The Brussels Post, 1885-7-24, Page 91 ."a Tt1T.x 24, 18A0, greatly onloyeci your morning drive as to go away le) a lib of absout.miuded- iiess. I havo boon sitting hero alone an hour," "I could not know that, When I drove up I saw that I shoal('be,de trap," h0 replied, as they sauntered to an ad. jacaut grove. "Now, (Graydon, you know that is 11(11(1 true, s0 far 1l8.1 and c0ne0l'ZIOd," "T110 trouble) hi, 141 )85 \1'il(huera, others are eoncornu(1 in such a way that the onlyrccourl,o left 1110 is to hoop my (ionise," "(i raydou, I l ua(1 ref (mod Aft. Arnault, and 1)0 will take 110 refusal." "You ca ref1180 hint in such it nety that I,0 must take it at once and for. 0111." ,;You don't know—" sho bob;lin, tears cowing into her eyes. "No ; you have only led 1110 to sun miso a groat oval by iluplicatlou." "What (rook 3 b, ('31311' of ma11111111 and my littlo sister it papa should fail nttc(17?" and cells ...tine faster. No one could be more pathetic than Miss 1\'ildwere when slur chose, "eau 1 o3( not trust me for th0u1 as well as for yourself ?" "0 ,lir. Muir, 1 know that you mean most geueronsly and Mildly, but papa is so anxious anal Marto( t 110 tries to keep up beforo otb(•.re, but T know how ho feels, and it's terrible. Ifo is past middle ago, and/2115111088 61100088 111e0116 very much to Niru, How can 1 do any- thing to harm him ? I kuow so littlo about b118i1)01;5 and its p0ri18, 'while papa thinks there may boterriblo clangors ahead for every olio. You might Intro tau good -11:11 to help us and yet soon be r( 1(r' 1y cable to help yourself. I halo bet 11 ma(10 to feel that tho best I could do ' . ,: 00g11 these trotlblous times was to r',. papa, as far as possible, and then I 1 .. „hlu'b have anything with which to 1 -lamb myself." , :ayciou was perplexed. Apparently 141;• .,us doing wrong in the most aclf. l o, ..11ufug opirit, and believed that doing right, which would old her ab. negation, was wrong and Hellish. 11•llile 1m hesitated, she resumed "You sue, Graydon, papa has the sante as said that Mr. Arnault was tiding him over until he could raltiro on securities now of littlo value. Of course there has been no compromising understand- ing ie) words,—do not thick 18 capable of that. It would cut mo to tho heart to have you misjudge m0 or condemn me, 1 will give you the highest proof I can of my—my—esteem by being frank with you on a clolicato subject, so that yon can Hum low I cul placed. I dant thick many young ladies would do as much. 01 course what I say is sacred between us. Mr. At'uatlt offered hiill- self long since, and I promptly declined tho honor, but he 1Lulghiugly told 1110 –he would take no ralu.al, and chatted through the rest of t1,u evening as pleasantly as if notes ug had bappeuo(1. I have virtually refused him several times since, but he per8iste, (lorlaring that he will remain 1(r. agreeable friend until 1 change my mind. Sur01y, 1 ane not misleading biro. 1 do like him as a friend, and he ltnow's that I. have for Hill no other regard, and mover had. Bel ore you came he had begun to help papa, and to throw business in his way, and just mow ho is rou)1)ring him very great service. He may do this in the holm of inthtenten( Ino, but 110 gives his aid without conditions. Yet I know hint well enough to bo sure) that ho would withdraw this bnsincc5 help should .I 11031 harshly dismiss him or engago ro}-- aelf to another. Nails I do show him that I appreciate his 1(ind110e8, 1 do nothing to indicate blab sly feeling is changed. Ho must 1(l,ow that I regard him in tho 8111110 light Ls in the past. If he is content with this, I have asked myself why I should bo precipitato,— why ali'nat0 flim now in the very crisis of papa's (grail's. Of course if I bad only myself to think of— I'vo been foollish (noagll to think1. that I might h01p papa end still be }sappy in the end. Am I so very naughty, Graydon ?" Ho was at a 10(48 to (tumor hor, but felt that he ]oust at 01100 disabuse her mind of one expectation. "I admit, Stella," ho said, thought- fully,."that you aro peculiarly placed, and I thank you for making clearer what I had partially surmised. \Vhile I admire and respect the motive,I must still think that you are drifting into a (also relation with Arnault, althongh you may not be consoiolls of it. ')(fore those troubles began you simply bolero tot his attentious good-naturodly, and with- out any special m0tivo. Now you have a definite lotivo and purposo, and -- pardon en) Sto11a—thy aro misleading him. He would not continue his at• tontions an hour, did ho believe they were utterly hopeless, To Arnault and all ot120rs you appear tuldecided be- tween him and myself. Such an ox. periment as you aro trying cannot wort- 1ve11. If ho has any, other power 10yot111 that of your maidenly pref0re13011, he will not hositato to increase it, an't may make yoiu' father Dura utterly co. pendent upon him while appearing helpful.." Yes; 1 have thought of that," she said, musingly. "Thero seems to mo but one straight. forward, higlt.toned thing for you to do, Stella, and that is to follow your heart." He was almost frightened at himself that ho spoke with so littio ea40(00ss and longing. itis words loomed but the honorable and logical sequence of what had gone before. For some reason this girl in the broad light of day slid not appear to bo 1110 same as when. she had fascinated him in the whaling moonlight rho evening before. It was not that hor boauty had gong with tho glamour of rho night, but Ile had heel broathing a different and pure: atmos. l bore. Madge had boon revealing what to flim (4omn0d )('tont womanhood. In regard to +tolls, his illusion had sa far passed that 1,e thought, con. 8010(1m1y,. "1'\'013 at 1101 11084 site 18 Jk, ending 1Villlulare 110)1,x; 1101 very 801f. 1acrill00 takes on to Wi1d(nM'e form, 011(1 there is a flavor of Wall street is it a11," But he stili believed that )1e Iovod hor, and that, if she "01(14 equal to snail groat though 1111141011( 11 83.11.11a0ri1ic, for h01 Rather, silo would, ender his in- fluence, throw off curtain imperfections and grain a hotter toms, That such ih)ught8 were 113 1W( through his mind 111(1, a blur 011111 lir the contiuutln0)3 of 11188 Wikls ewe power, and yet the opportunity o: hor Ulu was still hers. She had simply to put her hand into his with (a loop of trust, and abide by the act, to s00u1( a loyalty that would always halm tried to promote her best interests. That 8110 w•se strongly tempted to do 111)8 31'138 Droved by her manner, in 14pit0 of the fact that she had rlronliscd Amaral) not to decide against 11i1u Whams Satur- day. It1vas a moment of indreisiou, I11.3 straug assurance that hu was alma". ant1y able to tako caro of hen', that lir. Muir was wealthy anti frog lro11 finan- cial embarrassment, almost turned the scale. Situ bolt that both Aruanit and her father 1(300 d000i1•ieg her 1'o' their 01111 purposes, and she bad littlo hesita. tion in acting for herself without regard to thaw. Graydon's suggestion tient hot' action was not high-toned, although (lulicatoly made, touched. 1101 pride to tbo Quick, and sho was 0ompelle." to fool dining thio interviv,., as nevar be- foul, the superiority of tho man 10110 r.ddresscd her. Silo 1011gec1 to force• Henry .1luir to acknowledgo tho (laughter of tho mall he shinned in b:t)1n08s; and not the least among her incentives was 1110 thought of triumph- iug 0co1 Madge as apossible rival. "At any rate," alto had thought, "if I become 111(ared to Graydon 110 will have to he very much loss fraternal. As 414 1'18 not aiding papa," she eolalndetl, "1 eau't holt) that. When Once marri0d I could 111ak0 him do all 110 conk' afford, and papa and lemma have 110 right to ('::pact anything mare." To tau potancy of all 111080 consielora- `..0a was added a sentiment for the mai. who awaited her answer, and who :ln, t d inwardly that it was so long i.1 coining. "Truly,," 110 thought, "this is 8trang0 wooing. Henry himself could not mora carefully woigh tho 101) and ('0111) than does 8110 apparently, 1300 awl I in feverish suspense. I had hoped for something different iu my mating." A glimmering perception that her manner was not calculated to inspire a lovor at last dawned 010 Miss Wildu,cre, and with it came a faltering purpose to (locido in favor of Graydon at once; but as she turned toward 11in1, to s leak with what was meant to bo a bow* der. Mg smile of joy, rt messenger from the office said, "A kilogram, miss." Graydon frowned, and then laughed outright. Sho stopped in the very act of tearing ellen the envelope, and looked al him inquiringly. "Oh, nothing," h0 said, lightly, "Tho opportuneness of That follow's coming was phenomenal. IIow much longer a111 I to wait yourdecisIOu, Stella? Were tho world in out secret, I should 110 known as St. Graydon the patient." Sho flushed, but adopted his appar- ently light mood as rho least embarrass- ing. "My memory 114 good, and I shall know 11011 to reward you," alto smilingly replied. "Please lob lie satisfy my Mind about papa, for I'm sura it's from Iiiw." "Oh, satisfy your mind fully about ovorythiug, hiss Wildmere." Sho tort) open tho envelope with. a Arcing gesture) of impatience:), and read, with a suddenly paling °hook, "Unless you chooso tho immediate certainty of absolute loss, wait till I see you. Will 001130 soon. Wilchnere." Sho crushed rho telegram in her ham", and turn0d away 1vit11 a half. tragic air which at til" 00010th struck Graydon as a littlo "stagy," and that he cond0nm0(1 hlm8olf for Um thought. As sho did not 8poa11 for 11 moment, he said, 8yntpa111otically, "Your tidings aro bad ?" She triod to think, let was confused, and felt that talc was ie) a 01001 dilemma. Gould Graydon bo deceiving her ? or was he as iguolant as ho seemed of his br'other's peril ? Was hor father in langur) with Arnault after all? and were they milting to 8oparato hor from Graydon ? She could not tall. She must gain more time. Sho would soo her father, charge him with (Mph - city, and wring the truth from 11111. When sho turned to Graydon her eyes were full of tears again, and She falhnrod: "You may &wpbs() mo if yon will, but my father has macho an appeal to D0, and 18 aomingto 800 1110. I unlet boat what 110 has to say. 1 must tell him that I can't endure—that I can't go on this way any longor. I would gladly hole him, save Ilia, but after what you have said it's impossible to - 011, was Over a girl placed in such \vrotchod straits! Graydon, can you b0 patio11t a littlo longer 1" "There is nothing olso for mo to do, Stella. I only stipulate) that your docisiou bo made speedily, and that Arnault h0 giv00 t0 understand what my rights aro. I shall have no diffi- culty in enforcing thorn." "I shall dooicle speedily. It is nob right that I should bo placod in such a torturing, humiliating position," "Now I agree with you perloo1ly. When doos your (abhor c0m0 1" "Isle 5078 Soon.' "Very wall; I will return o11 Saturday," i1I wish you wouldn't go away 110W," sho.Ont1ea10t3. 1 thing. it is bast," replieit 1rlaytlna. t100151ye1y, y0t k 11(113. ".f havo said all that it possible) to an honors, le r'(sn. 13y l'OmainingI0111111ac0d)11 an x,0)11 1. ons 1108)11011 3111X11 my 11011 l'o$poot does not poimib any longer," "I suppose)," she sights", "that I should lint cash too much. Weil, so bo it, then" THE S1113.p L$ POST. 7 ase_.... .. _.. ...,.,-._ _.r4,.w,•..n„NWYtt r,....._,_.._.-33efcaenll2�nt,.... Wean W ttet,,,..�:. They walked back to the hoose in .,...x slloilce, At the door of a side mamma() TO THE FRONT AGAIN. '� ' G A4. I N . she turmsl to triol, her face flushing at ���i vl rho admission, and said, hastily, "1 waited (1, long t'1::° for you, (1311y(101)," and then find t,', her room. "Olt, nenfouud it !“ho muttered, as he walked array, "Whitt lr muddle it all is f t't1,'Lt to l'•(.1 l i(• st1'u1,•bog 11ty. Alf foe permitting this &mining. Ci local 1,:Llt to clot p t \ 1' tee, (.(,0se tt frit l 11; r torch and lu,.n.0 r haytol t the ring of absolute, truth, ii. -a. Me as if 11u:ard u )tic • in 1110 v(•ly ,:sada of err rend, 1avM, ', 'Beware:. 1' .\111 1 i,t•: nilliu! iU1 itubeel10' I detil,t,,t lied ea:;)u,411.1) Made. Thank 14(1(4(1 tihau, Ls ens1 tor. evor! Now lamdoubting and the woman 1 have asked 10 : 1:•y 31.10, I must ho )11 .ijeulgi,n, 11 9.,—C,.1) native fs horrible, 1 ,;u, t J e 010 conviction, hmv,, "'1'. : 1.. 1.1,.... , out just as I 0xru. L.+ t a• t1 (3(341 1.,' ! her it would, 1.1•n1(u1Cs n: ! to hor. .,.rr'. leen doleuHil•C. and1:..•,'h) r : ;; a (4 eel. in 111, will, than (\ r, \;'„ll, 1'lt t till (410 ass had tn1. . ci1 1'w w.. ..r int: c r, 11n? t1,1” ::,n• t eitl,. r e i at for me fled sem.,st iamb ((.•11:111 furcvcr, or else boo v:.1 'kala 1.1, .allp in 1, r 1 'it wit'1 t..(1.13 e. t114 t'1.L (TO BIl (CONTINUED.) EAT 1t111xr;T, MAIN Jt'P1t1(1T, 117{1:8FI:3.8 4NDREW CURRIE, Prop'''. FRESH AN© SALT MEATS Wino bestqualtty u1wsyn ol,han4 and dolly o ron 111 auypar1 of 4/Jell/nage/re(' otcharge 311113.(5 Very Favorable. FAT' CATTLE )WANTED, Po rwhloll the 11lg1estln 001Lot prion wi11Lo 31 0111 . Islso makes 8psoialtyoibuyinghldusand Shine, Doa•tl'nrget the Plage, non d 00 t Ploteher'sdevrellr38tare. ANDREW 013111131 ALL ALIVE ! Tho undersigned begs leavo to announce to tho Public generally that he hasplirohased the Entire Stook of D. )'rain, harness matter, and Navin brought a Largo Stook of his Own Make ,lie is prepared to Com - polo with the oheapest, as he Buys Strictly for Cash A Complete Stools of LIGHT. AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS HORSE BLANKETS AND VALLSES, And Everything in the Harness Lin • harness mato to Orctor from best ma tonal on Shortest Notice. E ' Repairing Promptly Attendod to. ▪ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. • r\ Oa olioited before Purchasing Elsewhere t Don't forgottboplace, iuDr Graham s Block, D. g'rain's Old Stand, Main Street, Brussels. R. STEVENSON. TAILORING. C. H. M ad d a ugh bogs leavo to notify the people of Brussels and surrounding country that ho has open. 0d a shop in GRANT'S BLOCK, formerly occupied by W. II. Morris, where 110 will bo pleased to attend to tho wants of all favor. ing him with thou 01(103s. Tho bust of satisfaction gnarontsod. $.15 REWARD. —1/1— The above reword will be paid any person who furnishes such in- formation as will lead to the con- viction of persons violating the CANADA TEMPT11ANCly ACI i11 this municipality. The strictest Hea- ney 111 kooping the na1n0 of the person giving the information. 13if 01111;11 07 ''nn Scott Act Association. The undersigned. in returning thanks to the I'eoplc of t'1'a11b11o0k and Ht rrouudiug Country for tlo'ir Liberal Patronage during the past 8 years would respectfully intimate that he has ag11111 1') 1it111('Jl bUsi- lless (111(1 will be found at the Old Stand, ready to nttr1,31 to the Wants of his Customers. ALL XINIDS OF JO tR H 11.70- -IN TT1I i3LACESMJTII LINE -- PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. `iii WAGGON SIiO will be Under the Management of a first -Class Mechanic. Repairing of ,,'.LU ,rinds ,Ittendcd to. ire aso Mahe CL ,`a'peciafy of L, 'ew iT of/C got up t7 TL First-CaSS Sty/C' and Gua,'Ctuteed to Give ,Satzsfictiozz. We are the Only Firm 111 the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing tit(' Victoria Roe4 Cart, allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wlme1 Vehicles Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine. Jopziale 4ftnza. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. 'Wm. Viaratons . Salsas, Proprietors. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our Nev Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the .Best Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, ORAN .s CHOP CONSTANTLY 1(N BANE. We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LIMBER OCT TO ORDER. IUL-LON CA.RIRIAG.E WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS —MANUFACTURER 07-- BTJGGTES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, lee., tee., all made of the Bost Material and finished in a workman -like manner Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to, Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. liPPE11111NO1:s.—Marsden Smith, B. Ling, James Cutt and William 11' oKolvey, Groy township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. I3ro\va.r, and David I3reckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turn berry township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOLTII OF BRIDGE, J-A.MMs 13`13-"2-MR,s.