The Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 44
trussck Vo5t
Flii1).1Y, APRIL 17, 11185.
Ann. 17, 1885,
• announdo,l our tamfidenou may be in I
thetr bravery, let lig net forget to
• “e!itiowledge Him who is the Lord
mighty ie battle. Though His 14101 .
b,. 11.4, „yet 11 will not for-uke
114. Civil nt 18 11i
%nee, 1110 Inaititunanov ut it, is 1,r 1114:
the ,.1' tt Chri8i11111
chili:1.314011ii llis eanso.
Sermon in Knox fluarvii. Viinniqoa,b
Rev. lc. 1ei3niten. •
'rxrr.-PsIttni GO 10 484418. 4
remember lint 14411114 u8 former iniquitio
let thy tend,r mkTeies 8pee,Illy prevent u
far Wo arena brought vory low, 14,1p
(1 (101 our Llv0t14. fr !!lury th)
aanv... hod ;a1
•Au, v 1.1* yv,;a:',
!•,.; lam b..: ku.,..! t.l.1.
ill 0111' 1.1.....
, v mt, 4.84 '4.''
• vIvo:
quer 44 tHt bou: 4111011 10, 8' 141
tates the of inimi throng th,
to 411'
word, a,.the
A 0,1 ill t.l•
falla 04 4;'' .1i:
114410 14 n • vrul1,10y, ung wo
. v
4,a.; :a :1',
Evil ;1;1,, e;on..led 4441
the i'act 11. it is a. war or lanes,
nr9 1•110
which ,,r,. titt.,1 41140110 tipprehuo
41,41. 4.14' Mi. 14 lIntreas, 811,1
fem.'s, which iu such easo are gen
OY Al I, thO 114
;ma 'have their
f.o., ,any it your,
.. though the Pal ty in armed re.
n inav a.1::•ar 1 Mt, 10011111,, its
r(3 141 0.4.44 .41)1', 1111:11b,r, re
soureos, yet c.1*(.1:d lo
on us in clia,tistanent f,r luoianul
4110:1.1 11•!Ui 114 fOl'T.1 11,1
Il" V.11,1 1,12.o -tea proud Egypt with
eAlt 116, the most dei -s1 imi
unlikey in:domains fot correcting
and Mind; ,1 ng us. lo order that we
may eseal.a Iwing lintnbled before
luau, 1,1 ns us a 11,440 humbie our
buforo 41;1 (1'() .11 0041, and in
the NVOI'lld Of tho text say :-"0 re
member lad tt'Jain-1 tr, 1.01111,1r iniqui•
ties. Help us 0 Gel of our salvation,
and liege tinny rill' sill f,r thy
fxplainea that the pissage
refcts .11e Baby1 mists concia.•,d,
the speaker proceeded to point out
that the inspired Asaph was painful.
ly 0, 11,1100s ilatt 1113 natimi 1135 not
free m guilt in ntsrect of
stud.. r t .1,11 '111T1,11,10 T 11 Inn,
sons risponsible for kading
a 11,11 1.1111'80 illjt14i0e.,
tra1;,g11:;di 11 of any kind may pass
assay, lea Coe «mini 1)1140(14 its i1 ht.
ity and i110:1, 001130 day face the reek•
1 lo.vcver long delayed, 1/40
rect,..!,ilg M ;ICU 11 e;)Ine-';,4,111 11111114114!
prawij.:•1 ;Lila huer.,,..t.
Slavery existed 3 long ti 110 11141
"United St,..ti.s Om nation 10114
brought to iu regard to
netu could ho less responsiblo
for the oxii1toiel. i..f
tba:: ..but Lincoln, yet big life
wem", u acconut of it. The nation
ad11 u4 mado to suffer through
his do.t.11 it could not have suffer -
e41 tin-on.,=.1i the death of any other
Think not that nattonal wrong -do-
ing brings no rick to you, seeing that
you do not twprove 01 11. When fire
break.; out 411 Iroarl of ship, all on
board :Imre 14 00M1110/.1 peril, and the
.,;:ty is to ply every effort to
go 0:0 4111,,,CtC.11, whatever in-
afterwarils a3. to
now otigitiatcd. EV011 80 our binned.
,uty as a 111411011 is to put down
the 1111 111)0 ; an(1 good citizens
should to every possible way help to
t-d4t-.11,141 the Government in tho effort.
Th. t thore are wrmigs bo
and ,gri.vancas to be. redressed I firm.
ly 11,1i ye. God may be dolormined
to 4,. .1141111310 that 4111011 we 0:01.1e1-
oii t11c mardar id poor Scott, we did
alit" WO 11.1 rIght to do-inty, that
WC attempted the impossible. While
God reigns, a nation's sin will find it
out, Ile says ti -Yo shall take no
sittits;inutioa for the lifu of tt murclerer.
We attempted it, and now we 800
Wblit 1110 8.1101111.1t. 11118 001110 to. Re-
sides, is ft tiot a base thing for it no,
tion practically to say, "11 (14137 man
is so Mutchod to the flag of the Dom-
inion that he will part with. his life
sooner than doeert that flag or abjure
his allegiance, that is his business
and no concern of ours I" Is that
the policy by which to foster patriot-
ism ? Further, that the 'Indians and
Half breeds; havo what they feel to be
grievances that they have despaired
of getting considered, is so manifest
that no room is loft Uri for doubt,
Every Christian man in the Domin-
ion ehonld give his influence hi favor
o,f a policy, not simply just, but oven
generous towards them. But the
first duty is to suppress rebellion.
That man would bo unworthy of tho
mime of a Canadian citizen who., at
the present juncture, would Spank or
act in such a way as to generate any
doubt in the minds of our bravo vol-
unteers, or clamp the ardour with
which they aro responding to the call
of tho Government. 13ut however
• tridjur.ticaCIldi F. 1). 311(11.11e1.011•
11Injo1 General I\ lithilitton, who has
110 • to 111110 11-1i111Al'y Oi•
roefidti thr. vanipuign against Ilil
1 . 1. tat his r,.v,,IstionAry
111' t',1111eniud..o. 111 ill.' :\ Biala
Canada, tie first became known Hi
Canad(1 at the time of the Trent tra'air
as a major in the 419t1i regiment. "Plie 1 ,,.
iseelquartcrs of that corps were at f:"
littuillten, bat Major Mitldlotois brolt,
deal of his time in :Monty, al,
It is vd.lely known and nuirors-
' ally lilted. 11n '1' serving same ten
Oil 11/,' 41111 ("1: (40111'1'31 Wil111-
113:11 11,' 1011 home at the time of 0
tiro 104111111410111 131 tile imperial troops, •••••'-' •
(1(11 8,011 after was appointed COM
' inandant of the Royal Military College.
The Comoral Watt:tined his first 00111
TiaVi-!Ig completed the enlarging and refitting of the (larliela House, and bit Now Spring and Summet.
4111n41 110 L11,111 011 tlto 8011i 1)o importations having all arrived, WO 11311101111e0 a GRAND OPENING- of the :11ILLINIati AND DRESS
c""4 iF-7•71..-ttr4‹.----7J1;;;
Cf)) CI,T) C,`;'.1)
°Ch 4
r'Y''1i'n) (....(•-t cti r ,; , ,,,,)
cumbor, 1812, aud 8111V his first active GOODS SilOW ROOMS, 011
4.1001 ' 111 1H1fi, in the southern part.
:.f Nov: Zealand, where ho took. rart,
la the attack on \\litigant -IL Ile after- Tkelinan FR $11' AY pit:kat:it
wards served in India during tic; 't 14- 11,414! kt • i&,•,3
Santlial rebellion and the never -110.1)e.
forgotten Sotto}, Mutiny of 1857-08.
llu wits ortiorly ollicer to Gen. Fru110
• in the action of Sultanpere, and sub -
stamen 1 affairs; on the advance_ to
Luelno•w. .4t the siej,:te and eaptroct
of that car he ('1114 A.D.C. 11 0011.
Ll101:11, 111111 tA.,11 411.'t in tit,: storming
of 11ank's House mid the M'artiniero,
where 110- gallant conduct gained lum
the brevet of Major. Tho general
subsequently served in nearly all tho
prineipal actions during tho mutiny,
11111 1008 time. and again specially
mentioned in houto despatches, 11101
has received the orler of Commander
of the Bath. A.ceoriling to Ow new
rules relative to compulsory retirement
Major-General 'Middleton wenild have
had to leave the many as 0 colonol
last November, but getting the cour
mand 1,1 1111(3 Canadian ahlitia, and his
Major-Genoralship he can now serve
0(1 for scout; years. The General Wi19
rtcommended to Lord Clyde by
Lieutenant -General Sir E. Ltigard for
the Victoria Cross for two acts of
bravery, of which the following is a
brief outline :-On April 15111, 1858,
in the engagement near Azeniblinr, a
troop of the military train vbargud 11
large hody of rebels. Captain 'Middle-
ton, Staff Officer, had been ordered by
SirEdward Lugard, to take command
1.1 the perty, and ha gallantly lod it.
In the meleu, Lieutenant Hamilton,
8rd. Sikh Cavalry, fell from his horse
1)1 '('(1113' wounded, A body of Bell .4'S,
tulwar M 11111111, rushed 111 111111 to cut
him to pieces. Captain Middleton
and Farrier Francis :Murphy, in a des-
perate hand to hand fight killed several
of the enemy, and. drove off the raft,
and enabled Homo others, who after-
wards came up, 1)0 0411137 off the wound.
ed. officer, 011 tint same day and a-
bout the mune time, private Fowles, of
the military train, was unhorsed and
wounded. The rebels vmro swarming
about him and won 011 tho point of
cutting him to pieces when Captain
Middleton cooly dismounted, placed
Fowles on his horse and brought him
to camp. Moro devoted and horoic
couchict was -never rewarded. by Vic-
toria 01'o113, Yob, though Murphy ro.
cerced the decoration in question,
Loud Clydu declined to recommend
Captain 'Middleton on the ground that
110 was on 1110 personal staff at the
time. In writing about this The Army
and Navy Gazotto stated that this was
inuorruct, for Captain Middleton hal
been expressly placed in command of
the party. But oven had 110 boon
meruly presont as a staff officer, the
011,301)111 111115 1)0 (400 blow 113(3 11101 would •
have dinainishotl the credit ittic to his
unselfish and heroic C011thleti GODOT•
al Middleton was appointed to tho
command of tho Canadian Militia, on
the withdrawal of General Lurard last
Enney al e
Ilev. A, 11, Hartley and 3. Leach
110141) 110 Clinton as dologatas to the
Scott Act Convention.
The ballot for procontor in the
Presbyterian church last Sunday re-
suitell in tho election of Thos. Gibson
of Wroxoter, by a small ;majority.
Timis the "organ" gets its quietus till
a fow moro of tho old school dio off or
change their views.
Jas.Thompson, the efficient teacher
of the Jowitt sohool, who has seemed
all along so very forlorn, is now hap•
pily settled in one of James Timmins'
houses on the hill, at bis ain fireside.
Iio brought home his bride last Wed-
nesday. The band treated them to a
sorenade at night.
3LS,, ,ILE16-
alla following ilaye, 4011401 the Display will fill' surplus in Size, Completem 143 .11111 Niivelty any Exhibition
(Wel' before made. All the Departments have been Entirely Ito -organized, and each put under -Hui most
efficient management; and it is with the (anima vontidence and. assurance we invite every lady 1(1 the minty
of Huron that eit11 possibly do so to Come and look at this Choice and Scl«.t Stock of Cioods at our Large
and handsome show rooms, 4(11(1 at our 11111'(11.10141 111 ulii 11 s fcr (1 ('1(41 1.,110111 :0, To vary the 1,o '1i1
asking questions about our (11 '1114, al suit irur Slyles and Prices. Vim will he made welcome. You trill not
be importuned • to buy. Ion will be it -tided couricously, and will fct I well re; aid for the coining.
Miss Beam, of Toronto, will have
• Charge of the Millinevy Department,
and we have 110 hesitation in saying that (4111 111 Bound In Please. Rt1110116.1. Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday, April 16th, 17111 18111, aro the
RNZIF: PAT Uip ,Ta 717 7i7.;
--AT THE -
New Garfield House, Garner of Turnberry and King Streets,
50»11'0.. «mm 14.lO114,,1414401141'iltt.o-1 .11141
The Re& Millinery Opening of the season will take place on
It is almost needless to say our Stock, as usual, is very complete with all the Leading Novelties.
Pile has Charge Q2 this Department,
having had many years experience in the Leading Houses in Canada, will be prrpared to show some Ele-
gant Patterns in 4ATS BONNETS. Of course other Stores do the best they c‘ni but to have an idea of
the Really First-Olass Styles
is well worthy of inspection. Wo havo an Endloss Variety to choose from, in fact our whole stock is the
Largest, Cheapest and Most Complete ever shown in ErUsSols.
The Noted Cheap Store.