The Brussels Post, 1885-5-1, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST MAY 1, 1885, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, the position( of operator et Kincaboon rdine SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. & B. R Trait, leaves ,'wx'lok Statiel, north and south 1)i fellows Voting Borth, (:ulna, !Muth, 114h17.15 con.. Mixd ... P.10 am. lrspu+as -mn....) 1pan. Mixed . 1xtr 1 pmt. rho morningmin south an -1 the night train north will ouly run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, olid liatutdaye. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. A chi,! :amour 1 Lakin' n.,tca Aa' fu h hull 11,09 it. - I1uigLt, of Ilulleti, mother ofllrs. containing illi 1nte9E despatches tars eau- ; MAY. ' Tu.,. Shaw, of Iiruseel1, passed to her corning the battle with the rebels ha 1 A Bot•:, of Wingham, was i1) town reward, lit the advanced ego of SS the Northwest. j in Moeda)'. year,;, The faueral tools place on Gltonot; l3AEEE:t hes 1a Black Span Tuts Sclu"•1 11 ilni will meet thi.+ \lunday, the interment being made at i9h hen that is at great layer. Ile ;Friday) even Ci1ut.,u, Mr, Shaw and Miss Shaw showed ata one e;g that Measured 01J I:r1G$ are lata plen'ifnl mid ,,lily - attended. inches and 'Haiti she was in the habit 10 cults a dozen. ' Tint u rehnu(H will ill tall probabtl- ! of doing such allege. TIE one we 1 advt, brougtlt Ilio ity follow ant the custom of past ! Lie Connell took a tour around far topped ictal ,love. s•asou; and close their places of I town last Wednesday forcuoun -and TRE fence around the park has nn- dergotte needed roptaire. 13 tifa• le. 1'nitx has been kept busy lately ; tine week looking after the fire engine • taking intsido views. Daring the busul0ss. past Week he has taken the Garfield Tim daily pap r9 )are eagerly caught ' ;louse, Il, 1)elluls' and Mra. Longa. after these days and the chief topic+ of Mueeete.---The tatteut1011 Of our ouuversatiou is the Northwest rebel. readers is called to tlla card of \Tisa lion, O'Connor wbo hies t'1keu up her z•esi- 1 `file river has gut down to Ito 1191991 1 deuce in Brussels anal bears th( r0- I size et this semen of the year and entatiuu of being thoroughly acquaint- i the "flood” is probably over for tills ed with the theory and practice of season, mnshb. '111119 PosT treated many of its read- ' Diem.—Last Saturday Mrs. Mc- : ere to It supplement lust Saturday dip„t, is home on a visit. J. D. Boxes>la It say 1 Not aco 1 h SCOTT AoT. (01,1) elittorl cliff button faun 1. Ask at Central hotel, 9'rn9W hate, SRR legal advt. of tnortgat( 1 sale 1)0 this issue. lhu you road the new adv!, of tho f.}arfiehl lloa80 1319t:seems 0(119'1 of 1L01'1810I1 id (hs od for Tneoduy, May 'ellth, at 8 o' Cloak, ALL 001 hotel men will keep their houses open under the Scott Ave fir n trial et loas6. Tile week Alf. end t n.u•li, To,vu returned to \Viioipse t1 e r-, 'hey sill spend the sululaer. Arcr]oN SAI.Y..-("apt. Stratton has re- ceived instructions to sell by Pubic Auction, at Grant's block, BruaseLa e1) 13aturday, May, eth, at2 o'ulocir, holsolt,hlfnrniture, COnsixttng of carpets, mats, fancy work, bureaus, what -not with toys, bmistuarls, sowing machine, "WLItl Rico" sink crockery, soap kettle, quantity of Mumu made soap and other articles pertaining to llnu9ohold goods. Lonna cash. Capt. Strut. ton, anat., \Vm. 1Cuechtcl, prop. RI•:v, D. C. C1.1re so' will preach at br,stuoss at 7 ran, during the summer took a look over the uccesattry repairs 11' inghaul next Senility. mouths, It willie8 it very pleasant to eilowalks and crossings, new pl000s •91'.sr received a large glliahtity of Dutch for the clerks and there is just Its to be built, ditches to be opened out, Sett unions at Geo, Maker's. . much busiuess .?sae, as people melee alae. House bills printed neatly, and expe- ' their purchases , ;.elie.r.- A. WEBSTER, manager of the 13rns- littntlHly at THE P009 Publishing : HYMENEAL. --Last Tuesday Ee. eels flex mill, informed us that holies House. Town and flies Josephine Crawford given out 1610 bushels more seed this Show on Tuesday. We have a rep- ' were united in tho holy bonds of wed- year tltau list year, 11 the crop resentatiou of lire 4 seasons i 1 the leek, Robe Bruce and Miss Martha 3'ields 9s well 11s last season a large space of 11. day tins spring. 0999010911 aetod es groomsman and quantity of flax will bo handled. VEST Sabuntit Rev. J. L. Kerr will I bridesmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Town Wno will snake a move toward the preaeli the quarterly meeting sermon' t 0k the noon train on \Vedneeday for celebration of the Queen's Birthday. at the Methodist church, Listowel. the east, May their joys bo many. Thera is no reason why the pepole of SouALE'a is the Spot to buy wall paper. IT 1:1 11111t0 currently reported that JOHN l\SULHOLLAND, who has been ! the G. T. R. inteud taking the in Ira- attending Albert College, Belleville, fes and night train off oar lino alto. during the past session is home for gether and leave us with two trains a his vacation. , day each way. If it is true it is it Wier. HOC_tIITE, who several timesmean contemptible way of treating the took charge of Brueaels station as re j public and breaking faith with the lieving agent and who was lately lip- ; municipalities. So much for a mono - pointed agent at 'lllsonburg, has re- i poly. Henfryn will be made a flag signed and gone to the States, ' station only. MRB. Wet. Rnaen'rEL and her two QUEEN'S HOTEL.---St8ett0n Bros, daughters Fiume, and Tillie, intend inteud taking possessiou of Macao's leaving Brussels for Kansas shortly. to day (Friday) and are thoroughly They will be followed by Mr. linech- refitting the house with new inrnit- te1 and Miss Iinecbtei next fall, urs, etc. Win. Stratton is !oho home SEE advt. of excursion line of steam- this week from the Lake Superior ere from Detroit to Mackinac and c"untry and will invest his means in 'Cleveland in this issue. The trip is the business. The boys count on as pleasant a Cue as ;toy person cantll running 0 first -Class house in every ter subscriptions for this year. This desire and takes in a lot of magnifi- pttrtiouiar and bespeak the patronage added to the amount previously re - tient scenery. of the travelling public. ported gives us $155.50. The nese- Nese 'Wednesday evening the first Cniosar.—Last Wednesday evening I est Brussels branch ever eamo to this atuouut before was $103, which was oolleoted 2 years age. LAST Sunday evening Rev. D. C Clappison preached a very interesting discourse from the text "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole Matter, fear God and honor the King, for this is the whole duty of man." The Northwest rebellion and (110 intro- duction of the SOott Act were dwelt up at some length. IT lvould be well for flumes and municipal officers to :Jake a note of the tact that a recent order-in•oouuoil imposes a fine of $200 for removing an infected sheep from any farm -yard end building, unless by the authority of the Minister of Agriculture. Dis- eased sheep must be slaughtered by the corporation, and the owner com- pensated. this locality should not enjoy n day's sport here instead of going to sur- rounding towns on that day. We hada etre evidence of spriug last Monday when two hard looking "pelicans" paraded the street and played several ales on a fiageolette and the bagpipes. They were travel- ling toward the setting sun and car- rying their bedding with them. CALICO BALL.—The invitations for the Annual Calico Ball are out. This year it will he held on Friday, Mity 22nd. Au efiloient committee has the Management and they anticipate a very pleasant time. The Listowel quadrille band will supply the I1111.8i0. DURING the past weep we received $1.50 to be added to our Bible Socio - meeting of the Brussels Scott Aet ris• the annual mooting of the Brussels sociatiou will b1) held at Melville cricket club was held. A. Webster, church, commencing at8o'clock. As vice president, occupied the chair. they are union meetings a large turn- The llniuutes were read and 0/105601 :!tit is expected. and the financial report given, which Now is the time to secure bargains, only showed n small balance in hand. The two months more. S. B. Smale. following officers were elected :-E. A. COMPLIMENTARY clipper wee ten- E. Wade, president ; Geo. A. Powell, tiered Thos. Edwards and J. 1lahony vice -pros. ; J. Hargreaves, sae.•trea.; on Thursday evening of this week, at A Veal, A. Webster, H. Dennis and the Central hotel. They leave for theI G. Elliot, corn. of management ; E. east before long having finished their E. Wade, H. Dennis aucl Juo. R. work in this locality. Grant, the canvassing committee. PRINTING PAYS.—C. H. Fuller, late Practice nights were fixed for Ilion - editor of the Amherstburg Herald, re- day,Wednesday and Friday. The signed that position and resumed I mbership feo was placed at 50 cts, teaching. Alvmston and Brigden are Challenges for matches were reported Dew without to piper entirely, as the but no games will be played until the doors of the printing office were (los- club has some practice. ed last week andtwo publishers go on FOOT BALL.—Last Saturday the a trip to get other employment. pas, Brussels foot ball club went to Galt pouting pays—Perhaps. mad played a match with the club of Srnloe-TI)IE nes emu; -Aad with it the time to get ready for gardening, by clearing thatfriendly nod away rubbish and preparing beds for veg. enjoyabletown. Lifter a very game, lasting several hours, etables and flowers. The most important the result stood 8 to 1 in flavor of Galt. thing is to get good seeds, that can be as. , Oar boyo held their cwn until towards oared only by ordering them from reliable I the close of the thatch and then the dealers. Robert Evans ct Co., Hamilton, have a reputation extending over thirty 11 ant of practice WAS evidenced as n years, a reputatiou they cannot afford to uuulber of them were badly fagged saorilic by sending MN inferior goods: Their I nut, Of course Galt won the moult seeds are grown for them under special con- and our boys have to mics a back sent tract, and are sure to give satisfaction. Y, Seeds sent by nail, express or freight. If but 11I1ow'iog the Brussels club the you baso not their catalogue, send fur a same praetioe its the Galt boys have copy. had, the tables can be turned, Owing Tneente-W e have been favored 1 to the Snow lying so long in the park with some very prompt responses to ! it was impossible to get the necessary the subeeriptiou accounts sent out last week. We look for this from all who lire behind, as a business like ours cannot be rant without nn occa- sional dollar to pay paper, ink, type, presses, rent, wages, insurance, &e. We can't put off time we owe with 090mleea. TRY S. B. Smale for 911919) wall paper. UNDER an amendment to the mini - :lipid law passed in the last session of the Ontario Legislature, powers are given to the llunlcipalitiee to ]told their meetings for the liOminatlutle of the municipal officers and the subse• gnent meetings of their councils, whole ever best suits the public COaveinence, even though that place lie within a auto minister Grant road the fisted neigboring municipality. report of the year and made a short Tort can obtain tbo Daily Papers from Cr, A. Madman. The latest news for only lc. tieAr,Tu 13v1.Aw,--Inspector Hicks is in hie rounds warning the reef - lucking. Our boys speak very highly of the way they were entertained and hope to have an opportunity of return- ing the favor at some future day. PROROGUEn.—Brussels Mook• Pan liament held its last session for this season last week. A. Good, leader of the Opposition, defended the Sonata i1) a vigorous speech and was replied to by Finance Minister Dickson in an effective manner. Premier Drowe then moved the third reading of the bill, A. Good moved in amend- ment that the bill receive a eh months' hoist. The amendmeut onr- ried by a majority of h atnid loud ap- plause from the Opposition. Ex -Fin - speech. On motion the money nn hand was ordered to be handed to the Treasurer of the I3ru880ls Mecbauios' institute, hearty votes of thanks !lents of Brussels to clean up their were tendered the Speaker, John yards, buildings and premises. While Shaw, anal the Clerk, A. Strealsm, some who do not understand the law, may object to being told to have 11 general renovation the law is very ex- plicit and anyone refusing to comply with the requirements of the law can S0011 be brought to time. Tho in• for the able manner in which they heal performed their duties dining the session. 'Pilose gentlemen replied in suitable speeches. • The Il n n was then prorogued until the 1s,. \Ve,lnes- any in Novenibee. The meetings of speetor will make a second visit after this AusOiiation ltdcu Leen of it very sufficient tine lues been allowed for interesting character and )116\11 1)01)) the Tomov:tl of 11uisauces, etc. productive of good. Oue town has gained considerable notoriety for Millinery this season and t and it has caused quite a ripple of ex- eitemeut among the fair sex who Laving been through all the openings, many of them several times, have 5lv0u their verdict in fever of A. R. Smith, who say he has the high-toned t Millinery this season. hiss Lack certainly has exquisite taste in trim !Hing. His stool[ ie by far the finest and best in town, a Sr', JOHN'S CHURCH ENTERTAINMENT e —Wo inadvertently omitted to meet= W. B. Dickson's name in the report of the entertainment given by the Ladies' Aid, of the above men tioved church, He recited, with splendid effect, "The Battle of Flod- den field." W. B. does not need to take a back Beat with any of the tra- velling elocutionists and with Mrs. ,Iitrley's wax figures to support him lie would draw crowded hoase8. They won't likely start out this 50118019, however. BORN• \VAT0ON.--Ill Soafertll, on tllol:lth lilt., Oa wife of ilir, D. 'Watson, dentist, of a daughter, BANKINC, LJ1 c1NTOS11 ,L 11o'PAGGAItT, BANKERS BRUSSELS T19ANSAC'T A (1LN1:1tAL BANKINU .1U-11Niise. Nubile nf lined llssounted. teWrest tilu9e,luu .l0pw,l94 repayable o1, &Wined. l'ro(u t.Lttennongi re 1. to collections. 8.1. licuiAt AND CJNVEYANCING. ff tlb'J9'Ai1D liLL10 1'. LAW h..iron6'e Illuez, ,)rus.,,ae. )today to !nail. 41 - 11. 1VAUiU 13A1tlt1SPEli, &c. 0,11.0 f,r,asrly , to t5(ed 0y A. d. Aro Ow1,tieq.,"1 Louaiu's i>luuk. Alone) tolo11,1, t1T 11. 1)LUIi11UN, V • (tato with 1.trrutvS:l'raa,ltoot,(lode- rlclt) tioneitur, 11Uil\,)'aneer, ,Co, Ulase In tiruut'0 1110Jk,,>rioteel8. Money to Loom. 1 LEX. I1U21'I'L1t, OLEltli 0k' -.CY. the O'uurlb 1/m oder, Court Co, limon , Enure/auger,Votary Put lie, L sud,Loau 1,u4 IUanraUiU Ago n 1, Vends toy cared and to 1100,1. Jolleetloua 111 ad, uaico, liruharn'e Block, MARRIED. Brussel I(ICHARDHsN—BngtAnusoN.--.In (trey, 01) •30- ..�_... ...... . 111 ult., by Rev. John Roos, B. A. air. MEDICAL CARDS. John K. Richardson, of Se,tfmth to 11liss l9uphonlia Richardson, of Grey. 4 A. , IU N A U llll l O Y U D•, o. Tows—OnAwronb.—Lt Bruseuls, at the res- ei • .,1., L, ., ..:., , 1,.1aJ1, 1. 1 uysioinu, idence of the bride'sfather, by Itev. W. eu'd•u:).,u,t.stU U0ltaur, 011100 audrusidunuu T.Oluff,on28thtilt.,air.Ed. Town, colt)01(089)11 mutiniedbyGr. 1',d.,bions, to Miss Josephine Crawford, all of '",ran 1)l urndgu, a cueaulx, Brussels. AEUL'ION SALES. FRIDAY, MAY ls'i'.—Farnl Stook, imple- ments, Ste., Lot 111, Con. 6, Grey, commenc- ing at 1 o'clock. Wm. Barker, proprietor. Capt. Strstten, auctioneer. @3n tna.�a+I nuitn•Y9;et. Ooitnec'rsn CArotEM,LY Bran: WEER. \WhiteP9111Vhent.... .... O3 95 Red \Viuter Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs par dozen,. Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay par ton Hides per lb Dressed flogs Salt por bbl., wholesale . Sheep skins, each Wool OJ 92 111 U3 60 00 s; 80 00 00 18 0(1 10 U; 4 Oe 4 60 30 515 12 00 00 5 5 86 50 18 S i) 75 8:) 1 00 110 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN qsU ANTED, 131. 1ST OF MAY, A '1 nurse girl tocome during the day. Ap, ply to- MRS. 1:.13. WADI!„ -WARM FOR SALE.—TelreT'VAL- uable farm, being composed n f the north ha 1 o1 lots 'o, 29 d, 30, con, 9, aro rria. 900 acroe, Termsoaey. Apply on the premises. B. FRALIOE VA.11i1 TO RENT.—LOT 12, OON. 7, Gray, will he routed for four or Aye years. Phare arc 91 aerosol fall wheat sown and fall plowing done, R,1sosetoa given at anytime. JOHN ZIIoINTOSH. 0098 BULL FOR SIIRVIOJI.—T[iI u0d0r01gue d will keep during the present season, on south hill of lot 20, son, e, Morris, n h Thorougbred Durham 13,111, with registered Pedigree, Perms•=51.00 nor core, payable at and otsoaeou. A. E. ROBERTSON, 87 Proprietor. OUSE ce LOT FOR SALE, ON Queen Strout. There is also a shop on he Lot that could be utilized for a stable. Will bo sold o1) reasonable terms. Apply to n, 13A1)11N'diM1a 1Alt11 FOR SALE.—BEING N 1 otlot 28, con. 0, Morris, lying within 2 miles of Brussels, 87 a0rei are cleared ani m50919 ender grecs, ltnte 100 hardwood bush. Good buildhlgs,10051.0, Craberd, ,S'9''011.11Y3121". . I or ggar- ioulareaIlulyto 0)70. FOIISTTE. N.R.—Albs d ats6-alas3 yoke of oeen for sale. 9011 0. b', LleoTunie,-011 Thursday evening of last week Rev, D. Rogan, of Allen Craig, re -produced Dr. Talmage'e lecture on "Iugers"llism," iu rho Methodist church, The lecture, like all of the lectures of the Brooklyn or- ator, wag grand and Ili', Rogers gives it torbatim, without reference to notes or anything else. Not only this but he has ineetered, to a very otroig degree, Talmage's tone of Yukio, gesture, &e. so that it person ORM almost imagine he is sitting under the mind of the eelebratecTDr's. voice. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the lecturer. The andionoe was not large but all who stayed away missed a trent. Many of rho people of this locality are educated too ."high up" to appreoiato good lectures, at least we judge e0, for a full house at a lec- ture, whore thorn is an admission fee, is a rarity, GGS 11'011 HATCHING. J BROWN and WHI'913LEGHORN. Idly stook hat been bred from the very bust tritons in On undo and my 1>eueh)Vo been care. Mrtulty 1)a 10,1, covtalning novo but )trot -Mase s, Ogee weil-paokod asci troch; will be 00119 b v express t0 pantos desiring 1)11811) from n dlstauoe. Affair hateh guarantood. Address 40 81. J. R. et0IT0, Drueoole. BEES FOR SALE. Tia subscriber has 29 colonies of Pure Ital- ian, and first allies Bees taslthe an Qu Dos ona worn roared by the bolt broadaxe In the United Status, They 1)105 wintered well, aro in prima condition and will bo Rohl on reasonable terms. 98.4 W. 11,113TRY, Brnaeele r3C enders: V stnteel. 'Vendors will be received by the under• signed, until the 8th day of May, for paint. ing the outside of School House No. e. Grey, same colour as at present, two Boats No. 1 paint. JAS. CUTEILL, sec. -area. 4.2.2 Cranbrook, P. 0, i t ENTRAL HOUSE, BRUSSELS,—As"2Ea '1"1 the 1st of May,1895, (Ilia Popular Nemo will be ran on 17nrety Teinperenoe Principles oouformihlq s6r1ot1 y with the totter of Tito Canada Totnporanee hot. Firet•011tss of lineal Mauufaet0res and Boat Brands of 1m• porter! (Mears will be kept nn hand, as wolf as all kinds of tomperanoo noverages. Patron- age solicited, es ever ltoeommodatlan w111 be retod reasonably,Consis6Ont with thotimes, H. L. JACKSON, Prate )cal Watchmaker and 1ewe11er, Satisfaotion atfaranteea in all Repairing. -•-SH)13 AT -- IV, J. JACKSON'S '2TOIt it 111r1165EL14. Y A..LLUIOIIINSOE, 111. D. cJ •1,. 81.0.1". EdLllnrrgh. hiaoruwuvod to file residence ea 11111 atree 1, rho 110080 f0rwurlyuceapenl by Dr. Uraham, and ,rill J! ,,0,•a al 411.1.3 .95 ,1,11940(11/333 OL nwe0 at J. ,CgCO.L'ai' JrUg etOre, DENTAL. L. J3ALL, L. 1). 8., Li(NUlt k..A • ,#ra,luuto and ,dau)our of tea lfoyu College of Mental- 9ufgeena�t reroute. 1)1108 1n Strutuera d1Uooe, Vlo,t0 willfteeld 04100 o0 Wednesday, 130x11,000101093111138 taken 040roti ile. 1{e ars 8eon. to Llbw, HJTEL ,CARDS. ;i 111E1110AM HOTEL, BR,US- ti SI:LS,it,unig c Ombol.proprlo tors , large aUUJwlr0,le0nt0awp1U 900111x, Special atten. 0150 so Ueutluoroiuluud other Prevellers. The harts always supplied with the 00oicest braude of Liquors and Cigars. nn attentive lnostloraitvaye on hand. U.IEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS. -This well known ho tel was never in bet- telsunning Order thee tproson t,ae tbenew proprietor use tuorougl,ly refitted the house 1.,s Marie supplied with the choicest liquors and nlgars, lornts $1 per day. Good Eample Boma or Commercial moo. 13. W. TITOR Proprietor' BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER of Thorough Bass. Vooal, and Instru- mental Music on Clauo, Organ and Guitar, Reference -Ladies of Loratte, Guelph. •11.9 m. Brussels, Unt. McOItAOJiEN, Issuer Marriage Licensee, (Moo at his groe cry,1-rnbotry, street, 10.22 TOMN NOTT, VETERINARY C Surgeon,Graduute of Ontario VS terivary College Toronto. ltesideneo, thelionse lately °congaed by,llra.J, Parker A1a10slreet,l3ru, - gel s. 1lINAl1L,ISSUE It Ob' 11All• Lleutenan1.Governor, Comn>lenioner appointment 13.(louteyauo0r and Agert Fire Insurance Cm OMRoe at EeOranbrook Post°Moo, ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in the Township of Turnber7y, and Vellage of Wroxeter, both in the County of Iluron. PURSUANT TO POWER OF side contained in a eOrtan Mortgage, whioh will be produced c+6 the (luta of 8a10, and in paynne'.t of whioh walla has boon mode, ttaro will be offered for gale, by nubile atotloo, at the 00300 Ot:rTe,s 1101'99), In the Vhlldg, of Wroxot,r, on Wednesday, the two„• Hatt. day of 8.!a n. D, 1995, at the hour of twelve, noon, iii two partials, the follow( ng valuable freehold. properties 1 -1st parcel -The north parts of leas numbers Oity-otght, flity- nine and sixty, le the first 0ouces0fon of the tewusbhuof Zuruberry,inthe County oI Huron, cen;6nlulug by ttdmeaourernant ono hundred and ton tiaras of laud, more or less, Ind parsol -being composed of twa aer08, as laid out on farm lot number twenty-olgqht, in concession or dnoloafo05Of ,A,” aron,and township aybo ebo31101— 1ouuled on the north by the lino between Tote twenty-seven and twenty.ol9h.t. et. •the oast by the west aide of Carroll street in the village of Wroxotor, on the south by !lain street, and on the hoot by two none, owned by John Sanderson, aloaranee la si teaiiodo n the Mein grovel road botweeu Brittle els and Wroxeter, vary 001)000. lent to markets and schools, There aro 1)o buildings on theta. Parcel No. 2 is situated co nlLs or llrdtWmlltaresdIIwell for salOr other mannfaeturing business, or ac a market garden, 1' onld0y of solo balance in thirtytdiys wi down intere89. For primal No. 2, one third of per. chase money down on day of slap balance inthirty dogs without interest. Tinea loot, have a mortgage of 5700 to too Canadian Permanent Loan es Serfage do. which pnrohaeor will aa. 00010 c+0 put of Jurlhase money, U0ndittoua 10111 be Made known on day of sale. rot further 13, tici11 WrxerJunte°,irueeoleohe Au etlo neer ,or V. S. SCOTT, 19,1,1,WADE 89.3 AUOtlonoar, Velctor's Solloitor,