The Brussels Post, 1885-6-19, Page 68 TEll BR U SS ELS ,t" OST Dinar? of Churches and heittiee, 0.011.--,4111/141t1l i.tTViA,s at 11 3.71.. ;01.1 Sunday Sell0...1 ti 2:30 p.m. !lot Jno. Res.., 11, A., Pastor. Ks 1,--6abboth Services rd. 11 .tan. 1 Sunday Selio, I fit 9430 pastor, 8,011ffith Sol ices at 11 a.m. 1 7 p.m. Sunday Sohool at 11130 T. (.1inf,. "III.I.t II. . tinkalittll IiGtTjec.0 It 1.):1t1 o,tt itt! p.m. Sunday School at 2:110 p.ot. Astorlirv. D. 0, ClaPPlaon, nom Ns st n.t.o CIII:B011.-Babbath Ser. s jos third s inday in every ntouth at 11 GAIL ILIT. 1'. J. a, priot. 01.1 Loons every Thursday oveniu.: 101;r:thanes block. Tuesday at or before full unon itt IIimes' block. A. 0. I'. 1V. Lt:: 11113•I0 11 211.1 Itna 1 tot W,111',' lay evicting' 01011 tnoutli. Poul.,c1:n•s Loper 211,1 and last Monday erenings of oaoh month in Smale's 1.0. L. 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Post Opt% 0. --Office linuro from 8 n, m. to 7 p. 0.1, kN /CP INATIT0TE lading lloom and ibrary it. Holmes' block, over S. 11, Srattle's ,,tore, ;El io, ,I.011 from 6 to 7 p.m. on Wed.. nesdays and Etidays and from 4 to ti p.m. em Saturdays, 60114110111111111310111111111.1.1 Fasii1ON NOTES. Alt j eciiets aro cut short. Or..y moll:Ctrs are cuming 1./.1t, el ularity. Plain 'lateens are trimmed with a vets ef the same tiliatle. Turbans are seldom to be seen now and when two are placed on th back ef the head. •Fec 1 oe, hack, side or ebe it, liSe Shiloh Per MIA l'histor. Prise 23 emits, Sold by G. Diundlitatt. Some of the new tennis co'tnine are rode of doe coloured lNlexica grass cloth, trimmed with Tarkie embroideries and worn with sidle bats 11ecru straw. Sraltuuss nights, made miserable by Gas terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the rented 101. you. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Embreidery is extensively used t trim afternoon dresses for both Welk ing and driving. Reds, blues in ligh and dark shades, browns, and green iu pale shades, 0X0 the colours to b eon in these dresses. 3,u ,offer with Dyspemla and Live Complaint ? Sniloh'S Vitalizer it guarantee to cure you. Sold by CIA. Deailman. Grey and pale euffee.brown of tho softest tints are two colours, which in various fabric:, from satin to serge are to prove very popular the canting season in carriage, travelling, and walking costumes. SHIL:11', Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by G. A. Dealman on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Afternoon and evening dresses for children are elaborately trimmed with Oriental and Valencinness lace, in addition to quantities of satin ribbons. Children's bangs are 3140711 tl trifle shorter than was the fashion during the winter. 1 ntr..onss Vitaliser io what you need Cc It. stipatten, loss of appetite, dizziness, and till symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 73 mints per bottle. 001.1 by 0.1).. Deadni au. New bonnets fit the head closely. They are less elaborate than those worn inriog the spring, very many of them are worn without strings. White in gauzy materials and black velvet is a favorite combination of colours, also olive green and faintest pink, and yellow. Cnorm, whooping cough and broneldtlg mediately relievedby Shiloh's Cure. Sold 17 G. A. Deadinam For out of- doors morning wear white cashmeres are to be worn a great deal. They will not be made up elaborately, tucks on the skirts, lung pointed drapery and plaited waists, with belts, being the principal style, The white lawns and hand- „na embroidery dresses will also be extensively worn, with dainty white hats find gaily coloured parasols. The'? bucking cough Gan Iv so quickly eurrd by Shiloh"s Cure, IA e guarantee it Sold by G. A, DemOnum. klounces made of woolens, which have a 00.13V1300 weave or a loose mesh, nba fine white goods which have no dressing them are daintily finished in hemstitching up half the widths. Tucks are sot between, and the hemstitching has a very delicate and pretty effect above. Threads are hewn, and tho hem and tucks aro then stitched in the same way as a pocket handkerchief bordering IS fin- ished. n.eractite cured, health and sweet breath a. cured, by fthilotes Cettrrb Remedy. Prior) 40 cents. Nasal injeotor free. Sold by Geo, A, Doadumn. A. dinner dress of fine bleak silk grenadine, made over black satin and brightened by a garniture of butter. cups and narrow yellow satin ribbon, is novel and handsome. A large black and yellow feather fan is to be carried with it. 1130 waist is cut vary low and round, without eleovea, and has the buttercups surrounding tho entire corsage. Tho skirt is drap- •rd and trimmed., and has a long train, surrounded by a garniture of the buttercups and yellow ribbon. These also extend thermally down the front 1! the elsirt. Octiaitialiitst Nowist. , Went of Toronto Conference lat.t s Tao tele Tin:nod li.i.: At) of laud, lot eounterfeit $2 note 11,15 been tte- et • aySU eon. ii, Grey no 51 1,110 1 taii ht. work rl CI . ?dl 111.1 siih.lirt hi to adlt por.t taking tho orommtoromozonomonourotroset Jusic 19, 1885, Bev. Win, Briggs was elected Pree- 11-0 II OF LOGO- LNG 'PO LET,- toted in Moutreal ; la Sala to heo. TWO 300301I3,131.10IGI WIII 101 likely to deceive. Tho Montreal deputation to Mr. Pope on tho canal doe are very 21121011 dissatieiltal with their reception. Toronto Conference has paesed 11 resolution the Sem(te:3 action with regard to tho Scott Act, 1)r, Snelling has given notice of a motion itt Tho Toronto Synod con• timaning the Senate's action in mutil- ating the Scott Act. Allmon & Stone, sills merehants Toronto, have assigned, owing to the tightness of money, and late 00110011 ; liabilities not yet known. Elections under the Canada Tem- perance Act will he held in the count. les of Haldimand and ()uteri° on July 10. J. W. Hohnes and J. Perrie, returniug efficera, re- spectively. 0. E. Broderick's clothing store, St. Thomas, was entered by hurglare on We:lost-Ley night of last week and a largo amount of ready-made cloth- ing and cloth taken. There is no clue to tle• barglars. At tl. ‘fentrcal conference Bev. LeRoy Hooker got off a good bon: 10111111 112 said that if the Senate must have its beer they would have to open it with an "iu" instead of a "double e." A terrific hail storm passed over Parkhill about p. on Sunday last. Hail stones frum one to four inches iu diameter tore not unticnn- mon. Great damage was done. Very few houses escaped, Reporte from the surrounding country say great damage was done to frnit trees. A message boy of a Montreal clothier, who wa8 sent to deliver two suits of clothes worth «bout $00, tvo,s met by another lad, tvho said to him : "I was just coming fur the parcel." The parcel was innocently hamlet' over, and neither the boy nor tho pity - cel has since been seen. The oranges imported et New York during 1884 were valued at about $1,800,000 in a total of $5,007,851 of green fruit received from abroad. Lemons rank next to oranges, ban- anas next, then cocoanuts, pineapples grapes, and limes. The duty on the oranges and lemons amounted to V00,882. The hearing organs of animals ie generally double, but not always lo- cated in the head, In the clam it exists at the base of 1138 foot; in some grasshoppers it is in the fore leg,a, and it appears on the wings of many insects. The auditory nos of lobsters and crabs are at tho base of the ante:nine. A remarkable specimen was exhi- bited at a meeting of the Zoological Society of London. It was a Brazi- lian snake which had partly swalloty• od a lizard. The lizard, being alive, began to eat hi, way out through the body of the enalse, and partly done so, when death overtook both crea tures. The Governor-General has received a cable from Lord Derby iu answer to one sent by His Exeellency, urging on Her Majesty's Government the ex pediency of proceeding at an early date with the medical amendment act. Lord Derby says the Lord President hopes to be a.ble to proceed with the bill this session. Boa in unaccustomed localities, according to H. ItIullor, aro timid, and find honey with difficulty, but rapidly become accustomed to their surroundings. Flowers of subdued colours aro selected by boos, instead of tho more brilliantly coloured ones. Blue or violet appears to be moat at. tractive, and bright yellow tno least so. 4. vegetable leather, said to be fully equal to the animal product, is made in Paris from guile perchn, aulphur, raw cotton, 11110 10111t0, kollsothar, and oxido of antimony. TO first two in- gredients aro necessary, while the ot- her parts may 130 replaced by ahemi- °ale of a similar character, The pro. portions aro varied with tho purposes. A. very interesting competi- tion took place in front of the Metol Hanian at Toronto on Saturday for a handsome prize given by the lessee, J. H. Mackie. E. S. Tisdale, of Sinmoo, and W. Boyd, of Woodstock, were the competitors. The events were decided us follows :-Highjunip -W. Boyd with 5ft. Oin. Hop, stop and jump, running -W. Boyd, 4511. Vaulting with pole -4, tie at Oft. 810. Hitch and kick -This was only an exhibition by Boyd, who in two trials reached the marvellous height of Oft. or four inches better than tho ecognized mord, Mr. Mackin tvill ive $100 to any tnan in Canada who an beat this perform:ins:6. Standing nmp--Tisclale, 10 ft. in., without veights. Hop, atop e • 1 jmnp, stand - ng -Tisdale, 81 ft. 8 io, Long jump -13o3 91 ft. 10110, Boyd was thus he winner by five to two. r Frank Ring, of Brantford, played with n toy cannon a few days since and was baldly injured itt the face, and had 1111111111) torn oil while foul- ing with it. Petitions signed by 05,115 persons were presented 11) the Ominous Fri- day In favor of exempting ale, lager beor, wities and cider from the operations of the Scott Act. The petitions were from the following playa :-From Brno, siguud by 2, 300 persons; lieu, 1,1300; Norfolk, 1,- 117; Sinicee, 0,100 ; Hamilton, 1,- 148; Welliugton, 1,451; Middlesez, 1,• 181; Welland, 800; Guelph 300; Wat- orloo, 1,481; London, 1,892; Oxford, 8,105, Lincoln, 880; Toronto, 11,0‘11; Montreal, 1,058, and about 800 from other places. The following havo been selected to the Wimbledon team for 1885 ;- Private Geo. Cooke, 5th Battalion Royal Scots, 1', Q. ; Ooloar Surgeon, T. Dalrymple, 5th Battalion Royal Soots, P. Q. ; Capt. Corbin, 0.3rd Bat- talion, Nova Scotia ; Private A. Rim - 1911.1 Battalion ; Stall -Ser- geant A shall, ; Assistant Sur - goon 51cLaughltn, 45th Battalion ; Corporal Hilton, 40th Battalion ; Corporal Miner, 71st Battalion, N. 33; Staff-Ser,geant 5t, Allan, 82nd Buttal. P.E.I.; Sergeant Curzon, 10th Royal Grenadiers ; Staff -Sergeant J. R. Wynne, 5th Battalion Royal Soots, P.Q. ; Capt. D. Thomas, 54th Bat- talion P.Q. ; Lieutenant Patterson. 85th Battalion P.Q. ; Lieutenant A, P. Sherwood, G.G.F.G. ; Private W. C. Ring, 4511.1 Battalion; Lieutenant jameson, (30th Battalion, P.Q. ; Ser. geaut Short ; Private Mor- ris, 13113 Battalion ; ()apt. W. 5Ic- Donald, 1st Brigade Field Artillery: Lieutenant Kirkpatrick, 137111 Battal- ion, N.13. On Wednesday, Aug. 5, a party of tourists will leave the Amen= silo of the Niagara Falls for a trip through Ontario. The event will be of a novel character, first because the tourists propose to travel on bicycles. over (321 miles if Canadian territory, secondly, because the part)', numbering 50 or (30, will consist entirely of clergymen. A program of distances and stopping places has been arranged. The princi- pal towns and cities of the province will be visited iu the following order liamilten, Aug. 5; Galt, Aug, ; Woodstock, Aug. 7; London Aug. 8; Goderich, Aug. 10 ; Seaforth and Stratford, Aug. 19; Guelph, Aug. 18 ; Toronto, Aug. 14 ; Whitby, A.ug. 17; Port Hope, Cobourg and Brighton, Aug. 13; Belleville and. Napance, Aug. 19 ; Kingston, Aug. 20 ; Brook- ville, Aug. 21. The return journey will then be commenced, but at Co- bourg the party will take steamer for Toronto. and from that city will cross the lake to Niagara. The 'cyclists will doff their clerical garments at the beginning of the tour, and not resume them until the trip is ended. In the meantime a uniform 'cycling costume will be worn. Every Ole Hatched. I'll tell you a snake story that was vouched for by a gentleman of my so. quaintatice, and in hie own wordi : - "We hail a good breed of hens and were right proud of them. Two were splendid hatohers -Giddy and Golly. You may laugh 211 1110 names, but they wore given by a pet sister, who has been dead many years. After bearing a sermon one Sunday she decided to call her two hen chickens Gideon and Goliath. She:was delighted with them that mother hadn't the heart to change them, and so, amidst the laughter of the household, we christened them Giddy and Golly, they wore handsome creatures, 131)11 110001' hatched loss than fifteen out, of sixteen ego, Ono day iny brother gravely informed me that ho had. seen n big snake in the corner of the barn, and we Pot wit to look for it. As we neared the place there sown - ed to bo,an unusual oommotion among the hens, and Gitidy mid Golly wore vociferating on the edge of their resp. Galva nests, in the language of their ilk, with such vehomenee that wo could not hear ourselves speak, Thou WO wore sure that the snake had been 'brewing trouble, and forthwith seare,h. ed the barn until two found it. Pinning it by its head in the corner, I cut it open, and there were 13 of (lolly's big white oggs, still wartn and comfortable. These two at once transferred to the nest, melting Golly happy over her re covered treasure, Well, madam, the 13 eggs that had b.= in the enalce's maw wore overy 0130 hatched, and grow up into matronly helloed, quite oblivous of their narrow escape and curious vi cissitudo. lIortionten, A tientiOn When yOUr horse 0 galled, seratehed or nut, Or hail 2111 emir nom betee Wee daily, and ap. )13' idaGregor dr. Parke's Carbolic °orate, 11 is undoubtedly the finest bottling and cleansing apslioation for 16. Ito sure you got StoGrogor & Paste's., Sold for 05o. per box, at J. Har- greaves Co's, Drug Store, et) for V", ue1e pc - 110111020 apply t t 01108. 33' 11 (1'), Prot,•. 43 4 Stool P.D. 1111-01.ItiE LC,: LOT 1?Oit SALE, ON Q110311 8 troot. Thou, la ,t1., IL shop on the lint that ould 10. utilized for a stable. 141111.,, sold on reasonable terms. Apply A. 11.t.tvet3 at:whit 1.17.1\1, 131i A 8 II I IL It, 11, 1,2,, thanking his many ounditiora for thole illtor. nowt fur the past aix years Inform tatuo t iutt Ina not) out of the old Otithl has lilted MI o 1.11011 in N111010'3 11(003 in Orsto01114e whore Ito hopda t, 00 'III 'I 1 ni141..1t.rn hp,) 03 inemy noir tothi tt.i Hot, 01 1 G1,0 GM, 11 Call. Xlte,.j. not.111114 1,11.3 all Mints of Pout try mod 111 Bel woos) to all parts of the Town Fr.. 0.1,111 1)414 for Pat Etteek, CLEANLINESS -NEXT T 0 - GODLINESS. The sebieriber IS papered to ao all -kinds of Painting, each as UOUSE, RON, CARRIaoce, PLAIN on ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING -A1D-- 510.P4voeinity. 'BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL TOWN Sz; AON. tithe th.s ttgportunity of re lalrlittr,; thanks to LIG, 1111101iititntil 01 101.1 VleinIty for vast patronage. and ben I .. /auto nut 1101 inn 1110.10 SOT. 01,1 theirhilo sod mode of It ,rig, they are now lull bettor poMioll 111011 Got•T the Publie with Virst.eltios 1,One. being Btu vleveuth seahou of too. bust. noes doaltnee in lirl13.0113.1411.1 !loving oiren o, t,1l,3i,1013,,' 11 tar, the 111.11,11,, 0111 ris ly on moot v111E1140.1 treatment and a first -elites firth:to front 110, VIGA.31-4 to Limo at 11 eettls itt 01 (10 lb void, dylitursti. We also loan a No.1 lono fur plamoring Itt the same tiOliUtt,l,,'I hill spot 1411tio Works, I.1 TOWN & SON. ALLAN LINE. -OF ROYAL MAIL STEA5ISIIIPS. S'TEZEII-LA.G-12 ro CIVICS 14) 1„11,11:4 DOS 1,4l LASSA i[in LtiN Dos , Steerage, 513, Lirorpool, L,oationdoey Quetnetawn, tilltagow, ur Belfast to Quetta,' and a 'Ways IL5 LUW113 by any first-obi:ilia°, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC. SARMATIAN POLYNESIAN CIRCASSIAN PARISIAN 811012(4 )10,0 will soon bo band so leave PERUVIAN your Orders Early. Work clone in the 1 SARDINIAN most satisfactory manner end satisfaction SAXIMATIAN , ... . guaranteed. I will 110 foutal at my old POLYNESIAN shop north of the bridge. CIRCASSIAN PARISIAN PERUVIAN ...... Wm. Roddick. 8 ARDINIAN ...... Saturday, May lith, 18th. 23rd. 30th. Juno 0111. " Ilith 27th. July 411. " 111h. 4. 18th. " 25111. Canadian Pe,eifie Railway Time Table, 1:4;Lz7.1 II\amorni Teeswater Branch. Mlles. Going {Veit. Mall. Express. 0 Toronto.. Depl 7.0013.20, 5.40 0 Orangeville . , 0.50 .• 7.03 4 Orangeville Jct 10.05 7,22 73 Amaranth t 10.15 41 1 7.35 10 Waldemar., .. 10.24 "1 7.38 124 Luther ......10,31 744 233 Arthur ......11,08 '1 8.10 303 Kenilworth..., 11.30 " 8,29 381 5IT. Form, .. 11.58 a.m.! 8.411 44 Pages 1... .. 12.15 valid 9.01 473 axunts.ros.. 12.58 " 11.10 564 Fordwich 12.45 .. 1 60' Gorrio 1.013 ' 9.40 623 Wroxeter 1,15 " 0.48 09 Winghaw Road 1.118 " 10.03 74 Teeswator.. are 1.55 p.m, 10.15 Pan' 11 14 14 11 11 11 MO on. Going East. Express Mall, 0 5 134 14 073 264 30 359 433 503 613 64 664, 70 74 122 Teeswator Wingham Road Wroxeter Gorrie Fordwich aarriston . Pages t Mt. Forest.. .. Kenilworth .. Arthur Luther Waldemar Amaranth Orangeville Jot Orangeville .. Toronto .. Arr, 5.15 aan, 5.28 5.47 5.53 6,02 6.25 6,35 6.51 7.09 7.28 7.53 7.58 8.04 8 12 GI 11 11 11 11 41 2.15 pan. 2.110 " 2.49 2.511 3.06 3.29 • 3.40 8.57 4.19 4,3!) 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.35 11 HMO 5,511 tl 0.45 aan. 8.35 p.m. Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- T 41111tONTO JUNCTION, ORANGEVILLE AND CARLETON JUNCTION, mm 01,1" THROUGH TRAINS -111170'10M- -TO11ONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TAUKET AGENT, BRESSELIIS, Tho last train connecting with the steamer at Quoboola ayes •raronto WeJnesdaye a 18;30 a 111. Passengers:tants:too 15%4411°0days at 8:110 poll, also , awl minuet) t with t ho Aeon' e r 101Han ifax, by paying nn atlattlottel fare of $4;41i lst,and 52.010n d clam u eattle,alteep or pigs are carried alt the Mall Steamers of the Allan Lino. For Tieketsanaliertes sod every intorint.3 Mon apply to J. R. GRANT, Agent, t.1 /1.041. 1)1111!0. 11r111141.1". BABY CARRIAGES, BABY UARRIA,GES. JUST TO HAND it Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to suit tho wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS ON ELAND. Give me a Call. IL DENWIS. CRANBIZOOX LIME WOBKS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete Bunning Order by the 1st of MAY, stud tvill be able to furnishAny Quantity of First -e16 Lime at any time during tho Sea. son. Price tat cents per Bushel. VI. 0-M211111i CRANBROOK, P. 0 E T H E L anzraiEr larizocuzet Tho undersigned having completed the change froin the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First-Olass,Running Order, 'Ind will bo glad to see a]1 his 0111 OttstoTers and.as many new oneg as possible. Chopping done. Flour a Food Alwara on nand. HIGHEST P111011 PAM FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD -WHEAT NCTM.