The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 88 TIM) BRtTSSELS POST GRAND ''G'16uiS'> N RAILWAY. SCUT. I$RN :::''‘.TENSION, W. G. e, B. R. 'trait, 7 ,.•;..1; Otnt•a.,. 1101N11 nod eolith a. }i 0v;. Go fug Huudll, Galina North, 0001 nee ani. 7x13 It TO, Mio 1 . . Express .1e:5u la�lt, i I �apreau ..0 11 p•1, . •")' ';11,1 3,•' n 113)13- trlllil north will duly 31313 ''1 Tuee,lays, '3'hnrodaye, and Sittlll.l13 y+,. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. ~ ..- .l Abel's auu0)31 ye [akin' note,; .-\li faith he'll prem it, Sperm. herr on your il'Luuels. rr3tdcre just in at -The Drug Store." J. Hargreaves O: Co. TIII: a steI• Mason is past. - -1re r,,:c •=i l'+ have been booming of 1' h.'1)'• Pur: du, roiauuhr i3 still at wort Ile ti' at 11311111--'-tllu ',Mall h„,V Intl • Ins . 1111,1 etlllld "t 31111 u\Vne1.11 of deceased tn'11'I 1•, d,. r. are trying to ferret Linn out with 3111)1 .'•, Ld aledl7ot tebuy wall (.+tor, a 1i.,w of giving hiu) a sp1'lug suit of • Ot11 0011001 teaeh1rti gut etticd : tar 0101 fuathor*, down to W01'k a�111L1 U11 Tuesday after JiM13Pit WI4718Tint, IV110 has reslcied their Baster holidays, :1 sum( [:((deuce of arm( 1 „ g 1 hc,ro for a year of 11101'3, 18 satie1101 110 New i; the thi10 to secure bargains, only i t:ty 3(1311 nM 1(113 has :Out 101• (ltd wilt) 1 two 11/0113114 More. B. B. Scuttle. : and family. Ho obtained the t(sket13 Tun officers of the Army go to 1 from J. Its Grant, at the post officio. 1'alul,'1stuu tide (Friday) evening to itigVc1:Ar. reside(((s of Brussels talk l joie with their comrades IL a bouquet. of gulag to Stratford on tho 28th inet. 'Pia' H. 13, Sinal) for cheap wall paper. to bear 1)r. Talmage, the Brooklyn M1(1.1ZJ.I1) 011171)111 choir new Occupy i orator, 100111(1'0 on "18 tho world bettor a platform immediately in front of tilt) or word)," Ile mt1)008 under the aus- pulpit inetoad of being seated i1) the picot. of tho 1. 0. 0. I+'. gall_ry. The 1111aug) is 4t decided im 'Pint Mitchell Recorder nays :-Gus pruvemeet, Goebel, who removed from here to (.'o]iritassnp Yeast the hest and cheapest Brussels sometime ago, 110,11 boon In in the 4(11'1[(, at Tlwmson's. [04'11 during the past ween( taking or - Toe Synod of Hamilton and L',o• i dors for the Novelty Shower bath anti late 1 lion will ulcer in Hamilton next week j met uiUi 000siderablo 0u0eesa, Alza; Geos' Aid moon is home 1)u for tic transaction of church bind. A :DING 6ONO 881•(100 was held in the avIsiC ue<s. (1(1(111, 5, fun0a and J. Ross, Town Ball last Friday night by the 110T X 130114 ]Ind :a old run ],tet' B A , will go. Thoo. 1]tra1han anti Army. to Ildditiou to tin Vocal (11u810 1'` Duncan( Mel,';n0111iu will attune as iustrttmental selectioue were g1v111 on Fridge„ re)11 311tatives. h•,v ucx' Thurn,lay i l 1 rho violin, month organ, joys hard, Sind No 1'r: