MEAT MARKET, ]LAIN STREET, BIC l'11,101.1 ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r. FRESH AND SALT MEATS 0f too bestquality ahra., 01. band and dally Oren In auypart at the Village:rev 01 ()barge TERMS Vory Favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED, orwhiobthe highest mazkstprlce wil Ib e Ialeomakea 6peolaltaid yotbuyinghidosend 8kine. Doa'lforgettbe l•ince.nex deer Eta teher'adewellrx8 tore. ANDREW CUBES Canadian Paoifio Railway Time Tablet Teeswater Branch. Mlles Going West. Ma11, Express 0 Toronto.. Dep 0 Orangeville 4 Orangeville Jot 733 Amaranth t .. 10 Waldemar.... 123 Luther ...... 23i Arthur • . . .. 3033 Kenilworth,... 8833 MT. FOREST . . 44 Pages t.. .. 47k Flarta ETON.. 5633 Fordwich .... 60 Gorrie .. ... 624 Wroxeter 69 Wingham Road 74 Teeswator, , Arr 7.20 a.m. 9.50 " 10.05 " 10.1.5 'l 10.24 " 10.31 " 11.08 " 11.90 " 11.58 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 12.28 12.65 " 1.08 " 1,15 " 1.98 " 1.55 p.m. 5.40 7.05 7,22 7.32 7.38 7.44 8.10 8.29 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.31 9.40 9.46 10.03 10.15 Milos Going East. Expraes. Mall 0 111 14 I71 26 80 351 433 6033 6134 64 663 70 74 122 Teeswater Dep Wingham Road Wroxeter .... Gorrie ...... Fordwioh Harrietou .... Pages t.. •, ,. Mt. Forest.... Kenilworth .. Arthur ..... . Luther ...... Waldemar.... Amaranth t , Orangeville Jot Orangeville Toronto .. Arr. 5.15 a.m. 5.28 5.47 " 5.53 " 6.02 6.25 " 6.35 6.51 7.09 7.26 7.59 7.58 8.04 8.12 8.95 10.45 a.m. • 2.15 2.80 p.m. 2.49 " 2.56 " 3.06 " 8.29 3,40 rr 3.57 4.19 4.89 'r 5.10 5.17 " 5.24 " 5.35 " • 5.55 8.35 p.m, Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORONTO JUNCTION, ORANGEV'ILLE .AND CARLETON .JUNCTION. S,VN'CBE mn - 73.&8x-:3+ITs oar THROUGH TRAINS -nETwEE\•-• -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGENT. 1111115151205 •E�. HE.L ,i The undersigned having completed the change from tho stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will bo glad to loo all his Old Customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed Always On I and. HIGII ST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT W2. MLN.