The Brussels Post, 1885-6-19, Page 3JCNIt 19, ISSti
SONG ul 1111, flOAlto OF I1fArTlI.
All ya who mans) in roar this day,
Of tdtulera expootant,
Got cut your wallets now and Hoak,
The Nweetling db infectant,
Thy copperas spore not at all;
Now with ;our zinc bo handy ;
The chloride iron throw in at +nee;
Peltliali itnutt'a a chicly.
Thu ehlurlde linin now :bite »halm ,.
Carbolic acid spittle(-..
lap on your (},»renal, powdered troll ;
O((mato d'aay'ing mutter.
And 11,uo we'll crani(, et, e:d, avoid,
And neter, never double
Tho while we cut and drink within
'1'i (, moldy vile ut trouble.
11E11EAlcf) (II'' TILE 32ND.
And )lig Bear loolookedlookeddown and asked with a
"Are the 3Ind cowing, I wonder?"
Sick Dog whispered "Yes," Big tear answer.
ed "I guess
This businoss 1H settled by thunder 1"
OnceI rucaked through their eon airy and
saw all tho boys,
Thoy'ro handsome, 11100'0, loyal, tloy'ro
splendid ;
And if they come hero, Pro roasou to tea
Our little rebellion in ended.
I fear not the gatliugs, ti a batteries nor
Nor the mon that tight under Otters'
But the '32nd' boys are no Poundmttkere
And my kingdom is likoly to totter."
8o Lo saddled his horse, as n matter of
No use the '32n 1 scorning,
And he made fur the woods with Iris wife and
hiH goods
As he yelled, "I'm n sooner; good morn-
ing 1"
T1Iu 1'ti1UTAN'B WILE.
The Puritan's wifo at the window sits, wirt-
folly watching the bees,
As Lome to Lha Lives heavy laden they Como
IrOln tho blossoming trees,
The sun in the nett is declining ; the clay
drawing near to its close;
The rob1inx aro quiet; the swallows have
cone to their nests to repose.
She sits on the sill of ILo window, site silent-
ly listens to Lear
Tho sound of leer husband returning, with
woeful forebodings of Har,Sia saes tho deep gloom of the forest batonher, mysterious anti still :
She anxiously prays for his sa(oty with nu-mymisgivings of ill.
"(1,1 guide hint home. I hear afar the deep -
toned thunder roll ;
AL ! what would lio this world to me with
out his loving 0001 ?
Why doth he tarry in the wood, what lCecp-
eth Lin so long?
This strange delay doth seem to say some
foe Lath done him wrong.
0 Thou who (Tooth all things, and who
wateloth over all,
Who Beeth in the darkest dell 1110 humblest
sparrow's fall,
Direct his wandering feet aright, wherever may roam.
Protect hint with Thy wandrons might, and
bring him safely humor
is this weird, wild sound I heard ? It
seeweth lil[o 0 cry !
Is a some bird that ahriehe811 near? TLo
wind that waileth by ?
It soundeth through tiro twilight dint again !
'Tis he l "Tis lin
My Lusland! I will go to him wherever he
may bo 1"
irha hurriedly springs from the window, oho
nervously throws on her shawl,
SLo grasps a keen knife from the cupboard,
the gun from its pilo' on the wall,
And 1010 tho gloom of Uro forest she creeps
with a fast -beating boort,
The kavas strangely rustle above her, each
sound 1110.1o0+ 1•or shiver and start.
Tar down in the depths of the valley alio
sees a faint glimmer of light,
And swiftly yet softly approaching, sha stops
in dismay at tine sight.
Bound fast to a tree stands Ler husband,
with blood streaming over his Hoe,Around hie; red demons aro [dancing, a bright
Jiro illumines the place.
Sha gams with anguish and terror, s10
stands almost holding her breath.
Tho snap of a swig might hots, y Ler, yot,
Leadless of clangor and death,
She tiros 1 Look I (.ho chieftain has fallen
1 ho savages shriek in alright,
And into the depths of the forest they soattor
uud sly from her right.
She springs with a bound from the bushes,
beside bur bravo husband she stands,
A flash of !tor kid la1 Hho has savored the
thongs from his limbs and his hals.
Ono moment upon her fair features tho red
naolight flashes and glows,
Then into the thicket together they rush
from the reach 01 their tons,
And when tJa worn sunshine of morning on
Illllsido and hollow descends,
They go from the gloom of tba forest and fly
to fila fort with thole friends.
Tho Woman's QttestioI:—Is my hat
on straight ?
It ought to bo gradually ltnown that
a won't, hat N1 ill ;n000 in most oases ata
It tlmpontry 1110 preaever to those in
clangor of drowning, When a person
finds himself in the water he should
lay hold of his hat botweon 11113hands,
]seeping the crown close under tho chin
tho 1 011311 of the hat under the
wider, Thu quantity of air contained
in the cavity of the hat will keep the
head above water for a long time—
sometimes for several hours. And yet
many a man bas lost his life trying
fo recover his hat,
SOPetinlr n IG11xe,
1 IH Ifo .080[ ,1 lava in n relit an
A largo number of horses 01x1(1
hands at 1111H 31) 1)0 Of 4110 y0(10, 111
ill 111000 ahnugr.H Iuarly luau who buy
get ohtirnly difforeut properly 10010
1011111 they supported thug %Vero getting,
an11 tunny Inet1 who acyl tiro fully
aware that v haw) (111 off upon the
buyer entirely ciilrereut pruporly (Tela
that which the buyer watt 111 (pleat of.
11or504 aro lilca hien in t11i:', that there
aro no two alike. It is t,iti.l of a";ne
double teams that tho pair go togette
er )ileo one herrn, 11111 this refers ns.
Nally to 1110 gait. 'They inns be wide
apart (nllsuutted) in color, and in
801110 other essentia1H, so that in buy.ul
ing 11 nko up a double tenth, the
purchaser must gonerally take his
choice between a perfect mai ell 010111•
Jog still --that 1H, 1m colour and gnu,
oral contour, and a porfect match iu
spirit, powo,, 0peed, and all talo de-
tails that enter 111t0 that L110vOn(OUt,
Or, rather, into Lite sovoral movements
that together conotituto odiumIn selecting a horse, mile)) of course
depencla upon tho use ho fs Wan Led
for, Yet outside of mere draft nor -
poses, thele is a combination 111 the
orgauizntlon which fits n hors° for
nay use whatever, outstrip of merely
draft work. It is said that horses of
all forms go fast, but this 1s 0110 of
those careless Huyings that should not
bo relied upon. There is a °within.
atiou of characteristics, proulising
that tho gait and Hize are suitable for
use, for 110 man can tell what a horse
it Htandiug still what ho may be cap-
able of doing whoa put to use either
for business or pleasure. All men of
extended experience lcuotw that a horse
formed after a certain model, and tin-
der about 1,200 the. in weight, will
give satisfaction at any work assigned
him, aside from workunder the eltd-
dle, which ie a speciality, and Leavy
draft uses.
Talo selection of such a bor.° is
done intuitively and quickly by 801110
leen, for the same reasons that a tail-
or passes correctly upon a piece of
cloth at the first glance and touch, or
! a machinist 001imateti 81 once whether
ur not each part of a give» pieco of
machinery is well adapted to every
Wino. port. It is this harmony of
parts, in the case of the horse, that
gives the perfect animal, and the want
of harmony which wakes the florae
of fine form and action such a rarity.
The man who thoroughly understands
the numerous points and combina-
tions that go to make up a good horse
hi able to select such a11 ono out of a
targe collection of all aorta, and needs
no poiutors to show him the way, hat1
the novice is at the mercy of chance
and the jockey, two very unsafe relic
anew at best,
the lawn) Limu happy coup)» will drive
over to (tion'( Abbey, Lady CO0)(riUIS((
charming place near 1ty:lo, where they
will stay for a wools, going afterward
for a 1(»180 in (lin Vittoria and Al -
bort to finish the honeymoon.
Ya 1118'1'1134.
la 11)0101 go d' olihieg ' 11.1(3 )u( ex-
rh1u111". Nn, It i g,u,.rallylteco
Crognot-player1 who each
own shins give vent to their mallet 1 1)11,(11)11
g0'yr 5g•C Marxtib.
A ll(yal Weeding.
12110101 1111. 0,,Oren' 10011.0, LONDON, 01.10 1H.
Tho weddiug of Princess Beatrice
is to take place from Oaborno in the
parish churcli of 1Vhippmgha111 (Dan•
on Protnero's living), on Thursday,
July 28. The whole affair is to he
as pilot as possible : but everybody
who has enjoyed much experience of
Court functions knows very well that
a ceremony which is announced to be
"quito private” and a 'perfectly quiet'
has an uncontrollable toudency to de-
velop into almost as big and trouble.
some a business as if it had been con•
ducted on old state lines and strictly
regulated by precedents. By way of
compensating for the comparative ab•
8en0e of state, there is to be a full
choral service, and the music is to be
very elaborate, Walter Parrott
The Mont Deaahnm
Mice aro said to Int mord (0!011
tv0nlon than of men. No animal
to he talked to dent!),
'.11'H otra11:;e," Haiti ("(11(ne1' Nu
"that a hen tapes her food by the
and Is not 00115ie1Ored )t bog."
It is said that coming ()yenta cit,1
their aliadows before, but it depends
aitogatller 011 th0 position of tato sun.
In the gfuno of life, few players
reach the house base, while unuly
knock out before gaining Liu
An inquloitit'o person wants
know whother 11011,0 trltu0ul
through salt water by telegraph w
bo fresh,
'Mackinaw straw hats, with low,
crown and slightly carved brim,
be tiro proferred style for goutle
Oda summer.
Strange: that it should be 80, b
is nevertheless true, that when a u
goes home all broke alp there is
peace for his family.
It is a Sall Francisco Custom
now to paint their banjo green.
gives it the appearance of haring 11
"picker)" before it was ripe.
"Does our constant chatter disturb
you ?" asked a lady of a fellow pass-
enger on It train going west. "No
ma'am ; I have been married) nigh
onto thirty years,"
He was at dinner, wrestling with a
piece of remarkably tough veal. His
wife said to him," You always say
there's something to bo thankful for
in everything. 1 gulose you'd be puz-
zled to find something to bo thankful
for in that veal." "Not at all," Le
cheerfully rosponded, stopping to
breathe, "I was just thinking how
grateful wo should be that we )net it
whon it was young."
A Vermont man states that lio
made a profit of $242 from sic hens
last summer, Perhaps his wifo keeps
a boarding house and he's a dentist.
It is a pitiable eight to see tt woman
who, but one short week ago, pos-
sessed an angel's sweetness of dispos-
ition and a child's artlessness of
character, watching at the heat) of the
stairs, at two o'clock io the morning,
with a towel roller in her hand.
All suffero sal ow ab ,it,lngterrible torment,
(1' 0 0111010 a111)lloabm Iofp Fluid Lightnings
brlaklyrubbeil on pailful parts, and without
using any disgusting modielue day after day,
cures little
a ootenllyt' Toothache, La nbago
lorbootiitf Headache, gStore.
What this day and age of the world
ueocle is a phrenologist who will paw
around among the intellectual domes
of free-born American citizens and
search out a few men who eau )nine a
°0w in a pool and unimpassioned tone
of voice.
A scientist says that if n man wer0
agile on proportion to the agility of a
flea, ho could leap over a three•story
house. But such a gift would be of
no advantage to lam. Tho constable
or sheriff who was after him could
jump over, too,
ofil,t[orii In order wEaCheaueach itko
epidemics a perfect jowl Ev of blood, Iola 0110
proper notion of 1110 stomach are tc ittire,1 To
fu0nc0 that 000,13 thaohoapaoi 1110x0 avn11oh10
and 001011)00010001 0r, 000 lfuiiroggol s 8peo[Iy
for Dy000p sin and lmnilro 11100 1, Ttloro
oxistenue forOIndlco fico 1)r.nlo )011 , 0ne%vo, eta, Ask your vcigbborl ne any 100000
wll0 has 1101 it. fold by J, (5,ieg a yoe .0 00.
Trial bottle 61000 free.
T'( ('NOS
id of !Wool twanted,
CASii P -P ID.
0x11 w
I am Propared to pay the highest
cash ?rico for good 110oce wool deliv-
ered at the
I1avulg been ten years in business
to here, it has always been ley ondeavur
ittod to pity higher than the market allows
cold and in the past years have paid oily
market prices. 1Vool being so low in
fiat price it will afford mo pleasure to
will pay the highest price golug, Iu tax-
men changing wool for goods will allow a
few cents more. Will also guarauto(1
ut it to sell toy goods at cash prices, I
tan don't have two price8•—Cash and
no trade—my rule i$ one price only.
Running the year round 0ua110s me
just to carry It large stock. T11ia year
It having a larger stock than usual, will
the Organist of St. George's Chapel, f ora
and Musical instructor to the late is no
llnlce of Albany and to tho Princesses
Christian and Beatrice, Lae entire
chargo of tLia department, and it is
probable that rho boys of tho char of
81. George's will go down to sing at
tho wadding. The organ of Whip.
piugham Church has been ovorhauloul
and strengthened, in order that it may
prove equal to the demands 101)10)1
will be made npon it. The Archbish.
op of Canterbury and tits Bishop of
'Winchester would olliciatu under or-
dinary eitemnatimuos, 11ssisted, of
coarse by Cal/011 Protberu but the
Queen at prcaeut inclines to have the
Dean of Windsor as principal ofliuiat-
ing olergyuutu, The QItec1.1 will lion
self giro the Priuess away and Pri00d
Henry fa to he attended by Iia Wanton'
Prinoo Alexander, of Bulgaria, as
"best Man." '111e 1rid0sunabla will
be the nieces of 110 Priuc:la—•the
daughters of the Priuoe of Wales, the
Delto of Edinburgh, and Princess
Christian, and tho Princess ,Irene, of
Hesse, The only great officers of the
household presont will be the Lord
Steward and 1110 Lord Ohamborlaiu;
incl tho Queon will be attended more-
ly by tho ladies and gentlemen Ilion
in wanting. Except 'loyal llersonag•
es, there will not be more than a dos
on invited guests. The ceremony
will take place early in the afternoon,
and after a dejeuner at Osboruo (%11011
"It is a shame, husband, that I have
to sit here mending your old clothes,"
"Don't ray a word about it, wife; tho
Maid said the soonest 1130t;do0i,
"1fy0u grasp a rattlesnake firmly
about the neck, 110 cannot hurt you,"
says a Western paper, Keeping tt mile
ahead of the snake is also a gond
And so you would like to 10(1031 wind
the KT). after a doctor's name means
Edith; would yon, dear? Well, it is
only a eignifiwtuoe tlnt11)0 poa800000 a
1 c8use to kill, the lelterarefored stand-
ing for May Destroy.
It appears s01no chemist hoe discus•
creel 10 100°08 of propltring tobnoeo so
that wboover smoltes or chews it for
gots that he dose owe it dollar in the
world. Wo aro diap0s0d to think a
largo number of our subscribers ).save
been using this brand for a long tone.
Wo beg theca to throw it away.
Tho editor of a Michigan paper hap
a dog, and load° this at1•grunent after
paying hooses fur him; --'tin Michi-
gen t1cy 008105 a dog for 111 for cle.
lag a dog. In T'enn0sa0o they assess
a Ivan GO conts to become a doctor,
It coats, 111111 n dollar more to be a dog
in hliob)gn n 1111th a doctor in T0nnessee,
Don't bo a dog."
offer you the Bost Stoolc of 'Tweed in
the Dominion to 0h0o4e from,
Double & Tfvlisted Full Clouts,
Flannels, Blankets.
Geed. 01' 111» Newest Patterns and
L111 est Designs.
Carding and spinning done on
short notice and guarautue to mance
best of yarns. 1 use only the best of
lard oil on all my worst.
Come early with your wool and
you will find us ready and willing to
give you our beet attention. Wo will
be happy for you to
Inspect Goods and Prices
Before disposing of your wool.
I remain, yours respectfully,
Palace eteetnere. row 0atea.
Four Tripe Dor Week Between
And ])very. Week Day Between
Write rot our
"Picturesque Mackinac," illustrated.
Oouteine Fan Partloalare, Ara11e3 Free.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Natt, Co.
C. D. WHITCOMB, 01H.. PA06, AaT.. •.
! the let of a(ay, Inas, 1(1 , poenl,lr )louse
1,•01111 ,0 I Irelp '1.14 I : u. 1 l IPlos,
0 13i y nat4 atrl011)- with til, I .trot ar
'1'no ,huuuln T .1111 enol,(. Act. r n [ (.lues of
1.1031111a3fuctnre s and 11, 0 1tnu,.t•, 01 im-
uli Iu I,I,LI of rs [01lpp0ru1re1 ,t1[.'v lrn•, :..0 .1r14 ag
aKn •,nthe itut', 4e every a00,111, uu,dat: MI, will be
rated reesOuahly, eenalntu"t ,trill, the !wars.
ds T. O'NEIL.
I, IN VESTMENT cii,Il':1Ny•
1'h]s Company 0110l g:uli :.•d 111: the lStlt
of April lust, and is now in active operation,
uud in prepared to receive applicati„ne for
loans on good fnrn1 security.
This Company being u local institution.
can offer to borrowers greater facilities for
getting their loa)H executed with dispatch,
than can be bad from outside ur foreiga
Compltnias, with who days and wools!: are
often requirod to 'lose up 0 luau,
When Title and Security aro satisfactory
borrowers may obtain their money from
this Company on clay of application.
Duo attention has been (»tilt to conllniug
Solicitors' charges 10 the rates.
Moi-tl agos p0lcllaomd if security and tit.
]es are approved of.
A Savings
ell will hc
opened by the Company. I)eprnitor0
s w ill
be paid the II (ghost Current Bates on their
The Company's otll;es are on 1!) earner
of .ldarket Square and North St., tioderich,
in the Building adjoining the Dry Clouds
Store of 0, C. Detlor tC Co.
• 1)I1tECT0lt14
J,101.:rlr \Y)LLIAna, President,
nebulas. Vice -President,
8r» It, J. CAltru'luoirr,
Snitnr>'•r Gra oss,
„\ru. M. Gear, Seaforth,
J. M. Boomers, Dungannon,
00110 AMESON, (odericll
1 . Jan11a0,
J. H. CoLIIOJ 0a:, "
Sobierroas—C.ounirm, I1011' ,t• 1..111n1:ON.
Hon.lcla Ilmerox, Manager.
110800ieb, :May 7th, 1081. 14.3111.
A dealer in ]3russels is advertising and offering for sale (1 Mlshlnu(r(1
of which 1 ala the 80011 AGENT ill Brt1J$0111,8, anti the Public are cau-
tioned against purchasing the spurious article. The parties in Canada
who aro placing this wahlrcioan IMITATION on the market are new being
sued for ten thousand) dollars damages. The Genuine Buck Thorn
Fence, the BEST and CHEAPEST s'cal'e in the world, can ONLY be pur-
chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK."
I ala also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who make
the best Barb Wire in Canada.
English three ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheat) and dor-
able fence for Gardens.
Several tons of .Land Plaster in 200 llb..msacks for sale,
t .`° -'-'' r t I .lis '.a.1, a. Ijona 0
This fonoing is )»ado of a Solid Flat Slip of Steel neat))' t\viftt'(1 and
well galvanized, presenting the largest possible surface to talc
Although no part of it is Made 01' twirl' it is 110 heavier and its 0110111,1113
]3arb-Wire Fencing, but is prefe'r'red by 001111 principally t1s 1 (ta
strand, being more easily seen. 'flu I;\'nutn" is the ONLY 1'i1i1>
foucing made in (lu,wtdo, and is nInch superior to 010 iulportr,l fencing
of the 1111111' description.
Window Shades, and Hct "/spoi n Springs.
A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different Patterns.
Also IIartsllorn Springs. Call and soo them before putting up the old
ones, ' ,•(( jj