The Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 7was Amar, 17, 1885. TH'I+3 BR POST, 7 Ota`t"r9at.«'P.pi'^�e,!nJ?14141. S?,..1,11 T.warraanimmaCit'ACTzTAT.r.=.lealtssgm+'tlpa2:w>a'a47Slipan.7,..pts024:1.91.0=sa-3).Mar.12' PJIfLa�.1.,rana.lret'JaaaYaMazimrt,N..yrtc,r'aurrm m¢JLur4II^:AaSlwrrt^s-zr,^.cr..2;.'i DISTRICT NEWS, 1I'4211 ? (LiL94L. Thu town band *qv )100 Non) tllu town this yea(', The central ti leph(•ne 0111(4') is in Goo. Mason's (.tur,ry 11 prayer ,4442'tings in town 011 Tuuedny rvonmlg of last wool), $2,200 line b>eu subscribed for the erection of it is (tory in connection with St. 1'41411'44 cluueli. A couple of Kentucky (.entlenlen pnr0haned it brood mare and filly from E. 11. Bleck. 'They paid $700, $8,86 w148 ibo otnottnt J. G. Field forked over for au assault and battery on the Capt, of the (31IV8(1 Array. The ralepayorb of our town think the ueeeosu). funds fur the sinking of a salt well suould be supplied by lb() town. A feint hearted blacksmith, named Wells, who belonged to the Wingham company of volunteers, dug out when ho hoard the 88rd Balt. would bo called out. The Vidette Days :—On Wednesday 11. II. Holmes nae served with a writ at the instance of Patrick Comerford, who claims dsmages for the seduction of his daughter Margaret. Tho case will be tried al the assizes in London nevi Dr. McDonald arrived home safo 140)1 5011114 1411(1 wa8 received by the Lalld taut a number of our towns- people. He was rather unfortunate, while west however, in 0310 respect having had a brolcen Ic'g to 11uree all winter. It appears that 011 Decem- ber 17th while he wits travelling iu a Texue 41(140,1) from San Antonio to Boerne the horses ran away and he was thrown oat, breaking his left log near the 11111,10. Tho leg bothers 111m considerably yet, and 11e limps painfully in walling, 1L.tsltow (,x. A second Fer,'.l:ter!' Lodge is to be organized hero. The spring show was held on Wed- nesday of this ween(. Listowel Dtlirymeu's Association is celled to meet on May 7111. The oltl school gronud will be transformed into a public pearl(. $1,800 is the amount fixed upon by the Board of Works for this year. The roller rink will seem bo in ord- er. Masers. Howell & Johnston, of St. Oatberiuos, 1)4100 (Margo of it. The Council impose 14 fine of $20 on keepers of billiard paten! who al- low youths under 18 years to frequent thein, The Methodists of this town have pUrOha,ed it itto for a new church. The new building is estimated to cost $10,000. On Monday evening of last week A. B. M00141um, M. A,, high School toaster, delivered an interesting lect- ure in Knox church on "Phases of Sottish chancier," The Standard trays :—On Tues.11ay night Constable Osborno arrested a man uanied Richard Nesbitt, from Minto, on a charge of torso stealing. It appears that Nesbitt had borrowed a Norco and meddle from John Wal. lame of that township, and came to Listowel From Hero 1)e proceeded to Mitchell. Between Monkton and tllitcllell be is said to have traded the horse (Alfa another, mud subsequent- ly made a second trade, in the latter deal getting $8 "to boot." Ile is than said to have got on a spree and sold the horse and saddle for $2,40. On coming back here he was arrest- ed, mad has been sent to Guelph. eel etCyralt. Dr. Coleman is assessed for $80,- 000 this year. His taxes will foot up to about $600. Dr. Campbell's book on "The land of Burns," containing 260 pages, is now offered for sale. The fall wheat in this vicinity pro• misos a barge yield, 1f present appear - nines are a criterion. Tho debates between residents of this t0\vn awl gentlemen in the Oo. town are very interesting. The Sun publishes the following sketch :— The Salvation Army bad 1a grand jubilee hero on Monday night of last week, in Mad - no's 11a11, which was crowded to the door. Divisional officers Weekly and Ludgate, and several other offioors from surrounding corps were present. A Saved Brass Band from London assisted in tho services, and aroused the whole community. A grand torchlight procession toolr place, and was witfhoseed by an immense multitude, The foremost man in the party, carrying tho colorswas the venerable veteran and pion. oar of 'Huron, Edward Vanligmond, who glories in carrying the flag for King Josue. A short sketch of this historic man's life will not be amiss. Mr. VonEgmond's fath- er was colonel under the King of Holland, then fought miler Napolo0n Bonaparte at Waterloo, Edward VanEgreenci 42va0 born on thn 1'1)4240 40 1g080040, wan baptized when hu teal( only five days 01(1, and has never wren his sponsors since, who promised to bring hien op hi tl40 (ear mud honor of the [sod, but flow, ho Days, 118 1100 found a Godfather hl the end of his days, who will stand good to him. Ito 420448 about 2 weeks old, and inn Moscow, Own it was blown up, holly cennnnueing the viriesitudes of life early.. His father, Colonel Vanligmond, had his hors shot muter him nt Waterloo. Tho family e31110 down the hlliu0 ;1)C) 1111100 to Amsterdam, Holland, whim hu was 110v. 011 y011111 old, then sailed to Liverpool, and from there over to Philadelphia, and then to the State of Indiana, In 1227 they mov- ed to Canada, Iu I(a8 Colonel YauEgnlontl opened the road from Galt to (lodoriob, through the un(ttrvoyed wilderness, and Edward drove the lira( team through with baggage and provision for the workmen on the road, and 110 also earned the (trot mail from Galt to Goderioh on his bank, once a fortnight; he was a veritable travelling postmaster. If any of the settlers mal him on the way, and asked if there 104141 any- thing for them, he would open( his bag and deliver his mail. IIo always had plenty of company (auah as it wits) having Indians, mo8quitoo8, wolves, boars and deer. At ibo first election held in Godoricli, Colonel VauEgmond opposed the famous Dr. Dun- lop, with no more than a dozen votes to poll in the district ; the Colonol was de. fsated by throe. When he wont to the polls ilio most respectable people took labs horses out of the waggon, and drew the gallant Col, and his 1100 00110, Constance and. Edward, to the Misting. E. VanEg- mond is the only representative living of the first election in Huron. Through all those years Mr. VouEgmoml says he never found n personal living Saviour until tho Salvation Army came to Clinton, but now he fools he is on the right road to heaven, and glories in carrying tho colors for King Jesus. Ho opened the first inn and store combined on the Huron road, for tho 00- contmodation of travellers seeking homes, on the farm now occupied by Samuel Fow- ler, the nearest louse to him being -in God- oriolh, where Judge Reid slept post office and tavern oOmbiued, and twenty miles to the next neighbor, seven miles this side of Stratford. 1''Irsllie(1 Notes. Heavy beaded cords aro user"' for l01piug skirts. Sill), mohair, and 44a(e0118 are used for foundation skirts. Espngucl, a new silk material, has the effect of uncut velvet. Persian and Indian brocades aro much used. for short mantles. Chambery gauze and satin are used together for dinner gowns. Neu's veiling and crape cloth will be combined f1) 011411ln8r wear. Smallueee of size and simplicity or else absolute uniqueness must char- acterize the buttons this sprlug. Basques 1111 hong fu the waist lint short 10 the skirt, which is frequently only from an inch to two inches be- low the waist line, and finished in a short organ plaiting in the back. Robes of Unguilla cloth, with the embroideries in white, blade, cardinal, and navy blue, are in fast colours, and will look as well after washing as before. Pariteols are shown in canopy and Japanese shapes. Tho coaobing par- asol has a canopy top and is ill a111110 new colours and checks. French paraeoie covered 11(11 puffed orepo are in every Imaginable shade. A Waal: !Grow bonnet has I1 Tory of 01114 jet beads inside the flat brim. Tho crown is square mud out up be- hind. A v,.lvet bow, fan -shaped, is ple0od on the left side of the bonnet, and over it droop gold• tipped black ostriel! feathers, New hats have mostly sugarloaf Drowns and narrow rolled brims. At the Connotive Hippiguo ladies of fash- ion wear pearl gray gloves with black embroidered backs, manisll-looking tailor made jackets or very short man- tles, cut in jacket shape leenincl. A golden -brown bison -cloth dress has the skirt kilt -plaited. The over- dress is of a figured material, a shade lighter. The bodice has a full plas- tron ; the cuffs and high collar aro of dark brown velvet, marl a soft dark brown satin Turkish Dash completes the costume, A very beautiful rose moire eve- ning dress has a low bodice, pointed beck and front draped with gauze ; the gauze sleeves, reaching half way to the elbow, are bordered with a fringe of rose petals. Gauze drapery looped from left to right, oovsrs the skirt, and the train is trimmed with garlands of rose patella. Tho hustle and pouf -back draperies are conspicuous features in all kinds of gowns. The side appear on sono, and the general effect is not bouffant, save in the back, although the box- plaited breadths all round aro the fea- tures that is not observable. Sono of the models are trimmed with lace and a profusion of scarf draperies and ribbons in bows and loops, Tho shape of many of the bonnets 15 1)00n11ar. Some aro made on escar- got, snail shaped sides, mull trimmed with masses of flowers on top, Others aro worn preposterously small. IlIost aro tied with short, narrow strings which are decidedly effective, Deep violets and. brilliant shades of yellow are also much in flavor 024 the Champs Elysees. The former are proferred for 0ostumes, tho latter for bonnet trimmings, in the form of marigolds, buttercups, and broom. JN TJI1' COUNTY coUIIT TILE-- - COUN'1'4C OF iU URON, • is '05511 11ATT1:11 (14' 4'.A16Tift1106 l.l.'rwl:n 41 Noll Olt unr.un 'o..1 rob411411! 1)1111O4l0iull, ifnr- 1841 )1oNell, and John Ilutlenn8.m,--l'lafutin's, nap Nancy Stewart, Campbell, Nell Campbell, Janus Campbell , rliymfo or 11,trien Campbell, hole n Oas1pb011, Chateau Campbell, 1iu01,11 Campbell. Donald (law and I, Jabu Cumpeell, Isabella Campbell, Edward. Cnmetltell, 1>u n00tl Can p ha 11, Margaret 11 ughes, 42421(31614111ugb(0, James Campbell, Angus Campbell, Cat -.1168 Cnulder, Alexander haulier, John 01.4(4 (boll, Damao 00101311011, Donald Campbell, Jaules Campbell, Neil Campbe)l, Augus Clark .l4eergo (hark,Flora alol(000ie, Robert Ma1(on0(e, Iea- >1o144 ellyy Mlle Kelly, Peter Aolly, Marion Rambla, William Amalie, Donald 11ei,aury tfarg11001 M144011ry and 41(11111 th 01e1.o0r)4-- Dotumlauto Tu (1i0 121000 named Ilofrndonto and 1411 inn 110W11 1)81'410)1 0 having or ulailn1t10 any estate of interest In tho lends 1111.1 promisee Lor0ln- aftor par tl0nlmrly described: You, and each and every of 7011, aro hereby required to taro notice that the petition for partition of oortniu lands and 11rsm1004 name. ly:_ (111 those oortain parools or tracts of land endure:Mato situate, lying nod behlg 420 tho Township of Olarrie, in tae County of Huron, and forming part of Lot number thirty is the tenth Oenee0810n of the sold Township of Morris ,m010 particularly described as v0isge Lets numbers Seven and k:lallt, 1(nox's sur. 0 planfdrawnilby (a°D Walton, as P.dL. 8enand registered In the Registry office for tho County of Moron, and also village Lots numbers eight- een, nineteen and twenty, in the aforesaid Village o1 Walton, and being a petro of lot nom- intveComutyoftho lghteettli SllrOn, will be presented oto tho County Court e, the County of Huron, or to the presiding Judge 14180000, at his (!embers in the Court house, In the Town of Gabriel', en Saturday, the Twentytlrlh day orAprin, 1865, at Twelve O'dlook, noon. And you, and each and every of you, are hereby required to appear at the said (luno and pleas untl state what claims, i1 any, you have to the lees and premises above describ- ed and in default of your so appearing the sold matter will ho In'oo0ad011 tit]. 11" 112 your ab. soma. Dated the 10th day of Meech, A.D. 10855. 05 (1n. PIICLIPlaint Plaintiffs' Sallt:Her. EAT MARKET, 'MAIN >WIIEET, MUSSELS ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRESH AND SALT MEATS 01 ho boetcluality alwayr ooh and and deliv oral in uuypart of ibo Villupc free of charge '4E11Ms Very Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, Norwhiohiho highest market price wilib e Ialso make a specialty ofbnyingllidosand Skint', Dort'* forgettho Place, next aloof t o li letcher's.rewelirgg lore. ANDREW oun$IT ALL ALIVE ! Tho undersigned begs leave to announce to the Public generally that ho has purchased the Entire Stools of D. Frain, harness matter, and Ravin brought a Largo Stock of MMS 042011 Mance ,ho is prepared to Com - pot o with tho 7hoapost, as he Buys Strictly for Cash A Complete Stock of L.IGHL AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS T1R,UNKS, 11011SE BLANKETS AND VALI; ES, And Everything in the harness Lin t Harness made toOrder from best mit tonal on Shortest Notice. t Repairing Promptly Attended to• t " SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. A Ua elicited before Purchasing Elsewhere 50 CORDS —'0E— SHOR , .TURD FOOD Wanted at Once will be taken in Exchange for anything in the Harness Lino. tar Don't forgotthe place, inDr Graham 8 Block, D, Frain's Old Stand, Main Street, Brussels. R. STEVENSON. A C•LREAT CHANCE TO Make Money ! Outfit worth a Largo Sum of Mon- ey all Scree. You will find Your rortune in our Circular. Great Chance for .Lady eljemts to .1ITake Money. Terms and Outfit Proo. You will find our Circular a Primo, Address, FINN Ard PtlnxtxsIIINa CO. St. Catheriues, Ontario. _ .ru,.t a .ru,:am te••sm71f"m.��mm TO 111��gy9 FRONT qq�_ ,r�{�1� LAT ��}T,l T tl e I u N. e e N T [' tl 'h, S A I The undersigned 111 returning thanks to the People of C1`a1111rooli and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage (luring the pita H years would respectfully intimate that he Inas again resumed busi- ness and will 130 found at the Old Stand, ready to utle.nd to the Wants of his Customers. .L 1.....11-.�I 11K,.., TINT NT S c LT 0 ..�J c- -IN THE BLACKSMITH LINE -- PRO MP TLY INT?--PRO..IMMPTIay .ATTENDED TO. 1 .H J ,:VTA G C,-14-0 -..L'\T S J. \villi be Under the Management of tt First -Class l'Ieobanic. Repairing of 411 R'inds „lttendecl to. We also Malice a ,Specialty of New C'or'k got up :in, First -Class Style an -d Guaranteed to Give Satzsfaeti-on. We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the 'iatoria Rod Cult, allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All talo wheel Vehicles. Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine. NATI! NAL ROLLL., R MILLS. e VanstI ie 5032,S, ` ropne on. Wo have much pleasure 111 announcing to t110 public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and P4 giving the Best Sa•tis- faction. SNORTS, MEAL, BON & CHOP GI®i STR Tfl 1' ON HAND. Wo also slake the following Brands of Flour : Patent, (Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to vvith Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. EA.S13' URQN CARRIAGE WORKS! ! JAMES BUYERS —11f ANUFAOTOREIl GF— BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c,, deo., all made of the Bost Material and finished in a workman -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing, Itxarntlz NCh s.-12arsdon Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and William MclC.olvoy, Grey township ; Wm. Canlmrou, Wlu, Little, Goo. 131'8\0141, ali(1 Davi(1 S3rec1(enridge, 14lorris totvushiln ; Tilos. Town land William Blitsliill, Brussels ; Rev. L. A. Fear, IClrktnn, int 1.1 1., `ti'rigllt, 1'11111 berry township. REMEMBER P1113 STAND—SOUTH 01? 131?IDG+. J'•AS.. 73U1-:,.