The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 7APRIL 10, 1SS5. THE BRUSSELS POST,
PrIII,Z,71 T1 YSY.:T.412r.lm4'•ypgyyf"Irp•R. uevyy,y,,mmm,.,•y 3•..WO[�r/O1Glm.4
—••— ..-...-..: ., -._: IG;til+3e^fCN¢..Cn7l8D1.-«,.-..n.=.y,YrdE.,c,,AaalleJ':CdOYt:YsySlly-v'Y11fC„,i%^c5c'”!
I leer tune was so Ilegent, and alio ap. D 15"rr I C 1 rj i Ytl Sr I
ll:ul: hu , 0.4;11' l NA
should hub ;,'Ire left you alone
long, Lilt snots', - 1 eo ( ,e, 1e 11 r:i
yemt,rlt by lal , I -(1 11( pl ol,,
ilu+ did not 1i 1., 111.1.r,l! , tel)
11crein. thought.,,, u,e a telt the rota
01 lier 0811 I ll•'t, 1 ',1 ,(11 111 111:a e
she 01111(1) - (,1 ' 1,,1
Cho cliu(b tl1
"g Mr, Jeunillg14, of rho LiHtowrl
!l I 1 reenhottsu, lino bitttle° soflieeutly
-a, fol ward for 11Ho.
(1. (C J, (!, Ilay have sold to
es, Stol. _Parroll, (.1' Listowel, 100 aero
n)1 known uH the A. Ghillie Tartu in 111
township of Wallace, (tall' 1t utile nos
of the town, for the an of $,500.
The rite of confirmation 1448 pe
it fernted in the (10rnu4n Lnthera
lit church in this town on holiday last
:t. by the pastor. Bov, J:Ir, Htoin or.
1O Twelve eaudl(101e8 pro-ellted them-
'l'hn vestry of Christ Church, at a
meeting hold hist week, hawing unan-
imously resolved to invite the Eov.
Marl( Turnbull, at Iiirkton, to take
charge of this parish, alta Bishop of
the Diocese was communicated with,
and we understand has sanutionod
the choice of thea t entry and the ap-
poultmout will shortly be made.
The calico carnival at the rink ou
Tuesday evening of last wool( was
Wall attended, and there was quite au
array of costumers. The carnival
netted the Association about $18.
The ico has since been taken off the
flour, and the rink is now randy for
the rollers. It is exl)ectod that the
rink will bo opened as a roller rink
in the Bourse of a fen' days.
bcottb1 tilt,
Tho skating 80'4800 1s past for this
The Baud of hope iu Soaforth
numbers 110 mon:duns.
wits a t(.',l„ r a t , i'.,,, when 010
ti't's 011eu e"- ;•' t:,,• 111,1110 -alit, cold,
pure air rrviv, ti 'a'1' s'0111th•,
"Yon ran 1nr.,hr Ise to our hostess)
She hill out 1)114,' h, lr,lt:• •Il, aed
Heel e .1 to her 1 11 a that, L nobody -woo
care. :,list 11'11:! 118x) 1,12)8, hod co
veyo(l the estimate of suri'Ity, If ,:
could ll,ll,'vc hrr:'olf firs" 01 Caw,o.,'1
thoughts she %round cut 10 crit duan,
but now the troth wai overwhelming.
Silo leaned away from ilio, iu the our•
tier of the carriage, but be put his strong
arm round her and drew hal' to 11:8
lu•oasf, lihe.tried in resist, but was
powerless. Then 0.4'110 the torturing
1110101 1, ".If I repel him—if I act iliffor-
outly- -.lie will guess 1110 reason," and
she wail p,lssive; but ho felt bar slight
10110 tremble.
":1Iy poor litLlca ghost, you are i11 in
very truth! 1'in indeed sorry Lhat 1 loft
you so long.,,
"Believe me, Oraylloll, I am ill. Please
lot that excuse rue and oxptain. Oh,
that 1-1 Nvoro strong, like Ills Wild-
"_::1'1 tilt, n, heluty?" exclaimed filo
!u; essebsis (;ray,iuu. "Tho pian who
41114 Is'r u,i:;ht trust be prca.i, for ho
wont 1 11,1:e rn:cl,81,tor.; by the score,"
• .01 .es r, r.0 wool:cut,' said
Bit .1 ,.one,
!In I:ul',;;:• otenui 1?t0Itl}', but added:
. on lien',, i 11044' 111 4e suyiety 1)1110,'
illey tan sit.,-\' lL 111,:•.t dual of favor
10 more than our lo4:1,;1 , yet never 1',01'•
1 ,it the:uscly v to ue 1(104 ,1 by adrliuitl
'1111111'''. '1 hey are ll:If: X11' 1,1 eitte'1111 :.1
than a ,411,1 11 ..o 1 u; 11 ft '.,tel, a
girl a1 ?it.,, ',i',: i 1r • 11 ),u,til . 14,
1N THE 11.),'1'1'1:14 05' 11115118208
TO° I1 G f
F R `1 T
The undersigned. 111 returning thanks to the I'(nl)I1 (,1• 1 11)111rook
and Surrounding Country for tle it Liberal J'atrOnu;:, during the 1,II ht
s n •Iw1.l.N 8 )'etir8 would revallcetfully i114intulo that ho 111tx again 11:uuncd Lnsi-
lh'hh tend 14'11 Lo mum at thr Old Stcu:tl, IN airy to httl lid 111 tho W'a11114
1G it
ttDn 1 u,. , lr •t.iu tl I nue, •wee, Alar• of 111s C ;u8tulilerti,
au Al(..0 tl and d,ru .OW10.U,a,.,, -HaiI itle,
r Naney Stewart Campbell, Nell Campbell,--pp--
11 laul,.e0 as,p1 , 1 1 - i or Marion Campbell,
11, 20, Campbell, 1 rl •t4e• '. 0np b„1! llugh
A mpboll. Donald ( ,uupball, Balm (''al/W.11,
Isabella Complain, Edward Campbell, Duncan
Oomph,. ll, Margaret !lushes, 14t11 ,,,, 11agnea,
Tames 111)1)pLN1 I, Angus ('umpb ell, Cat.orlon
C(ulhlor, Alouulder 00ulder, John Calnpbult,
D11110/141 0111111/110/1, Douala Cam phot!, 101000
Complain, Neil Campbell, ring us Clark ,noorgo
(:lark, Flora M t10c ,sh, ,toburt MoLonri,, Isle
bulla Holly, Y:Illo Kelly Potnr. 1Solly, Marion
Itncutde, 88111lnm 14(404dn, Donald AleLoury
Margaret AleLoury and l;llraboth A1eLnurl—
To tho above aura od n0100,10uts 4, 2 all 110.
known pornous havn,g m' oiatnliug any OstatO
or latoroat In the lauds and prom 1800 borolu-
af ter particularly describeel
ro2uixed t, ouch
not(00 that the you, petition (111)
partition 0100rtnin lands andcrumbles name.
All 111000 (t0rtoni p1110 ale pr tracts Of land
andprotni1us oltuaba, lying and bolas in tie)
Talsns11ip of 81081)0. iu too Caunty of Huron,
and formn1g part of Lnt number thirty in tie
tooth Coll008e1e11 01 the said Townel(ip of
Morris ,111010 part ioularly d08401 boll as vllluge
Leto 1nonbers Haven and 1,118116, IVnox's Sur-
voy, of rho Vihingo of Walton, 40101(1 d(nvll on
u plan drawn by G. McPhillips, 1', L. S„ and
roglotored in the Routs try ollioe for 111.4 County
of Huron, and also vlllago Lots =unbars eight-
een, nineteen and twenty, in the aforesaid
Vlllarga of lValton, and boiug a part 01 lot num.
bin the County of1Hut DI 1'on ghtoor ` will 11bo01(8000(1l0 1 oto
tho pal hod'stug Jgdgo thereof,tho County lti0(hambers
is the Court House, in (ho Town of Underhill,on Saturday, 5)411 T oonty'•afllt day of',tpel1,
1885, at '0'wel Ve O'clock. neon,
And 14011, and each awl oven' Of you, arcs11er011 required t0 appear at 41m said tlmo
and plva0o and auto what claims, if any, 400(1
have to the lands and prenasus abp,'0 describ-
ed and in default of your 00 appearing do
said matter 1(111 le pr000eded 481111 in your oh -
:1' 1411:1,
' 2 • r. . r 1 .
oiler' 11.411 • I • • . 11'0 • '
• an l I1-L•:,i 14.;lc It l
I've til , 1 5,01'8 1 1 , I n , r : 1:'11
881.1•)) d.h,1r,•.I to 1
, I1'. 11 ,
)oar. ,111,1 `G• t !�,, re's It', u,
yen d 1.1 ll•.:,io ::sX,,t,,
Yens' style PH hill' is 111 11":,.t ,,C., ...,•
1111101, little k4. r, 1 ,•1-11,:,
2111,2 a1 In,, as 1 live vo.1 ..lin i 1t r V.,
haCO a lu •.1141".,+ 411 .a. 80 t 1 all a1r.,
11118,1S of the tot li.(1') 1)y,:,l •'d 1.,8)' 111
your ('01111(01', ', Woe knows 1 Vett
may grow 01101(4 one of these tltt.1.
Whoa }'nn (1u 1'il pick out the (1410
follows :or you."
1t 04'ery kindly word her heart g, ow
heavier, and when (ho carriage stool .ed
- at their 'icor she co Ind hardly Mount
the steps. In the hall shcx'alter01 and
caught the hat•racl: 1111' support. Ile
lilt's her in his arms and Lore her
easily bola!) 40.1:)2, her sister following
in much solicitude, "Lt's nothing," said
Madge: "010 cony,any wa1 (00 la)•gu
and ex1:11:eg for ane. T11uro was to)
)11'1711 of llr:lydeit carrying m_ up-
stairs, but ho would ,19 it.”
+u poor ;10:14 l" began her sister,
''1 faired it would be so.
Graydon Is made of iron, and velli clever
real',11 bit, delicate you are."
"lids 1 (11'C 111(111, an 1 IMO 814 consider.
late than 1 deserve, .1s he says," she
teidr•i, bitterly, "I 0,111 110111111;; 1111
:d.. all 1 hail Letter vanish.'
3Iadge," said the ('(4111.1
111(111, w1111 br1'0gn11 l.iotinra. "Y(1u
11110W I Want 3011 to 1811112 me always,
(aood•byo now, little si.4108. I smell he
tie frop if stay any longe'. You'll In,
better to the morning, and to -morrow
selling I'll 1045/110 11of110 (41)11 0nt011ta10
'nil: l'Aarrsr.
At last Madge was alone, IIer sister
had suggested everything she could
think of, meanwhile bowailing rho
young "Irl',, ex1r0mo imluwi<mcr.
1ladge outrea1o1 for clt,iot and root, moil
at last was loft alono. Hour after hour
she lay with wide, fixed game. liar
mind and imagination did 1101 partake
of her physiel(l w0alcao0s, and now they
wort) abnormally active. As the be-
wilderment from the shock of her
abrupt awakening passed, the truth
hourly grew cleared'. From the time
silo 1nail first co1n0 muter her sister's
roof Graydon Moor had begun to malco
himself essential to ],or. His uniform
kindness 11ad el:0ntecl trust, free.
clout, and a content akin to ltap•
piues8. Now all was swept away,
Sho undo1st00(1 that his lova was an
1411041i011 resulting from pity and the
strong, genial fomes of hie 110.1111.0,. The
girl who could l 'silo his spirit and
ivapir0 the boat and guest cntltttsiastao
efforts of his manhno.l Inu81 bo liko Miss
Wildmere—strong, beautiful, callable of
keopin1( step with Riot tuliic r society's;
024)111141 eyes and not, a more shadowy of
a woman, Mu) herself, -Idler morbidly
acute fancy 800.411(11 the hd11•room.
8110 Haw 111111 again (after his ruturn, en.
circling tiro ran. girl with his arm, and
looking clown into ]loll oyes with (I mean.
ing unmistakable. Oh,. why had she
gond to that fatal party 1 The past,
in contrast to rho present and 11)0 pro.
mise of the 1111ur0, so0m0d - happiuoso
What could mho do? What should
she do 1 Tito more she thoug11(1 of it
the mato unendurable Igor position ap-
poured. In her vivid solf•cousiiouaucss
idle old relations could not continue,
110401011010 his caresses had been a
matter of course, of habit, 1(1110y could
be 80110 longer, 12110 shrank:from thorn
with inexpressible fear, knowing they
wuuid bring what little blood silo
possessed to her face told vory brow in
toll -talo) floods, 'rho ono event from
A ratepayer is eque(tling on the low
assessment of tha income of lawyers
and doctors iu this place,
\Vm. Blackwell, formerly of this
town, is now holding It goal position
In tho First Nati'mal 1)111112 of Illiu-
9,129 bushels of whiting waS done
at Kyle it; Mustard's mill 11181 month.
A fireman's cuucert w11.0 held last
week in town,
The total receipts for our town for
last year was $18,671, total oxpon(li-
tura $15,000. The submission of the
Von Egmond bylaw, and the sottlo
meat of 1110 V1tnEguloud law suit
cost $1200.
E. J. Evans took rho primary
prise, at 1lcGill Collogo which is a
very high honor indeed. D. Ross,
another student stood fourth in a
class of over sixty studoots, which ii
no moan position to occupy in such a
college as McGill. lIr. Evans it will
be recollected 1s it son of Joseph Ev-
ans, of 3Icl%illop, and lir. boss, a son
of Finlay Ross, of tho same township.
They aro both students of Dr Camp-
VVj nl8h lame.
Savored buildings will bo erected in
town next summer.
Over $60 cleared at the Army bou-
quet hero last week.
J. Kerr, whose bakery was burned
down last week, tapes of leaving town.
Aftor the 1.511) inst. 11)0 stores will
he closed at 7 p•ul., except on Satin.
Jas. Johnston, of rho Vitiate office,
has gono to Tonswater as Lieut. in
the Saved Army.
Our town is going to have telephone
communication with Brussels, Strat-
ford, Toronto, &c. this sulnmar.
Tim \Vallbunahices lacrosse club
is to the front again. Tho name is
enough to annihilate any ordinary
E. Edwards, of rho Times, has been
on the sick list and consequently an
issue of his paper was omitted last
Dr. McDonald, who has boon spend-
ing the wintar in the South, is to bo
hot= this lvocli. Itis health is greatly
improvod. '
The Presbytoriaus are going to
give eau organ a l3 mouths' trial 1n
their 011111011. 17 votes 1v0ro oast
against putting it in.
The town Conned are going to en-
force the complying with 6110 statute
in commotion with (Ito Public IIoalth
by-law this spring.
Our voluntoor company have boon
drilling and are prepared to put on
the "tvar paint" if nc008e1117 and go
to tiro Northwest.
The salt well quo8tton is on 61)0
move again. It is a pity wo could not
move ono of tiro wells that .aro .lying
idle, from Kincardine or Godorich.
A leading Montreal wholesale 1101180
clistoverocl one of their 010r1(s, a atom•
bur of tho 60311) 1•(ogilnont, 0(1 r0)1t0 to
the front, a dofltultor to the extant of
$2,000, The commanding officer
was communicated with, oral bo re-
eled that he must have authority
from headgliartors to arrest rho Ivan.
Application for his arrest has boon
made to ilio Ministor of L,t111tia.
Dated ala 18th day of Afarc11, A .1), 1885.
P111LIP 1101'1',
1185in. Plaintiffs' flaileitc),
MAIN 81'844181', 11111181480.8
Cftna bestquallty alwayr onhauu and doliv
arae In anypartofthe Vtlluge free of charge
TERMS 'Very Favorable.
I+'orwhich the highest market price w(1;be
I oleo make Specialty ofbuylaghldefend
Skins. Dort•trordet the Place. next Der
to 4'letcher'aJee•rllry8 lore.
The undersigned begs leave to announce to
the Public generally that be has purchased
the Entire Stook of D. Frain, harness
maker, and havin brought a Largo Stock
of his Own Make ,he is prepared to Coln -
poi' with the Cheapest, as he Luys Strictly
for Cash A Complete Stock of
And Everything in the 1I181•ness Lin
Harness made to Order from best ala
tenni on Shortest Notice.
Repairing Promptly Attended to,
LIS' A Ca elicited before Purchasing
SIIOR.l', .11,•1! D WOOD
Wanted at Once
will be taken in Exchange for anything• in
the Harness Line,
Pte' Don't forget the pinoc,iuDr (1raharaH
Block, D. Frain's Old Stand, Main Street,
Make Money !
Outfit worth a Lunge Sulu of Mon-
ey all Free. Yon will find Your
Fortune in our Circular..
Great C all,Ccf for Lady
4gents to e la e. ,Money.
Terms and Outfit Free. You
will find our Circular a Prize.
l'Ix �Ceri`;athn Co.
tario. i llashio a>b No Tailors.
E, Y_T_tii DS'' QP C O .13 IT511_1J G
ai W. _A_ C+er01•l Si -ICD.'
Willi be tinder the Management of (1 First -Class Mechanic.
Repa.i.r'iing of ,1211 .Kinds ,1tteiaded to.
We also :Make a )Specialty of v\'eu, t{'"or/t t up
!in, First -Class Style and (hooGuam/del-61
to Give Bati•s'fact:iota.
We are the Only f'il'm in the Dominion of Canada iIinufuctliriug the
Vi,otozia nod Cut,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the ]jest of All two wheel Vehicles.
Intending Purchaser's Should Call and Examine..
React and don't forget that Ross Bros. have just Opened out the Larg-
est Assorted Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, consisting of
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
and as allose all have to be run oil' this Winter to leave room for
Spring Stock you cue (101)011(1 o11 getting a Good t11id Cheap Suit or
Call and Exa1111110 01119 Stook
and yoti Will ha Satisfiocl that you can Buy Suite and Overcoats
Cheaper than. any place else.
being of Exceptionally Good Value, Some Extra Large i~iz,: in
•y Shirts and Drawers of Good Quality. En
Irllnlu'a`l� ('t , & 1G 3A ,dB7 Irma 'n ,}dl tm en3. y"". 1ktic ti;n •wa
04,17 showy tt Con1p1(to Stock of 1>0sirabl0 (,cods,
Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice.
Call Early and Secure your Choice
115 ice 'Intend flushing thl':411 (.roods oft (01 Ont'fi.
lljalels UId Stand.